Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 17, 1887, Image 4

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A imIu liprr 11 Mtnttrn TimH.
P' 1', -li
Saturday Evening, De 10th, 1887.
'Ilin Courier Cum be round At
Windsor Hotel Ni'WH Htniid,
Capital Hotel News Hlnnd,
Udell's DlnlliK Hull News Miami.
CIiimiii A Hotelier's, 1IIHO Hlrcot.
A. T. J oiulittt t Co'., 1100 O Hlrcot.
ho Gotham NnwsMnnd, Its Houth Dili HI,
Keith llros., lit Ntirlli lllli Street.
Kd.Younit, HWOOHtrect.
12 L 12 G ANT
. .Hatter and Furnisher,
1137 O Street.
AdvertUors nro requested to nciiil In tliolr
tfnvorsn onrly dm iolblo, not Inter ttinii four
'o'clock Friday afternoon, u thu CouutKU
os to press Mini evening When ordering
your udvcrtlscmcut out drop tho business
lUntingci a card. Tho collector IsnpttoforKot
much orders, and compliance with this request
will nivo li troublo nnil ynursolf annoyance,
AVf oroflolly milling to our list of suhsorlhcrs,
-einjiloyliiR iv iitnu especially fur Unit nolo nr-
IKso,nnd claim that ns mi ndvortlsliiK medium
. tbo Couhikh is uiioxcollcil.
Ah will bo soon thu Couhikh appears with
only four pages this wook, thu reason liolng
that tlio ontlru force him licon busily engaged
preparing thu Christmas iuiiiiImt which will
bo Issued noxt Tuesday mul n copy of which
will bo mailed to each suhscrllicr Kratlw. An
stated last vrwk tlio Christmas number will
bo superior to nuy of tho Couuirh'h former
effort, which In saying n great ileal mid nil
'lUrendor may autkiputo n rnru holiday
Whltobroaxt Coal nnd Llmo Company.
E, Hallctt, Juwolcr, 113.10 streot.
Delicious lunehws at Drown' CafiJ.
, Kid Gloves it II. 1L Nlssley & Go's,
Silk muniora nt II. II. Nlssley & Co.
., M. Woods, llvo iitock auctioneer.
Don Cameron for lunches of nil kinds.
Oysbrf, fresh, fat and flno nt Brown's.
Hlekry, Btovcns & Co. 1841 to 1645 0 St.
Trlokoy & Co.,wholesaloiUHl retail Jewelers.
Uuttcrlcli'H patterns nt 1L 11. Nlssley & Co.
dipt, J. E, II ill spent Sunday in Bcutrico.
811k umbrellas for presents at II. It, Nlssloy
83 xr cent. ofT on all cloaks at O. IV. Oak
dey&Co, Thoufnnd milo tickets for solo nt US South
Tenth street.
Lincoln to Chicago without cliango via the
Elkhom lino.
Try Hutchlns ,t Hyatt's Mcndota lump for
omestio purposes
Fur trimming at II. It. Nlssloy & Co., cor,
'Pond Tenth reota.
Puro Vermont Mnplo Syrup nt Bottsfc
Scwoll, 1120 O street,
Hfckey, Btavens & Co., 1841 to 1848 0
trcet, sell for cash only.
Hot or cold lunches nt all hours of tlio day
r night nt Don Cnmerw's.
Dr. Bailey, nwldence Thirteenth mid Q;
ottlw, 13W O;
Before Insuring look up tlio Mutual Life
Iiuumnce Company of Now York,
Doctor B. V. Bailey, oillco and rwddenco.
corner of Thirteenth mid O street.
ThoMU-ourl Pacific railroad run free rccliu
nt chnlr cars on nil through trains.
Give uk n ciuh order for caOu Hickoy,
3tevtu & Co. 1841 to 1543 O etrcet.
Ilutclilni & Hyatt tunko n upeclnlty of sen
oned hnrd and soft wood, out to order.
