MAN-A-LIN Copyright ipoo, br Tho Manilla Oo. MAN-A-LIN Is An Excellent Remedy for Constipation There are many ailments directly dependent upon con stipation, such as biliousness, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, over worked kidneys and headache. Remove constipation and all of these ailmints dis appear. MAN-A-LIN can be relied upon to produce a gentle action of the bowels, making pills and drastic cathartics entirely un necessary. A dose or two of Man-a-lin is advisable in slight ftbrile attacks, la grippe, oolds and influenza. THE MAN-A-LIN CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO, U. S. A. A paint always prefers to keep secret the fact that he has substituted something else for white lead in his paint, but when the substitution is discovered he defends the adulteration as an improvement. There is no mystery about good paint Send for our handsome booklet. It will tell you why our rure White Lead (look for the Dutch Boy Painter on the keg) makes the best paint, and will also give you a number of prac tical painting hints. For sale by tint class dealers NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY New York. Uoston, Jluffalo. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chlcajjo, St. I.ouls. Philadelphia (John T. Lewis & liros. Co.), Pittsburgh (National Lead & Oil Co.) Don't Push The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying MicaAxh NSrease to the -wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Gukase. Standard Oil Co. Incorporated DEFIANCE SURCH-: :i other starches only 12 ounces snmo price and "DEFIANCE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. SPINACH FOR THE WINTER. Diiectlons for Canning This Healthful and Succulent Vegetable. Pick over the spinach when you have washed It and strip the leaves from tho main stems without bruising thorn. Cover with cold water and leave In this to freshen .and crisp (thorn. In an hour's time transfer tho leaves, dripping wet, to a granite or porcelain pot, adding no water except that which drips from tho spinach. Set this pot or Jar in a larger vessel of cold water. Cover the inner ves sel closely to keep In the stenm and sot both over tho fire. When the water in the outer pot begins to boll, open tho Inner and stir the contents gently with your wooden ladle to make sure1 that they are heated to the center. Cover again and let the boll go on for half an hour more. There should be enough liquid from the sue culont leaves to cover the spinach when packed into the jars. Seal im mediately. PROPER CARE OF SHOE8. Application of Petroleum Ointment Is Good for Them. An excellent preservative of shoe leather is petroleum ointment. If a small quantity be applied to new i shoes It will soften the leather, and if enameled leather will keep it soft much longer than ordinarily and ren der It less liable to crack. If worn shoes arc cleaned and blackened and then rubbed with the petroleum oint ment their appearance and wearing qualities will be much Improved. Have a box of oats handy and when tho shoes are taken off remove all mud and dirt, lace or button them, fill half full with oats and stuff tho tops with crumpled paper. When neces sary to wear the shoes empty them and they will be found to have kept their shape, and will not be drawn If thoy were the least bit damp when taken off. Evaporated Pears. Soak the pears over" night In luke warm water, first washing thoroughly. When ready to cook put Into a Bmall pipkin or baking dish of earthenware, sprinkle with sugar or sweeten to taste with molasses; flavor with a lit tle whole clove, cinnamon, or ginger, cover with water, then cover the whole with a close-fitting lid, and bako In a slow oven until the pears are ten der and the liquid of a jollylike con sistency. These are delicious served with hot gingerbread. If a gas range is used, and you do not wish to keep up the oven fire, simmer gently, cov ered, on top of the range, using either the simmerer or a small burner turned low. Summer Pudding. Propare the dry bread as for dress ing. Beat three eggs thoroughly, leav ing out tho whites; add one cup of water, one of milk; mix well, and pour