The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 30, 1907, Image 6

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    fkisuts Bits Riftey
Tmllo aid Hem Supcct it
Frcralencr mt Kldasy DIhmo,
Most people do nut realize the alarm
ng increase and remarkable prevalency
ui Kiuncy disease.
While kidney dis
orders are the
most common
diseases that pre
vail, they arc
almost the last
recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, who con
tent thcmaelvet
vskh doctoring th ffcct$, while the orig
inal diseate undermines the system.
What To Bo.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following U9e of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest 1
r. -t it.. . .!! '
ior us wouucnui cures ui nic uiusi uis
trcssing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and ono-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and a
lxKik tuat tells all
about it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Iliug
bamton. N. Y. When
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Biughamtou, N. Y.
J. TED. Orotliei
in the
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
We have for sale, cheap, three
sood farms in Nemaha county;
also two splendid residence
properties in town.
R. D. Waterman is very low
with but few chances for his re
covery. He is past seventy
years of age and has had many
years hard work. Granger.
Bom of Bmunp-noot.
Robert Frost, a stalwart re
publican from Valley township,
was a county seat visitor last
Saturday talking over old times
with Rabe Elliott. He possesses
the proud record of having voted
for John C. Fremont in 1856,
and for every republican candi
date for president since. This is
one reason why he is an optimist
and says Pawnee county has
plenty of good crops this year in
spite of protracted hot weather.
He wishes to remind republican
speakers who contemplate hold
ing meetings in his neighborhood
that they needn't worry about a
place to eat if they will just
preach good straight republican- J
ism. He is always ready and
willing to care for that kind of
people. Pawnee (Okla.) Times
Special Rate
To the East:
Daily low rate excursion tickets
to Jamestown Exposition, eastern
cities and resorts, northern Mich
igan, Canada and New England.
To the West:
Attractive low excursion rates to
the Pacific Coast, Yellowstone
Park, Utah, Colorado, Rig Horn
Mountains, Black Hills.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District:
Personally conducted, cheap rate
homeseeker's excursions firBt and
third Tuesdays; we assist you in
locating irrigated lands at the
low, original price. Write D.
Clem Deaver, Landseeker's In
formation Bureau, Omaha.
One-Way Colonist
Bates to the Coast:
Daily in September and October
to California, Washingtog, Ore
gon, Montana, Wyoming, Big
Horn Basin.
Call or write for details.
.() V. GLENN i Ticket A sent at Nemaha.
L, W WAKELEY, G. P, A. Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore and
daughter, Miss Winona, drove to
Verdon Tuesday evening, and
there boarded the stub train for
Falls City where they met Harry
N. Foster of Kansas City. At
ten o'clock Wednesday morning,
August 21, 1907, Mr. Foster and
Miss Moore were united in mar
riage at the Methodist parsonage
by Rev. Cline. Mr. and Mrs.
Moore were present at the cere
mony, returning to Verdon on
the afternoon train. The bride
was married in her traveling
dress, a suit of navy blue broad
cloth. Mr. Foster is a wholesale dealer
in hay and grain at Kansas City.
He has purchased and furnished
a residence in Kansas City, where
he and his bride will be at home
after October 1st.
Mrs. Foster is an accomplished
musician, and has long been a
successful teacher of music, giv
ing her first lessons at" the early
age of thirteen. She is blessed
with an aoundance of energy,
charming manners and a sweet
disposition. Stella Press.
Train Crew Exhausted
A passenger, who came down
over the Missouri Pacific, Sun
day night, informs us ' that dur
iug his wait between trains at
Weeping Water that evening a
freight train ruining extra pull
ed in from the south with a crew
that had then had twen ty-hours
continuous service with more to
follow The fireman was so near
ly exhausted that the engineer
had to assist him in firing the
engine intoWeepingWater where
he collapsed and was unable to
proceed farther. The entire crew
was exhausted. Under such con
ditions is it to be marveled at
that wrecks occur and human
lives are sacrificed?
With engines that belong in the
scrap heap, defective cars, two
streaks of rust on a right of way,
crews exhausted by hours of
service beyond the physical en
durance of man, it seems almost
a miracle that traffic is conducted
along the line at all. There is
certainly an opportunity here for
the railway commission to get
in some wholesome work.
Brock Bulletin.
