Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 07, 1888, Image 3

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    Fremont Elkliorn & Mo. Valley
Trnlns leave fl:Mn. in. fttul KhaTip.m
The Ki.kiiohm Vai.i.kv Line.
To free homes In Northwestern Nebraska in
Southwestern Dakota.
To the Mack Hill and lh HotKprhigs.
To Central Wyoming conl mul on Melds an
enttlo ranges.
To Chicago mid the Hast.
To Ht. I'nul, tlio North mul Northwest.
For further Information liuinlruof
UM.TYIXU, Agent.
Mi South 10th street, Lincoln
V. V. FlTOII, J. 11. lll'CHAWAK,
General M'ge r, (len'l Pass. Ag't
Missouri Vnlley, on.
Owns mul operates Moo miles of lhorui,lily
Quipped mini In Illinois. Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri, .Mlniicsntii nnd liitUntu.
It Is tlio Itest Direct Route bolvvoMl nil llm
I'rliieipnl Points In tho NorthweMl, Houlhwest
iinl KnrWest
i For mnps, tlmn tallies, rates of passage nnl
freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol
way, or to any Uallroml Agent anywhero In
tlio world.
It. MI M.Kit, A. V. II. CARPENTER, i
Oiilienil M'g'r. (loni Puss. .fcT'kl Agt.
Asst. Ooii'l Mgr. Asst. tl. 1'. ,t T. Al.
Mllw..ukec, Wisconsin.
ff-Fnr Inroriiiiitlon In reference to l.niul
mul I'nvvns owned hv tlio Chicago, Milwau
kee Nt. Paul Itullwuy Company, write to II.
(I. llAUUAN.I.und Commissioner, Milwaukee
C AHTAL STOCK $500,000.
aW Moshcr, r-rvKlilitnt. W. J' Waliu, V-Prs
11 a OutcAlt, Cashier.
08ELKY ft 8TKPnKN80K.
UEAIj EtsTATK anil I.UAJS uituivj'.iui,
Farm Mortgage Ians a spechUty.
Qoom 8. lUchards block.
Rigg's Injection.
Chemist mul plrni-maoists, Lincoln, Neb.
Mnll onlerH promptly attended to.
Western Resources.
A Journal Devoted to the Industries and
Rescwces of the Ifosf.
Tills Journal is printed on toneil hook pner,
the. tyio useil Is clear anil new, the title paw Is
lliustrnioueiicn incnin witii someiniiig mumi,
and In genem! appearance It Is ns inutmMilltan
I elegantly gotten up as IIaiii'Kum Weekly,
rnirl It Is iixjiftli' the Miiuie size us that miner.
Tlio ohject ami uliii of Wehteii.n Hecockoes Is
to clve the hest slock men, ami farmerH anil gen
eral business men a thoroughly representative
medium for obtaining anil exchanging valuable
lnfoniiatlonon those topics of lral Importance
to their Industries.
Live Stck Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture, Turf, Poultry,
and Foresty,
Are departments under careful editorship, and
able articles from our own correspondents on
Cities, Counties, States, Crojis, itallroad building
Commerce, etc., form a special department.
llos. HoiiEiiT W. Fi'iikam, tho editor, Is ably as
sisted by practical and wlentllTo writers.
To Introduce this paper In every locality In the
West wo will send It lor tho remainder of ISO",
beginning with the Mny uumbur, for
One Extra Copy with Each 5 Subscribers.
Agents send for terms and exclusive territory.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
Si. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimore, New York and Boston.
fXrVor further liiformntloii Folders, etc., call
on or address
City Ticket Agent, Cor. O and 12th its.
P. D. IIAI1COCK, Deiwt Ticket Agent.
R. V It. MILLAR, m'l Agent,
L .
Tlio Shortcut (Iraimimr of llm KukIUIi
Language In i:ltence The Quern of
Kiicliiuil' Hogs ami How They Are
Cured I 'or.
Domestic pets nro n never ending soureo of
amusement, not only to children but to
grown up peoplo ns well, Tim lively coin
panlonMilp of dogs Is gratifying to every
body, nnd to watch tho graceful unties of
cats nnd kittens has lccu tlui hotneo of great
minds, liko Frederick tlio (Jreat, Voltalro,
nnd others in their moments of leisure.
Her majesty, tho imeeii of England, Is n
great dog lover, nnd various breeds nro
represented In tlio cnnlno juirt of her house
hold. Tlio colllo is tho dog which tho queen
lias rained Into tho most opu1ur favorite.
