The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 31, 1907, Image 7

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Sunday School Lesson forJune 2.1907
Specially Prepared (or This Paper.
LESSON TEXT. Exodus 3:1-14. Mem
ory verses, 2-4.
GOLDEN TEXT. "And -ho unlit, Ccr
tnlnly I will bo with thee." Exodus 3-12.
TIME. According to t'.io 'common
chronology Moses loft Egypt nt the ago
of 40, B. C. 1532. Ills cull wns 40 yenrs
later, B. C. 1492 or 1493. Others placo It
nearer 1300 or oven 1200.
PLACE. The portion of tho land of
Mldlnn where Mosea spent tho 40 years
was probably tho southeastern part of
tho Slnnltlc penlnsuln. Tho burning bush
was on Mount Blnal, between the two
arms of tho Red sea. Slnla and Ilorcb
aro Interchangeable terms, thouch some
think Slnal to be ono of tho mountains
In tho mountain district called Horcb.
IIULERS. Tho Pharaoh when Moses
loft Egypt was probably Ramosea II.
Ills son, Mencphtah, wns probnbly tho
Pharaoh when Moses was called to de
liver Egypt.
Comment and Suggestive Thought.
"Tho bush burning, yet not con
sumed, has always been regarded as
an emblem of,Israel In Egypt. Moses,
In his farewell blessing of the tribes,
could find no richer benediction of
the sons of Joseph than to wlBh for
them 'the good will of Him that dwelt
in tho bush.' Thd Church of Scotland,
therefore, has not mado an Inappro
priate or unwarranted use of this
emblem, when, looking at her own
history, how she was cradled In per
secution, she has put upon her banner
a representation of the burning bush,
with the legend: 'Nee tamen consume
batur,' 'Yet It was not consumed.' "
W. M. Taylor.
Moses' Objections and Their An
swers. Vs. 11-14; also to Ex. 5:17.
Moses may have known that' Rameses
11. had been succeeded by his son
Menephtah, a much weaker ruler; but
he understood thoroughly tlus mighty
power of Egypt, and, conscious of his
own insignificance, it Is small wonder
that ho began to bring forward objec
tions to God's amazing proposal.
First Objection, Moses' Insignifi
cance. V. 2. "Who am I, that I shall
go unto Pharaoh?" An exile unddr
sentence of death, a shepherd 80
years old going to a magnificent court
from which he had been absent 40
years, an old man attempting the stu
pendous task of freeing 2,000,000
slaves and organizing them into a
nation. No wonder Moses faltered.
First Answer, God's Presence. V.
12. "Certainly I will be with thee."
That same power before which Moses
was hiding his face would go with
him to confront his enemies.
Second Answer, God's purpose.
"Ye shall serve God upon this moun
tain." "The fixing of that future meet
ing place would serve to give confi
dence to Moses by showing a reso
lute, clear purpose on the part of
God." Macgregor.
Second Objection, tho Peoplo's Idol
atry. 13. Moses remembered how ig
norant the Hebrews were concerning
the God of their fathers. When he
brought them a message from God,
they would be sure to ask: "What Is
his. name?" "Tho Egyptians had vari
ous gods, and Israel, long UBed to their
practices, would be sure to ask after
the name of the God whose messen
ger Moses was. How was he to be
named to them?" Alford.
Answer, the Name of the One God.
14. "What a graven Image or some
outward symbol was to all other na
tions, that a name, and a name only,
was to the Israelite." Hanna. The
name God revealed to Moses was not
unknown before (Gen. 22:14), but It
was filled with a new meaning. "I
Third Objection, the Peoplo's In
credulity. Moses foresaw (Ex. 4:1)
that the people would not believe his
story, and, as 40 years before, would
refuse to follow his lead.
y Answer, the Gift of Mlraclulous
Power. "What is that in thine hand?"
Jehovah asked; and bestowed upon
the common shepherd's staff the pow
er to become a serpent at the bid
ding of Moses, while tho hand itself,
thrust Into his bosom, became white
with leprosy, and thrust in again, be
came sound once more. Ono other
miracle, the turning of water into
blood, was definitely promised.
