The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 20, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. Lll XO. 43
Dr. Bourne fits glasses.
Old papers for sale at this
Auburn A nice new lot of furniture
E. B. Lbr. Co.
Smoke La Rosa 5c cigars. Sold
by all dealers in Nemaha.
Ducks and geese are plentiful
now, on the Missouri river.
W. H. Barker, Muriel and Ed
ith spent Sunday in Shubert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clemans of
Peru visited I. N. Cooper last
Mrs. Wm. Filmer is looking
after the store and postoffice at
St. Deroin.
Lhe first pf April is almost
here. Call in and pay up your
Jake Shuck has moved on the
Devorss farm, two miles south
west of town.
We learn that our old friend,
Lew Morris, is very sick at his
home in Auburn.
Don't fail to get our prices on
furniture before buying. We can
save you money. E. B. Lbr. Co.
Our Harness are made of good
leather, first rate workmanship,
and the nrice is right, too. E. B.
Lbr. Co.
If you want to invest m some
good western land cheap, call at
this office. We can give you some
E. B. Lbr. Co. have a fine line
of harness on display. Don't fail
to see them, if in need of harness
this spring.
Elder Ogden, pastor of the
Christian church at Stella, was
in Nemaha between trains Sat
urday evening.
F. L. Woodward and Miss
Marie went to Kansas City Wed
nesday, to visit Charley and Les
lie Woodward.
J. R. Boatman called in Wed
nesday and handed us two big
plunks on subscription. You
ought to have seen us smile.
Miss Minnie May went to Peru
Thursday morning to visit Misses
Stella and Bessie Washburn and
other friends for a few days.
Mrs. Earle Gilbert went to
Lincoln Tuesday, to meet sales
men of Marshall Field & Co., of
Chicago, and buy spring goods
and notions.
Mr. and Mrs. Franjc Sherwood
and Miss Ethel, who have been
visiting in Illinois for several
weeks, returned to Nemaha Wed
nesday morning.
Dr. Haorcrard. optician, of Ne
braska City, 20 years experience,
at Nemaha hotel once a month,
beginning Friday, March 27th.
Glasses accurately fitted.
Misses Roxie and Helen Park
er came in from Auburn Monday
afternoon, to visit their grand
mother, Mrs. J. B. Berger. They
returned home Thursday.
F. E. Allen shipped three cars
of cattle to St. Joe, Monday ev
ening, loading at Bracken. El
mer E. Allen and Frank Titus
went through with them.
Ed Thomas went to Lincoln
Wednesday morning, to see his
wife, who is in the asylum. The
many friends will be pleased to
learn that her condition is im
Passenger train No. 98 was an
hour and a quarter late Tuesday
afternoon, causeel by the freight
getting off the track at Rohrs
Siding, between Auburn and
Mrs. J. B. Stiers returned
home Monday morning, from
Verdon, where she had been vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Parsons.
Joe Glasgow, ot rem, was in
Nemaha Tuesday, in the interest
of the Peru box factory, and sold
our merchants some egg cases.
Received a car of pure Michi
gan salt in oarreis, or z&, or
100 pound sacks. Also some nice
lump rock salt. E. & B. Lbr. Co.
John W.-White has bought the
. houte and four lots belonging to
. Wm. F. Gillespie. Mr. Gillespie
is preparing to move to Beatrice.
Mrs. W. H. Barker, who has
' been in Shubert helping take care
of her sister, Mrs. Bacon, re
turned home Wednesday morn
Mrs. I. N. Cooper, who has
been at Kansas City, Mo., being
treated for cancer, returned home
Tuesday. The treatment was
Mrs. Jas. A. Titus and her
granddaughter, Miss Mabel Ell
iott, visited with the family of H
E. Williams at Shubert from Sat
urday evening until- Tuesday
E. E. Moore and family and
Mrs. Moore's neice, Miss Inez
Clark, of Smith county, Kansas,
drove up to. Glen Rock precinct
last Sunday and visited John M.
Clark and family.
