MfiWV WM MWww'Mf y "'- yL COMPOUND EXTRACTy Ami twnMiiiiMii Tho Importanco of purifying tlio blood can not bo overestimated, for without uro blood you cannot onjoy good health. At this season nearly every ono needs a good tncdlclno to purify, vitalize, and enrich tlio blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's DomiIIch' Sarsaparllla. Itstrcngthcns reUUIlai mi builds up tlio system, creates an appetite, and tones tlio digestion, whllo it eradicates disease Tlio peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tlio vegctablo remedies used glvo to Hood's Barauparllla pcctil- nr-. Ctf lar curative powers. No u I loci I other nicdlclno hassuch a record of wonderful cures. If you liavo mado up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not bo induced to tako any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. nood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Trcparcd by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. tOO Dosos Ono Dollar a. UNION PACIFIC R'WY. THE OVERLAND ROUTE. Shortest umt safest route to nil points in Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, Ida ho, Oregon ami Washington Territory. Take the Ovcrliind Fiver and s.t cone to nil Pacific coast points. i TJit Union Pacific I. the Free Chair Car I lint running into Union depots at Omaha j nod Council Muffs, connecting with tlu fast limited trains of all Unci for the cist, I nortli and south. Through tickets on mod I em day coaches. H.igguge cheeked thio' i to destination from nil points east in the Unltftl States and Canada. Sleeper ac I conimod.ttions reserved on through Pull man Palace Cars from the Missouri river i to the Pacific coast. ' 12. 11. SLOSSON, Agent, i io4 () Street, Lincoln, Neh. i T.J.Poitih, 12. II. Lomax, J.S.Tr.iim.T, ' ist v. i. A.c. i'. kr. . j.i. u.. PomeroyCoal COMPANY DEALERS IN Coal and Wood. Good supply oil High Grade Soft J anq Hard Coal al-1 ways on hand. I 1201 O St. J. R. LEMIST, Agent. LINCOLN Dime Museum ! Cor Tenth nnd N Street. SAHDERSON S KHEE, Props, and M'grs. OPEN DAILY A FAMILY RESORT Matinee every afternoon at 2 p. in. 2 Two Performances Each Evening. 2 First at 7 o'clock, second at 9 p.m. Change of program tvvlcj weekly. The Royal Marionettes, the Chair Equi librist, the Hydra Headed "What Is It?" Hop Slug with Chinese Song and Dance, the Wonderful Skeleton, the I Undo Jug gler, Old Snowball with Plantation Song a 11 d Dance. Don't fall to see Zu-I.i, the living half lady. The London Times says : Zulu Is conundrum. How this young lady eats, thinks, moves about anil iu fact, csists with onlj amis and body, is tut wonder of the present age. Ik who can see through the Illusion must he a person of marvelous penetration." Tne New York Herald says : " A erU ablt marvel of ingenuity." The Indian Dally News, Calcutta, 7. cl'Iii Is a beautiful girl or as seen In the hlhlllon a beautiful half girl." Thou ids will guess In wiln where the other Is, must he to he believed. on exhibition at the Lincoln museum WHAT SHALL WK WEAR? BLOW DUT SURE GROWTH OF THE "UNION" OR "HEALTH" GARMENT. fashions for Ijullrn' Umleirlnthlnir In Iiiulcm itml In w York f I rout Diver nil) of Ntjles In lloimol 1-IihmI for Mlihvlntor. Itonnot for midwinter Include not only tunny st,los, but stylo Rimming great ex tremes, such ns tutlo nnil flower linnets mid velvet iKituii'tA trimmed wtlh fur. This diversity nponrs to Iw n necessity, sotno Indies of fashion must linvo a bonnet for every occasion If notnlwolutoly onofor every go MIL FUU TIUMMEU f.'UOTH COSTCSIK. For thotheatro and otlier evening occa Bious nro graceful nPnlrs of