Tho old fashioned pugs, which enmo tvltli
her majesty's ancestor from liollnnd, nro
niso great favorites at court, mid rspcclnlly
npprcclnttsl by tlio iUcen's grnndelilldren.
ISosko is attnclied to ilio young l'rlnco of
nattcnlK'rg, mid Jlistress Hoonoy, whoso
Jilcturo mid that of her puppies Is given In
tlio cut, belongs to tho little Princess Mar
garet of Cominught, who loves to pull and
crumplo tho soft, pllablo skin of tho good
until rod pup.
Tlio queen's dogs nro woll ruled anil enred
for. Thoy nro not over patuH.Tcd, fed nt
night only, nnd groomed daily. Thoy walk
with tho queen in tlio grounds, nnd u.-o ml
mittcd to her rooms nnd society.
A Very Kii.y (Iraiimier.
Tho grammar in poetry hero presented, is
without doubt tho briefest out) of tho English
langungo in existence, nnd any ouo ought to
commit tho lines to memory:
Threo littlo words you often sop,
Aro articles a, an and the. fc
A noun's tho name of anything,
As school or garden, hoop nr sn Ing.
Adjectives, tho kind of noun,
As great, small, pretty, whlto or brown. -
Instead of nouns tho pronouns stand
llcr head, his fuce, your arm, uiy hand.
Verbs tell something to lw done
To read, count, laugh, king, Jump or run,
How things nro donotho adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, ill or well.
Conjunctions Join tho words together.
As men nnd women, wind or weather.
Tlio preposition stands licforo
A noun, as In, or through tho door.
Tho Interjection shows surprise,
As Oh! how pretty, AIM how wise.
Tlio wholo nro called nlno parts of speech,
Which reading, writing, shaking tench.
Antiquity of Homo Humorous SujIiirs.
If wo aro to bellovo tho statements inndo
by writers who nro supposed to bo well
versed in such matters, mankind lins been
laughing for ages at tho snrno humorous
stories. Tlio famous rhynio
"Mother, may I go out to swlml"
"Yes, my darling daughter.
ITang your clothes on u hickory limb,
And don't go near tho wider,"
which no can read or hear for tho first timo
without laughing, is, wo nro told, 1,!100 years
old nt lest, for It was in n book of jestw is
sued in tlio Sixth century by Ilierocles. In
tho snmo book is tho story of tlio innii who
complained that hishorso had died just as ho
hndtnughtit to livo without food; and of
tho ono who, meeting n friend, asked whether
it was lto or ills brother who had Just been
llottto of Smolie.
Rinsoout ono liottlowitii hartshorn nnd
another with spirits of salts, next bring tho
bottles togother,inouth to mouth ; both will at
onco bo pervaded with whlto vn)ors. Tlio va
pors in question nro composed of snl nm
inonlnc, n solid body generated by tho union
of two invisible gasos.
Wliero Is She?
rrisky as a lambkin,
Ilusy ns a bee
That's tho kind of littlo girl
I'coplo like to see.
Modest as a violet,
As a rosebud, sw ect
'. That's tho kind of littlo girl
S I'coplo liko to meet.
Happy as a robin,
si (lentloasn dou
That's tho kind of littlo girl
livery ono will love.
Wide Awnko.
Jnno Lowclass Can't you como to my tea
Eva Hightono No, I can't. Ma savs if I
did sho would havo t invito you to nilno.
Jnuo liOwelofs Oh, no, sho needn't. I
will como without an invitation. -Golden
Acreo with I'coplo When Von Can,
A illsagroenblo trnlt to bo guarded against
is tho habit peculiar to somo hi!o of always
boing on tho opposito sldo of a (piestion. Call
attention to tho good points nt a book, a
person, u publlo movement, a work of nrt,
or what not, and this Individual is over
ready to iiiteriM)so, "Yon but"
Application to Check llleedhiR.
A solution of chloroform in cold water ap
plied to hlccdiot; or wounded pnrt Is among
recent iiicuis in into for checking tho llov
of Mood.
Sonm Useful Miscotliii on Whitening
nnd Softening the SUIn.
