The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 26, 1908, Image 1

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V0L.L1J1 NO. b
It rains occasionally yet.
Only orte rain for a week.
Criley, photographer, Auburn.
Cottonwood lumber for sale by
A. J. Strain.
Ralph Ritchey received a new
buggy Wednesday.
We have been having
warm weather this week.
R. I. Brown is now walking
with a cane when he walks at all
on account of rheumatism in his
left leg and hip.
Our home grown black rasp
berries are now being marketed,
selling at $2.50 to $2.75 per crate.
Red raspberries will be ripe next
Farmers are feeling encour
aged over the crop outlook.
There has been almost a butter
famine in Nemaha this week.
some Mrs. Joe Bell of Auburn visit
I ed her daughter, Mrs. E. C.
I Crother, from train time Tuesday
, afternoon until train time Wed
nesday forenoon.
Hal Rainey, a former Brown-
' Miss Nora Aynes is again at
her post of duty as deputy post
master. G. N. Titus went to Nebraska
City Tuesday afternoon, return
ing Thursday forenoon.
We had heavy rains for eight
consecutive Sundays, but last
Sunday there was no rain.
Kindig & Peabody write cy
clone, tornado, and windstorm
insurance at lowest rates.
Mrs. Ellen Flack, who has been
visiting in Nemaha, returned to
her home at Auburn Tuesday.
'Leslie W. Woodward, who
came up from Kansas City last
Friday, returned home Wednes
day. J. M. West of Rbckport, Mo.,
called in Wednesday and paid a
year's subscription to The Adver
tiser. The drouth has been broken in
Johnson and .Stella. A, saloon
was open in each of those towns
last week.
Mrs. Lydia Collins of Kansas
City, Mo., has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dan Bennett, for
a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts
returned to their home at Kansas
City last Sunday, after a two
weeks' visit in Nemaha.
We had a rain Tuesday morn
ing for the first time since Thurs
day night. People were begin
'ning to be afraid a drouth had
Glass! Glass!!
For all sizes call on Edwards &
Bradford Lbr. Co.
ville boy but who now lives in
Denver, was in Nemaha a few
hours Wednesday, the guest of
Mrs. W. H. Hoover.
Miss Myra Minick of Syracuse,
Nebr., came to Nemaha Tuesday
and is visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. E. A. Minick, and her aunt
Mrs. Elmer E. Allen.
Train 98, due here at 4:01 p.
m., got off the track the other
side of Graf Saturday afternoon
and did not arrive in Nemaha
until 4 :45 Sunday morning.
F. E. Hoover got nail a car
load of fruit baskets Wednesday,
in which to market his crop of
grapes and peaches. They were
shipped from Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Frank Titus went to Papillion,
Nebr., Saturday to visit friends
over Sunday; and then went to
'Lincoln to attend the postmas
ter's convention. He returned
home Wednesday morning.
Mrs. F.. L. Woodward, who
has been visiting at Kansas City,
returned home last Friday. Her
two sons, Chas. M. and Leslie
W., and her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Carrie Lukens, came with her.
W. W. James walked up from
Shubert Tuesday afternoon, ex
pecting to take the train to Peru,
but got here a little late and had
to stay over until the next morn
ing, as he didn't feel like walk
ing the rest of the way.
Mrs. J. E. Keeling of Waldron,
nd., who with her husband and
children is visiting Dr. and Mrs.
W. W. Keeling, has been sick
with tonsilitus almost ever since
ler arrival here last Friday, but
is getting a little better.
David M. Frazier of Atwood,
Colorado, arrived in Nemaha
Wednesday morning on a short
visit to his son, Dr. W. W. Fra-
t 1 1" 1 T T 1 1
zier, ana oia menus, lie naa
been to Pattonsburg, Mo., to
bury his father, who died last
Mrs. Mel McKinney and two
sons, of Custer City, Oklahoma,
arrived in Nemaha Thursday
morning on a visit to T. C. Simp
son and family of London pre
cinct. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Farson. Friday evening, June
19, 1908, twin girls. John is as
proud and happy as if these were
his first born, instead of making
a family of ten.
The new front for the store
building of the Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Co. arrived a few
days ago and has been put in
nlace. It looks like a store
L. '
building once more.
Sheriff Rohrs sent in to Earle
Gilbert last week and bought a
fine panama hat. He found he
could get just what he wanted
here and at a lower price than it
would have cost him in Auburn
or in a city. Fred knows when
he strikes a bargain and takes
advantage of it.
W. H. Palmer of Filley was a
Nemaha visitor Wednesday. He
has been a resident of Stella but
on Tuesday of this week went to
Filley and took charge of the tel
ephone pystem there. He came
back to move his furniture to his
new home.
W. B. Norvell snagged his
land on .a rusty nail Monday. He
was in a wagon and was hauling
a heavy plank out of the water.
When he got it out he gave it a
throw and the nail caught in the
upper part of the palm of his
right hand, making an ugly
F. E. Hoover has a half acre of
red raspberries that are hanging
full. They will begin to ripen
next week. He has fifteen acres
of fine budded peaches about
1400 trees besides plums, pears
and a big grape vineyard. He
will have lots of fruit, and has
promised to take us out to the
farm when peaches ore ripe.
