, i !; t ; mm MOflSAYMGS'tfAM in South 10th Street. AIUTAU " " UOO.OOO Liability of Stockholders $400,000. "T",,"0U,JS'liNKITWU:iLM.Il ,H WYJHWII II.WIIIHKMHJJC kui:i M-MMtir .uwr.rii whitman t'HAH.IIA i.MONIl i: KISSI'.Y KM MALI. L)W lir.WKKHIJ M I.HMiril (i w iioi.Ditr.di: .1 V IIOWMAN O !l IMIKIIT .wj lvnmiv JOIINIMM.MIK k k imow.N MK.MOOIlK J HM.lVAItl.AM XX IIAYDUN II 11 MUlIt 0 K YATliS IIKNHY 13 l.KWIH U M LAMIIKHTStiN J Met'ONI'IKI tkuaiat.ut a. MKYl'.H IICKU'KIH 31. K. Mikihk. I'rvnldi'iit. IUxhv Uwi, Vice Pivsldriil. I', II iMMurr. IMshler (Interest iwil.l on deposits of O nml upwards nt I lie mloofJiHTOi'iit H'i-rtiiimm,wimjiiMimJiiJwnl annually Your savings iieoounl snlloheil TVTONRY TO LOAN JTurn lone omtmit Minn m real twtiilo r an I ....." i ...fLi.,r,.i .....uHiv Hank noon from ' ! '"'":."'. iV '.'" ... ...VY ... u..liir.Ylv ..v..llm.' , 111 t !! " n - YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. M CNTEnTAININQ AND USEFUL LITTLE 8COTCH TERRIER. Ilnlr Dressing Among Hi" Hebrews, Oreehs, Hiimiins mill llKyptlnnv Accl ilmitul Varieties of IllriU, Hui'li nn llm While Thrush mill While Npnrrow. A white hmitow,ii white lliruidioriiwhlto imrtrldgo nro wen now nnd then, nnd they iipH'iir to bo nti'ii'ly mi mvldi'iiliil vniioty of some coiiiiiiiiih'I' birds of till kind. Hut moh birds ilo not nponr to lend very Imppy liven, an their follows do not approve of thin wlilto rnliiii'iit niul tnko every ohnuco of (coking tlin IhiM lilril who thus dare to tlrwa uiillko every other 0110 of bin eolon. a. in. to ; ii .tnim o lo h i in ,1, II. HAWKINS, J ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, . lliilldlngn completed or In course of erection i nmi April I, IKml: ' tlind lien lilook 0 13 mil gnmwry, tttli mid N ilo il.l It V imunirsicy, inn iu'"i N near i ii(i Restaurant mdclls) V 13 Montgomery. llrsMcnc?, .1 .1 IinholT, J Mid Ifflli tin .1 I) Mnrfiirland, g mill t Ith .to .Totin elinmit, I) niul IHIi. lo Allien Wntklns. I) Ik'I mil and 101 i. ,dn Win M loMiimnl. J-J Ih-1 mil niul lOtli, do IS It (liithrlo, tftli and N. In .1 IJ Hood, M It, P liel UHh niul 71 i. tin 1.(1 M llnldnln. d Im'I IKlh nml IWh. Hanllarlum ImIMIiib nt Mllfnrd, Neli, Ural lliipllrt church, Hill mnl K streets. ' orlnnry eiimlcl nnd receiving .loinli at Wyulm eumelory. 'OflkM HiMiiuy !KI mnl itl IRioliurdH Bloolc. sjctw Working rjassfiSwAllcnll0D' ss."..!'?' A WltlTK HI'AIIUOW. You nmy havo seen an iwnpeil numry Hit ting nlxmt from tie) to tree, or ieivlioil on tlio top of Homo Ritnlvn wnll, oreetlnj; IU enwt nml chlrpliiR Joyously over lis now fotiiul frevdom; hut very wkiii, If not kviiixiI by Homo frlemlly Imnil, tho Hilly llttlo tiling In ntno purMiiil by other blnl nml ilitroywl. Tho rciiwn of thin treatment nppciirH to lw nuluntlnot Implnuteit In blrdn, nml Indiwl In nil tho nulmnl cmitlon, which promptH them to destroy uny ono of thulrNiieclm whleh 1 dllTurent froin tho ordlimry kind, nn mich nre llublii to iiroimiiiito umnulveri, nml thun lKr nn tiniUh Alclnmcn vrlth rmplnymcnt M liuius, tin rlioki or ilia tunc, or ror mcir Hpnre nionietiu Hailmiu imw, IlKlit niul prolltnble. l'rnoiui ol 1 lUicr mr oniilly earn from M) eenm to J3.0O i , Truing, mnl n proortlonil mim by dnrotlnK hII UwMr tlinntotlm tmnlnewi. Hoys mid Rlrli.varu enrly tut much m men, Thnt all who imo thli , biav Miiit tlinlr aililroM, ami test U10 bunlneim, ilo mKo this ouYr. To mioh an nro not wall iwlinniJ we will roiiil ons dollar to pny for tho trutiblaol ! wTlthiK. Full )artloulari uml outfit free. Aihlrw flmnoK Btiniok ,fe Co., Portland, tlalne. HONEY to be mado, Cut this ont and rr mni 10 urn. ana we free, (omrlhlnitof jou tuni to us, and wa will send oi , ftlilnKOf Rreatvaluoanr lnixrtauea to you, that will ntar' J In biliHia whlcb will lirinir vou In lnorr I loney rlRht nway than anything clsa In this worlu Anv onecan do tho work and live at homo. Either ax; all agon, tkimcrhlng new, Uit Just coins sonay for all workers. We will start you; capital not Medod. This Is one of tho Ronalno, lniiortaul 1 .chaaces of A llfrllma. Those who are aniblUoui , na eninirisinc win noi uoiay. urauu ouui iro Adtlnwa Truk & Oo., AugusU Maine. rr f TTcan live at home, and make more monrj . V 1 1 1 1 nt work for us, tlian at anything else In X V U'hls world. Capital not ueadedi you are I tinncu iree. latro eanniiKS sure iruiu flna start. Crotly outfit and terms free. Better ootilrlny Coats you nothing; to send adilntui iiimI llml out: It you are wise Tor o at mice. II. llAtxrrr CcPorUsid, Jalne. Tlui .Mont Olelirnteil of Hone ItlnU. Ono of tho tnwt celobrnteil of mug birds in tho nlKhtiiiKnlo, or nlcht singer. It In migratory. Thin fnmoun bird Is common in nenrly nil pnrtn of KuroH. It migrates In winter Into tigypt mid Hyrln. It luw liecn WH.M1 muoiiK tho wlllown of Jonlnu mid tho olIvotrcoN of Judeu. In no pnrtn of KuroiHi is it inoro common thmi in Hwiln or Itnly; but oven in thiwo wmthern ii'gloiiM tho bird is inlRrntory. Tho ulRhtingnlo in vhy In Its habltx. IU liwt in plmisl low and hlildo 1 fiMtn vlow. Its I'Klf, Hvo In iiimitier, nro of nn ollvo brown. IU ftKMl connlHtM of Insect. In color It is brown with n iiildlsh tlngo on tho buck mid bill. An 11 KiiiRhter tho blnl In uiiMiiiHifiNed. Though It nolo are hoard nt tntervaln due lui; tho day, they nro poured fourth In tholr iriiMitost iMM'fectlou 011 quiet uveniiifrn, mi s 1 hour or two after suiisctjand when tho moon is very 1 tin, and 1110 weaiuer is mm-ciio, 1110 nioloillous HotiK of tho nightingale nmy bo heard till midnight. 8TORIES OF MEN. The Hoy Knew III lit mid Meimlor Kd 11111111U Kiintr lllm. A young innn nppll.il to Henntor IMmtindi for Homo money to enable him to get back to Ids homo in Vermont. Ilelug unknown to Mr. IMiuuudi, the wnator aililrrwod hlui m follows: "How do! know that you live In Vermont! You might eoino from Texan, for nil I know." "I can only nmiuv you that I sjienk tho '.ruth, senator I havo no wny of proving It, My iioino In in tho vlllngo of ". "Oh, It In, Is It r wild tho Homitor, grimly. "Well, I've vIhIIoI in that place 11 immU'r of times. I fiipHnui you know overylKxly thero, don't your Tho liy ivplled thnt tho jn-oplo ho didn't know were not worth knowing. "Well, then," wild tho ronator, "tell mo tho iiniuo of tho fat old man who ixildlon milk nliout toivnt" "Ho Isn't fat and ho Isn't old," mmwereil tho youiighter, iloggclly. "1IU iinmo in 'Hklnuy' KcelfH." Tho faintest wirt of 11 Hinllo lit up tho Ver mont Kenntor'n uteri! fenturcn. Turning ti IiIh clerk, he wild: "(live him tho money. ' There's no doubting tho boy's honenty," and , then ho added with a chuckle, an ho turned to iv enter tho chamber. " 'Hklnuy' Keelos; ' well, well. I haven't thought of him licforo in a dozun years." riilladclphln Timen. Mr. I.iiiiinr's AliKeiiliiilineilii..is. I remember n Joko told nliout I .ulnar when ho wan In tho wimte. Ho han tho reputation ' of iH'Ing given to writing and thinking up jKielry, nml his npicnritnco very often as ho ' ! wnlkH