Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 24, 1887, Image 2

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Walnut Block, What
Cheer Nut, Scranton
Hard Coal and Pine Kind
ling at II5 south Tenth st.
Makes the preservation of the nnlurul
tectli a specialty hy nil known approved
method. Gold nnd porcclnlu crown
mounted on the natural root.
All operations performed without pain.
aStUfnctiou guaranteed.
qunlnled with l)r. U Wtmto, who H to leave
ussoon and engngo In tho practice of dentis
try In your city.
Wo can unhesitatingly rooonunond hint ns
thorough mnster of hi profession, nnd wo
nro uro tlmt nil work entrusted to hhn will
bo nkillfully Krfornuxl.
J. Undkuiiill, M. I).
W. W. McMann. m. n.
J. M McAliAiifi.M. H.M.I).
J, M. Uai.i.kiiihhi, I). I). H.
OAHD.Nnn, Illinoih, Jnu, '.V, ltW7.
116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
1214 O street.
Examine samples of our work before
ordering elsewhere.
New Hampshire
Step, Single and Extension
230-232-234 S. nth st.
Philharmonic : Orchestra,
A. IUoemow,
Musical Director,
0ce Funko's Orr
a. 11. AsctnUN,
House, 8.1 Floor, Front
Vlil furnish J rand or Sacred muslo for
fcoNCKHTS, Weddings, Paiitiks, Halls
and all other occasions requiring n rat-clam music
cersiwcial rates will l made with clubs
slrlnjt Uie ocliestra for the season,
rates furnished on application.
We also desire to state that we have opened a
Conservatory of Muslo in our apartments In the
opera house building, for the Instruction ou
orchestral Instruments. Tuition hours: 0 a, m
111 13 noon, and 1 till 4 p. m. every day except
Bunday. For scholars not able to attend atregu
ar hours, special tlmo will be glTen.
For further Information as to prices, time, etc
address or call on tho manager.
$350 in GOLD
Given away at Ed. Cerf's
clothing store.
67 Prizes
905 O street.
A nnfir liir nf Motlrm IHrnr.
iwciurTiiixi Ono Year by Mnll or Carrier JS.fM
RIk month, fl,Ofl, Tlirefl month M Onto, One
ninth to CuilMnvni rlil) I" Ailtnnce.
hvcnri4r Kate furnished on application
nt llio oflleo. Hicelal rate on TI1110 Contract.
CiisTniniTitiHSt Hliort spicy sketches, poem, and
SMrles solicited. Personal and Social notes nro
is.xVlally desirable.
rniNtiitnt Wo make a specially of Kino Priming
1 nil It branches. Boclety work n socially
Adder nil communication dln-ctto tlio ofllco.
Capital Hotel Wl North Eleventh direct.
Telephone: Editorial Hoom 8M, Printing, ITTO.
Tlio CouniKii will not lm rtwponslhlo for
nny debts mmlo by nny ono In Kit naino, tin
1pm n w rittvii order necompnnlo llio nnmo,
pnnwrly signed, of course,
Wkhhkl fc Doiiiiinh, Prop'r.
Tub Howard Wade In nulliorlty for tlio
stntmriit tlmt the 11. nnd M. yard In thU
city contain thirty two iiiIIoh of tracks.
Tiik police inuddlont Omnhnhn lioen tin
rnvcllid nnd the copper will get tlolr vxy
nt last; this l only nnother llluitrntlon of
tho old saying Unit right will trlumpli In tho
AIn. 1. T. llAHNUtt lm written n ntory
for n Now York paper, nnd tho world won
lem whnt Mr. llnrnmu will do noxt. Troln
. 'y Introduce n now feature In hln allow
lit'At neiiNon.
KniTOH Hitchcock of tho Oinnhn World
hnmuadotio much money out of hln iwper
that ho does not know what to do with It, but
pni0M'n to build n million dollar hotel If tho
IMioplo will glvo n Ikjiiui of (IM),()00.
