i VV warn The rapid milker is not apt to strip Mean. Little deeds or kindness, like chick ns, come home to roost. Hutter to be of a prime quality must not he subject to too rapid or too slow ( linmlng. (let that sot of low wheels for the wagon this year. They will save you much heavy lifting. Elbow grease and a good stiff broom used daily in the dairy barn will help a long ways toward sanitary milk. The best breed of cows for the dairy is that breed which will most nearly meet the special purposes and needs of the owner. Three trees which are peculiarly ndapted for fence posts are the ental pa speciosa, the osage orange and the Russian mulberry. Keep your plans ahead of your work. It Is the farmer who thinks out his work In advance who raises the big pest crops and has the easiest lime. Sunlight la essential to success In chicken raising. See that the hen house is constructed with a view to admitting as much air and sunshine as possible. Vermin on the hens will keep them from laying. With the coming of warm weather, clean and whitewash the henhouse, and provide a good dust bath, If hens are kept confined in a yard. The time to wash out the butter milk from butter Is when It has reached that granular state. Dairying has this advantage over other branches of fanning in that the farmer has a continuous income. When fresh whole milk is not avail able the little pigs you have to raise by hand will thrive on boiled milk which has been thickened with a cup of llaxseed to each gallon. Add half a pound of brown sugar "and a little salt. A farmer in central Michigan faces the pmbleni of making four-cent pork and th'ree-cent beef out of GOcent corn, with common farm labor $150 a month with board; hay $10, and $'J0 a ton and corn stalks live cents a bundle. Can you figure out his profit? It may be very interesting specu lation as to why weeds came to be, but the practical question for tho farmer is how quickest and most ef fectually to be rid of them. The farmer Is not interested in any scien tific discussions which will not serve any practical purpose. The producing capacity of tho farm is measured by the humus and nitrogen content, of the surface soil, and if these cannot be fully supplied by the manure made on the farm, then legumes should be grown to supple ment the manure, and for this purpose and a profitable seed crop mammoth clover, over a large part of our coun try, hea,ds the list. A good way to char robs Tor the hogs is to dig a round hole, say three feet across, build a good lire with wood In the bottom of this, ill! in with corncobs, ami when they are properly charred through but not burned to ashes, put on a lid of some kind to exclude the air. Then add any wood ashes that, may be convenient, and salt. When the mass is cool put it in a box with a self-feed, where the hogs can reach it, and let them eat what they want. Here Is the report of a single day's receipts of the Union stock yards, Chi cago: Thirty-three thousand live hun dred and one cattle, I.ISOII calves, 87, 7 1 G hogs, 2G,99 sheep, and 8I5S horses, or a total of ir0,:i.r7 animals in , cars, thus breaking the previous roc- ord of hog receipts and total number of animals received. A fourth of this product, was sold ond shipped east, and tho entire receipts were sold on the day of arrival. Apparently all country roads lead to Chicago. m mwr i sis m m j r jmsvM mm j r r -m. b. ra. w x --. J Too much salt in the butter destroys the flavor. Regularity In feed and milking has much to do with the milk yield. Some men are like cows, they think the best grass is on the other side of the fence. U is the fresh manure, that has the highest value. Get it out on tho land as soon as possible. Haw wheat flour mixed with milk and the yolk of one egg will often check scours In the lambs. In fattening fowls feed corn princi pally, but provide other grain for varl ot and to keep up the appetite. In dealing with a man who has a cow to Hell keep In mind the fact that It Is generally the poor cow that Is offered for sale. Most of the states report largo grad uating classes from tho agricultural colleges this year It means more and better ngrlculture. The farmer who thinks out the day's work and plans how it can best be done is the farmer who Is not pegging around with chores after dark. It Is the wise farmer who plants only what he can properly care for. He will reap more dollars than the farmer who spreads himself thin over too many acres. Plant a few mulberry trees In your cherry orchard, then 'cock robin and his mistress will let the cherries alone as long ns tho mulberry lasts. A cheap and easy way of buying ofT the birds. Some farmers still cling to tho old idea that they must have slop of somo sort if they are to grow good pigs, but it has been repeatedly shown by ex periment that usually there is no ad vantage in foods that are sloppy. Forestry has done great things for Switzerland, preventing floods and making available all lands fit for crops. What are you doing to fur ther the efforts of the government ag ricultural department, toward more tree growing? Re sure that