Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 31, 1887, Image 5

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lilt $ flit. IM Ml. to t lio w 111 dky,
Tlw I -n;elouil, tho frmtty llrflitj
'Ili-jrtir Isdj hk In ft onlgliti
ltk( it, w IM IkIK nml let Mm tlio.
nJiw wit tiw ulil, r.-ttr In the iky
Jtlnr. I'M'PV U'lta. wnw ttwwtoirl
'II JTr h (tnloj. In Mm go;
Uhlg Dill the false, i luij In tJw true.
4U I,
mso out Tim oi.d-iu.vo m tiik new.
RIliS "Ht tlio Rrlef tlint nap the mlml
1'or tlioso tlint hero i boo no innrc;
King out tlio fetid of rich ntul poor,
King In rcdrrM to ull mankind.
Kins In tlio vnllntit man nml frrp,
The larger heart, tlio Idnilller hand;
UI113 out the ilnrknctts of tlio land,
niiig In tlio Christ tlint Is to lie.
Alfivd TentiyBon.
This tiny I'liort had lieen down to tbo
very end of tlio garden, to tlio llttlo house
Hint flood by tlio edgo of tlio uootli on their
neihbor'a kind, nnd lio looked with childish
ctnloslty through tho palltifjs, to whero ho
heard voice. A hoy of about hH own ago,
ft poorly dresfed and not very pretty hoy,
rtood with a woo boono look wlillo n sweet
faced woman bound upn cut finder, and then
when it was dono nho paused her plump arm
nround tho child's neck and draw tho curly
brown IkvhI to her brand, nnd w 1th tho other
ilio patted Ids check, and then cureshed his
curlini; hair, and llunlly kissed him two or
thrco tinica very tenderly.
Buddcnly Egbert's heart swelled nnd his
throat wiincd with tlio cITort to keep back
tho team. No ouo K ! him like that
"Mother," said tho lioy on tho other side
of tho fence, "mother, it doesn't hurt n bit
now. Shall I go on chopping!"
"Yes, dear, but Ik) a littlo nioro carefuL I
don't want to lind you in a hospital Now
Ycnr'ii day.
"Don't you bo scared. You best littlo
mother In the wholo world."
So tho "best littlo mother'' went Into tho
cottago, giving her boy ono moro beaming
glanco of lovo as sho entered tbo door, and
tho lioy returned to his job of splitting kb
iMvlA. V. S k ,
-., 3?&i
r-' -c -a &&!
.c&zr ,. :
Egbert stood ft llttlo whllo and then went
llowly toward tho house, lih brain filled with
thoughti mid hh heart with n vaguo senso of
Cricf and almost nngcr.
IIo wanted n mother. ITo lmdnono; no ono (
to lovo mm in mat precious fashion tiiat 110
bad Just beheld. ' .
Ills nurso had always been good to hlln, his
father moro than good, but w hy had ho no
mother? '
"Whcro was tho, or bad ho novcr had ono!
Ills father gavo him everything that
money could buy or affection dovisoj 'but ho
bad novcr known n mother, novcr heard tho
namo oven, nt least as applied to himself, but
now ho suddenly fell hat ho had 'needed n
mother nlways mid ho had novcr had ono.
What was tho reason?
Did overybody havo mothers, or only tlio
poor, for hu realized that theso jicoplo wcro
poorer than others, and yet as ho remem
bered that Mvcct comforting simlo and that
tender carc-n ho felt wronged nnd defrauded.
"I will havo n uiothor, too," said ho, "oven
If I havo to livo in ft cottago and wear old
clothes and havo no pluj things llko that
boy; I'll in.k father right away."
Lghort Fallor. would lx 10 years old on
Now Year'o day nnd ho hod never known any
other licio tlinn this, which was in n suburb
of Now York and closed against intrusion.
IIo saw no children, except when ho rodo
n his pony Iwsido his father In their excur
sions, nnd 110 isltors camo there, nor did Mr,
Fallon vhsit any person.
Tlio u-rvants wcro tho camo tlint had como
thcro when ho did, mid no ono of themovor
aid 11 woi-d that could glvo this littlo fellow
tho idea tint hfo had over hold any other tlea
for him than thesoho now had.
Kglwrt lu'.uriicd to (ho housn slowly nnd
thought fully and went to tho btudy, ho
expected to 11. nl his father; but ho found 110
one, mid w 1 o went on up stairs, butthoro ho
dldnotiliiilli.iu eithir;M almost mechani
cally ho went ou until ho reached' tho garret,
whcro hi' went over to tlm east window 'mid
looked out toward tho lit.lo cottno, all tho
vriiilo with l.ta heart full of thli now longing.
Alter n httlo ho be.;nn to look nhoutnud
notleo tlio ipuiint old hro!'cn furnuuru Hint
ns rtuivd huro, and lliiui'y hiu glaiico fell
upon 11 (mfrpr, old fushiouud httlo hair trunk
bound with iron lunuUi, btuducd with brass
IIo thoickt what a pretty placo this would
be to itcui JiJj cnialler playluur.-s in, and
kuowinslliarbvcrylliili.'t tht 0 would will
ingly bo riven to l.mi, ho triod to o.m'i it and
st-o what it would lnok l.'..o on tho u..x.U
Tho trunk va looked, but ho soon found
means to 0:.-11 It, utid ho found it llll'xl with
UotOkiiHl tlieniout lmpaticntl,nud tnen
ys. ..
f if vs A Idi T YVS
11)1)41 II TTj
SfcWC4iifotf. "? u
ra vvj '
.S-f I 1 1 1 i 1
st tlio very liottom of Itio trtu.w bo tottml
jortfoHd full of jutter.