The Now York llertitil was sued some
tlmo ago for $T00,(XX) by tho managers of tho
TortlHta mining company of Arlwina for lib
el nnd from n late copy of tho &7r nt hand
we notice that tho managers nro pushing tho
case nnd propone to havo reprisal ot some
THE CoimiKU wishes to extend Its thanks to
tho cheap young man who writes tho "Jot
tings" for our morning coiitcmorary for tho
complimentary notlcy of its Christmas num
ber. Ho evidently Is not very grateful for
tho niwlstauco this paper nlTords him in making
up his Hundny tocial column.
I'lior. Kiliuin of Amurlca nutuloil Prof.
Hmlth of England very Hcienllllcally tho oth
er day, but did not knock him out. 1'rof,
Biilllvnn of lkmton will have his hands ful
but if his mst work is nny criterion will pol
ish them off with tho ease which clutrauter.
Ited his meeting with Prof. Ilyan and others.
TliK reaper death has been busy the past
week among tho great men of our nnt Ion.
Hon. Daniel Manning, ox-ocrotnry of tho
treasury, nnd.a prominent editor and politi
cian ot Now York state, is about toho claim
ed by his grim majesty, Ills death will bo an
Irrreparable low to tho dcmocratlo arty ot
Btatoatid nation.
Hon. BTxnuNa P. Hounds, ono of tho editor
and proprietors ot tho Omaha Republican
died 111 that city on Saturday evening last.
Mr.Ilouuds rose from tho lowest jiositlon in
the trailo to bo publlo printer of tho United
States, and subsequently tho owner of a great
newspaper. Ills death will bo regretted by
a wldo clrclo of friends including our liest
known statesmen.
Tim 1'1-uaturcd remarks of tho Journal con
cerning tho Christmas edition ot tho CoitiUKlt
nro unworthy of tho per; but when it I
known that tho Journal was engaged in get
ting out a similar edition, for advertising
spneo In which thoy proposed charging oxhor.
bltant rates, and tlmt It wns fore-stalled by
thoCounuen, thonnimous of tho nrtlclowlll
bo understood; merely a mutter of dollurs
and cents with them. Wo hnvo no quarrel
with tho Joiintnf, but when an inslgnlflcont
reporter unjustifiably suears at and malicious
ly lies about the CouniKn it feels called upon
to say something.
Isn't it about tlmo for fconio of those pnpom
that aro eternally whining about tho "poor
down trodden fiinner" to lot up awhile. Tim
farmer is not getting trod on to nny great ex
tent, so far ns wo hnvo been nblo to find out.
Your average fanner U a gontleman who
knows what ho Is doing, and you may bo sure
tlmt ho is not going to koep on farming year
after year If tliero Is no money In it, Thu
reason that many farms nro mortgaged so
heavily Is that their owners did not havo cap
ital enough nt tho start to work them properly,
and borrowed money to do it with. By reason
of shlf tlessnew and the usual carelessness about
interest, tho dobt has been allowed to nccumu
lato until overwhelming. There aro thous
ands of farmers In Nebraska who aro making
a comfortablo living besides laying asido
monoy to enjoy nf ter awhile. There aro moro
needy persons than fanners for whom somo
nblo championing might bo dono to goou
1 5 I
OmiKiis for oxtrn copies of tlio Christmas
CouuiKHcomo in from all part, the numbers
Ordered by out of town parties bolng,especlnl
ly large and moro than wo had nny Idea to
exiicct, Tho lady readers of tho Couuibh
havo especially taken on intercut in tho ex
tra edition, one alouo having purchased fifty
copies, ono twenty dvo and qulton number Ave,
ten nud twenty ench, nnu juugtng irom 1110
present demand, it looks now ns though tho
number printed would not suffice, nmny nier
clmnts hnvhiar alo purchased from ten" to a
hundred copies. Tho sales at the nowstunds
lutve been very large, and tho newsboys still
como in smilingly saying ''Gimme twenty
more." In fact theso urchins havo mado n pic
nic out of tho sale nnd havo slnco Wodnohday
morning been kept busy, yelling Cawtal;Citv
Couiukh! CimiBTMAH NuuuKitl It is pleas
ing to tho publishers to know thnt our read'
crs nro pleased with the paper and that their
efforts httvo been duly appreciated.
