The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 11, 1907, Image 2

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    Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SANDERS, Prop.
Once a fisherman, ulwayH a llnr.
Messed Ih tlio ninn devoid of suspl
clon, deceit and despair.
Knvy, malice and hate aro tlio hiohi
deadly poisons of tlio liiitnan soul.
StcpiiliiK accidentally on tlio eornB
of tlio end-Bent hog might help boiiu
When monoy Ih put above man
liood, financial vice triumphs over vir
tue. Some men rlHk their IIvoh knowing
ly and voluntarily for tliolr country,
onio for those they lovo, and some
to Into automobile racing.
An Atlanta girl lias Joined a chorus
In spite of tlio fact that tho man to
whom she Is unnamed threatens to give
her up. lie can't bo very rich.
Women's uhoos will Vo more pointed
this fall, according to a fashion au
thority, nnd the ehlropodlBts aro look
ing forward to u rush of buBlnoss
It costs the government 5,000.000
a year now to distribute tho mall tc
the I'armerH, hut remarks the Topoko
Herald, It Ih worth the money.
Tho New York woman who haB been
living with a bullet In her brain has
more or Icbs excuse for shooting off
her mouth, iih Bho has been doing of
That llrooklyn widow who weighs
r25 potindH and Ih bIIH growing, should
look around hooh If hIio expects to And
a man who thinks she Is worth her
weight In gold.
Prince d'Abro of Hgypt says that It
his country people are slow to angoi
nnd never" Blrlko until some one
strikes thorn llrst. How in tho world
do they over get up lights, then?
In IJostoii the tribe of Sulllvnns has
Increased to such an extent that it
now nuilcs next to tho Smiths In tho
city directory. A few l-hnersons still
resldo thore, but they don't occupy as
much space ns formerly.
limpcror William, whilo attending
army niaiiouvors, iu living In a porta
ble asbestos house. Tlio kaiser has
beon regarded as a "warm" proposi
tion, but no one Imagined Ills caloric
had reached hucIi a high degree as
Huge sums of money were carried
through tho streets of Now York re
cently In an open wagon and without
protection. Crooks will feel llko
Bulng the authorities for damages for
not letting them know about it until
next day.
A girl says she 1b not acquainted
with a man who mot her on tho street
car and clalmod hor as Ids wife. This
Is a rapid age, but at that no man
should marry a woman who Isn't ac
quainted with him without tolling her
anything about it.
Capt. Roald-Amundson, being u wise
person, will havo his polar bears thor
oughly broken to harness befor riding
them to the north pole. Also ho
ehould requlro with each bear a writ
ten guaranty that It would not cat
man moat undor any clrciuiistauces.
A lawyer iu a Now York pollco court
testified that ho hd novor done any
thing wrong In his llfo. And yet, up
to date, ho hns not recolvod an offor
to go into vaudeville or had a bid for
Uie National museum or Smithsonian
Inlttutlon as one of tho greatest of all
living curiosities.
Now Orleans nnd Galveston both
meet tho ships that bring In Immi
grants with a brass band wolcome.
If this doesn't turn tho tldos south
ward It Is likely that something sub
stantial, like 40 acres and a mulo to
evory head of a family, will bo added
to tho glittering Inducements.
Dr. Wiley says: "If wo admit as a
physiological fact that an animal
should live four times as long as Its
period of growth, tho tlmo may como
In tho far futures when tho average
length of human llfo, instead of tho
exception, will bo three-scoro and
ten." Then llfo Insurance rates can
he reduced.
Waltor Wollman will bo jeorod at
for making a second falluro of his
projected airship journey to tho polo,
but as ho very Justly observes, It was
not suicide ho contemplated, but
actual discovery of tlio polo, and
when It looked llko ono more than
tho other, how many of his critics,
asks tho Chicago Dally News, would
do otherwise than stay on Bolld
Telle Readers How to Prepare Thit
Home-Made Mixture to Cure the
Kidneys and Bladder and '
Gel. from any prescription pharma
cist tho following:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, ono ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsnparilla, three
Shake well In a bottle and take a
teaspoonful doso after each meal nnd
at bedtime.
Tho abovo la considered by an emi
nent authority, who writes in a New
York dally paper, as the finest pre
scription ever written to relievo Hack
ache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Hladder
and all forms of Urinary dllllcultles.
This mixture acts promptly on tho
diminutive tissues of tho Kidneys, en
abling them to filter and strain the
uric acid and. other wasto matter from
the blood which causes Rheumatism.
Some persons who suffer with tho
afflictions may not feci inclined to
place much confidence In this simple
mixture, yet those who havo tried It
say tho results aro simply surprising,
tho relief being effected without tho
slightest injury to the stomach or oth
er organs.