Among them was ft Mtenwlod nnd nd
dressed to hi father, and a ivlettire pnlntnu
rri porcelrtln of a lijvoly wonmi. itlmwmo
Iww lookfe! fnn.niar to win, l.ii. i:o know he
IktiI never N3ti I . r, y t. ho lo . cd 1 t r, and Ik
put Hie plf-liiro i i i. f '' ' r d tlc tipUit
oM jtortfolio nnd . ' I .ic'. iK .it stalw.
Ho tunny) v knew vVr. ln wm about or
what ho was thinking of, hihI his llttlo brain
W(u til confuted mhIiIs heart wim full,
HecnUrod thotiiiy nnd found his father
lliero talkluit with tlioiiupte, who t.euiel to
hlik KoinethiiiK unh r U'r npron.
Ilicrt wnJltl n lltllii coutcmpUtnuftly nt
ho nt ouco understood that it had someililng
to do with New Yonr's omo now gift,
"Father," wild he, "wi-rn J on thinking of
giving mo anything to-morrow f
"Why, yes. It is Now Year's, and your
hiithilny. Is t hero anything jou would liVo
Iliert hemtattsl ninl grow in I,
"Fiither, 1 don't know as I muld, but If I
could havo "IK', I khoitld llko to havo n
If ii knlfo had pierced tlint father's heart,
ho could not havo grown moro jxilo than did
Mr. Fallon when his loy stnimnorod out that
pathotlo recpiest,
IIo groatuHl In agony ns ho ttaggcrcd for
ward and Hrutchod liU nrms ncrow tho tnblo,
nnd hid his face upon tin in, whllo ho trotuolrd
In every limit.
Egbert cnnio rloso to his father- won dor
Ingly, but ho could nut understand this sud
den display of emotion, and ho laid tho port
folio down on tlio lablo with tho picture, nnd
llunlly Hoeing that lilt father scorned so
grieved, ho put out his hand instinctively,
and tried to cure's hl3 father's hair, as ho had
.en that joor woman do.
This light touili brought Mr. Fallon's mind
back to his child, and ho (.lowly lifted hit
faco from tho tnl le, and then drew tho lioy
to his knee, a very unusual demonstration for
him toiuiika
" What inado you nslthat ipiestlon, Kgkcrt 1
Who has been talking to joul"
"No one, fat he-, only I taw thnt poor
children had iiiotl.rt-s, and today 1 somehow
felt that if I hud a mother of my cry own,
I should feel u ciijilonted and hnpjiy, nnd I
fell, too, that I hail always wanted one, only
I timer knew it until today, and I thought
you could get mo one, ;itrhiipi, instead of any
play toys. I am tired of all kinds of toys,
uudwheii I saw that Ixij's mother lovo him
so tenderly, I mado up my mind to ask you.
I blmiild lovo J uii just tho samo. Father,
why is it I havo no mother, or don't rich
iwopte havo thcini''
"My boy, I hiivo tried to keep this sorrow
from J ou, nnd to so (111 a mother's placo that
you would nover mlsi her, but it ii useless.
Nuturo has bKkcii. You had a mother ouco,
but you havo nono now. You can never
havo another."
"Hut whero Is die, father! Is tho (leadl"
"Yes, child, doad to tw nil."
"Hut when did Miodior'
"Klght years no, njjbcrt. Now, my boy,
listen. You must not s;eak of her ngnlri,
novcr, nover. I cannot bear It, to mo nor to
any ono ebo. You must think no. moro nbout
It, nnd lx) iih happy as you can with mo. Am
I notgooil to you I"
"Oh, jes, nnd 1 will try," said tho boy, try
ing to htrugglo ngalnst tho tears; and then
ho roso nnd went out of tho btudy nnd up to
his room, w hero ho wont to bed to think and
try to understand thft llnt borrow and first
j mystery of lu.i young lffo.
Mr. Fallon ivniniiicl In his study n prey to
I violent emotion.
I This child, whom ho bad surrounded with
such tendorncw, and -who hndyil that was
I left of hr-brol?eii'-lifftrtf7-fouhdlhr.t not
! enough, and his innocent nature cried out
for mother lovo, not 'vcn knowing what it
And that inother, weak, unworthy, sinful
and nbaudonekwhat dldshocaro if tho littlo
1 heart
broko for want of a mother's tender
Hot tears forted themselves through his
eyelid, nnd bobs ' racked his breast as ho
, thought It all over. "
IIo had taken his young brido to his heart
1 and homo, with prido and lovo, deep and
true, nnd In two short yours sho had proved
unworthy of his namo.
Even whilo her first born lay upon hor
' breast sho wa3 a guilty wretch, and then,
wlion his cousin had discovered nil tho wrong,
and had proved it to him, sho dared deny it
I and so malio it ull tho deeper.