lace, tullo, flowers mid feathers. To wear with cloth suits are now cloth bonnets or turbans. Thcso nro trimmed, as a rule, to correspond with tlio costume, ns is illustrated in the cut. Tbo flue, bluo cloth dress nnd ielerlne oro trimmed with I'crsiitn lamb or Astrakhan andbruld. Tlio cloth hnt of exact color of the suit has u brim of Astrakhan, and an Astrakhan mulT completes tho stylish cos tume. Russian Kablo is much usel as a trim ming to w inter bonncts,nnd it often seems that tho vrholo crown is of fur, thouylv, as rulo, tho fur coui'ioses tho brim only. IVINTKIl nOVNETS. In tho second cut Is shown nn imported winter 1 1011110 1 oi' exceedingly stylish shape. It is of scarlet velvet. Tho elvet, arranged in plaits going upward, corcra tlu crown of this bonnet and provides tlio plaited trim ming in front. A deml-wreath of greon glossy feathers, crowned ubovo with 11 feather aigratto, and a bow and strings of ribbon four and threo-quarter inches wide, shot with red nnd green, givo tlio fashionable orna mentation. I Night Drosses unit Under Linen. , In London, it appears, thcro it u decided tendency to color in tho wear of night drosses and under linen, and many of tho leading houses sell sets of thoso to mutch, in cluding tho two necessary articles of daily wear and the night dress. Bomu very pretty ones oro in cambrio with flno narrow linos of colors. In Now York, ladies, as a rulo, pro- 1 fer tho articles mentioned in whlto linen, muslin or jvxcnlo; tho color in their under wear liolng confined to fanciful iwttlconts, Bilk corsets and tho pretty ribbon trimmings SSKK.inS. SS" Bilk skirts, lined with flannel, nro very fash ionably worn instead of tho ordlnnry Uannel petticoats. Under silk petticoats, not llnod wfth flannel, or quilted flannel petticoats, in broad, contrasting stripes, aro worn; thoso oro generally edged with a rather thick washing lnco or embroidery. Ileform or Health OurinonU. Tho undergarments and health waists In troduced to tho public a dozou or moro years ago under tho general namo of "leform gar ments" liavo met with exceedingly slow growth, btlll they liavo mndo some advanca At tho present tlmo tho union garments, in wool, silk and muslin, share favor with tho two-pieco garments. Tlio former liavo been adopted by many lieeauso of their com fort, convenience and economy; by others thoy aro patronized to some extent w 1th tho Idea thnt one's stays und bodice lit moro tnugly nbovo them Hum with tho two-pleco underwear. I'l'lincs from tlio World uf fashion. From I'm is comes word thnt "tight lacing, largo mtlca and the high hat are doomed." Hussar jackets are worn for deml toilet. Among recent novelties iu tea gowns Is noted 0110 of cream colored China silk, trimmed with llulTy gray fur ami a profusion uf yellow liblion. lm 3s " - THE DROOKLYN TADERNACLE. Dr. TiilmiiKK i tlm Plitlfonti Ontlnrlcul rower of lli Niiteil I'lriirlii'i'. The llrst object Hint strike, tho Mtor to tho llrool.l.vuTiilornnelo Is the Innnoiisoor gnu l'iiunptl at 7il5 o'clock tho organist runs his lingers over tho lory keys, and pin, two or throe selections. At tho exact moment of ' Dr. Tnliuiigu walks on tho plntroim. lilt black broadcloth funk coat ' ii thrown iin'ii. A turned down eollnr enclr- ' den his ii" I,, and n black tie covers his snowy shiit front. Ho dropi Into it bluo , plush tlmlr.iiud 11 moment in sH'iit In prayer. Then he ndjiutt his glnssn to lih ejes nnd p ujH'liH hU Illblc. Tho oi-gan peals forth "I'ratso (Jod, from Whom All lllesslngs Flow " A stout, well built man slops on n miiiiII platform nnd wnven hlsilhthaud. In hl' left ho holds n