v7 . Announcement 1 hereby nnnonnco myself n ciiiulklato for tlic oflico of TrcaHUrer of Nemaha county, subject to the action of the republican primary election. J. U. MADDOX. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn 'A good rain would help crops now. Oil cake for sale by W. F. Keeling. Log Cabin maple syrup at Harrington's. Phil Shuck repainted. has had his house and $2,000. Over 700 pupils arc enrolled for the summer term of school at the Pern normal. This is all that Peru can well accommodate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. "Lowe came to Nemaha Wednesday evening and are visiting Mrs. Lowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seabury, for a few days. The Catholic church at Auburn was dedicated last Sunday with imposing ceremonies. It cost $18,000, and has an outstanding indebtedness of between $1,500 While Elmer Allen of Nemaha We are having fine corn grow- was in this city last Friday he ing weather now. Auburn is preparing for a big time on the 4th of July. Ruby harvester oil the best for sale by W. F. Keeling. Roy Scott went to Auourn Thursday to visit relatives. ' Grandpa Lester came down from Brownville Thursday. We sell carpet and linoleum. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Best photos in Nebr., at Criley's. southeastern So Auburn. Web Eaton, a pioneer Nebras kan, died at his home in Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs E. H. Knapp drove down to Falls City Wed nesday. Ed went down to ap pear in suit he had brought against J. C. Ramsey for pay due for carrying star route mail from Nemaha to St. Deroin near ly four years ago. He got judgment for $267.40 and costs. Ramsey- made no defense. The train that runs from Lin coln to Falls City by way of Nebraska City is a passenger train from Lincoln to Nebraska City and a mixed train the rest of the way. It is No. 121 and 122 between Lincoln and Nebras ka City, 127 and 128 between Nebraska City and Nemaha, and 121 and 122 again between Ne maha and Falls City. Auburn will probably have to get along with only three saloons this year one on the north side and two on the south side. The petitions for other saloons have either been rejected by the coun cil or the courts have decided TllmcrE. Allen went to Lin- agamsc tnem, ana ic is now get- coln Thursday morning to attend tin so late that it is not likely a meeting of the bankers asso- any one else will be willing to I ciation. They had a big banquet Py $1000 for only a part of the Thursday nightr-a dollar a plate vear- spread. Colonel Alexanddr Homeland, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Peabodv the "Newsboys' Friend," as he A wacMuiim tii nrrivwi in lo vea to oe caned, latner oi tne awarded Elmer Dovel the con tract for installing a hot water heating plant in his residence at Nemaha. Auburn Republican. It is now predicted that on account of the shortage of the crease in the demand for sugar, the price of this commodity will be decidely lower. Specials f oi Saturday All of our child's and misses' WHITE SLIPPERS t Now is the time to get a pair. We do I not wait until the season is over, but give? tnem to you when you need them. T. J. porch on residence. loved to be called, father Nemaha last Saturday evening curfew law, known from one end Rnmhmio-h is hnildino- a nn a visit to Mr. Peabodv's uncle. 01 e unitea orates romeotner, o - 1 r j i i v v l . j 1 the west side of his V. P. Peabody. They went to was iouna aeaa m nis Dea at xne Tnwa Wednesday afternoon. Murray hotel in Omaha at 8 o'ciocK Monday morning. JJeatn Alex, btooaaru oi Auourn was is attributed to heart disease, to in Nematia tor dinner xnursoay. whieh he was subject. The Mr. Stoddard has the contract hotel clerk, who found him. re . .i ' ' for putting m the Stone aDUt- norted the o-as iet in the room ments for a bridge across the A new line of barefoot sandals and patent leather slippers at Harrington's. The editor had a mess of peas and new potatoes from his own creek in Aspinwall. The county 81 ucu xucouajr. i commissioners have ordered a Hamnirton'a Patent flour and good substantial bridge put m fMlf F!Hov flnnr nf 1 4ft npr sank I there. gas was turned on and gas was es caping. The supposition was not that the old gentleman had sought death, but rather had tried to turn off the gas when he retired at Harrington's. Robeit Jones is havinfr a new barn lu't on his farm south- He called in Veterinarian Feist west of Nemaha. ner who pronounced the case tuberculosis. The cow was killed John Watson is having his an(i investigation proved the house repainted. Fred Seabury diagnosis of the veterinarian i n i A man living in Auburn had a the ght before and instead of rtir fViof who n fnilino- htaUh turning it offi,as he thought, had is doing the work. lawn Best line of reasonable prices. E. & B. Lbr. mowers at correct. Large ulcers were found on the cow's lungs. Co. r John C. Shuck, who has been visiting in Nemaha and vicinity, returned to Auburn Thursday. Still have a few set of harness left, will sell cheap. E. & B. Lbr. Co. David Hayes of Brownville was visiting friends and doing some trading in Nemaha Tuesday. Miss Daisy Clark went to. Auburn Thursday to visit her cousin. Miss Mabel Bath, until Monday. Fly time will soon be here; now ia the time to get your screen doors, etc. E. & B. Lbr. Co. If you are warm or thirsty, drop in to O.'E. Houtz' Restaurant and got cool. ICE CREAM SODAS and soft drinks are now ready. 1 turned it on.' j. He was quite feeble and had been in; unusually poor strength oi late. umana Bee. Nemaha Assessment Nemaha county has reported to Secretary Bennett of the state equalization board an increase of $120,000 in its property assess ment over that of 1906, not in cluding railroad valuations of either last year or this:- Rich ardson county, adjoining, has i it LOOK HERE 61 to 8, regular 85 cent, now 65c 8 to 12, regular $1.00, now 75c .12J to 2, regular $1.25, now 98c 13i-ing; TJ Your Produce JHO. W. KITCHEN Both Phones No. 20 5 i i i 1 I NEMAHA, NEBS Fireworks AT Reeling's The following is the jury list for June term for district court, to appear on July 8th, 1907: Fred Eggers,- Will J. Davies, W. E. Gillan, John McConnell, J. J. Volker, Wm. Watson, jr., C. W. Roberts, James Adamsou, D. L'effel, A. B. Davidson, A. C. Cepue, Geo. Coryell, Daniel Kefier, J. L. Shiveley, G. W. Boatman, J. Hutchinson, Samuel Adams, Alex Moore, Peter Young, Ed Lawrence, R. F." Dovel, D. E. Vandeventer, J. H. Codington, Milt Shepardson. A Fortunate Texan Mr. e. