Sjftf4WwflMn i ,Efirit7iiiwiWi)M'' iU,iumWwiiW! f fr-- -,K l.ft IT ! iP", Su M-.LJ J ! 1- '- '''1FtlTlklN DR L. WENTE DENTIST. Makes the preservation of the natural ccth a specialty by nil known npprovcil methods. Gold ntul porcelain crown mounted on the natural root. All operations performed without pain. Stlsfactlan guaranteed. TOTIIKrKM'I.K OP LINCOLN, NKllllAHKA, Wo, tho undersigned nro irarsounlly no quMntixl with Dr. L. Wonto, who U to lonvo e noon and ongngo tu tho practleo of dent If trr in rout' city, Wo can unhesitatingly recommend lilm ns a thorough mnster of hU profession, nud wo aro sure Hint nil work entrusted to lilm will bo skillfully iwrformeil. .T. Undkuiiii.l, M. I). W. W. MoMann. M. I). J. H.MoAiiamh,M.H. M. 1). J. M. OAI.LKIIUOII, I). 1). B. J OxnnNKii, Illinois, Jan. 22, 18H7. 116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Web. WEBSTER & BRISCOE, Boots and Shoes. Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps' A SPECIALTY. Price na low n reliable first-class goods can be sold for, nud all honorable compc lion, fairly met 1043 O Street. FINE : ART : STUDIO. 1314 O strcO. Examine sattiples of our work before ordering elsewhere. LINOOIvN Philharmonic . Orchestra, A. Haokiow, Muiel Plrrfor, OBee Fuake's Opera O, H. Ahciiiuk, Manager. House, 3d Floor, Front Will furol dranj or Bacreil muslo for Conckrts, Wxddinos, Parties, Halls Md all other occasions requiring flmt-clasa music ivspeciai rauw mil be made wiui ciue dealrfnj- the ocliera, for the neaaon, Wo also desire to state that we dat opened a Oouserr story of Muslo In our apartments In the pen. bouae building, for the Instruction on orebestral tastrumenta. Tuition hours: 9 a. m 11 14 noon, and 1 till 4 p. m. every day except Bwdy, For scholars not able to attend atregu r bouts, special time will be given. Tor further Information a to prices, time, etc address or call on t he manager. J. U. W. HAWiaNS, ARCHITECT AMD SUPERINTENDENT, Bulhllnn completed, or In !coureo of erection from April 1, 10: fiutloesa block. C K ontgomery, HtH and N. do do IiWUIIlfiiirsley, 11th near N. Restaurant (Odells) O Moottcomery, N near 11th. Kealdenee, J J ImhofT, J and ls!th. a do JLD Macforlaud, Q and 14th. do John ZelirunK, I) and 1 Itli. do Albert Watklns. D bet Wh and 10th. do Wa M Iveonanl, K bet 0th and 10th. do K It authrie, VTth and N. do J K Itetvl, Jt 1), F bet ICth and 17th. do I. O M Ualdwtn. O bet 18th and 18th. Sanitarium building at Mllford. Neb, Flrr. UaptUt churvh, 14th and K streets, ortuary ohadal and receiving tomb at Wyuka eemetery. Office . ' Rooms 83 and 34 Rlohards Bloolc. DR. B. B. Powers, DENTIST, r 1 1 I W jgXC& GoldFillingsASpeciltays Gold, Silver and Porscclaln Crowns liibcrt- ed on roots of teeth, Sets Inserted without a plate, All operations first xlnbs and war ranted. U14 O Street oyer Elliott's. THE COURIER A l)fmlar lt)r of Modern Time. Punutsi-ncD Saturday unacnirrioNi One Year by Mull or Carrier $3,00 Blx month, 9I00, Three month W Cunt", Ono month SO OnU Invarnbly In Advance. nvKnTtsMiNT! Kates furnished on application At tho onice. Bpoclal rate oil Tlmo Contracts. t'oirratmrriuNat Hhort spicy sketches, (km-iiis, And stories solicited. Personal aiuI HooIaI notes nru eIeclally desirable. Psix-riso: Wo make A specially of Kino Printing 1 1 All It branches. H()clcty work n spsoUUy Address All communications direct to thn orflco. WICSSICL, A D013DINS, kihtoiis and rnornirrons. Now llurr lllock, Cor. IWh nnil O Htnyt. TKI.KI'IIONM&Vl. TAKE NOTICEI The Couuieii will not Ira rusonslblo for any debts nmdo by nny ono In It imtno, tin loss a written order accompanies tho same, properly signed, of course, Wkhhkl & Doiimnh, Prop'rs. Till? pooplo In Nebrnskn City nro (IIhcuhhIiik wvlng inntorlaN. It Is Imped thn), thoy will profit by Lincoln's and oxrarlcnco and eschow cedar blocks. It Im rumored that tho hrnkomou nud tho switchmen of tho "Q" system will shortly go out on a strike, Tho rumor ha not yot boon verified, however. TlllH strike nit