Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 21, 1888, Image 3

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Fremont Elkhorn & Mo, Valley
Trnlin leave !i: to ii. m. nmt 1 ):") p.ra
The Klkiiorh Vamjct Link.
To frvo home In Northwestern Nebraska 'mi
Southwestern Dakota.
To thu lllftck Hill nikl tlie Hot Spring.
To Central Wyoming roM and on Melds nn
attto range.
To Chicago and Hut Emit.
To Ht. Paul, the North ami Northwest.
For further Information Inquire of
UM.TYI.Klt, Agent.
:lt5 South 10th street, IJncoln
W. F. Fitch, J. K. Hcciunan,
General M'gsr. Gcn'l 1'ojw. Ag't
Missouri Valley, Iowa.
Owns mid opornlcM 5.S00 mile of tliorsiiRhly
quipped mini In Illinois, Wisconsin, lown,
Missouri,. Minnesota and Dakota.
It Is tlio Host DlroeL llntitn hetwo.'n nil tlio 1'olutit In the Northwest, Southwest '
nnd Far West "". ,
Kor mans, limn table, rules nf immnirn ami
freight, etc., apply to nearest statfon agent ol
WAV, or to any Railroad Airont nnywhoro la
tho world.
Onnoral M'g'r. Uon'l Puss. AT'kt Agt.
Ast. Gon'l Mgr. Asst. O. P. A T. Agt.
. 4 Y3B Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
t3E&-Vor Information In rnreronee to Lands
mid Towns owned by tho Chicago, Milwau
kee tHt. Paul Railway Coinpnny,wrlto to II.
-O. IlAunAN.I.aml Commissioner, Milwaukee
C'iriTiL Stock f K,009.
aw Mother, rreidnt, W.J- Wjih,V-Pr
R, 0. Owelt, Cashier.
REAL estate ana 1AJAH uKuajuta,
Farm MortRSKe Loans a srclalty.
Boom 8. lUchanls block.
- i
Bigg's Injection.
Chemists nnd plmrinaclstH, Lincoln, Neb.
Mnll orders promptly attendwl to.
Western Resources.
A Journal Devoted to the Industrjs and
Resources of the West.
This .Journal is printed on toned book paper,
the typo used Is clear nnd new, tlio title page Is
illustratod each month with something suitable,
nnd In general npiienrnnce It Is as metropolitan
and elegantly gotten up ns IIaiu'KU'h Wkkki.v,
and It Is exactly the sumo size as that paper.
Tliooiiject uinl una or wkhtkhn ukcouiickh is
to give the best stock men, nnd farmers ami geu
business men a thoroughly representntlie
medium for obtaining and ex
ng valuable
Information on those topic
jf vlrnl Importance
to their Industries.
Live Stock Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture. Turf, Poultry,
and Foresty,
Are departments under careful editorship, and
able articles from our own correspondents on
Cities, Counties, States, Crops. Hnilroad Untitling
Commerce, etc., form a sieciiil department.
Hon. IIoiieiit W. KriiNAH, tho editor, Is nbly as
sisted by practical nnd scleutilTo writers,
To Introduce tills paper in every locality lu the
West vmi will send It for the remainder of INS7,
beginning with the May number, for
One Kxtr.t Copy with Kncli 5 Subscribers.
Agents send for terms and exelusli o territory.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
.Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimore, New York and Boston.
.-dyKor further Information
-or or ndilress
Folders, etc., call
City Ticket Auuut, Cor. Ootid l-'th sts.
T. I. IIA1ICOUK, I)es)t Ticket Agent.
It. I. It. MIM.AH, (len'l AkiiH.
for Worldly Sacces Without
Itftgnrd to
Moral Chnractor" tlit Nub-
Jrct Men Who l'rrtend to Drspl.o llr
Hglou Ari Hunk Hypnrrltra.