over the steamed bread. Beat together well and boil In a thick ves sel, stirring until solid. While hot add tho beaten whites of tho eggs with one-half cup of sugar. Stir briskly; then set aside to cool. Make a sauce of two teaspoons of Hour, mixed dry with one-half cup of sugar; dissolve with a little cold water; then add boil ing water until It is the consistency of thin starch. Drop in a generous lump of butter and after placing on each dish of the pudding, sprinkle with nutmeg. Chicken Curry. Cut a three-pound chicken in pieces for serving. Put butter in a hot. fry ing pan and cook the chicken ten min utes, then add the liver and gizzard and cook ten minutes longer. Use one third of a cup of butter. Cut two onions In thin slices and add to the chicken with one tablespoonful of cur ry powder and two teaspoonfuls of Bait. Add enough boiling water to cover and simmer until chicken is ten dor. Remove the chicken, strain and thicken the liquor with flour, pour gravy over the chicken and serve with a border of rice. Tinting Lace. To color lace for a gown, procure a tube of oil paint, the color desired, and squeeze it into a cup of gasollno and stir until dissolved. Then pour into a larger vessel. Dip a small piece of tho lace into It and If too deep add more gasoline until tho shade desired is obtained. When it is tho right color put all tho lace Into it. After a few minutes take out, shako gently and dry in the open air. Flow ers and straw may be tinted by tho same method. Baked Peaches, Not every one knows that peaches may be baked like apples with excel lent results. Peel the fruit, put Into a baking dish with sugar, bits of but ter and a cupful of water. Bako until tho peaches are tender. A few chop ped nuts sprinkled over the top of tho fruit is an improvement. - They should bo served cqld. Coal Miners of the World. It Is estimated that 1,250,000 men aro occupied in digging coal lor the j world. THIRST WAS FIRST THOUGHT. Familiar Sound Cause of Young Man's Bad Break. John C. Risloy of Detroit, at tho New York convention of the Interna tional Society of Hotel and Restaurant j Employes a convention notable for Its condemnation of the tipping system said to a reporter: "The public thinks that wo waiters get rich off our tips. Tho public is very ignorant in this matter. When I think of Its dense Ignorance I am reminded of a political meeting I at tended last April. There was a chap at this meeting who knew nothing of parliamentary procedure, and, besides that, he was half full. Well, in tho course of tho meeting there was a lot of excitement and shouting. It grew worse and worse. The chairman, In the end, had to hammer on tho table and yell: '"Order! Order!' " 'Reer for me,' said tho Ignorant young man." VERY BAD FORM OF ECZEMA. Suffered Three Years Physicians Did No Good Perfectly Well After Using Cuticura Remedies. "I take great pleasure in Informing you that I was a sufferer of eczema In a very bad form for the past three years. I consulted and treated with a number of physicians In Chicago, but to no avail. I commenced using the Cuticura Remedies, consisting of Cuti cura Soap, Ointment and Pills, threo months ago, and to-day I am perfectly well, tho dlseaso having left mo en tirely. I cannot recommend tho Cuti cura Remedies too highly to anyone suffering with the disease that I have had. Mrs. Florenco E. Atwood, 18 Crilly Place, Chicago, III., October 2, 1905. Witness: L. S. Berger." The Revised Psalm. The father's peroration was superb. " 'And departing, leave behind you,' " he concluded, " 'footprints on the sands of ' " But here the son rudely interrupt ed. "Footprints?" ho sneered. "Who wants to leave footprints?" "Then what would you leave, my boy?" the old man inquired. "Tracks," said the youth, haughtily. "Tracks of my 90-horse power racer, to be sure. Am I a dog or a working man that I should leave mere foot prints?" Due Process of Lav. At the time of the famous Eastman trial in Cambridge, Mass., two Irish men, standing on a street corner, were overheard discussing the trial. One of them was trying to enlighten the other concerning n jury. "Bedad!" he explained. "-You're ar- risted. Thin