Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 24, 1888, Image 7

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    Fremont Elkliorn & Mo. Valley
TrAlni liwoOiMn.m. ami W;(Vp,m
To freo homes In Northwestern Nebraska nn
Southwestern Dakota,
Totlie Illnrk HUM nml tliu Mot Springs.
To Control Wyoming coal mul on fields nni
Cftttlo ranges.
To Chicago "'"I the East,
To Ht. l'niil, Uio North and Northwest.
For further luf ormnllou Inquire of
11 8outh 10th street, Uncoln
W. P. Fitch, J. II. Hi-ciiamah,
General M'gcr. (len'l Pass. Ag't
Missouri Valley, Iowa.
1 Milwaukee,
Own nml operates fi.noo miles of thoroughly
quipped roiul In Itlltiolx, Wisconsin, Iown,
Missouri, Minnesota nnd Iinkntn.
It Is tho Host Direct Itouto batwosn nil the
Principal Points In tho Northwest, Southwest
nml Fnr Went
For maps, tlmo tables, rates of passngo mul
freight, etc., npply to nearest station iiKunt ol
way, or to any Itulltoiil AkoiiI nnywhero l
tho world.
Ootiprnl M'ir'r. Gen'l Puss. AT'kt Agt.
J. F.Tuoivini, ono. n. iikaffohd,
Asst. (Icii'l Mgr. Asst. (I. P. A T. Agl.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
gWVor Information In reference to Lands
and Towns owned by llio Chicago, Mllwau
It co .t .St. Paul llntlwiiy (iiipitny,wrlto to II.
O. IlAUdAN.Iind Commissioner, Milwaukee
C amtai. Btock STOO.OOO.
a W Moshcr, Tiwldant, W. J" Walsh, V- Pr
It. a OmcAlt, Cashier.
IUSAIj KOTA1 rJ Ana iajad uiiuvr.iwj,
Farm Mortgsgo Loans a specialty.
Boom 8. Richards block.
Rigg's Injection.
lunnnii I uLli
Chemists and pharmacists, Lincoln, Neb,
Mail orders promptly attended to.
"Western Resources.
A Journal Devoted to the Industries and
Resources of the West.
Tills Journal Is printed on toned book paper,
tho type used Is clear and new, tho title page, is
Illustrated eneh month with something miltablo,
and in general aptienrancu It is as metropolitan
and elegantly gotten up as IIaiut.ii'h Wkkkly,
and It is exactly tho same size ns that paper.
Tho object and aim of Wicstsrn Uecourckh Is
to give tho iH'Bt stock men, and farmere and gen
eral business men a thoroughly representative
medium for obtaining mid exchanging vnlualiU
Information on those topics of viral importance
to their industries.
Live Stck Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture, Turf, Poultry,
and For est y,
Are departments under careful editorship, and
able articles from our own corresondeiit8 on
Cltk'H, Counties, Ktates, Crops, Railroad llulldlng
Commerce, etc., form u special department.
Hon. Hoiieht W. Furnas, the editor, Is ably as
sisted by practical and solentllTo writers.
To introduco thlspaper In every locality In the
West we will send It for the remainder of 18S7,
beginning with the May number, for
One Extra Copy with Each 5 Subscribers.
Agents send for terms and exclusive territory.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
Si. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimore, New York and Boston.
HTTor further Information; Folders, etc., call
a or address
City Ticket Agent, Cor. O mid 12th it,
P. D. DADCOOK, Depot Ticket Agent.
II. P. K, MILLAR, wi'lAgcut,
A Mention of Rome of llio Small Things
tli at Kill Kipcrliiicuts of it I'leiulntf
and Simple Nnturo That TumUlt Sci
entific, liferent Inn.
A pleasing experiment enn bo timilo, no
cording to d Nnturo, ns follows: Tnkon
wooden iicnholdcr with n metal top and
pnsto n piece of jnicr upon it bo tlmt It cov
ers n part of Inith tho wood mid tlio metal.
Hoat tho paper over a spirit lamp, or an
ordiunry lamp or gas llamo will answer, if it
lo held fnr enough nway to avoid smoking
tlio impcr. Hy heating carefully, Hint part
of tho jiiiior attached to tho wood will bo
como charred, whilo that ngnlnst tho metal
will remain white. Tho metal, being a good
conductor, carries tho heat nway from tho
pnicr, while tho wood, being 11 oor conduc
tor, allows It to remain, and tho paper bo
comes charred.
