Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 24, 1888, Image 2

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    r niWKipip m mt i., , ,tw- i in ,-jkii i ci ,.1t ' ii. 1 1 ft4
IWT It natnrmdm
How In Act lllijiiir tiy flmiin Mnrrment,
tTrlmnro or Inarticulate Hoiiml A
Trnglo Olinptrr frnm tlm ICnglUlt 111
torjr of I.onn Ago,
ThntrnRlenl fnto of Lady Jnno Orey is well
known to renders of KnglUh history. Hhowiu
the j-rnnddniiKhter of Mnry Tudor, sister of
Henry Vllti nnil ofChnrles llmndon, DuU
of Burrolk. Hlio wns liorn nt Ilrondgnto,
Leicestershire, lu lft!17.
Doing pducntinl ns n l'rotestnnt, nnd pog
emlug talents nnd nccoinplMunontfl which
rendered her ono of tho ornnmenUot her sex,
tho Duko of Northumberland, by his in
triguoa, prevailed on Udwnrtl VI to namo hor
his successor to tho ICngllsh throno, thoroby
excluding ItU slstcru, Mnry mid Klltnlioth.
Having socttrel his purpose with tho king,
NorthnmlK'rliind married, in 1&V), his fourth
on, Lord Gulldfonl Dudley, to lvuly Jnno
Grey, then only 10 yenJB old. On tho dcmhio
of Edward VI Lady Jnno was proclaimed
queen nt Hlon houso against hor will, After
phantom royalty of iilno days, sho nnd her
husband wcro taken prisoners by Quocn
Mary, mid both beheaded on tho l'Jtli of Fub
ruary, IBM. All coiiteniiorary writers ngreo
tlmt Ijady Jnno Groywns singularly gifted
and nccompliahod, and of most.cngnglng dis
position. Lady Jnno reigned only ten days. Bho
met her fato with rcmarkablo flrmupm, mak
ing a brief nddrom In which sho confemwd tho
jasttco of her sentonco, but said: "I only
consented to tho thing I was forced Into,"
Aetlnc Itliymes,
Tho players being seated In n circle, ono ot
ttiem gives a slmplo word, to which each han
to find n rhyme thnt can 1m expressed by
onto movement, grlmaco or limrtlculnto
sound. Itus suppooo that six persons aro
wgngoil In this pastimo, nnd Utnt tho first
player propones tho' word bat; tho second
player Mauds up and rubs his shoes on tho
carpet to signify that ho is using a mat; tho
third plnyor no commences to purr or mow
like a cat; tho fourth makes a low how and
raises an imaginary lint from his hood; tho
ftftb, it sufficiently active, scampers about
she room, on all fours, llko a rat; tho sixth
goes through certain antics supposed to per
tain to tho Irish character, by which ho tries
to Intimnto thnt ho is 1'ftt; and tho first
player, who Is bound to llnd n rhmo to hla
own word, lies on his back and strotchos out
bis hands so as to lo pcrfccctly lint. If any
player speaks whilo acting his rhyme, It ho
falls to mako his actions intelligible, or it ho
cannot find n rhymo to the given word, ho
must pay a forfeit. Tho players tnko It by
turns to proposo n word, which should novel
joaslst of moro thou ono syllable
1 Wlmly March.
Oh, wlnily March I you aro too loud,
You do inako such a uolxe,
You frisk about,
Now In, now out
It's vrorvo than girls and boj-s.
Htorr of a Ntsrllng anil n Dog;.
I was onco sitting alono in a village inn
near Koulgsberg, sujti n Gorman writer,
with no ono in tho room, npparontly, oxcopta
largo dog, who for n long timo had lain fast
asleep, stretched en his sldo llko u dead ani
mal. Suddenly n starling mndo Its appear
ance, and jumping upon tho dog at onco be
gan n search for iloas, as wholo fllghUof
starlings may often bo sewn to settlo down
upon a tlock of sheep to rid tnem ot theso In
sects, Tine BTAniJKO and the poa.