if ye gets th' shmartest lawyer, ye're lnnicint; but if th' other man gets th' best lawyer, ye're guilty." Life. Peculiar Medical Remedy. It was stated at an Inquest on n peasant In a Servian village that tho man died from swallowing too many bullets, which he was accustomed to take, in common with all the peasants in that district whenever he felt 111. Group of St. Mary's Churches. There are In London a round dozen churches named after St. Mary, near ly all of them belonging to a single group closely packed together, show ing that they all came from the one great parish of Aldermary. BAD DREAMS Frequently Due to Coffee Drinking. One of the common symptoms of coffee poisoning is the bad dreams that spoil what should be restful sleep. A man who found the reason says: "Formerly 1 was a slave to coffee. I was like a morphine fiend, could not sleep at night, would roll and toss In my bed and when 1 did get to sleep was disturbed by dreams and hobgob lins, would wake up with headaches and feel bad all day, so nervous 1 could not attend to business. M writ-, lag looked like bird tracks, I had sour belchlngs from the stomach, Indiges tion, heartburn and palpitation of tho heart, constipation, irregularity of the kidneys, etc. "Indeed, 1 began to feel I had all tho troubles that human ilesh could suffer, but when a friend advised me to leave olf coffee I felt as If he had Insulted me. I could not bear the idea, It had such a hold on me and I refused to believe it the cause. "But it turned out that no advice wa3 ever given at a more n Jeded time for I finally-consented to try Postum and with tho going of coffee and the com ing of Postum all my troubles have gone and health has returned. I eat and sleep well now, nerves steadied down and I write a fair hand (as you can see), can attend to business again and rejoice that 1 am free from the monster coffee." Ten days' trial of Postum In placb of coffee will bring sound, restful, re freshing sleep. "There's a Reason." Read "The Road to Wellvllle," In pkgs. Some physicians call It "a litIe health classic." In Self-Defense. Gabriel Say, what did you lot that pestiferous party in for? St. Peter (wearily) Ho used to be nn insurance agent and 1 either had to let him In or be talked to death. No Headache In the Morning. Krause's Headache Cansules for ovcr-in- tltilgeneo in food or drink. Druggists, 2oc. Norman Lichty Mfg. Co., Den Moines, la. Man's True Worth. It Is not what, ho has, nor oven what ho docs, that directly expresses the worth of a man, but what he Is. Henri F. Amiel. The best preparation for tho future Is tho present well seen to, tho last duty well done. George Macdonald. Gun6, Traps, Decoys, Etc. Lowest prices. Write for freccatalogNo.l N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. It Is the cause, and not the death, that makes tho martyr. Napoleon. Lewis' Single Hinder straight no cigar i'h Rood quality nil the time. our dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. A man's ideal must bo his guide, as well as his goal. Alnsworth. Mr. Wlnilatv'H Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gunm, reduce In flammation, allays pain, cure wind colli). 25c a botUo. Who builds on tho mob builds on sand. Italian. SORE SHOULDERS 1 would like very much to personally meet every render of this paper who owns any horsc.i that Imvn soro bhouldcrs ami tell him about Security !all Halve, ThU Is luiiotslblo so 1 nm itolng to tell you through tlu pnper. You mid 1 both know Unit working with Sore shoulders are In pain, mill Unit they can't do Ob much work without running down us u hen they aro free from pain. I also know perfectly well that Security Call Halve will cure these shoulders, tint you do not know It. If you did you would huy n box of your dealer at once and cure them up, for you have no doubt often wished that you knew of Minie thltiKVou could rely on. You ran rely absolutely on Security (.all Halve. It will do Its work every time, or if you prefer to try It tlrst 1 will mall you a sample, can free. Just wrltu lor it It will go to you on tlrst mall. AIm) 1 wnnt to tell yon that Prcurlty Antiseptic Dealer Is ns Kood for liarli wire