The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 19, 1908, Image 6

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V i
Recipe for Old Age.
Thomns Kelly of llallyawli'.
County Tyroni, lit'linul, who at 10"
climbed a ladder and rppnirnl liln own
roor, according to the London oapont,
is the latest eent.'iiarlan to Klve t
the world his recipe Tor old ae,
which Ik made up of "plain food, early
rlslnk, hard work, u sparing UHe of
alcohol and plenty of rresdi, mountain
Literary Note.
Two years nun, when John Heed
Scott8 llrst novel, "The Colonel of
the lU'd Huzzars," met with Hiieh
Knmt KiiecesH, many were the reciiHtrt
that he write more about Dehra and
Armand (The CMlonel). T meet tin;
wlshea of his many admirers .Mr.
Scott now otfci-H "The 1'rlncenH
Dehra," a story which, while HtandliiK
abHolutely alone. Ik yet, In effect, u
sequel to his first r.jmanee. ThoMe
who have read the new book pro
nounce it finite the most captivating
l)it or llction of the y'r and predict
for it a htnh position among HiIh Hum
Hier'K "bent st'llliiK" novels.
Horace's Description.
"Children have some surprlslimly
original Mean," said a young woman
who Is visiting In Lincoln. "A Trle'id
of mine teaches a class In the third
rack. One day not long ng she
told the children she wanted each
iif Mmm to be able to tell her tin;
next, day what a skeleton was. One
little chap Immediately began wav
ing his band insistently.
"Well, Horace," she said, 'what is
'" I don't have to wait,' announced
tho youngster, proudly. 'I can toll
"'AH right, Horace, you may.'
"'A Blteleton,' said Horace, arising
and speaking confidently, 'Is a man
with his insldes out and his outsldes
off.' "
Among the Prominent Financial Insti
tutions in Nebraska Is the
The Company has shown remark
uble progress and under its manage
ment has shown Itself to be a pro
gressive and successful Institution.
It is a Stock Company and its Stock
holders are all Nebraskans. It issues
most ilbernl policies, makes prompt
settlement of all losses, which are
paid in cash without discount. Tills
Company makes a specialty of Insur
ing Farm and Dwelling House Risks;
writes Fire. Lightning, Tornado and
Windstorm Insurance on all classes of
Farm Property at a llxed rate or pre
mium, there being no assessments.
Every policy guarantees on Us 1'acb
the full premium as well as (he amount,
insured. It does not pro rate on Livo
Authorized Capital $l,noo,iiii)
Capital Stool; 101,40k
. Assets Dec. 31st, 1907.
Cush, Loans S: .NYrurltlcH $1 IS.f.IU . 13
Liabilities, Including Ruln.sur-
anco Reserve 1.'l,.SS.'i.ti4
Security to Policyholders 1 17.:tS:t.
, Assets Invested In Nebraska First
Farm Mortgages. Keep your money
in Nebraska by patronizing this worthy
Home Company.
See the Agent now, or write the
Home Olllce, 201 South 11th St.,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Lincoln Directory
If you havi) two or more toetli in olt'nir Jaw.
wo ean replHco th) nilHslnj? tooth with tho
boautlful Aivoolur uiothod. it will jmy you to
eome any distance for this beautiful work,
We tighten Iooho teeth und euro wire minis.
We do all bnit.euoK of Dentistry. Work lono
immediately for out-of-town patrons. LoeutMcl
noro ror yearn, huston DENTISTS, rJllio
m root, 1.1111:0111, ieiirasxii.
drain, Provision, Stocks, anil Cotton.
Haln Office, ao5 I'raternlty Bide
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Doll Phone 511 Auto 1110110 JMYJ
LiirtfOHt IIouho in Htnta
Dui.. j m:.u.1I A
Also few high (Trade second hand machines
cheap. Write for list or catalogue,
E, E. MOCKETT AUTO GO,, Lincoln, Nebr,
Gasoline Engines
Our now 4 cylinder motor la dositrnod es
pecially for farm und suon.
I nml huodIIoh.
amino wnric Repair work at
ullVhTdH .
bybim was a as w mm w
lug, PuHovh, Hhaftlnif. Etc. 1
Auto Phono U75.
IMUCCU 9, DCQQ 32S So. 9th St.
piiaiiiii ili ic DrAU
baa lieen the- largest Roller for years. Bond lid
ailordr und bo ooiiyiucud- lUlfl N Bt., Llucoln.
Information and Gossip Picked Up Here
and There In Washington.
