The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 22, 1907, Image 1

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    ffi Malta
VOL. Lll XO. 7
Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
Don't be grouchy.
Prepare for winter.
Call and see us when in town.
Next Thursday is Thanks
giving. If you know an item of news
tell the editor.
News items seem to be awfully
scarce this week.
No. 22 is The Advertiser phone
on the independent line.
Study up on the question of
consolidation of school districts.
Rev. J. W. Sapp preached his
farewell sermon at Brownville'
last Sunday.
"Count your blessings" and
get into a thankful spirit before
For rent A good 4-room cot
tage, with good barn, etc. In
quire at this office.
F. L. Woodward went to Oma
ha Tuesday morning, returning
Wednesday evening.
M. Scott has been recommend
ed for reappointment as postmas
tir at South Auburn.
Our corn shuckers got a little
rest from their labors Wednesday
on acoount of the rain.
Frank Titus is now postmaster
of Nemaha, taking charge of the
office Wednesday morning.
Carl Bennett has quit driving
the" dray team forKna&on
and gone to gathering corn.
Let the editor know of any
items of interest, and thus help
in getting up a newsy paper.
Let us figure your lumber bills
and show you we can save you
money. E. & B. Lbr. Co.
We now have a phone in The
Advertiser office No. 22. Call
us if youhave am item of news.
The roads are quite muddy just
now but will soon get good again
if we don't have another storm.
Ralph Ritchey is now assisting
Elmer E. Allen in the bank. He
l3gan worK Thursday morning.
Miss Vera Minick of Auburn
visited her aunt, Mrs. Elmer E.
Allen, from Saturday until Mon
day. Miss Nora Aynes is assistant
postmaster and is showing Post
master Titus how to conduct the
Mr. McNaughton of the firm
of Andresen & McNaughton of
Auburn was a Nemaha visitor
F. L. Woodward has shipped
several car loads of wood to
Hutchins & Hiatt of Lincoln
this fall.
Burglars tried to rob a news
paper office at Grand Island Mon
day night. Wonder what they
were after.
The postmaster, rural carriers
and the banker have a holiday
next Thursday, on account of
The best and strongest fence
the American. Get our prices.
A full stock on hand.
E. & B. Lbr. Co.
Mrs. Mayes of Nebraska City
returned home Thursday of last
week, after a few days' visit
with her sister, Mrs. Ben Col
erick. Harry White, who has been
working with the Burlington
fence gang, is home again, the
men having been laid off for the
Mrs. Carl E. Sanders of Gar
retson, South Dakota, arrived in
Nemaha Tuesday evening and
will visit relatives and friends
for awhile.
Mrs. Wm. E. Smiley came in
from Wymore Tuesday and will
visit her mother, Mrs. Susan I.
Shiveley, and other relatives for
a few days.
We extend a cordial invitation
for our subscribers to call and see
us. They are always welcome
especially if they want to pay up
their subscription.
A Sunday school was recently
organized at Antioch church, in
the southeastern part of Aspin
wall precinct, with J. R. Boat
man as superintendent.
Profs. Gregg and French came
down from Peru Monday even
ing to attend the meeting in the
interest of the consolidation of
school districts, returning Tues
day morning.
The editor will accept checks,
drafts, clearinghouse certificates,
cashiers' checks or anything of
that kind in payment for sub
scriptions. Don't hesitate .about
offering them. ?
County Surveyor Chas. R.
Hacker came in from Auburn
Monday afternoon, remaining
.until Wednesday morning. He
was doing some surveying for
some of our citizens.
E. H. Laukemper has sold his
farm close to St. Deroin and we
understand will move to Peru,
where he will probably open a
meat market. He will be greatly
missed at St. Deroin.
The editor is thankful that he
is an honorary member of the
Christian ladies' aid society, as
he thereby gets an invitation to
the Thanksgiving dinner at the
church next Thursday.
E. C. Hodkin of Kansas City,
Mo., arriyed in Nemaha Tuesday
morning on a visit to his cousin,
John E. Crother. Collie has
many friends in Nemaha who are
glad to meet him again.
W. B. Norval has sold his dray
business to Wm. Filmer, but is
looking after the business for a
few days until corn shucking is
over, when Carl Bennett will
take charge of it for Mr. Filmer.
John M. Clark's hogs are dy
ing with the prevailing hog dis
ease. He has lost over a hundred
head and they are still dying.
Marshall Pryor is also losing
some, and other farmers are suf
fering. M. H. Carman, former county
superintendent of Nemaha coun
ty, came in to Nemaha Monday
af ternoen to attend the meeting
in the interest of the consolida
tion of school districts. Mr.
Carman now lives in Johnson
county and was elected county
superintendent at the recent
election. )
County Superintendent Car
rington was warm in his praise
of the Nemaha schools. He
I visited the - different depart
ments Monday and was much
pleased withL. the condition of
. things.
Another moving picture show
wanted to come to Nemaha but
Elmer AllenMnformed the ad
vance agent tnat we had been
surfeited with that kind of
entertainments and would take
a rest for awhile.
The financial condition in the
country is perhaps a little better.
Not so much inconvenience is ex
perienced here as would be sup
posed. No one doubts the sound
ness of our banks and no alarm
is felt in that -direction.