I Then ho had driven her forth, torn from
hor f also nrmi tho pretty, baby, apd sho had
' gono out of hM homo and llfo forovcr, leav
' ing tho blight of her sin upon them both.
I Then ho lnd mado ft ittiuso of biiasulf for
tho bako of ills child, nnd had tried to so fill
this llttlo heart that it should nover nuxl an
1 other lovo, nnd yet thnt llttlo heart missel
1 Eomothlilg. Ah, w ell, ho would havo to know
' Itsomo dny. rciliupsitwasbefittlint ho learn
It now, whilo too young to understand.
)xno tiweci, iiniuceiib iucu 111111. suu iiiuii
Ildw could guilt havo lodged In thnt heart?
IIow could sho huvo Eacrilleod husband,
child, good name, all?
Yet sho did. Tho proofs wcro too strong
I for doubt.
' yThoso letters, their touch withered his
heart nnd Hfo at onro, eight years ago when
Amy was driven forth a wanderer and mi
outcast, weeping nnd declaring her innoconco
to tho last, In spito of thu proofs in his ios
i mssion.
I Then sho had taken her shattered Hfo
homo to her parents, nnd they had sheltered
I Thoy bclloved in her innoconco. Well,
sho was their child, nnd thoy ought to bo
liovo her.
"Oh, Amy, llttlo Amy, I loved you sol" ho
murmured. "I could lovo you now, Qoa
help mo! Ibollovol do yet, In spito of all,
and I forgivo you, for you were so youngl"
fj, .
v ,
At this moment his oyes fell ujkjii tho port
folio lying upon tho table, and uiccimnlcally
ho opcnetl it, only to btnrt, hold his breath
nnd Gtniin bis eyes to tho utmost ns ho ox
imined 0110 by 0110 tho papers wjiich proved
(iIKin their faco that tho jioor wife, so wrong
fully nccusod, had been driven away, tho In-siK-fit
victim of Ids cousin.
It did not need tho letter which sho hat.
I . rV,
rrlUen on her dylna lxd to him, eonfomtns
hor crime- nnd Iwgfglng forglxwiofw, to pravo
thnt Amy was iii puiv n an nngsl; and now
ho sprung lo his foot, with now llfo In hli
rotui, now hopo In hh hearty now light III I1L1
For rIx Iouk ymrn that loiter nnd tho port
folio, with tho rnugu coplmof tho fnlso let
lorn which had condemned an limoeent
woman, had lain nlmt undr Ids hand nnd
ho had never know 11 it.
When Lydlii died her llttlo trunk had lieon
sent to him, but ho nover looked Uyond tho
top, ntul ho nover know that her hopeless
loo for him had been tho inottvu for thli
IIo closed tho (Kirtfollo, naylngi
"Sho liilwul now; I will forgivo her when
Amy forgives 1110."
And as ho moved tho hook tho picture lay
oxpoiod. He grasped II, nnd Ihrotinh lillnil
Ing tears ho klsed tho faco of his jioor wifo,
ntul then ho roso with n now energy, Kiylugt
"I will btnrt thli hour, mid If they will lei
1110 sco her I will pi-.iy her forgiveness on my
kneed. My poor, icrsccutrd w Ifo."
IS fl$$L
iiTrI eJi I v ;1 1
'L-JA V. iJwWr
t5 Q v-
uotiiei; .M ciiit.t) wtni: itr kach OTitnn's
A soft rustlo of garments, n breath of pep
fumo swrot as ft clover Hold, then n low, ten
der volro whispered:
"Clnrenco, fihohai longngo forgiven you,
and has lovwl you always."
"Amy, oh, my wifol"
After awhile, when thoy could talk, Amy
told him tlint her longing to behold her child
had boon bo great, that sho had r.tolen thoro
llko n thief, nnd had mnnnncd to gain en
trance, mid then sho had hidden behind tho
curinlu as her husband camo in, and so had
been a Mlcnt spectator of all.
Morning dawned and EglicrJ. nnd
wont downstairs, fooling ns if something un
usual was about to hapjcii.
Tho remembrance of tho conversation with
his fnthcr weighed upon his young heart, nnd
checked tho curiosity an to his exxx.ird proa
nts. Tho door oponed and his father camo In
loading tho lady of tho iwrtrait. Ono look nt
that faco was enough, nnd mother and child
wcro In onch other's arms.
Tho littlo heart lmd nothing left to long
for, ho had hi mother, and yut two ioarly
lourn swam In his eyes, and his Hi) ipilvorod,
but It wns vith pure joy.
Tho giving of Now Year's gifU is n custom
that hxi loag liceti practically oLsolrio, but
In tho oldon days gift giving on New Year's
wns na strictly observed as on Christmas.
Llko uinny of thu Christmas customs, it was
derived from tho lloinnns, nmong whom, ut
0110 time, tho lny posK'swd tho proud distinc
tion of being tlio only ono In tho wholo your
011 which gifts could lo legally demanded.
Among common Now Year's gifts in tho
early days of England's history wcro ornnges
ituck with cloves ornngoi nnd cloves wcro
great rarities then -glovei nnd pins to tho
Indies, etc Tho common gift from 11 tenant
1 to his Inudloid wns n cajioii, and C'owloy, mi
' early English poet, recognized this custom
j when ho wrto tho lines:
When with low lejrs nnd In an humMo gulso
Ho offered up n capon snrri(ico
I Unto hu worship ut tho Now Year's tldo.