tho Burlington has develop ed nn nhuornml nuuiW of inonuinoiitnl Kara, mid wo nro constrained to dlslrallovo Ooorgo Frauds Trnln'H assertion that tho duvll la dead. BtNCK tho .Tournnl has condemned A. C. Hunter's Israk, "Mr. Barnes of Now York, "na lining scusoIon trash, tho newsdealers of tho city report tho sales of that book na being largely lucroaod, - , . i J Tiik CouniKii regret to loam of tho rotlro inent of Mr. J, 0. Fisher from tho manage ment of tho Hastings Gazette-Journal. Ho i .1 thonxigh tmiluoiR mint nnd n very plons nnt nnd iiRn-oivlilo i;ontloumn, nud wo hojo ho will hooii lo ngnin In hurnifw. t Wk priwumo tho Dumocrat Is convinced now that Jomph Ihirns knows mora about drive wells than Its editor nnd tho city engi neer together, lly tho way, It would lra n good idea whenever additional wolls nro iiinda uocctiHiiry to have some one draw tho plans nnd specifications who knows something about tho buslmws. Wr.dwlra to call attention to n new dejmrt ment headed "Tho Young Generation," the contributors to wnlch nra nil under fourteen years. In that column this week will Ira found n very clover sjitlro on California nnd tho manner In which thoy rob tho guileless sojourner In tholr midst, from the pen of Miss JihsIo Lclanil. Tiik Imporlnl edition of tho Hastings On-cotto-Joururl has toon nrolvisl. ltoth nrtis ttcally nud tyKgraphlcnlly tt U nit that couUl bo desired, and isn splendid nelilovoiuout for Hastings. There Is only one feature about It that the Oouiukk feels Impelled to condemn nud thnt Is tho ovtdant nttumpt to build up that city by pulling down Lincoln, to which Miveral articles nro devoted. It Is n ollcy thnt doesn't vay, It hah boon pretty thoroughly demonstra ted thnt cedar block xveiiicnt Is n fatluro, and tho CouniEH hopes no moro will Ira laid in this city. The facility with which i his iltinrrnagcd itself of Into shows conclusively Its worthlessness. Slinking of jiavlng, how ever, reminds us thnt irarhnpn tho authorities reallzo their mistake in not having O street paved last year Instead of ono or two com iwiratlvoly unimportant sldo streets. An cilltor out in tho western jiart ot tho state has boon arresteil for obtatulug money under fatso pntemos. Even if guilty, we don't think ho should be punished, ns an editor has always a bad example boforo him in the shnpo of pooplo who obtain the paper for several years with a promise to pay, but who never do. The law should tako these things Into consideration whou dealing with this unfor tunate. Tiik March number of Suuihluo, a Jorrnal "for youths, also for those of all nges whose heart are not withered." nsiUtttlo pace an nounces, has been received. It Is brimful of oxcellout readings, short stories, sketches nnd the like, from tomo.of the most noted pens. For tho price, 75 cents n yenr, it is undoubt edly tho best magazine now published. Sam ple copies may lw obtained of the publishers, A'.lon & Co., Augusta, Mo. Okn ItADEAU has brought suit against tho Grant heirs for money chimed to bo duq for, services as amanuensis whllo the General was preparing his memoirs. Iladeau has always lccu a barnacle on tho Grant family, nnd Ila deau seems inclined to impress the country with tho truth of tho oft-rcpoutcd statement that Grant was particulaily nnfortuuato lu tho selection of his personal friends. All the fame and money tbat Badeau jwssessca he owes tj Grant's iutevest in hlm,nud us a spec imen of ingrntltude.this camp-follower in en titled to high rank. Tiik farmers ot Lancaster county are eu dcavurlug to liavo the city council rcieal tho ordinance prohibiting them from retailing meat around tho city. They claim that Ar mour has monopolize tho beef trade of tho city, and that had Lincoln fostered Instead of opposing them (the furmors) It would have been today a city of one hundred thousand (raople, Whllo the latter Btatoincut Is a llttlo overdrawn, there is 110 doubt but that open ing tho retail markets to tho furmers would bo of benefit to tho pooplo of the