Harry Thomas, "Montana
Slim," the fisherman, was in Ne
maha again this week, renewing
acquaintances . and visiting his
old friend "Beaver Jack." He
was on his way down the river in
a houseboat. His wife was with
Born To Mh and Mrs. Frank
E. Dressier, Friday night, Nov.
15, 1907. an .eight pound son.
Frank was able to get to town
Tuesday and was kept busy re
ceiving the congratulations of
his many friends. He "wouldn't
begin to swap places with Presi
dent Roosevelt.
Miss Jessie-; Smith, who has
i been visiting friends near Ne
maha for three weeks, returned
to Sterling, Nebr., last Satur
day. She is teaching a school
near Sterling, in a German
neighborhood, and the school
had a vacation of three weeks to
let the older pupils help gather
corn. School commenced again
A slow drizzling rain fell here
nearly all night Tuesday night
and all day Wednesday. It puts
the ground in splendid condition
for the winter. Corn shucking
is delayed a little, but there is
plenty of time for that, as good
progress has been made. The
sun came out clear and warm
Thursday morning and every
thing looks bright once more.
J. H. Seid says that while oth
ers are bragging about their fine
corn he wants it understood that
he is something of a corn raiser
himself. He has an ear of corn
that has twenty-six rows on, and
.there are sixty-two grains in a
row, making a total of 1612 ker
nels to the ear. If any one can
beat it let them produce the corn.
That is certainly a big ear of
Joe Harper and Miss Nellie
came in from Auburn Saturday
afternoon, going on to Shubert
in the evening, staying over Sun
day with Mrs. Harper, who is
visiting friends there. Monday
morning they drove over to Stel
la, but as Joe threatened to horse
whip us if we said anything about
his missing the train we wont
give any reason why they didn't
take the early train. Miss Nellie
stayed in Stella until a later
train. Joe went back to Shubert
and there received a phone mes
sage that he was needed at his
barn in Auburn, so drove up to
Nemaha and took the 10:14 train
for home.
Blanket Time
We have them. All
Cotton Flannels from
Special for Saturday Only
All of our 121 cents Fleeced Goods for Waist,
Wrappers, etc., at per yard - -( Sc
If you want a good cup of Coffee try some of
ours at 25 and 20 cents per pound.
OUR TEAS Nothing better at the price. Per lb., 50c.
Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB.
We take pleasure in again call
ing the attention of the public
to the special meetings now
oeing held at the Christian
church by State Evangelist
Samuel Gregg. Bro.Gregg is a
man of force and very logical
in his preaching, and best of all
is the sweet spirit in which he
presents his subject. If you are
looking for something to offend 1
you will only hear the preaching,
of the "the word," and Bro.
Gregg is surely as the apostles
of old is "as wise as a serpent
and harmless as a dove." His
themes for the rest of the week
and over Sunday will be: Friday
evening, "Repentance." Satur
day evening, "The .cleansing of
Naaman." Sunday, 11 a. m.,
"Gods Memorial;" 7:30 p. m.,
,'The church and its blessings."
Other announcements later. ..
Again we invite"the attendance
of the public, and to the mem
bers and their families remem
ber the Thanksgiving day ser
vices. J. W. Sapp.
J M. Alread of St. Deroin pre
cinct died Monday night of this
week, from pneumonia. Mr. Al
read lived alone on a small farm
near St. Deroin. About three
weeks ago some one remarked
that he had not been seen for a
few days, and when they went
to his home he was found sick.
He was cared for, and later re
moved to the home of a neighbor
where the best of care was taken
of him, but he grew steadily
worse until he died. The funeral
services were held Wednesday
and the remains laid at rest in
the Prairie Union cemetery.
Mr. Alread was a christian
gentleman who was highly re
spected in the community in
which he lived. He was super
intendent of the St. Deroin Sun
day school, in which he took
great interest, and where he will
be sadly missed.
The only difference between
sewing machines, you pay $50
for and our E. & B. ball bearing
is the price. Our price is less
than one-half.
E. & B, Lbr. Co.
Congress will meet one week
from next Monday.- -
is Here
kinds and prices.
25 cents to 81 cents;
Consolidation of
School Districts
The meeting held at the opera
house Monday night, for the pur
pose of discussing the question
of the consolidation of school
districts 33, 35, 36, 37, 59 und 60
was well attended, the opera
house being filled with' attentive
listeners. Great interest was
manifested. O. J. Kern, county
superintendent of Winnebago
county, Ills., gave the principal
rddress, using the stereoptican
and showing pictures explaining
how the plan works in Illinois
and Ohio. Unfortunately the
gas for trje machine gave out be
fore the completion of the lecture
but enough was given to show
the great benefit to the patrons
of the consolidated districts.
A meeting was held at Howe
Tuesday night.
Y-4 kocul representative for
W cHllCQ Ncmnha and vicinity to
Iook atter renewals ana
increase subscription list of a prominent
monthly mngazino, on a salary and
commission basis. Experience desira
ble, but not necessary. Good opportun-
ity ior ngnc person. Address ruDiisn
er, Box 50, Station O, New York.
Poultry Wanted
The Clarinda Poultry Co. will
pay Highest Market Price for
Wednesday Forenoon
of Every Week
delivered at Nemaha,
Remember the day and bring
us your poultry.
Craws to be empty. Sick and un
ketablo poultry not wanted.