i f . I. area of twa Bool. Worn u Well u Mm Are Male ItaaHo ly kfdaey ui BWkto TrwHe. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouragcsaudlcsscusambitiou; beauty, f&i vigor and checrful- fc? ewi ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an nee when it should be able to control tue it. t a. H!-l 1 1 1 L passage, it is yet uiuiticu wuu utu-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This u upleasant trouble & due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and' bladder and not to a lmbit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same gret' remedy. The mild and the immediate 'effect of Swanp-Root 9 6oon realized. " It is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle,, by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. J. E. Orotlier in the MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty We have for sale, cheap, three good farms in Nemaha county; nlso two splendid residence properties in town. STULL It HAWXBY ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AUBUBN, NEBRASKA C3-Q Wheat has been going up nt n rnte which forecasts an increase in the num ber of air-holes in baker's bread. -Lincoln Star. The recent election results in Lincoln have not caused the republicans of this town to injure their voices shouting for a primary system which didn't nomi nate a man strong enough to hold the big republican party. star. Cherry Brown Betty Put a layer of finely chopped, well sweetened cherries in the bottom of a baking dish; cover with fine bread crumbs dotted thickly with bits of butter. Put in more cherries, more sugar, etc., continuing until the dish is full. Have the top layer of buttered crumbs. Cover and bake for an hour, then remove the cover and brown. Serve with hard Bauce flavored with nutmeg. The Delineator for June. Somewhere Special to California: Low rate Summer tours to San Francisco and Los Angeles; about half rates until May 18th, also June 8th to 15th; June 22nd to July 5th. Slightly higher daily commencing June 1st; small extra cost via Portland and Seattle. Big Horn Basin: We run personally conducted homeseekers' excursions May 7th and 21st, June 4th and 18th under guidance of D. Clem Deav er, General Agent Landseekers' Information Bureau, to assist settlers to secure an early hold at cheapest rates of magnificent ir rigated lands in the Big Horn Basin; write about these lands. Round trip $20.00. Cheap Rates East. To Jamestown Exposition daily low rates; via New York slightly higher. During the summer low ' excursion rates to Atlantic City, Saratoga Springs, Philadelphia, also to the Seashore and Mountain resorts. Hocky Mountain Tours: To Colorado, Utah, Black Hills, Cody, Sheridan,- Yellowstone Park. Daily low rate tours after Juno 1st. C V. GLENN, Tioket Accent at Neinaba L, W. WAKELEY, G. P, A Omaha,. Rumor has it that Prof M. H. Carman of Spring Creek precinct will seek the nomination for county superintendent) from the republican party the coming autumn. Mr. carman served tne people of Nemaha county in a similar capacity several years ago and if a majority of the voters of Johnson county should support his candidacy he would no doubt make en efficient superintend ent. However, there is some talk of Prof. Bill for a third term, and should he decide to make the race he and Mr. Carman would put up a "scrap" worth going miles to see. Tecumseh Tribunal From the Custer City (Okla.) Journal it is learned that J. F. Cole has been elected mayor of that thriving little city, and that C. C. Gilliland had boen successful in landing the plum as councilman. v. Both of the above are old Nemaha county citizens, Mr. Cole being sheriff of this county for two terms, and mak ing a splendid record as an officer. C. C. Gilliland formerly lived near Peru in this county. Both gentlemen have hundreds-of friends in this county who extend congratulations to them in their political success in their newfound southern homes. Auburn Herald. My t Friend Alexander Benton, who lives on Rural Route 1 Fort Edward, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also per formed a wonderful cure of incipient consumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symp toms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Dis covery's power over coughs and colds is simply marvelous. " No other rem edy has ever equaled it. Fully guaran teed by Hill Bros., druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Col. W. J. Bryan concedes that he will bo the next democratic nominee for president. Auburn is getting to be a great town for automobiles. It is said there are now nearly twenty of these machines in that town. A