For whitening tho tkin few things nro
mora highly esteemed in tlio femliiiiio world
than ulmniiil paste. This, however, should
bo tlio real article, anil not it eomM)uud of
lard or other fatty substances with almond
oil. A rvclo for puro almond paste, to
gether with useful ndvleotm tho cam of tho
hmid, Is given as follows by The Iulyj
For hands thnt nro con mi and rod Iho fol
lowing treatment will soon elTect a clmugo,
but it must Ihj h'mw cixil in, as It Is ipilto
iniKvsllilo to chaugo tho color nnd textum of
tho skin In u few days. Your Hint precay.
tlou must bo to use warm water always; but
if yon aro subject to rheumatism or chil
blains let It Isi of medium warmth only.
Keep u pot of lino o-itiueal a id u pull' on
your washing stand, dry the hands with n
bath towel, rub briskly and dust witli oat
meal. At night uhi rather warmer water,
apply n Itesh or ordinary nail brush all over
tho hands, mid when qulto dry apply almond
pnsto and sleep in easy lilting gloves.
To make good nhnouil pnsto obtain of bit
ter mid sweet uhiioiuW two ounces cneh,
pound () n pnsto In a tnorlar and work up
with half an oiinco of Windsor snap cut In
fiuo shreds. To this mid two drums of
BiH'rumcct! mul half mi ounce of oil of
almonds, oil of licrgnmot tvvdo drops, Sub
ject to gcntlo heat, stir well ami cool in
china iots.
A mixture of honey, lemon julco and can
do cologuo is exceedingly useful to whiten
tho hands, when discolored by sun, wind or
work, anil may bo kept mixed for tho pur
poso in u small toilet Jar. Tuko it w iueglass
ful of each Ingredient nnd mix well; then
pour Into tho J'ir and keep closely corked.
This may bo applied night or day, mid tho
Insido of tho lingers rubUsl with puinlco
When tho linnils nro of good color, but tho
skin lacks softness, glyccriuo is useful, but it
has no effect on tho color. Tho hands mny
bo, howover, groatly improved in texturo If,
nftcrtho nightly wash, they nro well coated
with glyccriuo and illpcil Into oatmeal or
well powdered with tlio same. 0 loves aro of
courso necessary, nnd should lit well at tho
wrist, othcrwlso tho looso oatmeal hccomoH
llran Is supposiil to hnvo great liillucueooti
thosliin, and somomaiilciirus nil vise glyccriuo
and bran that liavo Ihi-ii stowtsl in water.
Tlio bran is used qulto moist.
When to Keep the Kjes Shut.
Wo nro told to keep our oyes over cti, but
it is often well to kisp them shut. Ono of
tho chief onuses of nervous dlsensu is tho
(training of tho eyes and tlio constant tension
of tho mind. When stretched out In tho bar
bur's chair do not try to read u uuvvMxipor,
but closo your eyelids under tlio soothing un
dulations of tho lather brush, or the dreamy
sensation of tho sIiikiiihx), with tho darkey's
big hands gliding over your puto. In n rail
way carriage, instead of staring out your
sockets at tho lauilscnpo that is lniiug torn
Into shreds lieforo you, fold your arms, bow
your head, and listen to tho whir of tho
wheels that niako mi nccompaiiiment to tho
wordless song crooning In your heart.
Again, in tho concert room, in place of sur
veying tho nudienco critically, or watching
tho lienuty of tlio singer lieliiuil tlio foot
lights, shut your eyes onco moro and let tho
muslcsliik into your soul, rocking it on waves
of emotion, and wafting it Insensibly Into
tho idenl world.
Tlio 1'olion of llimimi Teetti.
Tho poison convoyed by human teeth is re
ported ono of tlio most annoying thnt physi
cians hnvo to deal with. Ono of them says:
"I havo under my utteiition severe and most
complicated cases of blood poisoning, in
which the patient had hut slightly abraded
tho hnnil ill tho courso of a light by striking
tho knuckles ngniust tho teeth of his oppo
nent. I havo known hands thus o!snucd only
saved from amputation by tho application of
all tho resources of science. Tobacco or
whisky or derangement of tlio stomach from
many other causes may bo responsible for
this oisonous condition of tho teeth."
Itemoily for null Stones.
Dr. Hobert Knbiu recommends n teaspoon
fill of bicarboiiato of sodium in u tumblerful
of water, drank nt intervals through tho
day, to correct tho acidity of tho system,
which ho asserts to Ik) tho cause of tlio for
mation of gall stones.
How tlio American Young Man Malics
II liiiHflf rrcat'iitahln inxl Agreeable.
