The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 21, 1908, Image 8

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I hereby announce myBelf as a candi
date for representative from Nemaha
county, subject to the decision of the
republican voters of the County, at the
September primary.
G. S. Christy.
Johnson, Neb.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for Representative from Ne
maha county, subject to the decision of
the republican voters of tho county, at
the primary election to be held Septem
ber 1st, 1968.
John C. Boyd.
Aspinwall precinct.
I hereby annouuee my candidacy for
tho nomination of representative for
the Third representative district of Ne
braska, subject to the decision of the
republican voters of Nemaha County,
at the primaries to be held September
1st, 1908.
E. C. Yont.
Brock, Neb;
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of representative from
tho Fifth Nebraska district, subject to
the will of tho republican voters at the
primary election to be held on Scptcm
bor 1.
Tecumsch, Neb. Theo. Smith.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative from the 3rd
legislative district, subject to the ap
proval of the republican voters at the
September primaries. Furthermore,
believing that the voters are entitled
to know my position on questions that
arc likely to be in issue before the next
legislature, I announce, that I am
strongly in favor of a county option
law, as being the best method of deal
ing with the liqnor traffic under present
conditions. I also favor the principle
of guaranteed bank deposits, allowing,
however, each individual bank to exer
cise the option of acccbting or reject
ing its benefits.
W. D. Abbott.
Poru, Neb.
O. A. Curtis
Rep air work Specialty
Independent Phono No. 57,
Nemaha Nebraska
knapp & SON
Proprietors of tbo
Livery& Feed Stable
Gcod Dry in cenntction witltfLivery
Satisfaotion guarantied.
J. IS. Or other,
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Speolalty
ttnuiii Hue Kilier
Turtle til Meter Sispoct R.
Prevalaacy ef Kidney DIhrm.
Most people do not realize the alarm
ing increase and remarkable prevalency
oi icianeyaiseaie.
While kidney dis-
korderi are the
most common
diseases that pre-
n -
van, wicy arc
almost the last
recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, who eoii'
tent them$elve$
with dottoring the (fecit, while the orig
inal diteate undermines the system.
Wklt Tm X.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills evcrv wish in curinsr rheumatism.
Dain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and acaldln nain in DassiiiK it. or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasaut ne
iasaui tie
cessity of being compelled t
to so ottett
durlag the day, and to vet up uiany
tiniM durinsr the nluut. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Res
is soon realized. It stands the hiKhest
for its wonderful cures of the most dii
trcsslm? cases. If you weed a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists iu fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may Wave a sample bottle and
book tMat tens an
Hbowt it, bet It scut free
by mail, Address I)r.
RUmmt Co,. Hiug-
hsmtou.N.Y. When Wmtt
writiaa- mention this tmrwr aud dou'
uwk auy mistake, but remember the
name. Ir. KIImmmt's HwatMlUtl
Ike address, HlwgkamtoM, N. Y,
Death of Mr. Jacob Z. Shuck.
Mrs. Sarah Ellen Shuck, wife
of Jacob Z. Shuck, died at her
home Houth of Nemaha at 12:30
a. m. Tuesday, August 18, 1908,
aged 55 years, 10 months and 19
Mrs. Shuck has been in poor
health for some time, suffering
from heart disease and a dropsi
cal affection. Her death was
very sudden, as she had seemed
a little better than usual. She
leaves a husband and three chil
dren to mourn her loss.
The funeral services were held
at the Methodist church Wednes
day at 2:30 p. m., conducted by
Rev. G. W. Ayers. The church
was well-filled with sympathizing
friends. The casket was covered
with beautiful flowers.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our heart
felt thanks to the neighbors and
friends for the kindness shown
and sympathy expressed to us
during the sickness and death of
our loved one.
Jacob Z. Shuck
and Children.
Again we are pained to witness
the carelessness of the writer in
the Granger who rewrites the
items in the Advertiser for the
Nemaha items in the Granger.
In last week's Advertiser we said
Mr. and Mrs. Grant of Edwards,
New York, were visiting their
uncle, John Watson. This week's
Granger says, "John Watson and
family are enjoying a visit from
an uncle and aunt from the state
of New York." We are always
glad to furnish the Granger with
items but want them to be copied
The Brownville Home-Coming.
Arrangements are being made
for a great time at the Brown
ville homecoming, to be held this
ytar August 28. The people of
Auburn will furnish most of the
program, so we are informed by
Mrs. Alice A. Minick, chairman
of the committee on program.
A hearty welcome will be given
all who attend. Those who were
present last year will be anxious
to stend again, as it was one of
the most pleasant gatherings of
the year.
Joe Worrel, an old-time printer
who worked for the editor twenty-five
years ago, called in the
office Wednesday evening. Joe
is of a reBtless disposition and
after settling down for a few
years gets tired of the monotony
and starts out to view the coun-
,ry. He is a welcome visitor in
all print shops.
The harvest home picnic will
be held at Johnson September 9.