Fourth Objection, Moses' Slowness
of Speech. Moses foresaw that tho
great task would requlro much talk
ing, and ho was not an orator. An
swer: "Who hath made man's mouth?"
was Jehovah'B grand reply. Doubtless
if Moses had accepted tho assurance,
God would have developed tho ora
torical power that ho certainly pos
sessed, and ho would not havo been
obliged to share with another tho
glory that God meant for him alone.
The Great Task Is Begun. Ex. 4:
18-31; chaptors 5 and C. Obtaining
Jethro's consent to his return, and
leaving his wife and children In their
safe homo, Moses sot out upon his
porllous undertaking. IIo was met by
Aaron, and tho two old men, after an
affectionate greeting, formed their
plans for tho campaign that was to
mean so much to tho world.
Cur the Kidneys and the Pain Will
Never Return.
Only ono
back. Curo
way to curo an aching
tho cause, the kidneys.
Thousands tell of
JHk euros' mado by
RjS Doan's Kidney Pills.
..JT John C. Coleman, a
Hfe prominent merchant
LVO ot Swalnaboro, Ga.,
KBf Bays: "For several
W-WLWKk years my kidneys
WBy were affected, and
Au9K my back ached day
aMMalW and night. I was
languid, nervous and lamo in tho
morning. Doan's Kidney Pills helped
me right away, and the great relief
that followed has boon permanent."
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
One Hundred Years Ago.
Gen. Zebulon Pike was discovering
the peak that bears his name. "The
reason why I know I'm the first white
man that over saw it," he said, "is
that it baBn't got any patent medicine
signs on it." Regretting thnt he
couldn't sparo the time to stop and dis
cover the gold that lay hidden all
around him, he took a parting look at
tho snowy summit of the peak and re
sumed his toilsome march.
Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would bo equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
His Favorite Descent.
"But why don't you care to tatfb
children?" asked the lady who was
hunting for a flat. "Because they take
up too much room In tho elevator,"
grumbled the despotlcal janitor.
"Well, my little boy won't use the
elevator. Will that satisfy you?"
"No; if he don't use the elevator ho
will scratch up tho steps every time
he conies down." "But he won't come
down the steps." "What? He won't
come down the steps?" "No; he will
slide down the banisters."
"Whiskers" v. word formerly
used to designate tne hair on tho up
per lip. Scott more than once speaks
of "whiskers on tho upper lip" and so
does Defoe in "Robinson Crusoe."
Johnson defined a "whisker" as the
Lair growing on the upper lip or cheek
unshaven; a mustachlo." It seems to
have taken its name from a fancied
resemblanco to a Bmall brush, to
"whisk" properly meaning to sweep,
and a "whisker" having been a par
ticular kind of feather brush also, in
the slang of a former time, a switch
or rod. In tho seventeenth century a
"whisker" signified among other
things a brazen He, a "whopper."
One Redeeming Feature.
A youthful New York artist recently
invited a friend to dinner In her stu
dio. As the bachelor maid's skill was
greater in mixing colors than in ca
tering to grosser tastes, the dinner
was something-to gnash one's teeth at
and upon. The roast chicken 'was
tough, the potatoes were underdone,
the pineapple salad was pithy; In an
guish of mind, the young hostess sank
to the depths of apologizing.
"Tho dinner was delightful, I assure
you," said her guest, a charming worn
on who would cheerfully have perish
ed at the stako rather than utter a
tactless word: "I have rarely tasted
such tender gravy."
Pres. of Board of Health.
"What shall I eat?" is the dally in
quiry tho physician is met with I do
not hesitate to Bay that in my judg
ment, a largo percentage of disease is
caused by poorly selected and improp
erly prepared food. My personal ex
perience with the fully-cooked food,
known as Grape-Nuts, enables me to
speak freely of Its merits.
"From overwork, I suffered several
yea s with malnutriton, palpitation of
the heart, and loss of Bleep. Last
summer I was led to experiment per
sonally with the now food, which I
used in conjunction with good rich
cow's milk. In a Bhort time after I
commenced its use, the disagreeable
symptoms disappeared, my heart's ac
tion became steady and normal, tho
functions of the stomach were proper
ly carried out and I again slept as
soundly and as well as In my youth.
"I look upon Grape-Nuts as a per
fect food, and no ono can gainsay but
that It has a most prominent place in
a rational, scientific system of feeding.