city. Tho tressed beef now furnished consumers by city butchers is a very tough substance to masti cate, uud the situation should be bettered in some inatinor or other. There U a oor homo ma. ktt for cattle, mid tho farmers, It suCcot ful In securing tho repeal of tho ordinance re ferred to, will ojran cooperative sluughter h usjf, put wjgoiu on the stieets and sell meat choaportlmu taforu known. UP3 AND DOWNS OF LIFE. hy It I Easier to flovern T)in to Ha Grocery Store. &. , R WAS iaylng, when ho nwoko ono morning, "I wish I wero (-ovcnior of a iimnllllniid,nmlhad nothing to do but to get up nnd govern." It was nn observa tion qulto worthy of ill, nud ono of general application, for . r nro umiiy men who find it very difficult ct'tn living on their own rvaourcai, to lloui It would lw vouiNirntivcly rnay to bo i U'ry fair wort of governor. Everybody who Inn no oftldnt jKwItlon or routine duty on n calnry know Hint tho most trying mo ment In tho twenty-four hours la that In which ho emerge from tho oblivion of alcep nnd fiuvH llfi Everything Hrplcxlng tumbles ill tiMn him, nit tho possihlo vozntlona of tho day rlso up liuforo him, nnd ho ii llttlo leat thnii n horo If ho geta up cheerful. It la not to bo wondered nt thnt people crnvo oftlcx', aomo snlnried position, in onler toesenw tho nuxlctlea, tho jwrsonnl reaponsi bllltlex, of n ulnglo hnndod atmgglo with tho world. It must bo much easier to govern nn lsmnd than to carry on nlmost nny retail lmsl ne.. When tho governor wnkealn tho morn ing lio thlnka first of his anlary; ho has not tho lenst anxiety nlout his dnlly bread or the J supixirt of his tnmlly. His business is nil laid out for him; ho has not to create It. Uusiuess comes to him; ho does not hnvo to drum for It, Ills day Is agreeably, oven It iiiiiin iiir il. in ,iu v is uuilviiuiv. nvrii 11 , symiMithetlcally, occupleil with tho troubles ' of other (H-ople, and nothing is bo easy to bear ns tho troubles ot other people After ho has hnd his breakfast, nnd read over tho "Con stitution," ho has nothing to do but to "govern" for a few hours, that is, to decldo about things on general principles, and with llttlo ixi-Konnl application, and perhaps nbout largo concerns which nobody knows anything about, nud which nro much easier to dlsposo of thnn tho porplcxlng (totalis of prlvnto life. Ho has to voto several times n day, for giving a decUlon is really casting n voto; but that Is much easier than to scratch around in all tho anxieties of a retail business. Many men who would nmko very rcspoctoblo presi dents of tho United Btntcs could not suc cessfully run a retail grocery store. Tho anxieties of tho grocery would wenr them out. For consider tho varied ability that tho grocery requires tho foresight about tho markets, to tnko ndvnutngo of nn eighth per cent, off or on hero nnd there; tho vlgllanco required to keep n "full lino" nnd not over stock, to dlsposo of goods boforo thoy spoil or tho populnr tasto changes; tho suavity nud integrity nnd duiJIcity nnd fairness and adaptability needed to get customers and keep them; tho power to bear tho dally nnd hourly worry; thocourago to faco tho ovor present specter of "failure," which is said to co 1 no unon ulnctv merchants in a hundred; tho tact uocded to meet tho whims nud tho ' complaints of patrons, nnd tho difficulty of getting tho patrons who. grumble most to ly lu order to satisfy tho creditors. When tho retail grocer wakens in tho morning ho feels that his business is not going to como to hluiHiKintaneotisly; ho thinks ot his rivals, ot his jiorllous stock, ot his debts nud delin quent customers. Ho has no "Constitution" to go by, nothing hut his wits nnd energy to set against tho world that day, and every day the strugglo nnd tho anxiety aro tho Bnmo. What a number of details ho has to carry in his head (consider, for Inst unco, how many dllTorcut kinds of cheeso thcro nro, nnd how different jraoplo hate nnd lovo tho Mtno kind), nnd how keen must bo his appreciation of tho