A number of young people
gave Miss Hettie Seid a surprise
party last Friday night. The
surprise was complete and the
evening was passed in a very en
joyable manner.
Rev. J. W. Sapp exchanged
pulpits with Elder Ogden last
Sunday, preaching at Stella,
while Bro. Ogden filled his pul
pit at Shubert, the latter preach
ing a temperance sermon.
The weather was a little cooler
Thursday morning a good thing,
as it will retard the fruit blos
soms a little, and they will not
be quite so liable to get caught
by a late freeze.
The attention of the city dads
is called to the dilapidated con
dition of the sidewalk on the
north side of the park. This walk
is one that is used a great deal
and should be kept in good condition.
Rev. G. W. Ayers, who is as
sisting in a protracted meeting
at Palmyra, where Rev. E. B.
Maxey is pastor, came .down to
Nemaha Saturday evening and
held his usual Sunday services,
returning to Palmyra Monday
Beginning next Monday we
will have pouch mail service from
the south on the early train. This
will be of considerable advantage
to the rural patrons,;! as it will
give them many of their dailies a
day earlier than they have been
getting them.
John C. Strain left for his new
home near " Waterloo, . Nebr.,
Tuesday. Leo'.Liebhart went with
him and will work for him this
summer. Before starting John
called at these headquarters and
paid for The Advertiser until
May 31, 1909.
Earle Gilbert has been doing
rushing business in buying
ani shipping grain this
month. He has bought over 30,
000 bushels of corn this month,
and is shipping from three to
four cars a day this week. It
keeps him on the move.
John I. Dressier and Jas. A.
Stephenson, who have been at
tending district court at Auburn
1 1 i A
m tne capacity ot jurors, re
turned home Wednesday, the
jury having been discharged.
We understand the meetings
held at the Methodist church at
Stella have Seen very successful,
aboutrtwenty having' united with
the church. Rev. A. Jacobs has
been asaisting Rev. E. H. Gould.
Tickling or dry coughs will quickly
.loosen when using Dr. Snoop's Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm
less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to
use nothing else, even for very young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healinr
mountainous shrub give the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
fi 1 1.1 i -i .
ii caims tne cougn, ana neais tne sen
sitive bronchial membranes. No opium,
no chlorolorm, nothing harsh used to
injure or suppress. Demand Dr.;Shoops
Take no other. Dr. W. W. Keeling.
F. L. Woodward has had s
good ditch cut through the Hoov
er land, west or town, to carry
off the surplus water in time of
rain, and is also having ditches
dug along his land south and east
of town. This is a good move
and others should follow suit.
Our napkins, the regular 76c kind
these are cotton but are very nice
Saturday only per doz 49c
Our regular $1,25 Linen napkins
Saturday only per doz 80c
Our regular $1.50 napkins, Satur
day only per doz $1.10
Our regular $2.00 Linen napkins
Saturday per doz $1.50
Our regular 2 25 and 2.50 Linen
napkins Saturday per doz $1.80
These are SPECIAL values at these
It' you want sometoing in Lawns and
Summer Goods come and see us
Bring Us Your Chickens, Butter and Eggs.
$ Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB
The editor returned last Friday
afternoon feeling greatly bene
fited by the trip to Nuckolls coun
ty. We had a nice visit with our
son and his wife at Smyrna, .and
spent two nights and a day with
Walt Maxwell and., family in
Jewell county, Kansas. Walt
has a good farm of 160 acres, and
appears to be doing well.
The annual election will be
held on Tuesday, April 7. See
the notice of election in another
column. Elmer E. Allen and W.
Notice of Village Election.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues
day, April 7, 1908, the annual election
will be held in the village of Nemaha
City,. Nebraska, for the election of two
(2) members of the board of trustees
for the term of two years. Tho elec
tion will be held at the Advertiser of
fice. Polls will be open at 9 o'clock a.
m., and remain open until 7 o'clock p.
m.. Marshall Webb,
Elmer E. Allen Chairman.
