f Vr&mont Elkliorn & Mo, Valle Trains lo.wo Oi.VVn. in, and 14:30 p. in Tiir IIi.kiioiin Vai.i.et Link. To fvo hollies In Northwestern Nebraska "an 'Southwestern Dakota. To Iho Muck Rills nml tliu Hot Springs. To Central Wyoming co.il ntul on fields an ' tjattlo range. To Chicago nml tho Kast. To Ht. Paul, the North ami Northwest. For furthor Information liurulro of U M. TVI.KIl, Agent. :l IS South 10th street, . . J.lncoln W. V. Pitch, J. 11. IIcciunan, Uvncrnt M'gcr. (len'l Pass, Ajc't Missouri Valley, Iowa. ?? cmcAn: 'Milwaukee, T.PAUl sS &yt Pqi Own nml operates ri..VX miles of thormiKhlj niilppcil roiul In Illinois, Wisconsin, lown, Missouri, Minnesota nml Dakota. It In (tin lln-tt Direct Route hamuli nil the Principal Points In tlio Northwest, Southwest ami Fur West For maps, tlmo tables, rales of imssago nml v freight, etc.. npply to nearest station itKent o. OlIll)A(K), Mll.WAtTKKK .t ST. 1'AUI. ItAII WAV, (irln any ltiillro ul Agent nnywlicro In 'tho world. 11. M IM.KU, A. V. If. CARPENTEIt.D Oenernl JIVr, (len'l Pass. A-TUt Ant. J. F. TUCKER, OKO. II. IIKAFFORU, Asst. (lon'l Mirr. Aunt. (1. 1. ,t T. Agl. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. rtP-For Inriirimilloii In reference lo Lands nml t'owns owncil by tlio t'lileiiKo, Milwau kee .t .St. Paul Railway roiiipany.wrlto to II. '. IiAUOAN.I.iinil Commissioner. MOwnukic lacousln. c AriTAL NATIONAL BANK t ipitai. Hiocic $300,000. ttW Moshor, Prwliliitit V, J" Walsh, V-Pre iw u. uiucui, iwuicr. M OSEI.EY ft BTEPHKNSON REAL F-STATKanil IAJAN IIKUKKIUJ, Form Mortgngo loans a specialty, tlnom S, ltlcliiilil block Rigg's Injection. GUARANTEED NOT TO CAUSE STRICTURE IN2T05lOAYS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY KEOAKD & BI&G-S Chemists nml phnruiacists, Lincoln, Noli. PRICISSl. Mail orders promptly attended to. Western Resources. AJri rnnl Devoted to the IndustrJs and Resourcos of the Wost. TIiIh Journal Is printed on toneil hook paiier, thutypniised Is vicar mill now, tlio title page I liliistratoti enrh m nth with something suitable, nml In Kener.il apienraneo It Is us metropolltmi and elegantly kUcu up at 1Uiipi:u'm Wkkklv, ami it it oxitctl) thu m iiuu kUvhs lluit. paer. The object nml aim of Wkstkiin 11kcocuci:s Ik to give the iK'Ht block men, mill farmers rnnl gen crnl business men a thoroiitflilv ripreseiftntlvo nictlltim lor obtaining mul exchanging ralualile Information on those topics jf viral Importance to their inilUstlles, Live Stock Dairy, Agriculture, Horticulture. Turf, Poultry, and Foresty, Are (Icpaitmciits under careful editorship, ami nblo articles from our own eorresKndent8 on Allien, Counties, States, CrojM. Itallroad llulldliiK Coitimeree.etc, form a Miwelal department. llox. ItoiiKitT V. Kphsah, the editor, Is ably as. slsteil hy pracllealmid mdeutllTe writers. TolntriHliHi) tlilu pnpor in every locality Initio West wo will wild It for tlui iviniillider of 1SS7, beginning with tlio Jlay imiulier, for OITE DOLLA.E. "One Ktrn Copy witli Kncli S Subicrlbcrh. GET UP CLUBS. Atfonts wnd for terms and exclusive territory. RESOURCES PUBLISHIKC CO. LINCOLN, NEB TAKETHE I ssouri Pacific Railway The Shortest, Quickest and Eest Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. tfTfor further Information Kolderu, etc., cull or or nilitiess II. (I. IIANNA. City Ticket Auiiiit, Cor. O mid 12th bt. l I). IIA1ICOCK, Dojiot Ticket ARout. II. P. V. MIM..VU, Oeu'l Agent. IURE t LL MV IN WASHINGTON. I Ills 1'liiu elnt Kiiilmrimsnicuts Itrlofly Toiirlmd t'pnn III n I'ersonul l.rtlor. llVrpoiml.J Wahuinotok. 