silver 001 not 'litis he puts to hi mouth and loads tho Mist nudieueo iu song. Then is no choir or ipiaitottoiu ' tho TnlN'runi'li Tho singing Is out hvly by ' tbo cougrogalioii. After this Dr. Tahniigu steps forward. Tho jsmiI of tho organ has Imnlly dliil away lxfoio ho antioiiiui'i his Illblo rending. Ho holds the goisl hook in Ills right hand, close to his face. Ills left hand steal nrouiul to his back mid clutchos nervously nt his coat tall. Ho begins Inn well rounded but not musical voice. Tlio vast nudlenco is hushed in xeotnney. Tho fnll of a pin could bo hoard. Hlowly tho preacher proceeds. It is tho over delightful story of Ruth that ho lias selected. Ho roads floutoneo after sentenco, and iu 11 ionersa tionnl wny iuJivLs coiuinents until tho old story, Hint nil the world has laughed ami cried ovor, Mimcslcd with anew lightunda now moaning. After tills iiuntlier hymn mid then the collection. As tlio ih-iuiIoh, dimes nndipinitei-HjInglomusleiilly together In tho collection 1k).os tho conn list plays again. Tho grout church Is by this time full to over flowing. TIkto Isn't stnuding loom any where. Mnsslve chandeliers light up tho building perfectly, and tho stained glass windows innVo u jiretty mid eiroctlvo bock-gi-ouuiL Then the sermon logins. Tho pronclicr conn's down to tho front of tho platform with out note- or even 11 book iu his hand. IIo doesn't uso 11 tablo or pulpit. Ho stnuils nlono. Every ejo is on him. Ho given out his test in it clear, loud, rinlng oiee, nnd rejienti it twice. Ho usually lupins tho ser mon by 11 hnst woiil picture of tho seeno when Hid toxt is laid, or by 1111 nnicdoto. The sermon lasts forty minutes. It is full of vigor and I'm nostnoM. Indeed, that is tlio chief 1 hnraotoristle of Tahnao on tho plat form, lie is In earnest lie talks quickly, nervously. He paces up mid down tho plat form, and now tells 11 story iu 11 low. sweet voice, and again ho liolohos forth lll.o Vesu vius, nnd makes tlio ''Imudcliti-M riiltlo witli thosoiiud f hlsvoieo. At times ho Is in tensely humorous. Again ho has tho nudl enco iu tears Again, ho Is so tlrjiunlic that tlio com lotion forces itself upon you Hint If ho had taken to tho stage instead of I tlio puipit lie would liavo timdu 11 great actor. 1 "What words did tho Muster uso when tho winds ami waves lashed (hilileo into a fury I" ho shouts. Ho stops back a half dozen feet, nnd for 11 I moment there Is silence. Then hocomes 1 nsli- I ingilown the platform like 11 tornado until , ho reaches tho very edge. His hands nro up lifted. Ho turns his fnco to tlio ceiling until his mouth I j 011 it straight lino w ith his ears, 1 ami in 11 pleading volco says, softly, music ally: "IVii'v!" Quick as a Hash his hands coinn flown. His faco lias lost Its sweetness His volco Is changed mid harsh, und tho sentenco is com pleted by 1111 awful and Intensely driimatie yell: "Ho stllll" It Is tlio vouiof authority. Onllleois stilled. Thcro mo "Oil's" iu the audience, and it man iu 11 pew in front of mo leans over to his companion and whisjiers: "I never understood tho moaning -of thut sentenco lieforc." Tlio vast nudlenco novcr loses interest. It Is an audleuco 111111I0 up fully two-thirds of men Is'tween tho ages of liuind '' They belong to nil walks iu life. 801110 nro stu dents, others nro actors und playwrights, young ministers, blinkers, hi okt is, lawyers and stoiol:eoors. They laugh at tho anec dotes, and they cry and listen reverently, tenderly, to tho manly pleading to coino to Jcmk Foster Coates iu New York SIulI nnd Express. 