"If u young man has somo accomplishment,
if ho can sing u good song, lias a pleasant
faculty for private threatricals, a neat trick
nt elocution nnd especially, If ho ho n good
dancer, ho Is much helped along in society,"
nlUrins Mrs. Hhorwood. However, tho sumo
nuthorlty adds thnt If ho lo Intelligent and
well mannered, ho gets on without nny of
theso helps, but they aro undoubtedly nil
assistance. Above nil ho must never 1k
fatigued, disgusted, bored or anguished In
tho society of ladles. .
According to tho etiquette of tho cast, as
stated by Mrs. Sherwood, a young man
should seek llrst to know tho mothers of tho
young lad I is whom ho admires mid wishes
to visit. Ho should on a llrst visit send in
his enrd. After his llrst visit ho can dis
pense with that ceremony. In mi evening
visit ho should always lo in full evening
dress black dross coat, vest and trousers,
faultless linen, and n white cravat. A black
cravat is crmisslblo, except nt dinner. Ho
may carry his lint and gloves in his hand.
As giving him somuthmg to hold, a cauo
also is a great help to a shy man. Ills feet
should lie In low shoes ami silk stockings if
ho wishes to Is) very moo. This is nut hulls
ponsablo oxcept for dancing, but it is very
liecomiiig. A white cravat is iudiscnsaljlo
for dinner or ball. No jewelry of any kind
excepting shirt studs nnd rings. Tho hand
should Ik) especially oared for, no matter how
big and red ami masculine it is, if it is clean;
the nails U'uuUfully cut ami trimmed. Liko
I3rd Ilyron's, If possible, "n rose leaf, with
half a moon in it," such should 1k his mills.
If ho is nskod to form a theatre party, ho
must bo punctual, in full dress, taking nny
placo his hostess may otfer him, Ho must
not ask to Ihj allowed to send a carriago, or
to pay for his ticket; his hostess does all that.
In this eastern uud western etiquette nro nt
Tho Well llreil (ilrl.
A social authority gives prominenco to
tho following as things of which a well bred
girl is never guilty:
Sho never laughs or talks loudly in public
Sho never turns around to look after any
ouo when walking on the street.
She never accepts a seat from a gentleman
in a street car without thanking him.
She never takes moro than u single glass of
wine at n dinner or entertainment.
Sho never snubs other young ladles, oven If
theyhapMu to IhiIosm popular or well favored
than herself.
She never raises her lorgnette and trios to
staro icoplo she doesn't know out of counten
ance on the street.
Wlir the Year 1000 Will Not ho Conntnl
Among ttin I-ni Yearn..
Tho year Is ra days, 5 hours and 49 minutes
long; eleven minute nro taken every joar to
make tlio year fltVt l-ldnyn long, nnd every
fourth yonr wo have nil extra day. This was
Julius t'lesur's arrangement. Wherodo tluwo
eleven minutes come frontl Thoy como from
tho future, and nro paid back by omitting
lonp year every 1(H) yours, lint If leap year
is omitted leguliuly every tOOIh year, in tho
course of KM) years It Is found that tho eleven
minutes taken each year will not only liavo
been paid buck, hut that a wholo day will
hnvo Iks'ii given up. Ho l'opo (Iregory III,
who Improved on On-mir's calendar In IfiSi),
decreed Hint every centurlal year divlsihlo
by I should Ixi n leap ear after nil. Ho wo
borrow eleven minutes each year, moro than
pay our borrowings back by omitting threo
lonp jcars In thieo eciituiinl years, ami
squnro matters by having a leap ear In tho
fouith cetitiitial year. I'oki tlregory's ar
rangement Is so exact, nnd tho borrowing
nnd paying back balance so closely, that un
borrow more than wo pay back to the extent
of only one day In !t,N'l yiars.
rorelgn New .frmey.
Tho origin of tho nlluslon to New Jersoy ns
ft foreign country Is as follows: "After tlio
downfall of the Unit Nucleoli his brother
Joseph, who had been king of Hpaln, mid his
nephew, l'rlnco Murnt, sought refuge In thin
country, bringing with them groat wealth,
Joseph llouiipnrto wished to build u ixilatlal
residence, but did not wish to lx'comoiicill
ssoii, having lioxsof returning to Kuropo.