A Joko on Col. Nut Crutch field, Car
Hula' tlrk.
Col. Nnt Crntchflohl, desk clerk to Sponsor
Curllilo, I Imiiiltoino enough, hut ho Isn't so
fnt tlmt pooplo J0I.0 hint om IiIh obesity. On
tho contrary. Thoo'.hcrcvonlng ho wns call
ing on n pretty girl up town ('Jo Is popular
with tho mix), and tho wnhtod to light on
oxtrn gn Jit.
"lluvo you got n inntcb, colonel P tlio
"All," replied tlio colonel, with Insinuat
ing grneo a ho looked down I1I1 long, tlendor
figure, "I'vo Uvu told I wns oho."
"It wasn't tlio girl's mother Hint told you,
wn-i It, coloneir' "lm Itiqulreil, with n sweet,
Innocunt smile, nnd tlio colonel, with n faint
llttlo spark, went out, Washington Crltla
Itnw lrn. Nlinriumi Huvod .Irirvnoti'ii I.lfn.
Two plainly drcwed moil Uxx nt tho
clerk's desk in tho Fifth Avonuo hotel lout
night. Kverybody rocognluxl them, for their
names nnd fneoa nro familiar everywhere.
Tho ono wiu tail nnd oreot, with grlulotl
bonrd. old derby hat, nnd cnrclewily nrrnugod
nocktlo; tho other was muooth faccil, with
regular featuros, morry Rparkllng oyct, nnd
Jot black hair coinliod to itolntu that pro
jected over his oars. Thoy woro William
Tocumsch Bhormnu nnd Joo JclTcrson,
tho nctor. Thoy wero chatting gaily
and evidently enjoying thcmsclvce. Tho
famous poldlcr nnd oscillator wan telling
torls. Turning ton third party In tho group
ho said: "Ono of tho most valiant nchlovo
tnonU of my llfo, which I look back to with
unalloyed pleasure, wax tho Raving of Joo's
llfo. It occurred last mnnmer. Wo woro
both In tho ivtrlor iipstnlra talking to somo
ladles. Joo had to lcavo early, nod oxcusod
himself. After ho went out I noticed a bun
dlo of manuscript on tho floor. I thought at
first it belonged to mo, but finding initio ntfo
I lmrrlod out to tho clovntor nf tor Joo. Hut
ho had gono down by way of tlio stairs. I
hallooodt "Joo, Joo," but ho didn't hear mo.
I ran down after him two steps nt n timo. 1
finally caught up with him, nnd, handing him
tho mnnuscrlpt, Raid) "Hero, Joo, you'vo
forgotten Noinothlng."
A serious expression spread, over tils faco
ns lio looK It and Bald In tremulously solemn
...j .
"It wns his autobiography, which ho was '
cngn-Ml upon nt tho time, "Now York Even-1
Ing Hun.
Napoleon III nnd Ills American Gucit. '
'llio rollowlng relating to Napoleon III
tho authenticity of which wo absolutely
guarantee la not generally known. On a
citizen of Yankocland bolng presented to hhn
by Mr. Dayton, tho Amorican minster nt tho
court of tho Tulllorlcfl, Napoleon III, wishing
to lio most gracious, remarked pleasantly:
"I know Now York well, and Imvosomo very
pleasant reminiscences of my visit there,"
Tho feelings of tho occupior of tho unsteady
tb-ono founded by tho coup d'etat may bo
mora easily imagined than described, when
U10 aothanilUyiot to Iwoutdono In civility, ubonj nfrordwlat tho same tlraoaA ox
blandlyrcplil:"Iamgmdtohmr lt5Ihopo ,j , ,lvcn,cnt aud un, trmkot
wo shall havo tho ploasuro of seoing your U r1ov opunsont soon wasin shapo of
majesty thoro again boforo long." lluttholR poierhorn.