'I I10 Opiil Niiirrlltlmi. Commenting on it recent article on tho opal sticrstitlo!i, Alniingcr I.elgh S. Lynch said: "If bio has anything to do with it, mnru than tho usual amount of dcsistcr and dismay should hiio followed tlio very largo nnd lustrous opal I unco got fi 0111 .Mexico. Tho.flrst day I woie it I visittsl n largo ivory house lor the purpose of buying a pair 0 brushes. They hud nothing thut suited mi until tho salesman Ashed from an upjiei' shelf a puir of osipilsjtely carved brushes. 'Those,' said he, 'were ordered more than n yeurugo by a stranger who never called for them. to marked this peculiar monogram on tho I back lor him 11 branch of the business wo turu over to others except iu very raio cases and it sjhpiIs tho sale.' I looked at tho mon ogram, und imagine my astonishment when I read the very uncommon combination of letters that I wanted iu tho design I should liavo selected of all others. "There was n clnmcu for jsychological meditation in tho incident, but 1 simply called it good luck that gave mo tho brushes at less ! than one-third their value. In tho next fow nioutlis, v Idle I woro tho opal, I tw ico missed, by less than a minute, trains which met with accidents; uns compelled, because my tegu lar hotel was crowded, to stop at another iu a certain town, nnd wns awakened by tho flames (muring out of tho ono I didn't get a room iu, and my show was conspicuously successful iu towns that nro known iu tlio profession as 'frosts.1 In short, of bad luck thcro wasn't u trace while I woro tho o-wl, , and when I ceased wearing it I didn't let it got outside ot my family. "Chicago News. Tho Dirty Window rune. A tidy houso)'ee,er of Lisbon, Me., was much troubled by n certain window pauo in her parlor. Do what sho could sho couldn't got it clean. She tried acids, alcohol and window rubbers to 110 purpose. Her luisUind laughed at her and said he could clean thut glass. Huhled. Ittomuiuod Just us dingy as Ixjforo. Then' tlio housckoc'iei' called iu it glazier mid told him to take out tho ofTcnd ing glass, Ho started to do so, and found that somehow or other two panes of glass had lieoiihct In thnt sash, und tho inside of each pauo wu . dusty. Of courso the dust couldn't bo readied by washing. It was a very sim- 1 plo solution of whut Ugnu to seem almost a , mystery. Nuw York Hun. 1 lloaton Corlietl'n (inn. Slnco llostoii Corltett has been plnced in tlio insane nsylu.n his elfocts at Concordia, Kan., liavo passed into the hands ot an ad ministrator, nod among them was tlio iden tical Enfield rillo with whleli Corls'tt shot tho slayer of Lincoln, This old weapxm has boon purchased for $.1 by it drund Army of tho Republic it ut Concordia, and will bo kept as 11 lolie. Clilcngo Ileruld, Tlio English system of naval punishment Is ' to Ik revised, and minor olfenees, instead of being treated to tho cut and sweat box, will now bo punished by flues and stopuigoof ' leave. THE SMALL DOY. A Ynimintrr Hlin MUed t'j Cards -tUW HU l'iii)m. A -l-jonr-old boy In this city war atausl"- hlmiielt ono recent ovenlng by Imitating V father and mother, who weroplii)lngouohw Tho child held u ek of curds and would lay a card on the Moor every llnie hlsmothei laid one on the table, and would say, "I pass," etc., when she did. Hod Ilmo, nnd with it the usual child's ptnyer with tho common ending, but this tlmo the youngster wound up thus) "(lis! bless mpu, nmmmn nnd ball) 1 niss clubs trumps. Ameul ' Now Yoik Woild, A 1'iir Hluhtcit Hoy, A-l-jenr "Id Isiy wns taken to tho window nfew iiiiiiuiugs since and shown tlio bright j planet of the moiulng sky, which was shin ing with tomaikahlo brightness through an except IoiimII eleur