U TS-' 'vnrs-1 CAPITAL CITY COURI ER ' tr 'k Vol.. 3. No. 1G Lincoln, NicnuAsicA, Saturday. Makoii 2 4, lays - Pricic Fivix OreNTS -ft Apt f- Vj i I ! if THE IMS'JMATEUNLTY. NOTESREGARDINGTHENOBLEORDER AVImt I Ili'liiR Done t Ileum mill Aliromt In llto I. II. 0. 1!. A groat ninny porsons who havo erroneous Ideas regnrdlng tho noblo order of Elks nro invited to rend tho follow (tig from tho Spring field (Ohio) Sunduy AVic of 11 recent ilntot Tlia general publlo jiorhnps (loos not ade quately understand and appreciate tho noblo onlor of Elks. Thcro is n tenacious error of opinion In tho liellef Hint It Is In soino wny or degree n lrnnmtlc order. This la nittruo hut tho iHillef nrises from tho fnct thnt In tho ear ly history of tho order ineniticni of tho dra matic profession prodotnlintod In numbers. Hut In tho Inst seven years tho onlor lms grown with wonderful rapidity nnd Is now tho lending social order of tho United Stn'oi, Tho geutlciuen'M mid Indies1 social sessions nro eminent nnd admirable features of the Elks, nnd thoy Imvo proven univeiviilly ki ulnr nnd successful. Today, oqieelnlly west of tho Alleghanios, tho order of Klks cmbruc cs In It ranks tho llower of tho business nnd professional men of every city. Tho mottoes of tho Klks nro: Charity, Justice, Brotherly IjOvo nnd Fidelity. Its bonovoleneo is prince I y, and In strict conformity to tho scriptural Injunction tat not tho left linml know v hat tho right hnnd doeth. All Knight Templar Masons who cuter tho order of Klks nro at onco Impressed with tho beauty, the spirit, tho strength nnd solemnity of tho obligation, Tho order of Klks is founded in American mnuhood, and Its ties arc as close and strong as fraternity can mnko them. Sprlngilfld Lodge, No. fit, H. P. O. K., has douo well In establishing a standing eomtnit teo to whom ull names for mcmlc-isliip shall lie presented lioforo proixwltlons or applica tions are taken. Tho duty of this canvassing committee, will bo to canvass tho opinions of n majority of tlio members of tho loJgo ns to tho merits nnd deslrublllty of a candidate. If tho canvassing committee llnd an uufnvora bio opinion tho candidate's application is not taken. If favorable, his application is re ceived ami ho is ballottcd uiou. Hy menus of this canvassing commlttce,uudesirnblo names nro not presented to tho lodgo for notion, find tho unpleusunt duty of rejecting a candidate s avoided. KI.K NOTKS, Six applications wero inadu before tho last meeting. D. D. Mulrnnd A. I). Miner were lniuted Into tho flrst Thursday evening. W. S. Huffman was appointed regular cor respondent for foreign papers that publish Elk notes. Coinmltteo on constitution and by-laws wero given further time and will roport at I next communication. Messrs. Mulr r.nd Minor tako their second I Monday evening. A number of others nro also expected to show up for honors In both degrees. Trustees woro authorized Thursday evening to secure prominent lodge nnd club rooms anil wo nro told thoy havo one of tho finest loca tions in tho city In view. Regular communications hereafter will be held Monday Instead of Thursday, There being usually some attraction nt tho opera hnuso or social entertainments in tho city on Hint evening, tho chango was deemed advis able. Tho Snctal Session, n Journal recognized ns tho olllcinl organ of tho Klks, Is represented in Lincoln by S. lluirmnn, their corros IKimlcut, who will receive and receipt f"r subscriptions. Kvery Klk should lie n sub scriber, as It is the, only organ recognized by tho grand lodge It contains complete re ports and general news to Klkdom that proves interesting to all. Oricutnl Politeness. .Tlio Gazetto do Franco publishes somo curl cas notes upon tho ctiquotto of tho cant. Hero to tho Turkish form of an invitation to dinner: Mv OcNEnors Mabteii, Mr rtEspECTED Loan This ovcnlug, if It pleases Allah, wlieu tlio great king of tlio anny of stars, tho Mm of worlds, ap proaching tho kingdom of shades, shall put his foot Into tho stirrup of speed, you are Invited to enlighten us with tho luminous