Tho dog for n long timo gavo no sign of
life, but when tho flea hunter pocked several
times too vigorously ho raised his head with
an angry look, mado a sudden snap, and in a
moment tho bird had vanished in tho dog's
jaws. I was not a llttlo astonished to seo tho
j dog Immediately, without any further move
ment, lie down again on his sido nnd romnin
as motionless as before. What! thought I,
can the fellow have swallowed him feathors
and claws and nil, without onco biting him
But a fow moments after Sultan raised his
bead again, and with n look at mo which
eemed to "claim my approbation, ho opened
Ida mouth, nnd out flow tho starling, well
aad cheerful ns ever, and after taking a tri
umphant flight through tho room, ho again
settled down on tho lazy dog and pursued his
chase, Tho people of tho inn told mo after
ward that this clever trick lyns not then jor
formed for the first time, but was ot fre
quent occurrence.
A Wnril About Gem Jewel 17,
As is always tho caso when jowolry is fash
ionable, diamonds are In active demand, and
the consequence Is a (treat deal ot tho jewelry
now seen Is set with thebo goms. Tho In
creased use of diamonds, howover, doca not
appear to offset tho iioimlarlty of colored
geflu and fancy stones, but hyacinths, tour
nallnes, jargoons and beryls continue to
plea so with their effectivo hues, whlcis afford
a wider scope for design and add variety to
Mrto&al oruawMttv.
flr.n. llnrnoy Tried In Vnln In rrnetlcn
Wlnit Iln l'rrurliril.
Tho following utory In told of Ocn. Har
iioy, when lin wns lu coiiunfliiJ nt Cnmp
Vonlo, Tox. Ho wn nn intointoly dignified
ofilcor, mill If tlioro wns tino'tliltiji Im detected
mom tlinu miotlior It wns undlgnlllod linnto.
Ono ovcnlng. Jut an ho wns nlmut to hold
tin imriulo, hit Kinolvcl Hint ho Imil for
gotten Id handkerchief, nml nn thowenthor
wns very hot, ho said U hi ordorlyi
"do to my uunrtoni, quick, nml hrlng my
Tho orderly touclW hi enp mid slnrted
for tho quartern, wvornl hundred ynrdsdls
tmit, After ho hml proceeded n Miort ills'
tmico, rciiirinlmrliiR tlmt there wns notlmo
to low, ho hroko Into n trot,
"Boo tlmt d d scoundrel running nn It
tho Inilliiim wcro nftor him. If tlioro Is any.
thing I hnto It Ik to eo n soldier running in
Mood of marching proorly. Hero, my
innii," continued Hnrnny to nnothor coldlcr,
"ro nftor that nmti mid toll him to walk."
Tho nocotiil soldier stnrtcd nftor tho first,
but its tho first kept on running, tho second
ono unw hi only ehnnooto deliver thomcfl
ungo wna to hurry up, no ho, too, hroko Into n.
run. To ny tlmt llnrnoy mvoro in to lino a
mild expression,
"Hero, sorgennt. ro nftor thnt mini nnd
toll him It ho don't "top running I'll hnug
him up by tho thumbs."
Tho Horgcmit stnrtcd out on n brisk walk,
hut n his prodmwior hml n good start, ho,
Urn, ltcgnti to run nn hnnl ni ho could.
"If nil tho throo scoundrel nlu't running
ItkoJnckrnlililUI" ojnculntwl llurnoy. "I'll
chow 'cm," mid tucking hi sword titular his
arm, ho Mortal in pi I run it nt fnst nn ho could
run, hut suddenly rcmomlicrlng IiIh dignity,
ho emtio to a halt, mid wnlkod Mlllly Imck to
tho plitco whom tho drew parade wiui to conio
otT. Toxmi Hitting.
raliUn'n ,lnkn Nut Apreolnteil.
Fabian, n Now York elocutionist, nnd tho
Humphrey street church iteopla of Now
Hnvcu nro "out." When Fnblnit mounted
tho platform tho other evening to deliver ft
humorous lecture, n lioy, apparently from n
telegraph nlllco, enmo forward nnd hntided
him whnt was npjinrcutly n dlpatch. Ho
nervously hroko tho seal, mid, unfolding tho
pnior, thrust his hand to his head lu n
drmuatia wny, ns It tho content wns vory
bad now. Gradually ho grow pnlo nml his
oyes glnssy; ho staggered nnd renchoxl out
f or taio-ort, Bomoottho fomnlo jtortlon ot
tho nudlenco iKvamo so oxcltc! hy tho tiows
ho had evidently received that they bocomo
hysterical. Finally, Fabian stopped forward
and lit n volco tilled with emotion snidt
"My friends, I have received very bail
now. You will oxcuso my seeming Hlnos,
but Mirhaps tho mossngo will oxplnln it.