Diiooki.yn, Jim. 15. In Hrooklyn
Tabernacle thin morning, tlio Rev, T. DoWItt
Taluiugo, D. I)., preached tlio second of thn
series of sermon to tho women of America,
with liiiK)rtnut hints to men. Tho subject
of tho sermon wiHi "Marringo for Woi Idly
Success Without regard to Moral Clmraetcr,"
niul tho text wax from I Biiuuiel xxv, 3:
"Anil tlicro wns a man In Mnon, whoso ks
sessions were lu Curnicl; nnd tho mini was
very great, ntnl ho had throe thousand sheep
and n thousand givits." Dr. Tolnmgo said:
My text introduces us to u drunken Moat
of largo property. I'eforo tho day of safety
deposits and government IkiihIs and national
batiks coplo had their investment In (locks
and herds, and this man, Nahnl, of tlio text,
bad much of his lKMsesslon in llvo stock.
Ho canto also of n distinguished family and
Lad glorious Caleb for an ancestor. Hut this
descendant wan a sneak, a churl, a sot and n
fool. One instance to illustrate: It was it
wool raising country, and at tlio tliuo of
shearing n grisit feast was prepared for tho
,""'" " "" ,""' "" ' -!""" '"' "-
shearers, and David and tals warriors, w ho
hau in other nays snvist from ilostrm-tlon
tho threshing lloors of Nnlml, wnt tolilm
asking, In this tliuo of plenty, for soino bread
for their starving men. And Nabal cried
out: "Who Is Dnvldr" As though an l'ng
llslmimi bad saldt "Who Is Welllugtonr or
a Oonimn should say: "Who Is Von Moltkol"
or nn Aincricati should sity: "Who Is Wash
lug ton'' Nothing did Nnlml give to tho
starving men, and that night tlio scoundrel
lny (loud drunk nt homo, mid the IIIU'l gives
us i full length picture of lilm sprau Hug anil
I maudlin and hclplow.
Now that was tho man whom Ahfgnil, tho
lovely and gracious and good woman, ninr
rled a ttilwroso ilantel liesldo a thistle, a
jinltn branch twineil Into a wreath of deadly
nlghtshado. Surely that was not one of tho
i mntchos ninilo in heaven. Wo throw up our
blind In horror nt that wedding, How did
filio over consent to link her drhtluk with
such a croaturol Well, sho no doubt thought j
thnt it would 1)0 nu honor to ls associated
1 with nn aristocratic family, nnd no ouo can
dcsplso n groat name. Ilesldu this, wealth
would conio, and with it chains of gold and
mansions lighted by swinging lumps of
nrouiatlc oil, and resounding with tho cheer
of Iwmiuetcrs seated at tables laden with
wines from tho richest vineyards, and fruits
, from 1 t-ht orchards, and nuts threshed from
foreign woods, mid meats smoking in platters
of gold, act on by slaves In bright uniform.
lleforo sho plightod her troth with this diss!-
j pntvd man sho sometimes said to horsolX:
1 "Iloivcan I cndurohiml To bo associated
I for life with such a debaucho I cannot and
will not!" Hut then again sho wild to her-
1 self: "Itistimo I was married, and this la a
I cold world to depend on, and perhaps I
1 might do worso and may bo I wilt make a
I 6olcr man out of him, nnd marriage is a lot-
l tery anyhow." And when 0110 day this rep-
. rcscntntivo of n grcnt liouso presented hlm-
sslf in n parenthesis of sobriety nnd with nn
assumed gcnlnllty nnd gallantry of manner,
and with promises of lldclity and kindness
and sclf-abnegntiou, a Juno morning smiled
on a march sminll, nnd tho great soulod
woman sun emleml her happiness to tho
keeping of this infamous son of fortune,
whoso possessions were in Cnrmel: and tho
man was very great, and ho had throo thou
sand sheep and a thousand goats.