1). a, I ALO.Nd TovvAima JfonsiNO, 1887. ) CnMil- r World OOlrv, Now York: Mv D :.n nin You will doulitless Iw Mir- i p' : .1 1 1 1 r i rum mo no soon, ns I did not .j wlic I I 'ft New York that I would yo.i ni nil 'vUilo hero. But 1 now U.o . 1 1..: I to B.iy that tlio wtinto ntul luniso . irm'i.LUlVM nro lia lti(? n jjikhI deal of Inn nl.li me, Mini Iion) you hi o enjoy Iiij; tho . "no K'nt Me.wlnn. You wl! wonder nt I .-ht why I neiiJ In my uxh'Iim) iieeount lo- v I M;nl nnvtlih' for tlio pajior, hut I will plain (hat t you when 1 Ket Utek. At it I linm,.l-' i would not holder wild tlio .n-iik i in nml till I i;ot lo j our ollkv, hut .a i now m that It is koIiir to worry mo to v thrro unless) 1 hear from you favorably : return mall. n hen 1 eamohoro I foil into tlio mad w hill i MX'lety, and iiltrnctcd n komI deal of at- i itlon by my cultivated ways and JelVer- o Inn kiethiKl of tdeopiuij with a illlToront m iiber of congress every iilsht. t'onreisiiien nml their wives nro dally lamlhi'5 nt tlio ciT'it national I'nstlo Garden and looUhu; w lldly around for the plneo whero I hoy nro told they will i;et their mileage On every hand nil i i hurry nml exi'lleinent. Hills nroheliiK IntliHluetsl, ui'ipialntaiicvs ivnewed and puneli bowls nro lv.'lnnitii; to wear n prooopupled nir, 1 havo Uvn inltiKlliiK with nocloty ever alnco 1 oaino here, and tlmt Is ono renxon I havo written very llttlo for publication and did not wnd what I did write. Yesterday afternoon my money gnvo out nt !l:0i), mid ultiro that my mind has loou clearer mid Rocioty Inn mado fewer demand on mo. At llrst 1 thought 1 would obtain em ployment nt the treasury department ns ex chango alitor In tlio rwnliock room. Then I l-emembered that I would ;ct very fnlutbo foro 1 could go through n eomjietltivo exam ination, nml, In tlio menu time, I mieht loso social east by wearing iny jicrson on tho out fildoof my clothes. Ko I havo losolvcd to wrlto you n chutty letter nliout Wnslilngton, nbsurlng you that I inn well nml asking you lo kindly consider tho inclosed tabulated bill of exjienses, ns I need tho money to buy Christmas presents nml got homo with. Jly idea was that hoard and lodgings would 1 tho main items of exense, but 1 struck n low priced place where, by clubbing together with Rome plain gentlemen from n distance who havo been wnltlng hero three years for political recognition, nml who do not fool llko Mirrouiiiliug themselves with n hotel, we get a plain room with six licds in it. Tho room overlooks the District of Columbia, and tho first man in has tho choice of beds, with thoprivllegoof inviting friends ton limited number. Wo lunch plainly in the lower part of tho ImildlngliiaMmidlngiiosltloti, without restraint or linger bowls. Ho lioard is not tho principal Item of expense, though of course I do not wish to put up nt n place where I will bo n disgraeo U' tho pajwr. 1 wish tlint you would, when you send my check, writo mo frankly whether you think I hnd lictter remain hero during tho entlro fcssion or not. 1 llko tho place Hrst rate, but my duties keep mo up nights till a Into hour, and I cannot sleep during tho day, becauso my room mates annoy mo by doing their washing and ironing over an oil stove. I know by w lint several friends havo said to mo that congress would llko to huvo mo stay hero till winter, hut I want to do what is best for tho paper. I saw Mr. Cleveland brlclly last evening at his home, but ho wns surrounded by a crowd of fawning sycophants, so I did not get n chanco to speak to hita ns I would llko to, and don't