Jovial Scenes Mark
WASHINtSTOiV. The comradeship
that binds the members of the
house of representatives together, re
gardless of party politics and poli
cies, waH never bettor Illustrated than
in tho closing hours of tho first ses
sion of the Sixtieth congress. Demo
crat and Republican, northerner and
southerner, Roosevelt admirer and
Uryan follower, all Joined arms and
spirits, and with fervor celebrated
tho passing of the session and forgot
all tho strife that had marked Its half
After a day of patient waiting until
tho senate conquered the llllbuster,
the house was ready to celebrate as
soon as tho remaining business of the
session was transacted. With the con
ference report on the government lia
bility bill agreed to, a surging, sing
ing mass of representatives came
Real Reason Why
HE real manner in which the La
Follotte filibuster on the currency
bill was lost furnishes one of tho most
amusing sorles of incidents in the his
tory of congress. The failure Is duo
In a great measure to Senators Scott
and Carter, who modestly admit that
thoy aro the champion entertainers
of tho country.
Senator Stone of Missouri "hns been
shown," but has not yet given expert
testimony on the subject of their
claims. Several dispensers of refresh
ments declare that Carter and Scott
know how to buy. They eulogize the
princely spending powers of tho two
sonators and will cheerfully give them
letters of recommendation.
-fs 1 1 1 irM. i
Where the President Buys His Coffee
A GROCERY merchant way down off
tho beaten track of Pennsylvania
nvenuo now has the exclusive privil
ege of furnishing coffee for the head
of the nation, and the way It hap
pened was this:
One day the president was looking
down from tho terrace of tho White
House when n wagon drew up to de
liver somo eatables. Across the sides,
painted in gorgeous red, was the leg
end: "We Rost Our Own Coffee."
Tho chief executive was tremendously
tntoreoted, and everybody In the White
House at tho particular juncture was
called out on the terrace to seo how
tho grocerymen of Washington wore
following tho exalted ruler in the mat
tor of phonetic spelling.
Not satisfied with admiring the way
tho merchant had of advertising his
wares, tho president called up on tho
James Bryce a New
TIIE man who comes nftor James
Rryco to represent IiIb llrltannlc
majesty will have a hard rolo to 1111.
Tho mighty wall of reserve which a
wholo generation of Hrltlshors had
built around the mission to Washing
ton has crumbled into nothing. Mr.
Dryco moves on foot and with tho
crowd. Ho knows moro people In
Washington, Now York and other
largo cities whero ho visits frequently
than tho majority of tho natives. For
- 11 ,nan l,nst th0 ttod "Se, 70 years,
ho is amazingly energetic.
Ho alone of all tho ambassadors
and ministers stationed in Washing
t(m callo(i 0,1 eve,'-v 0,10 of tho gov
ernors. If strict etiquette wero ob
served, tho governors should havo
Last Hours in House
from the lobby Into the center Isle,
and gaining in numbers as they went
on centered about the speaker's table.
Although It was a little after nine
o'clock, "Undo Joe"- allowed his gavel
to rest untouched, and seemed to bo
willing that this harmless species of
disorder should prevail, while he
beamed benignant iy on the joyful
throng. The singers were led by Rep
resentative Dwlght, of New York,
who bore aloft a huge portrait of Mr.
Hefore the song had been finished
there were cries from all parts of the
chamber for a speech from the speak
er. Mr. Cannon responded brlofly.
When Mr. Cannon finished his speech
tho members Immediately began with
"Ho's a Jolly Good Fellow," and ran
their repertory from "My Old Ken
tucky Home," to "Tho Old Oaken
Hucket" In various keys and varia
tions. John Sharp Williams contrib
uted a raucous tenor, Champ Clark a
nasal barytone, Gen. Ulngham, the
veteran of congress, mumbled a hearty
bass, whllo the chorus made up in
lustiness what it may have lacked In
concerted effort and technique.
LaFollette Failed
Carter and Scott, acted as hosts to
Senator Stone and done their duty
nobly. Mr. Stone had been delegated
to aid Senator La Follotte In his fili
buster against the currency hill, but
when the time came for him to act he
was not present. Neither was the
presence of Carter or Scott noticed
on tho floor of tho senate. Several
dispensers of "glad water" say they
know where the trio spent the greater
part of the day.
Senator Gore lost the filibuster be
cause of his blindness. Some time be
fore he concluded Mr. Stone slipped
into a chair beside him and said he
was ready to take hold at any time.
