Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 28, 1888, Image 3

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    Fremont Elkliorn & Mo, Valley'
Trains le.trell,Ylil m mil I'l 01 ( m
Tiik r.l.Kiluuv Vai.lev I.I VK.
To free homos In Northwestern Nebraskn nil
Southwestern Dakota.
Totliu Itliiok llllli and tlio Hot Springs.
To Central Wyoming ooal ntul on Heidi ni
cnltki range.
To Chicago nml the Kist.
To HI. Paul, the North ntul Northwest.
I'or further Information Iti'iulro of
UM.TYI.KIt. Agnnt.
115 South lOtlmtivt't, Lincoln
V l 1'itoii, J. H. IIcciuvah,
tumoral M'gnr. (lou'l 1' Ait'l
Missouri Volley, lown
Owns nml oper.tlVx u:m mile of tliirulil
nulppcil nml In IIII110K Wisconsin, I own,
MliMmrl.Mlntii until nml D.iUotn.
It In tlio Host Direct ltnut botvv. .m nil tlio
Principal Points In tlio No thwoxt, Southwest
fttnl l'ltrWost
Kor maps, tlmo tables, niton of paisugu anil
frchtht, etc., apply to nearest Hint Ion iiKont ol
Cine.vuo, Mimwukhi: .t Mr. I'Atrt. Haii
way, or In niiy Iliillroinl Agent anywhere lu
tlio world. .
11. Mild, Kit. A. V. II. CAlll'KNTP.H,
(lonornl JlVr, HonM Pass. .vT'ltt Agl.
J. H.TUCKlill, Oi:o. II. miAl'HOUI),
Axst. Ocn'l Mgr. Asst. II. V. .t T. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
rI''or tnruriiiiitlnti In rolrronop In Land
nml 1'owns owned li) tho 4'lilcngn, Milwau
kee .t.m. Paul Kallvrit) Company, write to II.
O. llAUu,v'.l,aul Commissioner, Mllwuulteo
C APITAt, STOCK $500,008.
aw Masher, Pralilnt. V. J WftUh, V-Pr
1L 0. OutcAlt, Caxhler.
Knrrn Mortgage lxwina a pccuuty.
tlnnm R. Mellaril Mock.
Rigg's Injection.
Chemists and plinrniacistji, Lincoln, Nob.
Mailorders promptly attended to.
"Western Resources.
A Journal Davoted to the Industrs and
Resources of the West.
Tills Journal Is iirli.teil 011 toned hook pnicr,
the tyM9 useil Is clour mid new, tlio titlo piie. Is
illnstrntixl each niniitli with something sultnlile,
nml lu ROiiernl apH-iirnucu It Is ns inetropolltitii
nnilolegnntly Rotten up ns IIari'BH'h Wkkkly,
ami It Is exactly tlio s vine sue as that paper
Tho object nml aim ot Wkstkun Ukcociuth Is
to glto tu U'Ht stock men, ami fanners and Ken
-erat ImsliieAs men a thoroughly reiiresentutlto
meilliini for obtaining nnd excfiaiiL-liit; valmihle
Information on thoso topics it lml linportancv
to their Inditstiies.
Live Stock Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture Turf, Poultry,
and For est y,
Are tVpmt meats under careful editorship, nnd
hl articles from our own coireipondents on
Cities, Counties, HtntoH, Cmis. Itallronil lluililiiiK
Coinmeive, etc , form a sHvlitl depnrtineut
llos. HohbutW. I'ciinas, tlio editor, Is nlily as
sisted by practical and sdentluV wrltoi-s.
To IntriHlueo this paper in every locality In the
West wo will send It for the reiuiilmlt r of IM7,
beginning with thu May number, for
One Ktra Copy with Each 5 SuWilbci.
Ajents send for terms and eveluslto territory.
J A 1 1 "TTTO TT
ll.H.I I A Mi
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltlmoro, New York and Boston.
lJ?Tor further Inform it Ion
or or address
folders, etc., oal
Tlcltet Aout, for Diuul I'.'th sts
I). IIA1IC0UK, Knpot Ticket Agent
H. I It. MILLAlt, tlou'l Agent
science axo imuh-iikss.
I'mfowir 'I iiilirlilu Aoits 'Hull lllrila
Sleep 1111 lliii Willi; Thi' Sclent llio Toy
Kiiiiiiu M .'tiiyiictlc Ornolo llliisttnti-il
nml i:xil.ilni'il In llclitll.