know us ho would havo ad vanced tho amount to mo anyway. Ho is very firm and stubborn, I judged, nml would yield very little indeed, cspccinlly to Yours truly, Bill Nve. I-Uhibit A. Tho following bill looks largo in tho aggro fjnte, but when you como to cxamlno each item bv Itself t) cro is really nothing startling ""n LUNCH PLAINLY." about it, and when you remember that I havo been here now four days, and that this Is tho first bill I havo sent in to tho olllco during thnt time, I know you will not consider it out of thenar, cspccinlly as you aro inter ested in seeing mo muko a good paper of Tho World, no matter what tho oxpouso is. We inv having good ojicn winter weather, and btock is looking well so fur. I fear you will rcgi.nl tho item for embalm ing ns exorbitant, und it is so, hut I was coinpoUod to pay that prlco, as tho man hnd to ho bhlpHsl a long distance, and I did not wont to shock his friends too much when ho met them nt tho depot. To rent of dress mi. for tho purpose of seeing life in Wuxlilntou In tho In tori's t of tho paH-r. gi.so To charges fur dispersing turtle soup from lap of b.imu i.OO To netting fur collar put on overcoat, In interest of paper n.OO To amount loaned a gentleman who had lived In Washington i loin; time und could inaku me a social pet (I will return sanio to on In case, ho puys it lieforo I coniobnel.) B.OO ToliHlKlni;stu'0!il;iitatS3ccuts U) I Six meals nt 13 cents no Pen and ink 130 I Postage on this letter OH ! Ilronchlal troches, In Interest of paper.... Si) Cir faro . . . u) I Ijuindry work donn lu Interest of pniH-r. . . SO CuiTlugo lilio In Retting from liumblo lioinii of a senator to my ou u vohuuptu. ous loilgltigs 2.00 To exieiises of cinlialir.'ug a mail who came to mo nml wanted mo to pso my inllilelico In clmngliig policy of Uippa-icr 180,00 To lino paid for assault nml battel y la uud upon u gentleinuii who kaUl he wanted my Inlliiciice. but really kiu already under other Influence, nml who stepix-d on my stomach twlco w ithout olTurlng to apolo lo . .10 00 Paid janitor of Jail net morning . . I.Ot) lil 1 1 r Inval liu window of my cell tt) Paid i aiiiugo for writing humorous poetry on wall of cell so that it uould not bo eraseU !.oo Total CJ!t8 I will probably remain hero until I hear from you favorably. I havo met several members of congress for whom I havo voted at various times, oir and on, but tlioy wore cold mid haughty In their lntcrcou.'s.' with inj. I have been ivltod to c't on tho floor of tho houso until I not romo other place 1 1 tay, but 1 hato to rido u frou Uouo to death. -Now York World. 1). N. SCIENCK AND PROGRESS. A CUniOUS ILLUSTRATION WITH AN APPLE AND A SWORD. r.lrctt'le Ileal Indicators ns Menus of Pre vention .spoiilniieoua Comtiilstloll ill Sen. A Mtiipln Appitrnliis for Showing ttm l'tpninloli of .tlelnU liy Ileal. Tiioslmplo plis-o of nppaialus lllustratisl I u Tig. 1 will show tho expansion of luelnls by heat ns well as the nioreexH'nslvopyn)iu etcrs. It Is niiulo by cutting n pleco of cork into tlio sluiH) reiiveiiUsl, nml placing n neiylle, All, nenws tho ojieuliig, tho h)Ii;IimI end Mug llrinly ilxed lu tho cork, wlillo tho eyo end Is fnsi to inovo. KXPANHION or MKTALU 11V IIKAT. A second noodle, 1), somowlmt smaller, Is passed through tho eyo of tho first Just far enough into tho cork to enable it to fit 'lid ti't rlght. A thlnl noodlo, C, Is placed besldo It to innko tho moveiiieiit more evident. When tho noodlo All is heateil lu tho ilamo of u candlo its expansion will push D front its upright position, to which It will