Nebraska Advertiser W. W. SANDERS, Prop. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Wo dally hurl the upcar of life, but God directs tho blow. Ho careful how you think and talk and whom you work and walk. A brewor dropped ?1G0 In a boor vat And now we'll have moro tight money. Tho dearest friends to day may be the moHt desporato cnomleH to-mor row. There la moro In this pompadour mattor than appears on the Burface "rats," for Instance. Says tho Ilaltlmoro American, "No torlcty and fame are the twin Bisters of eccentricity." Must mean triplets. American theatrical companlcB aro to tour UrltlBh provinces. NowcaBtlo will bo kept abundantly Hiippllcd with coals. Tho fortuno of :i;000,000 loft by tho lato ltobert PInkorton shows that It somotlmcH Is prolltahlo to mind other people's business. Thero Ib ovory reason In tho world why tho farmer should feel compla cent who has a few hundred bushels of wheat stored awny. Etiropo Is getting ahead of us In tho balloon Industry only becauso tho war ofllco over thero doesn't care what It does with tho taxpayers' monoy. Although the steamships aro getting a.wfully fast, ovon tho best of thorn will enrry dining rooms and sleeping apartments for a fow decades yet. Tho substitution of radium as a money motnl would bo a great con venlonco for tho men who aro en deavoring to collect all tho coln-ln tho world. Dr. Enill Koonig "of Ilorlln sayB that lho decay of tho entiro human race is Imminent. Ho should not tnko so se riously theso reports from Pittsburp and Now York. - "Men who think rlso," says a Phila delphia paper. Still qulto a number of men glued to street ear seats aro In a brown study when a tired woman en tors and clutches a strap. , If lho sprightly young colleglnna woro as swift In thoir studies as they aro In their class rushes, remarkB tho Cleveland I.eador, what a wealth of wisdom Ohio would have in a fow years! Tho navy says tho army can't shoot, and tho army says tho navy haa to glvo vaudeville shows In ordor to got recruits. 'It may yet turn out that tho militia Is tho most officiant branch of tho service. The claim of Dr. Sowoll that most alleged mad dogs aro really only suf forlng from thirst, will not, howover, oncourngo many philanthropic souls to rush out with a pan of wator and offor thorn a drink. Ernest Thompson Soton, writing In a current magazlno on tho "Marriage of Animals," remarks casually thai domesticity Is "notoriously bad for tho morals of animals," and cites the dog as a conspicuous oxamplo. The immorality of animals! Heavens and earth! A Now Yorker, who is courting trouble saya that bold, high foreheads aro not evidences of Intellect, becauso childron and women havo boldor nnd higher foreheads than men. When ho gets through being scalped by tho women ho will realize that a bold tonguo Is no ovldonco of Intellect. Twenty-four millions of dollars is tho official ostlmato of tho amount of money expended In Europo this year by Americans touring in automobiles. ,Tho basis of tho calculation Is that thero arc 8,000 touring parties, aver aging fivo persons each, spending $10 a day for two months. Great guess lng! Tho will fof Henry J. Dryer provld lng that no grandchild who usos to bacco or intoxicants or frequonts sa loons before reaching tho ago of thir ty, shall inhorlt any of tho property is surely a safo and sane document. If a man reaches that ago without having formed bad habits it is almost a certainty that ho never will. Believers in woman suffrago and tho . most Bcornful disbelievers will unite, unless they wero born without humor, in enjoying a social comedy presented by a recent election in' a small town, says Youth's Companion. Two worn ,en weire nominated to succeed, their husbands as members or tho school committee. Somo citizens, who do not favor women on tho board, noml nated tho husbands for reelection. The oxcltemont waked up many men who had not voted on school questions for years, and with pathetic loyalty to their sex, they swelled tho voto for the husbands to overwhelming defeat of the wives. TO RENOVATE THE CARPET. Treatment That Will Make It Almost Like New, Many a pcrfoctly good carpet be comes shabby and worn-looking with out being actually old. Tho figures lose their brightness and tho grain Is rough and unkempt looking. Hero Is a simple process by which fho carpet or rug will onco moro look presont able, nnd as good as new. It Is vouch ed for by a contemporary. Cut an ounce of yellow soap Into squarcHi and with them make a lather with a pint of clear boiling water. Add to this lather a