popular taste I Tho complexities and annoy nuces of his business aro excesslvo, nnd ho cannot nlTonl to mako many mistakes; if ho docs, ho will loso his builnoss, nnd when n mail falls lu business (honestly), ho loses his nerve, and his career is ended. It is simply amazing, when you consider it, tho amount ot talent shown in what aro called tho ordinary businesses of life. It lias often been remarked with how llttlo wisdom the world is governed. That is tho reason it is so easy to govern. "Uneasy lies tho bond that wears a crown" does not rotor to tho discomfort of wearing it, but to tho danger of losing it, and of being put back upon ono's native resources, having to run a grocery or to keep school. Nobody is In such a pltinblo plight as a monarch or politician out of business. It is very difficult for either to get n living. A man who has once enjoyed tho blessed feeling of nwaktngovery morning with tho thought that ho has a certain salary despises tho idea of having to drum up a business by his own talents. It does not dis turb tho waking hoar at all to think that A deputation is waiting in the next room nbout a ostofllco in Indiana or about the codfish In Newfoundland waters tho man can tako a second nap on any such affair; but if ho knows that tho living of himself and family that day depends upon his activity and intel ligence, uneasy lies his head. Thcro is some thing so restful and easy about public busi ness! It is so simple I Tako tho aver age congressman. Tho secretary of tho treasury sends in an claborato report a budget, in fact involving a complete and harmonious schemo ot revenuo and expenditure. Must tho coiiBrcfHn readitf No; It is not necessary to do that; ho only cares for practical measures. Or a financial bill Is brought in. Does ho study that blllf Ho bears it rend, at least by title. Docs ho tnko pains to inform himself by rending and conversation with experts upon its probablo effect? Or nn International copyright law is proposed, a measure that will relievo tho people of tho United States from the world wide reputation ot sneaking meanness toward foreign authors. Docs ho examine the subject, nnd try to understand itl That Is not necessary. Or it is a ques tion of tariff. Ho is to voto "yes" or "no" on those proposals. It Is not necessary for him to master these subjects, but it is neces sary for him to know how to voto. And how does he find out that In tho first place, by inquiring what effect tho measure will have upon tho chanco of elcctlou ot tho mnn ho thinks will bo nominated for president, and in the second placo, what effeit his vote will have on his own re-election. Thus tho prin ciples of legislation become very much sim plified, and thus it happens that it is com paratively so much caster to govern than it is to run u grocery store, Editor's Drawer iu Harper's Mugaziuo. Candid. , Tramp No sugar nor milk In ray coffeo, mum. Sugar is bad for tho kldnoys, and milk gives mo dyspepsia. Lady You aro very careful of your health. Tranu It's necessary, mum. It I didn't keoy my health, I couldn't travel as a sick man.-Till Hits. I'rofe.slonally Intent. Hostess vto young Bprlgglns, M. D.) Dr. Dprigglur, will yon have some of tho tongue! Dr. Bprlgglns (absent mliuledly) Oh or 1st mo look at it, please, New York Bun. ' I "4"J I r. . i. Wo hnvo looked through the 1'rnctlcnl Home Physician with much antisfnctlon. It la written In nn wisy nnd familiar atylo. Wo tnko great pleasure In anylng thnt we regard t as iKMsonslng clnlmi to n placo In the homos of tho pooplo thnt no other work within our knowledge, on popular medicine, hnalracn found worthy to occupy. Tho tinmen of tho editors furnish n gunrnnteo to tho jraoplo of Its legitimacy, and IU closo, concise anil uc curnto history of thodlseAson roconlod, and Instructions In plain anion, na to tho uo of remedies, will commend it to tho common senso of tho general public. Its claims to merit as nselontlfli, practical work, Adaptod to tho noods of tho people, on tho