return upon tho subMspieut cooling and contraction. Caro should Ihj taken not to plnco tho up right ncodlo too fur Into tho cork, ns this might prevent its movement by the expand-"" lug metal. rnntciit Speed liy Itiillionil Train. Tho fastest rnto of siitsl attained by n rnll-l-oad train has I icon n matter of consldcra hlo dispute. A few trains, both in this coun try nml In I'uglnml, make regular runs for n short distance nt the rate of sixty miles nil hour, although tho number of trains that average forty miles mi hour Is very small. It has licon doubted If it wero possible to at tain n siced of much over sixty-five or sov cnty miles an hour, even under tho most fa vorable conditions. A corrcs'Kiiidcntof Tho English Mechanic, however, writes thnt dur ing n recent Journey on ono of tho regular express trnins of the Great Northern railway boveu miles wero covered lu 5 minutes J.".) sec onds, twelve miles In 1) minutes 117 seconds, nml llftifii mill's in 12 minutes nml li sec onds. Boventy miles of the journey only occupied (ill minutes nml TJ seconds, and for n short distance n measured speed of eighty miles nn hour was attained. l'lrn Prevention. Klectrlo heat indicators nro valuable men lis of preventing Rontniicous combustion nt sea. Tlicso consist of thermometers incased nml protected by Iron tillics, provided in a well known manner with platinum wires nml connected to n system of electric bells and indicators on deck. Tlicso thermometers nro distributed among such dangerous cargoosns coal, cotton, etc., liable to sjioutntioous com bustion. Should any undue heat nrisoiu any part of tho cargo, tho mercury In tho ther mometers will rise, make contact with tho pla tinum wires ami give an Instantaneous alarm ou dock, at tho same tlmo indicating tho ex net sHit where such dangerous heat doej exist. i:.eavatliii; In frozen Grouml. It is ofteu necessary to mnko oxcuvntions for pipes in very cold weather, under which conditions tho operation is difficult. Tho trouble duo to fnist can only 1k remedied by thawing out tlieurfaco. The Hleetriclta says that quicklime has lieen tried with success. Tho surface where tho excavation Is to begin is covered with alternate layers of llmo and snow. Tho llmo Im'coiuch slaked and heats tho soil so effectually that after ten or fifteen hours it can bo dug up with tlio greatest ease, oven whero tho cold Is excessive Whero there is no snow, water can lie used, A Curious Illustration. A curious Illustration of tho principle, of inertia can lo shown, explains Iji Nature, by enveloping an npplo in n piece of cotton cloth, nml suspending it in tho nir. Then tuko a sword or sharp kuifo, nml strike tho npplo n sharp, quick blow from below, lxdng careful to glvo n direct and not n drawing cut, nml tho npplo will bo cut in two without injury to tho cloth. Tim AI'l'I.K AND THE HWOUU. Tho figure in tho upnor corner shows tho section of tho blade lost ndaptcsl to this pur pose; but any inodorntely sharp and brightly jiolishcd blade will answer, although several trials will probably havo to lo mado lieforo tho experiment suomsla. I.eitd Water l'l pen. Tho action of lead jIh on water has ngaln boon tested, mul, nccording to Tho Sanitary News, this time with a liegntivo ivsult. Tho director of the public works dc'iaitinciit of l'miswos lately couiellei to lino a Kirtlnu of tho Vnuno mpicdtict, owing to the infiltra tion of umttei'H from tho -wrt nroiiud the tulie. Slas;t load was usel fur tho purpose, renting tho lead would lw ihiugcroiiH, Profes sor (lautier mado uu analysis ol fifty