Tho scletitillo toy shown in tlio
cuts, tn koti fniin j J nt nre, while fur from
now, Is nevertheless tugoiiinu ntul cleverly
modernized l tlioeouMiuclor..
To llinko tin- made spoul, write UHHl
twelve curds 11 wow of question
rolntilig to hlstoi), geogrtiph), scloneo, cus
toms, oto Ono of thncompanv takes 0110 of
those oanN at random und lends 0110 of tlio
questions, then tho onnl Is pluml uinlor tlio
mnglelan'x fn t. In it groove 111 ulo to tooolvo
It. Immediately tlio ornclo turns nu its axis,
mid after some oscillations Isimnos fixed In
n corlnln position, its ningle wnnd limit
ing to 0110 of thu numbers liy which II is sur
rounded On referring to the coriixNiniliiii;
nunilioron 11 llt I mini nn iuliiilrulil oxnot
nml noourato nnswor,
lly varying nt will tlio onnls of quoitious
nml iiiisui'in one inuyolitiiin from tho ornolu
nil iiiiletlnlto tiuiulior of roillos Nutlilni;
can lw Hiinplcr tlimi tlio prixov liy uliloli
tliU niillt N olitnllinl. Tho Ihiso of tho toy,
into uhleh tlio rmiN slip, lioms it ortlcnl
pivot on which n-stH tho Iwnly ot tho intijjl
clnn, hIiiii' 1 olio onii mils a vorlion! U-slinpiil
lniiliot, Iiiimii its tun fiolos noar tlio Imso,
nsHhowu In l'li;. V,'.
In each of tho cards thorn Is another mag
net concealtsl, a straight rod, occupying a
dillcicut petition for each of tho twclvo
cards, We ss) that in vlrtuo of tho well
known laws of tho attraction of magnets for
each other, oaoh tlmo that n card h placed
with its imigiiot In tho base, tho flguro will
turn round this axis nnd direct n K'l'ies of os
cillations round Its own axis until tho poles
of tho I'-shnpod magnet holder under its
rolsj nro opKsito tho contrary poles of th
straight rod hidden In tho card. If thu Imso
has Imxmi correctly marked piowously, tho
divining rod will imlicato tho (iirmsponding
litiiiilK 1 ot too answer,
Any Issly with a lit-
tlo genius ami a fow tools cun makoaii ornclo
similar to thu ono shown hi the Illustrations.
Minis .sleeping on tho Wliij;.
Tho very interesting discovery announced
by Professor Trowbridge, that birds havo a
jiower of sUi'pliig on tlio wing, brings to
iniml, saysu coriospoudent in Science, that
it is not a recent observation, but wius antici
pated by Kdgnr A. I'oe. In a iks-hi which ho
says was written in his youth, and published
moro than thirty years ago, mo these Hues:
0,1s It 1 In will
On tlio lireees to toss?
Or cnpriciouxl) still
I.Ike tlio lone nlluitross,
Incumbent on nilit
(As she on the air)
To which ho nppemls this marginal note:
''The albatross is said to sleep on tho wing."
This poem, however, was criticized by an
other philosophic writer, John l'hicuix, who
gave it as his opinion that the oet invented
the fact In natural hietory boonuso ho found
there weio no words to rhyiuo with "toss"
but "boss" and "albatross." This is now
happily disci edited; but tho ipjcstion i
mains, Who llrst "ald it('1
roi'polinil Motion Iiituiitors,
Qeorgo Stephenson, England's great engi
neer, began his oxperlenco ns an inventor
with tho ierHitiinl motion problem, for
which ho consti noted a machine. His biog
raphor describes it as consisting of a "wooden
wheel, tho periphery of which was furnished
with glass tnlies tilled with quicksilver; and
as tho wheel rotated tho ipiicksilior poured
itself down into tho lower tubes, and thus a
sort of self acting motion was kept up lu the
which, however, did not prove to
bo iieriHjtiuiI."
Not 11 )oar passes but somo now enthusiast
lodges in 1110 pnieni oiuco 1110 spocnicatlons
of home luaeliiuo for ))ei H)tual motion. This
is not in itself considered o.idenco of insan
ity, but it is unquestionably regarded by
somo as proof of mechanical aberration
I'lltent .tlnplo Sii;ar.
