jH-i&,t-tolim ! c . .--- - - w- THE COURIER. A Rypvlar ltpr of Modtrn Tim$. Saturday Evening, April 7, 1888. Tim Courier (.'nn l lNnitul At Wlmlmir lltitrl Now Htniul, Capital Hold NownHliind, OdoU'ti lllnlim Hull Now Hlnml. Clnnon A riclolirrV, 1 110 ( Htrret. A.T. I.einlni.Oo'n., Ilixl O Htreet. Tho Gotham NewnHland, IIS Month lttli HI. Keith lln., III Ninth lllliHtn-ot. Kl. YimiiK, HWlOHIrctil. MITICi: TO AllVIIItTINKUN. Advertiser ore tripieMed to end In tliel favor n rnrly mi pnmdhto, not later thiiu four o'clock Krlilny afternoon, nn tlm I'ntniiKit cock to pre tlialevcnlni When nrderlnu jour advertisement out drop tlm htndiii'M nianni;ei nrard. Tlioeollrulor I apt to Cornet inch order, unit roinpllnnro with thin renucM will nuvo ii trouble nnd y-onrMf niinoyitnen. We nrodtilly iuUIIiik to our Hut of ulncrlherii, employing n man enpeclally for Hint nolo pur poiie,ntid rliiliu Hint iimm iittvnrllnliiR medium tiioColillIKU luiincxeollcd. Dunlap Mats Spring Style. SPRING STYLES. W.R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, 1137 O Street. Whltehroa.st Coal niut I.tiuo Couipnny. 8llkn, Aidihy &MlltpatiKli. Laco curtain at Oakley &Co. Dellclom luncliea at Urown'n Cafe". Spring wrap, Anhliy & Mllliipatit;h. Flno dreta good, Ashby Sz MtllnpaiiKh. Oytern, fwdi, fnt niul lino at Ilrown'. Auk your grocer for homo mnilo bread. Hinnko Cluli Room cigar. Ilurr Mock. Fifty rent glove tulo nt Oakley & Co. Party mitts niul glove nt Onkloy Cv Co. Carpe liottom prices nt Onkloy & Co. Trickoy Co., wholesale nnd rutnll Jewelers. Kern & llolierta, dontUt'i! Alexander Hlk. Don Cninoron, WM O street, for hitichca 11 luck rdlk mlttn just received nt Oakley & Co. Muriln underwear, now line, nt Onkloy & Co. CM) for 18o full regular hoso nt Oakloy & Co. Zozo nttho Kunkonext Wednesday ovcn lng. All tlm latest wraps niul Jackets nt Onkloy &Ca Thirty-two Inch (sateen l'J l-2c nt Onkloy &Co. Jet, jet, Jet.i, In trimming nml paneM nt Oakley's. llroadclothti 1 1.U3 nml nmnron cloth nt Onk lcy & Co. Thousand nillo ticket for wilo nt 115 South Tenth utrvKit, Pure, flrst-closs good nt Rett fc Howell', .W)0 street. Oysters In every Btylp, flno niul frcah, nt Don Cameron'. Our May Leo So cigar is tho lcst In tho city. Try It, Uurr block. Cnnon City Conl ngnln nt tho "Whitcbrcatt Coal niul I.lino Co. Tnko tho Klkhorn linos, Omaha tniln lenv ing Lincoln at 7a. m. Oakley & Co. hnvo the fust btnek hosiery for ladle and children. After tho club pnrtleo, go to Hrown'H now cf(5 for n delicious lunch. Mm. Jauio Ilrown Potter in "Komoo niul JuUot" nt Fuuko'a tonight. Canned goods of every description nt Hotts & Bowcll's, 1120 O Btreet. BotU &, Bewell nro hondqunrtera for flno groceries, nt ll'-X) 0 Btreot. Smoko tho Club Room clgnr mado by Hn Tannh clgnr fnctory, llurr block. Ueforo Insuring look up tho Mutual Ltfo Insumuco Compnny of Now York. ThoMksourl Pncldo railroad run frvo reclin ing clinlr cam on nil through trains. lloaxt Turkey, Uoomj niul nil kinds of nients at Don Ciuueron'd every day for dinner. Finest lino of smokers' meernclmum nrticlou At Uio Havnua cigar fnctory, Uurr block. Monarch and Lincoln brands of canned goods at UotU& Bowcll's, 1120 O Btreot. Bilk wrap llenrtettas In tho most oxqulslto thailes nro Miown by AkIiIij it Millspaugh. Doctor I). P. Bnlloy, ofllco and residence cor. of Thirteenth and O BtrooU. Tel. 017. An Easter festival was given nt Dohnnan's linll Monday ovcnlng by tho A, M. E. church. Seasonablo fruits of nil kinds nro special ties at IletU & Bowcll's, grocors, 1120 O street. Imported smoking tobaccos, finest made, to ho had only nt Havana cigar factory, Burr block. Tickets to poiiiU In Kansas, Missouri and tickets via Uinnlia on