atmop!.oro. IIo wns told that It was Venus, and udmlrod It greatly. At tho breakfast table ha related the exerlenoo with groat animation. "I saw-11 big star," ho said; "Itsiiamo was Peanuts, and II was K)lutcd at both ends." As Iho foi m of tho planet is that of iisluini (minted oi-oMflit, it Is evident that that Isiy h ejos me lunch hotter to bo tiusUtl than his oars. Uil 011 Tninsci Ipt. Tim Sun I of Omul or. AKimdnv scIukO teacher begun his quc tlonliiK'. .'on it tho old j oar with tho query: "Are uhi .K'tter than oil were I'nt yiitrl" A goml many of Iho llttlo fellsAS hail replied ' Vos.flr;" but it crimpy isiy on tho back seat had th ,courngti of hiscouvio tluns. "I linln't mi better nor I over wur.," ho said, ''hut," ho added, by way of softening tho hnrsh statement, "I got '0 sorest front of nnyboilv in this elnss-I I I nioft got dlpfotia "- Youth's Companion. A llt'lli'i'tliin t'Hili dm Tenclier. A llttlo boy und his sister ouiii lioni" from tho closing exercises of ono of tlio ptlblio schools tho other day. 7ho eerllflfntm for regular ntteudaueo and good conduct had Ihs'U distrlhiited, and tho gill was tho proud ris'lplent of ono of them, but her brother had failed to ipmlify. "Didn't you got a eortill cato, Toinmj I" their mother arl.isl "No'm," was tlio icply, "but I would Imvo got one If thcro had Issui enough to go round." To ronto QIoIhj. 'llix "Cuko" IVn .ill sled I'tii'. u3Inimnn,n wilil llttlo Willie, nfler leturn Ing from 11 dinner to which ho had Is-on in vited, "I alius kinder thought that cako was just cake; but I see t hero's n dillcrciico Iu it. Aunt Susan's cako Is cako mi' plo an' piiddiu' nn' 1' iclies an' Icecroaui an' everything gaotl togethei, but youin Is notliiu' but cako." ElmiiaTidiugH. llurrj's llelllilllnn. I have it llttlo boy, Hurry, ngexl !. Eloo tlo'i day ho asked mow hat pnpn was going to vote for I told him for tho mayor. His ' sister asked mo what tho mayor was. "Well," ho said, "girls don't know nollln; it I is a gli ) boss, of course." llostoii Ololn. Tho curious effect it has. Life. A Dear I.lttln IVIIitw. Mrs. Houdrleks (to husband) Hobby nsked mo last night if Ood bent tho rain, and 011 my telling him yes, said ho supjiosed ho must jiour it down through tho stars Denr llttlo fellow. Mr. Ileulricks Yes; Hobby Is it nlco llt tlo Now, who tho mischief Illlod my shoo full of banana skins? Mrs. Hendricks Oh, I suppose It was Bobby. Now York Sun. Another I'r.iml I'xpipsed. Walter Girl You better get your bonrd in advance from that man what says bo's u. United States dotectivo. Landlady IIo looks honest. "He's no detectlvo; ho'd never suspect any liody of anything. Ho nto his mlnco plo without onco looking under tho crust. " Omaha World. Clreiimstiincos Agnlmt Her. Wlfo (nt breakfast) Oh, dear, I liavo M much to do, and tho children and servants try mo sol Husband And you don't look well, olthor, my deu r. Wife No; but when thcro Is nothing but turmoil nnd confusion, nnd ono is cxjiccted to look after everything, w hat iossiblu pleasure Is there In lioing sick! Now S'ork Hun. A Mluht MIlnko. First Scicntlst-Eh What did you sayj Second Scientist I Bald nothing. A couplo of horses attached to a big wagon loaded with stone Just run away nnd dashed into that stono quarry up there. "Oh, thnt was it. I thought you spoko to mo in volopuk." Oinahu World. What Ho llud round. I henrd a good story tho other day on a freshman In ono of our Now England col leges. On being nsked by his professor by whom and 011 what occasion tho term "Eu reka" wns first used, ho replied, "lly Demos tlicues, when he sat down 011 the pin for which