'A 1 JNION SAYINGS BANK in South xoth Street. OAPITAL, - - $1)00,000 Liability or Stockholders $400,000. i IITOCKHOLDWIA. 3 3 IMHOIT JOltNriTWIKHAM) JOHN II UI.AHK A 8 HAYMONI) K. K llllOWN 1IAVIII UIIMIOK UK M001113 KllKI) HOItMltlT J I) M ACKAIlIiAND JOSKPH WHITMAN KK HAYDKN CHAH.llAJMONII i)l)MUIIl l'.KINNKV OKYATB) KM HAM. . jiknhy i: M:via ow dkwkkhk O M I.AM IIKIITSON M I. BMITII ,, J McCONKlrT O W HOI.DIIUOK TKOAI.VKIIT J W IIOWMAN t. MBYKIl 0 II IMUUKF omcr.Ks. M K. Moonie. President. . ItEMlV I.BWIH, Vice. President. 0. II. luiiorr, Cashier Interest paid on leioslt of $." nnd upunrtl ut tlie rate of 6 iht cent H.rnniiiiiu,i.otiKiiiiilitl semi annually Your m lugs account solicited, MONEY TO LOAN Kora long or short tlmo on real estate or ap proved collateral security Honk ox-n from :.) a. in, to S:liO p. in., and on Hnlunliiy evenings from 0 to 8 l. in. BsSSa fT - ,,,, ir55aRBarR FAST MAIL ROUTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth, St.Joscph.Knnsns City, St. Louis nml nil points South, East nnd West. The direct line to l't. Scott, Parsons, Wchtn, Hutchinson and all principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pum.mak Sm:kpi:ks and Frew RiccMNiNO Chair Cans an all trains. H. G. HAHNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Sts. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still In the front and nlisolutely loading nl mjictitors. Thoroughly equipped for tli. unest work, giving to each customer nn un qualified guarantco for all work dono. Alio nur work done with neatness and dlspatcl Wo solicit orders for suburban villages 11m neighboring towns, paying the express on ai ardors one way. Hcspcctfully, C. J. PRATT Only Exclusive JIous6 In the City, A. 1. Davis & Son., An Elko ant Stoos. Li-kht Htv CARPETS 1 1 12 O Street. Call and sou in In our; Now Quarters. Working Classes6 U prepared tc furnish al classes with employment tx home, the whole, of the time, or for thoir spare iiioiiieuu Itaslnera Dow, llfrht and profitable. I'rrsons ol either sex easily earn from DO cents to 3 00 per evenlu?, and a proportional sum by devoting all their tlmo to the business. IloyB and girls earn nearly as much as men, That all who seethli may send their auMrobs, and test the business, dr make this offer. To such as am not well satisfied we will send ono dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Addrev Qeouqe Btinson & Co., Portland, Maine, MONEY! f to be made, Cut this out and re turn to us, and we will send yoi free, somethlncof crest value aiu Imnortance to vou. that will star you In business which will brine you In morr money right an ay than anything elm In this work Any onecan do tho work and live at home. Kither ex; all ages, tjomerhlng new, tliat just coliu money for all workers, we will start you; capital not needed. This Is one of Ux Korraine, imiortnnt chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambition, and enterprising will not delay, CJrand outtlt fre Address Tunc & Co., Aucust Malno. T A YTcan live at home, and make more money y 1 1 1 1 at work for us, than at anythlnr else In JL V U this world, Capital not needed; you are started free Large earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms freo. Uetter pot delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and And out; It you are wisn yoi will do tout once II, lUu-rrrA Co., Portend, IsJue. Crystal Steam Laundry Will rail for, and promptly cntrusbnl to them, mm finish santo lit Intent and Iwst ii.amier, NEW MCHINERY, and lK'st facilities In tho city, for doing strict ly rtrbt-clam work. Our now locations uro LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and 0 Sts. CITY OFFICE; HON. 12th Street. TELKPIIONE No. 178. R7A trial will convince you that the Crystal does tho best laundry work in tho bice MKCOLK 7 f jf yvx M64m&tfmu rate AND IKHTITVTR OK I'SNMAkSllU', Ahortlianil and Type" rltlng. lw-t nnd Inritrot onllego In thu west. Htiuli nl prepare! for hualmvii In from 8 toVmonllui. IikIM'IiiuI liutriidlon, Kullundox. Iierlrnctit faculty. Henri for eollea journals and limclniiiu of jM'timnn.hl to VLUimiUUK A ItOOSli Lincoln, Neb. rounder of (Irsliain's Magazine. Tho vriicrahlo John 11. Qrnhnm, who founded (Irnlmin's Mngnzlno In I'lillndelphln over forty years ngo, when literary j)erioll cnlswerofew In tho United Htntns, has Just