August time, tella on tho nerves. But
that spirit leas, no ambition feeling can
bo easilv and quickly altered by taking
what is known by druggists everywhere
a nr. Shoon'a Restorative. Within 48
hf ter beginning to use tho Restorative,
imnrnvement will be noticed. Of course
full health will not immediately return
The irain. however will surely follow.
And best of all, you wrll rcauzo ana ioei
vour strongth and ambition as it is re
, ..... .
turning. Outaido influences aepress
firHt the "inside nerves' then tho atom
ach. heart, and kidneys will usually fail
Strengthen theao tailing nerves wun
.. - ... ...tiL
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see now
auicklv health will bo yours again.
i - . v .
Sold by ur. w. vy. Kceung.
When tho Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al
ways fall. Don'Mrug the Stomach nor
uHmnlaf the Heart or Kidneys. That
ia slmnlv a makeshift. Get a prescrip
tion known to drugglata overywhoro aa
Dr. Shoon'a Restorative. Rho KeHtor
atlvo ia proparcd expressly for these
weak Inside nerve. Strengthen those
nerves, bulk! them up with Dr. Shoop'
Restorative tablets or llqukl-and see
Ivow uulckly help will cmm Sold by
Frank Titus recently sent a bill
to Harrington & Co., Crab Or
chard, Neb., for one cent, which
he claimed was due him, The
firm promptly sent back a check
for the one cent, but as Frank
can't get it cashed without pay- the fusion nomination for repre
ing 10 cents exchange, he is sentative, and while he would
afraid he won't get his money appreciate the nomination he is
very soon. He has it framed in not doing much campaigning for
the postoffice. . it. He was in Nemaha Thursday
w r . , ' but came in to get a load of sand
Mrs. Filmer is staying in the for some cement walk he is hav
store at Nemaha this week, dur- jng laid around his house.
ing the absence of Mr. Filmer in
Why James Loo Got Well.
Everybody in Zanesville, O., knows
Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She
writes: "My husband. James Lee, firm-
ly believes he owes his life to the use
of Dr. King's New Discovery. His
lungs were so severely affected that
I consumption seemed inevitable, when a
) ion1 rwnmmnniliid Mpw Tliannvorv.
We tried it, and its use has restored
him to perfect health." Dr. King's
New Discovery is the King of throat
and lung remedies. For coughs and
colds it has no equal. The first dose
gives relief. Try it. Sold under guar
antee at all drug stores, 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
"Mr. Brym waa a professed W
saetallst, but he has proven himself
a trl-metallst. He coined Americas
gold out of political brass while talk
ing on free llvar." (Ctaaa. H. Bloao,
of Geneva, Neb., addressing the Taft
RaUftcaUoa Meeting at Beatrice ob
Friday, June 2.)
Served as coffee, the new coffee sub
stitute known to grocer's everywhere
as Dr. Shoop'a Health Coffee, will trick
even a coffee expert. Not a grain of
real coffee iu it either. Pure healthful
toasted g Jains,' malt nutB, etc., have
been so cleverly blended as to give a
wonderfully sotisfying coffee taste and
flavor. And it is "made in a minute,"
too. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boil-
ing. sold oy au ueaiers.
The great national battle between
Taft and Bryan centers at Lincoln. The
state fight between Sheldon and Berge- (
Dahlman-Shallenberger centers at Lin
coln. The anti-saloon fight for county
option center . at rLincoln. The fight
for guarantee of bank deposits centers
Lincoln. The fight for the direct
primary centers in Lincoln. The fight
for lower freight rates centers in Lin-1
coin. The fight for anything that I
promises good to the masses of the (
state centers in Lincoln. Read your
state paper. Nebraska State Journal,
at the cut prico of One Dollar until
after election, without Sunday, in
cluding Sunday $1.50. If you are in
terested in the state university, state
agricultural college, state fair, state
nstitutions of any kind, you should do
a reader of The Journal. It's a State
... . til
newspaper, it's a long time unuimwi
election but One Dollar pays tor it aii.
We stop your paper when the time is
. It's not forced on any one. &ena
your dollar direct to the State Journal
Lincoln, Nebr.
On March 14, 1907, the state debt
In round numbers was $1,4SI,HQ. July
1st, 1M8, It had been reduced to $54,
100, or a net reduction, under tho
present state administration, f ft42,
000. By ths first of July, 1001, the
stats will hs out of debt provided ths
resent Republican gait Is maintained.
For Sore Foot.
"I have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve
to be tae proper thing to use for sore
feet, as well as for healing bums, sores,
cuts and all manner of abrasions,"
writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland,
Maino. It is the proper thing too for
piles. Tay it. Sold undev guaruntce
at al( drug stores. 25c.
"When I was nsmlnatssl fsr Qsvsp-
nsr In 1000, Mr. Bryan said that I was
a 4 fellsw, but that the sthsr man
would ms4ct a mush fcsttsr Governor.
I son nsw truthfully say that Mr.
rysn Is a 4 fellsw, but that ths
sthsr man wsult) make a mush setter
President" (Governor ghsldon ad
irssslng ths Taft CUs at Liaseln,
Nsbi, July lad.)