ho wns hunting " -Hoston lleoord. Nut the .Solitary Ojstur. At tho church sociable; Vivnclous young lady fiucss vv nut wo nro going to liavo to night, Mis. llaseom eharadosl Mrs. liascoui I knowed itl I smolt o'm clear out tothoguto. Iiuilmgtou Free Press. A I'mtliii; I tijiiiu-t Ion. Traveling Salesman tto employer) Well, I'nioir. Mr. Smith. Uixid-hyl Employer liissl-bj and a sucivssful trip. And rimoiulK'r, Mr. l.ntward, tluit order is I1e.1v en's lint 1 iw, Now Y01 k Sun. An i:pi iiiiition. ''Hixi here, waiter, how is it that I And 11 tiouers but ton Iu this salad I" "Uatiuiiii jnu; of do dreasiu' s.ih." Life, lilt I. Willi II IIOSllllllllll. 1 ' --1 r""1 Av -fin vifuR THC GERMAN DAnortR. Ho Wikok liKiuUltlTr, lias it I'luttt nasi Wins the Dny. "You s rt ir. eouiuiereliil drnlller, chr "No." Tho nsslstnnt to tho Oerman burlier wtu the one who asked tho tpicstlou, addressing It to it slender but middle ugisl man In thochnlr nt which hoenriusl his far from monotonous way through life. Ho had shaved this cus tomer two or thus" times Is-foro, aiul was endeavoring to llud out all nlsiut him, as all ImuIs'ih always have done when their curi osity was up and their man was down and lathered und well tucked Iu. "Oh, you're choost it glerk by usdoro, I'liP "No; slmviMip whin you git to 1110 neck. Me neck Is tinder." "Ceitentl.v ; I know dot. Miiyimyou ihoii In tier Ilgger hsiii'ns. Veil, dot's n lino Hsrnoss, bin tickler uf J 011 got 11 good shtnnd. 1 know it front ot mine from der minio wlllugo vhero I vos bom, und ho got" "Mo frlnd, O'lm not in the saloon irnue, ni. all, and so ye'ro Joost wnstln' yer breath. Aisy wld your inror on um chin." "All rlghdt you keob your iKernesa by yourselhif I choost like to innko inlncwdluf bollto lull v oil, dot's all " Tho Job was piaetlciilly llnlshisl, Iho last strokes ot tho brush wero being nppllcd, when "tho monkey barber," as tho Ik always culled him, on account of his foolishness, ex hlbllod 11 loss both of temper 11111I discretion, owing to tho customer's ictleonoo. "Uf you os nsliamoil vim your iss'ness you douo light not to told soiiusilngHiiiHivvd dot; vol It os. A man's got U put von eyo out und look sharp like der lelllo nowadays, , on ackouud uf Anthony tlomstwks und In sltector Villlanis mid der society for der bro- I weiuloiiuf oiiielty,uhctty; baitiekler uf ho vos doing grookod pis'ucss, jet ' "Thunder mid stars!" shoutisl tlio cus tomer, literally Iswldo himself and springing outof thoelialr. "Fwhatd'jo mniio at all. wid yer slack I Mobizness In mo blzness, and it's not Iho lights of iiuny monkey faced, crocked Jawisl larrup Iv 11 Dootch divll to crass ipiistioii mofwhlnlvor ho has mo laid 1 out iu 11 chair at his eouvanlenoo Mo hi. ness, Is IU It's llekln' Iho DikhoIij that's f m htil it Is. TIioiv, now ; come on, now, till I 1 K)llsli the Hun wld yer head." I "Hiil' mil Hdop 11 lootlol Vnlt chiMist a , inlnutol" said tho Imks, ruslilng to tho uld of his assistant, "DIs ding's got to lsvu bluyod owd. WhiH-irer licks dot my must llrst lick I iiilncM'lhif. It vos llfo year, now', vot elTery bugimeloiis lrlshmans by dor city has eci( 1 licking dot jsiy, und it costs m it vook'H Mines for 11 subs! liliKit each dime abotty." "Ui'll lick thotwoav jerundiill jir rela tions." said tho Irato customer. "IVjo think Ol'il lay shtlll and lotacnmlu plctuio from a Disitcli paper walk nil over mu wld his tongue ' I "t'liiiuimy crnckyl" shouted tho (lermnn Imrlier, seizing thu hot water kottlo with Its ' gallon of lsilllng eonlenls. "A man can't dlo 1 moro us vonco, alrotty. Run, or I IkjII you I init der Lett In. Chukot