taken his ilowirturo from tho Kjo and l'!nr hospital In Fourth nvcmtc, whero ho lino spent tho iinst four' years ns n imtlcnt undergoing trentmi'tit for entnrnct in both eye. Iln ro- i jolcos over tho Improvement of his vision to such n degrro tlmt ho can now resiuuo his carrcr ns a v rltcr. A f ow days ago Mr. Orn ham indulged In somo romiulsoenci of old times when Ornhnm'ri ilngnilno was at tho zenith of its success, and when l'eulmoro Cooper, Henry W. Iongfellow, IMgar A. I'oo nnd other celobrltles wero nmnng tho contributors to its pages. Kvcn then ho paid Longfellow very high prices for tho oems and souuuts which ho sent In monthly, such prices ns would ralso tho eyebrows of tho bards of today, nnd ho paid Cooivr nt rates which no living American novelist of this tlmo can command. On ono occasion, after ho lioil given Cooicr a check of four figures to secure nn unwritten novel, ho nskod Coojier to do him tho favor of opening tho llrst Installment of tho work for tho nmgnzlne, not with n long devcrlptivo pnRsngo, but with hoiuo Incident tlmt would sclzo and rivet tho render's attention, and lend him to seek tho ensuing Installments In other numbers ot tho mngnKliio. Coojier agreed to do so. In tlmo tho roll of manu script for tho llrst month enmo to hand; it was wholly descriptive, nnd Mr. Graham felt that ho was lost, but ho published it. When tho roll for tho next mouth camo it was of tho fwmo kind, and when that for tho third month camo it was llko tho two previous ones; mid not till tho fourth install ment and tho fourth month did tho famous author get nt his story, which was all un worthy of his name. It turned out to Ikj n lieay loss to Mr, Graham. Tho founder of Graham's Mngiilno ought to publish his reminiscences of tho budding iieriod of American lettors. Now York Hun. THE YOUNQ PEOPLE. IlnrolMti of u llostim (llrl. A story of personal heroism has coino tc our knowledge which certainly deserves to 1m) told, nlthongh, for excellent reasons which cannot hero Iks htated, tho names nml precise location cannot 1 given. The other day, on ono of tho streets of Ilostou devoted to resi dences, n young lady a cultured, wealthy and "society" girl looking from n second story front window, saw n servant girl rim from tho opposite house, with her clothing all ablaze. It was tho work of nn instant to sclzo a largo sofn blanket and run down tho stairs, out into tho stivct, jiursuo tho fright ened girl, and wrap her in tho big red blanket, llomemlierlng tho furious wind, it was ono of thoso times when ft mluuto counts. To tho young lady's bravery tho poor girl owes her life, as tho street was almost deserted, and investigation afterward showed that tho clothing was nearly all burned from her body. Of her skirts nothing was loft hut tho bindings and a ragged fringe; her hair was singed and tho exposed flesh badly burned. It is a. pleasure to bo nblo to say that tho young lady did net ro cclvo tho least injury, If a slight strain of tho wrist bo excepted. Huston Transcript. (Inrgenusness of n Itojnl Nurse. It is somowhnt singular that tho most gor geously dressed person In all tho Spanish court should bo tho mirao of tho infant king, a comely person in face nnd form. Ordlnn rily sho wears n rich velvet skirt, with two broad bands of gold round it, n bluo velvet apron, also trimmed with gold, and a lxxllco of black velvet, fastened with lovely silver buttons, wh Icli ojiensonan inner bodlco of lino lawn with laco. Itound her neck aro flvo or six rows of coral beads, and sho wears long earrings of tho sumo material. A rich silk handkerchief is fastened over her dark hair, which she arranges Madonna fashion in front. For occasions of stnto thero aro other costumes more huuiLsomo as hundsomc, says tho chronicler, as any tho nobility wear. Philadelphia Times. Wedding I'reMeiits In I'ranee. Wedding presents hnvolicconio so gorgeous that people) of moderate menus aro afraid to send what thoy can iiflord. This fashion, started among tho frugal Dutch, of giving tho young couplo their household furniture and h sum of money to begin life with, hoi degenerated into a vulgar display of wealth. Tho French have a w Iser plan. Tho relatives mnko up a sum of money as n wedding gift and send it to tho irido's mother, who spends it for her daughter In jewels, laces or what ovcr wjems liest. Wo