Mix Komo and give it a trial. Jt
certainly comes highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority, whose entire reputation, It
Is said, was established by It.
Dally Routine in the Life of the Glou
cester Fishermen.
The routine) lifo on a mackerel
dchoonor Is not strenuous. Tho crow
consists of H men, a skipper and
cook. Two men constituto a watch,
ono aloft as a lookout, tho other at
tho wheel, so that each man has two
hours on duty, and then ISi hours off,
before his turn comes around again.
During this period ho may bo called
on to shorten sail,, wash tho deck or
to perforin other work. Half of tho
crew havo their bunks forward with
tho cook, who Is king of the forecas
tle, nnd tho vest sleep aft with tho
captain. Wo wero assigned to a
double hunk aft, where wo were not
troubled with galley smells, but had
to bo on our good behavior. All tho
rolies and rovols wero forward. Tho
crow ate In two shifts, the older men
with tho skipper. Travel Magazino,
Mary's Important Testimony.
Justice Browor, of tlio United States
supremo court is said to bo tho author
of this story: A witness testified in
a certain caso that a person named
Maii? was present when a particular
conversation took placo and the ques
tion was asked: "What did Mary
say? This was objected to and alter
somo discussion tho judge ruled out
the question. An exception to this
decision was immediately taken and
on appeal tho higher court rovcrsod
tho verdict and ordered a now trial
on the ground that tho question
should havo beon answered.
At tho second trial tho samo inquiry
waB propounded and elicited the Infor
mation that "Mary Bald nothing."
Chiropodist'! Prescription.
A lotion and powder for tender and
swollon foot: Ono teaspoonful of bo
raclc acid to ono pint of grnln alcohol.
Aftor bathing tho feet In lukewarm
wator, spray them with tho lotion
UBod In an atomizer, and fan until dry.
Tho effect Is delightful. Then vub
over tho foot this powdor, or put it In
tho stocking:
Powdorcd starch, 35 grains, oil of
bergamot, ten drops; oil of lavender,
6 drops; oil of wlntergreon, 10 drops.
Mix well, and pass through a sieve.
Excellent. National Magazine.
Curious Results When Coffee Drinking
Is Abandoned.
It Is almost as hard for an old coffco
toper to quit tho uso of coffee as It. is
for a whisky or tobacco fiend to break
off, oxcopt that tho coffee usor can
quit coffeo and tako up Post urn with
out any fooling of a loss of tho morn
ing bevorago, for when Postum Is well
lolled and served with cream, It is
really hotter In point of flavor than
most of tho coffeo served nowadays,
and to tho tasto of tho connoisseur It
1b llko tho flavor of lino, mild Java.
A great transformation takes placo
In tfio body within ten days or two
weoks aftor coffeo Ib left off nnd
Postum used, for tho reason that tho
poison to tho nerves caff el no has
boon discontinued, and in Itfl plnco is
takon a liquid food that contains tho
most powerful elements of nourish
ment. It is easy to mako this test and
provo theso statements by changing
from coffeo to Postum. Head "Tho
Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's
u Reason."
Colored Gentility
in the Happy
r By Emily McGuirc
A Southern Woman Tells Quaint
Anecdotes About Some Colored
Folk She Met in Old Virginia
Secluded Abode on the Top of
the Alleghanlcs Which Has Been
Visited by Many Noted Persons,
Including Washington and Jeffer
son, Whose Names May Now
Be Seen There on the Hotel
Vs : '
(Copyright, by Joseph 13. Howies.)
(Mih. Frederick Mi'JuIro Ih tho wlfo of
the president of tho hoard of directors of
tlio Corcoran art gallery, of Washington,
l. C, mid Is connpu ihmih In society and
irrt circles of tho national capital.)
On tho top of tho Alleghany moun
tains, In the very heart of the "Old
Dominion," Hob the most perfect mod
ern reproduction of that real old Ar
cadia so beloved by the poets. Nor
Is it Htich a very modern reproduc
tion, cither, because tho "happy val
ley" of which I am Bpeaklng has been
visited by Hucceedlng generations of
devoted pilgrims since tho early days
of our. young republic, and among the
many names found on tho register of
tho quaint little hotel there can bo
seen those of Washington and Jeffer
son and many others which aro also
inscribed upon the roll of fame.
In this Warm Springs valley of
which 1 am speaking not only does
the sunshine seem of a different char
acter, Its rays coming to earth soft
ened and veiled by a mist, which,
though golden during the day, turns
to purples toward evening, but the
song of the bird becomes more melo
dious, the bco hums more drowsily,
the streams ripple moro musically,
tho leaves rustle; more soothingly; but
our fellow beings whom wa meet
there are of a different order from any
whom 1 havo met elsewhere, and are
possessed of a quaint and humorous
turn of mind and havo an originality
exclusively their own.