sale at Klkhorn oftlctt, US Bo. 10th St. The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, W. 11. Hastings, District Agent, room 03, uurr uiock. Mr. Ed. A. Church will hnvo chargo of tho "Windsor bar hereafter, and dUpcnso tho best f liquors to patrons. The board of trustees of tho Christian Unl Tersity met in tho city Tuesday, and work will be begun on the 1st of May, Betts & Bewell keep the freshest groceries to be had In the city. Everything in tho family supply line at their store, 1120 O sires t. Wanted. Gentlemen and ladles to tnko position with reliable house. Good salary guaranteed. Promotion rapid. Address A, this oulce. AN ENJOYAULE PARTY. Tlmt Olvrn by Hip ririmniit Hour .lun- tilur l.it i:itilii. Tho l'liHiMiit Hour .liinlnra gnvo their Inst rty iif tlm WNiimnnt Temple hull lnut even ing, wmio forty wuplos Wing pnwnt, Tho evening was mild nnd titoniuiut, and with n good lloor nnd oxivllent iniinlo tho hnppy young jHsiplo trlpixil tho lioutit uwnylii n iiHwt chnriuliiK nnd dpllghl fill innniipr. Tho pnigrnm ninlalnnl twolvoiiiimlH'rR, with pro vision for four extras. Tho dnnolng i-anls weiti very pietty, nlthough the geiiernl in grot wns they did not contain mom numberx, Minln was furnished by tho full I'hllhnr nioiilu orchwtrn, nnd wns n iniwt ptenslng coucoinltnut of thn (ivi'iilug'ri enjnyiupiit. After tho dancing wits concluded, tho rty ivpnlrid to Ilrown' enfe, wheni mi plegnnt lmqupt had Ux'tisprend In-font their coming. Thh wnsii imsitngiirnhlu feuturoof thonv enlng'H pleuMiri', nnd It was with regret they imrtod for tho night. Tho following worn among thotiprtNmti MIsw-h Hello nnd A llcen Onkloy, Lilllhrldgo, Ciinilnlilof Omnhn, llnthnwny, Ijiws, I lain nioiid, .Dlekoy, Montiiiso, lhuiper, Terry, Hniwn, ltniiin, AiuIiiih, I'linkn, Huolling, .Ionian of Oiimlm, llautn, llin-kpr, Htout niul Ashhy. MoMtrs. Maxwell, Kunke, Htout, ('. H. Clarke, AudruK, V. II. Clarke, Hliumonx, lloutr, Hathaway, HIoith, Young, Hmlth, Illufoiil, IManl, Mullen, Hcott, Templel'.ui, Wifklmeh, Illggenbothnm, Mulr, West, Nli sley, Winger, (leorgo McArthur and Huttoii. MIhh Miller of Omnhn, Is tho guextof Mlm Clnni Wnlih. 1 Ion. IC. K. Ilrown returned Monday from Now Orleans, Al. Knlrbrothur of tho Iter, hns been In tho city this week. Mr. A. IC. (Irllllth niul fnmlly luf I Weduos dny for Now Yoi k. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Keith pnld Oiiinhu n hhort visit this wek. Mr. A. C .loiner nnd wlfo paid Omnhn n short visit thlt week. . Mr. A. A. Ijixeh returned Tuewlny frouin ImilucMHtrlp to California. Mr. U W. llllllngsley loft Thiirwlny for U'uveuworth on legnl bunlnos.i. Tho Ancient Order of Foresters will here after meet In ICulghts of I'ythla hall. Miss Viola Davis of Hlnunton, Virginia, Is tho guest of Mrs. K. K. Ilayilen this week, Miss Clnin Wheeler of Witukegnn, Illinois, Is tho guest of horslsler, Mrs. K. II. Curtis, litUIJ Htreot. Mr. nnd Aliv. A. Pntterson of Mason Cltj', Iowa, urogurats of Mrs. K. K. Ilayilen nt 1127 II street. Joo Ilrown of Alllnuco Hieut u few days In tho city this week, Joo lias n now lot of stories on tnp. Mm. Will Dennis of Ashlnud, i nleco of Mr. W. R. Dennis, attended tho "OomiHii" Thursday ovcnlng. Mr. U A. Willis, formerly of tho Missouri I'nclllc, Is now car accouiitnut nt this point for tho Klkhorn ronil. "Dick" Millar returned to Omnhn Monday nfter n few days visit to his pnrouts, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. R. Millar. Miss Jordan nnd Miss Dickey, who caino down from Omaha to attend tho geriunn, nro guests of Miss Dickey. Mr, II. P. )nu niul family will leave In Juno for n trip to Oermnny. Thoy oxMct to bo ulisent Kivornl mouths, Mr. W. Holmes has lieen very 