Any one who uses this food will soon
bo convinced of tho soundness of tho
principle upon which It Is manufac
tured and may thereby know tho facts
as to its truo worth." Read, "Tho Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
Discard That Old Adage About the
Course of True Love.
A remarkable wedding has lately
taken placo nt Naples, remarkable bo
cause of the extreme youth and alert
ness of tho happy couple. When Ce
lestlno Giordano, aged 15, with Glcclla
Nappl, his chosen bride, went to tho
registry offico to be married, tho com
missioner was very loath to perform
the ceremony, for tho pair had not
reached the age limit prescribed by
the civil code. The ypung folks had
ovidently expected to havo to over
come difficulties to tholr union, for
while the commissioner was hesitat
ing as to what ho should do, they
b prang a surprise on him nnd settled
the matter by producing a royal de
cree of dispensation, which they had
obtained direct from the king. This
being proved gonulno the chfldren
wore Joined to wedlock in tho pres
ence of their parents and a largo gath
ering of interested spectators.
State op Ohio, otrr or Tolkdo, I ,
I.uoas Cotrrr. f
FrtANK J. Oiikkkt makes onth that ha t lentor
nurttitr of tho nrin of V. .1. CiiKNKr & Co.. iloluc
' unities la the City of Toledo. Count nnd SUto
anreium, una mat ssiu nrm win par mo mm 01
ONK HUNDHRD DOLLAItS for cacti and every
cans of UATAitHit that cucnot bo curod bjr the uio of
Hall's Oatariui Coiib.
Sworn to befnro me and subscribed In my pretence,
tbti th day of Dceetnujr, A. V., 1M8.
. , A. W. QI.KA80N,
lilil NoTAnr
Hall't Catarrh Cure It taken Internally and acta
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the
lyitem. Send for teatlmunlaU. free.
F. J. C1IKNKV ft CO., Tolodo, O.
Bold by nil nrugglsts, 3o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed
Skin Doctors No AvailCured
by Cutlcura Remedies.
"My baby's face and neck were cov
ered with itching akin similar to ecze
ma, and she suffered terribly for over
a year. I took her to a number of doc
tors, and also to dlfferont colleges, to
no avail. Then Cutlcura Remedies
wcro recommended to mo by Miss G .
I did not use It at first, as I had tried
so many other romedles without any
favorable results. At last I tried Cutl
cura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment and
Cutlcura Resolvent Pills, and to my
surprise noticed an improvement.
After uslng three boxes of tho Cutl
cura Ointment, together with the Soap
and Pills, I am pleased to say she is
altogether a different child and tho
picture of health. Mrs. A. C. Brestlln,
171 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, 111., Oct.
20 and 30, 19061"
All Misfortune.
"Pop," said Farmer Korntop's little
boy, "what does It mean when you
say 'misfortunes never como singly?' "
"Wal," replied Farmer Korntop,
"thet'8 just about, tho truth. First
comes a wet spell that'll spile tho to
matoes an' then comes a dry spell that
spiles everything else."
To bo on good terms with human na
ture Be Well! Gnriield Tea purifies the
blood, eradicntcH disease, regulates the di
gestive organs and brings Good Health!
Manufactured by Gnriield Tea Co., Brook
lyn, N. Y. Sold by druggists.
Good Point About the Auto.
Prospective Purchaser I like the
looks of this automobile, but suppose
I should run 'over Bomebody and "
Salesman "Tho springs are so easy,
sir, you'd scarcely be Jarred at all."
Krause's Cold Cure.
For cold in head, throat, chest or back.
Best remedy for La Grippe. Druggists, 25c.
"Pshaw!" exclaimed May Pechls, "I
wonder what makes these gloves of
mine so tight. "Ah!" sighed the love
lorn youth, "I, too, would bo intoxlcat
od were I a glove upon that hand."
?J.wn,y8 get full value in LemV
single Binder straight 5c cignr. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
As every thread of gold Is- valuable,
so is every moment of time. J. Ma
son. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrap.
For children teething, tof ten the gums, reduces ls
nomination, allays pain, cures wind collu. 23c a botUa,
On her wedding day a young widow
always wonders how many men will
commit suicide on her account.
Sunshine tru uuat Disinfectant.
Lot plonty of sunshine Into your
houso. Sunshine la tho greatest of die
infectants. It will also dlscourngo
"bugs" of all kinds, great and small.