Nuinborod wltli curious inventions for
which a patent hu Ikvii granted is ono to an
Iniliunn genius for patent muplo sugur. Tho
patent sugur in question is made by mixing
an extract of hickory with 111. ordinary
syrup, such as cano syrup or sorghum. This
hickory llavoivd s)rup is Imdul down in tho
usual manner, ami a product loseuibliug
iimplu sugar, in apis-aranco as well as lluvor,
is tho icult. A decoction made from tho
wood of maple, it aiieiirs, has Im'cii tisod for
tm h,,l"u pnrMw The
claims as Ins luwntiont
extract wherever It may
part an ngrooablo ihnor
iiiM'titor, theroforo,
housiMit tho liicko,
bo euiilo)od to im-
A Now Application ot I lecti Irltj.
M. Qnrel has Invented an electrical method
of preparing paper stencils for letters, circu
lars, etc In this apparatus a ploco of very
thin p.qor nits mi a firboii bliH'k eonneetod
ivith one polo of a sm ill induction coil, whllo
the stlo, with win li tlio writing Js dono, is
comiccted with 1 ho other polo. On using tho
nppaiiiiiis a scncs of sjiarks p. us between
tho st Wo ami tho carbon block, perforating
tho miHi', which can then bo used as a stou
cil in tlio ordinary way.
Villon or Ncnwootl.
A hundred tons of uir drml seaweed will
yield, besides tho salts, seventy tons of ulgln
ami llftccu tons of cellulose. Tho ulgln is a
glutinous suKstanoo, with fmiitivu times
tho Uiislty of starch ami tliirt)-Mvou tunes
that of gum arable It is used lor siring, as
n mordant in dyeing, lu cookery, tho making
of confectionery, tho inauufactiuonf pajior,
to prevent tlio iucrustatloit of steam boilers,
and inuiiy other hue.
jMi mm j3
Baa h mm
Wlmt to Do nml Wlmt Not
In Do
t'no of Apoplox),
Ajoploxy liny roailll lm itltlnj;iilliiil
from fnliitiuif liy 11 llttlo nttontlmi to tho fol
lowing itotiilli. lnlntltig Is of Hlmrt ilunit ln,
ninl is ohnrni'ti'i I roil liy villnr of tlio fnoo, 11
wiU or lniionvi(tlilo W; iitni 110 pnruly- '
K AjHiploxj, on tlioothor Iimul, li loiiKor .
in iliirntloii, tlio fncu limy lo llinhoil, tho
puti In usually dtroug ninl h1ov, nml parnly- '
Mi is friiuont. Tho mioiliig oharnolor nt
llio liri'iitlilni; lu onsos of iiNpxy tlll also
Korvotoillitliigulih tho two oomllt loan. And
tho clmuuistniHTi uinlor whiih tho iitt.irk
iinnoi on inn) llkowlso Ui of alii.
To thoalKivontntoiuonlN (IihhI llouM'k(i'pl'
lag niliN, that 11 jvi-on solnl wltli a ulroko
of nKiiloTy nhoulil hnvo tlio finst nooosi of
nlr, wlnihmi hIioiiM lm s'i!til wiili' nml nil
I'rnwilliig nlMiul tlio pntloiit avoiilisl. Tho
clothing alxiiit th" nook nml ohost kIioiiIiI Ih
loiM.'iuii, no thnt thorn inn) I10 no Iiiihm1I- :
inont totholironthlng Tho l-lt hIiouIiI Ini
iiiifintoiioil, nmlnuytliing uhloli In any a)
cuiillnos tho Imly. Tho hivnl hIioiiM I
Miiuotihnt, nml If It lx lluslml or hot, hIiouIiI
lo Imtluil In cohl xtntor llnitlos of hoi waloi
or hoatnl lings of wilt should lo plmvl nt tho
foot If llio latter tiro cold, euro Mug takoii
not In liurn thoK'rxou who Is tiionpnlilo of
proti-cllng hluioolf or of mmoiiMrntlng. Ho
should Ihj allowiil to loiuniii (pilot, no vio
lent oll'orts hoiug Hindu to mouso him until n
phyniolan Iwciillnl, for gionl linriu may U
lono 1 1) liioxH'rti'iiciil mnl for his ttolraro.
Any iimioiVMuiry motion of tho Imly ma)
iuoronso tlio amount of blooding ultldii tlio
Tho Ki' Mnotoi'iitli I rutin-) ( tiro.