quart of hot water and an ounce of borax. Place the mlxturo on tho range, and bring tho entiro preparation to a boll. Remove it, sot It to cool, and when quite cold add one ounce each of alcohol and nmmonia and half an ounce of glycerin. Wipe over only a small portion of tho carpet at a tlmo, and rub vigor ously with a clean flannel (which should bo repeatedly turned as it be comes soiled) dipped Into tho mix ture, until finally all the spots aro re moved and tho color revived. The result will bo surprising, for tho change and improvement are re niarktihlo. SALSIFY FRITTERS ARE GOOD Will Prove Excellent Substitute for Fried Oysters. Semite and slice a quart of salsify roots and simmer in boiling salted wator until tender. If they aro to be lined Tor dinner at night they should bo put to cook early In tho afternoon. Let the water boll off Instead of drain ing, In order to preserve the fine oy-stm- llavor of the plant. Press through a colander. Sift Into a bowl a pint of Hour, two (oaspooufuls of baking pow der and one-half teaspoonful of salt. IJoat two eggs thoroughly and add to them enough sweet milk to make a good muffin battel' when added to the dry Ingredients. Drop In tho salsifj. season with popper and more salt if necessary. Have ready n frying pan In which is a (ablespoonful of good pork drippings or ollvo oil, and when smoking hot drop in tho fritters from the point of a spoon. When brown on one side, turn with a perforated ladle, rest for a moment on soft, paper to absorb all grease, and sorvo hot. These are almost as good as fried oysters. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Hang a child's blackboard In the kitchen with a piece or chalk at tached. It. Is Inure convenient than pencil and paper and not so easily lost. 11 will be economy to finish vour sheets with tho samo width hem at each end. Uy so doing they can bo used either side up, and gain much wear. Cold wator, a tublespoonful of am monia and soap will romovo machine grease when other means would not answer on account of . colors running. ir a Tew drops or glycerin bo added to the starch for linens, it will be found Hint tho Iron will not stick and that tho linens will have a beautiful gloss after they aro Ironed. Use a clean brick to stand tho Iron on when Ironing instead of tho usual Ironing stand. It. has no holes under neath to admit the air and tho Iron3 will retain their heat much longer. New shoos often do not take a good polish. They will do so If they aro rubbed over with a cut lemon before they aro blacked. A cut raw potato may lie used instead of the lemon if the latter is not to be had. Kentucky Com Pudding. Take ono can or sugar corn, a half pint of fresh milk, a half pint or cream, the yolks of three eggs well beaten, a lump or buttor size or an egg and season to tasto with salt, and popper. Add a little sugar, and beat tho three whites to a stiff froth and fold In gently. Hake In a slow oven about. Ufi or 110 minutes. Serve In same dish in which it is baked. To Caramel a Mojd. Put In a mold six tablospooufuls of granulated sugar wjth enough wa ter to moisten It. Set tho mold on tho stove: tho Bugar will molt and brown. Meanwhile with a fork or a spoon, keep constantly stirring. When It becomes a golden brown keep on the flro and turn tho mold over on all Its sides, allowing tho sugar to spread and oven helping it with the fork or spoon. When tho mold Is woll covered with tho cav amol then pour in tho mixture. Hlgdon Pickle. Three dozen largo green cucumbors (minus tho seeds), eight largo white onions, one-half pint salt, two-thirds cup of whlto mustard seed, one-fourth cup of ground whlto peppor-; chop tho cucumbers and tho onions, and mix woll together with the salt. Put to drain over night In sieve or colander In tho morning measure tho water that has drained off and set asldo. Mix In the mustard soed and popper, and add as much good vinegar as tho wa tor that was drained. Pack tho pickle in Mason jars, WHEN MONEY WAS SCARCE. Practically Unobtainable During Period of Missouri's History. "However scarco monoy may be at times at tho present," said an old Mis sourlan, "tho oldest inhabitants will recall when it was almost unobtain able and other commodities had to bo UBcd as media of exchange. Tho wolf's scalp was worth a dollar be causo it waH a state bounty upon tho death of a wolf, and venison hams and deor skins also had a purchasing valuo. Skins of tho fur bearers wero likewise abundant and valuable. When tho first shorlff of Audrain county, in 1837, wont to Jefferson City to dollver