Tho conductivity of motnls for heat is ad
mirably shown by tho shnplo dovlco repre
sented in tho cut reproduced from Bciontlfla
American, in which Journal also occurs tho
following description:
To a strip, A, of iron aro attached strips,
B 0, of brass and copper. Tho ends of all
tho strips aro bent upward mid inward, and
tho ends of tho strips nro split anil curved to
form loojis for loosely holding matches, tho
sulphur cuds of which rest upon tho strijis by
tliolr own gravity, Tho junction of tho strips
is heated as shown. Tho match on tho copper
strip ignites first, that on tho brass next, and
that upon tho iron last, showing that, of tho
three metals, copper is tho bost conductor of
heat and Iron tho poorest.
Small Things That Rill.
The nowspapcrs have warned tho public
against swallowing tho sood of grapes,
oranges, etc., bocauso of tho danger of such
substances getting into a small intestinal bag
or eul-do-sne, called by doctors tho appendix
vermiformls. This, explains a correspondent
in Tho Ilartford Times, is a receptaclo formed
at tho Junction of tho largo and small intes
tines, but its uso or object no physician knows.
It has been thought to bo a rudimentary or
incomplete formation or possibly somo
meaningless survival of a lost anterior typo.
At any rate, its existence, whilo presenting
no apparent "roason for being," as tho French
say, Is, on tho other luind, a positive and con
stant sourco of danger, bocauso of tho liability
jf its becoming tho receptaclo of somo undi
gested seed or other indigestible substance
In that caso It produces a stato of indamma
l'jntlon, which, in nearly all cases, proves
fatal. Fortunately, but fow seeds among tho
great number so heedlessly swallowed scorn
to get into this llttlo death trap, although
any one, seems likely to lodgo thcro. Perhaps
moro cases of inflammation of tho bowels
than tho doctors suspect may bo, in reality,
duo to this obscure nml disregarded cause.
Height of Chimney.
A well proportioned chlmnoy of neat do
sigu, from "00 to 300 foot high, says Locomo
tive, is always an imposing structure, and
an ornament to a largo manufacturing
establishment, but it may well bo questioned
if it is over worth whilo to build them over
ICO foot high. Whoro cost is no considera
tion thcro is no objection to building them as
high nsono pleases; but for tho purely utili
tarian purposo of steam making, wo havo
yet to And a caso where it was necessary to
build a chimney moro than 150 feet high, and
In many cases whero this height has boon
reached equally good results might havo
been attained with a shorter chlmnoy, at not
much moro than ono-h!f tho cost. Aftor a
sufllclcnt height has been reached to produce
draught of sulllcieut intensity to burn lino,
hard oal, provided tho area of tho chlmnoy
is larf.o enough, thcro seems no good mechan
ical riason for adding further to tho hoight,
whatever tho slro of tho chimney required.
Kxplonlvo Tec,
A most unusual phenomenon, which oc
curred in tho laboratory of tho University
of Virginia, has boon described by Sir. Mallet,
tho professor of chemistry of that establish
ment. During a sovoro storm ico was formed
In tho glass vessel of a gazogene, tho famil
iar apiwirutus for charging water with car
bonlo acid gas, Tlio expansion of tho ico
buret tho vessel, nftcr which tho ico itself ex
ploded repeatedly, and throw oIT fragments,
with a crackling sound. Tho cITcct is attrib
uted to tho pressure of tho gas contained in
tho ice, which, in tho caso of water, would
appear as slmplo oITervescoiico. Popular
Bcleuco News,
1'ruhUtorlo Skating,
Tho nrt of skating is a prehistoric ono. In
many parts of Knropo Ikhics of domesticated
animals havo been found which had been
uhciI us skntes or as runners of small sledges.
It is of considerable interest to learn that
similar Implements aro found still In uso in
several parts of northorn Clermnny. In Tho
Journal of tho IVrlln Ethnological Society
sledges nroilesorllieil which consist of a board
resting on tho bones of n horse. Hut, liesldcs
this, skates aro ised, the runners of which
consist of tho lownr Jaw of cattle, tho curva
ture of tho lower Ido serving admirably tho
object of thosknui.