along tho iiveuuo Is very )H'iislvo mid nlwcnt niliide!. At 0110 tlmo when ho Man 1 living nt Wlllnrd's ho met 11 friend nn ho was coming from tho senate down by tho National hotel. "Cotno up mid have dinner with mo," wild Ijimar to the gentlemen after they had shaken handi. ! Tho frlond ncceptcd tho Invitation and started to walk upthohtreetwIthMr. Iimnr. He began tho con verwt Ion and noon wan in- terfHteil In telling about miiiio occurreneo nt homo, but Ivimar had fallen Into ono of his rollectlvo iihhxIn, mid wan not listening to anything tho friend wild. Tho npaco lictwccn tho Nntlounl hotel and Willard'H wun jiassed over, and, finally arriving on the imvemeut In front of the hitter hotel, Lamar suddenly pulled hluiM.'lf togethor, and, looking around, lie recollected that he had n friend with him He had not heard 11 word tho gentleman had wild, but, turning to him, stretched out his hand ami wild: "Well, this Is my hotel. I am very much obliged to you for walking up tho street with me. (iood-hy," hud turned to go in. Hut tho man wan not oo easily vlmkon. Ho laughed and wild: "Hog imrdou, Henator; you invited mo to dinner, and I am not going to lose it." "So I did, so I did," cried Lmnnr quickly, and taking his friend by tho arm ho went In. Washington Cor. Condor-Journal. The 1tnilon Munn. sosn or Tim wasiitcb Wring out I lie old, wring out the now, Wilnit nut tlio black, wring out tho gray, Wl in mil tho while, wring out tho bluo And thus I wring my llfonttay. CONTIURT. Who' wi N thin doth sigh nml groan, When tlinmiih tho air tho snow linked Ibat; IlelniiKhn who wenrelh fur upon Tho cuff nml collars of hH cent. ISrA-VT IMIODIOIM. Bald l'eter, you'iii In luck, I seol C01110 In my friend, look sharp, Ami henr the Infant prodigy Performing on tlio Imrp. TUB HCrOIIMKU, doixlhy. tny wife. . . My love, my life, Play homo nml do your sow Iur, Ami pray for me, ' Tor 1 J 011 see Mimt kiep tho earth a going. Arrr.n tiir ham. Tlio blmli that reildoneil her tiiwks lout night When slio laid her head on my hrcnKt, Tills morning I'll wnrrnnt has taken Its lllglit, Tor I find It 1 Ight hero on my vent. mh.n't KNOW. With Jaunty utep ho walked along, Ami proud and mmily U-nrlug; Ho heemeil while lnlngllng with tho throng Just out to take nn airing. Tho snow slldo cnuio as suddenly As comes 11 clnp of thunder, And cmno Jut nt tho mouient ho Alono wni imsslng under. Twos with n fierce, a wivngo nlr He roHO and thus exploded: "I know, by Jinks, tho root wan there, lint didn't know 'tas loaded I" i roll IXXV VEAIl. Inp) ear Inhere, To uialileun dvnr, Who'ro waited on by lioslif ill beaux That Bin lie mid sigh And oft como nigh To iKipping, but who no'er proiiono. Proceed with skill, And thus you will lYoiiowils from your lovers draw; They'll take tho cue: Hay, how would you I.Ike mother for n iiiollivrdiMawf HoHton Courier. CALrPOINIAvS Finest: Production. JARVIS WIHS and EEAIDIES. PUREST, OLDEST AND BEST FOR Medicinal & Family Use The G. M. Jarvis Company ml grows or on us your III do ' CORSETS Worth up to $1.00. 