rays of your face, which rivals tho sun. Your anlvnl, lllo tho zephyr of spriug, will drlvo away from us tho somber night of solltudo nud isolation." And hero is tho formula for an Invitation to a soiree or rakl party: Mv Norms and ItEsrccrtD TitiEND This even ing when tlio slvery bark, tho moon, now four, teen days old, shall Hoot upon tho surface of tho bluo sky, spreading around lovo atid tenderness, wo shall bo reunited nt tho vlllogo of ltourollf. nissar In tho placo called Hozlctf-Mollah, a local ity full of delights, and all tho ulfcUt until tho awaking of tho dawn wo thcio shall tastotho Joys of dry water and wet tiro (eogtiuo and rnkt). Wo will not admit of a delay of tho thickness of a hair. May tho power of sails nnd oars hasten your arrival, w hlch will bo a sourco of Joy f or all your friends. A Young Lover's Confession, "Darling," ho whlsiiered softly in tho hush of tho twilight, whilo tho blondo head had nestled down on his shoulder and tho fair cheek flushed beneath his kiss, "do you know that I deceived you onco wilfully and wick edly!" A muffled oxclomation of dissent escaped from tho region of bis coat collar, and ho continued: When you told mo long ngo In tho moon light that you could never marry a man who had corns, I led you to think I had none; but it Is fulse. I havo a corn a smnll ono. It is ou my little too. It doesn't troublo mo any. Dut now I suppose I must bid you furowcll forover, and sadly go from your sweet pres ence." 'Yes, go," sho said, In n firm, Bad tone, "Go to-morrow to tho nearest chiropodist, and novcr let this painful bubject bo men tioned between us again." Now York Sun. A Itudo Awnhoiilnir. Sho had been rhapsodizing about Browning tor nearly un hour to young Sir. Waldo, and as sho sat there In tho flickering llrelight, shading her oyes with ono bhapely hand, ho thought ho had novcr teen a fuirer picture. Sho was nbout to go ou, when her Httlo brother opened tho door. "Pcuolopo," ho said, "can't I hnvo somo of them cold beans you put away to cat uf tor Mr, Wnldo goes homol" Now York Sun. Many old soldiers who had contracted chronlo diarrhoea, whib in tho service, havo since Ixxjn ermauontly cured of It by Chum berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dmrrhoi'tt Reme dy. For sale by W. J, Turner. MR. MAHLER HEARD. FROM. Itrgntdlug Another VMt to Lincoln unit the l'rospcctlve Oiiuolnu dun. Ill a recent Issue of TukCouuikh under tho head of "Mcdltntlvo Musings" several nrn graphs woro devoted to tho subject of another spring term of dancing under tho tutorship of .Mr. .Jacob Mahler, Tho professor's eye, It seems, caught the Item referred to and in an swer nddressesTiiK CouuiKit on tho subject. From hts letter we quote the following: "Ilellevome,Iupprcelatoyour kind remark IiiTiik Coi'iiti:it of March 10 and jolt are right In your surmises. I have n number of applications from various places, nil of which I iiiii corrcHMindlug with. Hut candidly sienklng, I prefer Lincoln, simply bceaiiHo I nm ncmmlntcd with almost overyouo and would not havo to work up new ucqurdn tauccs. While I do not euro to make any money hi Lincoln 1 would not want to losn any. If I came to Lincoln I would glvo tho short term of twelve lessons for ton dollars that would bo in Inducement to bring near ly all my old pupils hack, together with as many new ones, If tho people of Lincoln want mo to return, I would come If giinrahtcril llfty pupils twenty-live ladles and gentlemen ami twouty-llvu children. Of course this Is it small number, but If I can visit Lincoln mid pay expenses this sensou ' would ho suttsllcd. Mrs. Mahler and ltimallndaro enjoying best of health, With kindest regards to our friends, I ntn yours truly, .Iacoii.Maiii.i:ii." Ht, Units, March II, lw.sS. Of Mr, Mahler's ability as a successful In structor there Is no need to siieuk, for in Lin coln's most accomplished society wo llnd n mnjorlty havo received their knowledge of dancing from him. He is without exception tlio most successful teacher that ever visited this city, and while every