Behold hero a domestic tragedy repeated
every hour of every day all over Christen
dom marringo for worldly success without
regard to character. 80 Marie Jeannt
l'lilljioii, the daughter of tho humble en
graver of 1'nrls, liecamo tho famous Mine,
Holnndof history, the vivnclous nnd bril
liant girl united with tho cold, formal, mon
otonous man, liecause ho camu of an nlllucut
family of Amiens aod bad lordly blood in
Ids veins. Tho day when through iolitleal
revolution this patriotio 'voinnn was lod to
tho scaffold around which lay piles of human
heads that had fallen from '.' o ux, nnd sho
Bald to an aged man whom sho hud comforted
ns tboy ascended tho scaffold; "do tlit that
you may not witness my death," and then
undaunted took her turn to die that day
was to her only the last act of a tragedy of
which her uncongonlal marringo day was tho
Good and genial character in n man, tho
very first requisite for a woman's hnppy mar
riage. MIstako mo not as depreclatlvo of
worldly prosperities. There is a religious
cant that would seem to represent jiovcrty as
a vlrtuo, nnd wealth asacrlmo. lean tako
you through a thousand mansions where God
Is as much worshlpiiod as ho ever wns in a
cabin. Tho gospel inculcates the virtues which
tend toward wealth. In tho millennium w o will
all dwell lu palaces, and rido 'n chariots, and
sit nt sumptuous banquets, and sleep under
rich embroideries, and llvo -100 or 600 years,
for, If according to the Dible, in thoso times
a child shall dio 100 years old, the average of
human llfo willlio nt least llvo centuries. Tho
whole tendency of sin is toward liovorty, nnd
tho whole tendency of rlghtoounie is toward
wealth. Godliness is profitable for tho llfo
that now is as well as for that which is to
como. No inventory can lie mndo of tho
picture galleries consecrated to God, and of
sculpture, and of libraries, and pillared mag
nificence, and of parks, and fountains and
gardons in the ownership of good men aud
women. Tho two most lordly residences in
which I was over a guest had morning and
evoning prayers, all tho employes present,
and all day long there wus an air of cheerful
piety In tho conversation nnd liehnvior. Lord
llndstock carried tlio gospel to tho Husslau
nobility. Lord Cavuu and Lord Cairns spent
their vacation in ovangollstlo services. Lord
Congleton liecamo missionary to Hagdnd.
Anil tho Christ, who was born in 1111 eastern
caravansary, has again aud again lived in a
It is n grand thing to linvo plenty of
money, and horsos that don't compel you to
take tho dust of ovory lumbering nud lazy
vehicle; and books of history that give you
il rMimrMA nf nil tlio luiftt? nml hlinH'ia nr
pootry to which you may go nnd nsk Milton
or Tennvson or Bnencer or Tom Moore or
or Tennyson or tjpencer or iom Moore or
Robert Hurus to stop down und spend an
ovenlng with you; nnd other shelves to
which you may go while you feel disgusted
with the shams of tlio world, and ask Thack
eray to express your chagrin, or Charloa
Dickens to expose tho Pccksuinianfsm, or
Thomas Cnrlyle to thunder your indij'iiation;
or tho other sholves where tho old gospel
writers stand ready to warn and cheer us
while thoy open doors into that city which is
so bright tho noonday sun is abolished. There
h no virtue in owning n horso that takes four
minutes to go a nillo, if you can own ono
that can go in a llttlo over two minutes and
n half; no vlrtuo lu running into tlio teeth
of a northeast wind with thin apparel,
If you can alford furs; no virtue lu
Mug poor when you can honestly lo rich.
1 here urn names nf mon and women thnt I
n iu only to mention nud they suggest not
mly wi .. . b it religion and go'jeroslty aud
philanthropy, such as Amos Ixwronc,
JnmiM Irf-niioT, 1'eU'r Coojicr, William It.
Dtxlgo, BliafttMliury, Miss Wolfo and Mrs.
Astor. A rwoiit writer says that of llfty
leading business men In ouo of our Ivnntorn
cities anil of the llfty loading buslnms men
of ouoof our wiwtern cities tlirco-fmitths of
them aro Clil Istl ms. Tho fact Is that about
nil tlio bmlii niul tho busluens genius Is oil
tho sido of religion, lulldellty Is Incipient in
sanity. All lulldels mo cranks. Many of
them talk brightU, but you sihiu llud that In
their mental machinery there Is n senwr
loose. When they nro not lecturing ngnlnst
CMirlstlaulty I lie) him Hlttiiu; lu iMirnxiins
sipilrtiug tolmcct Juice, ai'.l when they get
nmd swisir till the place is sulphurous. They
only talk to kirp i.vir couragi up and at
licst will feel llM- tlio infldel wliu lieggcd to
Ik builisl with bis ChrMlmi wife nnd
daughter, and when nskctl why ho wautisl
such bin lal replied "If tbero lw a I (sunis
Hon of the good, as soino folks say tbeto will
In, my Christian wife nnd daughter will
somehow gut mo up and take luo along with
Man may pretend to dctpisu ivllglon, but
they am rank hyisioratcH. The sea captain
was right when ho came up to tho village on
tho sea const, nnd Insisted on Jxiylng $10 to
tho churrh although he did not attend him
self. When asked bis reason, be said that
ho had been lu the habit of carrying cargoes
of oysU'rs and elauis from that place, nnd ho
found since that church was built tho people
were more honest than they used to lie. for
boforo the church wns built ho often found tho
loud when ho cntuo to count It a thousand
clams short. Yes. (lodllueHS is prolltnblo
for Isith worlds. Most of tho groat honest
ermnnent worldly successes nro by thoso
who reverence (lod and the lliblo. Hut what
1 ito say Is that If a man have nothing but
social Msltlou nnd lliiitncliil rcsouix-cs, a
woman wlio puts her Impplness by mnrrlngo
in ills liiunl re-enacts tho folly of Abigail
when she neecptisl dlsagiis'iiblo Nabal,
"whoso possessions wero in Cnrmel; nnd tlio
man was very grcnt, and he bad thrco thou
sand sheep, and one thousand gout."