With your consent I will road It."
Amid tho whispered sympnthlos of his
hearurn ho continuedt
CmoAoo, Feb. 23.
To Klnnnl I'ntitan:
Fnnnlo' Mums ho taken a fatal turn. Tlicni
Is no 1ioh). One foot Is already In tho gravo, and
vro hoa to get tho cemetery enlarged so that slot
may get tho other ono In to-morrow.
Then ho braced up nnd laughed loudly to
assist his audience in quickly appreciating
tho point ot tho Joke, Hut tho nudlenco
didn't lnugh, nnd tltoy gnvo Fabian a cool
reception during tho remainder of tho oven
lug. Hartford Timos.
Henntnr Cullnm's Htory.
This reminded Benator Ciillom of tho posi
tion in which nn old Texas pioneer found
himself onco. Ho was fond In his latter day
ot boasting ot tho "good old times," refer
ring to tho dnys ot tho old colonists.
"Why, sir," exchiimed tho pioneer to somo
friends. "I was onco offered 11 leaguo of land
for a pair of old booUl"
"Didn't you tnko ltl" bo wns nskod.
"No, sir; I didn't."
"l'oor land, I reckon."
"Why, bless your henrt, sir, it wns tho best
plcco of land outdoors grass flvo feet high,
a clear stream of wnter running through it,
nnd nn nndovoloped silver initio in 0110 cor
ner 1"
"And why in thunder didn't you mako tho
"llocouso," snld tho old man lu n regretful
tono of volco "because 1 I didn't have tho
boota," Washington Cor. Now York Trlb
uilo. 11111 Xyo' Autograph.
"Yes," snld Hill Nye, "tho autograph poo
plo purxuo mo with somo nv Lilly, but I'vo
Just got tho best of ono of them in rather n
rcmarkablo wny, Whilo nt Omnlin I re
ceived a registered letter, inclosed with a
lotter from my wife. When I opened tho
registered lotter I found it read something
llko this: 'My Dear Sir I have very much
desired your nutogrnph, but feel thnt you
havo so many applications of tho kind that
you would not comply with my request if put
In tho ordinary way. I have therefore reg
istered this letter, knowing that you will re
ceive it, nnd thnt you will Im forced boforo
receiving it to sign tho receipt, which will
be forwarded to me. Thanking you in ad
vance for your kindness in furnishing mo
tho desired nutogrnph, I am, etc.' I wonder
what that man said, when, Instead ot my
signature, ho found that of Mrs, Nyol"
Omaha World.
A Story of Jo Jefferson.
Whon Jefferson was playing his famous
part of Rip Van Winkle during nn ongago
ment at St. Louis ho ono night wont to tho
theatre tired by n long day's journey. Tho
curtain roso on tho third net and disclosed
him deep in his twenty years' nap. Fivo,
ten minutes elapsed, but ho did not awnko.
Tho nudlenco grow impatient. At length tho
gallery wnxed uproarious and yelled their
delight nt ono of them inquiring "if thoro
wnn going to bo nineteen years moro of this
sleeping husircss." Still Jcffersor slept on
and nctunlly snored. Opening a smnll trap
door bononth tho stage, tho prompter prodded
Rip from below, only to soo him fumblo in
his jiockct for nn imaginary railwny ticket
and hoar him mutter, "Going clear through,
conductorl" Of courso this brought down
tho house, Philadelphia News.
What Ills Line Was.
Whilo traveling in Franco lately, M. do
Lossops happened to bo placed in a compart
ment with two commercial travelers, who
did not know him. Tho two "drummers"
found that ho had traveled much, and fancied
that ho belonged to their fraternity. "Dog
pardon, sir," said ono ot thorn finally, "but
nro you not a traveling man, tool" "Cer
tainly I am." "Wo thought so. Whnt is
your liner1 "Isthmuses," snld M. do Los
sops. "Wh-wh-whatt" asked tho puzzled
drummer. "I am Introducing ship cnnnls,"
said do Lessens. Tho commercial travelers
feared that thoy had fallen in with a lunatic,
bat when do Lessens made hlmbclt known
they wcro much delighted with tholr distin
guished fellow traveler. Now York Com
mercial Advertiser
A Good Kxnnip!,
"That tV5 I loaned you soma timo ago,
Fledgely," observed Robinson, "sots a goal
examplo to Christians."