To enable, him us an alien to hold real estate
required a special act of the legislature. Ho
trhsltogot one pnssisl in several states, but
fulled. He was chagrined oscclnlly liooauso
Pennsylvania ivfusisl. After this ho applied
to tho Now Jersey legislature, w lilch granted
both hint mid i'linco Murnt tho privilege of
purchasing laud. They bought n tract at
Uonlciitown, built mngiiltlceut dwellings and
lilted them up In tho most cosily manner,
Haro pictures, sculptures, eta, worn profuse
and selected with the greatest care, nnd tho
grounds laid out with exqiiislto taste. Joseph
lloniiparto's residence wns, perhaps, the llnest
of the country visited him and wero treatisl
courteously. Ho was extremely lllx-ral with
his money, nnd gavo great Impetus to Iho
business of tho littlo town. The l'hliailel
phinns, finding Hint he had apparently no end
of money, nnd that he used it to benefit busi
ness generally, regretted, when too late, that
they refused to let him locate among them
selves, mid, to keep up their mortllleatlon,
would continue to taunt Jerseymeii with hav
ing a king with importing tlio klngof HmiIii
to rule over them. Thoy wero culled Bpau
iiirdsnnd foreigners on that nccomit. Hut
theso taunts harmed no one, as tho Jersoy
men lost nothing by allowing liliu to settle
nmong tltein, ami thus "forolgnors," jok
ingly applied to Jerseymcn, has como
down to us long after IU origin has lx-eu for
gotten, except by a few of tho post genera
tion. Adobe Houses.
Adolx) houses nro inndo of uiihurncd brick.
Thoy nro in common use In Texas, .Mexico,
Central and South America. Tho bricks nro
made of lo.imy earth, containing about two
thirds Hue sand nml one-third clayey dust.
This moss Is mixed with wuter and then
pressed into molds of tho required hire. Taken
from the molds tho nilolios are placed on edge
on tho ground mid left to harden In tho sun.
In n few days they nro hnrd, comnict bricks,
without a crack. Thoy nro laid w Ith mud
mortar, and nt tho completion of every two
feet of tho structure, an interval of one week
is allowed for drying, and n similar spneo of
timo U'twccu the completion of the vvnllsand
tho putting on of the roof. Tho houses nro
usually ouo story high, and tlio Insido Is
plastered lieforo tho roof is put on. The dura
tion of theso houses is much greater than
would 1k supposed, ns there are a huiiiIkt
now in existence which havo stood for moro
than a century.
Tho Moon nml tlio Weather.
Superstitions concerning the cir-ct of tho
moon on thoenith are very common, but aro
wholly without foundation in reality. Tlio
relation of the moon to the earth Is simply
that of n satellite, whoso attraction has un
important inlliieuce mi the motion In its
orbit, and on tho shifting level of its oceans,
causing tho tides, it might bo supposed that
if tho moon can attract tho water upon tho
surface of tlio earth she can also attract its
atmosphere, and thus, through movement of
tho ulr currents, have a jxirceptiblo Inlluenco
upon the weather. Hut investigation shows
that as the ncrlel mass is In no way confined
in estuaries or gulfs, its tldo caused by ex
ternal attraction must Ihj slight. So faros
can be indicated by tho barometer it Is too
sninll to bo wortli reckoning, ixing less tlmn
.001 of an Inch.
I'liiruhrolciTs' and Harbors' Slgua.
Tlio pawnbroker's sign is Htipjiosisi to bo
derived from tho nrms of the eorioratlon of
Lombards, or from tho armorial lxmrlngs of
tho Medici family, the wealthiest lmilmrd
merchants. In former time tho haiiicr's
craft was conjoined with the art of surgery.
ilio sign consisted or a striped ixile, from
which was susix'iuleil a basin. Tho Allot
fts,,.,,l III,. utl liiillniiln.l I... wll.l.n.. fn
ll'tltl, (,,, ",; ,i,,i ,lf-,l 1,1(1 I1IIIKIII l,
bandaging tlio arm in bhssliug, ami tho
l.n.l.. .1... ....... 1 r.. . - .1... 1, I
iiuniii iiiu mwui lur irci-ivmg WIO IIUKNI.
Mood letting and drawing teeth were prac
ticed by early barliers.
"little Hen's Chlehens."
In the revolutionary wur Col. Smallgood's
Delaware regiment wns nttired in blue, nnd
the soldiers, being spirited fellows and good
soldiers, to distinguish them from the Vir
ginia ''(iiime CiK-ks," were called "t'hlckcns
of tho lllue Hen." The nnmo nt length was
nppliisl to all tho soldiers of that state,
whence it has Ixvn ndoptisl ns a common ap
pellation of nny citizen of Dulawuro.