Vhy der tlckens don't you do tomedlugsl Kick tier stofo ofer und gllmb by der sdroet und jell llko soxty, or clniinp down his tioat und enrvo your vny owd fi 0111 his IkkiIs mlt der inznr. I show you, you pig loaver." At tho siiuio Instant tho (lerinnu burlier bo gnu to swing tho kettle like n madman. Tho assist nut lifted tho great blab of marblo olT the table, and both advanced toward tho cus tomer. They weio too much for him. IIo j seized his hat mid overcoat und lied, pausing at tho door to hiss something about it luuutlo asylum ltotwecn his teeth. When ho had gono tho (lermnn harbor tlropissl Into it chair Iu a paroxysm of t laughter. I "Clinko," said ho, "dot's der grentost day uf my llfo. New York Hun. STRAY J0KE8. It Is tho dry goods clerk who most fre quently sales under falso colors. Now Haven News. If there is anything In tho world which will mnkoii man forget that his Joints aro stiff, it is to stop on it squeak doll on mi tin lighted stairway. Philadelphia Call. 1 Young Lady (in shoo store) I wnut them plenty large Proprietor (measuring foot) Yes, mis.; joti want throes. Young Lady No; twin 1110 my sizo. Ylin Epoch, 1 "You ii(edii't order 1110 around, sir," said tho washerwoman. "I'm not tho hired girl. It's Dridgct'u place to look after tho milk. I'm tho laundry lady " "That doesn't scaro mo," said tho man. "I'm tho milk gcntlo man and I'm tho P. W. O. It. IC of tho U. O. Q. O. and Most Eminent Past (J. W. of tho Ancient Order of M. X.Q.Z, and I want somebody to tako this milk." "Yes, sir," said tho washerwoman meekly, ns sho wont to flnil a crock. Chicago 'I ribmie. Ami so every day lie gave ttiq Almighty Advlco which he deemed of groat worth; Ami his wife took iu sewlnj; To keep tliltiRS h-roIiik Wlillo ho superintended tho earth. Tlio Churchman. A young lady, visiting for tho llrst tlmo in tho country, was alarmed at tho approach of a cow. Klu was too frightened to run, and, shaking her parasol ut tho animal, sho said in a very stent tone: "Lio down, slrl Ho down I" New York Tribune Tho chess club lias occupied its present quarters for a remarkably long tlmo. Usu ally chess players want to move. Now Or loaus Pica, imu. Tho figures of this year, Ikvs, rescmblo three big girls und a dudo as they spread themselves ncross tho pavement on a flno afternoon Willlamsport Sun and llancer. Some 0110 asks: "Does it pay ti lo goodf Perha'Bj our evidence in tho in lit. r will not bo taken, and so wo shall not answer tho question directly, but wo wid say that it is good to Ihj paid. Lowell Citizen. Tho joung man who would vvasto tlmo kiss ing a girl's hand would oat tho brown jiajicr bag mid leave the hot house grapes for somo ono else. Souiervdlo Journal. Oft times utter 11 man has soon his "auto" ho is compelled to go und seo his "uncle." Tho Ejioelu Lot 11 limn sit down on n bent pin and he will arise promptly and speak briefly to tho point, Now- Orleans Plcayuno. It is IioihsI Hint tho man who predicted that w wore going to have 11 warm winter hasn't 11 bushel of coal iu his bin, nnd is snow id up 100 miles fiom a coal yard. Nor ristowu Herald. Young vlghty-elclit, Wiipat jour iH'ijihl, And trust on'll not decreas In weight. IIo tcinpctvlslil. Tobacco llelj;llt, And don't tttuj out until it's lelKlit. llttsburg Ciiroilcle. A line, I nil .Millie. Horry How den, n IS colored boy, ot Maitm, has tho hu got mouth of iiuybody, big or little, In these parts. When hoojiens it w nlo tho 001 tiers i'f the mouth 1110 less than half an inch front thelolsjof each ear, Ho can put his (1st In his mouth; cut hold two egg in It without lUrduulty, nnd his hut tri umph