If you are too busy to go homo for dluner,
drop in to Don Cumerons, tdtM O nlrocL
Special wile Monday noxt of kid gloves,
$1.00 per pair worth $1.78, at O. It. Oakley &
Thoy know Jukt liow to plenso you witli
oysters in ever) stylo at Brawn's Now Vlwum
Beaded trltntnlng and omataonts must bo
closed out ro-jardlexi of cost at O. It Oakley
Fur , capo, trimming, muff and boas must
be closed out at prices that will soU. O. IL
Oakloy & Co.
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
Ycrk. W. B. Hastings, DUtxlct Agent, 13
south 10th street.
All sizes, of boct grodo hard oonl, nicely
" " crcened and always on hand at Hutchlns &
Hyatt, 1040 O street.
( See the elegant dUplay of silks, volrets,
vIorVs, etc, for the holidays, in O, R. Oakley
A;Co's show windows. t
AU goods bought of li. Moer & Co. aro
pn'bit.y and carefully delivered to any part
of the city free of chargo.
, A No. I goods, tow prwe and fair dealing
is what sends tbo crowd to L. Meyer & Co.'s,
on the oast sldo of the Square.
Drs, Kern & lloberts are now located and
reedy for business at room S3, Alexander
block; corner, Twelfth and O St.
Ltdiei, have you 1seen tho handsome new
light shades of silks and tplushos for evening
-and party wear at 0. 1L Oalkoy & Ca
Go east by tho St. Louis and tho Mlasourl
1'aclflc railroad and avoid all omnibus trans
f'tni all ciianges'made in Union depots Yin
itlds route. Chair cars f roo.
tMm w v v"y1
-" J4-3rrroiK-ivi". x -
MIm CliirW, of O'imha, Ik vIsltlnB In thin
Mnny uneftil Chrlxtmns presents nt li. U.
Nlwloy .t Co's.
M. J. Ilogan linKiM to I'hlliuMphla to
nx'iwl the holldayn,
N. T. l'nrker has gone to Uocluwtor, III., on
n holiday excumlon.
Go to 121 Young for your dally anil weekly
I nwr HW) 0 otnrt.
After tho chili artliw, go to Brown's now
e.iM for n dellcloui lunch.
VA. Youiiit kivtrt tho lt supply of novels
In tlnu'lty. HWOOhtiwt.
A. V. Stewart departiil Thitrmlay for Chi
cago Thumday on liutlnemt.
Mr John .ohrung will oat his ChrUtiiuiN
dinner lit I.oh Angelex, Cnl.
Illack and colored KllkM for Chrlntiuns pres
ent nt II. It. MwIeyiV t'o.
Mix V. A. Doiw't liu gouo to Now
Oi leans whore hho will sK'nd thu winter.
JiM'pliHIiciry started for Chicago Mon
day on a 'hurt IhihIimvm and ploasum trip.
Mr. II. K. Wolfe staitml for Han l'Vanclsi.-o,
Cul., W'tilnewliiy to lYinnln during the win
ter. V. (1, Newman ntnitod Monday for tho big
city at the foot of ixiko Michigan on bunl
hokh, Mayor A, J. Haivyer went to Chicago Wil
mwilny vlittlio llurllngtoii "llyer" on ImM
neK. Mr. K. II. Sti-ckluy has gouo to his old
homo nt Harrliiliurg, Til., to sond tho holi
days. Dr. llertlt left Hundiiy for Sprlnglleld, III.,
w hero ho exjuxts to Hiimin n week on oillclal
C. II. lVrrlgo of Krmont Hut thu early
part of tho week calling on friend In n hunl
ness wny.
0, 11, lleuron mid wlfo loft for Iw Angeles,
Cnl,, Tuemliiy wlioro thoy will remain, ilurlng
the winter.