litres of tho water befoixt it had miclioil tho lead, and of fifty hill's after liaving pushed through the lead lined portion. No truco of load wus foumL Wmlm fun,1'' Ji 'it I'llJn fifl ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. rit.lilotmtiln Twblo l.liien How lo Citrva it line, Tit! lloimn Pure Cniulle.. rn-nch lablo linen nponrn to lm tho most fnslilonahlo Just now, though Hcolch, Irinh nml (Ipi'iuau cloths aro nil found In tho llnost goods. Two favorite pntlerns are tlio Toin jHilan ami llio pols Misllna, Tho center of tho first Is filled In with largo squaro blocks, nml tho border surrounding It Is of triangles. The second ,n coiiimmisI of uiedluui sireil balls ami u liorder of larger ImlN, around which ii ni twlntsl .nyiile IcaMm. Another much used imtlern is the Caprice, which has n perfectly plain ts'titer ami Is Hiiriiuimhsl by largo Mow cm. One of tho mod exiensvo patterns Is tho Hlromtellcs. This linen Is lieaullfully inarkeil. Tho bonier is u design of rocks out of which nro growing cattails, while In the center nro small rwiiIIown. Tin birds nnt exquisitely w rougtit, Tho fenthera ou their wings nro so Into to nature as to stand out lu n Unify mass, Tho cost of a set of those, Including n tablecloth and n doen napkins, ivuclu tlOO. Almost all the cloths havo largo center pieces. In soiiio lintaucos tho linen Iscm brolilcnsl, A Into crnro Is for cipher mono grains, mul much linen is embroidered lu thnt way Kiviich cloths dllfcr from iho other sorts In being of much lighter texture mid more elaborate decoration, What lo Do With Colli Pliiin Pudding. Tho remains of plum pudding nrosomo times broiled lu slices, sometimes converted Into fritters. A moro elegant way of serving them Is the following suggested by Mrs. Hen derson, 1,1 no n chaiiotlo mold or basin with slices, of cold plum pudding cut to fit closely together. Kill the llinldo with a sulltcleut quautit) of golatlno pudding madeas follows; Separate the whiles undjclks of four eggs; Willi Iho yelks mnko u hoi)cd custard (with n pint of milk and sugar to taste); set a third of a Imix of gelatine lo HO.ik it few minutes In n little cold water, then dissolve It w Ith threo quarters of a cupful of boiling water. When the custard has cooled, add tho golatlno water and the whiles of the oggs lieutcti toustllf froth; Minor with vanilla, stir nil together ami put it into tho mold. It will settle Into three layers and Is u very pretty pudding. New Year's Cuke. All excellent New Year's oiks may bo mado by tho following nut enko rcclH) of Atiss l'ar loa: One cupful of sugar, half it cupful of butter, half it cupful of milk, two cupfuls of pastry Hour, two eggs, ono eoffeo cupful of chopKsl raisins, ono of chopped English wal nuts, one tcus'ioonful of ercmn of tartar, half n tfus'KKiiiful of soda. Beat the butler lo a cream, mid tho sugar, gradually, and, when light, tho eggs well Ix-aton, then tho milk mid the Hour lu w hich tho soda and cream of tar tar (or a tcuH'MMiiiful mid n half of baking jKiwiicr Instead) havo licen thoroughly lnlxeib .Mix quickly nml mid the raisins mid iniU, Baku in rather tlocp sheets lu n tuodento oven thirty live minutes. Carting tlio fjoone, Tiro gooso may bo considered tho popular and traditional fowl of tho holiday season as tho turkey is of Tliaulcsglvlug. Many poo plosup'Hiso thnt tho two liinln aro carved in tho same manner, but Good Housekeeping ux plains that tho gooso nspjlrcs mora strength and skill and a illirpient muthoil of carving from any other fowl. TO CAllVK A fiUOHB. The npprovtsl plan