subjects treated, aro of a high oritur, and wo will tnko grent pleasure In recommending it ns n, household friend to nny family, nnd na a vol time full of good, practical nnd wholcsomo ndvlco. Our renders will hnvo tho opportun ity In tho coming month to obtain this won derful work by subscription of Mr. Cobb, tho general agent, nt JU'J south Eloventh street, or from his solicitors who will call on you. Netirnskn Htnt-i Teachers' Association This association will lw held In Fremont tho li7th, 2Hth nnd MUh, Inst. Aro you going! Do you know thnt tho train service on tho Elkhorn lino between Lincoln nnd Fremont Is suberbl It Is. Trains lonve Lincoln nt 7 a. in., 0;M n. m. nnd l-i:05 noon; returning leaves Fremont nt 0;!i0 n, m., 1:10 p. in. nnd 7sltt p. in. The run Is nn hour shorter thnn nny other lino nnd there Is no chnngo of cars cither, seol Wo don't run a chair enr to Fremont next wiKik ti nrenmmoil.-ito teachers, tho run Isn't long enough. Call nt city ofltco, 1115 south Tenth street or duot for tickets. Incursion West anil Northwest. Tin IK- nTrurslnns hnvo lieen nrratured for -j ..r....... - over tho Union Paclflo Itallway to 8nn I-rnn elsco, Snn Diego, Colton, Los Angeles, Ban Hcrnardlno nnd Ban Joso, California, also to Portland, Oregon, nt 1 80.00 for tho round trip. Tickets aro good 00 days for going pas sago and good for tho return trip for six months from date of sale with tho usual stop over privileges In both directions within thoso limits. These tickets nro nlso good by way of Den ver and Bnlt Ijiko City In each direction. Tho ngent, Mr. E. II. Slosson, tolls us qui tea mim trar of our townsmen nro thinking of making tho trip soon, nnd It would lw well for thoso Intending to go In select pnrtlestoseo him nnd nrrnngo for tholr nccoinniodntlons. Mr. John D. Fmwloy, traveling ngent, Union Pacific, nt Omaha, Neb., will give you nny further Information in regnrd to thoso excursions. Parties who prefer enn corres jrand with Mr. J. 8. Tebbota, O. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. . To Texas Vlit the Missouri Vnrlllc Hall way. One faro for tho round trip from Lincoln o nil jiolnts. Tickets limited to sixty days, nnd transit limit going nnd returning of fifteen days In each direction. Excursions leave Lincoln Jiuiunry 25, Februnry 8 nnd 2t, March 7 and 21. Double lino of Pullman sleeping cars from Kansas City. A rare op- Immunity to visit Texas, lowest rates over offered. For mops, descriptlvo pamphlets, rates, and further information, call on or ml dross It. P. It. Millaii, II. Q. Hanna, (leueral Agent. City Ticket Agent, Corner O nud 12th streets. Brown's Vienna Coffee and Oyster houso In tho opera houso block is tho neatest and nob lest resort In the city. M'miteil, Dressmakers nnd ladles to call nt 120 South llth street, In tho Holmes block, to Investi gate Madam Kellogg's French tailor system. . ot NllvercCross C'lKiirs. Tho best seller in tho city, at Ed. Young's, 1020 O street. For nil kinds of Mocioty stationery, such ns Invitations, programs, cards, menus cto. call nt tho CotmiKH otllce in tho now llurr block. Largest lino ot Key Weit and Imjrartod cl garsat the llurr block. A Oreiit Hiittlo Is continually going on in tho human system. Tho demon ot impure blood strives to Rain victory over the constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims to tho grave. A good rellnblo medlcluo like Hood's Barsaparilla is tho weapon with which to defend oho'h self, drlv the desperate enemy from tho field, and ro storo peace and bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar meillcino. Dally excursions to California via tho Mis souri Pacific Hallway, The tourists favorite route Choice of two routes going, nnd priv ilege of returning nny one of four routes. Descriptlvo folders nnd all Information obtained ot II. O. Hanna, Or R. P. R, Mix-LAn, Oon'l Pass. Ag't City Ticket Ag't., cor. O and 12th sts. Lincoln to Chicago without chaugo vln the Elkhorn lino. Bolls, pimples, hives, ringworm, tetter, and