London I'lrmnon Clothed In Asbrito.
Tho London llrcinen nro about to bo uni
formed for duty in uslicbtai cloth, a material
which has already been adopted by tho Purls
flro brigade, with satisfactory results.
Equipped in this iiiccmlmstihlo apparel, the
llromau is practioilly muster of tho Uuuuu.
Tea n Alow Poison to Not i Vow I'oopl.
llcllef for Arutn llhntminttum.
Tlio insertion thnt ten isn jtolson Is re
ceived with incredulity by a majority of
readers, and tea drinkers ns n class express
doubt as regards tho correctness of alleged
poisonous proMrtlcs of ten. Popular Hcl
enco Nohs, in discussing tho subject, plica
numerous instances of individuals of this
class who wero themselves sullcrlng from
ten K)lsontng. Their nerves wero In a terri
bly abnormal condition, tho heart and brain
wero functionally dUturlied, and tho sleep
less in quantity and less refreshing than It
should ho,
Ten contains much tannin nn 1 nn alkaloid
principle remarkably akin to cocalno, says
tho authority quoted. Thelno and cocnlno
both, when internally administered, product!
oxnltation of tho nervous system nud ln
creased jiowers of physical endurance, Tho
brain is largely lullucuccd In Its functions,
and long iorlods of wakefulness nro induced.
Continued uso of strong Infusions of either
coca or ton result In groat dlsturbnuco of
nervous centers and functional ulllccs, mid
either will produco fatal results by persistent
uso of Inordinate quantities.
A cup of ten ns served at ten tables con
tains usually but a troco of the alkaloldal
principle, but Infinitesimal quantities nro
caablo of oxertlngbauolnlelfects upon somo
Uv Jrlnkers. Tho tannin found In ten does
not dlirer from tho ngent found In oak and
other barks which tlio tanners uso to convert
tho raw hides of animals Into leather. It Is
a iwwerful astringent, nnd consequently,
taken internally, Is apt to produco constljvt
tlon nnd its attendant evils. Confirmed ten
drinkers nro usually troubled with consti
pated bowels, nnd lioneo with dyspejisln, tho
king of ovils. Not all ten drinkers nro thus
nlllictcd, but tho number is by no means
Mild infusions of tea nro undoubtedly ser
viceable to many, when not used to excess;
and It may bo further stated that n cup or
two of ten tnkon during tho day, nt meals,
rarely influences unfavorably vital processes
In nny one, unless thoy aro confirmed in
valids. It is rather tho abuse of tea, than its
uso, Hint causes serious physical evils. Four
or six cups of ten taken during each twenty
four houi-s will in tlmo produco ten poisoning
mid greater or less ovil results.
Acutn HlinuiiiiitWtn of tlio Joint.
For external applications in ncuto articu
lar rheumatism, Journal of Health regards
mustard poultlecH an tho most etllcaclous.
Tho uso of theso should bo commenced at
once, ns soon as tho joints becomo painful.
If only n small number nro afTccted, poul
tices can lo applied to each simultaneously,
or in succession until nil aro treated. When
now Joints becomo involved, renewed appli
cations aro domnudod; In fact, tho disease
should lo "chased" from ono afTccted jiortlon
to another. Tho oultlccs may bo applied
twjco dally, and nftcr their uso tho Inflamed
Joints should lo wrnppctl In dry cotton wool,
and thon bandaged neatly ond lightly with
flannel. Homo authors claim that theso
coverings aro useless, but all who havo suf
fered from tho disoaso can testify that ox
posuro of tho joints, oven to tho warm air of
tho sick room, aggravates tho pain.
Fresh Air nt Night.
Jenny Juno tolls of a Indy who for years,
during tho winter mouths, roso at night
after her husband was aslocp, nnd nolso
lessly ojicnod a window about two Inches,
top and bottom. If ho know of it ho would
declare it gavo him cold; if ho did not know
of it ho was not affected, except that ho
would get up particularly bright and well,
and frequently remarked to his wlfo: "You
sco it is all nonsense, your idea about open
ing tho windows such weather as this. I
havo no headache, nover folt bettor in my
life, and if you would tell tho truth yon
would say tho sarac." Ills wlfo nlwnysrosa
first, closed tho window as noiselessly as sho
had opened it, and turned on tho register.