Wlmt itithcollcgon, tiiilM'i-Kltliianil iiown
piiporM, with K)lltlonl cnmpalsn mid luriir
dulxitod, with roform in politic awl constant
changes lu nodal customs, with social chilis
nml clubs polltlcnl, wltli ait culturoand tlm
ilocorntlvu innnln, vo nro ciiltlwiling, miyn
Tliu riiilmlolplilii li cm, ovorynldo of iiiiui'h
liatuio but his ph)8lcal sido. U'lirmsl pliysl
chini nro oxH'ilmontiiig with us. Iioallng
soma of iih, and fnlluig to hoid otlioi-H, but
foiv or none of tlnMi toll 111 how to ktrp woll.
Wo liollovo in tho I ml ouro; it Is bottor than
tho hot witter cum, or grniw ciiio, or gym
imstlcH mid other cxcii'Im.'. It is not oxirolso,
but rest, wonoul, nml wo hall tlio I ml cum
as tho greatest dlscoory or tho Nineteenth
century If liurd woil.wl iip!o would tako
n dny in bod now nml then losi would lm
heard nbout iionom prostrntlon.
('renin ns .Meilleln,..
As 1111 mitidoto for a cnusuuiptltu tendency
it is clnjiiml that cream nets lll.en chnrm,
nml bones nil the pimniMi intended to Ih
served by cod lior oil. with much grenlcr
certainty and effect, llesides poixnn con
suniptlvely Inclined, thcmi with fwlilo diges
tion, aged poojilu nml Uhmi inellncil to chilli
iievi mid cold oxtmniitles nro tvpcclnlly beno
lltcsl by a liberal uso of swtvt cieam.
Cut tlm; Short Noiirnlclo I'nliis.
In those who nro i1skmi1 to neurnlgin, ar
tacks of pain nro fnipn-ntly brought on by
fatlguo or oxorclso. Journal of
Hoalth nilvlsos such poopl 1 to llvo very regu
larly and to obsono this rulo In eating:
hen tho paliicoiiufl on in continence of
waiting Uh long lor a meal, 11 cup of hot
drink, such us milk, cocoa or lieof tea, will
very often stop It.
Treat it or it FaliitiiK m.
The common practice of lifting fainting
liiple to a sitting or upright msition li sulll
dent to destroy lliotiiuirk of Urn tlm. m,niu
Ic,1J-,l authority has recently emphasized
u.K mil. mui, Mien iiersom HIiouIiI Imj kept ill
tho prono jKisition whllo restoratives nnd
local means nro employed to return them to
Stimulant for tlio llulr.
A fragrant preparation daslgned to stimu
late tho growth of tho hair can bo mado of
tincture of cantharides, two drachms; castor
oil, ono ounce; alcohol, half a pint. To this
the druggist should bo dnected to add u fow
di ips each of tho oils of bltu-r almonds,
ornngo (low ei s and liergumot.
A .MUlnlirii tdeu.
Tho old adage, "Feud a cold mid stnrvo 11
fover," is charactorizoil by Journal of Health
as very silly advice. It anything, tho re
verso would bo neon r light. When a per
son has a severe cold It is for him to eat
very lightly, especially during tho first few
days of tho attack.
How tJiinmirleil .lien Muy Cunrul hoclii
Opera or thoatio jiartles represent n fash
ionablo form of entertainment by which un
married men lu cities cancel somo of their
social obligations. According to the social
etiquette of Now York theso parties may in
cludo 11 dinner preceding tho amusement nml
light refreshment after it, or merely mi after
supper. Tho theatre pni ty that includesonly
tho lifter supjier is the more popular, us it is
tho least e..onsivo and troublesoino; it is
still, however, qulto a formal affair.
In this iiistanco tho host culls upon his an
ticipated guests and alter roeei lug an nc-
citaneoot his Invitation (which should In-
cludo a gentleman member of tho family, or
a near Kinsman 01 iuo young lady, or an eld
ei ly lad) ), ho leaves entranco tickets mid tho
paity meets at tho place of entertainment.
