The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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    , . -. ,. i i
VOL. Lll XO. 42
The newest colors and
weaves in a complete line at
Never were the summer fabrics so beautiful
and inexpensive.
We are proud of our embroideries and laces.
Our customers say we carry the prettiest pat
terns to be found anywhere. -:- -:- -:-
$ Both Phones
Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
papers for sale at this
A nice new lot of furniture
E. B. Lbr. Co.
Miss Minnie May was a Peru
visitor Monday.
Miles Knapp and wife drove
over to Stella Monday.
Sherman Hadlock has moved
from St. Joe to Auburn.
Smoke La Rosa 5c cigars. Sold
by all dealers in Nemaha.
Homer Stokes was in the city
on business, last Thursday.
G. N. Titus made a business
trip to Auburn Wednesday.
C. H. Kindig was a business
visitor in Auburn Wednesday.
Our "Devil," Clyde Hill,
dayed with his parents in
Mrs. Glen Harger visited rela
tives and friends in Salem last
Mrs. John Watson is the first
person to report a brood of spring
J. A. Stephenson and family
were Auburn visitors, Saturday.
Our Harness are made of good
leather, first rate workmanship,
and the price is right, too. E. B.
Lbr, Co.
Frank Lindsey left Wednesday
morning, for his claim near Im
perial, Nebr.
Miss Bessie Kerns, of Brown
ville, visited in Nemaha between
trains, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward
took dinner with J. W. Ritchey
and wif, Sunday.
Mrs. J. I. Dressier went to Au
burn Wednesday, to visit friends
and relatives.
C. W. Roberts bought of C. H.
Stanley, this week, a span of
mules, paying $350.
J. I. Dressier and J. A. Ste
phenson are at Auburn this week
serving as petit jurors.
John Shuck, of Auburn, is vis
iting his brothers, Jacob and
Philip, for a few, days.
Wiliard Shubert, of Shubert,
was in the city a short time Tues
day, on his way home.
John and Ed White drove over
to Stella Monday, with a load of
catfish and buffalos.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chandler
visited relatives and friends at
Shubert, over Sunday.
Miss Ona Martin, of Shubert,
visited several days last week
with Miss Muerl Barker.
Robert Thorne, of Salem, vis
ited friends and relatives in Nem
aha a few days last week.
Mrs. Roy Whitten, of near
Shubert, visited with Joshua
Mattney and wife, Monday.
Uncle Charley Stilwell moved
from a farm north of Nemaha, to
his town property, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lowe vis
ited Mrs. Lowe's parents, in
Peru, several days last week.
Don't fail to get our prices on
furniture before buying. We can
save you money. E. B. Lbr. Co.
Mrs. Marshall Pryor went to
Peru- Friday, to visit her daugh
ter, who is attending the norm
Harry. .Russell writes that they
saWy the finest country and soil
Tn the Brazos valley they-ever
Mrs. A. Li. f. Thompson was
a welcome caller at the Ladies
Aid Society, Wednesday after
Mrs. James Pennington, of Be
atrice, is visiting, this week, at
thelhome of Mr. anr) Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Harry White went to
Peru Saturday, to visit her par
ents, returning home Monday
J. H. Vanderslice wenl to Crab
orchard Monday morning, on
business, returning Tuesday af
ternoon. Mrs. E. H. Knapp went to
Peru Wednesday morning, for a
few days visit with relatives and
John Courtney moved the first
of the week onto a farm about
half way between Nemaha and
Ivan Hadlock, of St. Joe, Mo,,
arrived in the city on Monday,
for a short visit with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. I. N. Cooper went to Kan
sas City Monday, to visit her
daughter and also to have the
cancer on her face treated.
W. H. Barker went to Shubert
Tuesday evening, to see Mrs.
Chas. Bacon, who is still very
low; returning the next morn
ing. Curtis Brown and wife went
to Summerfield, Kas., Monday
evening, for a few days visit
with Curtis' sister, Mrs. Frank
Herbert Chandler has rented a
i farm, east of Bracken, and will
remove to it as soon as possession
can be obtained.
Owing to the fact that the ed
itor is away the article on consol
idation of schools will not appear
until next week.
Sherman Hadlock and wife, of
St. Joseph, Mo., came up Wed
nesday for a short visit with rel
atives and friends.
Dr. W. W. Frazier reports the
birth of a boy at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Holmes, Wednes
day of last week.
Mesdames Dan Maxwell and
Lester Russell visited relatives
and friends in Auburn the latter
part of last week.
The Misses Bessie and Stella
Washburn came down f rom Peru
Friday evening and visited home
folks until Monday morning.
On and after the 23rd of March
the C. B. & Q. railroad will carry
mail between Nemaha and Salem
cm the same trains that run now.
I. N, Cooper is having his large
residence in the west part of
town rWhingled; John and A. V. ,
Farson, Sr.,. are doing thework..