all other manifestations of impure blood aro cured by Hood's Barsaparilla. The new tonsorlal apartment of Messrs. Brutto & Walter, 1S1 South Eleventh street, (In Lyman's billiard hall) Is where gentlemen will find competent workmon to glvo a smooth shave, an artistic hair cut, shampoo, etc. Try the now place. The llurlliiKton'i, I.uteit. A superb lino of res chair cars now leave Lincoln dally, Sunday Included, at 4 p. m. for Chicago, without cltange. A colored porter accomiwiles each car to provido for the com fort of passengers, supply toilet' articles, etc. Further information may bo obtalnodnt.clty ofllco, comer O nnd 10th street. A. C. ZiKitKit, City Pass. Agt. New Trains Kor Oiimliu, Sioux ylty and the Kast. . Tho Elkhorn Valley lino has put o fcpeclal train with a through Omaha coach leaving Lincoln at 7 a. m. dally, Sunday ex cepted. This train makes direct connections at Fremont for Sioux City and Chicago reach ing the former placo nt 1:35 p. m. the later at 0;50 the following morning. Returning from Omaha tho train leaves at 5:45 p.m., arriving ut Lincoln nt 0:40 p. m. They know Just how to pleaso you with oybtors hi overy style nt Brown's Now Vienna Cafe. Go east by the St. Louis nud tho Missouri Pacific railroad nud avoid nil omnibus trans fers; nil changes mudo lu Union depots via this route. Chair cars free. Canon City Coal at tho Whltehroast Coal and Lime Co, All sizes of best grade hard coal, nicely screened nnd always on hand at Hutchlns & Hyatt, 1010 o street. If you want somo of those Go glnhams you caistgot them quickly, us they will only las ew days longer. ASIIIIY & MlLLSI'AUail, Doctor B. F. Bailey, olllco and residence cor. of Thirteenth and Q streets, Tel. 017. RHEUMATISM. BOMK RKMAHKAnLK CURBS OF ONE Of TUB MOST STUIinOnM AND AOORAVAT INO DI9KASES THAT AFFLICT MANKIND. A Nkws reporter learning thnt Mrs. N. M. l'etors of East Dcs Moines, who was long nflllctcd with rhmimntisiu had boon completely mired, concluded to call on tho lady nnd get tho facts dUcct from her for tho bonotlt of nny of our ronders who may bo similarly nfllloted. Ho found Mrs. I'otnrs to bo n very pleasant lady of middlo ngo, In good health nnd doing her own houso work. On being questioned sho said: "I hnd stilTurnd with rheumatism tho greater pnrt of tho time for nearly soveu years. At times I was nlmost helpless. I hnd doctorod n great deal for It with physi cians nnd trlod elect rlo belts and almost everything thnt is recommended for rheuinnllsm, ns no ono will sudor with itns I did, wlthoutdnlng nil that can bo done to relievo it. Finally a neighbor woman ndvisod me to try (Jlinniborlain's l'nln Ilitlm nud was so siiru thnt It would holp mo, that I procured a bottlo. It did help mo right from tho start but it took live 50 cent bottles to euro me, so you enn guess how bad 1 was, as ono or two bottles will euro any ordinary case. It Is a grnnd good medicine and has dona mo n power of good, nnd I hone you will publish tho facts in your valuable paper, thnt ovcrybody may know It." As the rcmotly roferrcd to Is of homo ninuiifncttiro we concluded to call on the proprietors, Messrs. Chamhorlain & Co. Wo llntl thoy conduct ono of tho largest nnd most successful proprie tary medicine Inbornto ies In the west, and thnt Chamberlain's Pain Halm is fnst becoming a household necessity all tho wny from the Gulf of Mexico to tho British Possessions nnd from Chicago to tho I'acilio Ocean. Thoy hnvo hun dreds of testimonials from persons who have been cured by it, not only of rheu matism but umtrnlgia nnd othor painful ifilictions. From which we selected tho following! This is to certify that I wns very liiinn with rheumatism, my joints wero swelled badly, I could with difll culty turn in bed, 1 was induced by my physician to try a bottlo of Chamber lain's Pain Halm, nnd nm now able to attend to my regulnr duties. 1 am n blacksmith. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a certain and permanent euro for coughs, colds croup, whooping cough and soro throat. A fifty cent bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will go nearly as fur as a dollar bottlo of any other cough preparation in tho market, nnd will do you much more good. It is positively without an equal for throat and lung disensos Sold nt W. J. Turner's. Now SowIiik Machine for Sale. I hnvo n first class new sawing mnchiuo never been used, of tho latest invention nnd with nil tho modern appliances that will bo sold at n big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, enro this ofllcc. Iloiiiu tho Town. Leavo a iapor wrapirar with a threo cent stamp on with II. O. Haunn, city ticket agent of tho Missouri Paclflo railway, and tiavo a "Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to youi fHend east, frco of charge. Through slecirars to Chlengo ore run and nil eastern connections inndo by tho Elkhorn Vnlloy and Chicago and Northwestern rail road. Try this elegont route. Offices, 115 South Tenth streets and depot, corner S and Eighth streets. Chicago & Northwestern mileage tickets sold to anyono nt Elkhorn ofilco, 115 South Tenth street nnd dejwt comer S nnd Eighth streets. McMurtry's addition on K street, below Nineteenth, is ono of tho slghllest In tho city, as well ns being rignt in tho centre of tho fastest growing iwrtlon. Call at his olllce be low tho Capital National Bank and secure ono of thes lots. Only via the Missouri Pacific railroad can you got freo reclining chair cars through to Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, Terra Haute and Indianapolis. Lincoln Iluck and HueKiigo 1.1 no. Telephone No. 201, meat market, 037 O street, or Na 301 livery bam. Onlor Blates at samo places and U. P. tlckot ofilco, comer Eleventh and O streets. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel and meat market. Bouanon Bnos. Ofllco Furniture for Hale. An Improved doublo ofilco desk, two finer 0 dining desk chairs, two other cano seat ofilco chairs, etc. , for salo at a tuirgain. OiUy Iraen In use four months. Good as now. In quire at this olllco, 131 North Eloventti Bt. Wedding stationery, Invitations, programs and all lino printing our specialty. Call und see siraclmeus of our work. Wessol & Dob bins, 131 North Eleventh street. To People Mho Kutortaln. Society iraoplo arranging for parties, balls weddings, receptions or anything lu this lino, should Inspect our elegant lino of stationery nnd printed novelties used on such occasions. Wo have Just received our new fall lino of elegant ball programs, Invitations for wed dings, parties, etc., announcements, folders, calling cards and in fact everything in this lne. - - - - - Homo Cheap Property, A fine residence lot on Twenty-first street near N for salo at a reasonable price. Also ono In Mechanics addition, Hydo Park und Elmwood. Will soil choup If sold immsdlatoly Call on or address L. Wessel, Jr., care this ofllco. To the Traveling Public. Pleaso note that a Buporb line of FREE CHAIR CARS is now run between Lincoln and Chicago on trains Nos. 5 and No. 0; also thnt sleoplng car berths or drawing rooms on tho "flyers," Nos. 1 and 'J may bo resorvod iu advance at City Ticket Ofilce, comer Tenth and O Streets. A. C. Zihueii, City Passenger Agent. St, Paul unit the Northwest. Points iu tho alravo directions aro reached best by the Elkhorn valley lino. Connections aro sure nnd tho lino most direct. Get tickets nt 115 South Tenth street or depot, corner 3 uud Eighth sreetts. a lillihoru Valley Line Piisnenger Trulu Sor vice. Tho Chicago flyer Is train No. 44, leaving nt 12:05 noon. It cnrrlcs u through judaeo sleeper Lincoln to Chicago, nud a dining car irom jULssouri valley anil reaches Its destina tion at 8 o'clock tho following morulng. This train makes connection at Fremont for Nor folk nnd Omaha; at Missouri Vully for Sioux City nnd Bt. Paul, Train No. 4'J leaves Lincoln nt 0:55 a.m. for Wahoo. Fremont. Norfolk. (Mm, linn Mm Black 1111U country, Y cik, Seward, nnd Hn XttP&2 Z ili Wero nil wlso enough to heed this