Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 28, 1888, Image 8

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J. Vj-tiltir ftxptr o Modern TimM.
Saturday Evening, Jan 28th, 1888.
Tho Courier Citn be found At
Wlttdwir Hotel Now Hluml,
Cnpllul Hotel Now Nland,
doll's Dlitluit Hull News Miami.
-CIiihiii A I'letehor'N, 1110 Street.
A.T. I.oiuIiiVC'., 11(110 HI reel.
TtiaCintlintu NowsHtnnd, IIS (south lllli HI,
Kt'ltli llro., Ill Noilh lllli Htrvot.
1M. Yoiuttr. KKOOWreot.
A dveitlaeirutrcretiui'sled to unit In llicl
a nvormin early as possible, not Inter lliim loiir
o'clock 1'rlilny nrtcrnoon, its llio CointtKii
ocs to press thnt evening When ordering
jrour advertisement out drop tlm business
mnungci nenrd. Tho collector I apt to forgot
such orders, and oomplloitco Willi this request
will save in trouble and yourself nnnoynuco.
We nrodnlly adding to our list of subscribers,
iMiloyliiR n limn especially fur Hint solo pur
ww.ntid claim that usau advertising medium
the Count Kit I unoxeollctl.
Jlattcr and Furnisher,
U37 O Street.
Wliltebreast Coul nml Llmo Company.
Own sale nt ,fc Co's
Delicious lunches nt's Citfi.
Itemnnnts 1-3 tlio cost nt Oakley's
Clonks nt I -a price nt Oakley's & Co.
Oyster, fresh, fnt nml lino at Urown's.
Clokcn loss limn cost nt Oakley it Co.
.Auk your grocer for homo innile bread.
Smoke Cluti Room clgnr. llurr block.
Hlckey, Stevens & Co. VAX to IMS O St.
Kern & Roberts, dentist !S! Alexander Hlk.
Don Cnmeron, 1000 O street, for lunrliM
'OttkJey'ii ipeclnl Hide of Uiidarwmr Momlny.
"Trk-key &Co.,wholealound retail Jowolor.
Camel Hnlr Underwear TO) cts. nt Oakley
05 jxt cent, off on ull clonks nt O. R. Oak
fley&Ca. Hot rolls nml to biscuit nt tho City bakery
issvery day.
- Thousand mllo tickets for sale nt US Bouth
'lentil stroct,
Lincoln to Chlengo without change vlitxtho
1 Ttlkhoni line.
Oytcrs In every stylo, fine nml fresh, nt
Son Cameron's.
Oo to tho City bnkery for homo made bread.
Cor. 10th nnd N.
Try HuU'tiiiM & Hyatt's Mcndota lump for
-eienicstlo purposes,
Our Mny Loo oo clgttr U tho liost In tho city.
"Try It. Hurr block.
Canon City Conl again nt tho Wliltebreast
Coalnnd Llnio Co.
Largest lino of Key Went nml Imported cl
j;nnnt the Hurr block.
Hlckey, i-Moven & Co., 1MJ to 1SISO
xtrect, n'11 for cash only.
After tho club .wirtles, go o Urown's new
M for u delicious lunch.
Dr. Bailey, residence Thirteenth nnd O;
-ofllop. USJS O: telephone (117.
Hiuoku tho Club Room clgnr iniulo by Ha
vniinh cigar factory, Hurr block.
lleforo Insuring look up tho Mutual Llfo
.Insurance Coiunany of Now York
Doctor B. V. Bailey, ofllco nnd resldenco
comer of Thirteenth and O htreoU.
TlieMifouri Pacific rnllrond run f reo roclln
d ng chair cars on nil through tmlns,
Olvoui n canh oilier for ensh. Hlckey
fltovena & Co. 1M1 to IMS O Btrwt,
Hutchlns & Hyatt nmko a sjicclnlty of tw
onl hard nnd soft wood, cut to order.
Iloast Turkey, Goom) and nil kinds of meaU
ja t Don Ciuncron, every day for dinner.
Finest line of smokers' inoenchnuin nrticliti
t tlio Hnvnna clgnr factory, llurr block
Job lot of Children Scarlot "Wool Vwts
j n d Tante for 30cts up. Tills Is n Iwrgnln.