John A. Charters left Monday for his old
homo nt Dublin, Ireland, where ho will vlult
his parents,
T. W. llnrvoy of Turlington pnnHcil through
Lincoln Monday en routo to hl.i wlutor nsl-
dviico In Chicago.
l'rof. R M. (IUhwhII'm Instructions nre vnb
unhle. Studio In tho ImIwIIIi block, corner
11 th and P streetn.
Brown's Y'mn Coffoo and Oyster liouno In
tlio ojienv Iiouho til ck Is tho nontoxt mid nob
blest roHort In th' city.
Revival KorvlecHnt St, l'aul M. K, church
went continued this week with good attond
Ulico mid beneficial resilltx.
Tho riensant Hour, Jr., club will glvo Its
Christmas jxirty on Wiiltuwliiy evening, I)c
cemleriMth,nt Tetuplo Hall.
Don't fall to hco Shilling Bra's, big nd on
nnother ago In this Ihhuo. It will pay you
to call and lutipcct their stock.
Joiepli Greor ntnrttM for Belfast, Ireland,
Monday to visit tho scones of hi childhood
and renew old ncipinlntnnces.
Miss R B. lleomc, who sMnt last whiter
hero, has decldiHl o return to her homo in
Chicago mid remain there permanently.
Mm. J. I). Packard stnrUil for her old homo
nt Blooinltigton, 111., Wedncwlay to lo with
friends and relatives during tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. White will glvo n card
jwirty in honor of Miss Helen Million nt their
home, M1.1I L street, Wediuwlny evening.
Do you sulVor with cntnrrhf You can lw
cured If you tnko Hood's Snrsnpnrilln, tho
gitvit blood purifier. Sold by nil itragglut.
Miss Sellgsohu of Oiiiulin aIi1 her relatives,
Mr. S. Sellgsohu nnd family, a visit of sor
ernl dnys this wwk, returning homo Thum
lay. Go to Kd Youngs' for elegnnt cigars nnd
tolmcco. Ho will glvo you tho lowest prices
nnd tho II newt goods in tho city. No. 10LM O
Hon. K. P. Roggcn wnsnliont tho Capital
Tuesday for tho first time In Hovcrul ilays,
though looking n llttlo tho worse for his ill
iuiv Tlw Plenmnt Hour club will glvo n Christ
mns jvirty on tho Monday evening following
Chrlfctmas day. It promlM to Ih ii grnud
You cannot irocuro anything for Christmas
that will afford mora comfort to n smoker
than a nice plM. Sm lwl Young's stock, IffJO
O street.
With prompt nnd courteous treatment,
Hutchlns fc Hyntt solicit your orders fornny
thlng In the lino of linrd or soft coal. Tele
phono )3
Tho. V, Keefo nnd A. Nicholson nro recent
dejwrtures from tho capltnl city to tho golden
shores of California, where thoy will abide
this winter.
Blnck silk Pulllo Fraurntso 1S3 wnrrautisl
is the cheapest silk In Lincoln. Call nnd see
It, nlso an elegnnt lino of party mitts. O. R.
Onkloy it Ca
Botts t Sowcll's spocmlty for this week nnd
next Is Salt Lako potntoc. They nro n was
ahead of anything over before offered for
alo in Lincoln.
A. B. Cndmnu of Arcadia, NeK, was in the
city Friday and Saturday visiting relatives.
Ho left Sunday morning for tlio east on n
short business trip.
Prof. Walter D'Enver returned to his homo
nl Dulutli, Minn., yoMerdny. Ho will prob -
ably return during thn holidays nnd remain
three or four dnys, '
MUs TotoMoMurtry has gono to 8nn Diego,
Cal., to 8smd tho winter. Sho will U great
ly missed by her numerous friouds here dur
ing tho social season.
Ed. R. Mockot was down from l'Yi'inotit
over Sunday calling cn friends, no looks
Just as pleasiuit as over and Is evidently get
ling his meats rcgulaily.