Among tl o characters in lieu Jouson's
"Mavpio of Christmas" Is "Now Year's Gift
In n bluo cont, bcrvlng man llko, with an
ornngo, and 11 sprig of rosemary on lib head,
his hat full of brooches, with a collar of
gingerbread, his torch beaver, carrying n
' tnarchpano with n botllo of wine ou cither
' arm." Sometimes in tho placo of gloves or
pins, dearer then to tho fomlnlno heart, oven,
than now, for thoy were costly nnd used only
by tho licit, sums of monoy wcro given; honco
tho terms, btill in common uso, of "glovo
money" nnd "pin money " Tho bribing of
judges was not nt all uncommon In tlioso
days, ami money paid to tho administrators
of tho law was often concealed in handsomo
gloves presented ns pohto offering of friend
ship. Onco when a lady of tlio namo of
Croaker sent a vdrof gloves to Sir Thomas
Moro lined with forty goldon Foverclgns that
judge returned tho gold with a note in which,
"hlneo It were ng'jinst good mnnners to re
fuse," her Now Year's gift wns accepted,
"but ns for tho lining," ho went 011, "I ut
terly refuse it.'' It was tho custom then to
mnko New Year's gifts in profusion to tho
reigning sovereign, nnd lists of such gifts uro
still religiously preserved.
1 Queen Kh.abcth received moro Now Year's
gifts than any provlous ruler of England,
and among thu urtlclm named on her HsU
wcro necklaces, iettleonts, looking glasses,
bracelets, silk stocking, eta It is liolioval
: that tho famous bilk stockings givon to this
1 queen by Mrs. Montnguo wcro. Now- Year's
I gifts, and It Is recorded tHntrEJIrhbetfiJikcd
them mightily, nnd tnohcoforth sho ltevcr
, woro cloth hoso any moro The gtvfng of
Now Year's nreiJonta to nujxjriors win n cus
tom generally "observed, nnd, -of courso, be
camu n ciaik for illl soils of jobliery.
.y-ThftJJaliquet of .Tests, published In 10.11,
,1 tolls ntalo qt a Now Year's rift mado by
uiiu 01 wiu nooiciiiou oi 1110 1 ei-n 01 King
Charles I to tha' court jester, which it term
a "pleasant story," Itbcomsthnt tho Jester
was not snTfaled-wlth tho number of pieces
. of money Jie had received, so ho shook tho
1 coins discontentedly in his Imnd, whereat
I tho noblen'iau bogged tho return of them for
moment, "and1 by tho wny," lib added,
'there is ono of tlicui which woidd be loath
to part with." Thu coins were returned nnd,
tho jofcr waited patiently for a larger gift,
But the nobleman pocketed tho rash, ro-
tnarklng with great brilliancy: f
"I onco gavo my money Into tho hniids of
a fool, who had not tho wit to keep JjJrf
Tho fact that this story has liven pn-scrved
from oblivion for moro than '.'(X) years by
meant f coustaut republications in England,
nnd thnt nil the wits of that islaud havo
doubtless Ian lied heartily at It, lufly per
'"ipsbo roi.sidored sulllclent oxeasu tor IU
iiisi-r ion here. .
Thcro is n father with twice six sons; tljcsu
sons have thirty daughters npioco, pnrtl)
coloml, having ono cheek whit and tho other
black, who never too each otherVfiee nor
livo iiIkho twenty-four bourn CUauibcri.
Ukof Days.
" 5
I Miitlirin-ln.f.iur ns Itiejr Air,
t was joiiti-t nno't inysolf mid I think, tike iu
I wm Mtinrt as the U-st of Vm tlit'iil
I l;imwO'l o lilaiio' iiuioli that I'm cl id I'to fer
I Kt
And ntn'i rlekullret Itnxalnl
Hut ns smart ns I wns-and I'm ivrtnln of ttint-
I w as iii rr s Hiunrt that folks saw
Any lirntiM iiiniitln'iip tliruiMh tlio lop of my
I lint
j When I IniiKlusI nt the liiotlicr-lndnwl
Tho iiiiitliiT In law wns n woman-hut wo
Dulii t .-i'lint tlint, ntul iii'llhtrdo)ou
One hml 11 ) ihiiik daildlitei-1 list to ;o see,
And pla 1 lio lUHMiillim to;
Hill that n itlo old wniiiaii, halt kIooiii nnd half
Tlini itiniM ni'ltlicr freero solid, n'er llisw,
Knomsl hal li was doln' nnd why sho sot
And 'ml not Ik' iiiv inotlivr-lli law I
lilio wns H.niinl, like tlio most of 'em Is, nnd she
Jent n Im in' full Jest leper notio:
Andrtsfri ns litis liiothfr-tn-lnw fimllsluiif went,
Hlie rvm ml) red lui' unit lit r nnotio
I n'liietlilk-r, inM'f. Uin' Ktniuk lluilawny
At n (; il ii.-rl 11' iiiio'I, tluro I wiw,
My wife wceplii' over the oIihIs mid the tiay
At tlii-KrmiMif lit r ittnthcr-lii-lAwt
J&iiirs lilleoiuli Hlley In Texas Hirtlngs.