If tho invited guests do not keep carriages
tho host may send ono if ho chooses, but this
Is not strictly etiquette. In homo instances u
private omnibus is sent out to collect tho
After the amusement tho pnrty is convoyed
to a ietaiiraiit or to tho housoof a friend
whoroitmippor is lu waiting. Alter Mipjior
it is not uncommon to dniieo it little while if
tlio house or innm is private, ami a piano in
Eiilllcicut for tho music. The chaperons of
tho pai t v divide w lien it is proMr to go home. Is mi objection to bitch p.u tu in their
most rollmd forms and usages, but a hotel
dinner nnd supjior lacks the ohuriii which do
inehtie liospilality should hold for highly
blcsl iHiiple.
'llio ll.e ol IUs or Air. Without 11 Name.
In writing ton )oimg lady di not address
her as "Dear Miss." 'Iuo uso of Miss with
out tho iianio is a vulgaiisiii; and, though it
Is doubtless uwkwuid to address a voting
woman as "Dear .Mad.nuo," it is pieferablo
to tlio ovctislingly objectionalile term ro
fenul t. The uso of the ptvllx Miss or Mr.
without tlio name is equally to lie ayoldisl In
con versat 101 r To saluto a )oung lady, for
Instance, witli "How do )nu do, Miss!" re
vods a paiulul lack of hiculmg
'llio lllseilptiiili or the Vlslllng ( nnl.
Alwa)s iisy the pivtW Mr., Mrs. or Miss,
wliiehover it inn) Ih, on your visiting card.
Thotuh it hy m, means uucouiiiiouforineii
uud voiing women to hnvo their names
printed on thouird without any pi ellx, the
host social usao dixjs not Miicitnu thecustum.
Somo of the women of Vanity Fair are
wearing button shoo witli tops of tho same
mutei ial us their die., w lilch, of n.uiii, must
bo m.ido to order, and thus do wo got our ox
e'uslvo footwtar,
Tlio l.itli-Hl Notiltloi lu lloourlliiii A
I'opnliir liiilour (Iiiiiik losloil Iti'olpoi.
A note! nml pi-'-ll) llroncrivii Is niiuloof a
siiumoof plain uliilo imtttlug, raxolnl nbout
tluiii IiicIhm dii'p ami llulxhisl 111 nml tho
tilgi'i with lieiniiii roi On the center Is
imllittil In oil n genre Intel lor, or, If tho mil
nteui ntmiiit mamigo that, any simple col
Oltil lltlmitlapli Ik put III Hi plaeo nml tneknl
nt tho four 001 norn with liein'n 101 ils ami
taHseU Ait Intoivhaugo dosoi llii tho alnivo
as woll us the following mitollles:
'Mm newcKt thing lu ImskntH In tho "iWicr
baskit," luiliitnl nml llmilwltli copor col
ons I Imlin Htlk, llnlshed on either side wltli
ooiur mid gold ooloitil bowMof satin ilbbon,
lllld plaml oil a glldod stand of cinsscd
ntlcks. llaskotH foi solliil linen are liilleli
licnullllcd b) tho saiuo tieiituient, with 11
llniith fur tho lldof ollxonud oiuiigo libliiu
A ( heap cutio lKittouusl chilli , In bo had nt
mi) I'm nil mo shop for sotolit) tho cent,
may Is- mclmuniplinsiil b) painting It whllo
and outlliiiug ami coloring the fiout of tint
wood wniU wllli a 1 unnliig Mho and a cluster
of white lloweix It Ik t licit ciishlomil ill
)ollnw latiu or gold plush ami ilocoiatod
with IsotNof ilbbon of thosmnoshnde.
AipiMlnt picturo frntiio In niadoof lnvwii
iletilni, with a til-coniertil pletv of llsh net
ilinwn oxer the fnint, mid a little basket of
II1I1 Hotting ami coiil suspended front tho
upper left hand corner. Tlio picturo should
lien mast or llshlng scene.
llonii Hug Purl lex.
At the now popular U'ltii bag parties a
smooth I m mid nbout thin' fii'l long and two
wide Is pinviilnl and placul lu nil ilielluetl
position nt 0110 end of a hull or mini long
enouuli to give sullleieiit tango In tho ImhiI'iI
Is a hole aluut llvo Inches si pin 10. The U1111
bags me generall) mado ol (iilmiil ticking.