'Manufacturers Samples choice thin week 50 cents. J rioodoi:cii Ladles Alexandre Kid Gloves 'five hook, embroidered backs nt $1. Heal nluc $1.75. JEVI. FRIEND & SON, 913 and 915 O Street .Short Ilnlr, Long Locks anil VI'Irk. Fow inntteni connected with ovory day Hfo havo received moro i-overentlal attention than tho hair of tho bond mid face of human kind. Tho Hebrews woro their hair short, excepting nlwnys tho ciiso if tho Naznrlten, whoso hair a vow kept long. Tho Greeks woro their hair so long na to win from Ho mer tho distinction of "long locked," and tho llommirt wero oven mom fastidious than Orcokn hi tho culturo of their hair. Tho Egyptians woro not only false hair, but false beards, and urv ciitlltoil with tho invention of wigs. In tho wtgM preserved in tho Hritlsli mid llerlln inuseunis, tho upjior portion of tho wig will 1m found mado with curled hair, tho plaited hair lwing confined to tho lower port mid hIiIini. i iiobo wigs wero worn iiom Cinwllii); Out of 11 Sniiill Hoi... "I mu usually cry good at roiuemlierlng nnmes," wild Henntor Davis, of Minuesotii, "but I did get stuck ouco mid under tlio most omluu-rns.ilng circumstances. I wan sitting in my oflli-e nt St, Paul, when in camo a man whom I was delighted to sec nml who was delighted to boo me. Wo had been raised nn boys together, had enlisted in tho smno com jinny mid served through tho war together, ho being tho llciitcnnnt of tho company of which I was captnlu. I know him as well nn my own brother, mid as wo had not met for many years I was glad to give him 11 gonuiuo hearty welcome, but for tho llfo of mo I couldn't think of his unm. Ho re mained with mo nil tho morning and I in vited him to go to my houso to stop. Ho consented to do so, and as it approached din ner time I commenced to grow very nervous for, of course, I would havo to Introduce him to my family, and I couldn't nsk my old chum and comrado what bin name was. Finally I thought of a funny ox.icdlont. Getting a pen and 11 sheet of .mpor I told him I thought it would Io a good I ilea for us to join in a letter to another of our comrades with whom wo wero both very intimate dur- 0nly Exclustvo House In tho City, -r ?n, urn 1 11 iimi hi 1 r 1 hit -M A. M. Davis & Son., J.AX,KLKaA.NT 8TOCS. !'-kh- cf- ijlrvi vu wltblu tho house and out of doom. At par- lng tho war. Ho approved tlio mifgcit.on CARPETS 1 ii OjJSueet. H"jtJ ill mid soo us in our Now Quartern. J B. 0KOSTKA, Horth Side Pharmacy, I23O O ST. Albums 25 per cent off" tlea tho head dress of tho guests wan liouud with a chnplet of floworn, and ointment was put upon tho top of tho wig, an if it had really been tho hair of tho head. Tiilimi)' Coiiiiollloii 011 Meillcluo. "Thero Is two kinds of incdicino besidcti tho ktnd you Hub On and the lltvt kind l.s tlio j Boft Kind which you tako with 11 spoon whilo A man holds your Head and you kick and Rlggio homo becauso it Tastes so and tlio other kind in tho Hani kind which is called Pills mid It'lstho Hardest of tho wholo bo causo it Is so hard to go down but it doc not make nny Dlllerenco which kind you Tako when you get it Took yon wish you had not for It makes ipilto a How in your Stomach mid Riots Around." N. R. HOOK, M.D., ;(Jterlno. Urinary and Rectal Diseases, A 8PECIALTY. Trent illsoAsos by tho IIRINKnilUOKK VAINUXS 8Y8TKM. Onico, rooms 37 and 60, Pilchards lllock. Eleventh ami O sirvoU. Ofllct. ' telephone 5W. ltesldenco lffi) Q street. Thone. UU -Oraco hours, 0 to I18 a.m. 3 to 8 and 7 to 8 p m .Sundays, S to 5 p. m JtM about 3 o Our New Store, v lilcli ve now orcnpxi sdoui 3 ncrrs or Floor Bniicc The MUVKIIS' GUII1K U Issued Kept, nml Mnrclt, 1 each year. Vf 301 pages, H'XxlUi tiiclies.vvllliover 3,000 lllustrntloits a wliole Picture Gnllery. GIVKS IVholrtale Prices direct to rotuiimrrs on all goods for personal or family use. Tells Iiow to rder, and k'vs exact coat of turjf- "UUag you use, eat. drink, wear, or enure fun wllli. Tlirse INVAI.UA1ILB JIOOKS contain tnforninllnu gleaned ftom the markets of tho world. A copy sent FIIUK niton receliit of 10 cts. to defray cxieiic of mailing. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 411 114 illlclilsHii Avenue, L'blruco, Ilk LINCOLN Lassie, Tho I.lttlo Kcoteh Terrier. "I think," says tho llttlo girl who o us tho dog shown in our cut, "thnt IjiNdo is tho clovoresfc llttlo dog I know, Hho is a gray haired, shaggy Scotch terrier. If sho does anything disobedient, wo say to her, 'Beg pardon Iasslo, mid sho nt ouco stands on her hind legs mid puts her forepawn togother, just na though iho was surely begging pardon. . . tULifirvw J'S'Ci ft t; and I WToto a couplo of lingcs, telling our friend how pleawint it was to mwt again and wishing that ho was with us. Then I signed my iinmo and pnnsed tho pa.ier over to him. Much to my relief, ha slguejl his full iinmo mid I was wived from the im'KMidlug mortill cation." liiihidelphia Times. Snplilr's Wit nml rhIloiMi.iliy. A lady having expressed surprlso that Dr. X. should pronounce all his patients, oven those w ho merely had f overtoil colds, seriously HI, Saphir wild: "Ho Is ipilto right, anybody whom ho attends In really in danger." "I won't limko wny for n fool!" cried an envious sciihbier, on meeting Hnphlr in n iinrrow paKNige, w hero nt first neither seemed disputed to glvo place. "Ohl I will with pleasuru," replied anpnir, stepping iuiiiio auu bowing courteously. Standing in a crowded theatre soino ono loaned 011 his back, thrusting his head over his shoulder. Knphlr draw out his handker chief and wiped tho man's nose violently. Tlio latter started back. "Oh, I bog your pardon," wild Snphlr, "I thought it wns mlno." Requested to define tho word "dentist,1 Bapl.ir wild: "Ho Is 11 man who pulls out other people's teeth to got some thing for his own to bite." An Australian priiiev, who wns also an 1 archbishop, sworo horribly ntiibampiet and, perceiving that daphlr looked at him in sur prise, angrily asked tho cause of hln nston I tohmeiit. "I thought mi archbishop would 1 not allow hlur-olf to swear," answered tho wit. "I was not swearing as an archbishop, but as a prince," explained tho prelate "Ah," wild Saplilr thoughtfully, "but sup pose tho dovll fetches tho prince, what will become of tho iirehblshopl" From tho Ger man. Heiiiity In 'Washington. Washington Editor A pretty mess you're mado of that ball. What do you mean, sir, by calling Mr. Rcdnose "distracting! , beautiful?" ' Now RejKirtcr You told 1110 1 could got all , tho points I needed from last year's tiles, and ' sho was called "dlstractingly beautiful" in every rejiort last season. ! "You'd better keep posted on tho history of your untlvo country, sir. Lnst year Mr. ' Redtioso was chairman of tho committee on ' public uip; this year ho's 011 ventilation mid acoustics, nnd near tho tail end nt that." Omuhrt World. Is located nt San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a region that every variety of rrapes known on the favored Rhine the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean. In this beautiful, fertile valley the purple, golden and lus cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli cious harvests of vineyard products arc made their Choice Port, Golden Sherry, Muscatellc and Madeira WINES. and from the Reisling Wine they distill the HHIS' RIIUNi GRAPE BRAHDI TABLE the standard of purity and excellence in this We were awarded Which is now country FIRST PRIZE FOR BEST PORT WINE iit Illinois