wur uuiivrur nna usvii kj vuim nori ui iiung,
for when Lady Illossington, shortly after bo
had Iwon proclaimed omporor, went to tho
Tulllorlcs, oxpectlng a hearty wclcomo for
tho snko of tho old days at Qoro houso, Ken
sington, and mot with a chilly reception
from tho French sovereign, who, full of his
now dignity, could not overlook tho ccandal
which her ladyship's known Intimacy with
Count D'Orsay could not tall to glvo rlso to,
tho nephew of Petit Caporal distinctly got
tho worst of it.
"Do you intend staying long In Francor
coldly asked his imperial majotty, with
marked emphasis.
"No, sire," replied tho Irish countess, with
a twinklo in her oyo; "do you T' Modern
Wus It Sultonstuirs JokeT
Lifo would bo very dreary for Mr. S. N.
Dyer, Jr., private secretary of Collector
Saltonstall, if ho could not havo a llttlo fun
onco in a whllo; honco tho issue by hhn yes
terday ot tho following notlcoi
"In acconlanco with department ortlors.
tho custom house will bo closed on tho first
day of January next."
This ordor was rocelved during tho day by
tho different bonds of departments and by
them formally ttiraod over to tholr clerks
to promulgate, Tho effect on tho employees
was electric All woro highly pleased, but
thoy could not understand tho motive that
prompted this seeming llbemllty of tho gov
ernment; for it Is not, and novor has been,
tho custom to cloeo tho offices 011 Now Year's
After a while, ono clerk who was brighter
than tho rest observed that Jan. 1 falls on
Sunday, nud ventured to suggest to tho sec
retary that ho appeared to havo mado an
error In writing Jan. 1, when ho meant
Jan. &
Out it wasn't an error; it was only a joko.
Custom houso clerks aro not so happy as thoy
woro. Boston Transcript.
Larry Jeromo Emulates lloury Ilergh.
Larry Jeromo tolls a good story on himself
In tills wiso: On his recent trip to tho south
bo was walking along a country road bo
como up to a long, lank, aguo slinking natlvo,
who was mired in tho clay with his two
wheeled cart. Ills inulo was tugging with
might and main, whilo tho fcllotrwas beat
ing him over tho back with nn old wagon
spoko. Mr. Jeromo is tender hearted regard
ing brute creation nud Indignantly pro
"Hero, you white llvcrcd, measly whelp,
what aro you licating that mulo in that inhu
man wny for? Why, you aro worse than Da
laam." " 'Cos I got or bigger ass tnlkln' tcr mo."
Wlinckl whack! pingl whackl bit I and tho
mulo with a superhuman effort lifted tho cart
out ot tho clay.
"Ycou doan't know any moro 'lut rnulos
then yoou dow 'bout mlndln' yer own busi
ness," shouted tho natlvo as ho drove oft.
Now York Evening Bun.
Itctriovlng a Illuiidcr ut Court,
A gentleman on entering tho palaco tho
othor day to pay a visit to his majesty, was
met by tho inovitablo Sam Mnkal. Sam,
with tho ngllity of a dancing muster, camo
forward with outstrotehod hand to greet tho
visitor. Tho latter supposing Sam to bo tho
valot, charged him with tho caro ot his hat.
"You havo mado an awkward blundor,"
aid ono of tho household to tho visitor,
"Hint rson (mooning Sam) Is tho king's
cousin." llio YUlior immouiuiuiy went uji 1
to Sam, who was standing liko a stntuo of
Indignation, nnd, taking his hand, said that .