Bccuro somq of tho bargains In tho rem
nant sale at O. K. Oakley & Co's
Lots of RomuanU thrown out whllo In-
-voicing. Mustbocloswloutnt cost nt Oak-
Tickets to points In Kansas, Missouri nnd
tickets via Omaha on salo nt Elkborn ofllco,
115 Bo. lOUi St.
Tlio Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
York. W. I). Hastings, District Agent, 120
-uwuUi 10th btroot.
Prof. F. M. Oilentdt's Instructions are vul
iiablo. Btudlo in tho Ledwith block, corner
All sires of best grailo hai-d coal, nicely
screened and always on hand at Hutchlns &
Hyatt, 1040 O Btrcet.
llrown's Vienna Coffeo nnd Oj'btcr house in
bo opera bouse block is tho neuUt and nol
tilest retort In the city.
For all kinds of boclcty Htationery, such as
Invitations, programs, cants, menus ot. cnll
M tho CouiUKn onico in tho now Hurr block.
lletts & Bowell liaveirecelved n full lino of
Monarch California Canned goods. Their
xcllenco is known to overy lover of delicious
With prompt nnd courteous treatment,
Hutchlns & Hyntt solicit your orders for any
thing In tho lino of hard or soft coal. Tele-
' jplione 1W5
Go cast by tho St. Louis and tho Missouri
Yaclflc ruilroml nnd avoid all omnibus trans-
Jfers; nil changes made in Union depots via
this route. Chair cars free.
Veddlng stationery, Invitations, programs
nd all flue printing our specialty, Call and
moo specimens of our work. Wessel & Dol
Wns, 131 North Eleventh street.
Wiiiii'iihiU" Almut tlm Oily Amkiiir Itio
Miii'liilly tiii'llneilt
Tlm poftiHimnl riM'eptlonof tln Y. M. O. A.
lake plnro Wi-diuinlay rvenlng. The young
xop1o of Ht, l'mils will have charge uf tho
Wo undei-Hlnnd Hint Ml Ailn Cody,dnugli
ter of HulT'ilit Hill, Is creating ipillo n winxn
1 1 hi In Hoclely clriies nt Miini'luwler, Kng.
Her many fi lends In Lincoln will Im pleaned
lolonrn thli, and Wi hern miwt efijoynhlo
A plennnntgntheringnt the homo of Mlwi
Umcn Huolllng. corner BUteiiith mid Kim
utivets, wns enjoyed Monday evening, dnnc
Ing, cniiliilnylng, etc. Among thow In nt
bMiihinw wpiii MeKsrs. H. K. Henklo, J. V.
Putiinin, 11. II. Kingsbury, MInho Miiiglier,
I)iiiurowiind Bnelllng.
Mix Alex. Allen ruteitnlned n few ft 'ends
nt dinner Kiiilay oveulng, tho'JOlh lnxt.,c..,u
pllinoiitnry toiler tUter, Miss Helen Frnnck
lyn of Now York. Mrs. Allen's reputation ns
a luxtoM innkiM any further mention sujH'r
llunus. MlHsVruncklyn will pmlmbly sHinil
tho winter with her ulster.
Tho names of thoso who sjient n very pleas
nut evening as tho guests of Mltwcs llitttlo
nml Cuirlo I'lnnd, at their liniuo, IMS K
strst,iiie: MImnh I'hlc Hniwn and (lertlo
Mnnpietto, nnd M("rs Henklo, HelTellluger,
KlngHhury nnd (loo, McArthur, Tho even
ing wns miivhsI nt diiucliig nnd card.
MIks Hyers.who resides at tho ponltentlnry,
and Miss Ivitm entertnlmsl souio twenty'of
their friends on Tuomhiy evening. Tho time
wns very plensnntly sixMit nt dntuiug, cards
nnd other nmuKements. Those in nttcmlunco
were: Mltww Homeiind, (Irilllth, ltolMTtwin
Mornn, Jones, Hyers, Irvine, Tittn, Mivwrs.
CnlbertMin, Cnmorou, Olds, Wells, Altkeu
mid Temple.