111 tho Mst wiH'k, but Is Improving. Mrs. Holmes Is expected to nrrlvo homo today. Mrs. J, II. MoMurtry and daughter, MIhh Tote, are expected to nrrlvo homo todny from their three mouths stay In California. Mr. II, P. Lnn, Mr. A. E. Hnrgrnves and Mr, I, M, Raymond nttouded n meeting of wholctuilo grocers lu Omaha this week. A largo uumlier of Odd Fellows loft yester day afternoon over tho Klkhorn for Fremont on n visit to Centennial lodeo of that city, Mr. H. M. Rico was cniicu upon by a uum lier of friends Wednesday evening to con gratulato him upon his election to council. John E. McCluro nrrlvod In tho city "Wed ucMlny on his homt-occiiHlounl trip for tho purpose ot distributing Ht, Paul literature. Mrs. Colpetzor, nnother Omnhn lady whoso presence lent charm to Thursday evening's "Oerniiin," Is tho guest of Mrs. II. P. Foster. Mrs. B. R. Slmmonnan of Hutchinson, ICan mis, left for her homo Tuosdny after n very pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs, H. li, Wnro. Mr. Chas. Hull of Omaha, enmo down Thursday to attend tho "Oermnn." Ho wns n guest, whllo lu tho city, of Mr. AV. R. Ilrown. A city lenguo composed of Imum ball clubs from Hovoml business houses, tho banks, uni versity and capltol Is talked of. Wo ho'io It will bo n success. Mlssdertlo Clnrkoof Omaha, is tho gunst for ft fow days of Mrs. L. C. Hum Miss Clarke enjoyed tho pleasures of tho gcrinnu Thursday evening. Mr. Chas. Whltmoro, brother of Mr. II. J. Whltnioro, who hns been employed in tho pidtolllco for imino time, left Tuosdny for his homestead In Colorado. Mls Lulu Omylnger of Clovolnnd, 0 sis tor of Mrs. A. C. Zlemor, Is expected to innko n return visit to Lincoln this summer. Bho will nrrlvo next week. Tho Whist club met Thursday enrolling nt Oen. J. O. Mcllrido's jvsidenco, comer of Twelfth and P btreots. Tho evening wiw as usual, n most enjoy nble one Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Foster wore nt homo to n few friends nt their residence, No. 12111 11 street Inst evening. It wns r.n informal af fair, but none tho loss enjoyable. Tho members of tho Pleasant Hour club are endeavoring to lia veil party next week, pro imbly Wednesday ovcnlng, A meeting for purpose being cnlbd for this evening nt 7 o'clock, Mr. P. A. Dalloy, formerly of tho real es ttao firm of Gardner & Dalley, has returned to Lincoln from Duluth, Minn., wheru he went last fall. Mr. Dalloy will innko Lincoln his futuru homo. Mrs. Moore, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Holla, hnvo arrived in tho city on n visit to Mr. 8. E. Mooro. Thoy nro mother nnd sister of Mr. Mooio and will 8ond tho summer lu Lincoln. Mr. W. I Pickett of tho II. & M. freight olllce, leaves tomorrow on nn eastern trip. His (tster, Mrs. Tarrell and Miss May Pickett, who hnvo boon visiting in Kentucky will re turn homo with him. The Ancient Order of Hibernians gnvo their third annual ball Monday evening. Over 20) tickets wore sold nnd over hnlf that many couplet! were present. The hall was beautifully nnd cwtefully decornUJ. At tho meeting of tho Hnrmoulo society Monday evening tho following wero elected otllcerss Vice-president, G. lC AVoIf; trens nror, Charles Mayer; secretary, George Bhor rcr; financial secretary, William Voith. Mrs, L. C. nurr nnd daughter leuvo next week for Washington Territory, to lo gone till tho latter part of Juno. During thel stay thoy will visit tho principal iolnU of in terest on the coast, and otherwlseenjoy thom-j bclvea. Tlm (lerninii. Ono of tho most enjoyable entertainments ever given lu Lincoln wns generously pro- Vliltsl liy tho Weriunu ulul) nt Temple Hull Tliiirwlny nvenlng. Tlm inuslo was cimnI.iiihI all thomresMiilonof t !iu Ix-nt. Tho w