Is to plnco tho gooso on tho platter with tho head at tho left ami In sert tho fork firmly across tho rldgo of tho breast lone. Cut through tno llesh w hero tho wing joins tho Ixsly, work tho point of tho knlfo Into tlio Joint ami with tho sldoof tho kulfo press the wing over from tho body and cut until tho Joint separates. Then cut through tho llesh mid separate It from tho liody. Cut lietwisiii tho leg and tho lxxly, imw tho leg over with tho sldo of tho kulfo till you see tlio joint. Then cut through tho flesh close to tho body. If tho bird bo old ntul tough you will havo to feel with tho knlfo for the Joint. In carving tho breast lieglniittho wing and cut straight down through tho meat to tho bono tho whole length of tho breast as Indi cated by the long lines of the cut. Cutdown in thin iuiralli'1 slices until yini como to tho ridgo of tho breast Isino. Cut down between tho wishbone nml tho breast to tho wing, then slip the kulfo under tho slices nt tho lower cud of tho breast, and scmrato them from tho bones. I .ay them aside ami cut in tlio samo mmmer on tho other sldo of tho breast. Mnko several cuts at right angles with tlio breast bono through tho skin and stulllug K'tweon breast and tall, and ro- j move the stulllug, i With tlio fork still in tho breast liono tip tho bird over slightly nml with tho jiolnt of tho knlfo remove tho delicate portion In tho hollow of thosldoliouo; a llttlo may Iks shaves 1 olf tho lower ei I go of the side Isine. Tho llttlo meat there may boon wUhUiuo, shoulder blado nml sldo bono may lie cut olf without disjointing tho Ixmcs. 80, as soon as tho breast is carved, remove tlio fork, disjoint tho legs and wings mid U'gln to serve. Cuke for Children. A kneaded plum cako Is much liked by children, nml is included by many books in tho list of holiday good things. The ingre dients aro two nud one hull' caps of sugar, half 11 cup of butter, half n cup of sour milk, two spoonfuls of cream, it teaspoouful of Balcrntus, hulf 11 Rioouful of chummon mid of nutmeg, 11 cupful of chopped raisins, and about six cupfuls of Hour, or sulllciciit to knead. Holl out an inch thick, cut into ob long pieces, ami buko in n quick oven. II1111111 Made Citnille. Homo candy making, though not confined to tho holiday season, is generally carried on then with tlio mast vigor, llccitics for a few of tho mot popular plain candle nro there fore given. Butter Toiry. Two cups sugar, ono cup water, two tublc8Kons of molasses, four tn bleKK)ns of vinegar, ono and a half table spoons of butter. Boll tw pnty or thirty min utes and pour in buttered tins. Vinegar (!nndy, Throe ciis of sugar, half a cup of water, two-thinls cup of vinegar. Boil without stirring till brittle, Ix'niou Drops, Dissolve half a iound of pulvcrlAsl sugar in lemon julco nml Isnl to n thin syrup. Drop on plates mid harden in a warn place. Ico Cream Candy. Two cujissugar, half 11 cup jf water. When boiling add a teasHxn of civiiui of tart.tr dissolved in it little watei . Bolton minutes without stirring, then add a s.uall pleco of butter mul lioll till It will harden in water, then flavor mid pull. Butter Scotch. Three tablespoons of llio l,is.s, two tablesHS)iis of sugar, two tablo bjsh..s of water, one tablcssHiu of butter, a little soda Isifore taking from stove. Nut Candy. Kivo eiqw sugar, six table sKousof water, fourtablesKKiufuls vinegar, one tablcHo!iful butter. Boll without stir ring till it crisps in cold water. Ltuo but tered tins with nut meats and pour tho candy over thom. When nearly cold mark oil into strip. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Prospectus for 1 888 Boautinil Christmas Number. The holiday issue now ready, is complete in itself, con IniniiiK no serial matter. The cover is enriched by an orna mental bottler printed in old. The price is, as usual, 25 CClltS. It Contains till' mnsl (lclnrlilfiil ulni'iei: nnioiiu tnwl essays by distinguished writers, and superb illustrations. Among the important articles lo appear during the year iSSH are the following Send for prospectus; I ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON will contribute rcgulnily I to each number dining ihc year, lie will write of ninny topics, old mid new, and In a I fiinilllar nml personal way, which will form new bonds of filcmhdilp between tlio nil I tlior and his thousands of readers . In his first paper entitled "A Chapter on Dreams," appealing In the January number, lie reln'cs Incidentally, In connection with the gen 1 crnl subject, some Inlcrcsllug facts concerning the origin of Ihc now famous story, I Slratigc Case of Dr. Jckyll mid Mi. Iljile. ' RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, i,y w,s. chaplain, win bo the tint of an especially Impoilaut mid hilcresllng series of patters ou mil ways, their ndtiilnU trnlloiiKiiiid construcllou, Including giciil engineering fenls, famous tunnels and pnsucs and, Imlccd.lhosi) bumches of Hie sublcti which In Hits day engage tlio iitleiillon of tlio whole country. The Illustrations wlilcli onite.iiilgliiHl, ami beaullful. Tho imtliou mid the lilies of the future tirtlclcs'wlll ho announced later. DR. D. A. SARENT'S paper on I'lMslcnl Propoillon and Physical raining will he continued hy scvcml of mrrenslug intcrcsl, wild mi rich mill unique Illustration 11 those which have already appeared. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of special Intercut wlllhethoeon Ihc Campaign of Walciloo, by JOHN C. U()Pi:S;on "'Hie Man at Arm,", by 15. II. IILASIII''llCLD;twop.ipcis b ICDWAUDL WILSON, llluslratlng result of re cent Kgyptl.in icHcarchja fuilhcr mllclc bv WILLIAM l A PTAOKP, on n subject loimei'teil with hi recent couliihulloti on Wagner, and many other of equal Intcicst, PUOI'I'SOU SIIALKU'S mllclc on the Siiifnceof Ihc ICnttli will be continued ;nnd articles upon two of the most Interesting group of contemporary Kuiopeuii wrltcri will he accompanied by rich mul novel portrait liliiMrntlon. LLL.E.L, I KICI 1 x In Its various application ns a motive power EXPLO SIVES, etc., will be the subjects of another gioup of Illustrated article of equii prac tical Interest, hy leading aulhorlllc lipisii three loplc. MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS written to I.I friend, Mo. chclcs, alii neciillarly Interesting time of his career, will furnish the substance of sever al articles of great Interest lo musical render, which will be Illustrated with portrait mid drawing fiom Mendelssohn's own hand. 1 rill V IC I ION will be strong, not onlj In the work of well-knowh writer but hi that of new authors, In scan lug whose co-operallou tho Magazine hn been so loiiuniiic uiiriiig us urst yenroi publication. bv ritEDEItlC I. S I'lMSON. will be bemiii lu the laniiarv number, and cnrlv lu the li.V l' KI'.DhKlUJ. II.MSiUN, will lie bcgli i car no. cities will be publUhcd by IIEN'UY JAMES and II. C BUNN'EU. The snort siorit'H are oi noiiccmiic strcngtii ami ILLUSTRATIONS. The Magalnc will show Inerens.id excellence In Its Illustrations. They will be more abundant mid chibornle than ever. It U the In tention of the publisher to rcprcnent the best