If there ls good monil character ncisiiu
pnnlisl by iilUiient circuuistniicos, I congnitu
latoyou. If not, let tho morning lark ily
clir of tho Iliivky mountain aglo. Tho sac-rllk-e
of womnn on tho nltarof social nnil
lluanclal exHctntiou is cniel nhdstiicnilous.
1 sketch you a scene you have more than
01 ico witnessed. A comfortable homo with
nothing more tlinu (iiiliuary surnniudlngs,
but an attractive daughter caicfully and
Christianly reared, Krom tho outside world
comos lu a man with nothing but money, un
less you count profanity aud selllshuess and
fondness for champagne aud general reck
lessness as part of his kmm-ssIoii, Ho has his
coat collar turiusl up when there Is 110 chill
in tho air but Iss-aiise it gives him an air of
abandon, and eyeglass, uotliccnuso holsnear
dghted but because It gives a classical np
penrnuce, nud with an attire somewhat loud,
a cane thick enough to botheclubof Hercules
nnd clutched nt tho middle, his conversation
interlarded with French phrases Inaccurately
pronounced, and a sweepof manner Indicating
that ho was not born like most folks, but ter
restrially landed. Iiy arts learned of tho
devil bo insinuates himself into tho affections
of tho daughter of that Christian home. All
the kindred congratulate her on tho almost
8ti)oninturnl prosccts. Heports como in
thnt tho young until is fast lu his habits, that
ho has broken several young hearts, and that
ho is menu and wlllsli nud cruel. Hut all
this is covens 1 up with tho fact that ho has
several houses in his own iiumo, and has
largo deMsits at tho bank, and more than
all, has a father wortli many hundred thou
sand dollars, and very feeble in health, and
may any day drop off, aud this is tho only
sou, aud a round dollar held close to one's oyo
is largo enough to shut out a great desert,
aud how much more will several bushels of
dollars shut out.
Tho marring!) day comes and goes. Tho
wedding ring was costly enough, and tho
orange blossoms fragrant enough, and tho
benediction solemn enough, nud tlio wedding
inarch stirring enough. And thn audlouco
shed tears of sympathetic gladness, supjKwlng
that tho craft containing the two has sailed
off on a placid lake, although Gods knows
that they aro launched on a Dead sea, Its
waters brackish w 1th tears and ghastly with
ghastly fail's of desmlr floating to tho surfaco
nud then going down. There they are, the
newly uinrricd pair In their now home. Ho
turns out to Is) a tyrant. Her will is noth
ing, his will everything. lavish of money
for his own pleasure, ho licgrudgcs her tho
pcuuios ho pinches out into her trembling
Mil 111. Instead of tho kind words sho left
behind in her former homo, now tbero nro
complaints nnd fault findings and curses. Ho
Is tho master aud sho tho slave. Tho worst
vllluln on earth Is tho muu who, having
captured a woman from her father's liouso
and nfter tho oath of tho marriage altar has
been pronounced, says, by his manner if not
in words: "I have you now In my jiower.