R. I. Brown and wife returned
last Friday, from Summerfield,
Kas., where they had been visit
ing their daughter, Mrs, Frank
A box supper was given at the
Belleview school house, between
here and Stella, on Wednesday
evening. An elaborate program
was rendered.
F. L. Woodward and G. N.
Titus went to Omaha Thursday,
to attend the Republican Con
vention; Nat went as a delegate,
and Frank as a lobyist.
The Daughters of Rebecca
gave one of their delightful oys
ter suppers to its members Wed
nesday evening. Quite a num
ber were in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lowe went
over into Iowa the first of the
week. Frank says he is going to
shoot a few ducks oyer there.
Theyill visit Kansas City, be
fore they return home.
We have it from 5 cents to $1.00 per double
roll. Our prices are one-half and less what
you will pay when ordered from sample books
in room lot. Measure your rooms and come
down. Our line is complete. Paints, Oils and
Glass, SHERWIN-WILLIAMS kind. ::
N. B. If you need Drugs, Medicines or any
thing in our line, call No. 6, our expense.
Rev. G. W. Ayers went to
Union, Nebr., Monday, where he
will assist Rev. Maxey in revival
E. B. Lbr. Co. have a fine line
of harness on display. Don't fail
to see them, if in need of harness
this spring.
The rural carriers, of Nemaha,
have been from one to two hours
late, the past week, on account
of bad roads.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barker
were called to Shubert Sunday,
to see Mrs. C. H. Bacon, who
was very sick.
Good For Everybody.
Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a prominent
architect, in the Delbert Bnilding, San
Francisdo, says: "I fully endorse all that
has been said of Electric Bitters as
tonic medicine. It is good for every
body. It corrects stomach, liver aud
kidney disorders in a prompt and effici
ent manner and buuds up the system."
Electric Bitters is the best spriug "med
icine ever sold over a druggist's count
er; as a blood purifier it is unequrled.
50c. at all drug stores.
The Lucky Quarter
Is the one you paid out for a box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring
ii t in. it ...ii
you tne neaitn tnat a more precious
than jewels.. Try them for headache,
biliousness, constipation and malaria.
If they disappoint you the price will be
cheerfully refunded at all drug stores.
Received -a car of pure Michi
gan fcalt in barrels, or 25, 50, or
100 pound sacks. Also some nice
lump rock salt.. E. & 15. Libnv Co.
Misses Bunn and Bellas two
of the teachers of our sehtiol,
went to Peru Wednesday after
noon, returning the same evening.
Grandma Weddle was down
town Wednesday, for the first
time in three 'months, having
been quite sick, and is still quite
Miss Alma Pennington left for
her home at Beatrice Saturday
morning, after several days vis
it with her friend, Mrs. Harry
Carl Bennett has resigned his
position in Filmer's store, and
Miss Grace Young is the clerk,
while Clyde Filmer is running
the dray.
Miss Mabel Elliott returned to
Nemaha Tuesday afternoon, after . Take no other,
a visit of several weeks in Okla
homa with her uncle, Rabe Elliott
and family.
The Burlington Exhibit car
arrived in Nemaha Thursday
morning, for a three days public
exhibit. Everyone should visit
this car and see what they raise
in other parts of the country.
Some of our townspeople have
been airing their troubles in
court at Auburn, this week, but
as we have our own troubles to
look after we have riot pried very
deep into the nature of their
W. W. Sanders left for Smyrna,
Nebr., last Friday, where he went
to visit his son, Wm. F. Sanders
and wife, and will also go to
Weber, Kas., to visit Walter
Maxwell before returning. He
goes to recover his lost strength,
after his late illness, leaving
Clyde L. Hill in charge of the of
fice, with Wm. F. Keeling as re
porter. It is hoped that he will
enjoy his trip and return fully
restored to health.
Tickling or dry coughs will quickly
looBen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm
less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to
use nothing else, even for very young
babies. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healiw
mountainous shrub give the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
It calms the cough, and heals the sen
sitive bronchial membranes. No opium,
no chloroform, nothing harsh used to
injure or suppress. Demand Dr.JShoop's
Dr. W, W. Keeling.
Estray Notice.
Come into my enclosure Feb.
17, 1908, two red steers, coming
two years old. Owner can have
same by proving property and
paying expenses.
Chas. Howe.
If you would like to fool somo wise
Coffee Critic, who "knows fine Coffee
on taste and flavor," quietly make for
him a batch of Dr. Shoop's "Health
Cofree" and serve it piping hot. It de
ceived Mrs. Shoop, and will I believe
deceive any one. And there is not a
grain of real Coiree in it. Health Cof
fee is made from pure toasted grains,
malt, nuts etc. Made in a minute no
20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. 1 1-2
pounds 25 c All dealers.