This has lioen a week of examinations nt
tho hulvorslty nnd as a conscquenco ono of
coiuldombla uneasiness among thn pupils.
The rcjiorts are vory satisfactory to tho fac
ulty. K. W. McDonald, who has been confined
to bis room for some tlmo by sickness U ntilo
to Im out and wears his usual pleasing smile.
Howllldovototho winter to A. O. U. W.
It you are troubled with rheumatUm or
kindred diseases go to Dakota Hot Springs
for sure euro or great Itenedt, Excursion
tlckeU on salo at Klkhnrn oillce, IIS South
Tenth street
A letter from Mr, nnd Mrs. Guy A. Brown
states that Mr. Brown's health has not been
benefitted by tho visit to Kl Paso, Toxiw, and
thoy liavo continued tbclr Journey to South
ern California.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kohn of Nebnuka City
wore guilts at tho houso of Mr. Ioulo Meyer
Tuealay mid Weilnesdny. Thoy nttendwl tho
Metropolitan ball and tho National Opera
F, K. Humphrey of Ilochostar, N. Y,, ar
rived bore Monday and will nssutuo thu west
ern ugonvy of tho Dlebold Safo nud Lock
company vlco H. M. Itlco who resigned that
position a short tlmo since.
Mako your husband happy by presenting
him with a flno smoking sett or n box of im
ported cigars. Ed Young, lftJO O sticet,
keeps tho finest lino in tho city, Sign of tlio
Hod Dudo.
tli AVnnted to liny a Jewtlmrp from
1'lntt llvnns.
Cal Thtimns, who nhvnys has n goixl story to
tell, has this ono o:i Piatt Kvnns, n stuttering
Joker, who wnn nno of tlio enrly pioneers of
Cincinnati. "In ourly days," says Cal, "it
lined to lo tliouglit capital fun to send n
countryman from store to store Inquiring for
the things ho would bo certain not to find nt
tho placos to which hn was sent, Ono day n
fellow enmo, ns lid had Iteon directed, to
Piatt's store to buy n Jowshnrp. llntt was u
morchnnt tailor. I (owns busy with n customer
ns tlio man apKnrcd, hut, obxervlng thatsuv
eral of tho 'Uiys' had dropped In nt tho door
Juit to see what Piatt would do, ho 'caught
on' nt once, nnd roKnded to tho Inquiry for
tho musical Instrument, 'W-w-wnlt n min
ute.' Having horved his customer, ho picked
tip n pair of glove stretchers and nppronchod
tho rural melodist with, 'L-Mot mo tn-mon-u
ro your m-in-mouth,' nnd, Introducing tho
stretchers, manipulated thorn so ns to trans
form the nurture Into n horizontal ynwn,
nwful to kcc, nnd cnmclous enough to hold n
dozen Jewhnris. Removing tho apparatus,
ho oxnmliusl It carefully nnd dolibcrntely, ns
ono might scrutliilm n thermometer or n
pockot cotnimss, nnd then dlmnlKseil tho tin
Bitet'OH-iful hunter for Jowshnrps, ns ho said in
a tone of well feigned disapiolutmont:
W-w-wo hain't g-g-got auy your s'-Jro,"
Wlint Kept Lincoln Airko,
During tho darkest days of tho wnr there
wns n sipinbhlo In Syrncunoover tho npiwlut
mctit of n postmaster. Two fa 'tloim had can
dldatos, nnd each hud sent to Wnhlngtc
numerously Blgnwl petitions for tho appoint
ment of Its favorite Finally, to got tho
matter ftottlod, a delegation composed of tho
wealthiest men of tho tomi nnd scernl of
the most prominent ministers nnd lawyers,
headed by Gen. Ioavcn worth, visited tho na
tional capital nnd secured an nudlenco with
President Lincoln. Gen. Leavenworth bad
enref ully prepnred his speech to Mr. Lincoln,
and it ran Kimettilng llko this:
"AIn. Phehiuknt: It is nlth urent roluct
nnco that wo iutrudo iijion you this morning.