Mr. Gore said: "All right," and be
lieved Mr. Stone was present when
he sat down. Instead, Mr. Stone was
taking a snooze In the Democratic
Jeff Davis was also absent from the
senate. Ho had left Little Rock do
termlned to save the country, but got
lost somewhere on the route.
'phone nod expressed his npprccia
elation. He told the head of the firm
to send up a couple of pounds of that
coffee to see If the brand was as ex
cellent as the spelling. Of course the
merchant put on his best touches and
sent the brownest and most fragrant
Java and Mocha straightway to the
White House. The beverage ready to
serve was as lino as even the presi
dent had anticipated, so a permanent
order to furnish ten pounds a week
was left with this fortunate firm.
Rut the cream of the joke and one
which has not been explained to Mr.
Roosevelt was that tho painting of tho
sign was a mistake the work of an
old German sign artist who was not
particular about the way the letters
are strung together. The merchnnt
raised a great commotion when the
wagon returned with "rost" conspicu
ously on it. and it was to bo returned
tho next day for repairs. Now this
legend has been adopted as the trade
mark of the firm, and very likely a
miniature White House may be paint
ed on one side, ns the Brltlffiers do
when they have the oxcluslvo custom
of the reigning families for their com
modities. Style Ambassador
called on him. But Mr. Hryce Knew
that these heads of tho various com
monwealths camo to Washington on
other business bent. Ho comprehend
ed that his part was to becomo ac
quainted with so important a portion
of tho national machinery, and ho took
tho easiest means at hand and called
first. Many of tho governors found
time to .return tho visit. Others could
not. but thoy all mot James IJryco and
took his measuro just as ho took thelra.
Mr. Hryco has boon a revelation to
tho 8llk-hnt-kopt-in-a-bandbox kind of
diplomat 1st usually assigned to the
Washington mission. Ho has taken
a high ground, ami tho pace ho has sot
is not altogether pleasing to his col
leagues. Many of tho ambassadors
now In this country would cling to tho
old ways if thoy felt secure In so do
ing. Hut Mr. Hryco has revolutionized
tho service. Tho ambassadors cannot
draw the lino socially, oven politically.
Thoy must got In tho limelight, mako
speeches, glvo Intervlows, mingle with
the common herd. Shell men as can
not do this aro being called homo.
'That, horse must love his work,
"Why so, Hubert?"
"He'i so attached to the wagon."
"Internal Revenue" Collections.
The term "Internal revenue" has
been restricted in Its meaning to audi
revenues only 'as arc collected under
the Internal revenue bureau con
nected with the treasury department,
and does not include all revenues that
are, properly speaking, from Internal
sources, that, is, from sources other
than duties levied at the frontiers
upon foreign commodities. Thus,
moneys arising from the sale of public
lands, from patent fees, or the reve
nues of the postal service, are not gen
erally known as "Internal revenues."
Severe Reproach.
"Charley, dear," said young Mrs.
Torkina, "I had a dream about a race
horso that won three times In succes
sion." "Great Scott," answered her hus
band, who has a touch of superstition;
"what was its name, what did it look
"I've done my best to remember, but
I can't.."
"That's the way! There never was
a woman who could be relied on to
keep her head in business matters!"
How's This?
Wa offer One lltinilrnd Dolltra Itewarl for any
cun of Catarrh that cannot ba cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKKCY & CO., Toledo. O.
Wo, the undaritgnod. have known K. .1. Cheney
for the Imt IS yearn, and dellovu lilm perfectly hoti
orab in la all business trausactluna and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by ll (Inn.
Wai.oinu. Kinkan & Marvin,
Wbolesalu UruKststH, Toledo. O
IUU' Catarrh Cure Is (.alien Internally, aetlnn
directly upon the blood und mucous surfaces of the
system. TestliuiinlaU sent free. I'rlce 75 contj per
bottle. Sold by. all UnicuMti.
Take Uall'd Family Tills for constipation.
Mrs. Chinner I can't understand
why your daughter jilted a rich man
to marry a poor one.
Mrs. Chatter It's very simple, my
year. With the one she would have
had everything to lose, but with the
other she has everything to gain. St.
Louis Dispatch.
Lowi.V Single Hinder straight 5c cigar.
Mad of extra quality tobacco. our
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, HI.
More people aro fooled by the truth
than by lies.
Your Building Roofed
Defies Time, Water, Sparks, Cinders, Wind Eftfffr:rBTS
re-roof any kind of buildiatf. "No-Tnr" Roodnjr has a surface as hard as flint it ia flint I
Can't catch fire from spark or cinders. It's as flexible as rubber and absolutely water
proof. It's tougher than leather. Costs less and lasts longer than shlnclcs, iron or steel.