tho county revenue, ho met an old friend on tho way who, needing money, wanted to borrow tho actual coin part of tho county's rovonuo. Tho good-hearted sheriff lent it to him and went on to tho capital and delivered only tho scalps. By tho tlmo of tho next settlement tho loan was repaid nnd tho sheriff mado his next settle ment complete. No note or other ob ligation than tho mero word was given." Columbia Herald. TO PRETENDERS. A Wholesome Word for Guidance. Just a word to you, "Collier's" and othor glaring examples of Modern Yellow Journalism and Cigarettes. Environment gives you a vlow-polnt from which it Is difficult to under stand that somo people even nowa days act from motives of old fashion ed honesty. Thero aro honest makers of foods nnd healthful beverages and there aro honest peoplo who uso them. Perhaps you are trained to bollevo thero is no honesty in this world. Thero is, although you may not bo of a kind to understand it. Somo of you have been trained in a sorry class of pretenders, but your training does not taint tho old fashion ed person trained without knowledge of prctonso and deceit. Thodo letters camo to us absolutely without solicitation. Wo havo a great many thousand from peoplo who havo been helped or entirely healed by fol lowing tho suggestions to quit tho food or drink which may bo causing tho physical complaints and change to Postum Coffeo or Grape-Nuts food. You aro not intelligent enough to know the technical reasons why the chnngo mnkes a change in the cells of tho body. Your knowledge, or lack of knowledge? makes not the slightest difference In tho fncts. You can print from old nnd worn plates all the cheap books your presses will produco and sell them as tost you can, but such acts and your "learned" editorials arc but commer cial, and sock only "dollars ' and much by pretence. When you branch1 out Into food values you hocomo only ridiculous. Stick to what you know. Tho field may bo small but It Is safe. This first lettor is from tho Presi dent of the "Christian Nation", a worthy Christian paper of New York. Now York, Oct. 2, 1907. Postum Cereal CoN., Ltd., Dattle Creek, Mich. Dear Sirs: v I am, this morning, in receipt of the enclosed mighty good lottor from ono of my subscribers, which I forward to you, and which I am sure you will be glad to ubc I am personally acquaint ed with this lady, and know that Bho has no object in writing, other than to do good. Cordially, John W. Prltchard, Pres. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1907. Dear Mr. Prltchard: Noticing Postum Food Coffeo adver tised each weok In your rellablo pa- por, I concluded to try it, and feeling it a duty towards thoso who may havo Buffered as I havo from indigestion, desiro to stato what wonderful bene fit I havo received from Postum al though using only n short time, and aot do. I nlono realize and appreciate its good effects, but friends remark, "How much I havo improved and how woll I look", and I tell tho fncts about Postum every time, for slnco using It I have not had ono attack of Indi gestion. It is invigorating, healthful; docs not affect tho nerves as ordinary coffee, and if properly made, a most delicious drink. Although I havo not had much faith in general advertis lng, yet, finding Postum has dono so much better for mo than I expected I am moro Inclined to "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." I am so thankful for good health that I want it known what a blessing Pos tum has been to mo. You may Use thoso few lines as an ad. If you so dej- siro and my name also. Vory truly yours, Anna S. Reeves. 875 McDonough St,, Brooklyn. Coffee hurt her, she quit and used PoBtum. She didn't attempt to an alyzo but she enjoyed the results. Un dcrneath it all "There's a Reason." fOSTUM CEREAL CO., LTD. Mexico's Indian Women. The beauty of Indian women Is ono of the charms of Mexico. In tho enp ital, where tho Indian has degen erated through poverty and menial servlco it Is less to be remarked than in tho Bmaller towns and in.lhe coun try. But tho beautiful faces ono takes in memory away from Mexico aro those of Indian wpmen. Fine eyes are universal, and, what one hardly ex pects, the features, according to Cau casian standards broad brows, straight noses, well-formed mouths and chins full but not gross or heavy. The expression is vory generally intel ligent, and often ono is struck, both In Indian men and women, with the no bility and refinement of tho coun tenance. Ono frequently sees types among the peons that seem to belong to some highly civilized ancient