Col. Hyde, the Jovlnl and whole wiutisl isli
torof tho AVic.i, renchtsl his llfty-uluth birth
day last Haturday, u fact ho hod forgotten
until ho renchod homo In tlio evening and wns
pleasantly surprlstsl by n numenms comany
who camo to bid him many returns of tho
day. Mr. llydo Is onoof tho pioneers of Lin
coln, and lias devoted much Unto and money
to tho advancement of tho city's Interests.
Mr. nno Mrs. K. I', lowing entertained u few
fiiunds at 7 o'clock tea on Friday evening,
tlm'.'Oth Inst., It being tho second iiuulverxary
of their wedding. Wo worn unable to obtain
n list of tho Invited guests; but It Is unneces
sary to mention that u most pleasant oveulng
wnssHiuL That Mr. and Mrs. Kwlng may
have many moro celebration of tho same
character, Is tho heartfelt wish of the CoUH
IKK. Woomlttod to mention in our last Issuo
that n very enjoyntilo sleighing irty was
given by Mr. l-'runk C. Zehrung, nnd Judglug
fnun former morry gatherings given by dim
we can safely say that those who were tho
happy particiiMiutshnd n most enjoyable Lino.
Prom the latest reports wo learn no ono vas
lost in tho snow and no ears were frozen.
(Ther. twenty degrees below oro.) Come
again, Frank 1
Wo ltarn the Thursday of tho blizzard, !tt)0
euttenreompoHod n sleighing jwrty of Omnhii
iVsiplo en route to Council lllulTs. Whether
they reached tho city U'f ore tlio storm has not
yet lieon ascertained; .but "Judging from the
Midden increase in IiusIiiokh nt tho Illulfs tho
next day wo venture tho remark" that tho ho
tel keepers mid liverymen have something of
n joko on Omaha. Moral, nover start out In
it storm; you cnu goto Council HlulTs when
you can't go anywhere else.
Several proposals havo already been receiv
ed by the "eligible youngmen" who so "mod
estly and with Ixishful hesitation" submitted
their nnmes to the Now Ynr's Joiuimf.
Many havo Ikoh cheerfully nccepteil, and
now comer lots are cheap (cash preferred).
Strange ns it may wem these proposals have
como from juirtles out or town (not tlio asy
lum), ono or two by telephone. Why do Lin
coln's fair lassies insist on liolng so mod wt I
Alnst VJ will como Wforo they will Ix'gln to
reallie what a grand chance they are missing.
I'livorlles of tlm rootliRlilsNow Hs
nml New I'lujers.
or a
Mr. E. T. Ilolierts is out again, after o se
vere ell of Illness.
Mrs. May of Chicago is visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. It. Dennis.
Miss Oiutclien Mnniuotto loft Wediulay
for u short visit to Asldand.
Ororgo McArthur left WislnoMlay for St
Paul to tako in tho Ice Palace sights.
Miss Oettn Hurlhut is homo again after a
visit of several mouths at Hod Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Camplioll, after a ser
ious illness, nro lotli nblo to lto out ngnln.
.Mr. Hnl Norton of Uiverton, Is enjoying a
visit of several weeks nt home in this city.
Mr. L. M. Tyler, the hnmlsome city ngent
of th6 Elkhorn, spent Sunday in Fremont.
Mr. F. C. Flake nnd wife left Tuesday, tho
former for St. Paul nnd tho lntter for Utlcn,
N. Y.
Mrs. It. N. Parks and Prof. F. M. (HU'niilt
toolf part in tho musical convention at Wav
crly this week.
Mr. C. E. Hoot of tho Journal, Is enjoying
n vacation in St, Paul, taking in tho ice jwl
ace and other sights.
Mr. J. D, Calhoun, editor of the Democmt,
was confined to his house several days this
week with pneumonia.
Hon. Jewo II. Strode is recovering from a
severe nttack of rheumatism which housed
him for alout ten days.
West Lincoln Hose Co. No, 1 will givo ono
of their enjoyable dances in Halter's hall
Homo evening next week.
Mrs. E. I. Thompson of Creston, Iowa, and
Miss Lydla Conner of ML Pleasant nro guests
of their sister, Mrs. J. A. Keith.
Mr. C, H. Holbrook, of the stationery firm
of Holbrook & Honbrlght, paid his former
homo, Des Moines, a visit this week.