attempt iniiiln by rivals has failed, Mr. Mahler's efforts have al ways lieen brilliant successes. As n society gentleman, ns a master of ceremonies, as an entertainer and its an liistructoi , ho certainly is well versed nud presides in u manner that nirords everyono pleasant entertainment. Many of his old scholars havo slgulllod their intention to return nnd ninny now ones have expressed n desire to become members of tho class. Tho prospocts now look bright for Mr. Mahler's return. Tho number ho asks ns n gunrnHteo Is very smnll and if wnno ono would but take tho lead, more than enough names could bo had to uiako it u success, Tiik Couiukii can furnish ten names to start tho list. Now, then, start tho bull rolling. Satisfactory. Tho expression, "Tho wind blow through his whiskers," has been traced by n Chicago philologist to tho islo of Cyprus, where, n great inany centuries ngo, a gang of Moslem pirates had their boards blown into tho sea by a blizzard that got split by tho pyramids in coming over tho desert. Tho oxplnnatlon is considered perfectly truthful and satisfactory for Chicago. Philadelphia Times. A Mortifying Clrcnnistuncc. Miss Ethel I was so sorry to hear of your papa's failure, Clara. And is it really true! Miss Clara Yes, nnd for only $00,000. Mnmina nnd I feel too mortified for any thing. Toxns Sittings. Send it Stump far tho Ileclpo. A hod carrier mimed O'Fnrrcll had a nar row cscapo from death tho other day. IIo was carrying a hod of brick under tho win dows of Miss LIghtbrcnd'8 cooking school for young ladles, when an angel enke, ovolved by a inombcr of tho class, slipped from tho window whero it had boon carolcssly placed. Had It fallon upon O'Farroll doubtless it would havo killed him. Bat it wasn't thnt kind of a cako; it Just drifted out into tho Bunshiuo nnd eddied nnd floated nud danced away off into tho dim bluo ether, liko tho ghost of a thlstlo down away away away until it was lost to human sight. That's tho kind of cako tho girls in Brooklyn mako, my son. Had this paragraph happened in auy other town In America thero wouldn't havo boon a w holo brick left in that hod. Burdctto in Brooklyn Eagle. Neatly Trnppoil. Ablo Editor Trapped a forger, chf Good Job. Writo It up with a big display head. How did you catch liitnl Reporter IIo called at tho ofllco this morn ing and introduced hlmsolf ns a nowspnper man. "Yes." "Then, after ho got acquainted, ho asked mo to cash a chock for $50. I turned him over to tho polico." Omaha World. Makes Thlnci Lively. Miss Wnldo (of Boston) Yes, Sir. Wabash, I attended four weddings lust week, nud three moro nro on my tablets for this week. Mr. Wubnsh (from tho west) Indeed, Slim Wuldo, quite a profusion. I s'poso In Boston leupyonr makes a great difference in tho uumlMir of weddings. Now York Sun. The Arcade. Tlio cheniiest ladles' furnishing houso in tho city. MUNICH. THE GREAT CAPITAL OF BAVARIA. lis Numerous I'nlitrc ami Museums Art King I.iulwlg, of No ono who makes tho tour of Kurojio should omit to visit llavaria, ifow a sirtlou of tho United German empire. As n centre of art, in many rosocts Munich Is unrivalled, in proK)itlon to Its wealth and ixipiilutlon it Is not Buriwisscd by llerlln. Its kings, for generations, havo Ihh'u extensive patrons of all tlia lino arts, whether for use or ornament. Its extensive Royal broiiM foundry has Iksmi llk'rally patronized by nil nations. , Some of tho most costly works In broure for our own i...itry havo been produced at tlnvm foun dries, The hiagulllccjit bronze doors nt the east entrance to tho capilol at Washington camofrom Munich. Tho suerb work, In miniature bas-relief, In tin) panels of these doors of American history has lteen admired by all who havo seen them. Thu bronze str.t tiesof many of our heroes and statesmen now adorning our city parks in all parts of thn country came from Munich, Having a car riage at our hotel we drove to the works, and by jHillto attendants were shown through the extensive buildings. , IN TIIK IHtONZi: POUMIHY Wo recognized nt onco many of tho