Kansas City police judge has been fining druggists of that city $500 for selling cocaine. The cocaine habit appears to be grow ing. It is a terrible one when formed. W. A. Walling of David City was elected Grand Master Work man of the A. O. U. W. at the meeting of the grand lodge at Omaha last week, succeeding 0. J. Vandyke, deceased. Auburn is again talking of waterworks. They have plenty of booze now but need water for cooking and washing purposes and fire protection, and then the women aud children use water to drink. A. B. Allen, for four years private secretary for Gov. Mick ey, has been appointed state oil inspector by Gov. Sheldon. This is a worthy appointment, as Allen always "makes good" jn whatever position he is placed. For many years he was editor of the Tecumseh Chietain. Shubert pays $80 per month to the principal of her school next year. Brownville will pay $75 per month. Stella will pay $90. Howe will pay $75 and perhaps more. Brock pays $90. So does Johnson. And yet the Nemaha school board seems to expect to get a good principal for $50 or $60. The green bug that has been playing such havoc in Kansas and Oklahoma has invaded this county; They are in the wheat fields, but we have not heard of their doing much damage yet. Dave Evans, the Bracken grain buyer, says they are thick on the tender shoots of boxelder trees on his farm. Senator Burkett will fill the following engagements in Nebraska during M, y v;iid June: May 24, Alliance, high school com mencement. . May 25, Gothenburg, high school commencement. May 27, Juniata, high school com mencement. May 28, Arapahoe, high school com mencement. May 29, Superior, high school com mencement. ' May 30, Table Rock, high school commencement. May 31, Central City, high school commencement. Juno 1, Aurora, high school 'com mencement. June 6, Holdrege, high school com mencement. June 7, Beatrice, high school com mencement. June 8, Beaver Crossing, high school commencement. June 10, Hebron, teacher's institute. June 11, Red Cloud, teacher's insti tute. June 12, Bloomington, eighth grade graduation. June 14, Alliance, cattlemen's conven tion. June 17, Valentine, normal school. June 18, O'Neill, normal school. June 19, Broken Bow, normal school. Juna 20, Geneva, normal school. June 21, Alma, normal school. June 22, Benkelman, eighth grade graduation Dn't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by Hill Bros., druggists. 25c. Try them. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by All Dealors. W. W. FKAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. A!l calls promptly attond&i Phone 28 PET Bit KISKKER. Dealer I u lltghcut market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, it Out" fays many a doctor to hit laof patients, because he rfoeaa't know of any- medi cine that will cure female trouble except the aur fton's fcntfe That auch medicine exalt, howerer, if proved by thousands of cures made by CARDUI Cirei WoMb Disease It has saved the lives of many weak, sick women and rescued oth ers freei a lifetime of chronic sick mm. It wiH cure you if you wiU only give it a chance. Try it. Sold by ail druggists and deal era In 11.00 bettles. OAYI UP lUPPOKTUL "I wore a supporter for four years, to keep u sty womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisaua, of AUnnsvlHe.N.Y. "My doctor said no medicine would help me. After taking Cental I gave up my sup porter aaa am now wen." TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC Tbree Years for One Dollar The Twice-A-Week Republic, of St Louis, Mo., the oldest and best known aemiweekly newspaper in the United States, ia making the remarkable sub scription offer of three full years for $1 312 eight-page papers. The offer is good until May 31, 1907, only. Tell your friends of this opportunity to get a semiweekly three whole years for $1. If you are already a subscriber, your order will be accepted now for a renewal to begin when your present subscription expires. Remember, a dollar before Jnne 1 pays for three years. Send all orders to The Republic, St. Louis, Mo. Death to the Dandelion The following extract is made from the report of the Fifth District Wo men's Club which met in Hastings. "Hastings has been pestered with the dandelion and the club took upon itself the task of finding something which would kill the weed. They wrote to an eastern agronomist and received the following formula for a solution that has been very effectively used on the wild mustard and dandelion. "The formulajs: Dissolve two pounds of sulphate of iron in a gallon of water and add about two and one-half ounces of sulphuric acid. This can be put on by using