Mr. Charles Ilercld returned Wednesday
a'ter having visited Now York, Philadelphia
and other cities for tho yttwt two wooks.
Mr. W. II. Hovoy, of Sioux City, arrived
in tlio city yesterday on a short visiL Mr.
Hovoy is Sioux City's opular dancing
Mrs, Westermann of Decatur, III., arrived
in tho city Monday to Iks at tho liedslile of
borson, Mr. H. T. Wehtermann, who has
been very ill with pneumonia.
MeKsrs. Georgo Tucker and John McMant-
gal left Tuesday evening for Hot Springs,
Ark. Mr. McManlgal will extend his trip
eastward, to Washington and other points,
Mr, G. 11, Fnucon, chief clerk to Suicrin
tendentTlioiniMn, returnisl Wednesday from
a visit to his old home, Hostou. A serious ill
ness detracUsl much from Mr, F.'s enjoyment
of tho trip.
Dr. 11. F. Hart, father of our jsipulnr phys
ician, Dr. C. S. Hurt, Is u visitor in Lincoln
Tho Doctor arrived Wednesday evening and
Intends spending several wisks to becomo ac
quainted with tho city, this being his first
W. W. Howlby, of tho muslu nnd nrt jmr
lorn in Slontgomery block, ivtll lmvo tho city
Feb. IS to tnko charge of the piano detri
ment of tho wholesale ami retail Iioiim) ot A.
Hnspo, of Omaha, Mr. H, has made many
friends in Lincoln who will lie sorry to sue
him go. John Croner will take his place In
this city.
Monday evening's attraction nt the Kiiuke
was Cora Von Tassel In the "Hidden Hniid,"
which cnlksl foith n largo audience. Tho play
Is an old ono, but lsars repetition when in
Mitch clover hands as the Van Tassel conipuny.
Tho shmjIiiI scenery was well moiiultsl and
milled much to tho Interest of tho play, while
the company wns, with iHrluiH one oi two
exceptions, very good, Tho pat t of Cupitola,
taken by Miss Van Tassel, was cleverly en
acted and her dancing most excellent. Hlio
Is n young act rivis, nnd altliough of but lim
ited stage uxperlenco bids fair to make her
mark in tho world. Tho character of Wool
by Young was undoubtedly tho Is-st piece of
work done in the evening. Ills negro 8clal
ties nro very good and he interprets the role
In n very creditable umiinor. The orchestral
music was it leading feature of tho evening,
tho several Hcloi'tloni being duly encored,
Monday evening th "Count of .Monte Crls
to"' will hoMMii nt the Fuuko presented by
Jnmos O'Neill and his sterling, company. The
cost liicludis such notable artists us J. V.
Shamion, Newton Dniia, Howard (lould, Car
roll Fleming, Mny Wilkes, Kate Fletcher,
(Irnco Haven, Mario Floyd ami others, nil of
whom will nppiur in Mr. O'Neill's own and
only correct version of this play. Tho scen
ery is especially Hue and the stage setting nil
that Is required to produce the ploco In Its
Ixwt mamier.
Scots nro now on sale at. the oporu house nnd
indications are that it full house will greet
Mr. O'Neill. 1
Next Wisluesday tho new management
takes charge of tho opera house and as tho
Initial attraction announce tho npicnrnuco for
two ulghts,Wcducsdny and Thursday ,of Aug
ustln Daly's comedy, "A Night Oir," which
was seen hei-o last season and delighted an
Immense audleueo ot the Fuuko. The com
pany comes from tho south, whero thoy hnvo
Is'eu playing it very successful waHou. Tho
Charleston 7miM of it recent date says: "A
large, very rellued mid highly appreciative
audience attended the performance of Angus'
tin Daly's favorite comedy, "A Night Olf'
at the oicru house last oveulng. Whether or
not tho recent earthipiakes hnvo caused u sub
marine upheaval of Hue artists we shall not
attempt to fathom, but will go ou to say that
tho manager has furnished tho local maimgo
incut with it regular overflow of lino talent.