"Uuwuuaus aro uiopomosi peopiootioartn;
tho klnrr tukos my lint ono day nnd his cousin I
another," Sam was thoroughly satisfied
with tho compliment. Houolulu Dally Bul
letin Summary,
Tlireo Chunks of Wlidom.
Tholiad boy can liocomo very good around
Christmas time,
Tho liappyboy with tho now sled often
hurtu blimclf.
TUo brightest things soon fodo In this world.
There aro 110 roots to tho Christmas tree.
New lrl(pi for Ladle' Watelios OIoto
CoIoriifs nnd IirBiirttrs Ait Imported
Ilonimt Tlmt rind l'nvur with New
Vork Iillr.
Numbered with Imported bonnota that find
favor with Now York ladles Is tho "Empire,"
illustrated in tho accompanying cut.
tub "tMniut'1 nONNST.
Tho crown of tho bonnet is round and low.
Tho brim, with its peak four and thrco
1 quarter Inches wldo in front, Is bordered at
tho odgo with a stripe two nnd ono-half Inches
wldo of greon velvet shot with red.
Ignites' VTntclici.
Now tlmt chatelaines of all descriptions aro
again in demand, decorallvo silver watches
havo como to bo a prominent feature, and
tho result is a wldo diversity of stylos. In
tho now watches aro represented many an-
mwuu fc vm iiuiw nun nvws 4WUUIQ
appears on somo of tho cases, engraving on
others, enamel, gems, gold rosotto work nnd
Uquo as well as qulto now patterns. Etching
gold wiro work on tho others. A docidodly
attractive effect is gained on a surface enam-
clod In a plain color nnd overlaid, either with
gold rosctto or gold wiro work. Decided
novelties aro silver watches in form of a frog.
crab or a lizard.
Fashions In lorgnettes and OIoto Colngnrs
Lorgnottcs framed in rcpousso and ctcliod
silver aro in big demand, as aro tho lorgnettes
lit sliver cases. Opera glasses in silver cases
ars equally fashlonablo and will flguro con
spicuously this season at all places of amuso
mont. In this connection it may bo well to
tell that glove colognes and vlnalgrottea show
now nnd pleasing designs. A glovo cologno
In iI1 int Bmitt airuiit r eltvnlntrul ft snnlniS
New Models In Millinery.
Many of tho recently imported hats and
bonnets nro mado of tho shot velvet, trimmed
with birds and wings ot tlio most bcautlfu)
shades to match tho vclvot. Tho shapes aro
varied. Dlrectoiros, with largo brims ad
vancing considerably boyond tho forehead;
toques, largo huts with low crowns, orna
mented with tufts of feathors at tho back,
will all bo worn,
Parisian ladles aro largely patronizing felt
hats for itroot wear. Theso como in colors
to match tho costumo, and wherever tho
trimming Is placed, whether to 0110 sldo or
at tho back, it always overtops tho crown of
tho hat
In Now York many young ladles aro wear
ing soft crowned round hats ot cloth, or
vol vet cloth, aud fur aro frequently combined
in bonnets to bo worn with tailor gowns and
cloth coats. Black Porsian lamb is a favor
ite fur for this purpose. Tho fashion of
wearing ornamental pins in hats nnd bonnets
continues, lu many of theuo tho heads are
ornamented with beetles, butterflies and
bugs, composed of colored stones on a dull
gold loafy twig.
Novelties In Illbbons.
Watered ribbons aro mado very effoctire
by being also shot with fashlonablo colors.
Another novelty likely to meet with appro
bation Is a ribbon woven in two colors, with
a narrow ribbon of tho somo sort put on
branchwlso, and only fastened in tho mlddlo
to tho very mlddlo ot tho broader ribbon
In addition to tho ribbons described are
embroidered, embossed nnd plain velvets.
Theso now materials aro very choico and
havo a wonderful effect, not only ou account
ot tholr beautiful texture, but also for the
dolicacy of their coloring and soft shading.
A Novell Evening Toilette.