"Er-yes," replied Fledgely, with on em
barrassed laugh. "How bow's that!"
"It keeps lout so well." New York Buu,
Tltn Carrier I'lRnon Hnr-rlen I.otiR I'llglit
mill Quirk Tlinn of Onrrlor lllnli.
Tho pigeon known ns Borvla wns storied In
n rnco from Wnshliigtoii to llrooklyn, N. Y.,
nltottt three year ogo, mid, instead of com
ing homo, ho How on board th6 C'unard
steamer Korvin, Max Ktder, tho chief engi
neer of tho steamer, cnught him nnd carried
tho bird to Liverpool, where, Uion nrrlvnl,
hottnit tukuii to tho homo of Sir. I-.ldcr, in
tlmt city, Hy tho merest necldent somo
mciulr of tho family (Uncovered tho nnmo
of "Mr. Itonde, Urooklyn," on n light tng
fastened to tho plgoon, On tho noxt weste
ward trip of tho Hervln Mnx Klder brought
tho bird with him, nnd handed it over to M.
11, Mngulro, who restored tho lost pot to iU
owner, Mr. Hondo, who How him tho follow
ing year In nil races up to COO lulled. Then
Jlr. Hondo mid Mr. Mngulro mndo n match
to lly two birds ench from Montgomery, Ala.,
homo, mi nlr lino dlstnnco of HOC mllcti. Mr.
Kendo limited na hln representative tho
jilgeon Bervln, iinmcil nftor tho big ship, nnd
Mnx Klder, limned in honor of tho engineer.
Mr. Mngulro entered tho bird Governor Hill
nnd Mayor Whitnoy. Tho result of tho rnco
was that Governor Hill mndo tho trip In ten
nudnhnlt day. Mayor Whitney wns thir
teen ilny coming) Max Elder sixteen and n
hnlf ilnyn. After lnjlng liberated tho Hervla
flow about Montgomery for nomo days nnd
finally dlwippcnrcd. Ho vrnn shot tho follow
ing Hpring id South Carolina, and tho tng
was ngnln uxoftil, for tho man who slaugh
tered him was conscience strlckou nnd sent
word of Horvln's death to his owner.
Sex nml Hare.
A constant render has put tho following:
"Tho Fourteenth amendment U tho Federal
constitution, section 1, sayst 'All ersotis
horn or naturalized in tho United States, nnd
subject to tho Jurisdiction thereof, nro citl
tons ot tho United Htatcs, nnd ot tho state
wheroln thoy resldo. Boctlon 1 of tho Fif
teenth nmoudmout to tho constitution pro
vide thnt! 'Tho right of tho citizens of tho
United States to voto shnll not lw denied or
nbridged by tho United Statcn or tiny state,
on nccouut of rnco, color or previous condi
tion of sorvitudo.'" Is not "rnco" "synony
mous with "sex," when referring toinnnkindl
Webster doriiies "citizen" m "n pomon, nn
tlvoor nnturnllzed, of cither sox, who is en
titled to full protection, in tho oxoiclno nnd
enjoyment of tho socalled prlvuto rights,"
Now toll mo, If you please, why Riilirugo Is
dentod to nny fomnlo cltlon of tho United
States, In contradiction of tho foregoing con
Btltutiomil provisions, and obllgo."
"llneo"U nof'sox." Tho coiiHtitution is
not interpreted with that tmderstnnding
Menu Hun anil I.11111I T.etet,
Tito mean holght of tho land nbovo sen
lovol, according to Mr1. John Murray, is O.'-ViO
feet, mid thomontidopthof thoocennis 1'2,4'M
foot. Only 2 per cent, of tho sen is included
iusldo n depth of 600 fathoms, whilo 77 per
cout llos botweon 600 nnd 3,000 fathoms. If
tho laud wcro filled into tho hollows, tho sea
would roll over tho earth's crust to n uniform
depth of two miles.
It would tnko, according to calculations,
0,840,000 years to transport tho w holo of tho
solid laud down to tho sen. Should tho wholo
of tho solid land be reduced to ono level under
tho ocean, theu the surface of tho enrth
would bo covered by nn ocoou with a uniform
depth of nbout two miles.