There is no denying tho fact that the compa
ny havo rat.Hsl tlio storcotyxsl water mark of
traveling troupes away up to tho top notch,
and evorylxxly apicar to maku it it business
today to tell their neighbors how good tho en
tertainment was. Nothing so intensely funny,
m) rapid in action, so witty in dialogue, so
artistio ami mctroMlttun in every detail has
over been presented nt tho opera house.
There were no stuffed clulw, no red-mounted
K)ll'.'omou. no rusty mechanical chestnuts, no
syphon lizzies, no singing and dancing, and
yet the audience fairly screamed with delight.
Seats will be on sale Tuesday morning.
lloyt & Thomas' latest nnd most successful
comedy, "A Hole iu tho Ground" will occupy
tho boards at tho Funku Wednesday, Febru
ary 8th. As this is to lie its first presentation
in Lincoln It will undoubtedly prove a brilli
ant engagement.
"She" is a nig success iu Hostou.
Henry E. Abbey has his llfo Insured for
Charles A. Hyrno's book, "Dreamland" has
reached its fourth edition.
Joseph JelTcrson Wglns his usual spring
tour of ten weeks, March 18th.
Auule Plxley is presenting her now piny of
"The Deacon's Daughter" in Now York this
Miss JolTroys-Lowis made her flrkt opiear
unco for sevoral seasons In New York Mon
day night.
Joseph Arthur has written another melo
drama In which n sUs.d room figures as n real
istic fecturo.
HoWtH. Mantell is presenting "Monburs"
In Now England. A western trip would pay
Mnntell largely.
Madame Modjoskn will liegin it two weeks'
engagement Monday at tho Fourteenth Street
theatre, Now York,
The seats for tho Ban Francisco engage
ment of Edwin ltooth nnd Lit wi enco Uairott
will be sold nt auction,
John II. Russell has reached New York, and
says that "Natural Gas" Is a great big suc
cess. Ho oxpocts to produce it in 1hat city
Arthur II. Chase, director of tho Edwin
Hooth-Lnwrenco Harrett company, predicts
that tho profits of tho tour will reach nearly
Manager Palmer started a third ''Jim the
Penman," company out hist week. Agnes
liooth, AVnlden Ramsay, Charles Coghlan,
Alex. Balvint nnd Maud Harrison are In the
Frederick Wanle, tho tragedian, is npcar
ing in Richmond and Norfolk, Vn., this
week. Ho is at present making an extensive
tour of tho largo Southern cltta, whero ho is
very Kpulitr, and always draws largo audi
Miss Rose Coghlan is negotiating with a
prominent manager, nnd if arrangements
contemplated are completed, she will ls soon
ot a Hroadwoy theatre shortly in a linudson'o
production of Charles Coirhlan's now play of
Mrs. Langtryund Mrs. Potter, who are tho
bitter rivals of tho "social stago" met ou
common ground last week. Philadelphia,
whero both acted, produced soino amusing
coiuiK'tltion for public favor between the two
ex-bo'iety (pieeus,
Tlio Now York pnponi Imlleve that young
Hofmann, tho "miniature Mozart," will not
wo much of tho country this season. When
tho Metropolitan opera houso can bo filled
with enthusiastic audiences, It would bo folly
to tako tho prodigy out ou tho road,
Ono of tho features of "Anarchy" Is the
gory head which Corruc, tho blood-thirsty
anarchist, holds up to view iu tho guillotine
tableau, A nuinlier of sliuilur s)ecliiiens
stuck upon pikes were to have loon ued the
first night, but It was feared that the public
might get too much blood and they hnvo nov
er been shown.
NoniL'llilliK IteKiirilliiK tb Iteiiintii
I'riiMi I IK'li t Mercantile House,
III Ills new quarters Mr. Hallett, tho jewel
er, Is pleasantly welcoming his largo trade,
and he Jusy fisds proud of tho now store, Its
central location and the elegant stock ho car
lies, and we do not think It Iu Hie hsist exag
gerating when we say Mr. Hotlctt's now es
tablishment will eompnro favorably with any
similar one In the west. The new place has
lnsnelalK)rntely furnlshisl, rollttod and put
Into first class lmo, It Is the old store form
erly occuplisl by George Fitwell, and one to
enter it now would scarcely realize It was tho
same place.
