The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 10, 1908, Image 1

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    iC J-cjL
VOL. Lll XO. 4(5
k -
Is a time dear to every feminine heart Then
new hats, dresses, shoes and all the accessor
ies of a lady's costume prevail in the latest
Don't fail to attend 'the reception at
Saturday, April 11 beginning at 2
p. m.
There you will see on display the
Very nicest things pertaining to a
lady's wardrobe.
Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
Old papers for sale at this
A nice new lot of furniture at
E. B. Lbr. Co.
Don't fail to get our prices on
furniture before buying. We can
save you money. E. B. Lbr. Co.
Criley, photographer, Auburn.
See M. T. Hill's sample books
for wall paper, at Mrs. Theo.
E. B. Lbr. Co. have a fine line
of harness on display. Don't fail
to see them, if in need of harness
this spring.
And See the Beautiful Display of
Easter Millinery
Smoke La Rosa 5c cigars. Sold
by all dealers in ftemaha.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E.Williams
of Shubert were Nemaha visitors
Cyrus G. Minick went to Syra
cuse last Saturday to visit
We had a fine rain Monday
night and Tuesday just what
was needed.
Joe Bunger walked down from
Brownville Wednesday, but took
the train back.
Charley Littrell, who has been
working at Stella, returned home
Thursday morning.
Mrs. Florence Jarvis and Miss
Grace returned from Wabash,
Neb., last Saturday.
Mrs. V. M. Hunt came up from
Shubert Lriday morning on a vis
it to her son, Chas. Hunt.
Grandpa Lester of Brownville
was quite sick last week, but we
understand is much better.
Our Harness are made of good
leather, first rate workmanship,
and the price is right, too. E. B.
Lbr, Co.
Received a car of pure Michi
gan salt in barrels, or 25, -50, or
100 pound sacks. Also some nice
ump rock salt. E. & B. Lbr. Co.
Read the advertisements.
Sam Gillespie went to Falls City
Wednesday night to visit his par
ents. Mrs. Joe Smith and children
came up from Yerdon Saturday
morning, returning home Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Fred Morris of Nebraska
City visited her sister, Mrs.
Frank Hawxby, Monday night
and Tuesday.
Miss Palmer, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Par
riott, returned to her home at
Peru last Saturday.
W. F. Sherwood started for
Pleasant Walley, Oregon, Wed
nesday morning, to resume his
position as an engineer.
Jacob West of Brownville was
a Nemaha visitor last Saturday,
and remembered the Advertiser
with $1 on subscription.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Devorss
went to Peru Tuesday to visit
their sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. John Clemans.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robison,
who now live in Filly, visited Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Barker and other
Nemaha friends from Saturday
until Monday. Mr. Robison is
section boss at Filly.
Mrs. M. J. Hoover is auite sick
at the home of her daughter Mrs.
J. E. Crother.
Mrs. Noah Colerick and child
ren came in from Alliance Wed
nesday afternoon, to visit rela
tives. Miss Sadie Eick, who has oeen
visiting her sister, Mrs. T. L.
Fisher, returned to Liberty, Neb.,
We regret to learn that H. W.
Shubert is quite feeble at his
home in Shubert, and is suffering
much pain.
Ed Thomas went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to see his wife.
We understand her condition is
Mrs. Sarah Roach of Nebraska
City, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Col
erick, went home last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rainey
drove in from Auburn Sunday.
Gene returned the same day, but
his wife is visiting here for a few
days. j
Elmer E. Allen has carpenters
at work on the house he recently
bought of Mrs. Irvin Hadlock,
putting it in good shape for rent
ing. The gang of workmen under
the supervision, of Jimmy Steph
enson have the; barn at the Meth
odist parsonage about ready for
The editor who has been bach
ing for some time, is now look
ing and feeling better, as he is
boarding with his daughter, Mrs.
Alf Rowen.
Frank Bell, who came in from
Auburn Tuesday, to attend the
wedding of his sister, Miss Zetta
Bell and E. C. Crother, returned
home Thursday.
Mrs. E. A. Minick, who has
been in the Methodist hospital
at Omaha for several weeks, re
turned home last Friday. Elmer
E. Allen and Cyrus G. Minick,
who went to Omaha the day pre
vious, came down with her. Mrs.
Minick is considerably better but
is quite feeble yet and walks with
We will put our Armor Side Gorgets
on sale. These are regularly worth
$1.00. Our price will be for this
week only, sizes range from 19 to
30 inches in size 79c.
We have some very pretty things in
Goods for making Spring Skirts.
Come in and see them,
Bring Us Your Chickens, Butter and Eggs.
Both Phones No. 20
Mrs. Seymour Howe went to Wild geese hav been feeding
Brownville on the early train in the field north of town, and
Wednesday morning, visiting her last Saturday morning Marshall
son, Emery u. nowe, driving Webb crawled up near enough
home in tne evening.
one flock to get one.
- Work will soon be commenced
on the canning factory buildings
at Brownville. They will be lo
cated near the railroad track in
the first hollow south of the de
pot. Alf Rowen has leased 65 acres
of farm land from I. J. Jarvis,
which he will put in corn. He
will live in town, in 'the Adverti
ser editor's house.
bert last weeK ana visitea nis
friend Lord, and to show his ap
preciation of his mammoth stock
of goods, bought of him a beauti
ful surrey. Citizen. '
John Maxwell of Menlo, Kas.,
and Alex. Maxwell of Stillwater,
Oklahoma, who were called to
Nemaha by the death of their
mother, Mrs. Ann Maxwell, and
who have been here since then,
seeing about the settlement of
the estate, started for their homes
last Friday.
Miss Laura Klein, who has
been visiting her father, Mahlon
Klein, of Aspinwall precinct, for
several weeks, returned to Bel
videre, Nebr., Saturday.
Dr. W. W. Frazier is having
an addition twelve feet square
built on the south side of his of
fice building, as he found he did
not have, room enough. C. F.
Zook is doing the work.
Misses Minnie May, Lockie
Roberts and, Bessie Dressier went
to Brock Tuesday to attend the
Christian1 district convention.
Miss Lockie is the delegate from
the Christian Sunday school.
Misses Ona Martin, Dora Fish
burn and Donna Albin, delegates
from the Christian Sunday school
at Shubert to the district conven
tion at Brock, held Wednesday
and Thursday of this week, were
in Nemaha between trains Wed
nesday morning.
U- Mt m
One Fine Oak Rocker
To the person purchasing the largest amount of goods for cash
at our store at Ncnitiha, N dir., between Marc 28 and April 25 j
1908. Sale closes April 25, at 5 p. m. Also
on the number of kernels of popcorn in a quart jar. Every. J
body from 12 years of age and older is permitted to make one $
guess free of charge. Each one making a guess will be required $
- m m W A a m fl W
io register ineir name ana guess, xne iouowing prizes win oe ;
One Fancy N ickel plate Coffee Pot, for the nearest guess.
One Good Enamel4 qt. Berlin Kettle, for 2nd nearest guess. $
One White Enamel Meat Platter, for the 3d nearest guess.
This Contest closet at 4 o'clock p. m. April 25.
Free giftson exhibition in our window. Come early and try to get one of these prizes.
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co.