Ilamodlrs for n Kmiill Annoyance
Touch thnt unsightly oxcresconco com
monly called a wart sovernl times nduy with
castor oil.
Hub frequently with n bit of nlum slightly
moistened. Cut tho end o(T an Irish otato,
and rub tho jiotnto on tho wart two or thrco
times n day, cutting a sllco from tho potato
each tlmo used. Surer than any of those Is
to touch tho oxcresonco every day with ono
of tho convenient llttlo caustic pencils to bo
obtained at a drug store.
Tlio Ilest Medicines.
Sunlight and puro air nro tho very best
medicines, especially for children and el
derly !oople, and tho moro hours thoy got
of these tho bettor nro their chances for lifo
and health.
Gifts That n fiontlmnnn Slay Appropri
ately Send to Kamlnlnn rrlomls.
Flowers nro an appropriate rcmombrnnco
upon every occasion, whether of joy or sor
row, illness, recovery to health, taking loavo
for n distant part or arriving home.
At all times a man may send flowers to a
girl friend, and sho may nccopt thorn with
proprioty. Thoy aro always snfo nml com
plimentary, assorts fominlno authority. In
deed, arranged with tho consummate skill of
a modern florist, who must bo something of
an artist in color harmony, and placed in a
gilded basket, fringed with maiden hair and
tied with n lovoly wldo satin ribbon, they
nro a fitting tribute to offer to beauty and
Itesido flowers, the same authority sug
gests for anniversaries nnd other days pres
ents of dainty bon I ion boxes that como in
nil degrees of luxury, that aro so pretty en
mantels or tablo after tho contents havo been
enjoyod. Thoy make pretty work recep
tacles. Music is miltablo and acceptable, or any of
tho handsomely bound poets; n now novel or
magazine nro deslrablo gifts.
Pets aro allowable, when not too extrava
gant a rare kitten, n toy dog or singing
bird. If n man is clover nud paints, n pastel
or black and whlto makes a charming souve
nir. In fact, any pretty article thnt ho can
fashion by his own handiwork is sure to lo
pleasing. A pretty llttlo whip can Isj given
n girl who rides. When nny of theso gifts
aro received it W Incumbent ujion tho recipi
ent to acknowledge them within n reasonable
tlmo in a pleasant llttlo note.
A Hint to Young People.
Did you ever see lioys or girls cat fast,
slam doors, null through a room, talk loud,
swing their arms, shako tliolr shoulders, bow
asstllllyas if thoy wero ramrods, or act as
loose jointed us n jumping jack, nover offer
older people n sent, make up faces, sny care
less things, and uso bad grammer nnd slangl
This Is the kind of boys nud girls that some
times stand before n looking glass, nnd won
der why they nro not invited into society.
A I'oiv l'ollto Trails.
Tho pollto person does not toll nn Invalid
how palo sho is looking, or ask an elderly
lady if her eyes aro weak, nor whon somo one
who is lame enters a publlo place llx oyct
upon tho milTeror. Those -vho nro doformed
do not euro for genorul sympathy.
At tho great ball mvnlly given by Presi
dent Cnrnot dressmakers wero on duty nonr
tho ballroom doors to mend skirts thnt had
been torn In tho crush.
In Canada tho jn'oplo who ndvocata the
union of Catinda with tho United States arc
beginning to Im called "CopHrhenils."
There nro 150,000 moro women than men in
Herlln, nud moro than half of tho cltlrens of
that city wero born outsldo of tho city,
"Pvo been In llio New York egg Irnilo ovor
forty years," remarket a wholesale dealer In
New York recently, "nnd those twenty-llvo
turkey eggs mnko as largo n slnglo consign
ment of the kind ns I ever met."
A Hartford (Conn.) newspaper has tho fol
lowing uuuiu nud nddrcKS on Its subscription
llstt "CooKHvswany V, Moodllnr, euro of
llustyas Pelt, I'oonn, Indies, llondxiy Pros."
Loudon Truth sums up tlio record of Oman
Dlgno, tho famous Arab chief, ns follows!