Whnt can you do I My arm is stronger than
yours. My voice is louder than yours. My
fortune is greater than yours. My naino Is
mightier tlinu yours. Now crouch ls.forenio
like a dog. Now crawl away fiiiiu mo like a
reptile. You are nothing but a w ouiuii, any
how. Down, you miserable wretchl" Can
halls of moasic, con long lines of Etruscan
brourc, or statuary by Palmer and Powers
and Crawfonl and Chantry and Canova, can
galleries rich from tho pencil of llicrstadt
and Church nud Kcuset nnd Cole and Crop
soy; could llutos pluyod on by an Olo Hull
or, pianos lingered by a Gottsclmlk, or solos
warbled by a Bountag, could wardrobes llko
that of 11 Mario Antoinette, could jewels like
those of a Kugeuio make a wife in such a
companionship hnppy (
Imprisoned in a castlol Her gold bracelets
nro the chains of a lifelong servitude. There
is a sword over her ovory feast, not liko that
of Damocles, staying suspended, but drop
ping through her lacerated hcai t. Her ward
rolmls full of shrouds for deaths which sho
dies daily, and she Is burled alive, though
burled under gorgeous upholstery. There Is
ono word that sounds under the arches aud
rolls along the corridors, aud weeps in tho
falling fountains, and echoes in the shutting
of every door, and groans lu every note of
stringed and wind instrument; "Wool
Wool" Tho oxcu and bhuop in olden timed
brought to tho tomplo of Jupiter to bo sacri
ficed used to lo covered with ribbons and
flowers, rihlrans on tho horns aud How era on
tho nock. Hut tho floral und ribboned decora-
. "0,n.8 dld ,10t mak, tbu "taJj of, tlu) hutcher's
knlf? leM lt"tlful, and all tho chandeliers
you hang over such a woman, aud ull tho
robes with which you enwrap her, and all
tho ribbons with which you adorn her, and
1 all the liow itching charms with which you
embank her footsteps aro tho ribbons and
flowers of a horrible butchery.
As If to bhow how wretchod a good woman
may bo In spleud id su rround I ngs, w o ha vo t wo
recent illustrations, two ducal ixilncos in
1 Great Hritalu. They aro tho focus of tho
best things thnt nro o.s.siblo in art, In litera
ture, in architecture tho accumulation of
other estates, until their wealth Is lieyoud
calculation and their grandeur Iwyond dos-
criptlon. Ouo nf tho castles 1ms a cabinet
set with gems that cost fi,M)0,(K)0, and tho
walls of it bloom with Rembrandts and
Claudea aud Pousslusand Guldosuud Raph
aels, and tbero are Bouthdown flocks in
summer grazing on its lawns and Arab steoiU
priincin;; at tho doorways on the "Und ojion
day ut the kennels." From the ouo castle the
duchess h.u removed with her children rv
cnuso sho can no longer endure tho orgies
of her husband, tho duke, and lu
tho other ensile U10 duchri remains con
fronted by Insults nnd nbomlnntlnus In thn
presence of which 1 do not think God or de
cent society requires n good woman to re
main. Alas for thoxo ducal country seatsl
They on a largo scale Illustrato, w lint on n
smaller scale may Ini seen In many places,
that without moral character in it huslmud
all tho accessories of wraith aro lo a wife's
soul tanlnlitntlon and tms'kery. When Abi
gail llnils N'nlwil, her husband, lienstly drunk,
ns she comes home front Intel cisllng for his
foituno nnd life, It wus no nlhnintlon that
tho old brute had ksnossIoiis III Cnrmel, nud
"wns very great, and had three thousntid
sheep, nnd a thousand goats," and ho the
worst goat among them. Thonulmnl in his
nature seinsl the soul in Its mouth nud ran
off with It
Hefoie things nro right In this world gen
teel vidians 11111 to ho expurgated, Instead
of lieing welcomed Into n-ssvtablo society
because of the amount of stars and gaiters
aud mishits and estates they repiesetit, tlioy
ought to U fumigated two or thrco years I hi
fore they are allowed without crll to them
selves to put their baud on the door knob of
a moral bouse, Tlio t lino must come when a
masculine est ray will lions repugnant to good
society ns a frminliiorstray, and no coat of
arms or family emblnroury or epaulet cnu
pass a liotlmrlo unchallenged among the
sanctities of homo life. Ily what law of God
or common seiiso Is an Absalom liettcr tlinu a
Delilah, a Don Juan better than 11 Mismilluaf
The brush that uilnts tho onn black must
wifiit the other black. Hut what n sjioctaclo
It was when last summer much of "watering
place" society went wild with enthusiasm
oer an unclenu foreign dignitary, whoso
iinuio in Isith hemispheres is a synonym for
prolllgacy, nnd prluccsscHof American society
fnmi all jmrtsof tho laud bad him tide In
their can luges nnd sit at their tables, though
they knew him to be u portable lazaretto, a
chariiel house of moral putrefaction, tils
breath a Uphold, his foot, that of a Hatyr,
and his touch death, lloro Is an evil that
men cannot stop but women may. Keep all
such out of jour isirlors, have 110 recognition
for them lu tho street, nud no more think of
allying your llfo and destiny with theirs than
"gates from Araby" would consent toxins
tho hoiicjiuoou with nu Egyptian plague.