1 ho Word Negro.
Negro is puro Spanish for blnck, and Is do
rived f linn tlio IjUin word Nijar black.
Tho Spaniards liolng near Africa, appropri
ated tho word to tho Inhabitants of that
continent In early times. They applied it
more partictihuly to slaves, and hence tho
English npplieiitim of the said toiuitotho
dark skinned race.
lllun Kjrd 1'reiildeiiti.
It is said that all the presidents of the
United States, exivpt (leu. Harrison, had
bluo eyes. Among the great men of tlio
wot Id bluo oyo appear to have Ixvn pre
dominant, hocriites, Slikess'are. Ixx-ke,
Uacon, Milton, U- ethe, Kraiiklm, Nnpolcou
and Humliolilt, all had blueejes.
I'lilforuin of '70.
Tho uniforms of English and American
oAlceis during tho Revolutionary war wero
as follows; English woro seal let or blue, ac
cording to arm of sorvico they commanded.
Trousers, whlto in summer, blue In winter.
Americans blue and druK See tl. W.'s small
Ilio lllainond lirdiW.
Tlio African diamond fields are situated hi
Origua Iitul West, which is in noitheastcrn
portion of colony. To rmch then one should
take ship from Now York to Port Eliraleth,
or steamer from Londou. Hull from 1. E.
to KlinlxTloy,
Prospectus for 1888-Bcauliful Clirislmas Number,
Among the iinpoitnnt ; nicies to appear (luring the year
iSSS are the following Send for prospectus;
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON win ,,,irii...ia KR..i.rh
to each number (luting the year, lie will wilte of ninny topics, old nml new, nml Itii
familiar and pcisonnl way, which will form new bonds of friendship between the nu
thor and his Hiousiimls ol renders. In his llrst pnprr entitled "A Chapter on Dreams,
appearing- In the January number, lie rcln'es Incidentally, hi connection with the gen
ernl subject, miiuc Inlei cstliiR facts concerning tho origin of the now famous storj
"SHangc Case of l)r. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. J
of an especially Important and Intel esllng series of pnjicrs on mil ways, their ndmlult
tuitions and construction, Including great englnceilug feats, minims tunnel nnd passes
and, Indecil.those blanches of the subject which In this day engage the attention of the
whole coiiuli). The Illustrations which will accompany this series will he very clnlv
ornte.oilglnal, and beautiful. The million and the lilies of Hie future articles will be
announced Inter. I
DR. D. A. SARENT S papers on Physical I'loportlous nnd IMiyslcn
Tinlnhig will be continued by several of Increasing Interest, with ns rich and unique
Illustration as those which have already appeared.
ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of special Interest will ho those oi
the Campaign of Wnterloo, by OIIN C. U01'KS;oii "The Man at Arms," by E. If.
m-AMIIKIEI.I); two papers hv EDWARD I.. WILSON, Illustrating results of re
cent Egyptian rcsem cli ;ii fuilhcr article by WILLIAM A I'TAOIU', on u subject
connciicd with his recent contiihiitlon on Wagner, and ninny oilier of equal Interest
I'UOEKSSOK SIIALKIt'H articles on the Suifiiceof (he Enrlh will be continued vind
articles upon two of the mosl liiteicstlug groups of roiileuiponiry European writer
will be accompatilcil by rich and novel portrait Illustrations,
XlLliC 1 Ix. H 1 i X in Its various applications as n motive power EXPIJ
VICI.'i; ,.i.. ...ill I,.. .1... u,,i,i.,i. i , i..... ,r in. ..i.... ...i .i.i .. i
.. ...., i ,.., ,in ,,t ,,,i; nw uium in iiiiwiiii.1
Heal Interest, by leading authoiitlcs upon tilt
MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS wrii.e,, .,, fried, m.
eludes, at a iiecullaily Interesting time of his career, will furnish the substance of sever
al articles of great Interest to musical reiulcis, which will be Illustrated with portraits
ami drawings from Mendelssohn's own bund.