Tho toilette hero illustrated is a Parisian
ono, and affords in tho loco fichu that adorns
tho dress, as well as In tho novel and becom
ing coiffure, points ot interest to lady roatton
desirous of something entirely now for even
ing wear.
a crtAiuiiNO FnEScn toillttb.
Tho wmaro fichu may bo mado of any loos
preferred, but its ribbon trlmmlugs should
match or lmrmonlzo with tho bodlco over
which the ll'hu is worn. As will bo seen, tho
hair Is dressed high, and Includes In its orna
mentation a ribbon bow and small lwck comb.
Ribbon two and ono-hnlf Inches ivldo, tho
color of tho volvot, Is gracefully twisted
about tho crown, tied in a bow in front and
arranged at tho back odgo of tho crown in
thrco loops hiding tho placo where tho strings
aro sown on. Fivo short black ostrich
feathers fall toward tho back, and a fancy
arrangement of cocks' feathers, with two
wings ut the side, start from beneath; tho
On tho enslest jionslblo terms. I will pell ot
nny rrspectahlo linrty n lot In NEA11HY AD
I)lTION,with three-room cottnKoforfNX),ut
on cash payment of t.V) nnd $10 monthly
Lot with four-room cottage nt tft00,uion cash
payincntof fi0 nnd $10 monthly. Iit with
llvo-room houwtTUO, cashayinentof (TAnud
llli monthly. Interest on nliovo nt right e
cent, er nnnum. In this wny you can maker
tho rent iny for tho houso nnd lot. For In
stance, tnko lot nnd three-room cottage, with
ordinary rents for $10 jier month or$l'JOier
year. Intorent on (COO nmottnts to 1 10 Jier
yenr. You thereby gnln $80 overy yenr 01
enough to Mty off thoentlrodcbtin fivo years.
You will In this way get to own a homo by
simply imylng rent. I will also sell a lot In
Nearby Addition for $lo0, on monthly pay
ments of $5 each until paid, nt eight jier cent.
Interest, Ajiply nt Ed. Cerf's clothing storo,
00rOsrect.t Isaac C'ahn.
All OirnrrorHutiscrlptlons.
Tho CouniRit elsowhero in this issue has a
display advertisement nnnouueing tho price
of this fnvorito literary nnd society Journal
from now until Jnnunry IBM) for $J.0i. This
offer Is also good to proNeut suliscribers who
may nccept tho same by paying up w lint may
bo in arrears, thereby having tho patter sent
them nearly two mouths free of chargo.
Many havo already taken ndvnntngo of tho
offer, yot wo nro ready to nccomiiiodnte as
meny more. Our object In making this o(To
is this. Wo nm rapidly Increasing our nl
ready largo list, nnd is order to keep tlio work
booming nnd to further swell tho list, wo make
tills offer.
Tho publishers nro determined in their
efforts to increaso tho present circulation nnd
fully expect to reach tho 2,000 circulation rat
lug by January first, 1888. Should you do
siro to subscrilw by taking advnntngo of this
offer Hind in two dollars or notify us by card
and our solicitor will wait on you.
To I'noplo Who Kntertnln.
Society jieoplo arranging for parties, twills
weddings, receptions or anything in this lino,
should Itistiect our elegant linn of stationery
nnd printed novelties used on such occasions.
Wo havo Just received our new fall line of
olegnut ball programs, Invitations for wed
dings, parties, etc, announcements, folders,
calling cards and in fnct everything In this
Homo Olienp Property.
A find residence lot on Twenty-first street
near N for salo at a reasonable price. Also
ono in Mechanics addition, Ilydo Park and
Elmwood.WUI sell cheap if sold Immediately
CnllonornddrcNi, L. Wessel, Jr., caro this
New Sewing Hncliluo for Bnlo.
