Ncbvaska Advertiser I The Buck CoOD of Shadow Lake VV. W. SANDERS, Prop. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Sir Oliver Lodge says ho has rcul'y talked with BulritM. Spirits mako lota of men talk. Pics CaHtro defying tho United StntPR looks a good deal like a Jackass defying tho lightning. Older people must loam to speak tho hanohall language If they wlnli to associate with their Bonn. Naturally no SpanlHh exports havo vetitnred to contribute anything to tho criticism of tho American navy. Tho Onulda, N. Y woman who con cealed $'J,r00 In a mutlroHS could at times ho said to ho fairly rolling In money. AN EPISODE IN WOODS AND WATER EXPLOITS By Ernest McGaliey y u thor of Votmj of Gun and Hod, Etc. Ah soon as I heard that, the ducku had begun to come in I packed my Kitchener Is keeping his pitching K1.p for Sowdors', and sent Dlb Sow arm in training among tho Afridis (Crs a telegram. That night I reached Ho'll havo them called the Afraldls hH fiuni, and the next night wo were shortly. at camp. Everything was ready, feed for (lie llvo decovs. the boats ovor- A Pennsylvania man who looked 11M(i (.miiked. nlentv of wood into a mirror was scared to death. Ho for Ul0 0id.faHhioned fire-place In the evidently hadn't had the lifelong prac tico of most men. A copper half-cent minted in 1825, and very rare, has just been sold for $Dl, tho record price for a coin of that denomination and date. cam)) shanty, shells loaded, and gen eral preparations complete for a ten days' shoot. I had taken a -M-callber old-style cap and ball revolver Into tho timber with mo that fall, Just because 1 was charmed with Its phenomenal accuracy. It would throw a millet ex Tho report that King Kdward does aetly wliero you Held it, and loaded not wear a niKht cap does not material- with a pinch of powder only It. did ly affect our civilization. Night, caps not jar nor throw up as so many re urn out of stvle imvlmw. volvors do. I had a notion I would tako a turn in tlio woods alter lox This country Is importing very few H(iulrrels with It if tho duck-shooting diamonds but it Is getting ready to WHH HJ ,,,. a9 to warrant It, or so uso all of those now on band wluclt arc of tho baseball variety. good that it would get monotonous. Early the. next morning 1 skipped to his place for a fish net heV forgot- big limb that slanted ncross this len, according to a note lie left. Along j hero pond. I allowed I'd climb up and about sundown he showed up, and I shake hlni down, and one of the boya had the ducks done to a turn by that gave me a hist and up 1 went. When time and some corn-meal dodgers hot I got out to wliero ho was I couldn't on the pan, and black coffee a-plenty, jar him loose. After wo had supper I showed Dib Hut finally all of a sudden he the coon, and he says: "He's a strap- clawed loose from the limb and down pin' big fellow, ain't he? The big- he went Into the pond with about a gest. one I over saw except that old husliel or bark and grape-vine and buck coon on Shadow lake. And he splinters around him, and the minute was a niant. Tills lad ain't a rnt along- he lit Leander and some more of the kill that one, Dlb?" side of him." "Did you said I. "No; but he came pretty near kill Ing me," was Dib's response dogs (lew out to where he was. I squirms around on my perch, about 10 foot from tho water, to get a look at the fight, and just as tho buck coon and Leander has arranged to One man has thrown up a $2n0,000 a year Job Just because of Ill-health. It looks a bit strange that a man making all that money tluds time to get sick. Tho little boy out west who tried tho cued or a lighted match on a keg of powder would, no doubt, havo hecomo a boat-rocker anyhow, had ho grown up.. A company hats been organized to extract silver from sea water. It Is not being capitalized by the same poo- plo who undertook to got gold from sea water. A Brooklyn school-teacher has been frightened by a "Hlack Hand" letter. Ordinarily, you can't, scare tho city school-teaclior with tho black hand. She's used to it. With two such languages why don't the Japanese and tho Chinese mako It a war of words? Chunks of speech thrown at oacli othor certainly would inflict (sutllclent. damngo. A St. Louis preacher says girls should not object when young men wish to hold their hands. Naturally this leads to the suspicion that some St. Louis girl has boon objecting. Charles