outlier was delightful nnd tho presence of nirnviihlo visitors from abroad added lunch to tho Joy ousnoss of tho occasion. Tho dnuciug began nt H p. in. Tho following ladles and gentle men wero present, who will hnvo plensnut moinorleri of tho party; .Messis, Hi-own, Klngsloy, Helskoll, Rlchter, llnnly, l'oiter, C(sp,T, Dennis, Mngism, Mc Aithur, Zeliriiiig, l.oiiilst, Hnydpn, Foster, Wilghl Foi psinnii. Wheeler. Hholilon. Ivnn- IhmImiii, IIppmhi, Kmltli, Townloy and Hull. iiiemininos t -uiiiuiror niul Huiuly ,.f Omnhn, Dennis, llnydell, Foster. Bholdon. I.nnilM.rt- hoii, lleeson, Townloy, Ogden, I) ilsof Ash land, MIhwh Clark, Dlekov. Jordan. MIII..P .if Omnhn, Hnnly, WnWi, Httrllng, Fuiiko, Minn, iiouues, nickoy, Htout mid Dnvls. Tho (lennnii wns led by Mr. Townlv. iiksM- til Mr. I'inist. llofreshinents servisl nbniil It o'clock nfter which dniieliiL was i-oiitiiiii.sl until iiliont 'J oVIiK'k. Tho fuvoiuwero the nicest ever seen lu tho city. i:il .Vims. Ill-other F. 0. Zohrtiliir ntlemlisl tlm i.'ii, bull al Omnhn Wednesday evening. Music lor inn im-ciihioii was Illl'lllslKsl liy tho Oliiahn Musical Union, nml thuiiirnlr wiisn unuiil suivchs In every mrllculnr. Mveliew inemlH'iM wore kI von tho first .In- grew nt Mondny evening's hoshIoii. llegulnrcoiuinunlcntlou next Monday even ing. This will Ik u buslnetot liitstluir. nml nf sK-clnl InleroHt to memlKTM. Tho report of cmnniltteo oiicoiiHtltutloli nnd by Inws will iki consuioiisi. Work Is progi-ovslng on the now quarters, nnd thoy will bo In sIiiihi nt tltuii o.iooted. Hrothors F. '. .elirung and Clms, E. Ma goingo;to Omnhn tonight to attend the Noclnl wssloii given by Omnhn lodge, No. Jill to Roland Herd. Oiiinhu Elks nro ilellghtnl over Lincoln' pnw-icniUN lislgo, and nny member of 80 Is ulwuys mado welcomo In the ini'tropolls, Elk news nro n little senreo this u.w.l- Wait till tho boys got Into their own qunrtors mid things will liven up. .Miss Htout Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Hoggs. Mr. J. I). Porter of Omnhn, wits tho guest of Will Hnnly several dnys this week. Enslor Bervlcesnt tho vnrious churches Hundity wero Interesting, nil being prettily decorated, A nuislcnl will Iki given on Wcdnesdny ev ening next nt tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. Hrown, No. Hill H street. Tho llornl dworntlous nt tho llennett-llny-denwiHldlng werotho hnndlwork of tho No brnskii Floral comjmny's .utlstle workmen, and evoked much admiration. Becuro your souls for llooth nnd llnrrottlio fore too lute. Orders for stmts from sur rounding towns nro coining In o cry dny, and tho choice ones will soon nil Iki gone. Hovornl Lincoln votm. ladles mid i-Miitln. men, among them Air. W. R. Ilrown nnd MIks McCllutock. will attend n "(l,.niiii given by Mrs. Coletzer nt her residence in uiiiiiiiii uexi inurwiny oveuiug. Intending sulwerlltors nro requested to hand lu their names to Air. J. A. ICi.it li . ,win , jKjsslblo. There will lie an oiwiilng for Lin coln In tho AVestern Assoclntioii soon, and wo must niivo our organlzntion to meet such nn cmorKcucv. Air. Keith sinrts for Wlehlhi tn. dny to attend tho meetlii. AUxs Clara Dickey, who has Ikh;ii visiting Ali-s. Idiwreucu Helskoll sinew last autumn, will return to her homo lu Greenville, Ohio, on Monday n week. Miss Dickey bus many admirers nnd friends lu Lincoln who will bo sorry to hear ot hordeimrturo, and wlllglndly welcome her to Lincoln again. Mr Kdwunl II. Green and Aliss Frances O. Aletcnlf wero united in marriago Tuesday evening nt the residence ot the bride's bister, Mrs. W.J. ljunb. Only relatives and Immed iate friends of tho family witnessed the cere mony. Tho young couple hnvo u host of friends in the city