Mrs. 0. E. Houtz's Sunday
school class, the A. K. (Anti
TCnnnkerft' elnh. rpoentlv denided
H. Barker are the two retiring to buy another lamp for the
members of the board. So far as christianjichurch. The lamp was
we know the only objection to , rpppiw a fuis wopu Thmianrnh-
Thursday of last week little
Millicent Crother lost a pin con
taining pictures of her mamma
and Aunt Veva, and of course
feels very badly about it. If the
finder will leave it at this office
or at the harness shop they will
confer a great favor on the little
Col. T. J. Majors, of Peru, was
in the city last evening, en route
home from Omaha where he was
attending the republican state
convention. The republicans of
Nemaha county every now ,and
then try to join hands with out
siders and down the Major, but
he always bobs up serenely and
proves to be the biggest fish in
the puddle. Hehas got some
of the would-be politicians in the
vicinity of Peru out in the brush
hidding and when they return
they will find ' they have been
shorn of some of their plumage
and win nave to oe good tor a
long time. Neb. City News.
Good For Everybody.
Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a prominent
architect, in tho Delbert Bnikling, San
Francisco, says: "Ifully endorse all that
has been said of Electric Bitters as a
tonic medicine. It is good for every
body. .It corrects stomach, liver aiid'
kidney disorders in a prompt and effici
ent manner and builds up the system."
Electric Bitters is the best spriug med
icine ever sold over a druggist's count
er; as a blood purifier it is unequrlcd.
COc. at all ding-stores.
their reelection come from these
gentlemen themselves, who think
they have served their country
long enough. But they will prob
ably be reelected unless they say
positively they will not serve.
Alf Rowen, who went to Col
orado two weeks ago, has taken
a homestead of 160 acre3, a mile
and a half from Laird, Colorado,
the first station on ,the Burling
ton west of the Nebraska line.
He has a good quarter section,
with running water on one cor
ner, and is well pleased with the
country. At present he is work
ing on a ranch for a wealthy
farmer and cattle feeder. He
will probably not go on his home
stead until about the first of Sep
ably the largest Sunday school
class in the county. Atareceat
reception given the class ty rtfits
teacher and Miss Minnie May,
the superintendent of the Christ
ian Sunday school, there were
fifty-five members of the class
In company with other leading
republicans and TstatesmenClike
Frank Woodward and Nat Titus,
we have been invited to a ban
quet, to be given in honor of Hon.
William Howard Taft by the Mc
Kinley club of Omaha, on theev-.
ening of April 6. But as all who
attend are required to send in
the price of their share of the
banquet, which is $2 per plate,
and as editors are now required
to .pay '.railroad fare the same as
Common people, we will probably
let Frank ' and Nat attend and
get our enthusiasm second hand.
Our old friend E. A. Bourne
has finally broke into the news
paper business. He is now editor
of the American, a weekly paper
started the first of this month at
Comanche, Okla. Of course it is
a red hot republican sheet. G.
W. Fairbrother, jr., whom we re
member as "Gee," a little fellow
when we knew him last, is the
head of the mechanical depart
ment. The American speaks of
G. W. Fairbrother, sr., making
the office a call. As this is the
Geo. Fairbrother who was al
ways G. W. Fairbrother, jr., up
here, it took a little time for us
to getlstraightened out and know
which was which. We hope Bro.
Bourne will have abundant suc
cess in his enterprise. We notice
that he is a director in a national
bank of Comanche, so probably
he willCnot have so much trouble
in paying the help as most of us
The-Lucky Quarter
Is the one you paid out for a box of
Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They bring
you the health that's more precious
than jewels. Try them for headache,
biliousness, constipation and malaria.
If they disappoint you the price will be
cheerfully refunded at all drug stores
If you would like to fool some wise
Coffee Critic, who "knows fine Coffee
on taste.and flavor," quietly make for
him a batch of 'Dr. Shoop's "Health
Coffee" and servo it piping hot. It de
ceiyed Mrs. Shoop, and will I believe
deceive any one. And there is not a
grain of real Coffee in it. Health Cof
fee is made frcta pure toasted grains,
malt, nuts etc. Made in a minute no
20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. 1 1-2
pounds 25 All dealers.