M. Schwab has shocked London by wearing a top hat with a short coat, but wo aro assured that ho has never appeared anywhoro with tan shoes and a clawhammer. "How was It, Dlb?" says I. "There ketch holts, whack goes my limb must be a story to that coon some- and down I come before I could where." holler, 'Look out below.' "Well," says Dlb, "I reckon there "Well, the best thing me and the was a sort of tale to It. It'll kill a limb could do was to come ka-whallop little time, and I don't mind telling right across old Leander and bury him you about It. down In the mud at the bottom of this "You reckollect old man I'arrott? shallow pond. '1 wo of his ribs was Tho man I introduced you to down at stove in, and no was otherwise dam- tlio depot last fall. Heavy-set fellow, aged, Includln' breakln' his back. I big brown eyes, nose hooked like a reckon I might havo kicked the coon chicken-hawk's beak, all the time in the face with one of my spare feet smiling. Well, old Wib is the boss as I lit, but I ain't certain about that, coon hunter anywhere along these Of course I was knocked senseless, bottoms. At that time ho had the and the boys run in and got me out most surprlslngest coon-dog that'd on the bank and poured vinegar into ever hit these parts. He got him me and tlnally Drought me to again. from Kalntucky, though tho pup's Old Wib had left me cold as soon aB daddv was from Georgia, original, ho sensed how bad Leander was hurt, Phis hero dog. Leander, was about and at last I gets my hearings again, the purest strain of a dog that could shakes myself and find I'm all right, bo had . On his daddy's side, I mean, no nones iiroKe, and just jarred some. The bitch that dropped him, though, Leander and the water had busted the was half wolf and half bulldog, I heard force of the fall, you see. old Wib say. and wasn't that a pizen- I goes over to where the boys had ous mixture? hunt a lire and, say, I was plumb sor- "Hut the old man he allowed it was ry for old Wib. This here Leander Just tho cross he wanted. Pure hound was layln' out on his belly and every for the scent and following the trail, once in awhile hod let out. a yelp. I part wolf for cunnln'. and bull for hold- says to the old man, 'I'm terrible sor- on. When that pup was only a few ry, Wib,' and ho says, I don't, blame weeks old he came swimmin' after you, Dib. it was that blasted limb.' IIo a skiff tho old man and a fellow from didn't cuss any, for old Wib was a Saint Looey was In. and tho fellow church member. He says, 'What is to be happens. Put him out of his mis ery, hoys, l can t do it. So Dad Oli ver swung an ax, and I don't, reckon old Leander knowed what, lilt him. '"Put him in the sack,' says Wib. 'I'll give him a Christian burial, coffin and all. There's all that's loft of the best hound that ever nosed a trail or h'isted a bristle.' It was a mighty sol emn thing to old Wib, lemme tell you. 'The Lord gives, and the Lord He takes away,' says the old man, 'blest be the name of the Lord.' Why they said around Slabtown t lint ho thought as much of that Leander dog as he did of his own wife and family, and he was a good husband and father, too." Dib paused and snaked a live coal out of the Hreplace with the end of a shovel, and deftly shunted It Into the bowl of his pipe with a segment of hickory chip. Then he puffed reiiilnis-cently. 'What- became of the buck coon, Dlb?" was my query. Dib stretched his massive legs out so as to get tho full blaze of tho logs on them and said: "Oh! that pesky critter? Why, he just naturally got away durln tho excitement. Two thousand errors woro found in tho books of a California bank by tho examiners. Tho bookeopera in that In stitution must bo in tho habit of play ing baseball during tho summer. When tho Now York school board decided that toachors should not FOUR GIRLS Restored to Health by Lydia R Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound Rmad What They Say. MlsaLlllinRos3.B3 East 84th Street, New York, wrltoss "Lydis 13. rinkham's Vcgotiv bio Compound over, enmo I regularities, pe riodic suffering, and nervous headaches, after everything else bad failed to help mo, nnd I feel it a duty to lot others know of it." KatharinoCraiB,235S Lafayctto St., Denver, kjoi., writes: " j'Jianki toLydiaE.Plnkham'j vegetable Uompouml I ainwell.aftorsulierlng for months from ner vous prostration." Miss Mario Stoltz man, of Laurel, la., writes: "Iwasinarun-downcondltlonnndBuf- fcrodfromsuppresslon, indigestion, and pool circulation. Lydia E. Plnkhnin's Vecetablc Compound mado uie well and strong." Miss Ellen M.Olson. of 417 N. East St., Ko waneo, 111., says: " Ly. Compound cured mo of backache, side ache, and established my poriods. after the best local doctors had failed to help me." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN, For thirty years Lvdia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound, made irora roots ana Herbs, lias been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands oi women-who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceni- won, iiuruiu tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,ornervousprostration. wny don't you try it t Mrs. Pinkhnm invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address. Lynn, Mass. THEY "PASSED THE BUTTER.' Brakeman's Happy Inspiration with Deserved Success. Met tHE LIMB AND ME COI7i KA-WHALLOP ACROSS OLD LEANDER. out by myself to try a few ducks bo foro wo got things settled down so ua lambasto tho pupils it should also to hunt together, nnd I found a likely- have mado a regulation forbidding looking spot in among the willows pupils to mako faces at tho teachers. Naval critics toll ub that a battle- ship Is in a bad way when her armor belt Is too low. Of course, not being human, sho can't hiko it up and an chor it with a safety pin. Philadel phia Press. That New York woman who stole 20,000 worth of Jewelry in order to maintain her social position gives ono a rather poor impression of what It takes to maintain one's social posi tion in New York. Prosperity must bo sitting around picking ita teeth in Argentina these days. During tho season Argentina wasn't doing a thing but ralBlng wheat and how that tho crop is being marketed it cannot, but bo cheorful. Australia has many dogs and no rabies, no hydrophobin. If it were possible to discover how a century of absolute Immunity has been brought about in that vast island continent, the world might learn a lesson worth knowing. The New York man who wants to be "Oslerlzed" becauso ho is out of work and because chemical experi ments have "destroyed all his vital organs save his lungB," takos a wrong view of matters. "Without any diges tive organB he 1b in no need of a boarding house and .ought not to care 'Whether he has work or not. He is really In an enviable position for tbtse hard times. after paddling a couple of miles from camp. I rowed in to some drift and willows, put out five live decoys, built up a llttlo "blind," and had my duck "call" handy. The live decoys splashed and dove for smart-weed, and pretty soon a pair of mallards came over and saw them. They sailed around a couple of times over tlio willows and then came in grand. I salted both of them, and waded out and gathered them. After that I didn't see anything for a couple of hours, but a few flocked away to tho north. Thinks I to myself, I'll pull up and get into camj), and we'll lay out our plan of campaign for to-morrow. It was a warm, bright day, and tho ducks weren't stirring around much. Thoro was a big log about 30 feet from tho "blind" that run out from tho butt of a half-sunk sycamore. This sycamoro was a whopping tree, and was connected with tlio shore on ono side by a catch of drift-wood. Well, I heard a noise and turned around towards that log, peeking quiet out of the "blind," nnd there on that log sat tho biggest raccoon 1 ever laid my eyes on. Ho was squatting there listening. 1 took tho 14, slipped it through a crack in tho willows, and aimed for tho juncture of his neck nnd shoul ders. I touched tho trigger, and the coon molted off that log like a dew drop from a lily-pad. I got out and went around the log and there ho laid as dead as Pharaoh. I 'paddled back to cami). and Dlb had gone back says, 'What's his name?' And old Wib says 'I hain't named him ylt.' '(lull him Leander,' says this hero fel low. It seemed like a good mouth- 1111111' name and so Wib chrlsteued li i in Leander. Tho fellow told him Leander was tho best, swimmer that ever happened before lie got drownded. "Well, they was a nionstetr coon down on Shadow lake that had whipped all the dogs that was ever brought against him. lie wasn't no ordinary coon, but nearly as big as a young bear, and every ounce bono and muscle. He'd gel. out into a little pond or