THE FICTION will be strong, not only hi Hie work of wcll-kiiowli writers
but in that of new nuthors, In securing whose co-operation the Magazine has been so
foitiiiiate (lining Its fust year of publication. A serial novel, entitled "First Harvests,"
by KMEDEUIC J. STIMSON, will be begun In the Iniiiinry number, ami caily In Hie
year no. cities will be published by HENRY JAMES and II. C. 1HJNNER. The
shoit stories are of noticeable strength and jrcsqucss.
HwLiUo 1 i.A I lUNo, The Mngalne will show excellence In
Its illustrations. They will bo more abundant and chilxinilc than ever. It Is the In
tention of the publishers to represent the best wor'- if the lending artists, and to pro
mote and foster the most skillful methods of wood engraving.
or hOIAL NOTICE. To enable renders to possess Hie Magalnc from tl,
llrst number (January, 1887) the following Inducements arc ordered.
A year's subscription nnd the numbers for 1887, $4 50
A year's subscription nnd the numbers for 1887, bound in two volumes, cloth,
gilt top, $6 00
$3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number.
Remit by Hank check or money order to
A. Jb
r 1 Mi
Its central position nnd cIobo connoction with EiiHtorn llnoa nt Chlcapro
nnd continuous llnoa nt tor.nltml polnto, Woat, Northwout, and South
woot, mnko It tlio truo mid-llnl: in that trundcontluontul cliuln of Btool which
iinltoH tlio Atlantic nnd l'ncllh'. Its main linos una bimichos lncliulo Chi
oniro, Job.-t, OLtiiwa, LuSullo, Pi orta, Gonosoo, Mollno and Rock Inland, In
Illinois: Davonnort, Mtucntlno, Wushlnuton, Fuliilclil, Ottutnwa, Oskaloosa,
West Llbortj, Inwii Clt v, Deo Mo'nos, Indlniioln, Wlntorsot, Atluntlc, Knox
vlllo, Autiubon, Hnrliin, Out brio c;c-ntr ) and Council niullu, In Iowa; Galhuin,
Tronton, c'umoro'i. St. Josoph and KunmiH City, In Mlaaourl i Louvonwurth
nnd Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St 1 ,.ul, In Minnesota j Wator
town and Sioux Pulls in Dakota, nnd many othor proBporouH towns and cities.
ItalsootturrtaOHOIOKOI'MtOUTEStonndft'omtlio Pnoltlo Const and lntor
modlato plncos. maklnr; all transfora In Union tlopots. Fast Trains of lino
HLEEPINO OARS, nnd tbotwoon Chlcnrro, St. Joseph, Atchls n and Kansaa
city) rostnu hcjcuininu ciiaik
tlrst-ohius tlckots
Extends wosi- and aoathwost from Kansr.- City and St. Joseph to Fair,
uurj , NoIboh, Uorton, T poka, Hoiinf-ton, Hutchinson, Wlchltu, Caldwoll,
nnd all points In Southom Nibraska Intvrior Kauauu and beyond. Entlrvj
passoiisror oQuipmont of the colobmtod Pullman inanuflxcturo. Solidly boJ-
nuiuHi iruoii 01 noiivy stoei run. iron
and modorn InmrnvniiWiitH
tulnty, comfort and luxury assured
la tho favorite botwoon Ohionro, Rock Island, Atchison, Knnsns City, nnd
Mlnnoapolis and St 1 aul Tho touriat routo to nil Northern Summer Resorts.
ltaWatortpwn Rnv:ich iravorsds tho most produotlvo lands of tho groat
"wheat mid dairy bolt of Northern lowu, Southwestern Minnesota, and East
Coutrnl nakota.
Tho Shoit Lino via Sonoca and KanUnkoooilorrtHuporlor fnollltioa to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotto, und Cinincil Illutls, SUJoaoph,
Atohlson. I.onvnuv.-nrtli. KimHiLH nitv Mlnn,,ii,-,iiu ,..,, u, r...,i "''i
K5r'f,0.kA,K,I' Mai?t,l''iV,9F8'.0J' Hny
ponTlckotOtllco In tho United SUitoa
uentral Manager.
CIIICUIl), II. 1,.
);iiiiii in iiiiiniiiiicii hi in; i en in cipiri pr
cc topics.
- JklM
uauu, uoata i'Ut.rj to uoiuon
Uoldora of through
ana oiono uriuftoa. ah ninety apnmmcos
uomiuoaious, won-ouiat unions, vjoiorit
Ity, cor-
doslrod Inforinatlon', appi:
or Cauadu, or address
apply to any Con
Oon'l Ticket 4 PoM'rAgeit,