Tho fixtures nro nil new uud of the very lat
est jMitteiii, the walls and ceilings have Iss-n
Is'iiutlfully ornnuienbsl, the show windows
made to look attractive to tho passerby and
In short everything has Iss'ii accomplished
that would make a first class Jewelry stow
what It should lie. Of the stock much could
lto sold, for It Is without doubt the nobbiest
and finest lino of jewelry that can lie found iu
tho city. It comprises o varied assortment of
flue watches, clocks, diamonds, Hugs, chains,
canes, bracelets, etc., and in tho large show
cass one ws-s nil that pleases the eye end sat
IhIIch tho ihwlro of tho purchaser.
It is now nearly seventeen years i.lnco Mr.
Hallett llrst established his business in Lin
coln, and since then has been continuously en
gaged In this lino. It would therefore seem
to tho average person that In catering for so
many years to tho public, ho hits certainly ac
quired a knowledge of the leoplo's wonts, nnd
with this fact Iu vlow there is certainly good
reason why Hnllott lias and does now enjoy
such a largo'trado and tho explicit eonlldonco,
from not only Llncolnltes, but Nebrnskans
Iu tho new store will Is) found n lorgor
stock and letter facilities for transacting his
Increasing business. Iu tho repair depart
ment, as heretofore. Mr' J. V. rutnain will
preside as foreman, and of his work (nitrons
of Hallett all sienk well. The engraving do-
INirtmcut Is nreiwtrcd to do all classes of lino
engraving In tho most nrtlstlo nnd chaste
mnnuer, such work ns monograms, crests, au
tographs, etc., living a specialty.
Iu watches, Hallett ninkesaHiecialty of lino
movements, which includes it siqicrb Hue
of tho celebrated Peoria watches. They havo
won n world wide reputation for their accur
ocy,siiperior workmanship and lino movement
and with each one the strongest guarantee is
given, warranting hem for years. In dia
monds Hallett always has taken the lead, and
as heretofore will show tho llnest nnd clearest
goods ot prices that everybody can itlTbrd.
it "tM ft" j3 ti
Northern Queen Wash Board,
Thoy arc put together strong
er, nnd made of better material
than any other. They work
faster, better and easier. They
last longer which makes them
cheaper. They save soap. They
save wear and tear of clothing
because the rubbing is much
Mr " m
Oi ,V5-sii
National Clothes Dryer.
I las 42 feet of Drying Rod.
Stands )2 feet high 2 feet
long, and is only 2 inches in
thickness when closed. Light
strong and adjusted in a mo
ment. The cheapest and best.
Lii"lcolr MeircKveiro Co.
Acorn Stoves eircl 1 anges
230-232 South nth Street. Telephone 273.
Tlie .'Mt-troiiolllitii Hull.
Wednesday evening tho MotroK)lltan club
gave their second hop of tho series. It was
attended by about half tho membership of tho
club and proved a very pleasant afTair. There
were fourteen dunces, tho music for w hlch
was furnished by tho 1'lillharnionlo orchestra,
the last of the number liolng danced about 1
o'clock, when all rojmlred to Ilrown's enfo for
Following were present: Mr. and Mrs. U.
F. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. L. Meyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Willie Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. S.Sellgsohn,
Mr. and Mrs. I, Oppeulielmer, Mr. nml .Mrs.
Ootthelf, Mrs. M. Oppenholmer, Misses
Friend, Nettie and Hcrtha Sellgsohu, Helwig,
Frlinck, and Messrs. Sol, Henry and Chnrles
Mayer, Hesse, Calm, Ksensky, Friend, Op
pvuhlmer, Katzeusteln and others.
The CouiUKit has received a copy of tho
Roekford (III.) Outcffe , announcing tho mar
riage of Mr. Frank M. Hlish of this city uud
Miss Imlso Joslyn of Roekford. Mr. Hlish
is manager of tho R. U. Dunn agency Iu Lin
coln, ami is n young man of Sterling worth,
having a largo clrclo of friends and nciptaln.
taucos. Ills handsome and accomplished wife
will 1k a decided acquisition to the social cir
cles of Lincoln, ou Isimlf of whom we bid her
thrice welcome. After a short visit to Chica
go tho happy young couple will return to
Lincoln to enjoy tho sweets of married llfo
and receive tho congratulations of friends.