All that money or social position 11 bod man
brings ton womnn lu marringo Is a splendid
despair, a gilded horror, a brilliant agony, n
piolougisl death, nnd tho longer tlio marital
union lasts the more evident will be the fact
that she might better never hnve lssn Iwrn.
Yet J ou aud I ha e lieen nt brilliant w eddings,
where lie fore tho feast was over, the bride
groom's tonguowustlilrk, and bis eye glassy,
nud bis step n slugger ns be clicked glasses
with Jolly i-omrndcs, nil going with lightning
limited express tialn to the fatal crash over
the embankment of a ruined life and a lost
Woman, Join not your right hnud with
such n right hand. Accept from such an ono
no jewel fur linger or oar lest that spnrklo of
precious stone turn out to lsi tho oyo of a
basilisk, nud let not tho ring come on tho
linger of your right hand lest thnt ring turn
out to tie one link of a chain that shall bind
you In never ending captivity. In the name
of God nud heaven nnd home, lu the nnme of
nil time nud all eternity I forbid thu bans I
Consent not to Join one of tho many regi
ments of women who have married for
worldly success without regard to moral
If you are ambitious, oh woman, for nobto
nniaueiiig, why not marry a king! Aud to
that honor you aro invited by tho monarch
of heaven and eaith, and this day a voice
from the skies hounds forth: "As the bride
groom rcjolccth over tho brldo so shall thy
God rejoice over thm" I.ct Him put tixm
theo tho ring of this royal marriage. Here is
on honor worth reaching after Ily rcint
ancoand faith you may come Into a marringo
with tho cmsrnr of universal dominion, nud
you may Is) an empress unto God forever,
nud reign with lilm in palaces that the cen
turies cannot crumble or canuouadee de
molish. High worldly marringo is not necessary for
woman, or marringo of any kind in order to
your happiness. Celibacy bos Ih-cii honored
by the liest Isdng that ever llusl and bis
greatest apostle, Christ und I'mil. What
higher honor could single llfo 011 earth havo?
Hut what you need, oh woman, Is to lsi affi
anced forever and forever, and tho bauds of
that marriage I am this moment hero and
now ready to publish. Ict the angels of
I heaven IkmiiI from their galleries of light to
witness while I pronounce you oni a loving
God and a forgiven soul. Ono of tho most
stirring passages in history with which I am
acquainted tells us how Cleopatra, tho exiled
queen of F.gypt, won the syuimthics of Julius
Ciena r, the conqueror, until ho Ixxjaino tho I
bridegroom and she the brldo. Driven from I
her throne, she Milled away on the Mediter
ranean son in a storm, nud when the largo
ship anchored sho put out with ono womanly j
friend In a small boat until sho arrived at
Alexandria, w hero w ns Ciusnr, tho great gen
eral. Knowing that sho would not 1m per- '
mlttcd to laud or iwiss tho guards on the way '
to Cii'Mir's palace, she laid iiihjii the liottom
of the Isiut some sliuwls and scarfs and richly
dyed ujiholstcry, and then lay down uiou
them, and her friend wrajijusl her lu them
and sho was admitted ashore in this wrap
plug ofjoods, which was announced ns a
present for Cn-sar, This bundle wassTinlt
tod to jinss the guards of tho gates of tho j
palaco and wasimt down nt tho firt of tho
Roman general. When tho bundle was un- '
rolled there rose lsjforo Caaar ono whoso !