I havo a first class now sowing machine
novcr been used, of tho latest invention ami
with nil tho modern appliances thnt will bo
sold nt a big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, caro
this ofllce.
lloom tho Town,
Lcavo a pacr wrapper with n three cent
stamp on with II. Q. Hnnnn, city ticket agent
of tho Missouri Pacific railway, nnd havo a
"Lincoln Illustrated" mailed ti yout friend
east, free of chargo.
Through sleepers to Chicago nro run nnd
all eastern connections made by tho Elkhorn
Valley and Chicago nnd Northwestern rail
road. Try this elegant route. Ofllces, 115
South Tenth streets and depot, comer S and
Eighth streets.
Chicago & Northwestern milcngo tickets
sold to anyone n't Elkhoni ofllce, It 5 South
Tenth street and depot corner S nnd Eighth
McMurtry's addition on K. street, below
Nineteenth, is ono of tho slghllest in tho city,
as well as being rignt in tlio centra of tho
fastest growing portion. Call at his ofllce bo
low tho Capital National Bank and secure ono
ot thes lots.
Only via tho Missouri raciflo railroad can
you get freo reclining chair cars through to
Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis,
Terro Houto and Indidnnpolls.
Oentlcinen who hnvo boramo members of
tho sovcrnl now social clubi, or those who ox
poet to mlnglo In social circles of Lincoln this
winter, should not fall to call nt Mnyer Bros.,
123 North Tenth street nnd seo their superb
no of gontlomen's fill dross suits.
Gentlemen desiring nobby nnd elegnnttflt-
(ing fnll suits should call on Mnyer Bros., 123
North Tenth street nud sou their lino lino of
goods mado up from tho choicest and latest
pattern fabrics, fully equal to tailor mado
L. Meyer & Co. keep a full lino of silks
adtos' silk dro-n cord, calicos), cm I mo res
muslins, plain nnd fancy dress goods, and lu
fact, everything that can bo found in u first
class house, as well as tho loading brands of
choice family flour, teas, coffee, etc., etc.
Nliort I.lno to California.
Tho Missouri Pacific Railway will run ox
curslons to California leaving Lincoln every
Tuesday nt a faro of fOO.OO for round trip with
privilege of returning vln nny other route.
This lino runs through Indian Territory and
El Paso, Toxns, where n stojiover will bo jier
mltted to enable those who so desira to visit
tho nnclent nnd Interesting city of Paso Del
Norte In old Mexico. Parties taking this lino
will cscnpo tho cold climate of tlio North nnd
avoid nil posslblo delay by snow storms, with
the privilege of returning vln tho Mountain
routes in the spring without extra cost. Pull
man accomodations secured ami all Informa
tion cheerfully funiishnd by nddrttislng or
calling on II. 0. Hanna, City Tkt Agt.,
Cor. O and 12th Sts.
R. P. R. MlLLAlt, Oen'l Agt.
Lincoln Hack mid ISngirnge Line.
Tolophono No. 201, meat market, 037 0
street, or No. 301 livery barn. Order slates
nt Mimo places nud U. P, ticket ofllco, corner
Eleventh nud O streets. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel aud meat market.
Boiianon Duos.
A young man of 31, good penman, would
llko a position cither as otllco clerk or sales
man. Good references given. Address B,
P. O. box 603.
Ladles lieforo going to maku those calls,
you should make us a call and seo those olo
gautnew stylo calling cards ut tho Couiukh
Tho Chicago-Lincoln sleeping cars on tho
Burlington aro all started from tho dopot In
Ills city. Orders for Iwrtlis can always bo
loft several days in advance of a trip to Zei
mer's ticket ofllco.
Ofllco l'urnlturu For Rule.
An Improved doublo ofllco desk, two flnoro
cllnlng desk clmlra, two other enno scat
ofllco chairs, etc. , for hale nt u Imrgnin, Only
boon In tiso four months. Good as new. In
quire at this ofllce, 131 North Eleventh St.