who wlshthem nil tho happiness that life ull'ords. Allss May Potvln left Mondny for Omaha, Bho appeared Tuesday evening In n conceit given by tho Cuthollo Knight of America at lloyd's opera house. Iter rendition of several dllllcult selections on the piano forte wero the subject of much praise troiu tho press or that city. Allss Potvln will return Alonday lu company with several Omaha Indies nnd gentlemen who will cor.io down for the purosu of attending tho reception to lllsliop Houucum that oveuiug. Alessrs. Ashby it Allllspaugh shownn extra Hue lino of summer underwear this season, Including, silk, lisle and cotton. Their 2.rc. vest Is a great bargain. Tbul Tired reeling AilllcU nearly every ono in tho spring. Tho system having become uccustomod to the bracing air of winter, is weakened by tuu warm duys ot tho changing season, and steadily iolilsto attacks ot disease. Hooil's Barsiiparilla Is just tho medicine needed. It tones uud builds up overy part of tho body, and ulso expols all impurities from tho blood. Try it this season. Rich food, and lack of exercise, during the winter months, causes tho system to become tot pid and tho blood Impure. A doso or two ot Ht. Patrick's pills will clcnuso and invig orate the system, purify tho blood and do more good than u dollar Dottle ot hluod purl Her. For sale by W.J. Turner. MIutIps of City T.tfr. Mrs. Muggins (who hnd just opened a side window, after dusting! Oh, denrl This liv ing In a block just makos mo sick. Whewl The smell of that horrid cigar Air. Rlchman noxt door Is smoking just fills this wholo room. I should think pooplo would havo mor sense nnd decency, Daughtor Somo folks never think of any ono but themselves. 'No thoy don't. By tho way, my dear, Just step out Into tho kitchen nnd toll Dridgot It's time to put on tho cabbage and onions nnd get the codflh ready. Omaha World. Pence unit Quiet. Caller I should think you'd go crazy in this place. That is n boiler factory noxt door, isn't it? Hostess Yc; I don't mind It. "You don't mind it I" "No, indeed. I moved hero for peaco nnd quiet. Tho last house wo lived In was along cldo of a public school.'' Oniahn World. The Credit Alt lit Own. "Your husband is n self mado man, I be llovo," remurked a gentlemrm to a congress man's wife. "Yes," sho replied, her plumngo pulling up with prldo; "yes, ho Is tho Anarchist of his own fortuno." Washington Critic. rroof Positive. Spectacles wore invented somo 600 years ago, nnd it is asserted thnt this may Rafely bo relied upon, Inasmuch as toveral ballet girls who took part in tho first spectacles are till extant. -Boston Trantcrlpt, DES MOINES. Thn l'.fTcct nf the Kiitorccmclit of I'rnlil billon In Iowa's Ciipllnl (Tty. Tho editor of Tub CouniKii having often heard thn expiessloii, "If Lincoln adopts pro hibition thn town will Imi ns dead as Dos Moines;" nddrcsscd a letter, to tho editor of the Mall of that city asking his viows on tho ptect of prohibition on tho business interests of thnt city, more for tho purpose of sntlsfy Ing himself thnii with the Idea of making the reply public. Hut tho letter Is so conclusive thnt wo give It herewith. Till" Coi'lUKit, let It lie understood, Is not a prohlhltlou ner, but ns the question Is on" of grent public In terest, deems this a valuable contribution. Dkh AIoinkm, Alurch !fli, 18S8. Air. II. T. Doiiiiinm, LiNCdLN, Dkah Bui: I tnko pleasure In nnswerlng yours of tho tWth Inst. I will try to nnswer It candidly. As n render of tho Mull you nro aware that I am not a prohibitionist. I lie Hove that the moral education of our children lielongsto tho homo, church und fchnol; not to a police Mwer of tlm state, but no matter for Hint. What you want to know Is, hns