vits to tako In it toy balloon . nd then mll.ito it to its full sue, llcrry i very proud of his mo'ith Atlanta Constitution. SOMETHING NEW. Wi'have piiiulniH'tl the incut mnrkct of Manger llros (fonncrty Hhcricr & Ilcnl rclch) 138 H. nth Street We will carrv n full line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fisli, Gamo, Poultry, Butter, Es, Etc. Wholecale und Resall. (Joods bcllvcrei! tt any jmrt of the city. Telephone Cm. Come nnd sec u. IIOVBY&SON. H. W. BROWN, Dealer In Drugs and Medicines PAINTS,OIIiS,ClIiASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 1 37 S. Eleventh st. BLOOD POISON. Old limit troth ciintnlii . tlio niiliili'MeiKit of IiIikkI ikiImiiiI Who rim snnlloir It, ntiolilMit nut of old livlli nt every 111114I nnd li lipsltliy? Tlnwi livlli nrn, iilrrritted, null nllliy lrotiiontly rnii.o n mi'lliM fnru. HI1011I1I ccrlnl'ily Ihi eitrnclisl nnd reiilaiisltvllli KikmI, nrllllclnl irclli tied nnvurnclie fun lie imtract M vtltliuiil pilu, N11I111111. Iiiir. New Years iToclamntion. In nrdur llml eiery 111111 limy lu iiMti In out liirkoy tlmiikfiilly, wo will put up ntlliVlnl li'ctli nt tlio fnf. Ins low ruliw iinlll tlm 1st of J Henry; Wll mliiKtniiTuutli, $i, Sloley'ii Tu"tli, imisl mora tlmn ny inupin in i iniiiin, n very linn nrllcia, ot: Willie's Put ill Tt'ulli. Willi tiliitiis r J7B0 iwr of diiulil trrniitli. wrnr wllli n istihiiiiiiI ihiIIIi. imM.wcb pUlcn, lirldKU work, etc, nt in most rmuioiiiihl nrlciw. ItfMiiii No III, IAHO strict, iuldwlu llros. lllock. Lincoln Neb Dlssaiod Qums. i?S Thn teeth turn black and din, the umi bleed at tlm idjiilt touch, ulrrrali), tlio tec ill loosen aud fall nut, tho breath Is linrrlulo. DR. A. P. BURRUS, 1200 O fitroot, On the TUtntil Truimlt, cuim up diseased Rtimi, make tbo ilnttt Kold and platinum fllllrii:, iuk4S tbo CumI tcoth that tobacco will not UruUh. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. still In tho front nnd absolutely leading all v,niK)lltoi's. Tlioiougbly equipped for th nest work, giving to each customer nn un 'lunllflisl guarantee for nil work done. All of our work done with neatness nnd drqiatch. We solicit orders for suburban villages und: 1 vlgblsu Ing towns, pitying the uxpiess on itil inters one way. lles'H.'Ctfully, C. J. PRATT. S. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. Mon.-y loaned on long or abort time at lowMt itea. Office In Illcborus' lllock, room 21 Take, elevator on Eleventh aixeet entxmoa. 0.A.SHOEMAKER.M.D. Hoiiitcopalliist Physician, Telephone No, 685. 163 South nth Street, Li.molm Neu Crystal Steam Laundry Will cull for, and promptly deliver nil w o entrusted to tlicin, und fluUh samu ill latest and best imtuuer. NEW MCHINERY, and lxt facilities iu tho city, for doing stria t ly flrst-flasH work. Our new locations are LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and OSts. CITY OFFICE; 119 N. 12th Street. TELEPHONE No. 478. I?A tiinl vvill convince you that the Prt s-t . il I.uj tli ik t ihi lit it I til w 11 nt1f 1st 41a. i v-i J mm tlVx i Htv- i(i t.4tl J IMMIt, til IU IT sdtte Nook anyplace. Having arranged my sample rooms for the convenience of the public nnd stocked it with tilt best brands of Wines, liquors & Cigars I would respectful!,, solicit a share of pub lic patronage. M,' goods ure all verv fine and from the oest makers, nnd 1 will" take pleasure in filling all order for FAMILY SUPPLIES. In connection with my conduct a first class sample loom I LUNCH COUNTER.-- wiicre at aiy time u short order lunch may X had ut reasonable pi ices. Call and see aic. No. 1015 O Street. ami WttMftAfflMft ysgpr I I