hivo had tho good sonso to nbjuro tho English wedding favors mndo of whlto satin ribbon ami artificial flowers, somo for horses' ears nnd servants' coats. Brooklyn Eagle. A Ton Aero Jrno. Ono of tho largest graves in which a slnglo person is buried to Ik) found in this country is at PJncknoy villo, Ills. A sluglo slab marks tho spot, but tho grave is about ten acres in oxtent. Some ytnn ngo tho deceased and his sous wero operating a coal mino over thero. Ono day tho old man went into tho pit nlono to iusjiect it. Whilo ho was in a ro mote gallery tho roof of the mine caved in and tho waters of a subterrnncau stream flooded the mine, It was, of course, im'ossi bio to recover tho body of tho drowned miner, so his sons simply closed up tho shaft and erected tho headstone sacred to their father's memory. Ed. Devoy in Globo Dcraocrut. Experiments In Cuttle llrrndlni;. Yielding to tho pressure put uioii it, the French government has decided to ngnin start a farm for tho purposo of experiment ing with the various broods of cattlo in tho country. A farm of f00 acres has been so cured at a place called Vieux Pin, and tho work will 1)0 carriod out by n commission consisting of the director of agriculture, tho director of horse breeding and several other oxperts. Formerly an establishment of tho samo sort was maintained, hut nftcr n tlmo it was abandoned. Chicago Times. An ICxtrHiirillniiry Incident. Ono of the most extraordinary Incidents in the whole record of lougovlty is reported from Pesth, in Hungary, where a loggnr, nged 61, tried to commit suicide by throwing himself into the Danube because bo was no longer ablo to supjiort hU father and mother, who aro 1 15 and 110 years old, resjiectivrly. When ho told this story, after his rescue, it was laughed at, but a police Inquiry showed it to Iw true. The family nro Magyars from tho oxtremo south of Hungary. Frank l.cs lio's. t A I'rimperiius Colony. Tho colony of Now South Wales, which has just celebrated Its centenary, has over 1,000, 000 inhabitants, U.HO miles of railway, i.'O.OOO miles of telegraph wires, neatly -10,000,000 sheep, l.WO.000 euttlo nnd SMW.OOO horses. In lbOUover f:i),00,000 worth or wool was ex ported, and tho annual mineral production Is about 16,000,000. Chicago Herald. IIki I nea (lolil Mines. A company has lieon formed in Peru for tho purjioso of searching for and working tho old luca gold mines, nnd also to open old cemeteriei, where it is believed millions of dollars utu bulled, Chicago lleruld. A T.lttle fllrl Appeals to Kitty's rnmlty lTlde. A little girl of Knickerbocker descent, la whoso presence tho family glories wero often descanted on, win overheard lately rebuking her jH't kitten for some misdemeanor. Hold ing pussy by her foni jiaws and looking her full in tho face, sho remarked i "I'mnshamed of j on, Kitty, for Mug so naughty; nnd Just think, your grandmother was a Maltese I" Uiiirnlo Courier, A Well Intenili'il Suggest Inn. "I shall Iiiimi to spank you," said nn Alio phony mother to her .1-year-old daughter. "You have Is-en a bad little ghl." Suiting tho action to tho work, as they say in novels, tho child was placed in tho pro)Kr spnnkorlnl Ksitlon, when sho squirmed around to get a view of tho maternal eyo, nnd observed! "Go it light, mnmma." Tho spanking wns jxistponod, Pittsburg unroiiicie. Kxperltiieutiil. A little miss of 6 front Unadllla, nn iv visit nt n house in this town Inst week, spent ft good deal of her time In talking to u pet cat, "Why, dear,'' said her. hostis after ft llttlo while, "don't you know tho kitty can't talkr "Oh," woh tho prompt reply, "I know they can't in Unadllla, but I didn't know but whnt they might in Oneontui" Oneonla (N. Y.) Herald. A IliieU of n Story. My little one was 6 last Milium r. I took her down to Haugor. She bud never seen nny ducks. One day wo wero out in tho yard, and sho saw somo. Sho looked ntthuut utliort time without siM'nklng, and then sho said: "Hnu'ii't they got long llpsl" lloston Globe. A Youthful I'liuster. My llttlo nleco, nged -I, recently heard mo remark to her mother that I Intended in n fow days to go to Little Hock tho stato capital on wimi business She I mmedintcly inn to mo nnd said! "Oh, Uncle H , when you ilit to Llttlo Yoek won't you bisy mo a llttlo yocklng chnlrf" Uoston Globe. Tough, A St. Albans -l-year-old miss had