Killed, six times; fatally wounded, throo
times; severely wouulod, four times; troops
totally dlsjierwsl, nluo times; pcrmniiontly
discouraged, throo times; eseaed, once,
St, Paul expects lt bo tho metropolis of
Anierlcnwhen tho through lino railroad to
Pekin, China, by tho way of Itehring strait,
Is built, Tho dlstanco Is (1,10(1 tulles, nud It
Is oxoctod that trains will run to Pekin in
ten days.
A Oardcn City, Ivan., cat, which is tho
mother of throo kittens, has recently adopted
two young rabbits and thrco young raccoons,
which sho brought in from tho woods, nud is
bringing up tho whole lot In paths of feline
Messrs, I). Hndford & Co., coal merchants,
wero fined $10.' by an English mnglslrato re
cently for sending out coal conveyances
which wero not provided with jHirfoct ma
chines for weighing coal, as tho English law
requires, nnd for having sont out sacks con
taining less than tho roqulslto portion of 231
IX -lids.
"Weight Boclables" aro tho latest crar.o at
Yankton. Tho gentlemen pick their ladles,
take them to tho scales, weigh them, pay n
quarter of n cent n jtouuil Into tho general
fund, nnd then escort them to supicr. Tho
latter costs not far from six bits n pound.
Many of tho Ilusslnu Immigrants horohavo
brought from their natlvo country curious
utensils, household wares, and articles of
cot-tumo or adornment. At n recent roclal
gathering of several family groiqis, many of
theso relics wero brought Into service, nud
tho costumes of tho young women wero
pretty nud plcturesquo as they drew tliolr
favorlto liovorugo from tho samovar.
An Indian urn nlwut thoslzonnd shajio of
ncocoanut was exhumed on llenjainln Lup
ton's farm near Ilrldgeton, N, J, It is comely
In shapo and smooth In workmniishlp and
ornamented around tho neck, near tho mouth,
with tho iccullar impression found on tho
broken pottery of tho Indian village nonr
Shlloh. Indian remains nnd nrrows havo
been found thoro, and it is supposed to bo nn
Indian camp ground.
Tho vlllago of Llttlo C.'iuto, near Necnnh,
Wis., Is settled nlmost entirely by Holland
ers, tho majority of whom mako their llvinii
by manufacturing wooden shoes, and all of
whom wear them. Several times n year thoy
havo a dance, which lasts thrco days nnd In
which ovorybody Joins, old and young.
Theso dances aro always held in tho day tlmo,
tho people believing thut dancing at night Is
"I nni DyliiB, i:gypt, Hylnc."
Somo weeks ago I saw Marion D. Lytlo, nn
adventurous nophow of Gen. Wm. II. Lytlo,
whoso poetic fnmo rests on tho authorship of
"I am Dying, Egypt, Dying." Young Lytlo
was quoted ns denying tho senvitlounl story
that the oom was written tho night Iteforo
tho general's death under a presentiment thut
tho author would full in battle tho next day.
Dr. Carlisle Terry, of Columbus, On., saw
tho jiarngraph, nud wroto to young Lytlo
concerning it. It npioars that I)r, Terry
was chief surgeon of Wlthcr's dlvIsliTn in
tho Confederate army, and was engaged
in tho battlo of Chicknmauga, where Gen,
Lytlo was killed. Ho says Gen. Lytlo
was tho only mounted ofllcor in sight as
tho Confederates advanced, and that ho
saw tho general, under heavy flro, look down
nt his foot as he rccoivod tho first of his four
wounds, and then fall dead with thrco moro
wounds, nny one of which was fatal. A
solitary able remained with drawn sword by
tho liody, and ns Gen. West nud Dr. Terry
rodo up, told thorn wlio tho dead olllcer wns,
nud nsked that his body bo protected. Tho
nldo emptied Lytlu's pockets, nud Gen, West
sunt all his circctA to his sister. Tlio aldo
said: "Gen. Lytlo left his watch in camp, ex
pecting to lie killed today," In tho dead
man's pocket was n clipping from n nows
lper, evidently of somo nge, on which
wns printed tho poem, "I nm Dying, Egypt,
Dying." Now York World "Obsorvnnt Citl
ton." A Itonian "Tribute" Penny.