models of works wo hail seen In our country, .among them Washington, Clay, Webster," Everett and many others, several of them largo eques trian groups. In an outer court wo were shown the partly completed statuo of Chief Justice Taney, ordered by his admirers In Maryland. It was nearly ready for shipment to tills country. Here, again, wo learned u fact going to show rapidly our own artlstanre liei'lmihir ffiL-txm tutifi u-flti tli,. mnul .i,li.t, 1 nations who havo had a thousand yours of culture. Tho proprietor said that not m many works of art In bronze wero liclng ordered from America as our own foundries were be ginning toproduco works of nrt ispial to any in tho world. It wns ascertained that ououx tenslvo llrm In Philadelphia, by tho linporta- ' t,i.. ..! .1... I..- . ..1.II1...I I..I it. .iuii wi tnu in.-i, Bitiuisi iiiiKJr, wiw now lining most of tho orders thnt usually comq to them, that many of their best men hnd gono to America, where much higher wngos could lie paid, as tho great oxpoiiM) of shipment was avoided. TIIK MAXIMILIAN (IAI.I.EUV, Thlsoxtonsivo palace, now an nrtgnllery, stands on very commanding ground nt tho head of tho principal nvcuuo. Thcro Is a grand approach, by wide stono stops, from sales or tlio ornamental gardens in front. Wo fnillwl ft n nllfrmifwi fun Ivm nmi .uni-Ir ...I, On reaching tho marblo vestlbulo wo wero In-, formed that no visitors woro allowed to enter tho halls until they removed their shoes nud put on tho thick woolen socks which thoy fur nished. On entering wo nt onco saw tho pro priety of such precautions. Tho floors were Inlaid with tho most costly woods, showing tho highest K)llsh, and so slippory that one of our party suggested it would nuiko n good skiitlng rink. But a very rapid Inspection of tho walls of tho many saloons showed with whnt enro tho liest works of tho painter's nrt hnd Ixsjii secured topresorvo tho most celebra ted event In tho twist history of llavaria, These works wero not confined to moro battle pieces, treaties of jicoco, etc., but tho subject took n very oxteuslvo range, and tho beauties of naturo in her over-varying moods wero de pleted by tho most celebrated masters. Wo cnnio away with the Impression that tho kings of Bavorln deserve high pralso for their dovo 1 Hon to works of nrt. Hut this wns only ono of tho many collec tions, with which tho Bavarian capital abounds. Wo can barely enumerate a fow of these that wo visited without any attempt to duscrilio their art treasures: Tho old nnd tho now Pinakotocks, immense picture gnllerles, tho Nutlonnl Museum, tho Military Museum, tho Royal Gallery of Sculp ture, tho State Library, tho Crystal j'ulace, In tho botanical gardens, tho English garden, with Its many monuments, cascades, canals, Chinese tower, and n Httlo court near, with benutiful grounds. Tho public monuments are worth u passing nonce, especially tnoso or the elector Max! ..w..w, .., J ..IWOU W. .IIU KILT.WI .UIIAI- , inlllan, King SInx Joseph, King Ludwlg I., Slnximillan II., Schiller, Gootho, Shilling nud , LiclK'g. All these nro in tho most finished styles of Bavarian art.wh'c'.i Is pralso enough, i KINO I.UDWKI I. Wohenrd so much of this unfortunate princo wlillo ill Bavaria that wo will recall only n fow lucldonts in his life, not unknown to most Americans, This young prince had Inherited an extrav agant love of art. Many of his ancestors wcru dovoted patrons and having himself studied profoundly In these acudem.'cs, It Ix-cnmo the mania of tils life to surpass bis ancestors in tho splendor mid costliness of tho palaces ho built and in the rlclin.'ss with , lil.