A Dinner l'urty.
On Tuesday evening, Mrs, McCieary
gave a most enjoyable dinner at her residence
on II street. Those present were Mr, uud
Mrs, Habcock, Mr, E. Habcock and son, Miss
UUtol, Mr, and Airs. Lyman, Mr. Charles mid
Miss Holllo Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. V.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. 11. 'W. Drown and Miss
Florence Ilrowti.
'224 0 STREET.
Skinner's Stables
1 2th St., bet. P and Q.
Calls for Balls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
and Hacks.
Fine Driving and Riding Livery
always ready for service, day or night.
Union - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
Mr. II II. Dickenson, Into of Ann Arbor,
Mich., has located iu tho city, and taken a
position In tho operating department of Di .
Lucas' dental imrlors. Mr. Dickenson U it
gentleman who has it thorough know ledge of
tho profession, nnd comes with excellent rec
ommendations. We welcome him to tho city
and trust ills locating among us nuiy Ihi mu
tually pleasant.
Mr. J. II. MoMtirtry returned Tuesday from
California whero ho has bsii spending some
time. Had weather prevailed during most of
his stay, nnd ho returns with a very poor im
pression of the country. Kiioutilntlon is over
done, V(ilii"s to high, and no money or work
for tho poor num. Ho reports MUs Totons
having sufllciently recovered to to be about
the house when he left.
A SIoIkIiIiik Tarty.
Tuesday evening, tlio'Jltli, usIoIkIiIiik party
was given by the licasuut Hour Junior.
They lea the city at 7:30 en route to the peni
tentiary, whore thoy enjoyed a merry dance
ami bountiful repast, returning to the city In
time to see the sun rise
We are sorry to learn that tho evening's on-
Joymuut was greatly marred by n sad accident
the unfortunate victim being Hob Mulr, one
of Lincoln's most promising young men. It
seems that upon reaching the suburbs of tho
city the sleighing proved aio tiling but good,
and the driver asked that tho gentlemen net
out and push, tlierj being no snow at this
point. Upon taking their seats axaln Mr.
Mulr hit IiIh cheek ngalus an iron protruding
from the driver's seat. It was thought at tlrst
that ho was only slightly cut, ami scarcely
any not loo was taken of 11 by the merry party,
until Miss Dickey, Mr. .Mutr's company,
very thoughtfully suggested that they Uud
out how badly ho was hurt. Upon Investiga
tion it proved that it deep kusIi three tuchos
long had been cut lu his cheek, anil as soon
as tlio party reached tho "pen" ho was sent
'hack to the city and put under the doctor's
care. We nro glad to report that ho Is doing
well, uud it Is hoped no scar will reniutti.
Kinplnjeit lliiuiueti'il.
About forty iiersous, tw enty-ono of them
employes of tho firm of Hargroaves Hros.,
were entertained last calumny evening ny
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hargreaves, nt their olo
gitnt residence, No, 1828 R street. A splen
did dinner was served at 0.!I0 o'clock, and af
ter duo attention had been paid the wealth of
delicacies provided, the comjiuiiy listened to
a very excellent musical program, in which
such well known vocalists as .Madame Welssr,
II. J. W, Beumuik and M, T. Ilitriuer apear
ed. Cards were then brought forward and
tlio balance of tho evening spent at tlio fasci
nating game. Tlio hampiet commemorated
tho thirteenth anniversary of tho formation
of tho firm of Hargreaves Hros. and was a
very enjoyable event. Tho many friends of
tho enterprising gentlemen composing the
firm wish them many happy ivturus of the
After diphtheria, scarlot fovor, or pneumo
nia, Hood's Barsaparilla will give strength to
tlio systcm,uud expel nil ikiImiii from tho
Death of Win ion Hniwn.
Yesterday morning ulsmt half past nine,
Mr. Warren Hrow n breathed his last. Jielias
Imxmi ill fur quite a long time, being troubled
with general debility, but Is now free from
sickness and pain. Ho was thirty one ytats
old, and since Ids arrival lu Lincoln has made
his home w ith his beother, Mr. II. W. Broun
ou II strwet, who will tako the remains back
to tho old home in Maine tomorrow.
Washing 'n
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