ifttef ttief ; VOL. Lll XO. 52 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 22, W08 Read the advertisements. Miss Anna Knapp, who has been such efficient help in Jno. V. Ritchey's store, lias resigned, as she is needed at home. K1 . k k NEW GOODS WE ARE THANKFUL To our customers for the patronage under the diadvantages since the storm. We are now prepared to take care of all custom except in matter of produce. In a few days we will have our store room in shape again for trade and ask your patronage. EARLE GILBERT NEMAHA, NEBRASKA notice. I want two men and two good teams to break up a pasture. Jno. S. Stull, Auburn, Nebr. Mrs. 0. E. Houtz, Mrs. W. F. Sherwood and Miss Ethel Sher wood, who have been visiting in Iowa, returned home last Saturday. Chester Sedoras is visiting in Nemaha and Brownville, while waiting to give in his testimony in district court in the Ackerman trial. We had a heavy rain with hard wind and lots of hail Wednesday night. Two inches of rain fell. We hear the rainfall at Auburn was four and one-half inches. Criley, photographer, Auburn. Old office. papers for sale at this Kindig & Peabody write cy clone, tornado, and windstorm insurance at lowest rates. If you want an up-to-date job of painting or paper hanging see J. S. Hadlock. Leave orders at Reeling's. 0. B. Hatch of Lincoln arrived in Nemaha Thursday to do some work for the Modern Woodmen of America, for which he is a deputy. The storm Wednesday night was an ugly looking one, so peo ple say who watched it, and many went into their caves and cellars. c Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Ritchev and Geo. Crow started for Yuma, Colo., Tuesday, to visit Frank Ritchey and wife. They expect to be away about two weeks. Geo. E. Codington has been in Nemaha the past week helping get the Auburn telephone system in working order again. The phones will soon be all right un less we get another storm. Photos of Cyclone Wrecks Mrs. Florence Jrrvis has for sale photographs of the wrecked I. N. Coonor wont fo Krnisns buildings, both in 25 cent size -A n M. A City Tuesday. and post cards. T 1 1-v 1 t miss L,ocKie KODerts is now clerking for Jno. W. Ritchey. Misses Bessie and Clara James of Stella were guests of Miss Anna Knapp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cathn came down from Peru Tuesday, driving on to their farm. They re turned last week from an extend ed visit in California. They like that country, but prefer Nebras Have you seen our pretty new lawns ranging in pricefrom 7 1-2 cents up? They are very nice. See our Lace Curtains. Good line of India Linen, Laces Embroideries. We are especially strong in our ribbon line. Bring Us YournButter, Eggs and Poultry. jno. wTritchet Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB t John Stephenson retnrned to ka t : i n;,i i : .r u wuay ii u imig ax- T Minick and family ter a lew uays" visit at nome. rnA fvnrn nwiff w TV5 I IIIVJ V JW 111 J.1U1I1 JVO II IbU iiwv J. I Glass! Glass!! day. They are living in the Stull TiYir nil ei'znQ nnll nn i?.HWnvri r Property, recently vacated by J. Bradford Lbr. Co. ri- vanuuriJllcu . im- mui uu gan work Monday morning as Mrs. E. S. McCandless of assistant cashier of the Bank of Thurman, Iowa, came down to Nemaha. Nemaha Friday of last week, re turning Monday. Mrs. D. E. Littrell went to Omaha Thursday to join her hus band, who is working in a bar ber shop in that city. Postcard views of the Cy clone ruins in Nemaha on sale at the Potoffice. Five cents apiece. has Mrs. A. V. Farson, jr., been acting as telephone central for the past week, as their phone u w. Konerts louncl an egg a few davs aoo that li!id three volks. That is certmnlv irettinir the only one through which in a trood manv vnlk communication can be had with Auburn and Brownville over the C. N. Smith of Coffee county, independent line. Kansas, came to Nemaha Tues- - rln v mnvninn- tn visit his hmi hor. Miss Minnie May went to Rock- J. W. Smith, whom he had not port, Mo., Wednesday afternoon, seen for six years. He started for home Wednesday morning. " WE APPRECIATE All the favors shown us by our Patron and Friends in aiding us during the recent dis aster, in moving our Hardware and Furni ture stock, and Promptness and Faithful Service rendered while erecting our new store. We thank you for all favors shown us in the past, and kindly invite you to call and see our new store and stock which we hope to replace by Jund 1. Co, It is reported that the Nemaha river is the highest at Auburn and above there it has been since 1883. The heavy rain of Wed nesday night extendeAto Lin- coin, llie iact tnat the Missouri i 1 1 Ml n river is noc nign win lavor peo ple living on the Nemaha bottom Edwards & Bradford Lbr, GEORGE HARTWIG, Manager, Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf -f to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Mary May, widow of the late Wm. May, who had died that morning. The funeral ser vices were held Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. We learn that Miss Ada Titus, daughter of Sherm Titus, was accidentally killed Wednesday morning by being run over by a horse, while visiting relatives at Ogalalla, Neb. She was eigh teen years old. Miss Ada was a neice of Mrs. Chas. C. Clark. Notice. The County Commissioners of Nemaha county, Nebraska, will meet as a board of Equalization June 9, 1008, as provided by the statutes of the State of Nebras ka. W. A. Doolittle. Chairman. Fred Crane started for his old home in Perkins county, Nebr., Monday, and after visiting there will go on to Atwood, Colorado, and stay with his uncle, Dr. Gaither. lie goes in hopes to benefit his health. Mrs. Levi Clifton died at her home in Aspinwall precinct Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Clifton had been in poor health for some time. Tuesday afternoon Dr. Frazier, assisted by Dr. Lutgen of Auburn, performed an oper ation, finding she was suffering from a cancerous affection of the large bowel. She was highly re spected by all her acquaintances. The storm last week broke a bio: limb off of a shade tree in front of John Watson's home. Jimmy Stephenson tells Uncle John came hobbling out as he was passing and said he would have to get Jimmy to cut the limb up as he was hardly able to get around. Jimmy trimmpd up the limb, cut it into wood and burned the brush, and about the time he finished Uncle John came out as spry as a boy. But he hac: worked Jimmy all right. Cottonwood lumber for sale by A. J. Strain. Remember that we can give you reduced rates on almost any magazine or newspaper published in the United States. Notice of Sale of Estrays Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, May 23. 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the home of Chas. Howe, three miles south west of Nemaha, I will offer for sale two red steers, supposed to be two years old, said steers hav- ing"bcen taken up as estrays by said Chas. Howe, advertised ac cording to law, and remain un claimed by the owner. W. W. Sanders, Justice of the Peace. Land For Sale. 800 acrcfi located in Lincoln county, 8 miles southeast of North I'latte, 2 1-2 miles from Higncll, the new town on the prospective lino of the 1$. & M. This land is all fended and in pasture, 70 acres broke and fenced scparatu and in crop; live room house, good cellar, water in the house, d well, cistern and tanks, water in the barn; barn for 12 horses, cow sheds for 50 head of cat tle. The land is selling, and is as good land as any in the state of Nebraska. A bargain at $15 per acre. This land will sell for $U5 per acre in the ncx 5 years. W. T. Bnnks, North Platte, Nebr warn CYCLONE us Hit us hard, but did not put out of "business. Some of our canned goods have labels torn and discolored. Con tents are guaranteed all right. These will be sold at reduced prices. A lot of shoes had boxes crushed and will be sold at cost and below. They are not harmed in the least. Shirts, slightly soiled, at way down prices. We will give you bargains in goods that are slightly damaged. Come and see. WM. FILMER. near Nemaha, as the water is out fast.