No room la fit to Inhnbit if tho sun
doesn't shlno full Into It for a couple
of hours daily. Carpets and hangings'.'
Yen. of courso It will fndo thorn. If
you valuo your carpets nnd hang
ings more than tho health of
yourself and family by all moans koep
out tho sun.
"Don't you want to get a talking
mnchlno for your home?" "ThnnkB;
I havo a wife at home now." N. Y.
To improve tho general health, tnko
Gnriield lea daily for n time; it puriiicn
the blood, eradicates rheumatism and
many chronic ailments and keeps the
health good. Gatlicld Tea is mndc of
herbs; it is guaranteed tinder the Puro
Food and Drugs Law.. Garfield Tea Co.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Never Judge what a man knows by
his knowing look.
Lewis Single Binder straight fie cigar.
Made of extra (juality tobacco. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Pcorin, 111.
It Is frequently easier to bo Buro you
are right than it is to go ahead.
. Perfectly simple nnd simply perfect le
DxL'o. 10c per package.
Work of Trnlned Oarsmen.
Eight trained oarsmen pulling
boat oxort about two horsepower.
I Hi
ALCOHOL 3 PKll f!i'm
AVcge ablcPrcparaliourons
sim taijigiiicFoodamlRcduIa
ting Hie Stomachs andBowlsof
Promotes Digcslion.Chewfiir
ncss anu iKst.contalnsnciUKr
Opiuni.Morphirie norMiacral.
Not Narcotic.
flmpkin Seed"
mm 9 MX
ApeiTect Remedy forCoiisflpa-j
ion . aour aromaai.uiarnwa
ncss ondLoss op Sheep.
Facsimile Signatureof
these Little Pills.'
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, la
digestion nnd Too lleartj
Eating, A perfect rent
edy for Dizziness. Nausea,
Drowsiness, Dad Taste
In tho Mouth, Coats
Tongue, Fain In tne Side,
regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature ,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Guaranteed under the op
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Many women suffer in silence and
drift along from bad to worse, know
ing well that they ought to have
immediate assistance.
How many women do you know
who aro perfectly well and strong?
The cause may be easily traced to
some feminine derangement which
manifests itself in depression of
spirits, reluctance to go anywhere
or do anything, backache, dragging
sensations, flatulency, nervousness,
and sleeplessness.
These symptoms are but warnings
that there is danger ahead, and un
less heeded, a life of suffering or a
serious operation is the inevitable
result. The best remedy for all
these symptoms is
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from nativo roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country has
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medi
cine has such a record of cures of female ills.
Miss J. jj vaisn, oi dsa vv. 30th St., New York City, writes: "Lydia
B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of inestimable value in
restorinc mv health, I sufTernil frnm -fomnin Nic
dreadful headaches, dizziness, and dull pains in my back, but your
medicine soon brought about a change in my general condition, built
me up ana maue mo peneciiy well,"
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vetrctablo Comnound cures Pemnlo Complaints.
such as Backache, Fulling and Displacements, Inilummation and Ulcera
tion, and organic diseases. It is invaluable in preparing for child-birth
and during the Change of Life. It cures Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility, nnd invigorates tho whole system.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
wnie Mrs. i'lnunam, at jjynn, Mass. Iter advice is free.
Canadian Government
Free Farms
Over 200,000 Americas
farmers who have set
tled In Canada during
the past few yeant testi
fy to the fact that Can.
the greatest farming land in tho world.
of wheat from the harvest of 1906 means good
money to the farmers of Western Canada whea
the world has to be fed. Cottle Raising, Dairy
ing and Mixed Panning arc also profitable call
ings. Coat, wood and water in abundance;
churches and schools convenient; markets easy
of access. Taxes low.
For advice and Information address the Super
intendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
any authorized Canadian Government A pent.
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New York Life BiulJit,
Oauha, Nebraska.
comfort to orcry
liotne. Itloita Iho
on tiro caou.
UarmlefS to per
sona. Clean, neat
nndwlllnot eollor
lnlnro anvtlilnir.
Try tliora otico anil
yon win nuvor do
without them. JC
not Kept uy ileal,
on. font nrrnald
fcrliOe. lUKOLUBUBKUtt. liUlXKtlb AT,,UrueUj,.l.
never stick
to tho iron.
Thompson's Eyt Watir
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 22, 1907i