Of course it must bo explained that
I nm speaking now only of the col
ored race. Tho first time I entered
this "happy valley," more than 20
years ago, t said to an old negro, who
looked as if ho had grown old with
tho mountains: "Is tlio train on tlmo
this morning?" and ho responded:
"Oh, no, Indeed, honey, dat train
ain't on time." Then 1 asked: "How
much Is it behind time?" and he snid:
"Fo' hours." 1 was appalled, and
asked: "Has It over boon as much as
four hours lato before?" and ho an
swered: "Yes, indeed, honey; ono day
las' week de train never como nt all."
nut a llttlo circumstance llko thnt did
not sccin to have tho power to over
throw tho equipoise of that calm com
munity. They also havo a phraseology and
a vocabulary all their own, but what
they say never for a moment leaves
any doubt la your mind as to what
they mean.
Old. Undo Ulllle, who was always
regarded as a "last court of appeal"
in matters metcrologlcal, was once
asked what he supposed was tho cause
of some peculiarly disagreeable
weather, and his explanation was:
"Tho heavy inspections of tho at
mosphere make tho elements dismal."
Which really sounded so exactly as
if It had beon promulgated by the
weather bureau that we almost hoped
to secure "Old Hillio" a position In
tho signal service on the strength
of it.
In tho "Cowardin Cap" of tho Alio
phany mountains, at a little .settle
ment bearing tho classic name of
Shako-Rag, stands a colored church,
of what denomination 1 never havo
been able to discover, and to bo thorn
when there is either a wedding in the
church or a baptizing In tho Jackson
river near by, to seo tho bucolic trav
esties upon tho nrovnlllnir modes, ns
peclally in the mattor of chignons and
pompadours, s n l moral education.
window s mourning, If ono happens to
bo thore, Is something fearful and
wonderful to behold.
At a baptizing In tho Jackson rlvor
on ono etccaslon I saw and hoai
hundreds of tho faithful singing and
"Now ovo-ry ono of you that thirst,
Stop down Into tho water,
And freo-)y drink and squench
1 Wrn fliwi'u l'imi mwl A t 11 f li At 11
At a recent wedding in tho chui
at anaico-Hag tho preacnor. w
seemed to havo heard rumors of
matrimonial snares and pitfalls of tho
outor world, mado a chargo to
contracting parties a laundress and
a waiter from tho Warm Springs ho
tol and tHineluded by saying:
may you llvo together forever in tin
avoidable infidelity and may
novor suppurate.'
It Is amusing, also, to seo what rare
combinations of Christian humanity
and worldly prldo ono frequently on
counters iu that peaceful valloy. I
once attempted to adjntt a difficulty
which had nrlBon between two old
female colored autocrats Jiving in that
mountain gap, and finally ono of thorn
Baid to mo: "The trouble is in this
here; Gap that theso niggers will
peak mlstruths which ain't outright,
and make It hard for Slater Jane."
'Oh," said I, "If you are Jane's sis-
or, I can soon settle tho whole dlfll-
Sho placed hor amiB akimbo, cast
baleful and rebuking eye upon me,
ml replied: "Sister In de Lord,
loney, and do First Huptlst church,
Sho llontod the idea of their being
of tho same family or blood.
At tho sweet llttlo old Warm
Springs hotel near by, presided over
y two sisters, high-born, high-bred
Carolina gentlewomen, one meets all
the true aristocracy of tho southern
states, and there tho rude world nover
Booms to enter, there being nothing
to attract tho flashy element. On
tho contrary, a high-bred distinction
seems to characterize tho placo, and
t is neither Impressed by tho pros-
nco or depressed by tho absence of
tho "smart set."
A woman at tho north once wroto
to a friend at tho Warm Springs that
sho was not able to join her thore,
and gave as ono reason that sho had
not been able to provide a summer
wardrobe that Benson. Tho friend
at tho Warm Springs responded, say-
ng: "Here ono needs no new ward-
obe nor any large bank account, but
one does require a 'family treo;' so
f you havo ancestors, bring them, as
lore every one is the granddaughter
of n dead president, or, at least, of
'atrlok Henry."
rhe wonderful thermal baths here
aro presided over by two most typ-
eal and Interesting colored people,
and theso hot pools arc GO feet In
diameter and tho water has a temper
ature of 08 degrees. Jackson, who
has been nt tho men's bathhouses for
theso many years, is a great authority
upon gout and rheumatism, a great
besllovcr In tho occult and the un
seen, In omens, and conjuring, and is
egardod with deep respect by his
own kind as a reliable and depcndablo
nterproter of dreams. Fanny Shop-
ird, whoso term of service at the
women's bathhouse has been as long
ns Jackson's, is as picturesque and
ntoresting a character as is he.