Theio 1110 usually ton bagsof one sire, and
ono quite huge ojilhsl Jiimlsi. A player
pitches toward tho hole and if ten bags fall
Into the hole it coillitrt 100, tell liolng tho
iituuboi for each bag. Jiimlsi is double the
others in size and counts twenty If ho is
thrown into thooHniiu. When it ling docs
not gn into the hole but 1 cumins on tholsiard
it munis tlvo. If it falls on the llnor llvo
IHilnl.s 1110 from tho pln)er's score. Ono
bundled ami twenty Is the highest posslblo
score Tlieio Is much fun In tho game, A
regular msm Is kept and prhresuiosouictliucs
itwardul In llio player ulioHiakcsthogienhwt
number of ioluts.
1 1 lut n 011 rotating t'liliin.
Tho follow lug points w ill lie of interest to
Indies in their tlrst attempts at decorating
their own china. An umateiir
lioani llrst tonilx the paint to tho right
consistency If tiMi thick it will not lluw
roadily from tho biush.'but will inmoolflu
lumps or streaks. If too thin, tho wotk will
look weak ami washul nut. A Js'likulfo is
an exii'lleiit thing to havo at hand. With it
it ti o. til or uneven lino can bo scraped and
lined down to suit. Hub two pieces of lino
sand M 1 together till much of tho rough
ness is taken otf, ami with those carefully
rubyoui woik after It has Im-cii llrnl;thls
will lieighten tho Hilish. Uso mot o Mux with
colors on cnilhenwaro than 011 china.
Urccus mid browns in china colors cun bo
mixed very much ns in oil colors, but it
bhould bo reincmlK'icd that they brighten
with firing. Yellow eats out Iron red when
11ml .
Delirious IliieKw hcut i'nltl's.
ticnld oiio-hnlf cup of corumeal with tbreo
cupfulsof boiling water; when nearly cold
mid espial arlH of buckwheat ami whole
wheal or white Hour to make tho batter a
little thicker than required, iu it liecomcs
thinner in rising. Add ono toaipoonful of
salt, one dessertspoonful of molasses and tho
proper proportion of whatever yenst is used.
I teat well, ami let rise in 11 warm room over
night. In the morning dissolve ouu-thlrd
tcnsiiooufiil of soda ami stir into the batter.
One well iKiiteu egg milled is liked by somo.
Dellciously tender "buckwheats," which went
tho rulo in our household, were so made, says
a corivsH)iident of Oood Iloiisykeojilng, by
placing the vessel containing tho foamy but
ter, leady for baking, lu tho snow for wr
haps an hour.
Harmless Dainties for llio (.'unary.
An Authority on birds advises that raw
apple, cabbngo loaf and plaiutaiu should bo
provided ami 0110 or tho other given to a
canary every day tho year round. Occasion
ally givo a piece of lireud soakul lu milk, but
never cake or candy. Onco a week givo
boiled egg mixed with cracker. Never hang
any birds lu a draft or tlio wind, and never
lot them out of their cage. In molting tlmo
givo 11 dusting of cityontio mpiur to their egg
and cracker, or bread nnd milk.
1'iirsnlp rrlttiirs.
A very iileo way to cook parsnips is us
fritters. Tako three largo iarsiilis liollcd
till soft, wnqs) mid masli Hue, picking out
nil strings mgl lumps; udd two beaten eggs,
two tablesisjousf tils of new mill; and two of
sifted Hour, an even teasssiuful of salt mid
quarter of n tcmqxioufiil of popcr; mix
thoroughly; mako into small cakes, Hour
them nnd fry brown in butter or oil; eat
with buttor.
I arliloiiiililii Basil (llltllllls.
No prettier material fyr sash cm tains lias
yet Ihdu found than tlio thin Indian silks,
almost transput out ill textuio, soft, delicato
mid yet rich in their many hues.
DecnratUe nml I'xolul limes.
Vurlous pretty mid conv leueiit boxes uud
cases for tho diossing table may lu contrived,
by the exorcise of a little ingenuity, with
but Biuall outlay for materials, as any ono
i teresU'd in sin li work is likel) to havo oa
hand much of what is wanted Tor tho
foundation of tho handkerchief Uix repre
sented m tho cut, u sqiiuio iasto Ixxinl box
that ojx'iis in tlio cenn i is t;i ken, and a fancy
letter piqior lxi usually suvos. tho purxiso.