courage nud lienuty and brilliancy are tho
astonishment of tho ages. This exiled queen !
of Egypt told tho story of her sorrows, and '
ho premised her thnt sho should get liaek her
throuo lu Kgypt nndtakotliothroiioof wifely I
dominion lu Ids own heart. Afterward thoy t
made a triumphal tour in a barge that tlio j
pictures of ninny art galleries havo called
"Cleopatra's Harge," and that barge was cov
ered with silken awning, and its deck was I
soft with luxuriant carets, and tho oars I
wero silver tlpissl, nnd tho prow wns gold
mounted, and the air was redolent with tho I
spteery of tropical gardens nnd resonant I
with the music that made tlio night glad ns
thodny. You may rejoice, oh woman, that you '
ore not a Clcontrii, and that the ono to
whom you may Ik allluucisl had none of tho
sins of Casar, the couqtiercr. Hut it suggests
to mo how you, a soul exiled fro-n happiness
: and jienco, may llud your way to tho feet of
the conqueror of earth and ski. Though it
any Ira a dark night of spiritual agitation in I
which you put out Into thobailKirof icaco '
t you may sail, and when all the wrappings of
' fear and doubt nud sm shall I hi removed you '
will lw found at the feet of Hun who will put
you on a throne to tie nckuonhslgisl as Ills
in the day when all the siher trumicts of
1 tho sky shall proclaim, "Heboid the hrigo
groom cometh," und lu barge of liht "ii
sail with lilm tho river whose sunns' is
tho foot of thu throne and wluw i.iuutli Hai
tho sea of glass mingled w itli Uiv.
"Thnt's good; three years will just give me
time to lenm a trade," said lioiijiiiiiin French
in n Koanoko court the other day when the
judgo had senteiuisl him to a three jmiV
term in the ienltentiary.
M. P. iiiiMtis MiLster of Pies at St. Alban'
Cooking i-olle'u. M. K., Miuter of Cooking.
Prospectus for i 888- Beautiful Christmas Number.
Anion,' the important articles to appear during the year
iSSS are the following Send for prospectus;
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, will contribute rcK.,lnrly
to inch number during the year, lie will write of tunny topics, old niul new, and In a
fninlllnr and pci'sonal way, which will form new bonds of friendship between the au
thor ami Ills thouimnils ol renders. In his lltst paper entitled "A Chapter on Dreams,"
appealing; In the January number, he reln'cs Incidentally, In connection with the gen
cinl subject, some Interesting facts conrcinlng the origin of the now famous story,
"Strange Case of Dr. Jckylfnnd Mr. I lyde.
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ty w,s. chaplain, win he the nmt
of an especially Important nod Interesting scries of patters on railways, their mlinlnU
trillions and construction, Including great engineering tents, (unions tunnels and pusses
and, ludccd.thosc blanches of the subject which hi this day engage tlio attention of the
unoic country. 1 lie illustration wlilcli
mile, original, and beautiful.
The author
announced Inter
DR. D. A. SARENT'S ,,,,. .,
Training will be continued by several of lnercnsli
Illustration as those which hnve alicndy appeared
the Campaign of Waterloo, by JOHN C.
lILAHIIFIHLDi two papers hy KDWAKI) L. WILSON, Illustrating results of rc
tint ICgyptlnu research (it further ni tide by WILLIAM F. rtPTAOUP, on a subject
connected with his recent contribution on wngner, and innny other of equal Interest,
PUOFKSSOU SIIALICU'S articles ou the Sm face of the Knrth will be continued ;niul
in tides upon two of the most Interesting group of contemporary Ktiropcan writers
will be accompanied by rich and novel portrait Illustrations.
ELECTRICITY In it various application a a motive power I5XPLO
SI VICS, etc., will be the subjects of another group of Illustrated articles of cqurl prac
tical Interest, hy lending authorities tipnu three topic.
MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS written to I.I. friend. Mo.
chclc, at a peculiarly Interesting time of his career, will furnish the substance of sever
al at licles of great interest to musical renders, which will be Illustrated with portraits
nud drawings from Mendelssohn' own liiunl.