"Did you over seo ono of tho Roman tribute
pennies I" asked Mr. Smith.
Then, turning to Mr. Proskoy, ho said, In
tho words of the Scripture! "Show mo tho
tributo money." And ho showed him a penny.
Tho "penny" was a small silver coin, nbout
tho sizo of n slxiieuue, though rather thicker.
Tho "imago and siierscrlptlon" of Cjnsar
wero plainly visible, though somewhat irreg
ular nnd worn. As is tho caso with many
old coins, tho center of tho dio did not corre
spond with tho center of tho disc.
"That," said Mr. Proskoy, "is cnusod by
their not using tho collar to keep tho dlso iu
plaeo while it was bolng struck. Tho collar
was not discovered till nbout Queen Eliza
bctlfs time, sluco which it has been nlmost
unlvorsally adopted. It also serves to glvo
tho milled or lettered edge. Roman coins nro
not worth much," ho added. "Most varieties
bring aliout $1.35. Thoy are not very com
mon, but thoro is no demand for them. If as
many collectors should go to collecting them
with tho Sfimo energy as they do American
coins thcro would not bo onough to go round.
There nro many rnro coins in smnll private
collections which larger ohm do not have."
Now York World.
Thought It Wns Qiilulno.
A prominent Now York doctor has boon
repeatedly noticed of lato iu attendance on
tho occiqinnt of n fashionable flat house. Tho
latter is a millionaire who retired from busi
ness somo tlmo ago, after many years of ac
tivity, nnd immediately becamo ill, us so
many old ooplo do from a sudden chnugo of
habits. Tho patient complained of a (hvuI
iar roaring In his ears every mcrntUn uixl
evening, which wns attended now and then
with a strange clicking noise. Tho qululno
ho had Ihxiii taking was immediately reduced
iu quantity, but tho buz.lng nud clicking in
his oars continued. At last tho din-tor was
txcomiug convinced that tho quinine ho used
was uncommonly cranky, when it was dis
covered that tho tenant of tho flat ttclow
had just Itought a f 100 musiu liox, which
played twenty-four tunes and ran for an
hour, Tho tunes couldn't Ihj heard through
tho sick man's floor, but tho hum of the
powerful springs nud tho click of tho cylin
ders us tho tuuo was changed had scared him
luto s big 'Qctcr' bill Tho Argonaut.
Prospectus for 1 888 Beautiftal Christmas Number.
Among the important articles to' appear during the year
1888 are the following Send for prospectus,
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON ,,, mninimt. ..,!,
to cncli number durlnjr tho year. I Ic will write of tminy topics, old nnd new, nnd In
iiimlllnr nnd personal way, which will form new bonds of friendship between the nu
thor nnd his thousands o( renders. Iu his first jtnpcr entitled "A Clmplcr on Dreams,
rtppciuiu In the January number, lie relates Incidentally, In connection with the iter,
ciiil subject, some Interesting facts concerning the origin of the now famous slon
".Strange Cake of Dr. Jckyll and Mr. I lyde. . '
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. i. w.s m, aim a. ..,.....,.. ...
of an especially Important nnd Intcrcstlnir
trillions and constiucllou, lueludlnu; great
nnd, liidccd.lhose branches of tho subject
Whole COIIIltrv. The. Illustration tvlilel,
. . ----- ,. .........
ornte.oilglnnl, nnd beautiful. The authors
announced later.
P . . ,,A SARENT'S papers on Physical Proportions nnd Physlcn
ruining will be continued by several of lncrcns!iif Interest, with ns rich nnd unique
illustration ns those which Imvc already nppenrcd.
.I,L?'r?;'I,pPAR'riCLES o'Pccln1 Interest will be those 01
the Campaign of Waterloo, by JOHN C. ROPES;on "Tho Man nt Arms" by 15. JJ.