As tho cold blasts of winter approach It be
hooves mortal man to prepare himself for tho
bitter bites of Jnck Frost. Mnyer Bros, rec
ognizing the fnct tlmt nn oxtrn lino lino ot
goods will lo in demand in Lincoln this sea
son, Imvu laid In a largo stock, Call nud sea
them, Prices aro always rock bottom and
goods warranted as represented.
111 South 10th Street.
CAPITAL,, - - 0300,000
Liability of Stockholders $400,000.
KUKI) KL'ltMlirr
I) 1) MUIH
It. K. Moons, President.
Hr.xnr Lkwis, Vlco President.
C. II. iMitorr, Cashier
Interest paid on deposits of ft aud upwards at tho
rnto of oper cent pounded semi
annually. Your savings account solicited.
For a long or short tlmo on real estato or ap
proved collateral security. Hank open from 0:8o
a. in, to 2:30 p. m., ami on Hnturday evenings
from 0 to 8 d. in.
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
127 S. ElcvcnS st.
Dulldlnfrs completed or In 'course of erection .
from April 1, 1HM:
Dullness block, 0 E nnlgoinery, 11th and N.
do do L W Hllllnmiley, litis near N.
Restaurant (Odclls) 0 E Montgomery, N near
I Itli.
Hesldence, J J ImhofT, J nnd 12th.
do J D Mncfarlnnd, Q nnd 14th.
do John Zelimnc I) nnd 11th.
do Allort Watklns. I) lct nth and 10th.
do Wm M iA'onnnl, K let Oth nnd 10th.
do EH flulhrlo, '.Ttli and N.
do J E ltced, M I), K bet lOtli and 17th.
do I, ( M Dnldwlu. 0 bet 18th and 18th.
BanltArium building at Mllford. Nub,
First Uaptlst church, 1 tth and K streets,
ortimry elm Id nud recolrlng tomb at Wyuka
Ofllco . - Rooms !B nnd 34-
Richards Bloolc.
Wortli up to $2.oo.
Manufacturers Samples choice this week
50 cents.
100 dozen Lndlcs Alexandre Kid Gloves
Ave hook, embroidered backs at $1. Real
value $1.75.
913 and 915 O Street
Only Exclusive Honse in the City,
A. M. Davis & Son.,
Ait Elegant Stock. Li-kbt Btv
1 1 12 O Street.
Coll and seo us In our New Quarters.
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street
Still In Ute front and absolutely lending all
wnpetltcrs. Thoroughly cqulppod for the
meat work, giving to eneb customer sn un
qualified guarantco for all work dono. All of
our work done with neatness nnd dispatch.
Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and
neighboring towns, paying the express on nil
vders one way, Respectfully,
Our New Store, wlitcli rr now occupy,
has about 3 ncics nf Flour 8pnc
has about 3
iinuril Sept. mill March,
1 each year. S3- 301 rmgrt,
3JBOO llluitrntlons - a
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Prices
dlrtct to vmnumm on all Roods for
personal or family use. Tells liow to
order, aud give exact cost of every
thing you use, ent. drink, wear, or
have fun with. These INVALUAI1L1S
BOOKS contain Inforiuntlon gleaned
from the markets of the world. A
copy sent FRKI3 upon receipt of
10 cts. to defray expense of mailing.
11C-114 Michigan ATrnne, Clilcngo, 1IU
North Side Pharmacy,
1230 O
Albums 25 per cent off.
N. R. HOOK, 1VI.D.,
Uterine, Urinary and Rectal Diseases,
Treats dlsenses by tho IIRINKK1UIOFF
PAINLESS 8YSTES1. Ofllce, rooms 87 and 60,
lllclinrds lllock. Eleventh anil O directs. Ofllce
telephone M8. llenlilnee 1(12!) Q street. Thone.&Sa
Ofllco hours, 0 to 13 a.m. a to 6 and 7 to 6 11 m
Sundays, 3 to S p, m
jr. o. mobridej!
Real Estate Broker,
Room 4, Richards Block.
Farm Loons a specialty. Correspondence solicited.
. 1 MA.
-L - ' V