Mm I tit it ,n "OIT" i:o.
They nivtellliiK Iii one vlivlo of fitshlonnblo
smiely it utory of a Jolly young mllllouiilra
w Idow Ait nihnlrcr nt 11 ball, after purrllng
himself over the twinklu of ono of her eyes,
wlillo Us unite was demurely oxpitwilonless,
asked for 1111 explnuatloii of tho pht'iiouietiou
"And which eye do you nilinlrof" she said.
"H-hhnnl to tell," tin htniuiiit'itid. "Tho
0110 w-w-with tlioilemuronem sot t of iiinshto
a fellow 1 d-d-don't you know, and tlm ono
with thi' t winkle wtH li-h-hlin iiblnr" with Itn
llnnhes It's it choice N'twixttwo- two in
might r ,;"d thiiiKs, ytm know."
"On the wholo which one do you preferf
"Wn "it well, I think tho ili'inniv turn."
"I inn n glnd, Dolphy, to hl-ar you Ray
that," nnd the widow lionmcd rapturously
Into lih face, "IteealiKo thoe)t Is a glawono,
mid I urn Mimftlmcrtiifnild It illsilgurtvi me."
Tills 1 I'M Intlon lost hor 11 lover. Hut sho
will lint.lty inks him from the gang, and she
ccrtnlnU had fun with Itlmwlilleho lastod.--Now
Vm l Him.
Hail Iwlro its Alnrli Vv fur Her Nllppois.
Two Indies, who wero evidently very old
friends, ni"t in n Sixth iieuuitbliisMom tho
other nfleriiooii. "Aro you bii Ing a pair of
those'ly now llranl green sliistt tlintnro
nil tlm i! ' nuked 0110.
"No," replied tho ether, "I'm Just getting 0
pair of Kllppors for tho liouso."
"What, ho soon," sho asked. "Why, I ro
iiiciuIn r ipilto well that wo loth lxmKht h1I
jiers tlie saiiio tlinn only a llttlo while ngo,
ami mine are only half worn out."
"Yis-, I reiitoinlicr It, too, my dear," tho
other replied, as bho Mulled rather nrehly,
"but j mi should not think 1110 extravagant.
You 1 nist Uiko Into consideration tho fact
that ui have only ouo llttlo child while I
liuvoi'Mtis to punish." Now York Evening
Ono tteiisiin Why.
Wlfo (who prides herself on lielng Homitblc)
.John, tlo jou notleo how easy fitting my
Husband Y.
Wife Well, tlo you know why I got my
shoes so largo?
lliisli.iiiil (just a trillo nonphiRRctl) Er
no, my tlenr, unless it is In'onuso you havo
largo fct. Philadelphia l'ress.
Itiiw It lluppi'iieil.
Flrjjt Drummer Saw a man run over on a
southern railroad, eh?
Second Dnimmer Yos, ho was walking or
tho tniek.
"That's ipieer, very rpicor. Ho wasn't try
ing very lmnl to keep ahead of tho engine,
was lieT'
"Ho was walking towonl tho englno."
"0hl"-0maha World.
A Ni-ut Wny Out of It.
IIo (Just Introduced) Wlint n very homely
limn tlmt cfiilluiiifin ni'iir tlio iiliino In, Mm.
Jim. Holisoii Isn't liol Tiiat Is Mr. Hob
noil. Ho (oqiml to tlio occnulon) Oil, Indeed!
now tnio it is, Mrs. Holisou, tlmt tlio homely
moil olwnys got tho lirottluHt wivis. Now
York Hun.
llrnniililiii; 11 Hunk.
President to Ciuthlcr Ih nil tlio capital
fctock vild in yi'l, Mr. TilliliiKt'rf
Cashier IIo, kir; but it will bo noxt
Presidents-Very well; jurt linvo tho tlmo
on tlioso tlekctx to Canada extended ten days.
Washington Critic.
HUtitr (,'lnrii Wimi't Tluirn.
Tlio childron nro oiiterttiluing .Mr. Konthor
ly until M!sn Clara comen tlnwu. Llttlo Malwl
I gottcd two of my toofs jnillotl out today.
Ithurtcilawfull Sister Clara can takonll
of her toofn out nt onco, an' (iut 'em back lior
sclf, mi' it don't hurt her u mite. Boston
A Willing Mi'ssongttr Iluy.
Stranger (to Iwy in tlnig ston) Hoy, can
you tflll 1110 hero Mrs. Hendricks' Ixjarding
liouso 1st I'm looking for n room.
Hoy YcKser, I'm goln' to dollverii pack
ago of IVrHlau (Miwdcr thcro In 'ttout flvo
inlnutctJ, 1111' I'll show you whero it Ii Tho
An i:xpliinntl(iii DefiTrcil.
"Pray don't let mo disturb jou," said n six
foot Toxnn, iw hu droiijutl Into a chair In tho
.editorial room of Tlio Daily Ilulldozor, and
oolly leveled nn army revolver at tho hontl
of tho editor. "I merely calldl to ask an ox
(ilaiuitlon of tho (tcrsonal mrngraih ruforrlng
to Col. Kilgoro, In tho last llullilowr."