ndrlco In season, a world of suffering would ho avoided. Tho best months In which to tnko Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purlucr, aro March April May At no other season Is tho body so much In need of, or so susccptlhlo to tho benefit to he derived from Hood's Barsaparilla, ns now. Tho Impoverished condition of tho blood, tho weakening cllccts of tho long, cold winter, the lost appetite, nnd that tired feeling, all mako a good spring medlcluo absolutely necessary. Try Hood's Sarsaparllla and yon will bo con vinced that It Is tho Ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by nil drnpgtsts. JUjilxforf J. ITeparodonly by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar BLOOD POISON. Old dead teeth rnnlnln .the qnlntmcnco of blnod I poleont Who can swallow f It, guanine out of old iceth at every moil Bnd Ik) ncallhy? Thco teeth aro dead, ulcerated, nnhnlthy Ircquently caue a w oiled faco. Hhould ccrtnl-.y bo extracted and rviilticcdulth food, artificial teeth that never nche. Can be extract ed without pain. Ho hum bug. ABRASION OF THE TEETH. The above cut shows the teeth of a man 45 veara of age. from Dr. Bell In 1831. We meet lth this affection tn the teeth lu various forms and degrees. The ends of the crowns seem verj soft, having a low decree of vitality and wear down showing a dark yellowish cupped spotjn thu center. Many are so foolish as to '"" '.hat molar teeth aro of little account, ...I rt them so by default; after which all be force of tho muscles are extended to the front teeth, wearing them down rapidly. The best, and orly remedy, Is to cover and mild up the ends with gold and platinum, vhlch wears like steel and saves them many 'ears. We make a specialty of fine gold work m building them up, contour fillings, etc. A. TJL .-r&ZiZ&t jT or I'Xi i" Cuts A and B are from John Tomes, of Eng and. A Two Incisors with notches In tho ends. ti shows tho peg shaped teeth with yellowish jits lu the ends For such teeth wo have two remedies: First -To lid 1 he pits In the ends with gold. Sec nd Extract them and replaco them with crtlflclal teeth. Hut the bones absorb away rapidly so that they will need resetting fro picutly We make tho finest artificial teeth tn the northwest We use Justlcs and White's patent teeth, with long, heavy pins, mounted on strong elastic plates. Those who patronize us will not be troubled with broken teeth and cracked plates, canker sore mouths, etc. To looso tho front teeth, Is to loose half tho power of speech, and more than half the beauty. Oisoatod Qums. The teeth turn black and die, the fntat bleed at the slightest touch, ulcerate, .the toctfi loosen aaa f! oat, the breath Is horrible. DR. A. P. BURRUS. 1208 O Street, On the Rapid Transit, cnies up diseased ruaa. i-.w aunt viu uu yiiuiuuiu UlllMKB, U Lut tMth ttutt tobtcco Hill not Uri. 8. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. Morvy loaned on long or short time at lowes .tea. Offlce In Richards' Block, room at Take elevator on Eleventh street entrance. u.A.SHOEMAKER.M.D. Horaccopattiist Physician, ' Telephone No, 685. 163 South nth Street, Lincolm Neb Drayage and loving. OLIVER MAGGAllD Desires to Inform the public thnt his equip ment for moving Household Gooils.PIanos Safes, MarchandUe, Heavy Machinery. etc, Is the best In the city. Special men and wagons are kest for the removal of Pianos and Household Goods, Which are always handled by compctant and experienced help, and the latest appli ances used for handling Safes and other heavy goods. Call, address or telephone OLIVER MAGGARD, Telephone 1 1 1 Oillcc 017 O St. N. R. HOOK, M. D., DISEASES OF WOMEN. drinary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Treats roctnldlseasoi by IlTtlNICEHIIOFU' AINI.KSSBV8TKM. Olllce, rooms iii. yjl and 121 llurr lllock. Twelfth and O sjroets. oniee telephone MS. Residence 1029 Q street. 'Phone, 610 3aVi?3U 0 il.m Rin' k 10 0 ana 7 to a p m. a (PHIB!3fi'w&3!v ,tt&USr p,nH r ri . M-. 7?Xf!r;-J. - vnrL. . ji j mu im