Tho battlo ot Gettysburg was fought Jul 7
1, 9 and 11, 18C3, between the Union Army of
tho Potomac, under Gen. Mendo, nnd tho
Confodornto Army of Northern Virginia.
under Gen, Lee, Tho forces present or closo
nt hand were about equal, each numbc.'tag
from 70,000 to 80,000 infantry. Tho bnttlo
wns won by tho Union troops, Tho Union
loss was 1X1,100, of whom 8,834 wcro kllbd,
13,713 wounded and 0,043 missing. Tho Con
federate loss has never been officially stated;
but by tho best estimate it was about 30,000,
ot whom 6,(KXwcro killed, 23,000 wounded
and 6,000 unwounded prisoners. Tho entire
number ot prisoners, wounded and un
wouudod was 44,000.
Government nt tho District of Cntnmliln.
It hns been asked if tho peoplo of tho Dis
trict of Columbia olect ollleers to conduct
tholr municipal nffnlrs, or are theo powers
vested entirely with congress nnd tho presi
dent) Who is nt tho head ot tho internal
government of Washingtou, D. C.t
Tho affairs of tho district, including thoso
ot Washington, nro managed by throo com
missioners under tho direct legislation of con
gress for tho lovylng and disbursement of
taxes nnd for nil public improvements. Tho
citizens havo no voto olthor in district or na
tional ntrairs.,
A French physician, Dr. Feltz, mentions a
curious apparent causo of lefthandodness.
Ono child In a certain family was left
handed, and n second appeared to bo so at
tho ago ot ono year. It wns thon learned
that tho mother always carried her children
on her left arm. Sho wns advised to chango,
and, hold on tho other arm, tho infant, hav
ing Its right hand free to grasp objects, soon
bocamo right handed.
A Foetlo Aphorism,
Tho lines,
Though tho mills ot God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceedingly small;
Though with patlonco ho stands waiting,
Yet with exactnowi grinds ho all.
May be found in Longfellow's translations
from tho "Sinngcdlchto" of Friedrlch von
Logan, under tho hoad ot "Poetio Aphor
isms." 1
Leap Year.
If tho year 1000 In not leap year whnt is tho
noxt leap year after lbOOl Will there bo a
presidential election in 10001
1001 is tho next leap yoop yenr nftor 1600.
There will bo n presidential election in 1000,
bocnuso presidential elections are governed
by tho laws ot tho United States, not by tho
laws of calendar makers and astronomers.
Unauthorised Curriers.
Tho question has lieen asked if it is ngninst
tho rules ot tho postotllco dopnrtmont for a
party to mako a practice of carrying sealed
Cnrrylngnnd delivering unstamped mall
subjects tho person so doing to n cnulty.
Slumbering FUh.
Dr. nermos nnd his nRsIstnnts in tho Ber
lin aquarium havo recently concluded inter
esting experiments demonstrating tho fact
that llshes sloe;). It is not yet dotormiitod
whether thoy are sleep swimmers,
lllg Worms.
Australia has somo giant caterpillars. Mr.
A. S. Olirf, of Sydney, mentions ono moth
larva abundant during tho past season, ns
being seven inches long, and specimens of
larva) of two other specie measure eight
inches in length.
Uet-lnnlng of Day,
Dny began at sunrlne nmong most of tho
northern nations, at tunsot among tho
Athenians and Jews, and among tho Romans
it midnight.
Wlmt the wspiiirr Hnjr of folks Who
Am Hoiiii'wlinl I'nimiii Gossip.
Word hns como of tho dentil of Lord
Ocorgo Qttlii. tho Inst survivor ot Lord
Uyron's schoolmate) nt llnrrow.
In hi private flnnucoM, King Humbert of
Italy hns long been following n policy of
economy and letrcnchmunt, in order to pay
off his father's debts.
Joo Hurt, of Wyoming territory, enjoys
tho distinction ot having. In tho courso of his
llfo on tlin frontier, killed ocr 100 hostllo
Iitdlnns, slaughtered 10,000 nntclopo nnd
nlmut 6,000 buffalo.
MIssKnllio Kennedy Is snld to Ik) ono of tho
mint successful rent cstnto agents in Wash
ington. Sho succeeded to the business oil tho
death of her father, nnd her office has becii
very liberally imtnmlriil.