"You nrt' not disturbing mo nt nil, sir," re
plied tho editor, calmly, as ho removed nn
oxchnngo from tho table, mid disclosed n
doublo lwrrelod shotgun, loailiil with slugs,
(wlntod directly nt tho colonel's manly
bosom. 'You hoc," continued tho editor,
playing a tattoo with UH jeweled lingers
upon tho triggers, "wo nro so overrun with
obltiinrloiAliut wo havo very littlo tlmo to In
veUigato" &L
'Li nL
Tllltilin l-nlntlpl Inn! .licnniwvirit.1 mill IliA
sllonco of tho hant'tuin was ProKoii only by
thosoundof bOiiioi'iiufiilll.ind.'ii lltoktecp
nntl clotfmy ktnirttny. nnd hrnnjlng up
BSidiirt tho ktxt door.Tid Uit.
.ra t-.y.":
. r5?w. . --. Siw
.-,.r - - A .IzJ I ---. r
Tlm fijllimlnu liirnks srn .iililUliid In nMt hsninhltt
I'liiilUlifil lit nnI hsninhkt
istiihiin;ly lllititrslM Tlur
ri'r mill msiur of llmin
it in in,ni iintiiiiiiiiipiv iiiuiir,!,.! t.i
inno.i in nnr inn
llUrslnm 1 tlm
lit ti ins 1'iini
litnilrr, nl llin l ntlil. Nlftiklr itn tl.n,,. t
Uli.i .l.ilpll.iin dk.i llluitrallitnt nl is, in.,.) wnn.Utlnl
"H"I ilni n I Inm fif lnlrrllnc n I liifltiu'llit
nnilrrsiir IbnHril. A AtrtU lion nf Is, inliy nnl,r
tnlt lnll!nl Ihlnif Sum I ,1 i itnnl M l t. ,n. llli
tnM Hlu.lrRllM.1
, "A I'lmxirK r.rrllniiH Mini llllirr NLrlrhra, nr
"Jihiiii tilMI Wir." A fullfrlhin i.l Ir.r.l.illl, (,!,,,
Ikit St, hf Hi, .null p. .iit,i l.nmrtrnti, wrllti llh, Ur
'I hi. iiiiI Kr,lHh l'iiir,, I I'l m, Alwtiiri, tnllwr
I " Hi, II ill, ISii nt.ionl. A mi.,1 ll.ll, nlnuilf iinn
-Inxtrr ,,ii,lln ttl.l.i llr.h.ll
'hrtlfmi, I'M.Rirs IMriK,, rnuiM ,
nlimlwr i.l Hi, l-i.Mlrli,lntln( ( liti.tmit, li il rt will lilt
t.j llnr,i,.i ni,rlM..,.rli...l sn,
lliiiniil Ihn I'lriilnir Lninii. A l.ii "Hloil.. ,iitt,i,t.
iiIm,ii I ,,m ,, l.,r ii inn, V U. ,l l,.nt
l'oMt1nr iln llnllntis nnil IMnl(iirs, tiiimnrfitii, ilmm,
lloait I ..ll,.ll. , In, Ih.iIhi ,1111. Iilni Ui m, ri,.. .nul,r
I Mm i,r Minli mi lino. IVnUlm r
lulu an 1 1 1 1 1, i.a f lamnii, t.lf maj, Anxlliatii, (,m h,
lima i, f r.iiklln , IS, fl,a.i,l
Iniiillliir Oniitnllniia. IVslalnlni Ilia mltn an.l anlSar
Mpol mini ihtaarl li-p.tillr m.l lni,a,lln in I cnialia
Ihn A valnalU wolh nt rr,tnr,.
Low In .Nn, ,,rk. A tliif Hill .n rlflni"
tlni lh, ,l,i all, ,f n,lnlS,i,alrlr IllotlrnUtl
'I lip llnnl ii Mini III, Nl an tlirnltr,
Inl a llinrnull, (.tafllral sraili, ,lnimi nul war l,r
r.lilrttll mar tai, tiinii, aaall,, ra lllr aid t,tiillr,
Unr) llnn.lfp.l 1'iipiilnr Nung,, ., I, i. all. lie
anl ntnilr.tnilii.llnn nmal nl Ilia la. .tlta, n-w an I nil
Mr.N.iir, Help, A No..) It, II. a ll.r An-ia fi Mi,ii
A lliirlrrv.t Lifts A Nmal II) ll.a,.., liiai tan.
An 111,1 .Mini', Mncririrr, A S.l v, ti.a ,, It.
i"i"li!!L '2l'Vi,"J,r' "."! I!!F",,h ,"""' '."" '''' Itopltt n iMittunlir lo fiirn lliV.i
'?i'LVi.l.i '' '""U'lni'i "PHiM In nr ntln-r tti tlions uttti nniVt otili ent ntsny
1 st wlilflt Ihcy r Iimd mroicl i:eli ono U cuiiiirlii lit Kuril
... CJ-Wo will arn.l siif imn.fliin a.imo .ixiVa,y niailonU ,,i I ntn r
e.T Onla laiivliiYnrii Hi-lor ftm oiil,, ill,, nn.r. I,,t i lilinK.katlorl.'I t;
wiiiiriiini,.r. inratl.lll, tidoi.ii,.,.!,
IfflrilrllnMlJU trilnf'pilit Mithtu
no tofrr In mi noxanahpr ,iil,lilr I
reiiirniuall Aidliraa nil loiters f M
i i-1 ii - Sii
H' M.wMHMMii. KVH-inrsiiiiimnaiwii f W '?l J"
magazine Mm
W ii M flllllavv''''v'T'Krtf,'fr''r''" -
Jrsliycs its renders litcr.nturc of lasting intciv
l-fJcst nad value, it is fully nnd beautifully Co;
VfX'i'-'iyL'-i uiusrrnrcci anu
than national circulation exceeding" 123.000
Cojics monthly, ri.