Health In the Canal Zone
The high wages paid make it a mighty
temptation to our young artisans to
join the force of skilled workmen need
ed to construct the Panama Canal.
Many are restrained however by the
fear of fevers and malaria. It is the
knowing ones those who have used
Electric Bitters, who go there without
this fear, well knowing they are safe
from malarious influence with Electric
Bitters on hand. Cures blood poison
too, biliousness, weakness and all stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles. Guar
anteed by Hill Bros., druggists. 25c.
The Nemaha Schools
The school board held an im
portant meeting Monday night.
The course of study and the
rules and regulations recom
mended by the special committee
appointed a week ago were
adopted with minor changes.
The state course of study to
and including the eighth grade
was adopted. The ninth and
tenth grade is somtwhat differ
ent from that heretofore taught.
The following is the course for
two higher grades.
First semester Algebra, phys
ical geography, arithmetic, rhet
oric. Second semester Algebra,
bookkeeping, civics, rhetoric.
First semester Reviews, gen
eral history, latin, literature.
Second semester Reviews,
general history, latin, literature.
The board instructed the sec
retary to have the intermediate
department seated with single
The tuition was fixed at $2 par
month for pupils below the eighth
grade and $3 per month for
pupils in grades above that, pay
able to the principal three
months in advance.
One of the rules adopted was
one prohibiting pupils and jani
tor, and we suppose teachers are
included, bringing tobacco or
chewing gum, intoxicants, fire
crackers, firearms, etc., on ihe
school grounds, an.l also forb'd
ding the use of profane or ob
scene lauguage.
W. W. Liebhart was hired as
janitor at 20 per mon" '.
The janitor is to stay at the
school house during tha nocn
intermissions and have charge cf
the property and ov jraight of the
pupils. The hours for schocl
were fixed from 9 to 12 o'clock
a. m. and from 1:15 to 4 p. m.
The teachers are required to
be at the school house at least
thirty miuutes before time for
school to open. Pupils are for
bidden on the school grounds be
fore the first bell rings or after
the close of school.
The rules and regulations will
be printed and a copy furnished
to each parent in the district.
The person who rewrites the
Advertiser's locals for the Nema
ha items in the Granger, shonld
read them a little more carefully.
Last week we copied an item
from the Shubert Citizen about
Charlie Smiley being sick with
typhcid fevor. The Granger
man noticed that it said Charlie
was sick but didn't see the credit
to the Citizen and accordingly
thought Charlie lived here and
worded the item in that way.
Then we had a local about Mrs.
Frank Maxwell of Lincoln visit
ing here. The Granger said
Frank Maxwell was visiting his
parents. Frank was killed in
Lincoln over four years ago.
We said two gasoline boats had
gone up the river, one of which
1 was pushing a barge of lumber.
The Granger had it that several
of these gasoline boats pushing
barges of lumber had passed
In a local about people going
to Salt Lake City we included
Mart Quiller. The Granger had
it Mart May. And so it goes.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee" at our store. If real
coffee disturbs your stomach, your
Heart or Kidueys, then try this clever
Coffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has close
ly matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee
in flavor and taste, yet it has not a
' single grain of real coffee in it. Dr.
' Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is
made from pure toasted grains or
cereals, with malt, nuts, etc. Made in,
a minute. No tedious wait. You will
1 surely like it. Sold by Earle Gilbert.
Next Tuesday we have our
first primary under the new law.
The election board that served
last Novemper will act on that
occasion. The polls will be open
at 12 o'clock noon and remain
open until 9 o'clock p. m. Each
party will have a separate ticket.
The same rules governing reg
ular elections will govern this
primary election.
While i" session onTuesday last
the county commissioners divid
ed the county into ten road super
visor districts under the new law.
Peru and Islatd constitute one
district, Brownville and London
anoiher, and Aspinwall and St.
Deroin another, while the seven
precincts of Nemaha City, Glen
Rock, Douglas, Bedford, Benton,
Washington and Lafayette each
constitute a district. Granger.
Beautiful Picture Free.
Farm Progress, a big monthly
agricultural paper, devoted to
the interests of the American
farmer, his home and industries,
is giving away free with every
three-year subscription a beauti
ful fruit picture, size 22x29 in
ches, entitled "Natural Fruits."