prohibition Injured Des Moines lu nbusliusH wny or retarded Its growth I Temporarily, prohibition did hurt Des Moines lu a business way. TemiKirnrlly, pro hibition will hurt Lincoln or any other largo town thnt is, ns I look at tho matter. Ill this city It closed at ono full sweep eighty sa loons. Tho rooms occupied by them Mere vncntcd. It also shut down thrw or four breweries. Tho people hitherto employed lu tho saloons and breweries worn thrown out of woik. Any ileiMirture like this would tempo riuily nlVo.'t u town, but If tho town bo of the light kind, ns Dos Moines Is, It will re cover within a rensounblo time, Tho chief hurt to Des Molnos, however, was not lu thouctunl throwing of people out of employment and In the emptying of busi ness rooms, but In tho political bickerings thnt the going Into circct of the now law cniisisl. If wo had one and nil accepted tho situation, wo would hnvo so soon recovered from tho III elTects thnt thoy would hardly have liccu noticed. Hut we talked and talked and talked thai is, u good many of our loss philosophic people talked and talked, und thus Des Alolncs actually was hurt. To help on lu the hurting iilipiecedentcdly shoit crops for two or threo years enmo on simul taneously with prohibition, and prohibition had to hour the event of nil complainings. Prohibition bus not uud will not hurt Des Aloluos iH'imnueutly. Those who Ktenuously advocated It are lccom!ug inoru churllablo niul Insist with Its opK)iiouts om rebuking tho indecent abuse of tho law by irrespouslblo constables. Those who iu-o for tho law are liecomiiig reconciled to what for tho time be ing Is Inevitable, am' ,'ou never In your life saw ii harmonious pulling together of a town than Is going on in Des Moines, this spring nnd unless I nm greatly mistaken you'll hear of a hum of progress here this summer thnt will startle oven your enterprising Liucoln ites. You won't hear of nuii-piohibltlou, but "f growth nnd general prosperity. I confess tlmt for two or three years wo havo been short on "liooins," as compared with Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis, hut ns compared with any town you mny limine thnt mny Justly Imi compared with Dos Moines, we're fully abreast or way ahead. Ourgrowthhns lieen more substantial than rapid. Wo have been tilling in with tho pro ductive enterprises. Wo Inst year put under wny, for Instance, our second starch fnctory, witli n capacity of 1,200 bushel of corn per dny niul nil op'iortuulty for tho employment of nenrly 200 people. Wo nlso put under wny nn lmmentu cnrrlngo works thnt hns siucj doubled its capacity and that expects to double it again within a year. This spring wo nro building a sowing machine factory tlmt will employ 125 people; a cotton mill that will employ nearly 200; a canning fac tory that will begin by employing 100, and a pressed brick works that will employ forty or fifty. And then wo aro rebuilding tho very largo packing house that was burned Inst Thanksgiving day. With this work wo hnvo In cur city nearly a hundred capitalists from Kansas City, Ht. Paul nnd Minneapolis and nenrly ns any more from other directions, looking foi in vestments. I'm glnd your Inquiry emtio just now. Des Mollies hns hnd hud tho experience thnt Liu coin will doubtless hnvo if prohibitum Is In augurated. Your expel lento will bo greater or lesser according as y, ur imrtisuushlp runs high or low. lu duo time you'll nil unite in forgetting prejudices uud in waking up to tho truth that tho sale of prohibition ot cursed whisky is not tho vital fnctor in either tho building or killing of a town. It mny Iki undo to play a part in that Hue but not inn tcrially. As stated ut tho outset, I'm no