Charlc5 5cribncr Jons
to offer' 5CR1BNEFVS MAGAZINE with the
COURIER For $4.00 a Year.
Illtl tlfml ftv-lli rnnlnlii
1 tlio ililliti'Mtii(ii lf lilinni
tKtl-IMIl 11 nil 1 1111 pmuimv
t, Kllallllll! IIMtllf I'M Itvtll
nt miry until nml Ihi
licnllliy? Ttirou Iwl'i nrtt
tlmil, titriTitlial, null itliliv
lrriiciilly raii-o n rillil
fnrn. slmiilil ivrlnlnly Ihi
I'Xltnclcil niMln'iilniial tillli
lirxht, lirtlfH Inl trrlli tti n
never nclip. Caii tnrttriirl
cil wltlitiiit palu. Noliuin.
I ling.
New Years I'roclnmntinn.
.. In."rl'.'r tlmtcrrjr on - h nblo lo n il wrVry
tlmtikfiilly, itn will put up nrllflclitl iwllt nt Ilio fof.
IttK low ritlos until th'j id f limnry: Wll
mlnctniiTuvtli, Jl; HI1.I17V i.h, til iitiini tliuf
n7.,J',,''.'n '"''ilii. nu-rylliiit ftrlldo, 7IV) ikt
ft ; lilto'is Pitt MTiftli, wlili til tins of ilimlt'o
itrriiKtli, wenr wlili n s'rwmal k1UIi, (il t wuli
illw, lirlilKu work, elr nt Hid nimt riin'iiuit 1I0
'!, . '""'." N" .I0' '- l) '""'Ii IMMrtlii lire
llluck. Unculii. Nell. '
Disoatod Qiims.
Thn tectli turn Murk n'nl die, tlio (funis hlectl At
thu nllt-liltiit tmidi, 11I1 1 rule, tlio tct'ili lnooeii uml
fall out, thu lireutli Is horrible.
J 20(1 O Stroot,
On tlieltAplil Triiilt, tinc up tllonsocd (rums,
make tho llnust U"l,l Ami pl.'illiiiiin lllll" mikoi
tlio Uncut Ut'tli tlmt tuuuccu will nut tumUh.
kcono.iiv is Avi:.vini.
All tho I'ATTKllNB vim wloli to u.u iliirliu: tlio
' ) enr. fur nothing, (u luiviug of from f.').(X) to l.W), by
aiiiurcriuiiii; tor
)emo rest's mt-d
VVIthTwolve Order for Cut Piper Patterns of
your own selection and of any ilxe,
OP nil tlio riiccav-.lncH.
ContaininoBtories. Porno ASIIOTIIKII I.itciurt
ATTllAfTlOKS. tl'MllltlSil AltTUTIO, UCIBN
Tint', AMt Hoi 0MIOI.II MATTr.lll.
Jlltiitratril with Original tMrrl Kngrnv.
tnt, J'ltotoiiriirurr, tut J'lrturm unit
fine Womleulii, imilitii'j it lite .Vuirf Jtuua.
die of .Imrrlni.
1',1,'h Mnraclmt rnulalnsB coupon cnlir entitling;
I'm holder I nt' r" hci'oii of any pattirii lllimtralid
61 tho fsalilon 1' iartmcnt In that nunilr, ami In
liy of Hi ri.f imtiufafttirr I, muklni; jiatttma
(irtnir tlif jti.rof tho villi,, if ntcrtlinv iltillont.
IIKMtillK-s'rH .MIIM'III.Y t Jtiotly inillkil tlio
IVnrl 1 M.mIi'I Mncar.lne. Tliu'eol In Knnn. tho
ji".'i'-l in I'irriiliitloii, and tho l-n TWO Dollar
Kiniiiv Mitsazlno loatioil PAS will ') ilii-Tw filly.
f - li ti'ar nf llsaniliriioii, ami Ii oimiils at tho
In i .if family IVrloJIrals It rniiinlno 72 IaKt'.
luru'it iiuirlo. HxlHj Indicn, ilivaully iirlnti-tl nnd
fullv llluotrutiil. Puhllohcd Ly V. Jeunlut;s
Ilfni irct, New York
And by Special Agreement Com-
blncd with tho
Capitol City Courier at S3.25 Per Year.
'.; a '
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
127 s- Klcvcutli nt.
fnrr ulnlr.l frm ifisul rutihMa Itr nn tmi
nt itllhiml fciiini tlm rlifsnou linnVs Tr rule
r n
'I ho I nrrrlllnl llnlilf. A Mural, fr II T Cilhnaa
'I ho III, llnLrnl hral. A Kuril hr nil nana Coaa, Jr.