This is a beautiful picture, in six
colors, and makes a handsome
dining-room ornament. Send 30
cents for a three-year subscrip
tion or three one-year subscrip
tions today. Address all orders
to Farm Progress, St. Louis, Mo.
I will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative,
and my book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of
the Stomach, Heart or Kidnoyn, are
merely symptoms o a deeper ailment.
Don't make the common error of treat
ing symptoms only. Symptom treat
ment is trenting the result of your
ailment, and not the cause. Weak
Stomach nerves the inside nerves
mean Stomach weakness, always. And
the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have
Ltheir controlling or inside nerves.
Weaken these nerves, and you inevit
ably have weak vital organs. Hero is
where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has
made ita fame. No other remedy even
claims to treat the "inside nerve."
Also for bloating, biliousness, bad
breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Write me today for sam
ple and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis. The Restorative is sold by All
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly attondon
Phono 28
I'roprlctorn of the
Livery& Feed Stable
Qtod Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
I hereby annonnce myself a candidate
for the oflice of Treasurer of Nemaha
county, subject to the action of the
republican primary election.
t l nereby announce myself a candidate
for the- office of Treasurer of Nemaha
county, subject to the usages of the
Republican party primary.
J. M. Buttituss.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the oflice of iisanssor of NnrmiVm poiinfv.
( j ,
subject to the action of the republican
C. E. Blessing.
I hereby announce myself as a repub
lican candidate for the nomination for
County Treasurer subject to the actions
of the primaries of the republican
party of Nemaha couuty.
Lester Armstrong.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of clerk of the
District Court of Nemaha county, sub
ject to the decision of the republican
voters as expressed at the primaries to
be held Sept. 3, 1907.
Shklby W. Eustice.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination for the office of county
judge of Nemaha county, subject to the
action of the republican party at the
primary election to ho held Tuesday,
September 3, 1907.
Wm. G. Rutlkdok.
1 hereby announce myself as a can
didate for reelection to the office of
County Commissioner of the First Dis
trict, subject to the decision of the
republican primaries.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination of county judge
of Nemaha county, Nebraska, subject
to the decision of the republican pri
mary election.
Charles O. French.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Clerk of
the district court of Nemaha county,
Nebraska, subject to the decision of
the republican primary election.
W. E. Hoag.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination for the office of
clerk of Nemaha county, at the hands
of the republican party, at its primary
to be held Tuesday, September 3, 1907.
Frank E. Black.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of the office of Coroner
of Nemaha county, subject to the decis
ion of the Republican primary election,
to be held Tuesday, September 3.
Dr. A. L. Asa.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for county treasurer of Nemaha
county, subject to the decision of the
republican voters as expressed at the
primaries to be held Sept. 3, 1907.
James M. Anderson,
Johnson, Nebr.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Sheriff of
Nemaha county, subject to the decision
of the republican party at its primaries,
Tuesday, September 3, 1907.
Frank Daily.
To the people of Nemaha county:
I take this method of announcing my
candidacy for the office of treasurer of
Nemaha county subject to the will of
the republican voters of the county as
expressed at the primary election to be
held Sept. 3, 1907.
I take this method of announcing
myself as a candidate for l'oelection to
the office of County Sheriff; and if you
think I have conducted the office in
such a manner that I merit a second
term, I shall be pleased to receive your
support at the Republican primary on
September 3d, 1907.
Yours Very Truly,
F. H. Rohrs.
TO my friends:
I shall be a candidate before the Re
publican primaries for re-nomination to
the office of Clerk of District Court.
If you think I have made a good clerk ;
If you have confidence in my ability to
fill the office; If you think I deserve a
second term, I will be pleased to have
your support at fche primary and your
vote at the election and shall appreciate
both. Yours truly,
G. B. Beveridgh.
I take this means of notifying the
republican voters of the county that I
am a candidate for the nomination for
the office of Commissioner for the First
District of Nemaha county, subject to
their choice at the primary election to
be held Tuesday, September 3, 1907.
Frederick Mayer.
In compliance with the written re
quest of more than 100 electors of the
Fusion forces of the county, I have
consented to be a candidate for County
Judge, subject to primaries to be held
Sept. 3, 1907. If nominated and elected
I promise the people to enforce justice
and economy in that office.
Fred G. Hawxby.
Dealer In
Highest market prico paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,