lieen naughty the other day and her mamma shut her up In n closet by way of jienalty. Tho llttlo ono nlternnteil lictwecn llts of crying and npienls lor freedom, nnd wns heard to say within herself: "I tell you, this is toughl" St. Albans Messenger. A Voire In the 'N'lldcriirnn. A llttlo boy was told that tho Itov. Mr. Go forth, tho missionary to Clilnn, would Ikj tho only Christian minister in charge of n dis trict having iih many jieoplo as aro in tho whole of Canada. "My!" he said, "won't ho bao to holier1" Toronto Globe. Not Ills I'niilt. Mamnin Jolmnlo, did you throw that cat in thu well! Johnnie Tndcod I didn't. I wns just hold in' it over tho box by tho tall and it wiggled looso nnd fell in. Washington Critic A I'nsslbln Inheritance Bobby (thoughtfully) Pal Father (Irasciblyi Ya'as, ya'as, what IsItT Bobby Do you think I'll boas rioss as you aro when I grow upf Texas Sittings. llnw Iln Hot 'nn. A half wltted fellow was traveling by rail way for tho first tlmo. Having tented hlm felf, ho did not seo tho usoof keeping ft bit of cardboard, so ho throw his ticket out of tho window of tho carriage. Consequently, nt tho station where tho tickets wcio looked at, ho had to pay. At his journey's end ho had to acknowledge that ho hud been "done." A few w eeks Inter tome men in a rnilwaycar l inge saw this samo man laughing f ininoder ately to himself In n comer of tho comjKirt meut. Thoy inquired tho reason of his mer riment. Ho replied by telling them whnt ho had sulTcred on his llrst railway journoy. "lint," concluded he, triumphantly, "Pvo dono 'cm this time." "Well, whnt huvo you doner asked his companions. "Why," replied he, "Pvo taken n return ticket, nnd I ulu'tu-golngback again?'' Cal cutta Times. "Oil, TI Level" f- .Trr , Anastasht It is Caspar's signal I I must disbcmblo.- Life. A Leap Year rilvllege. Sho sat idly watching tho empty oyster ihells on her plate, while ho finished the last morsel of cracker within reach. "Mr. Sampson," she said, with n llttlo blush, "do you think that young ladies aro Justified in taking advantage of their leap year privileges?" His heart gave ono great saddle rock bound, for sho was rich and ha was oor, nd ho loved her with that mad passion so common to this condition of society. Ho fer vently assured her that ho did. "Then, Mr, Sampson," sho said, shyly, "I think I would llko a dozen more on the sholl." New York Sun. On Ills flood Ilrhnvlnr. "Now, Tommy," said n Chicago lndyto her llttlo Imy, "Mr. and Mrs. Wubash are to dine with us this evening, und 1 want you to bliow them what a llttlo gcutUmuu you can lie." "Yes, ma," replied Tommy. "And, Tommy," cautioned his mother, "you uro to havo but ono plcco of pie, you know, and remember, w hen eating it, to hold your knlfo by thu hanillo and not by tho blade." Now York Sun. Tim Itrgiilnr Army, Oh, Lady (to Col. Wood, of Kentucky) Yon havo grown up sons, havo you not, Col. nioodl'' Col. Wood Yes; throat lint havo reached man's estate; thero Is Col. Tom, thu eldest, then MaJ Hob and Cnpt. Jim." ndy Indeed, qultu m army of tliouil Tho Evoeh. At tlio Itctrpl Inn. At Mrs. Ti Ick Scored's reception. She Did you mnungo to get mo somo nip per in that awful cruh mound tho table? Ho Yes, I havo threo frldl testers In my vest ixK'kni, .Hid some chicken salad in my handkerchief. She - Oh! jow good of you, -Town Topics. Ranson Carbon Light n BJLW"'PM1 i .., , ' ,i i' tieV. A "WOBDEEPUI IIYEITIOI, This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our officel25 H. 11th St. Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. Scale, 100 Ft.1 Inch. 8MITH STRICT. in a. X U 3 O u. 35 S is 3 2 l 3 o a 3 3 " 3 ! 3 II 3 I m hi 3 i It 11 1 in Z a. hi z CO 4 a aa ai aa la it 17 M ia IB 14 ia in l a a a a a i a a a a it a ia a u 1 3 VAN DOliN STRKKT. j The foregoing plat shows the location of "Knob's Mill," the highest dryest and most beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots are not high priced when their sightliness is considered; they are sure to be the homes of our best people, and will always be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payment WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DEIKAYS ARRDANGRROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five are sold. Buy now. McBRIDEStMELONE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK, i 1 i1