-li flwiv ' were finished and decorated. These at great extravagance ho built ou tho borders of leau tif nl lakes and in the deeiest recesses of tho Bavarian Alps, and ou thu tops of the ragged rocks. The criticisms of tho public caused him to seek to exclude himself in his latter days from the publlo and to shut himself up in his palaces. A Buvarlan writer bus translated for the benent of his Anglo-Saxon readers his do ' scrlption of the finest of tliebo monuinents. shaking its rattles violently at tho heavens, left by tho unhappy Ludwlg, Ho gives us a liko AJax. defying tho lightning. Tho elec glanco nt tho splendid custlu at Berg ou ono of , triclty, attracted by tho living liehtninc rod. mu hivpv bvivmiiu ui iij (tt lit Kill liluin, For It wns hero that tho wretched king walk cd out from tho inldst of the splendors of his castlo and drowned himself. It linpiiencil in f nit nmur ttfrif iifiiLfiiin it tltit II ! ! Id... tho midst of a Jubilee. It was ou a lH.nutlfu! starry night, the lake and the mountains wero ablaze with lights, and muslc,Kiiys tho w rlter, Moated sweetly on tho night breeze, but these winio fulry waters wero soon V) clo.se over his ' head, weary with u crown that had to many I thorns, ! Of course the people sjitsik extravagantly ' of the splendors of their king while they con-1 denm his reckless wastefulness. Wo read an account w hlch Is a seciiiien of their upprccl-1 utlo.i of tho eustlo of Berg: "Enter tho ior tnls, pass iqi vast passages and stairs, nmldst a bowlldornient of colors and gilding ami wood carving, tlio prowess and jintlios I of old German mythical times, transllgtirlng tho walls, pace the golden throne room and the vast dnngersnll, with Ih thousands of lights and then look out. Tho eyes of the ' unhappy Ludwlg must havo been dim with bitter tears as he, too, looked out for tho last time on tho glorious Northorn Vega, at his feet from the balconies of his falrv creation It is whlsjiered tluit eio ho could lo torn from that bentillo vision, ho made a violent effort to cast himself from tho battlements, aud thus nnllclimto his dismal plunge at llerg," It Is truotlint this king left many uoblo nrt treasures for his iH'opln, which Is but n poor excuse for tho extravagant debts left for thn tolling, Industrious nud Indulgent coplo to ilMmrgo. Home monarchs waste millions on war and am npplaudod. He sMnt millions ou art, winch llavaria condeiuiusl. IIIH AI'PUKCtATION OK WAtlNKU, The prlnco was ix great patron of the classi cal ojiera, nud lie never fa lol In his liberality to those W'lm had distinguished thimisolvcH as coniosirs. Wagner owisl his fame nlnioit wholly to icing Ludwlg,whn early dlfcovertsl his remarkable genius, and at great expense he caused his best oieras to bo pDrforuusI ou one of tho largest theatres In .Munich, at his personal oxcnso, that the public might Judge of their excellence. He coutlmusl his patronage of this great coniHser until his great merlin wero placed iH'foio tho world. Who that has heard lo hengrln has not Iksjii thrilled with the gran iteur and originality of his splendid ojicrnsf Well may thepeopleof llavaria dfclnnt,tpcak iug of the desolating warn of Kuioo by nm blliousnnd wlckisl princess "Midst all this crash of nations and fury of conlllctlng hosts, these noble in t tivasiires of a glf tod and mis construed king stand out as a beacon light In the storm of darkness and protest against it mistaken Judgment that would condemn for a small extravagance In glorious monuments ofiM'uco, while gamester mc-iinrehs and min isters havo wasted milllonsnud punlxhnl gen erations with the destruction of senseless wars." Skiha. lllll Njo n k IVtslinlst, I do not know why I should nlwnyg bo ro- ganieti wuu suspicion wiiorovcr I ga I do not present tho f.piearnuco of nmnn who is Bteciwl in crime, and yet when I put my trivial Httlo two-gallon vallso on tho seat of n (,cPot. WH"B room n big man with n red mustache comes to mo nud hisses through his clinched teeth: "Tako yer boggago off tho Mtttll" It Is so every w hero, I nologlro for disturbing n tlckot ngout long enough to bull mo a ticket, and ho tries to jump through n Httlo brass wicket nud throttle mo. Othor men como In nnd say: "Glvo mo a tlckot for Bnndolino, O., nnd bo dnm sudden about it, too," and thoy get their ticket nnd go ubonrd tho car nnd get tho best neat, whllo I ntn beg ging for tho opportunity to buy a pent nt mil rates ana then rlilo In tho wood box. 1 1 bcllovo that common courtesy nnd decency