Make it tufteil ciisliiou of s.ttiu on the top
nml put an iusoitiou of white l.e e minimi it
with tho Buiite i iilnr nudum itli Tho sides
can lx) ouvcicdwith sntin, l.miomsl with a
veiy little white gluo (citrefully iimiI), nnd
the exiles are most uttraotivel) lluishiilwith
silver or gilt conl. Complito the box by
putting n little ixjrfumo sachet inside
A convenient jewel case nia.v lx' iriido by
covering any lox of suitable form (for in
stniiiKOUtiof the long, shallow cigar Ixixes)
with black satin ihiMruttil with a design f
llowoiN, principally in blue and crimson.
Around thosidcH may Ixiput a llnish of nu
tiquo luiv. The iunido can lu Until with
quilted sntin or with plain satin Neat mul
dext 'Wit woik will muke theso home umdo
lull I l"IIIUVi SUO'lt.s.
i - ' -i
Prospectus for i 888- Beautiful Christinas Number,
Amonjr tin important nrtirlos to appear tluriii the year
iSSN are the followingSend for prospectus;
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON will ...lrll...lo regularly
to each number dining the venr. Ilo will write nf iimiiy Inplcs, old and now, and In a
fitnilllai and pemonal way, which will form new bond'tof friendship bclwccn the nil
Ihor and Ids ilinusanili ol render. In hi llil p.iper ontlllcd "A Chapter on Drciunp,"
nppcnilug In the January niiinhci, he lohfc IihIiUmiIiiIIv, In coiinct'llnii vvllh llio gen
rial stibjeel, siiinc Inlcicsilug fact conccinlng the origin of the now famous Mnry,
"Stiangc Case of Di Jckv II and Mi. I do. ,
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, i,v w,s. chaplain, win hcti.oiim
of an cspcclallv hnpnitaiil mid interesting scrlc of p.ttict on railway, their ndtnlnl
itatlnn anil cniistiui linn, Including gical cnglucerlng feat, (atnntii litnuel ilnd tinsc
and, Indeed, those blanches of the iihicet which In this day engage the attention of the
whnle tottnliy. The lllinlialnms wlihh will ai'cotupany this cilc will be ver elah
urate, in Iglnal", and beautiful 'I'he authnn and the title nf the ftittne at tlele will he
iinuimtu'cd latet
DR. D. A. SARENT'S pnnri on Physical IMoportloiis mid PlyMenl
'I'lalnlng will be continued hv scvcial of liuioashig hilutesl, with no licit nnd unique
lllustiatloii a those which have ahendv nppcateil.
ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of special Inteie.t will he those on
the Catnpalgn nf Watcrlno, hv JOHN C. UOPKS;ou "The Man at Anns," liy I-, II
IILASIII-'IKLI). two paper by KOWAIU) L, WILSON, llhtsliatlng icmiII of
tent Kgwitlnii fuilhct nrllele hv
i outlet ten witli in icicnt cnntrimiiion on wagiiei, and uimit other ol equal Interest,
PUOrKSSOU SIIALICK'S articles on Hie Surface of the I'urlh will be continued, and
articles upon two of the most Inlcicsllng ginuni of contcnipoinr) liimipciin writer
will be accompanied In rich and novel portialt llluntrallon.
IiL.riC I 1.1C1 I Y luitsvaiinu application as tt motive power KXPLO
SI VICS, etc , will be the subject of another ginnp nf llhiHliatetl mtklc of ecpirl prac
tied hitciest, by leading autlimltlcs iipnu three topic.
MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS wiitie.. t.. 1.1 fried, Mo
i hcles, at a neciillarly Inlcicsllng time nf his career, will furnish the substance of sever
al article ot great Interest In musical ic.idcrft, which will be Illustrated with portrait
and drawings from Mendelssohn's own hand.
THE FICTION will be strung, tint only In the work nf well-know h writer
but in that nf new aulhois, In seeming whose fn-npciutlnu the Magalue ha been so
Imtunatc during It tlrst v carol puiiiieullon. A serial novel, entitled "Tlrst Harvest,
bv l-'KliDKKIC J. STIMSON, will be begun lu the January number, nnd earlv In the
vi-ai no. elllc will be published by IIKNKY JAMIwS and II. C. UUNNISlt. The
short stoilcs arc of noticeable strength and jrcsques.
ILLUSTRATIONS. The Magalne will show lucrciiad excellence In
Its llhiitiatlon. They will be moic abundant and clalxiratc than ever. It Is the In
tention of the publisher to represent the best work of the leading artist, and to pro
mote and foster the most skillful method of wood engraving.