.Tamos Russell Low ell wnsGOyenrs of ngo
011 tho l&l, Wellington's birthday. In n
recent letter ho snjss "Iliad tho mlsfortunn
to bo liorn on tho 2d, nnd thus to bo brought
Into competition onco a yenr with tho most
nuust llguro In our history."
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes hns long lecn
known ns 0110 of tho promptest nnd most
nmlnblo of correiondciits. No mntter htiw
trivial tho question or how impertinent tho
request of tho writer, ho Invariably receives
n kind nnd rcsiectful answer from tho largo
hearted ntithor.
Mr. ICclloy, inventor of tho pnctimntia
steel process know 11 nn tho Uessemer, died nt
Louisville, Ky,, Snturdny night, nged 7H.
llcHsomer applied for lotter patent on tho
pi docks In tho United States and in Great
llrltnln nt tho wimo time, but Kclloy wns
granted tho patent on tho ground of pri
ority. Isnno F.nnls, who died In Phllndclphtn re
cently, claimed to lo tho first man to enter
n lion's cngo In this country to put tho ani
mal "through Its paeon." Ho wns known lu
tho circus fraternity ns "Old Ike." Ho wns
n lion tinner for years, nnd nover met with
nn accident from tho dangerous bcnM under
his charge.
Thomas A. Edison hns Kent Professor
Jnmc-i Uicnltou, or .Mnplowootl, iN. J., 011 n
long hunt for n species ot vegetable growth
which will enable hint to ltitiko grent im
provements lu electrical nppllunces. Mr.
Kdlsott is sure that tho vegctnblo hits nil ex
iitenco, becnttso ho hns it in his pos&esslou;
but ns to where It grows and how to secure
it in quantity is tho problem which Professor
Rlcalton will try to solve in n two yours'
tour of tho globo. Ho will go to India first.
Dnvid Whclploy, during tho blizzard,
hitched his horso nnd crawled into n holo in
tho ground which had been used for n cellar
nnd stayed there nil night. Tho plnco was
only thrco feet high. To keep from freezing
ho whittled pieces of pluo bonrd nnd burned
them. There being n wooden floor nbovo ho
had to keep tho tiro low, nnd ho wns alter
nately Binothered nnd frozen until 7 tho next
morning. His hono wns nil right, nnd ho
renched homo, but wns completely exhausted,
but only slightly frozen.
Miss Ilcrthn Von Hillern, famous yenrs
ngo as n iicdostrlau, nnd Itctter known in re
cent yenrs ns a painter, onco spent ft grent
dcnl of timo in Virginia, nnd while there sho
liocnmo particularly attracted by tho plctur
csquo qualities ot n largo section of forest.
Ono day sho was thrown into artistlo grief
by tho knowledgo that this forest had been
bought by a lumber merchant, nnd was
sHedlIy to bo cut down and mndo up Into
planks. Such a calamity could never bo pcr-
mlttedi and after consulting her bank ac
cout, Miss Von Hilloru went to tho pur
chaser of tho forest and bought it oil him at
a rcasonablo advance 011 his Investment, nnd
thus saved it for artistlo purposed. It Is still
lu her possession, and remains untouched by
tho nx.
There nro n number of Indies in tho sena
torial circle who havo' dabbled in literature
nnd Journalism. Mrs. Aldrich, who is 11 very
bright woman nnd hns n family edition lu
11I110 volumes, is suspected of certain bright
nowsjmiicr articles. Miss Cullom, of Illliiol-t,
is said to havo written editorials for n Chi
cago pnjier. Miss Dnwes hns dono somo lit
erary work of n serious nature. Mlfs Anna
Chnce, of Rhode Islnud, hns , mndo Mino
vnluublu contributions to botaulcnl litera
ture, nnd is nli.o i flno photographer. Mrs.
Spoonor expresses her sentiments very benu
tlfully in musicnl compositions, Mrs. Whitney
hns written for n Clovelnud paier, nnd Mrs.