State Fair 1872. FIRST PRIZE FOR BRANDY AND at World's Fair, New Orleans. WINES We have taken Suvun First Pkikks, and have in our possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California. DR. THOS. PRICE, The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have submitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis a remarkably pure It is Our ot "Nut" Onixlu Iii'k Trunks. "That reminds mo of tho night I was out with Nat Goodwin," said the tall, board of trado man. "There's u fellow to innko fun for you. Wo wero going do .1 to Kinsley's, I to ,,.,. ncaimt u sdmrn tlSrSfifc-ftiiM msmZEORM fllEI. Y . Ml l WWSmJiHU J m iJzw$ar um ikktitute or rsxiuxuu-, llborthana and Typewriting. t and lsrgest college te the west. Btutlrnts prepared for tnulmoa In from iimi months. Indlrklual Instruction. Kullandex- -jwetenced tsculty. Bend for college journals and '"UuXZ.m&t nooex. unoou., Heb. A OLEVKH LITTLE HCOTCII TCllllIKIt. "Sho always ijocb with us in our walks, nnd la a givnt foo to all shabby appearing jieoplo, whom tho han mi idea sho must protect us against. "But, I think, of all her ways, tho most clover Is tho following! Whenever tho post man sounds his whtotlo nt tho door, nway runs Lassie, returning boon, often with tho lotters in her mouth. After n llttlo coquet ting, sho allows thto lottew to bo taken from her. to you 6eo bho is not only an amus Ing dog but 11 useful ono also. Indeed, I mil suro, If you know .Lassie you would bo just as fond of her as I am." nnd over on Dearborn street, w hero every' thing was ipilet, wo saw n young couplo just ahead of us going homo, probubly, froir their after theatre supior. " 'If that fellow had any grit in him,' said Nat, 'I'll mako him solid with that girl. "With this ho took mo by tho arm, and we hurried along and overtook tho couple. In passing them Nat gitvo tho young chap s push, mid looking stpinrcly nt him, Miiil: " 'What nro you going to do obout"it!' "Tho young man spurred light up to Nat, ' mid was going to tlinuh him, when Nut pulled mo by the arm nnd wo both turned mid ran. "'Thero,' said Nat, 'won't that mako him solid with his girl! Bho thinks ho frightonod away a couplo of big bullies who woro just going to eat them both up.' "Chicago Times. Horn So. At the club tho other night, when this In cident wan alluded to, John Oborly, tho civil service commissioner, told tlio story of a man Gen. Wntklns I believe was tho 1 name who used to live down In southern I Illinois. When ho was In court ns n witness 0110 01 mo lawyers askcu mm ins name. "Gen. Wntklns." was tho reply. "Were vou In Qie lato warl" "No, sir." "Wero you in tho Moxlcnu warP "No, sir." "Wero you over commander of militia?" "No, sir.'' "Did you over hold a military appoint ment!" "No, sir." "Then," asked tho lawyer with n sneer, "how did you get to bo a general J" "I was born so," was tho reply. Now York Tribune. Ananias nt Work. A Missouri mnnwiys that ho recently went into the woods, painted a black circle on tho ond of a lug, and when ho went Iwck to tho log mr hour Inter he found IKK) dead rabbits there, tho animals having mistake. i the clrclo lorn hole in tho log nml ilnslusl theunolvos Hlnco the story has np- ' .tAnwul It, irlut lin lifia r.n..lvfl lf.Hi.iM frnfn tho publishers of several Now York dailies, offering him tho iKisltiou of affidavit clerk, his duties being to swear to the circulation. But ho says ho cannot tell u Ho. NorrUtown Herald. A Rood Ilenson. Justice -Your testimony as to tho prison