HLAHIIFIKLDj two papers hy EDWARD L.WILSON, Illustrating results of re
cent Egyptian rescarcliin iiutlicr orllcle bv WILLIAM K. Al'TAORP. on nsnhlert
connected with his recent contribution on
PROl' EbSOlt SIIALKR'S articles on the Surface of the Earth will be continued pm!
nrllc es upon two of the most Interesting group of contemporary European writer
will be accompanied by rich and novel portrait Illustrations.
ir.vT. . In Its various applications ns n motive power EXPLI
bl VhS, etc., will be the subjects of nnothcr group of lllustrntcd nrtkles of cqurl pn
Ileal Interest, hy lending nutliorltlcs upn three topics,
MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS written to hi friend, Mo
ehclcs, ntn peculiarly Interesting time of hi career, will furnish the substance of sever
al nrtlelcs of great Interest to muslciil readers, which will bo Illustrated with portraits,
and drawings from Mendelssohn's own hnnd.
V FICTION will be strong, not only In tho work of wcll-knowh writers
but In that of new nuthors, In securing whose co-opcrullon the Mngn7lnc has been so
foitunnte during Its first year of publication. A serial novel, entitled "I'lrst Harvests,"
hy FREDERIC J. STIMb'ON. will be bemm In the Innunrv number, nnd enrlv In tlm
year no.emc win no puniimieii ny HISNKY JAMES nnd II. C. RUNNER,
short stories nrc of noticeable strength mul jresqness.
.".... i. .". . . . .. - . ii
ILLUSTRATIONS. The Magazine will show Incrtnssd excellence In
Its Illustrations. Tliey will be Wore nbundnnt nnd elnlKirnlc thnn ever. It Is the In
tention of the publishers to represent the best work of the lending nrtlsts, nnd to pro
mote and foster the most skillful methods of wood engraving,
brbLIAL NOTICE. To cnnhlc renders to possess the Mngnzlr.c from tl
llrst number (Jnnunry, 1887) tho following Inducements nrc ordered.
A year's subscription ami the numbers for
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$3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number.
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Its contrnl position nnd closo oonnoction with Eastern linos at Chicago
nnd contlnuouH llnoa at tormlnnl points, Wont, Northwost, and South
woHt, mako it tho truo mid-link In thnt trniiHContlnontnl chain of utool which
unltou tho Atlnntlo and Pacific. Its main llnoa and branchns lncludo Old
oao, Jollot, Ottawa. LaSallo, Pnoria, Gonosoo, Mollno and Rock Island, hi
Illinois: Davonnort, Muacatlno, Washlnerton, Palrtlold, Ottumwn, Osknloosa,
WoHt Llborty, Iowa City, Das Molnos, Indtanola, Wlntersot, Atlantic, Knox
vlllo, Audubon, Ilarlnn, Outhrlo Contro and Council Blutla.ln Iowa; Gallatin,
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and Atchison, in Kansas; Mlnnoapolls and St. i ul, lnMlnnosota; Wntor
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Extends wost nnd Bouthwost from Knusr.a City and St. Josoph to Fain
bury, Nolson, Horton, Topoka, Ilorintjton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwoll,
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histod track of hoavy stool rail. Iron and Btono brldtros. All sufoty appllnncos
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taluty, comfort and luxury assured.
Is tho favorlto botwoon Chlcarro, Rook Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and
Mlnnoapolls and 8t. Paul. Tho tourist routo to till Northorn Summer Resorts.
Its Wutortown Branch travnrsjj tho most produotlvo hinds of tho groat
" wheat and dairy bolt" of Northorn Iowa, SouthwoBtorn Minnesota, and East
Contrul Dakota.
Tho Short Lino via Sonoca and Kankakoootlors superior ftvcllltlos to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indiannpolls, Lafayotto, and Council Dlutt's, St. Josoph,
Atohlson, Lcavonworth, Kansas City, Mlnnoapolls, and St. Paul.
For Tlokots, Maps. Folders, or any doslrod Information, apply to any Cou
pon Ticket OUUso In tho United Stutou or Cunudu, or address
Central Manager. M-IIOAif,
scries of twiners on rnllwavs. their ndmlnli.
engineering feats, famous tunnels nnd pnsses
which In this day engage llio attention of tho
will i,-iu il.l. .?,!.,. i .i.t.
..... iivviriiijiiiil, H,1 nn ,11, nill l,U TilV ClillJ
nnd the titles of the future nrtlelcs will ho
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- . - . - . .f .: w i ,-""--"--...-..
1887, $.j
Oen'l Ticket & Pau'r Agont,