prohibition 1st. I worked hard last fall for tho success of tho Independent or nutl-prohtbltloii republt can candidate for tho legislature, uud rejoiced in tho election of ono of them, but not because our town hnd been kllld. Don't worry about Lincoln onniiysucli score. If you wero In Uiiitihu tt might lie dllreront Sincerely, John E Claiikv. Notice of Iiiciirporntlon. Notice Is hereby given that The Western Engineering C'oiiimuy, having its prlucljud place of business ut Lincoln bus lucornoruttsl to do u general business in electrical engi neering, nun to mat vim to nnve jiower to liinnutucture, own, buy, sell, erect, maintain, install uud oicruto electrical and steam plants, machinery uud appliances for generating power and light mid to deal therein ns princi pals or us agents for manufacturers. To do electrical testing and expert work, own real estate or other projierty necessary to the con duct of Its business, to own, buy or sell iat ents of devices useful or pertinent to electri cal machines. Tho capital stock Is $15,000, subject to be increased as the business may requlro, divided Into shares of $25 fully paid. The incorporation commences tho lHth dny of February, 1S8S, to continue twenty years. Tho highest amount of Indehtodnus which tho coriKiratlou mny contract Is $10,000. but In case of increase ot capital tho Indebtedness may lie increased lu a like ratio. Tho atfnirs of the company aro to W conducted by a board of tin eo directors, consisting of a presi dent and general manager, a vice-president, and a secretary and treasurer. Dated Febru nry 15, 188H. Thk Wksteuk E.voinkewno Co. J. G. White, Will F. Wiiitk, Pros, uud Gen'l Ainu. Beo'y and Troas. Illll'llllglOU I'TjrOI-lt. Tho celebratei I Hurlliigton ilyers will again bo put on the road .Monday, April Uth. This will Iki good nows to the traveling public. who have for the past mouth lieen deprived of rapid transit to Denver or Chicago niul Inter mediate iKllltts. Old ox)erleiiced engineers vt 111 built chnrguoftho engines of tho fust trains, uud tho siiiuo careful service given that has always characteruod the Hurlliigton and made It tho jiopular road with east and west bound travellers. 'Wisdom Tooth lteturrocted. A gentleman from Hemiott, 00 years of ago, who had lieon sutiering for years from a wis dom tooth that was sunk away down lu his jaw, was given instantaneous relief by its extraction, this week, by Dr. Uurrus, the dentist, ufter several doctors could give no relief. New Indian silks opened this week, AhIUIV & MlLLHl'AUOII, Holbrook& Bonbright BOOKS, STATIONERY, Wall Papers Window Shades, Special Attention given to Designing whlcbjwc do Free. 234 Sou. tin Eleventh. St. Samples nnd Specifications without Charge. PARASOLS AND SILK UMBRELLAS TI1IS WEEK. ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. JOYCE, 123 North 15th Street, GRAND DISPLAY -OF OUlt NEW SPUING STOCK- Parasols, Gold-Headed Umbrellas, JACKETS, BEAD WRAPS. Elegant Silks and Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. O. R. OAKLEY & CO. NEW SPRING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. And now ready for inspection at John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal and see my goods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY IILOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts. $4.50 per week. IT IS A GRAND SUCCESS -IS Verclict : of : tLe : People SPEAKING OF THE Nebraska Floral Company, 1 25 North 1 2th Street. ' ' Telephone 682. Wessel & Dobbirjs, , Qirt printers, New Burr Block, Cor. lSthanclO Sis. Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station cry, Fine Printing of all Kinds. Give Us ei Trial Order. CHOICEMILLINERY, OMAHA. TI - IE -