er's chnmcur isn't complete. I want to know nliout tho lust five yours. Haven't you iiecn living in his neighborhood , Witness Not two bloi ks from him. I Ji'stico Ahl Well, now, what can you tell us nliout him for sny the last year! 1 Witness Nothing, your honor. Justice Why not, sir! I Witness Because I was in jail. Phila delphia Call. and lincl no adulteration, no fusel oil article." DR. BEVERLY COLE, of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Reisling Grape Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine good article." The fol lowin is from the well-known Analytical Chemist of Chicago. THE G. M. JARVIS CO. Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses of your Wines and Brandies. These tests show me that they are not only strictly pure but that they contain all the essential quali ties so much admired by leading wine chemists. J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col. A Common Kind of riillantliropy. Omaha Man No wondor you havo cold. You should wear thicker clothing. Eabtern Youth Can't nffonl it. "1 thought your employer was Mr. Too good, tho noted philanthropist." "Yosj my errand lioro is to engage a noted artist to imint a memorial window to Dl ogouos." Omaha World. THESE AND HUNDREDS OF All testify to the purity, wholesomeness and the Jarvis goods. They are known the world become deservedly popular for OTHERS standard o' over and have hiirh FAMILIES ATD MEDICAL PUKF0SE A Ithyme of the Month. January 1 January I Though cold you have no law, Tou make us fri-zo Jut when you please, auj then you go and thaw, . A (.rent Compliment. Frank Ilurd, ox-congressman from Ohio, wns in Chicago tho other tiny. You know bo la tho silvery tongucd orator of thnt stnto. Ono day while ho was hero ha went into a luirbcr shop on Clark street, nnd took u sent for a fclmvo. Having gono through thoopcr ntlon with no wonl from the barber, llurtl turned to him nnd said: "Aro you dumb?" Tho burlier said ho was not. Mr. Hurd then said that ho had never lioforo lieeu shaved by a Iwirbor who had been silent. Tlio lwirbor replied: "I know you jou nro Frank Hurd. ' tho cougrtwhiuau. 1 lay down my hand as n talker to you. You can talk longer mid bet ter, when you get started, than any man I over saw in my llfo. I used to llvo In Ohio." Mr. Hurd shook tho man by the hand uud mid ho regarded what ho had suld'as a grout compliment. Chicago Mall. The Now Order of Things. .lfftf M'i wK. ii I iMI Mm- The goods are always to be relied upon; prices low for first class article and put up in packages convenient for all. Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider s a most delicious, healthy and nutritious, as well as the most popular, drink ever offered. Made from the Over-ripe Bart lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. It will not ferment or spoil. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE G, M, JARVIS CG THE G, M, JARVIS CO. San Jose, Cal. 39 N. State St. C ' W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman. igo. Mr. Wabash (to Miss Waldo, of Boston) Your Mr. Sullivan, of whom Boston Is so justly proud, doesn't trace his ancestry as far buck as to tho tlmo of his grandfather, does ho, Miss Waldo? Mtsu Waldo-No, sir; I think not; but what Is mero Blood, Mr. Wabash, compared with Uruwiil New York Sun. L. L. LINDSEY, Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb. iilMfciiwww"T''''''wl'IIIJ'll'''l''l"M1 is"i wiMnwiuww tin .j'Bie wi oewW'9 w tW9t w4 -w "S,tfBi- .aL.wrti." m.