Wo appreciate tho nwful rosjioiiHlbllltlos ami
perplexities of your position, and do not for
got thnt tho very llfo of tho nation is in your
hands. But, Mr. President, tho iooplo of tho
great loyul north nro nt your back, nnd thoy
aro praying, sir, that your llfo may bo spared
nnd that you may lio given strength to carry
this war through to n suecciuful Issue,"
Ml. Lincoln listened ttiflcii. Leavenworth
with Runo Impatlonco until ho reached this
point, and thou interrupted him with:
"I luniura you, my dear Ur, that It Un't thu
wnr or tho nrnw that Is worrying tho lifo out
of mo; It is that Syracuso ixwtofUeo that is
keeping mouwako nights."
Gen. Ij-uvciiwnrth did not finish hlsspcoch.
Tho delegation prcM-ulisI their enso in tho
brloftst inauncr, and felt more cotnfortnblo
when thoy reached Pennsylvania nrenuo thna
they did in tho presence of the president,
Philadelphia Press.
Sturdy John Marshall.
Tho descendants of Chief Justlco John
Marshall aro n stunly race, Ono of them,
bearing tho great Jurist's name, owns n farm
in Virginia nnd runs a saw mill thereon. Ho
got down lu tho buzz saw pit not nlong ngo
to fix n looso screw. Buildouly ho felt hoiiio
thing moving behind him, and ho threw his
arm up and felt tho saw cut right through
nbout tho elbow, almost from skin to skin.
Raising ids head ho struck tho saw, which
cut a groovo right through his hair, ovor his
forehead, and fnco and down Into his throat.
When ho was taken out his faco was ono mass
of bleedlr.3 flesh. Thoy laid him on tho'grnss
and brought a surgeon. Whllo tho latter
was running across tbo Holds to the spot
where tho men hod left Marshall ho hoard
his voice saying, as well us his wounds would
permit: "Hhovo this stuff away from my
cj o so that I can boo w hether It's hurt," Thoy
did "shovo tho htulT" away from his eyo as
carefully as jwhslble, mid ho gavo them ono
ghastly glanco and then murmured: "It's all
right: I can nee." It took tho surgeon an
hour and n half to dross all his wounds. Ho
cndiirAl tho iwlu with jierfoct composure.
Within a month ho wns out ngalu ns woll ns
ever. Sonio ono was tolling ono of tho old
darkles on tho place, whllo "MorsUir John"
was still lu bod, wlint a narrow escape ho hnd
had from death. "Huhl" sold tho dnrky,
"tako heap more than that to kill Marso
John. Why, If you wanted to kill Marso
John you'd havo to cut his head off and
then hldo tho head." Chicago Herald.
A Judge's Quirk Ilopurlee.
Tlio following was penetrated by n Judgo
of ono of our higher load courts, now off tho
bench, but whoso Identity will bo Instantly
discovered by many lawyers without' men
tioning his name. On tho first Monday of a
term many Jurors wore n usual lu lino before
him to present reasons for lolng excused
from service Among them was a very
dirty, unkempt, shaggy bearded man,-who,
desplto tho efforts of tho attendants to re
strain him, luslttcd on advancing to the
Judgo's desk and sneaking prlvoUly with him.
Tho Judgo. noticing his importunity, signi
fied his willingness to allow tho talesman to
approach, and then bald to him somewhat
sternly: "Well. sir. what is it!" Tho man
leaned over tho bench until bis lips almost
1 touched tho Judge's ear, and then whispered;
"J'vo got tho itch." Tho crowded court room
wns watching tlio result with curiosity. "Mr.
Clerk," said tho Judgo instantly, without tho
slightest chango of expression, nud in a voice
painfully loud and distinct: "Mr. Clerk,
bo's got tho itch. Scrutch him." Now York
A l'enp ut Joseph Chamberlain.