I in America needs protection. Go into an hotel or a hotel, whlchovcr Hilts tho oycthor nnd nycthor render of theso lines, nnd tho commercial man who travels for a big snu fuigo casing houso in Now York litis tho bridal chamber, whllo tho meek and lowly minister Of tllO GOBOol ITCtS n Wall DOcktlt room with A ft hlippcry elm towel, a cako of cast iron J Bon" n scnnoctca noil, viow of tho latin dry, a tin roof and $4 a day. Bill Nyo in Now York World It Depend on thn Uio. Mr, Sissy (who hns Just bought a yellow tnnnlmr nn n rrl nf tnlr fm- Ma llttl.. I,rl J " .. v.. .W. ..W ....,W UIV..I1I.I Aw, this toy is not very durublo, I fawncy, uw Titty Shop Girl (demurely) With proper cnro, sir, it ought to last you a long Ume, A Mexican Simko Story. A family in San Luis Potosi possessed a very lino rattlesnnko. Thoy had captured it by means of a forked stick when It wns a baby, and succeeded in domesticating it. In tho courso of years It grow to lie fourteen feet in length, nnd became tamo and playful, nover showing tho slightest symptouof anger wlinn lintiilln,! lw 1m ftltd.l..,, I.,. (t .... 1.1 not allow Its rattles to bo touched. It bo- enmo very much attached to its master, nnd would follow him around tlio house liko a dog. During tho recent storm in San Luis many of tho houses wero struck by lightning. Tho bolts wero falling fast about tho dwell ing, which had sheltered tho snake from childhood. Nobly determined to dlo for its benefactors, tho serient craw led up tlio out bldo walls of tho houso, and mounting tho roof it btood on its head In a iieriMiudlcular nosltlon for tlm m. nf iAmi .!,.,, t, A.i a i . . reduced to ashes tho noblo animal aud also tho houso, Thcro is no uso In letting tho American papers havo a monopoly of theso enuko stories, Two Republics. A Hint to Inventari. First Ynnkeo What puts you in such a good humor thu morning! Second Ynnkeo Pvo Just got my patent for my now patent ink eraser, I wouldn't tako f.10,000 for it. "Did you get n patent last year for luvent- i ingnniudellblolnkl" i "I did, nnd I sold it for $00,000, nud now I Pvo invented un eraser that will oven ro- j move writing dono with my own indcliblo ' ink." "What nro you going at next I" ' "I'm going to invent another Indcliblo ink ' mat can't bo erased with my now eraser. I tell you, thcro is money in this patent busi ness u you go at It right." Texas Sittings, TllO ljllldtfl tt T.dwrtln linv.t fitim.l ( if, tl,..ft advantage to buy dross goo.lsand trinimiiigs of J. E. Miller. His stock ibis season is tlio largest and fluent ever shown In this city aud his grand halo has caused all Lincoln ladies to wonder. Tho prices nro exceedingly low and the goods supojb ,u quality anil tdyle. TIIK Til KATIIlCAIi WOULD. A WEEK'S REVIEW AND PROSPECTIVE. The I'lelil of Amusement In l.lnroln, News About I'litjs, Aelors, lite. I.OTTA. t The people of Lincoln had the pleasure on Monday and Tuesday of hearing mid seeing that m vt charming Httlo queen of soulirclicN liottu, In two of her most (Mipular anil suc cessful plays, "Pawn Ticket No, Uld'' and '"The Little Detective." The former Is on. doiihledly the iMdter of the two, and Is prob ably tho best Lottn has ever npHared in. The play was outlined In our last Issue, nud as nearly overy one of the Cot'itiicu'H clientele was present repetition Is unnecessary, tattn retains all the piquancy ami charm of acting thnt has always marked her work before tho foot lights. NAM'VA CO. Of Attluir Itelmu's t'ointsly company, which will apjMMir at the Kiinko ou Tuesday evening next, the faw Voik ll'nri has the following good words to say: Mr. Reliau wrought a largo and brilliant Mrsl-class audience to an unusual pith of en Joynieiil by a lour-cnst farco willed "Nancy .V Co." The plce Is a rattling series of Inci dents, It Is admirably played, with such nil nilrable comedy iidjurtmnnt and such per fee Hon of detail In action, that farce was ur tually lifted to a dramatic cxw Hence seldom Nccntiou our stage. Mm, Nancy I hasher writes a play. Mrs. llruslier desires to have that play