'I tin I'rnrl nrl,nll,rlin, A Natal, tl r Cull Al'oiara.
Ilnllittr Aali II nil. A Mural. 11 lliaaiaar I1l.,(r,l
I'llirn lloiian, A Knl.l, tlf fttl W, riaar,.
I'n.lrr 11,0 l.llxra, A Moral, Itr lU anllior of "frr.
'I Im IMniHmiil llrnrtlrl. A Moral. Itr Hit. Ilaaar-
IVnnl), llHirrNt.,!,
'I Im l.mrrrr'aHr'frrl. A Moral, ItrMl.alf H.nsiMHiir.
'I Im Mrnniio I'narnr lr. Jrtjll mi.l Mr. Ilrilo. A
Norrl llrll T, Mstan,
, Wlclrillllll. A Snral, fr Mlal Crril. Ilir,
. I mlf iilnurtli, lllniiiniiila. A Moral, lit "T
lifpsaaa '
tlrlnrin Trrti Ulna. A Karri, tl Ilio anltiar ol " fp.
lltntna ' iMifporr.l
nn iii. , iirnri,
Dnrla'a I'l.tllini'. A
A l.ntr Miirrlnnr. .
'I to iiiillir Hirer.
I lip I'olantl liT Aana,
I lin Miip or llpnrla, A Mural, nt n I.. Pisltnn,
Itiirla', I nrlliili'. A Moral 11 Tl tiar,IH WlRhl,,
A Nnral, lr III., Ml'lnm flint.
A Moral llIVliatmlnlLlao.
.. ' . .. " -. I. .-;:.. -.: - ::.
n.. A Nik. Pnliflral 1.111.
ruimiiirHiitf. a Nurri rr Mia, imoiir tronn,
I i rain u (7 I'rllrra. A Moral, It lira, iimiino.
A I'lninlglif, llutislilfr. A Moral. It Mia A,oi.
rnwiMi,, in ,t ,,f,,f
I'nlr I. HI I'nlar. A Moral. l lot anllior f nra
Tl,niiia " ifiM lrf,
Lmirnalrr', I'nliln. I KomI, 11 Ilia. II. V Vlctoo,
rinrrtirri lilnplnn'o llntt.. A Moral. It lira, lta,r-
A. Ilomanw INirrolr,!,
'I lio Woiiiiiii llntrr. A Konl. 11 )r J II llnaro4ia.
I lio t'lillrornU ('wiiln. A Mm. I. Dr T Citho.
roro'pi of nnl 111 rental itlui for
ilili.HikarrorolVrrl ll.i not r.l tut Lninlrmitaii oflL.
ii rnoiaiP tistnii tnkoii r..frranTioiiaornii,llaf A l.iimr' llllf,
V 0,iili i lutvm , . t n Ciinnii till A"fii' Ipo, AM llltfxl l.f
- iiniiaiii'i'a .mi llll llin l nv lllri'rl, ,ri i iit-M
nas already jrj-nincu a morp
st . A . s a. a. a,
Uwiih Messrs.
the Publishers enable U3
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street.
Still In tho front unit absolutely loading nil
iiiHitltinx Tliornii;lily eillpied for the
.iittit workIPtlviiig to ineli I'listoiner 1111 un
'iinltlltl giiiirniitiii for nil workdiinn. All of
unr work tloiif with iieiitiieris nml ilLsimtcli.
Wo Nilirlt oitlein for mlml bun v lllngi and
irluhlKiiing towns, iwyliig tlio ex ii ess on all
inltim nun wny. ltem-tflllly,
ton.r loMied nn lont; or aliort time at lowee
it r. Oftlcri In KlrlianU' lllock, room a.
'Me eluraUir on Kleu'iitli strret nitraooa.
.Nookan's Place.
Havlnj; nrrnncd my unmplc rotmi for
the convenience of tlio public and blocked
It with the bent liriuuU of
Wines, Jdpors & Cigars.
' w uhl r ully Rollclt n wlinre of tnib-
tro MjjootU nrc all very fine
p ic ncht mnkcr, nntl I will take
1 .t filling all orders for
1 11 connection with mv sample room 1
-oudiict a first class
wncre nt any time n nliort order lunch mnY
X" had nl reiisoiiahlc prices. Call and sce
nic. No. 10 15 O Street.
HomtBopatliist Pliysician,
Telephone No (Ss.
163 South nth Street, I.incoxm Nk
Crystal SieamLinndry
Wllli-nll for, nml promptly dtdlwr nil it or
I'litniMixl to them, nnd llnUh muno
In l.itt-.t nnd Uint inminor.
nnd Ims.1 fin 11111114 in tho city, for dolus strict,
ly Itrst-s'litiM work. Our now locations aro
LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and 0 Sis.
CITY OFFICE; 119 H. 12th Street.
UfA trial will ivnvincM you thnt thtr
CiMUil .lu tin. u-t luuiivln work in th r
Boots and Shoes,
j Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps
Prlccn n low n reliable find clasp gor i
can ho rold for. nnd nil honorable cor . p e
' It Ion fairly met
iii. 3 O Street.