Won't run in tho hot sun. Tho bulldlnsr that has a "No-Tar" Koof protection will last longest.
Accepted by all Fire Insurance Companies, who etiartfe 23 per ceaf lesa for Insuring
buildings protected by "No-Tar" Rooting than for buildings with shingle roofs.
For Store Buildings and Factories 2r2ffLMift?IS
flat or ateep roofs than tin or gravel roofing. Will not rot, rust or run.
For Barn and Oiirhitilrlind "No-Tar" Rooiing Is made In various
tor earns ana VrUIOUIiaingS weights, tor nil sorts of buildings. Noth
ing bettor or cheaper for eidln houses, oubuildics,etc. All joints wster-tliht. "No-Tar"
Rooting keeps stock and poultry snug, safe and warm In coldest weather. Quick and
easy to lay. Exceedingly popular among iarmcrs, stock raisers and poultrymcn.
Frtl Hnif stl "No-Tar" Rooting will add Immensely to tho nppearanco of your re il-
"uoca dence. Uso it on your new house or cover tho old. leaky shlnglo roof
with 'No-Tar" Roofing and avoid disaster from water or fire. "No-Tar" Hoofing Is m
non-conductor of liont or cold. Keeps your bouso warm In the winter and cool in the sum
mer. Try it on your porch or kitchen.
Write for Our Free Book Y;uha.VSwea:H;.of
WslirUiMoK-RoorVook.psftl I Clsis riHSlss UoofUevk. OrsrOld ShlnclM RoofBook.
B II, l.lUbowtonatclt. g M Ptlt,tcllhoiHoolt. B at Pue 8, mkei II tujT I
r... Rnnf Rnnlr This book tells "How to Do Your
T Tee SVOOE DOCK Own Rooting." Tells how to mako
Valleys. Gutters, Flushings, etc. How to moasuro a Roof. Ex
plains tho wholo rooting proposition. Wo send tho book PR KB,
postpaid, on request. Get "No-Tnr" Roofing from your local
dealer. Special nulls and cement FRKK.
Fr Samnlpci n Test Whenwosendyou the Free
free oampieb IO A est Snmploof"No.Tnr"Roo(.
in? wo will tell you ten ways (o teat it and prove its superiority to
any other rooting.
The Heppes Co. m so. 45th Ave., Chicago
Dealers, Attentloa-Wrlto for FRKK PLAN, by which you
can quickly build up a profitable Rooting Department. Wo dive
dealers wonderful assistance In meeting and overcoming com
petition. Quality wins.
The back is tho mainspring of
woman's organism. It quickly calls
attention to trouble by aching. It
tells, with other symptoms, such as
nervousness, headache, pains in the
loins, weight in the lower part of
the body, that a woman's feminine
organism needs immediate attention.
In such cases the one sure remedy
which speedily removes the cause,
and restores the feminine organism
to a healthy, normal condition is
Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia
Ave., Rockland, Me., says :
I was troubled for along time with
dreadful backaches and a pain in my
side, and was miserable in every way.
I doctored until I was discouraged and
thought I would never get well. I read
what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound had dono for others and
decided to try it ; after talcing threo
bottles I can truly say that I never felt
so well in my life."
Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl,
Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I had very severe backaches, and
pressing-down pains. I could not sleep,
and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound cured mo
and made me feel like a new woman."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-mg-doVn
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dimness,or nervous prostration.
It leads every,
tlilnir for destroy.
Ing llleM. Is neat,
clean awl orna
mental. Sold by all
dealers or sen by
mall postpaid for
IV cents. llarsM
Bwrrt, HSDtKtlte
An., ret4lfalH.T,
WIDOWS'""1" NEW LAW obtaimwi
i PENSIONS bVwngftn.M.RoV
Like This with No-Tar
ao ovary inquirer wo
pond rronrUutUrand
alley liooklut, shnwinc
now to muko rustproof
ami wnter-tlKlit cnttKra
sud vnilnjrs at onu-Uiird
cotot tin.
No-Tar Coaling
For any kind of root or
Iron work. Mmlo of na
J'hult. Ono-Uilnl cott of
Una and oil. More dur
able. KlBitlo. weather,
proof and provents ruu
Jrll lant black flnUh,
Pp'tkl trim a .,t.
Ho-Tur doslors sail It.