Honorary Cowpunchers HONORARY NEBRASKA OOWPINCHERS from Minnesota, Wyoming and Illinois were guests of the O'Neill Chamber of Commerce during the O'Neill Rodeo. The tourists, selected at random from cars passing through O’Neill, were offered free meals, lodging anti free tickets to the Rodeo, as well as being made honorary Cowpunchers. Ac cepting the Chamber’s offer of hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. James Wanous, Owatonna, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and family, Casper, Myo., and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Obrist, Klmhurst. III. Atkinson News Mrs. Doris Bogue, Mrs. Evelyn Jungman and Mrs. Erma Colfack left Sunday afternoon for Blair where they are attending sum mer session at Dana College. Mrs. Brice Braziel, Kent and Blam, spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda. Mrs. Bra ziel returned to her home in Lin coln on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Braziel left Lincoln Saturday for a two week business and pleasure trip. Brice will attend a four day schooling and conference meet ing in Los Angeles. Calif., before embarking on a few days of va cation and travel. Their son. Blain, is in Atkinson with his grandparents and Kent will spend his time near Sparks, Nebr.. at the home of his great-uncle. Mr. and Mrs. William Cady. Mr. Bra ziel is employed by the Credit Union in Lincoln. Mrs. Elizabeth Hegberg spent a couple of days last week visiting friends and relatives in and around Bristow. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ziska were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ziska and Linda of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaaf and Tommy of Orruha. Denny Ziska accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziska to Om aha on Friday of last week, where he will visit for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ziska were enroute home from an extended vacation and honeymoon trip to Canada and the northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell, along with all the members of their family enjoyed a family pic nic at the city park on Sunday. Visiting here from away are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and family of North Platte, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean McConnell and family of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Dean McConnell and Chris and Mark came here from Kan sas City where they spent a part of their vacation with her parents and family. Enroute home they will spend a few days in Denver visiting with many old friends. Ot hers of the McConnell family at tending the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Wiimer (Bud > McConnell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McConnell and family, all of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Peterson, Charley. Jerry and Timmy drove to Ogallala last Saturday to spend Fathers day with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ira Elder. When they returned to Atkinson they were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Mary, who had spent a week in Ogallala with her grandpar ents. Mrs. Robert Friedrich and boys and Mrs. C. F. Small drove to Norfolk last Wednesday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerton and family. Mrs. Friedrich and boys left on Mon day for Denver by auto where she will visit a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles before returning to their home in Lubbock, Tex., later in the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hickok left last Friday afternoon to visit their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hickok and family in Lexington. On Sunday they went to Ogallala to attend the Rural Mail Carriers Conven tion which lasted until Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon they drove to Scottsbluff where they visited Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hickok. They ex pect to return to Atkinson today. (Thursday) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaaf and son. Tommy, spent last week end v:siting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ziska and Denny. They also came to help his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schaai celebrate their 25th wedding an niversary. They returned to Om aha oc Sunday. Miss Donna McClurg spent last weekend in Atkinson visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc Clurg. She returned to Lincolr on Sunday where she hopes tc find summer employment. Mr and Mr*. Elmer Spann and Mr and Mrs Stanley Johnson drove to Til den Sunday afternoon to get Mrs Thelma Kadke who had spent the past week visiting relatives there Mrs Radke vis ited briefly with friends here be fore taking the train Monday from Grand Island for Whittier, Calif., where she is employed, caring lor an elderly coupk. Mr. and Mrs Elmer McClurg were Sunday evening dinner gjests of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Lofquest north of Stuart Mr and Mrs Jack Stuart of Oread brought his mother, Mrs. Olga Stuart P» Orchard Sunday, where she will spend some time visiting her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons drove to Niobrara last Sunday where they were guests in the home of her brothers, William and Frank Pavelka. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runnels were Monday afternoon callers in the Wefso home in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCkirg and Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClurg spent Monday evening at the Cal vin Allyn cabin north of Stuart where they picnicked and the men tried out some fishing Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lofquest and family arrived Sunday after noon from Nevada, Mo., to spend a few days with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Lofquest and other relatives ami friends. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Colfack and Wanda of Niobrara were Sat urday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs.' William Wefso. They were Saturday overnight and Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Janus McDowell and Mary came from Lincoln last Saturday to spend the week end in the Lloyd McDowell home and visit Mrs. McDowell who has been a patient in the Atkinson nospitai ior some ume. Mr. and Mrs. Dean McConnel anil family of Salt Lake City were dinner guests last Saturday of Mr and Mrs. Fred Richard son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vlach. Bobby, Bill and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kersten, Lori, Mark and Greg, all of Omaha, spent last weekend in Atkinson as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wedige. Mrs. Vlach and Mrs. Kersten are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wedige. They also visited a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bouska and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wedige while in Atkinson. On Sunday they were all dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wedige. Mrs. Olga Stuart of Cozad and her daughter, Mrs. Kloppenborg, and son of Orchard visited briefly Tuesday morning with Mrs. Wil liam Wefso. They were calling on relatives and friends in the Bassett, Stuart, Atkinson and O' Neill areas all day Tuesday. Tuesday night Mrs. Stuart was an overnight guest in the home of Mrs. Della Eby in O'Neill. Mrs. George Wedige, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wedige, Mrs. Don ald Bouska and Mrs. Mabel Roth child were among those attending the funeral of Cal Thompson in Naper Tuesday afternoon. Burial was in the Naper cemetery. Chambers News By Mr*. E. R. Carpenter A bridal shower honoring Miss Judy Beed was held Wednesday evening in the parlors of the Methodist church with a large group of friends and relatives present. The program in charge of Mrs. Ralph Garwood and Mrs. Wayne Rowse featured a skit representing the Valley Center School with Mrs. K. N. Adams teacher. Mrs. Dale Adams as Judy Beed. Jeanette Klabenes as Larry Swanson, and Danelia Whi taker as another student. Kay Tracy and Roberta Gartner por trayed the couple 50 years hence. Mrs. Bernard Hoffman sang “I Love You Truly” and “Silver Threads Among The Gold” with Mrs. Elvvyn Robertson pianist. The gift table was decorated with turquoise streamers and a flower arrangement. Assisting ^1_1_ _ I * * V W* iUV VT »W i UVi were her mother, Mrs. Raymond Beed. the bridegroom's mother. Mrs. Leonard Swanson. Jeanette Klabenes, Judy Garwood and Loretta Swanson. The latter was also in charge of the guest book. Lunch was served by friends of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jarman returned from a train vacation along the Pacific coast and the west and midwestem parts of Canada. Ervin Peltzer. West Point spent the past week with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Pelt zer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schindler and family, Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stowell. O'Neill, were recent callers in the A. A. Walter home. Mrs. Wayne Smith left last Sun day for Lincoln to attend the summer session at the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Greg Penson and two daughters. Penny and Judy, Ker by, Mont., called cm Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson Wednesday. The Pensons are friends whom the Neilsons knew in Fremont a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Horton, Beatrice, came Tuesday p.m. and visited until Wednesday p.m. with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Med calf. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik went to Gregory. S. D. Friday to attend the funeral of a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson attended the Alumni banquet at Spencer Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hoag and grandsons Mike and Jim, Grand Island, were Friday p.m. callers in the Louis Neilson home. Mrs. E. J. Salstrand, Turlock, Calif., and Steve Conley, Mount rose. Colo., came Friday. Mrs. Salstrand will spend several weeks with her mother, Mrs Sarah Adams. Steve will visa to grandmother. Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mr. Grimes Clarence Coulthard and daugh ter. Izrttle Jean Coulthard, El gin, were weekend guests at the Clair Coulthards Mr. and Mrs Milton Grimes anti children, Lincoln, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. K. Grimes and Mr. Grimes ami ottier relatives. Mr and Mrs Clarence Grimes and Charlotte. Milford. came Sat urday to attend the Swaraun Beod wedding and to visit his mother, Mrs. G. H. Grimes They returned home Sunday p.m. Mr and Mrs. Ilotiert Adams and family, Phoenix, Ariz., came Sunday for a visit with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Adams and her mother, Mrs. Ocik* Smith and other relatives and friends. Kathleen Prill, Oakland, ac companied her grandmother, Mrs Lloyd Gleed tiome the fort* part of last week to spend a couple weeks visiting Mrs. Gleed had sjarnt a couple days in the Prill home after a visit in Lin coln and attending the Metho dist Conference. Mrs. Arthur Walters has en rolled at Wayne State Teachers College. Wayne, for the summer session. She spent the past week end with home folks Jimmie Cavanaugh. Superior, and his fiancee, Judy Morrow, laneoln, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Cavanaugh and family. Sat urday evening supper guests tie sides those mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cavanaugh, O' Neill. Roland Marshall and four chil dren, Stuart, were Tuesday eve ning guests in the home of his aunt. Mrs. Andrew Gilbert. Mr. Marshall and his wife lioth teach in the school at Rawlins. Wyo. Mrs. Marshall is attending col lege in South Dakota during the summer. Mrs Steve Shavlik assisted at the Cleveland Bible camp north of Stuart Monday until Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rathbun • uni uuu^iih io, iui|uu S. D., came Sunday p.m. and were over riight guests of her grandmother, Mrs. John Winter mote. Supper guests on Sunday evening also included Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wintermote. Guests of Mrs. Andrew' Gilbert Saturday for dinner were her niece, Mrs. Leo Bartos, and daughter, Manchester, Wash, and her sister, Mrs. Phoebe Bartos, Butte. Vern Wilkinson received a bro ken leg Wednesday while he and several other men were replacing a short telephone [>ole with a taller one near the Walter Haake place south of town. He was tak en to the Atkinson Memorial hos pital. Glen Grimes, his mother, Mrs. G. H. Grimes, and Mrs. J. E. Grimes drove to Grand Island Friday. Mrs. G. H. Grimes visit ed an eye specialist. They also met the bus and brought Steve Conley, Mountrose, Colo., and Mrs. E. J. Salstrand, Turlock, Calif., back to Chambers with them. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Ilocrle, Dennis and Nancy arrived home Wednesday from a three week vacation in Idaho with her par ents and other relatives at Meri dan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sasek, Omaha, were Sunday dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Hazel Blair. The Saseks had attended the alumni banquet at Spencer on Saturday evening. They re turned to Omaha Sunday p.m. The Chambers Valley was visit ed by a welcome 1% to 2 inches of rain Saturday. Peggy Gerkie left Monday by bus for Sterling, Colo, to spend a w-eek with her sister. From Sterling she plans to go to Scotts bluff for a week visit with friends before returning home. The Lutheran Ladies Aid met Thursday p.m. at the church with 17 members and five children present besides Pastor Brauners reuther and his mother, dear water. The meeting opened with prayer. The pastor led the group in a study of the “Holy Spirit”. The group voted to send $20 to Lutheran World Service and $10 each to Missionaries Ken Bauer. onrl Pni nop Tho mnotinrr closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Don Dankert, Mrs. Leonard Peterson and Mrs. Richard McConnell. Darrold Elkins, who is employ ed in Grand Island, spent the weekend with relatives and friends at Chambers. Mrs. Paul Harley and Mrs. Ray Hoffman are attending the sum mer session at Dana College, Blair. Mrs. John Honeywell and Mrs. Anna Albers spent a few days the first of the week in Columbus with the former's daughter. Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck and granddaugh ter, Mrs. Maurice Rasmussen. It is reported that John Blair, O'Neill, received a broken leg in a car accident on Highway 281 north of O'Neill recently. Mr. Blair is a former Chambers resi dent where he is well known. Mr. and Mrs. Niel Morgan. Bell, Calif., were overnight guests Friday in the Edd Coday home, going cm Saturday to Albion to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klab enes and son. Mr. Morgan is a brother of Mrs. Fry and uncle of Mrs. Coday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Coday and Dan went to Albion Sunday to attend a family get-to-gether. Dan remained until Monday when Mrs. Coday returned for him. Mrs. Robert Klabenes. Albion, played the piano at the Homolka Wa'mer wedding Amelia. She vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Coday while here. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and Terry were Sunday p.m. call ers in the E. R. Carpenter home. Janet Rickard and Carol May left Monday to attend the Grand Island business college. Mrs. John Schipman entered St. Anthony’s hoapital, O'Neill, Sunday for medical care. Lela Enner left Friday far her work in Washington, D. C after spending about three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ola Ermer, and visiting friends and relatives at Chambers. Mrs. Donald May and family drove to Kearney, Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner with her husband, who is employed on construction work there Sunday guests in the Zuehlke home were Mr, and Mrs Kal|rfi Friedrich, Spencer, Mr and Mrs Harry Frtednch. Sedro Woolley, Wash . Mr and Mrs Sewell John son and Mr ami Mrs. Vrm Hick ok, Atkinson Mr and Mrs n Puckett and children Emmet ami Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooj**r. Chambers. Mrs Ah in Neilson n'tumel to her home, Chicago. III., after vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Waym* Rowse, ami attending the Swanson-IV-ed wedding. Wednesday dinner guests in the , m |l- am were Mi and Mrs. O. K iNew Fla. They also visited Mr and Mrs Fred Catron ami Mr. ami Mrs E H. Medcalf. Mrs. Eva Schaa, Ijong Beach, Calif. visited the past week with her son am! daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker She also visited her sister, Mrs Raymond Bright. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs Shoemaker took her to her daughter's at Plain view Sun day. Twenty-one members were pres ent when sister Pauline Grimes opened Rebekah Lodge 361 on June 14th. A report on the District 29 convention held in Norfolk on June 3 was given. I .a Ilian Catron, local secretary was elected the new District President and Lovena Grimes was elected secretary. The 62nd convention will lie held in Cham bers in 1964 During the “Good of the Or der”, an impressive Memorial service was held. Those partici pating were Genevieve Gillette. Berniece Adams Valdine Karel man, Dorothy Lambert. Zelrna Halsey. Shirley Read and Lovena Grimes. A tribute was paid to all past Noble Grands by members of tin lodge. Cards were signed to send to Duane Carson and Vem Wilkin sun. Sp. 1 Floyd C. Black. Ft. Car son. Colo., spent a week recently with his sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hurtig and family. Mr. and Mrs M. L. Hurtig and family spent Father’s Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Hurtig, Orchard. Wesleyan Service Guild A meditation “What is Worth while” was given by Mrs. Reed R. Herley for the Wesleyan Ser vice Guild meeting held in the home of Mrs. Esther Harris Mon day evening. A tentative program outline /or the coming year was given by the program committee. The Mis sionary Minute will be a part of each meeting. Several indicat ed they would like to take the Bible study course this year and a text book is to be ordered. A group project for the year will be the purchase of a set of books for Bible interpretation. Refreshment hostesses were Miss Effie Stevens and Miss Alice French. The next meeting will be a picnic August 19 with Mrs. George Carstens in'charge of ar rangements. Clearwaterites Honored on 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Emery Carey. Clearwater, were the honored guests Friday evening at a din ner and open house at the Phillip Lee home near Page. The couple was being honored on their silver wedding anniversary. Mrs. Lee had prepared a “This is your Life” program and it proved to be as full of surprises as the famed television show. The guests spoke into a microphone, and voices reaching the Careys only a room away, made it hard to realize it was not a dream. Bro thers. sisters, uncles, aunts, cou sins and friends were from near and far. Following dinner, a reception was held with open house. The serving table was centered with a three tier cake baked and de corated by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lee. It was flanked by crystal candle holders holding pink can dles, a white bell with a silver 25 hung from the ceiling. Mrs. Dean Stettner, Sidney, cut and served the cake. Mrs. Lionel riiminr ITii'inrr riAiirorl vvj innh oDii Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Clearwater, coffee. Mrs. Charles Curtright. Clearwater, w’as in charge of the gift book. The Careys were married June 16, 1938 at St. Paul’s Methodist church, Lincoln, by Dr. B. Akins. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raffelson, all of Wat son, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee and family, Dallas, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gunter and family, Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Middleton, Osmond, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stettner, Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coover,, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klien, Ne ligh, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwa ger and family. Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Mrs. Leslie Carey and Nila, Ewing, Mrs. Or pha Switzer, O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twiss, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas and Lisa, Mrs. Been Schmitz and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Switzer, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtright, Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jons, BonesteeL S. D., furnished the music. Court News COUNTY COURT— Luella Kay Schindler, Neligh, fishing without permit, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—James J. Hurt, June 17. Paul J. Petersen, Norfolk, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hastreiter, June 17. L. E. Gustafson, Creighton, no certificate of necessity and con venience. fined $25 and $4 costs; officer—Arthur J. Runnels, June 17. Bruce E. Welty, Kearney, fish ing without permit fined $10 and $4 costs: officer—James J. Hurt, June 18. JUSTICE COURT— 6-14-63 — Edward Schurlock, Driver for Dahl Truck Lines, Sioux City, la No 1 -overweight Interior group 4 axles; No. 2 — overgross weight , — $120 and $4 00 — Officer, Kizzire 6-17 — Jerry Tom jack, Ewing. Nebraska. Overgross weight $50.00 ahd $4 (X) officer, Rich ardson. 6-18 _ Wendell Hahne, Driver for National Foods, Norfolk. Ov erweight on capacity plate $34.00 and $4.00 Officer Rich ardson. MARRIAGE EK'ENSEH— Richard L Shelhamer, 24, O' Neill, and Margaret Anne Sulli van, 20, O'Neill, June LI Thomas J. Drueke, IS, O'Neill, and Patricia E. McKenzie, IS O'Neill, June 14. William K Miller, Atkinson, and Mary I>. Little. Bassett, June 17. William Edwards Named Principal At Ewing High William Edwards, principal at Greenwood, has been hired by the board of education of the Ewing public school to teach science and serve as principal for the 1963-64 school term. He will replace for mer principal, George Keller, who has accepted a civil service science teaching position at the school at Flandrau, S. J). Mr. Edwards taught science and has berm elementary princi pal at the Greenwood school un der the Ashland School System for the past year. Before coming to Greenwood, he was superin 4 _ _ j __a _ r a ■_ tir. . j r — i_c* i_1 *•* iiuoiih ut iji* taunc system He also taught one year at Mullen. He is presently attending sum mer school at the University of Nebraska working on a graduate program. He is majoring in school administration. Mr. and Mrs. Fid wards and four children will move to Ewing after August first or as soon as suit able housing is available. Supt. Raymond Mullens report ed the Ewing school faculty is now completed. Two other new teachers are Jerry Koenig, a for mer Ewing resident, who will in struct social studies and be head athletic coach, and Jerry Hughes who will teach mathematics and industrial arts and serve as as sistant coach. Rifes Held for Mrs. Vanderburg At Clearwater Funeral services for Mrs. Ma rie Vanderfcurg were held Jur* 14 at the Snider chapel, Clear water, with the Rev. Charles So dersten, officiating. Burial was in the Clearwater cemetery. Marie Luben, the daughter of August and Bertha Luben, was bom April 28, 1873 in Berlin. Ger many and died June 11 in Mem phis, Tenn. Pallbearers were Charles Curt right, Benny Prater, Keith Carnes, Lester Swan, Kenneth Raggless and George Mummert. She is survived by brother, William Luben, Clearwater and sister, Lillian Bellomo, Los An geles, Calif. Her husband. Dr. John Vander borg, preceded her in death. Jehovah's Witnesses To Meet at Bassett A Hi hie lecture will lx* given Sunday. June 23, 2 p m at tie Kingdom Hall, 2nd tmuse south of Court House in Bassett 'Hie lecture is entitled "I tenth a door way to what?” Is death a door way to heaven or hell? VVluit liojw* in there for the dead? These ques tions will lx* answered hy W Samuelson. a representative of the Watehlower Six iirty. All jx-rsons of good will are welcome James V. Anderson Receives Degree James V Anderson, son of Mr. anil Mrs Rolx-rt I, Hayter, O’ Neill. formerly 01 Ainsworth, re ceived his Bachelor ol Science Ix-grei- m pharmacy from South ftakota State Oil lege at Brook ings, S I> June 3. Mr and Mrs Amlerson anil si>n, Scott, are now living in Ixxing ton where Mr Ander*on is em ployed at the Barmore l>rug Store Atkinson Dentist Moves to Omaha Hr. and Mrs. Frank J Marnuso uwl family moved to Omaha Wednesday. I>r Manruso has practiced dentistry in Atkinson for many years, has not yet < ios«*d his practice in Atkinson, but will do so in tie- near future The Mancuso home was pur chased recently by Mr. and Mrs Richard Anderson. Too Late to Classify CONTACT Harvey A Tompkins. Inman, licensed real estate ag ent for information about the sale of the Methodist church property and other property in the Inman area. 9tfc W'e need used tractor* on these NEW FARMALL* 560 Diesel F 560 Gas F 460 Diesel F 460 Gas F 504 Gas F 504 Diesel B 414 Diesel 1 2404 reversed w/Kramer sweep Terms to suit your pocketbook USED EQUIPMENT Case VAC tractor Farmall M Coop E3 w/live power-takeoff Super A Farmall with mower Farmall F 460 gas demonstrator Save S400.00 Farmall F20 Farmatl F 30 New Farmhand pull type side de livery rake only *419.50 Used John Deere ride delivery rake Ford truck reversed w/Farmhand mounted KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. Atldnsen, Noiy. 9-16e IiE^lRE modem office—occupancy August 1st. Box J-J c/o The Frontier. 9-ll-13ete A SINCERE THANK YOU to all my friends anl relatives who sent me cards, letters and gifts while I was hospitalized. Special tNanir* to Dr. Cars tens and the hr^rt*al staff for their thoughtful care. AH was much appreciated. Mrs. Mildred Wrighv Ewing. Nebr