lllled for production by u man of technical experience. She sends the plot to Sir, Klefu O'lvlufo, pro foHslonnl dramatist. The play Is presentisl, accepted, about to lie plajisl. All this she does without tho sanction or kuowhslgo or Brasher, whr. follows liar; to Now York, where she takes rooms nttho Windsor. Klefe Ik In lovo with Grillln's niece and lives In Gilding's house. Nanoy wills there to see him and excites the suspicious of Grilling, lie ami Diana, his niece, follow Numy to the Windsor hotel, w hero they llnd her, as does her pursuing husband; and he not only finds her there, but finds her registered ns Sirs O'Klefe. This delights Grilling, who dislikes O'Klcfe, nnd does not wish him to mnrry his niece Diana. Nancy explains nothing, but asks u htiiciiKlon or Judgment until midnight i. r., till after the play Is played. Now, Grilling has a daughter with whom Captain Censellor, f thu United States army, is In lovo. O'ICiufe lioliw Renseller to outwit Grlf lings and Honscllcr helps O'lvlefe tu the same praiseworthy object. Finally thn naturo of tho Intimacy Itetweoii Sirs. Brasher and her ilrniuiitlo collalwrnteur Is innilo ovldent, all the droll mistakes explained. Into this story came all tho talent of Sir. Harry I lotto, who, us Mr. Oillllng, gave us another tysi of the humorous old man, In which niiioiirousiioss ami parental propriety wero most curiously bleiidisl. It Is doubtful if any other coiujmny in tho United States could have done what he did with "Nancy & Co.'," and tho prospect nro unit it win prove a "running river of merrl incut" for u long time. BOOTH-DARRETT. TheTwo Oreiilest TriiKfilliins or the Ag" nt tlit, 1'iiiiUe April lUlli. On Slonday , April 1, tlio chart for the Booth-Barrett engngcinent will Iki oitened to the public, tho signers of the subscriptions coming In for first choice of tho live dollar sent as their nnmesaro called. After that there will Ihi a few rows at four (Mints, nnd the remaining ones at three dollars. The flrst four rows In tho gallery will lm sold at four dollars, a few at three and the remain ing ones nt two dollars. NoxtSIonday tho subscription list will Ihj rc-ocncd, nnd those who hnvo not signed for choice of seats should do so next w eek. lids engagement will lie tlio grandest dramatic event In tho history of Lincoln, nnd will Iw highly upprcclubsl by Isith our own isxiplo and those of surrounding towiiK who will avail themselves of this, perhns the last op. porttinity of hearing these givutt actors In the world, The railroads will give reduced rates to turtles of ten or more. This has Imsmi ngnssl iqiou by all tho roads leading Into Lincoln. EsptK.'iul care will Ihi taken by tho manage ment of the Fimko to provide well forall out side parties who write or telegraph their or ders. Parties from out if town can have their names placed tqion the subscription list, or can order other priced senta by addressing Crawford & SlcReynolds, malingers of Funko's opera house. Sliss Gretchen .Marquette returned Wed nesday from her Columbus visit accompanied by her friend, SIlss SI cages of that city. Sir. A. C. Zelmer, tho Burlington's oillclent city iMissenger agent, wns on tho sick list Slonday and Tuesday. Slessrs. I lets & Sow cll,tho grocers received 100 bunches of Ixiuauas one day last wevk and Inside of five hours all were sold. This speaks w ell for the firm's patronage. Sliss Clara Fuuke is again "At Homo" to mends after n plcaaiit visit to her sister, Sirs. Harris, at Ord, Nub. The HiirlliiKton rijrrs. General Passenger Agent EmtU wns in the city Wednesday and it is on his authority we announce that Nos. 1 nud 'J, the Chicugo Denvcr flyers, will Ih put on ngaln ornia nently nejt Slonday. This will Ihj cheerful nows to travellers, for it had Ikwii rumored that these trains would not bo jut ou again. A Nccctsnry I'ouniliitlon. Eastern Man That's your house, chf My gracious! What does this menu I It stands on wheels. Western Sinn You wouldn't havo tho wheels on tho roof, would you I "But whoelsl Wheels, slrl What arc they fori" "Why, to