Illalr is tmi-l to lio writing n book
Otto, tho jioor nmd king of Ilnvnriu, Is, it
is reported, slowly dying, locked up in the
solitary cuitlo of Furstonried, nnd tho tlrm
conviction of ninny Bavarian ensniits is
thnt Princo Luitpold, tho regent who, thoy
vow, killed tholr mad king's mail brother nnd
predecessor, Ludwlg, is now slowly killing
tho present king, nftor wIiomj death tho
throno will revert to Princo Lultpold's fam
ily. Ro thnt romnntlo part of tho 6tory ns it
mny, it is certain thnt tho troubles of tho
poor young king will soon bo ended. Ho hns
abandoned his fnvorito pastimo of iieellng
potatoes, nnd jmsses his days at tho window
of tho castle, slapping his hands ngninst tho
glass, unconscious of whut is going on about
Among tho black hends of tho sonnto nro
tho millionaire Stanford, tho courtly John
Daniel (who looks llko Kdwlu Booth) ami
Senator Snbln, who represents Minnesota.
Sablu's hair Is jot black, nnd it shines llko
greased oliony. Ho keeps it well combed,
nnd his clean scalp shines through it nt tho
pnrt. Stanford wenrs his hair pompadour,
nnd his forehead is high. Chandler's head is
tho smallest in tho senate. Ho wears n No. 0
hnt, nnd his thatch is llko thnt ot n bndgcr,
decidedly gray. Paddock is whlto hnlrod.
nnd Dnwos hns hnlr of silver. George Vest's
locks aro straw colored, and lugtills' well
trimmed head is covered with iron gray hnlr.
His hair is thick and it is as long as tho hairs
ot n tooth brush, no keeps it well combed,
and ho has it cut twico ovcry mouth.
D. K. Jamison, ono of tho wealthy men of
Philadelphia, was n fow years ngo n poor
messenger boy in ft Qunkor City banking
Ann. Ono day ho went to tho head of tho
tlrm and snld ho wanted his salnry raised.
Tho grent man wns nstonished nt tho boy's
assurance "I told him," snys Mr. Jamison,
"thnt I Intended to bo bend of tho firm
somo dny myself." Tho Imnk president
thereupon told tho messenger lioy to show
his ability in somo way boforo ho indulged
extravagant ambitions. Jnmlson left tho
oflico, sought out Col. "Tom" Scott, snld ho
wasftjioor boy and wanted somo brokerage
buslnoss. "All light, my boy; I'll scud you
nn order," snld Scott, Tho next dny Messen
ger Jnmlson recoivednu order from Scott
for 5,000 shares of 11 certain stock. Jnmlson
took tho order to tho bond of tho firm nnd
said, "Hore's an order from 11 friend of
initio." From thnt dny Jamison's fortiiito
wns nssurcd. Ho liocnmo head of tho II rm in
timo, ns ho had prophesied.
Tlin IliitiiuliilKiiit Horn!.
It is said thnt tho telegraph communication
between England and Krnncoli disgracefully
bod. It is mi actual fnct thnt Loudon mer
chants send their messnges to Havre by way
of Now York, and thoy reach Havre quicker
than if thoy wcro sent from Loudon to Havre
direct. Tho Argonaut.
Finest : Production.
. . , 1 .
Medicinal &
The G. M. Jarvis Company
is located at San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, and
the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a region that grows
every variety of grapes known on the favored Rhine or on
the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean.
In this beautiful, fertile valley the purple, golden and deli
cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli
cious harvests of vineyard products are made their
Choice Port, Golden Sherry, Muscatelle and
and from the Rcisling Wine they distill the
Which is now the standard of purity and excellence in this
country. We were awarded
at Illinois State Fair 1872.
at World's Fair, New Orleans.
We have taken Seven First Prizes, and have in our
possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California.
The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have
submitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis
and find no adulteration, no fusel oil. It is a remarkably pure
'irticlc "
of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Rcisling
Grape Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine good article.1'
The followinis n : he well-known Analytical Chem'sr
of Chicago.
Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses of your
Wines and Brandies. These tesfs show me that they arc not
only strictly pure but that they contain all the essential quali
ties so much admired by leading wine chemists.
Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col.
All testify to the purity, wholesomcncss and high standard
the Jarvis goods. They are known the world over and ha
become deservedly popular for
The goods arc always to be relied upon; prices low for
first class article and put up in packages convenient for all.
Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider
s a most delicious, healthy and nutritious, as well as the mos
popular, drink ever offered. Made from the Over-ripe Bart
lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. It wit
not ferment or spoil.
San Jose, Cal. 39 N. State St. Chicago.
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb
Family Use
fA tfciy wmr-