Tho Bight Hon. Joseph Chamberlain is ono
ofthemobt jieculiarof tho thousands of pe
culiar folks who havo feasted at Dulmonico's
great dining hall. Ho sat through tho long
dinner of tho chamber of commerco on Tues
day night and listened to tho flow of oratory
and not tho faintest Indication of asmlloor
oven interest flitted across his' clear cut feat
ures. Secretary Fairchlld tried to cngngo
Mm in conversation, nnd Mr, Depew, his
noxt neighbor, seemed disposed to mako
things pleasant for tho stranger. Mr. Cham
bcrlain, with his gold rimmed mouoclo stuck
In his right eye, would show momentary In
tcrebt in tho courtooy of his two jfclghlioni
and relapse into his frozen ttato. Ho glared
straight ahead llko a soldier on dross parado.
Ho spoke, of course, with au "English, ycr
know" accent, and in his speech of -,000
words only two forlorn and unprotected
periods were accommodated with standing
room. It was u sixkxju of commas. Nc'v
York Sun.
Murk Twain a n Lecturer.
Tbo last tlmo I heard )i.,u lecture, after
having got rid of his hands, bo ttood before
tbo houso as btlff and client as an unopened
oyster. Thn nudlenco was as still as ha
After n long pause, during which every ono
was iMiiufully wondering what ailed him, ho
said "IPml" and immediately rchqiscd into
silence. A full mliiuto went by during
which ho remained perfectly quiet with his
eyes staring straight boforo hi in, Then ho
said "IPml" ugaln. At lost, soma ono started
a llttlo rlpplo of upplauso, Mark looKcd up,
radiant with smiles. "Thauk you," ho said;
"I was waiting for you to bosini" Now
York Tribune.
U'lml I Melon Dune mid Notes ltrKsrillnij
tlio World of Travel,
Tho Klkhnrn has oieued a hiindfoino now
passenger station nt IlnMIngs, ImIwccii Lin
coln and Burlington avenues.
Tho Burlington has Issued n now Imggngo
circular which It may 1st woll for tourists to
leriiHo carefully, thus avoiding errors nnd
very often voxntlous delays.
Too now reclining chnlr can recently placed
on tho Burlington flyers nro models of con
venience nnd comfort, nnd nro fast winning n
place lu tho hearts of tho traveling public.
The lluillngton has broken tho record nud
having suffered heavily from tho burden of
ngns'inentM with other lines hnf nt last realiz
ed that It must do Komctlilug and now pro
knck to meet nny and nit advantages, If not
surpass them, that has lssn enJoVed so long
by coinis'tlng Hues. As a result wo now hnvo
fast tlmo both east nnd west, more trains,
Is-tter and cleaner coaches, slooors, dining
cars, nnd heavier, raster and more Kiverful
engines, The mall service is HUorior to any
that Lincoln has ever enjoyed and now ono
con send mid rccclvu mall In ono-hnlf tho tlmo
It formerly required, Additional freight
trains hnvu been nilded nud thu tlmo of each
considerably shortened. Tho result lins Ihcu
and will continue Iwnefliial to Lincoln as It
has forced nil tho trunk lines cunt to do tlio
wime thing. At last Lincoln has been recog
nized by thu railroad world which has found
(hat tho capital of Nebraska Is of vast lin
pnituuco nud each lino hastens to give her tho
nilvnutagcs shy so badly needs,
Talks Ah'Mit Christinas,
The subject relative' to tho pilrclinsd of
Christmas presents Isjunt now the predomin
ating topic of conversation lu hoc ltd circles.
"What shall 1 buy for hubby?" says tho lov
ing wife, "what shall I buy for my own dear
Ueorfle?" chimes tbo fair sweetheart. Tho
mother wonders what to get for her sons, her
brothers mid others, nud thus nro nil hands
anxious to know what would bo suitable,
nud It was for tho iuroo of nxccrlaluliiK
how and where tho most desirable present
ci old Iru obtained, that wo called on Mr. W.