She Likes Qood Things.
Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Frank
lin, Matne, says: "I liko good things
and have adopted Dr. King's New Life
Pills as our family laxative medicine, be
caustvtluty aro good and do tnelr work
without making a fuss about it." These
palnlefs purifiers sokt by all druggists,
at '&c a box.
Carl Bennett has bought a
team of mules, wagon and har
ness from Ed Moore and will do
all kinds of hauling.
B. T. Skeen is a candidate for
Roy F. Mershon of Auburn and
Miss Vera Minick were married
at high noon Wednesday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. L. Minick, near Syr-
acuse. They will make their fu
ture home in Auburn. The bride
lnro. nnmuw nf -An(ifl ;n
Nemaha and vicinity who join
with the Advertiser in best
wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Mershon.
The Democrats prate londly about
campaign publicity. Republican Ne
braska, hat a publicity law which the
Republican State Committee observes
to the letter, while the Bryan democ
racy, through "Brother-ln-Law Tom"
and "Cowboy Jim," Ignores the law.
Treasurer Sheldon of the Republican
National Committee declares that he
will publish all campaign contribu
tions received by him; thus comply
ing with the New York law. With
the Republicans, campaign publicity la
now a fact; with the Democrats, It
is a promise aupoorted by a failure
to perform.
The speech of Permanent Chairman
Clayton of the National Democrat!
convention was an assault upon tk
Integrity of President Roosevelt.
Clayton was chosen because he was
the personal choice of Candidate
Bryan for the place. If tho Democrat
approve of the Roosevelt policies, why
do they, In speaking officially to the
American people, denounce him and
his policies?
The Republican party Is nover In
want of a man able and equipped for
its task, for the great task of govern
Ing a free people In constitutional
Method. But there never has bees
t'inan called to that task with tm
equipment of William Howard Taft
That ! the plain 'fact" (Governor
Hughes, of New York, addressing the
Republican Club of New York City.)
Ml shall 4o all In my pewer to In
sure yeur election." (LaFollette to
DII PC fM"edUte rtlkf fro
rlLCj Dr. Shoop's MaikOintaent
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
I AW calls promptly attended
jf none 2b
Heart Strength'
Heart Strentth. or Heart Wesknew. means Ner
Strength, or Nerve Weftknew-nothing mora. P
lureir. not one weaK near in nunarea u. in
Mlf. actually dlseaaed. It la almost alwart
hidden tlnj little nerve that really it all at fault
Thl obfcure nenre the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve
limply needs, and mutt haw, more power, mors!
mora controlling, more overnliur
tth. Without that the Heart must continue)
to fall, and the itcinach and kidneys alio have
Utw same controlling nervee.
This clearly explain! why. as a medicine. Dr.
Snoop's Restorative has In the past done so muck
for weak and ailing Hearts. Br. Shoop first sought
the cause of all this painful, paloltatins. suffocat.
Ing heart distress. Dr. Snoop's RestoraUve this
popular prescription Is alone directed to these
woak and wasting nerve centos. It builds;
HTstrcngthens: it offers real, genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Hearts, strong df.
gestion. strengthen these Lnsrves m ints nllsn
tnem as necpaa, witn
Dr. SHoop's
A ...... .
Capital, $5;
With Amplt Faoilititt
u.VMriiKuL), Pre. v, H. ALLKN, Vlce.l'ree.
1KLMKB K. ALLKN, Cashier PHANK.TITU8, An'. Cash
Weak women'shnnu
no. 4 for wnm :r? y
shoop'S Night euro ,rrofDr-
soothing W Tc,,s how these
sootmng, healing, antiseptic suddm!
tories. brincr miu . ?UPP-
TUn uu "u certain halatftf
Iree' addro8 Dr. SHr
" is. nr. w txr tr
farm or Businom,
scriptlon and .
Tradc Marks
2fW m. 1
Daily low-rate excursion tickets
to eastern cities and resorts!
Northern Michigan, Canada ana
New England.
Attractive low excursion rates to
the Pacific Coast, Yellowstone
Park, Utah, Colorado, Big Horn
Mountains and the Black Hills.
I rkl ffi naticr- ni-rro.
ivrvv svrasraia i nnico;
Daily during September and Oc
tober to' California, Washington,
Oregon and hundreds of interme
diate points.
Ready for Immediate
in the Big Horn River Valley,
Wyoming, watered by completed
canals. Small cash payment and
terms covering nine years. Round
trip fare from Missouri River and
Nebraska points, $34.00.
WRITE D. Clem Deaver, General
Agent Landeeekers' Information
Bureau, Omaha, for new folder.
It's free.
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip, and let us advise
you how to make it the best way
at the least cost.
0- V. OLEHTNi Ticket A cent at iTemaha,
L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha
Dealer In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
wi Dr. King's
Ntw Discoviry
auABAirrxxo satisfaotobti
Surplus, $1,000
for handling
Butlnttt tntrutUd to Ut
Hon trlctlr oonSdenuaTl