keep out of the way of now bus! uoss blocks, of courso. Whero'd you como from nnyhowl" Omaha World. Tho Newspaper HUturlcii. "What kind of a writer ore you, Mr. Fake" inquired Miss Snyder. "I'm a posthumous author, my dear," was the self conscious reply. "What's that, may I nskr "Well, you Bee, ho rejoined, "whenovcr a prominent man dies I write fictitious nnec dot.w ubout bun." Judcc. TO "ONEOF THE GIRLS." What n lliltiult l.mly ttrndrr Thlnlts f u llecent (Ninlrlliiilliin In T linn ('llllllllllN. To'lNKof tiik Giuijt.": "One of tho girls" will please accept thanks and lies wishes of a strong adherent mid promoter of sensible doings pf young society aspirant. You deserve not only thu concurii neo of opinion but nlso the actual assistance of all your friends In your social sphere. All tho young men with good found Judgment will thank you by Imlng moro gallunt not only to yourself, but also toothers. This public display which some would Ixi society youths think necessary to gain favor nud prominence, partakes of tho vulgar. It hicks inai quiet, reitnisi iimucuunr which Is tho distinguishing mark of a true gent Io nian. I mean by "publlo display" the too fiequent use of carriages nud profuse giving lioweis, The plo and Immisllnto associate of these young men know they cannot afford such luxuries and consequently must en lerlalu a very poor opinion of their menial or commercial ability, They should I hi given a secondary consideration by the fair sex In society. This would soon bring them to their souses, A chaMrou should always accompany n young lady, unless the gentleman bo well known, when u carrlngn Is necessary. A pub lic coiivojuueo provciitsuuy nssuinlng on tho young man's wirt. The present state of so ciety Is such that nearly all should bo mis trusted until proven otherwise. Hoping your endeavors will attain tho do sired end, I remain a dcclplo of the R ni) principle, llessstfully yours, IC. G. O. Detroit, Mich., Slareh III, 18S3. Kxlemiutlfiic Circumstance. & Magistrate (to prisoner) You ssy, Uriels Rosins, that you took tho ham lccauso yoa nro out of work and your family nro starr ing. And yet, I tuujeriiinud you havo four dogs about the house. Unclo llnstut Yes, Mill, but I wouldn't arsk my family to catdogs, yo' honnlil Now York Bun, Tho IJvll nt rrormst Inn! Inn. Ho had Invited her around tho corner for somo oysters, to which tho young Indy did full Justice, and on tho way bnck to tlio houfo ho laid bare tho pltlablo condition of bis heart, "I am very sorry, Sir. Sampson," sho said, "but I nm already engaged." Ho bowed bis head. ' "I regret that you nro so deeply moved," tho girl said gently. "Ah, yes," ho responded, and his volco bo trayed gonulno grief. "I should havo known of all this curlier In tho evening." Now York Sun. A I'limonxMiiilly HUngy Man. "I think that Hlghflvo is the stingiest man ever crcntcd." "Whyf "IIo was recently sick nnd fell into a trance. His friends supposed ho wns dead and put him In a cofUn. Ho returned to life how over." "Weill" "Well.now ho's brought suit against tho undertaker liecauso ho won't take tho coflla buck."-Nebraska State Journal. A Dftllchtvil Audience. Amateur Actor I think I wus great in that death scene, Charley, Charley Yes, Indeed, old man. Why, when you fell back and expired, nnd your lifeless form was carried awny, tho applnuso was fulrly deafening. I never Baw such a delighted uudlcnco. New York Sun. Tlio I.etsvr IWII. Omaha Wife Nearly tlmo to clean house again. Husband Sly gracious I Let it go this year, can't you I "Impossible." "Well, I'll tell you how to fix it. Don't ctaiu house; we'll move." Omaha World, Iloioai 1 rlcnds. 4' . , y. s c- j: j Miss WnUish-DIdn't Sir. Waldo say to you as I entered tho parlor last night, Clara, l,Is that tho beautiful Sliss Walxishf" Clura Yes, disir, with tho aceeut on Uio "that," Scnbner's Slaguzlue, No lluiidul for Mini. MUs Biwtou Do you piny Hnudeli Mr. Chicago Do you tako me for an organ grluderl Bui lingtou Free Itvsu. Embroideries in fancy edgings at Oakley's, u & y. s v 1 S