you have a good corn stand. As soon as tho corn is an Inch high replant every hill that contains no plants. This may be a little later than the first planting and some" of it may not get out of the way of frost, but it will make good cattle feed If nothing more. Coburn the Kansas farm expert gives this quintet of don'ts for tho alfalfa raiser: Don't bow any nurse crop. Don't sow on freshly plowed land, no matter how carefully pre pared. Don't let weeds or grass grow over six inches high without clipping. Don't clip or mow when wet. with rain or dew. Don't let alfalfa stand; If turn ing yellow, cut it. Few farmers realize the damage which weeds do to tho corn. They not only lake the fertility which the corn needs, but. worse still the moist ure. Ry cultivation you kill tho weeds, conserve the moisture, mako the fertility of the soil more available, and loosen the soil so that air may get at tho roots, an essential condi tion in corn growing. Linseed meal Is valuable In horse feeding for its laxative properties and for putting a nice gloss on tho hair. At that, very little of it should be fed and if carrots or other sound roots can be obtained they are better for tho horse than any oilmeal. A usual amount is a handful a day with other feed, or a double handful may be given with good results. A very good method of capturing the chicken hawk is to set steel traps about the carcass of the chicken last caught and partly devoured, or to erect a tall pole in an open field near the chicken yard, placing a trap at the top. He will be most sure to alight on the pole, awaiting an oppor tunity to pounce down upon tho un suspecting fowls, and consequently gets into the trap. To tan a sheep's skin stretch and nail on smooth board surface, wool side down. Scrape carefully, getting off all bits of flesh. Now mix one pound of pulverized alum and one pound common salt, sprinkle the mix ture evenly over the skin and rub In with a corn oob all it will absorb; then sprinkle it over with a little more and leave it for a few days. A second application will rendor it thor oughly cured. Leave it until dry. Pinch the surface, and by the feeling and sound you can tell if all parts are evenly tanned. The next process Is the hardest for a woman washing. It will take several wnshlngs and good rinsings in clean, cold water. Squeeze the water from It and hang It fleece down to drip. It will dry beau tifully In the sun on a stout clothes line or wire fence, slinking it occasionally. WHERE SHE HAD THE BULGE. Telephone Girl's Great Opportunity to Get Gloriously Even. "You know that red-headed cashier that had the norvo to complain of mo to the boss tho other day," said tho girl at the telephone desk, to a New York Times writer. "Well, l got even with him, all right. He ain't married, Vut he's got a best girl. His father owns a shoe factory over in .lersey, and rich my! Well, she called him ip the other afternoon at her usual time. Ms Mr. Smith there?' she asks, In her most romantlcklst voice. 'Yes,' I answers, just as honeylike as she. It's his wife wants him, Isn't It?' With that Miss Girl hung up with such a jerk my ear hurt. Smith goes around wondering why sho does not call him up. ICvery time ho dares he snys to me: 'lias any one called me on the 'phone, Miss Limit?' And 1 look as in nocent as a kid and shake my head 'No.' I toll you, us tolephone girls can turn 'Joy to tho Rrldc' into 'Noth In' Doln' ' any time wo please. Mo for Us." SUFFERED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. With Ecxema Her Limb Peeled and Foot Was Raw Thought Amputa tlon Was Necessary Believes Life Saved by Cuticura. "1 have been trentcd by doctors for twenty-five years for a bad case of eczema on my leg. They did their best, out failed to cure It. My doctor had advised me to have my leg cut off. At this time my leg was peeled from tho knee, my foot was like a piece of raw flesh, and I had to walk on crutches. I bought a set of Cuticura Remedies. After the first two treatments tho swelling went, down, and in two months my leg was cured and the new skin came on. The doctor was sur prised and said that he would use Cuticura for his own patients. 1 have now been cured over seven years, and but for the Cuticura Remedies I might, have lost my life. Mrs. J. R. Remind, 277 Mentana St., Montreal, Que., Feb. 20, 11)07." The "Pivot" Age. When Is a man "old?" Is It a mat ter of looks, or feeling, or age, or pro fessional custom? Walters, for In stance, arc held to be "old" at f0. Hut at that period of life statesmen, barristers, actors, bishops and judges are accounted young. Athletes of all kinds are deemed "old" after 40 or thereabouts.. The board of trade reg ulations say that railway men and others are "old" for their work at (50. Old age pension scheme makers con sider (55 as the pivot age on which to hang their pains. The point, is cer tainly a very debatable one. Hearts if Oak .lournal. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and sec that it Rears tho Signature of In Use For Over :$0 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Attractions of Flowers. A flower has an almost human way of first attracting insects. This Is by appealing to their fondness for sweet things. There Is secreted in every llower a store of honey, largo or small, ns the case may be. to which tho midge, the butterfly, the bee, the blue bottle fly and other Insects are at traded. With a smooth iron and Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at homo as the steam laundry can; It will have tho proper stiffness and finish, there will be less wear and tear of the goods, and It. will be a ponltlvo pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to tho Iron. On the Country Picnic. She hung her head. "Really, Mr. ManneriiiK." she stam mered, "this or is so so sudden" "For goodness sake," cried Manner Ing, "stop blushing so. Here conies a bull!" DAISY FLY KILLERl'W ""J"!'!". niuni'i nun hum nil II I oh. Noat, linn oniMncntnl, ronNcnli'iit clioi. l.ualH all oi'ii HO II. AliKolindy linrmli-Ko. wiiumt cplll or tin in it, will not Hull or In. Juru u a y tit I n if. Uiiiruii'ceil uifi-o. tlvo. (irallilcitlrri, or ttn I tin tia lilfnt ti'cetitt, IU.WU 0)l t IIS, 1IV1 KklbAir,, Uroolfjn, h. OUR 65-MINUTE PUZZLE. NO. Ilia. If n pint of wootl alcohol will kill six men, how long will It. take a blanket Indian to put away a pint of shellac varnish? Laundry work at homo would be much more satisfactory If tho right Starch were used, in order to get the desired stiffness, It Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as It can ho applied much more thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. Not Incurable, "That, man Is a poet." "Too bad." "Yes." "How did you discover It?" "I didn't; he told me." "Then perhaps he may get over 1L" j Nashville American. ' In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder, it cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. ' It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold t by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub- ' stltute. Trial package, FREE. Ad- j dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. i The Best Way. "Did yon ever try to kiss n girl against her will?" "Never! Only against her lips." j Stray Stories. i Try Murine Eye Remedy For Roil. Weak, Woary. Wnlcry Eyes. , Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. , All Dnii.-lH Sell Murine at fillets. The 48 Pane Rook in each PUr. is worth Dollars in every home. Ask your Druggist. Miirinu Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Pennsylvania's First Governor. The first governor of Pennsylvania under the constitution of 1790 was Thomas Mifllln. KITS. SI. VllUh' IVmoe iiml NVrvoii IIIsoiimim per- , mn lion tlv enroll lv lr. KllnoN Croat Noivo UoMnror. Send for I'HKH r.'.Ul trial Imtilo nnil trout I m. Dr. (. li, KUno. I.U., IMI Areli Stroot. ritllmlfl1iln, r.i. No, Cordelia, the biggest words do not always have, tho most weight. Lewis' Simile Hinder straight i Many Miiokers prefer lliem to lOe cigars. Your i dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. ( ----- ! A man who claims kin with a pes simist displays poor judgment. I Let Me Send You a Package Defiance Starch with your next order of groceries and I will guarantee FACTS FOR WOMEN LYDIA E. PINKHAM Ko other medicine has boon bo successful in relieving tho suffering of women or received so many gen uine testimonials as has Lydia IS. IMnkliiiin's Vegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia 15. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every one you meet has either been bene fited by it, or has friends who have. In the Pink-hum Laboratory at Lyim,nIass.,nnywoinniianyday'muy see the, liles containing over one mil lion one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, and here are tho letters in which they openly state over their own signa tures that they were cured by Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia. 15. rinkham's VcgcUimo Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia J5. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole some and harmless. The reason why Lydia K Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound is so successful is becauso it contains in gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it to a healthy normal condition. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sifjht of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'," Vegetable Compound to restore their health. WIIHWS'n,lcrNEVV LAW UlAlno4 A Vt la w A cs by JOHN W. MOMRIS. PENSIONS Washington. V, O. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 27, 1908. SCK i ( H 71 that you will be better satisfied with it than with any starch you have ever used. I claim that it has no superior for hot or cold starchine, and It Will Not Stick to the Iron Noehenppreinluins m e given with l) IS I'M AMMO STAIU'H, hut YOI' OUT ONI' -Tlllltl) MOlO? ion Yoi.n at ok icy ihan of any oilier brand. DKFIANCIO STAItCIl costs lOe for a Kl-oz. package, and I will refund your money if It blicks to the iron. Truly yours, IloNI'NT .lOIIN, '1'lic Uroccryman .7S-. 5 ofiancE Will NOT STICK TD 'THE IRON 1 STARCH