It. Dennis, lu thu opera houxu block, fur Infor.
Hcrowcsnw nn utrayot holiday goods from
which any lady lu tbo land could easily nialto
usolectlou. Wo noticed silk mid cashmere
mulllors Inns many colors mid qualities us
wcroHliownlnJoscph'scoat, nud III silk nud
linen handkerehlofH, he shows n lino that fair
ly templed tho hands of tho scrlbj. Then, In
another hIiowciiko was arrange ' uu
line of Rents ueuli wear, put up in fancy boxes
Just for tho occanlon. This line, embracing
the finest of senrfs, cravats, ties, four-lii-hnud.
and other popnlor style for adornment, bus
been Kolcctcd with particular euro for tli
holiday scaxnn.
While feasting our optics on this gay dl
plny Mr. Dennis Bald, "Hero Is something."
pointing ton silk umbrella, -'that makes a
most elegant presont for either lady or gen
tleman, and wo havo them at nil prices, and
with gold or sliver handles. In taiylng
an umbrella you do not need to worry utsmt
tlio weather, It will nt, suit tho complexion,
etc," and lu looking at n lino case on the
west sldo of tho store wo were shown tho lint
caxo containing those nobby Uunlap hats.
Now If our married lady friends want some
thing that would surely please tholr liege,
lords, thoro can certainly bo nothing that
would be moro plciiHnntly received than n
silk Dunlnp, or n gold hendod Htffc unihrolle.
Then If this does not suit your lindens being
suitable, look at those haiidwmo smoking
Jackets, made of Japunososllk, or cashmere,
handsomely embroidered.
If you cannot select anything from thin va
ried lino of goods, you might plenso any gen
tleman with nn alligator traveling bag, n seal
skin cap, n collar and cul! outnt, silk under
wear, or some ono of tho dozens of other ap
proprlatosrtlcles that Dennis can show you.
There lsonothlmr certain and that Is buy
ing useful things for presents Is rapidly tak
ing tho plnco of the articles that do tho recip
ient but llttlo good nud cost muoh. In buy
ing anything from Mr. Dentils tho recipient
gets something usoful ns well as ornamental,
and nt tho smuo tlmo costs positively lesn
Wo l'olnt with I'rldo
To tho "Good iinmo at homo" won by Hood's
Sarhii)arllla. In Lowell, Mass., where it is
prepared, there Is more of Hood's Sarsoparll
la sold than of ull other medicines, nnd It has
given the best satisfaction since its introduc
tion ten years ago. This could not bo unless
tlio medicine possesses morit. If you suffer
from Impure blood, try Hood's Sarwiiiurillu
and renllao its peculiar curntlvo power.
Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Fancy Work Boxes, Odor Cases, Photograph
Albums, Nut and Fruit Sets, Christinas and Hew Years Cards.
Northern Queen Wash Board,
The' are put together strong
er, and made of better material
than any other. They work
faster, better and easier, They
last longer which makes them
cheaper. They save soap. They
save wear and tear of clothim
because the rubbing is much
Li:qcolr I-Iaxdwetre Co.
Acorn Stoves sir cl Ieinges
230-232 South nth Street. Telephone 273.
"224 0
T J "
Fine Driving and Riding Livery
always ready for service, clay or night.
f A-" !ltlsss"p"
National Clothes Dryer.
Has 42 feet of Drying Rod.
Stands $y2 feet high 2a feet
long, and is only 2 inches in
thickness when closed. Light,
strong and adjusted in a mo
ment. The cheapest and best.
ftfjsJlS f
Skinner's Stabiles
1 2th St., bet. P and Q.
Calls for Balls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
and Hacks.
South (Eleventh Street.
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