piece of marsh and when a dog'd tackle him he'd souse the dog's head under water a few times, con tributln' a few bites at tho same time to make It binding, and after about baptism number four there wasn't any dog they had tried would go In after him again. Nobody'd shoot, this coon, "When 1 was connected with a cer tain western railway," says, a promi nent olllcial of an eastern lino, "wo had in our employ a brakeman who, for special service rendered to tho road, was granted a month's vacation. "llo decided to spend liis time in a trip over the Rockies. We furnished him with passes. "He went to Denver, nnd there met a number of his friends at work on one of the Colorado roads. They gave him a good time, and when he went away made hi in a present of a moun tain goat. Evidently our brakeman was at a loss to get the animal homo with him, as the express charges were very heavy at that time. Finally, however, hitting upon a happy expedient, he made out a shipping tag and tied it to the horns of tho goat. Then ho presented the beast to the otllce of the stock car line. "Well, that tag created no end of amusement, but it served to accom plish the end of the brakeman. It was Inscribed as follows: '"Please Pass the Uutter. Thomau .1. Meeohln, Prakoman, S. S. & T. Uy.' " Harper's Weekly. LOW ONE-WAY RATES FROM Lincoln EVERY DAY to April 30, 1908 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 to San IVancisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and many other California points. To Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria, via Spokane. To Portland and Astoria. To Tacoma and Seattle, via Spokane. To Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Alba n y and Salem, includingSo.Pac. branch lines in Oregon. To Spokane and inter mediate O. R. & N. points. VIA Union Pacific For full information inquire of your nearest Union Pacific agent or E. B. SLOSSON,Gen. Agt., LINCOLN. NEBR. About Babies. "Hables are 'creatures of habit.' Half for they was all waiting to get some tho trdublo of child-rearing Is caused dog that could lick him in a fair light, by allowing them to become creatures They called him the buck coon. 0f bnd habits instead of good ones. "Old Wib hears of this coon, and You deserve a gold medal, my dear ho comes over for me, and a big young lady, for your management of crowd of us goes down to Shadow Marjorie." lake one moonlight night. Well, you "Well, her papa deserves one, too!' know that country. Pucker-brush, cried M'arjorie's mother proudly. "Ho swamp-holes, briers, dead logs, the hnd every bit as much to do with her worst ever. We got the trail of this management, ns I had!" big follow easy enough, for ho used "No, I had to do with the theory. to prowl down around Hogeyo bend you with the practice." most all the time, and in about half "Well," said the doctor, "both theory an hour Leander barked 'treed.' 'Now and practice are needed for the sue- we'll git him, says old Wib. 'Lean- cessful management of children. You der'il walk his log fer him. have combined both, and the conso- "When we got to where it was, tho quenco is you are rearing a fine child, coon had got out on an old basswood I and I most heartily congratulate you that Btood in a little pond where we on the way your havo reared Mar- couldu't well use the axes, and we Jorle during her first and her second could Hco him away up and out ou a year." Illustrated Sunday Magazine, Typical Farm Scane, Showing Stock Raiting la WESTERN CANADA Some of the choicest lamia fop grain growing, Btock raising nnd mixed faruiiuglu the new dis tricts of Hnskatchewnu ami Alberta hnve re cently been Opened for Settlement under the Revised Homestead Regulations Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain condltloiiH), by tun father, mother, son, daugh ter, brother or sister of an Intending home Bteader. Thousands of homesteads of 100 acred each are thus now easily available In these great grain-growing, stock-raising and mixed farming sections. There you will nnd healthful climate, pood neighbors, churches for family worship, schools for your children, good laws, splendid crops, and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee In each case Is 110.00. For pamph let, "Last Hest West," particulars as to rates, routes, beM time to go and where to locate, apply to V. V. IENNETT, I Hew Ttrk lilt niMiatf, Oaths, Iftkrutt,