work of the leading artists, and to pro mote and foster the most skillful method of wood engraving. O r bvz 1 Pi L NOTICE. To cnnMe reader lo pose the Magazine from (he first number (January, 1887) tliu following Inducement nrcordeied. year's subfcrlptlou ntul the numbers for year's subscription and the numbcrs.for gilt top, $3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number. Remit by Bank check or money order to v , CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, la York. IMAM ONAOQUAWTDD WITH THE OUOOrtArilY OT THE COUNTHY, WILL ODTAir MUCH VALUABLE INronMATlON mOM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE rAirxCti "F' 1 "S T.il'Al vT SoiMi liv.vv.rij.c'-ilAJ 1 11 ..,... 11 1 1 m CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND So PACIFIC R'Y. Ita contrnl ponltl in und cloan conn ctlon with Eastern llnoo nt Ohlcitifo unci contlmioiiB linos lit tormlnul p-lnts, Wont, Nortliwoat, und 8outh woHt, mnko It tlio true mid-link In that trniiHContlnuntal chuln of stool which unKoH tho Atlantic und Pacific Its main llnoa nml urnuchos Inoludo Clil cntfo, Jollot, Ottuwn. LnSallo, Poorln, Oonoaoo, Mollno and Rock iBlund, hi Illinois: Davenport, Muscntlno, Wnohlntrton, Kulrtlold. Ottumwa, Oskaloosu, V out Liberty, fown City. Dob Molnoa, liuliniiolii, Winloraot, Atlantic, Knox villo, Audubon, Ilitrlnn, uuthtio Centre nnU Council Blutl'a, in Iowa; Qallntln, Tronton, Citmoron. 8t. Joaoph und Kunaua City, lu Mlesourl ; Loavonworth nnd Atchison, in Kftti8na; Minneapolis and St Tnul, InMlnnoaotaj Wator town nnd Sioux Pnlls In Dakota, nnd many other prottpororta towna nnd cltloa. It also olloru u OHOICB OF HOUTI2S to und from iho Pncltlo Conat nnd lntor rnocliuto nlncoa, innklner nil trnnafora In Union dopots. FiiBt Trains of tlno DAY COACHES, oloffant DININO OARS, mntjnltlcont PULLMAN PALAOB 8LEEP1NO CARS, nnd (botwoon Clilcngo, St. Josoph. Atchison and Kansoa City roatful REOLININO CHAIR CARS, aouta FREE to holders of througU tlrst-clnas tlckota. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extondu woat and aoutliwoat from Knnsrtn City and St. Josoph to Fair, bury, Nolson, Ilorton, Topoka, Horliitfton, Hvitchlnaon, Wichita, Cnldwoll, and all points In Southorn NohraaUn Interior Kuneus nnd boyond. Entlrj puHaongor oqidpniont of tho colobrntcd Pullman mr.nutacturo. Solidly bid lnntod trnck of houvy Htocl rail. Iron and atono biiclcrca. All safoty applluucos i.nd modern Imi to v omenta. CoinmodlouB. woll-bullt utatlons, Colorlty, cor tutnty, comfort and luxury naaurod THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ib tho favorlto botwoon Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas CHy, nnd Minnoapolliittnd flt Paul Tho tourist routo to all Northern Summer ResortB. Iw Watortown ileanch travtrsoa tho moat produotlvo landa of tho trroat "whoatend dairy bolt" orNorthom Iowa, Southwostorn Mlnnosota, und East 'Jontrul Dukotu. Tho Short Lino via Sonoca and Kankakoo o Iters superior fuollltlos to trtwol botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafuyotto, and Council BluttB, St. Josoph, Atohlson, Loavonworth, Kanaau City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Mapa. Foldors, or any doslrod Information, upply to any Cou pon Tlokot Olllco In tno United Stutoa or Canada, oruddrosa E. ST. JOHN, Ooaeral Manager. 'IIU,(U),I1.U. nest wilt lu'ciitiiiumv tliU erl.. ,.MI l. ....... nt.. A serial novel, entitled "I'irst Harvest," jrcsquess. 1887, . $. 50 1887, bound in two volumes, cloth, '. . .,".. $6 00 ,w. E. A. HOLBROOK, Oon'l Ticket A Paw'r Agent,