1 rili r1 ICy I 1UN will be strong, not only lii the work of wcll-knowli writers
but in thnt of new authors, In securing whose co-operation the Mngalnc ha been so
fortunate during Its first year of publication. A serial novel, entitled "First Harvests,"
hi FRICDKRIC J. STIMSON, will be begun In the Janiinrv number, and earlv In the
year no eltles will lie publUhcd by IIKNKY JAMKS niul II. C. 1IUNNKK. The
slioit stork's are of noticeable strength and jrcsqncs.
ILLUSTRATIONS. Thc.MagaInc will show Increased excellence In
Its Illustrations. They will be more abundant and clnlsirate than ever. It I the In
tention of the publishers to represent the best work of the lending nrtlsts, aud to pro
mote and foster the most skillful methods of wood engraving.
SPECIAL NOTICIJ. To enable renders to possess the Magnrlnc from the
first number (January, 1887) the following Inducements arc ordered.
A year's subscription and the numbers for
A 'icnr's subscription and the numbers for
gilt top,
$3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number.
Remit b Hank check or money order to
1A Jp4AiPf
Its central ponltlon and cIoho connection with Eaotorn llnou at CIiIciiro
und contlnuotiB llnou at torminul polnta, WoBt, Northwest, und Boutli
woBt. mnko It tho truo mid-link In that trnnucontlnontiU chuln of stool which
unites tho Atlnntlo nnd Pacific. ItB main Hnoa nnd branches Include Oht
cacro, Jollot, Ottawa. LaSallo, Poorla, Qonosoo, Mollno and Rock Island, hi
Illtnola: Davenport, Muacatlno, Waahlntfton, Fulrilold. Ottumwa, Oskalooan,
WoHt Llborty, lown City, Dos Molnoo, Indlanoln, Wintorsot, Atlantic, Knox
vlllo. Audubon, Harlan, Quthrlo Contro nnd Council BUilts, in Iowa; Gallatin,
Trenton, Civmoron. St. Joaoph nnd Kunena City, in Missouri; Leavenworth
nnd AtchlBon, In KanBOs; Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Minnesota ; Wutor
town and Sioux Folia In Dakota, and many othor prosperous towns and cltlos.
It nlBO ottera a CHOICE OF ROUTES to nnd from tho Pacific Coast and Inter
mediate plucos. mnklntr all transfers in Union dopots. Fast Trains of tlno
SLEEPING CARS, and (botwoon Clilcacro, St. Joseph. Atchison and Kansas
Ctty) roBtful REOLININO CHAIR OARS, Boats FREE to holdors of through
tlrat-class tlckots
Extonds woBt and southwest from Kansaa City and 8t. Joseph to Fair
bury Nolaon, Horton, Topoka, Horlnffton, nutohlnaon, Wichita, Cnldwoll,
and all polnto In Southern Nobrnaka Interior Kansaa and beyond. Entlrj
passoneror oqutiunont of tho colobratod Pullman munufiuituro. Solidly bal
I istod track of hoavy Htoel rail. Iron and stono bridoros All safety iippllancos
. nd modorn lmprovoinontu Commodious, woll-butlt stations. Colortty, cor
talnty, comfortund luxury aaBiirod.
' ho fuvorlto botwoon Chlcntro, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and
ii'inoapolluuud St Paul. Tho tourist route to all Northorn Summ r Resorts.
i.Watortown Branch travorsou tho most product Ivo lands of tho groat
'whoatand dutry bolt" of Northuni Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and Eaat
Jontral Dakota. ,
Tho Short Lino via Sonoca and Kankakoo otters mtporlor fuclUtloa to tnivol
jotwoon Cincinnati, Indlunupolls, Lafayotto, and Council Ulutts, St. Joseph,
tohlson, Leavenworth, Kansas Ctty, Minneapolis, aud St. Paul.
Kor Tlckots, Mups. Koldors, or uuy doslrod Information, apply to any Cou
pon Ticket Ottloo In tuo United Stutou or Canada, oruddress ,
Oentral Manser.
' "tlC (i
will niTompititv this seilc will lie verv clnli-
aud the title of the future articles will he
Physical Proportion and Physical
; Interest, with as rich and unique
of special Interest will he those on
HOPICS;oii "The Man nt Anns," by H. II.
1887, bound in two volumes, cloth,
$M so
$6 00
Ocn'l Ticket Ftu'r Agent.
. II, I..