She was Indignant because the ho
tel official who "personally conduct-
d" President McKlnley to see "hor
pool," had not only not officially pre
sented her to him, but hail not even
told her who ho was. Sho com
plained to mo that "when ho como
from the men's pool that I seen Jack
son a-bowin' and n-oongeerln' to him,"
but that had not enlightened hor.
Sho said further: "Tho president
would have been interested In mo if
any ono had told him that I havo a
son who is a missionary in Africa,
and who Is a fellow of the Royal Geo
graphical society, of Imdon, and who
lad dined with Queen Victoria at her
own table nt Windsor castle."
All of which I knew to bo true, be
cause 1 know this son, William Shop
aid, and during my early years at
tho Warm Springs ho was ono of
tho waiters in the dining-room and at
tho same time a Baptist preacher,
but ho felt called upon, to go Into
the missionary field nnd he went to
frica. There It was soon manifest
that he could exercise great influenco
over somo of the most savage of tho
African tribes. Ho Is one of thOBe
who has penetrated the farthest into
some of these African wildernesses.
Ho was Invited to London by tho
Royal Geographical society, which
made him one of its members, and ho
was Invited by Queen Victoria, and
did dine with her at her own tablo
In Windsor castle.
The whole of my account of this
part of the world, however, must not
bo accorded to human nature alone.
The grand nnd beautiful scenery must
bo spoken of to those who havo not
had tho good fortune to seo for them
Nothing in naluro can be as beau
tiful as to seo tho spring como up In
tho Warm Springs valloy. Tho whole)
face of the level country Is whlto with
tho bloom of tho locust nnd the dog
wood and of the fruit blossoms, es
pecially the apple, for which that re
gion of tho country is celebrated.
Thon thero Is a native thorn, which
when In full bloom, looks ns If snow
had fallen upon It, and In passing any
cottago or farnihouso tho atmosphere
Is heavy with tho fragrance of 11
Incs and lilies of tho valloy, whilo tho
fiolds aro heavenly blue with myriads
of waving Roman hyacinths.
No pen can adequately describe tho
mountain, sides at this season. They
aro literally ablaze with laurel, rhod
odendron and tho wild mountain aza
lea .In pink, orango and pale yellow.
In all seasons of tho year naturo Is
at hor best hero but tho beauty, charm
and enchantment of tho spring nro be
yond anything 1 have seen in tho
world elsewhere. Upon a clear, exqui
site day theso linos insensibly glldo
Into tho mind:
"Hluo Isles of heaven laugh between
And far In forest depths unseen,
Thu topmost olm trcs gather green
From draughts of balmy air."
Ex-Senator M. c. Butler.
Dysfesi'a Is Often Caused By Catarrh
of the Stomach Peruna Relieves Ca
tarrh of the Stomach and fs Tliereforc a
Remedy fur Dysjiefsia.
--- . -.
;; Hon. M. O. Untler, U. S. Senator )
from South Carolina for two terms, !
in u letter from Washington. I). C !
writes to the Perunii Medicine Co.,
as follows:
"I can recommend Peruna fori
dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I 1
have been using your medicine for
n Q in r" n rlnrl unit I tnf I vnrv mimh I
1 relieved. It is Indeed a wonderful t
medicine, besides a good tonic."
ATARRII of the stomach is tho cor-
rcct uanio for most cases of elyspep
sia. Only an internal catarrh remedy,
such as Peruna, is available.
Peruna Tablets can now bo procured.
The Necessary Evil.
"I havo a friend who says ho doesn't,
eat much through tho day," remarked
the woman, "but every now and thon
ho takes a little nip to comfort him
self, I suppose, for not eating. He
says it's very good for a man who is
on the shady side of CO to tako little
nips of something strengthening
through tho day."
"You tell him frum me," said tho
Kentucky colonel, "that when go gits
to bo on tho shady side of tho sixties,
it'll ben ot only good fun him, but it
will ho absolutely necessary to his
Starch, like everything else. Is be
ing constantly Improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
thoso of tho present day. In tho hit
est discovery Defiance Starch all in
jurious chemicals aro omitted, while
tho addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a
strength and smoothness novor ap
proached by other brands.
Insight Not Appreciated.
It's so stranco that a man nover ap
preciates tho wonderful insight of a
woman's mind when she refuses to
believe that tho street cars wore
Mica Axle Grease
lengthens the life of the
wagon saves horse
power, time nnd tem
per. Best lubricant la
the world contalHS
powdered mica
which ;
hard coating on axle, nnd
reduces friction.
If you want your outfit
to last and earn money
ivhile it lasts grease
the axles with Mica
Axle Grease.