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Keeling of
Springfield, South Dakota, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Culver of
Omaha, arrived in Nemaha early
Sunday morning. They expected
to get here Saturday afternoon
but'were delayed by the passen
ger train getting off the track at
Graf. Mr. Culver returned home
the next morning. The others
remained until Tuesday morning,
attending the golden wedding
anniversory of Dr. and Mrs. W.
W. Keeling.
Little Child Fell in a Well
Last Friday Ernie Alexander's
two little children, about two and
four years old, were playing at
their home in the west part of
town, and wandered across the
street to a vacant house. In a
short time the oldest one, who
cannot talk plain, came running
home screaming. Mrs. Alexan
der ran over to where the little
ones had been playing and found
that the little two-year-old had
fallen in a shallow well, which
fortunately had no water in it.
When help was secured and the
little one rescued it was found to
i jtM J30 uninjured.
We Have the Goods
We again have a full stock of Furniture and
Hardware. Call in and see us in our New
Store Room.
This Hot Weather
Calls for Screens for your Doors and Win
dows. We have them. You will als need
one of our nice Hammocks. Get Fly Nets
and keep your horses as comfortable as possible.
Laces and Embroideries
Are in demand at this season of
the year. We have a nice line,
Come in and look them over.
Ladies' long black Lisle Gloves $1
Ladies' long black Gloves, $1.50
Ladies' fancy Collars, each, 50c.
Ladies' turn down Collars, 10 to 25c
Ladies'White Waist Patterns, $1.25
.Ribbons and lots of nice things for
the Fourth of July.
Bring Us Your Produce
Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB
Josiah Frazier, grandfather of
Dr. W. W. .Frazier, died at the
home of his son, David M. Fra
zier, near Atwood, Colorado, last
Friday, June 19, 1908, aged 85
years, 1 month and 14 days. The
body was taken to Pattonsburg.
Mo., for burial.
Grandpa Frazier had many
friends in Nemaha. He was a
member of the Christian church
here, having united two or three
years ago.
John R. Keeling of Shelby ville, '
Ind., and Dr. J. E. Keeling, wife
and four children, of Waldron,
Ind., arrived in Nemaha Friday
afternoon, on a visit to the par
ents of the two gentlemen, Dr.
and Mrs. W. W. Keeling, and to
attend their irolden weddinir.
Dr. J. E. Keeling and family ex
pect to start today for Colorado
Springs, Colo. John R. Keeling,
whose health is quite poor, will
remain here for awhile.
A NewWashmg Machine
Will make work easier for the housekeeper.
We have a number of the best kinds.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co
Masons Install Officers
Last Friday night the follow
ing officers were installed for the
ensuing year for Hope lodge No.
29, A. F. & A. M.:
W. W. Sanders, W. M.
W. E. Seid, S. W.
J. I. Dressier, J. W.
Alfred B. Kinton, Sec'y.
F. L. Woodward, Treas.
Ben T. Skeon, S. D.
Right Hosterman, J. D.
Ed Thomas, Tyler.
W. W. Seid, S. S.
J. H. Seid, J. S.
W. W. Keeling, Chap.
Frank Keith is Nearly Drowned
Frank Keith came very near
drowning Sunday afternoon. He
was in swimming along the Bur
lington right-of-way near the
bridge across the Nemaha south
of town, with a number of other
young men and boys. Frank got
tangled up in some brush and
sank. He grabbed Alva Buel
came near taking him down, but
Alva broke loose from him. For
tunately Ben Baldwin was near,
and though he thought at hrst it
was some of the boys fooling, he
went to the rescue when he saw
Frank was in danger. He caught
uh a pole that happened to be
lying there and shoved it imder
Frank, who was sinking for the
last time. Frank seized it and
came near pulling Ben in deep
water, but the latter had another
young man catch hold of him
and together they managed to
get Frank to land. He was just
about senseless but as soon as he
got rjd of some of the water he
had swallowed he was all right
aside from being a little sick and
shaky. It was a narrow escape
for the, young man, as he was
rapidly drifting to a barb wire
fence on the banks of the Nema
ha, and if he had escaped being
entangled and held down by this
would have gone on into the
channel of the Nemaha river.
A Big Yield of Potatoes
The garden spot of the world
is around Nemaha. This fact, so
well known by those who have
been here, is again emphasized
by the way potatoes are yielding.
Mrs. II. Denny went out in the
garden Wednesday forenoon to
High Water
The Missouri river is the high
est it has been this year. It is
all over the bottom east and
southeast of town. The sidetracks potatoes for dinner, and the,
and part of the main track of the ' first hill she dug into yielded 28
Burlington railroad are under potatoes, the smallest of which
water. In one place it almost ! were as large as a hen egg. She
reaches the firebox of the emrine. 'didn't count the little ones that
It would be still higher but for
its running over the neck of land
northeast of Nemaha. The water
is said to be six feet deep, run
considered too small to
"Health Coffee" is really the closest
! i . i i i mi.!..
swiftly, and there is a strong ! c?,le0,,m u ' 7 77 I,ruuucuu- 1 Vs
probability that a channel will be
cut through, and that Nemaha
will be left off the main channel.
The water was raising rapidly
Thursday evening.
The water in the Nemaha river
has been in its banks for several
produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis.
Not a grain of real coffee in it tither
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is made
from pure toasted grains, with muL
nuts, etc. Really it would fool an ex
pertwho might drink it for coffee.
No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling.
'Made in a minute" says the doctor.
Sold by all dealers.