cuts as Security Call Salvoisfor harness trails. Dealers carry I hem In "iV. tOoand JI.IK) sl7i-, 1'm them for your nerds; 1 Kuarantee you perfect satisfaction, Frank II. Deiinle. President. SKCU1UTY KKMKDV CO.. .Minneapolis. Minn. " i i i i i i i i i 1 1 j W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES THESWOnLO JtSeSSHOES FOR EVERY MEMDEfi OF mmu THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRI0E8. &a5Fa9MW )Douoina doom not & aoll DgwgQBtS more Men's $3 93. BO ahoon nSwvHM ma .than any other manufacturer. THE HI3ASOJJW. L. Douglas shoes aro worn hymoro peoplo In all walks of llfo than any other inula), is becauso ot their oxcollent stylo, casy-llttlng, and superior Hearing qualities. 'Tho selection of tho leathern and other materials for each part of the shoo, and every detail of the making Is looked after by tho most eoniplutoorgnnl.atlon of superintendents, furuinnniiml skilled shoemakers, who reeeivo tho highest wages paid in tho shoo Industry, and whoso workmanship eauiiot bo excelled. If I could take you into my large factories at llroekton.Mass., and show you how enrol ally W. I.. Douglas shoes aro made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, 111 butter, wear longer and are of creator value than auv other make. my t.apB anamooota Bona Shoem cannot be matualtmd at any price. CAUTION I Tho genuine have W. I. Douglas namo and prieo stamped on bottom. Titko No Substitute. Auk your doaler for W. L. Douglas shoos. If he cannot supply you, suml direct to iuetory. .Shoes sent every where by mall. Catalog frco. W.L.Dougl.t, Brockton, Mm Self-Forgetfulne88. Solf-forgotfulness in love for others has a foremost place in the Ideal char acter and represents tho true end o humanity. Peabody. Lewis' Single Binder cigar -richest, most satisfying smoke- on the market. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, III, It Is tho easiest thing In tho world; to dream that you arc making monoy. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Tills. They nlso relieve Din tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion itml Too Ilcurty Killing'. A perfect rem eily for DUiIiichh, Niui Hen, Drowsiness, It ml Tnstc hi the Mouth, Cout eil Tongue, I'uln In tho Hide, TOIUMD I.1V12K. They regulate tho Ho u-cls. l'urely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. To oonrlnoo nny woman that l'nx- kIhIh l'ioAntieptlc Will f Improve her health mm "d do all wo claim send her absolutely frco a largo trial box ot 1'axtlno with hook ot instruc tions and genuine, testimonials. Send your namo uml address on a postal card. PAXTINE ol onuses and heals mucous m o ni - lirnnn nf. fcctlons, such ns naial catarrh, pclvlo caiunh and inflammation caused hyfcml utno Ills ; soro eyes, soro throat and mouth, liy directional treatment Its our atlvo power over thoso troubles Is extra ordinary and gives iinmedlato relief. Thousands of women nro using and rec ommending it every day. Co cents at druggists orby mall. Itcmember, however, 11' :)BTH YOU NOTII INO TO Tit Y IT. THIS It. l'AXTON CO., ltoiton, Mhm. A iiKnmn tiuykmsc! stokk WANTED AGUNTS to sell and distribute Huller's Cele brated remedies, Toilet Articles, Spices nnd Extracts. Good salesmen make large enmities, The most liberal terms Klven to Audits. THE IIAI.LKH PROPRIETARY CO. HLAIR - - - NKHRASKA W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 35, 1907. "run Q)aiDia,D'ilsp, Orsssjf Mrti arc a delight to the refined woman every where. In order to get this result see thai the material is good, that it is cut in the latest fashion and use ifBton in tho laundry. All three things are import ant, but the last is absolutely necessary. No matter how fine the material or how daintily made, bad starch and poor laundry work will spoil tho effect and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure, will not rot the clothes nor cause them to crack. It sells at 10c a sixteen ounce pack age everywhere. Other starches, much in terior, cell at 10c for twelve ounce pack age. Insist on getting ' DEFIANCE STARCH and be sure of results. CARTER'S VPlTTLE TilVER R PILLS. CARTERS ilTTLE WlVER PILLS. Sompany, mmaDna, Mirsiilka.