O H fc.L I A L NOTICK. To enable renders to posses the Magalne fiotn the
lirst number (January, 1887) thu following Inducements arc ordered,
A year's subseilptlnn and the numbers for 1887, $15
A car's subscription and the number for 1887, bound In two volumes cloth,
gilt top, $6 00
$3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number.
Uemlt bv Hank check or money order to
(;,V'r4?3y,j,V V s?wYV li-
hMina, m ! - MiiMMfntf mwmtnm nir'UMWHWinnifniji t w a
Us cintrnl pofiltion nnd oloaieoimoetlou -vlth Hnstoru Ilium nt Clilcnuo
nnd rontliiuoiiB lin s nt tornilmi puints, V t.t, uith ot, und So'itli
W(st. mnko it tlio ti no nitd-llnk In tlutt truiiBContlni-ntul clintn or stool which
uiiltou tho Atlttntic and I'acltlc Itn main Hiiob nnd briinrhn lncludo CU1
cjro, Jollot, Ott.iwi. liSnllo, Poorln, Oonosoo, Mo'ine nnd Hock Islund, in
lIllnolH. UitMiniiiirt, aiuicAtnio, v
Wont Ibortv
UV n v li , w t I
vlllo, Auchil mi
tlnrlun. dlltl'il'
Tronton, I'mii n n. Si Jocop i nu City, In Mtasc nrl , 1
and Att'liiHi'ii, m Xuiibiw, Mini ouiioIIb mid 8t Puul, In Mlniu i
town itrul Sioux Knlls In Dukotit. mul nuiny othor prosnorouutow
Tt.iilnnttnrHiiaUOICR OK ltOTiTEH
motliiito plucos. muiting1 nil trunnfors In Union dopots. Puut Trulns of tlno
DAY COACHBS. ologivnt UININU OAH3, miigiiltlcont PUIjLMAN PALACB
SLEEPING CANS, und itiotwoon t litcngo, St Jom ph. Atchison mid Kansas
Cityi roBtful HEoLlNING CHAIR CAK8, eoma FrtEIi to lioldora of through
tlrot-cluou tlokotu
Kxtonrio woBt mid pouthwoHt from Kuiib t'ltv mid ft Joaoph to Fnlr
bury, Nolson, Horion, Toix'kn, Herli. ' i, Hutchinson, Wlcliltn, Cnldwoll,
and nil polntH In Soutlo rn N l)r...'Ui J i rior K.iutu uud uoyond. Kntir
iiiioBoncor iinutpiiicnt il tho colobrntou I'ullmmi i: mini icturo Solldlv bill-ht-ttod
truck oi h mv, lUulnill Iron mid toiioliruli'oa All BUt'oty iipplluncoa
null modern nnprov 'iiiont Oomniodlouu, woll built i-tutions. Celerity, c.r
tiiinty, comfort mut luxury itdBurod
iHtho fnvorlto botwoon Clucnrro, Roek iBlmid, AtchlBon, KmistiB City, und
Mlunoupoll.uiiul 'i Paul i'ii t mi i u routo to till ? iirtliorn fui'imor Rt sorts.
Its Wittortown Bi inch iravr too most prudu five kinds of the grout,
"whontmul tlulry bolt" of Northorn tuwu, Southwost.rn Minnesota, und Eust
ConirulDnkotu Tho Short I.lno via S nurti mid KoiiUukooollorrt Biiporiortncilltlosto truvol
botwoon Cincinnati, Inulunupolln, Uifuyotto, mul Council Blulls, St. Joseph,
Atchison, Ivcavonworth, KmiMiis City, Mlnnoiipolls, and St. Puul
For Tickntrt, Maps. Koldoro, or any doslrod Intormittlon, apply to any Cou
pon Ticket Ottlco in tho United Stutos or Cutuula, oruddross
General Manager.
i lie US'
WILLIAM V. rtPTAORP, on n subject
itdinngion, eitiriici om
iimwii. OaknlooHii.
...a 1... lit.,, .-.In Wl, . . t Atlf,ft. 1,r..r
ntrbund Council Uli tTr, in Iown; aullntln,
T . . SI... 1.. Sl ....I T ..,.. ...... .1.
uuuvuim j i ui
i Botu , Wntor-
to mul tV'im tin) Piicltlo Count mul lntor-
Gen'l Ticket ftfau'r Agent.
. 11. i.