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louia t., Dallas, Tex. says: "In the past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so effect ually disposes of malaria and bil iousness." They don't grind norgripe. 25c at Hill Bros drug store. Referee's Sale Notice Is hereby Riven that. In pur.sunnce to au order made by the dlHtilot conrt or NeraahaTounty, Nebraska, on 17th diiy of' Preparations are being made to have a better old settler's picnic this year than ever before. ' SenrptArv of State Taft. was gained $137,500, subject to ! given a great reception at Oma- Mayflower lodge, I. O. O. F., of Auburn, had a celebration picnic in the court house square Monday. The grand master and grand secretary were present, changes by the county board. This is a growth of more than a quarter of a million dollars in the taxable property of only-two counties. If anything like that ratio keeps up throughout the state, the aggregate valuation will run beyond $325,000,000. Last year it was $313,000,000, and Secretary Bennett has fig- awarded to members who have i?.We. tot1 lor Ar ' u t r. : a at $dZ2,ouu,uuo. out is now in- UCC1I IUCIIIUC10 III JJUUU BlttUUUIg i , for twenty-five years and have kept their dues paid up. These jewels were awarded to Wm. Matthieson, Melancthon Scott - Geo. Kohlmeier, manager of and George Fablinger. the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. at Brownville, was a Neirfa- Freaks whom I have personally, ha visitor Mondav evenimr. known: A physician ot elegant clined to recrard this fijrure as too conservative. Lincoln News. Church Smiley of Shubert came un Monday morning and visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Smiley, until Thursday evening. Marion Cheyenne, Wyoming, Thursday. form who persisted in wearing a corset a little Methodist minis ter who powdereti with the regu larity of a village belle and also persisted in wearing a corset a saloon keeper who never drank a drop of the vile stuff an old maid who was president of ha Tuesday night. Today is John Robinson's show at Nebraska City. big was rtresirient or a T. Minick started for mother's club a railroad man who wasn't afraid that some- Remarkable Rescue That truth is stranger than fiction, nus once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: "I was in bed, entirely disabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. 1 he coughing soon ceased; the bleeding diminished rapidly and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 60c and $1,00, at Hill Bros, drug store. Trial bottle free. Fountain, pens and fountain pen ink for sale at the postofiice bookstore- I'll stop your pain free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a trial package of them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablejts. Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to blood con gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tab lets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by All Dealers. JuntlCU7. the umloralRned as relet ee will ou Saturday thTJ 20th day of July 1007, at the frontdoor of the Court House lu Aulmro, Nebraska, commencing at the hour ol out o'clock tu alterncoit, offer for sule at pub! 1 3 auction to the bluhusV bidder for cn, ttoe following dcorlbed real oatatf s'tuaUU Id Nemaha precinct, Nemaha county, Ni ornskft, to' wit: The south catt qunrier of the south west quarter of section IS, town, ship 4, norlh of range IP, eat of the Ctu, p. rn . and also lots 13 and H, in block 47, in the village of Nemaha City. Dated tola 18th day or June, 1907. . B. BEVERIDGE, Referee, NOTICE To Marquis lierrlck: You are hereby notified that on (he 29th dav of May, A, D. 1007, Kato Uerrick filed n Soiitlon agulust you lu the district court of emaha countv, Nebraaltn, the object ami prayer, of which Is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully deserted and nba-irtoudd her for more tnnu 'two years last past, and that you have wil fully and wantonly failed, nexleoted and re f used" to suppoit said plaintiff, though amply able to do so, and for, the restoration or her mMdcnname. You are required toCanswer said petition nn or before Monday, tho 8th dav f July, A . D. 1807. " KAT1K HEltBICK, Plalutlff. liy Htull & uawxoy, nor u'loruoys. i i W. W. FRAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. All calls promptly attended Phone 28 PETER KERKER. Dealer la He will stop there awhile and if thing terrible would happen when jtitom'f lit if w?n o-n nn tn the 13th came on Friday. Annie he rtoesn t like it will go on to v. r . a . a. southern California. mu a rr.u a,-0 He Fired the Stick llI have fired tho walking-stiek- I've carried over 4U years, on account or a gore that resisted every kind of treat- Prof. J. W. tJrabtree, principal is and always was bashful where ent, unui i ;ried Buckien-s Arnica of the Peru normal, schools, start- the ladies are concerned, but we aaIVJ tnat 8 healed tne sore and ed for Europe last Friday morn- can't help.but wonder how SbtolJV aZiZ- ing. He expects to be away the Gates got personal knowledge of teed for Piles, Bums, etc., by ..Hill most of the summer, I these men wearing corsets. Bros, druggists. 25c. , Go to the Postofiice Bookstore for your candies. Highest market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA XVSt. O.VMPBELL, Proa. P. B. ALLEN, Vlcc.Prce. ELMER E. ALLEN, CaeUIer FRANK TITU8, Abb'i Cash Capital, $5,000 Surplus, $1,000 With Ample Facilities for handling any Business entrusted to Us m i 'A j' ill ft