casto an EgyptlaiApriest of royal blood, a Roman ccnturlan, an Aztec emperor. Tho women aro gently lovely where they nro beautiful, and tho men at their best in carriage, in manners and in countenance nro strikingly llko tho vory advanced product of civilization. Modern Mexico. Lewis' Single Binder straight Cc cigar. Made of extra quality tobacco. -Your dealer or Lewis' Factory. Peoria, 111. All Isn't singing thnt is gurgled. nvnui, j I'HK CENT. ANigelnblcBncnarailonrorAs simllalfng tfxFbodaiuIRcdida lingliic SiomachsandDowclsof Promotes Digeslion,CIieerrid ncss and Rcst.Contalns neither : Opium.Morphmc norMiticral. Not Narcotic. in ilHil II JtM.vcfOhlDrMWnum ! tkvpciti Seed' jllxSmtia lippirmmt- . BiCatKnattSiia htrm Seed ClattCltil Sugar WutagccaiTlcnvn AnerfeclKeiuertv forComltoa- Hon . Sour Sloimch.Diarrlwea Worms,Convulsioiis.Fcvcrisli- ncss andLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHKi Guaranteed i Exact Copy of Wrapper. EIIIIIIIII l v CHAPPLE PUBLISHING COMPANY 935 Dorchester Avenue, BOSTON, MASS. r l Oh ! Where can I find the equal of Lyon fif HealyV Washburn Piano But why seek or waste time on some thing "just as good" when you can get a genuine Washburn Piano at the lowest price and on the most liberal terms ever offered on a high-grade instrument. If In tlio market for a piano, mnll this ndTcr tinemcnt today with your name and uddresi and rcccivo catalog and name of local piano dealer, and Bix pieces beautiful new piano music. 1 J Addrcis, LION 8 DEALT, CHICAGO 1? ATtlTDC of this paper de AEsilEIlO sirins to buy any thing advertised m its columns should Insist upon having what they ask tor, refusing all substi tutes or imitations. HnKitnnl Constipation personal efforts vtW()jc aSM$Wee othcon tWy iehejicial laxative remedy, Sjrim of figs andBixW ef&jmtj, wrWK enable ft one To Jortn regular habits daily $o ih(it assistance to ua lure may he gradually dispensed wVtti ven rto iontev needed a$tkelcstof remedies, when Yearned, arc to asMst nature and hot to supplant the noW. al functions, vlucK must depend ulti mately upon projjev nourishment, proper effortQwdriKt living general. To get its behejtcial effects, always buy the genuine namfactm-?d by tie California Fig Syrup Co. only SOLp BV ALL LEADI hlC-DRUGCISTS one we only, regular price Softer Bottle DEFIANCE stirch-:; . v.;: -other starch only 12 ounces tamo prlco ana DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TMC CKHTAUn COMMtir, NCW YORK OtTV. liHOIUMH Bears the Ay Signature Alp r Jp In njh Use W For Over Thirty Years "HEARTTHROBS" IT A warm-hearted, wholesome book containing tho favorite selections of 50,000 people, including President Roosevelt, Admiral Dewey and the late John Hay. If Every teacher should have a copy for the school room; every preacher for the pulpit; every "good old soul" for the memories it brings; every boy or girl for the noble ness and optimism it teaches; a universal book with a range of.emotion greater than Shakespeare; in comfort second only to the Bible. If Go where you buy your books and tell the man to order your Heart Throbs for X-MAS GIFTS or tear this ad out and mail with $1.50 direct to New and Liberal Homestead Regulations in WESTERN CANADA New Districts Now Opened for sVillemenl Somo of tho choicest lands in the crain crow ins belts of Saskatche wan and Alberta itave recently been opened for settlement under the Revised Homestead Kesulatious of Canada, Thousands of home steads of i6oacrcs each are now available Tho new reeulations make it possible for entry to bo made by pioxy, tho oppor. tunity that many in tiie United States have been waltiiiB for. Any momber of a- family may make entry for any other member of the family, who mar bo entitled to mako entry for himself or herself. Entry may now bu made before the Avent or Sub Accnt of tho District by proxy, (on certain condi tions) by thofatlier, m other, son. daughter, brothel or sister otintendim; homesteader. "Any oven numbered ieetlon of Dominion I.audu la IIiutltolM or tlio North-West 1'roTlncev, excepting ami S, not reserved, may be liome ttoaded by nr portion the note liraU of a family, or ratio over 1 j era of okb, to tlio extent of on quarter section, of 1C0 acreu, more or let." The fee in each case will be $10.00. Churches, schools and markets convenient. Healthy climate, splendid crops and good laws. Grain-growing and cattle raising principal industries. For further particulars as to rates, routes, best time to go and where to locate, apply to W. V. BENNETT, NI Riw Trk Lift Bullikg, Oau&a, NtWsiZi Ill