a can sprinkler and should be applied on a calm bright day when there are no indications of rain. This solution will kill the weed but not the grass, though it makes it turn a little yellow at first. To make a large quan tity take a hundred pounds of the sulphate to fifty or fifty-two gallons of water and after thoroughly mixing add ten pounds of sulphuric acid. This is enough for bno acre. This solution is not very expensive as the sulphate comes at about $11.00 per ton." If the members of the town council voting to license the sa loon, with the voters who say by their ballots that they are in fa vor of such an infamy, were made jointly liable with the' fa loon keeper for damages sustain ed, perhaps there would be fewer votes cast. As these classes of people are anxious to share in j the financial benefits they think are gained by a saloon, they ; should not complain if they have to help pay damages.' The woman's Relief corps re turned Saturday evening from Brownville where they had been entertained during the day by the members of the Relief corps of that town, They report hav ing had a royal time. Nothing was left undone by the good peo ple of Brownville to have them have a good time. They returned home singing the praises of the residents of that old town and more especially the members of the corps and post. It is safe to say they can easily be induced in the future to go down there to spend a day.--Nebr. City News. Wonderful Eczema Cure "Our little boy had -eczema for five years," writes N. A.Adams, Henrietta Pa. "Two of our home doctors said the case was hopeless, his lungs bqing af fected. We then employed other doctors but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bitters; bought a bottle and soon noticed improvement. We continued this medicine until sever al bottles were used, when our boy was completely cured." Best of all blood medicines and body building health " tonics. Guaranteed at Hill Bros, drug "TmmEmmmmmmmWRmmmmmmmmmmW mmmmmmmmmsmm MHafL.. ; LmmeermmmcmmmmHmmmmmmmmmkemTT emmmm&i"- mmmmm'mmmmmmmmw'am mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssiBM? mmmmmmmmmmmabsm'2st''Zm GOLD COIN HEAVE CURE IS GUARANTEED CAUSE AF MEAVEiToo,ft"tdrivta.Baortlyftfteraearty WrlTTer tt TfrTWT meal, U the most common cause of Heaves. Driving too long when a horse Is not feeling well, dus ty hay or grain. Horses with naturally weak lungs are easily given the Heaves by dusty feed or too fast or long driving. All stockmen who believe In using tho BEST when an article is needed find that "Uold Cola Ilwtve Care" given far better re suits, both for quick action and continued, than anyothor Heave Cure now on the market. Test it on our Gold Coin Guarantee money back If found unsatisfactory. 3J"Write to the Gold Coin Veterinary Department for any special information rewarding sick stock. No charge is made. HOW 60C EARNED $110 Mr. A. Wutzke. Of Morris. Mlnu.. nnvti: Dii-Ait Uriiu. Uititnliniii.. .... .1 . i . - - w.ju.tT.tlH inure ni, iUO weaver so una i ouorca her lor sale for $15.00 and could not sell her. I have used Gold Fi,n ESPY0 Puwderson her for two months and now I wouldn't take 1125 for her. I highly recommend your Heave Cure. Anton watzke." laW(JRjjnB mHslEimBBiSeVmmma I'moPtcriBmBml 00 Cents SYMPTOMS OF WOMMj SOc and S1.00 The coat become.'! rough: them Iv il Artt liniMrlnrrlwillili? t.lm tin potlto la irregular; sometimes poor, other times craving; the bowels sometimes loose, other times constipated. A yellow mu pun colleots around the anus. Tho nnlmul is likely to run down, bcoome thin and poor, tho breath generally has u foul odor: the belly may become lnrgor"pot belly." The horse turns up its. Hps and rubs them aualnst the wall, or licks tho manger and shown uneasiness. Worms may appear Jn such enormous num- linrn nflf.nlnvmln tlm ntmnn..). n i.,. ... . ............ ... the animal. Where affected with Thread Worms, whloh uffoots iuo ruutuiu, uiumiunsu uoning causes tno norso to rub Its tall against tho wall, or to keep switching it constantly. Horses, colts, nnd other animals If Htuntcil (n Ihnlr I'rnurth linil.Hflu and mlsshupcn by the clogging of worms In the stomach and bowels are not worth as much us thrifty, spirited, healthy, glos sy coated horses. "Gold Colli Worm l'owder" makes extra money for you by keeping your animals froo from worms. TESTIMONIAL Tho Western Union Telegraph Co. , . Cedar Itaplds, la., Deo. 0, 1005. Gold Coin Stock Food Co.. St. Faul,-Mlnn. Express two barrels of Worm l'owder today. Sond balanoo of worm Powder by freight. HOG SAVEK CO. DON'T LOSE MONEY POWDER sjtore. 5. no Cents We personally guarmiton tho Gold Coin ICi'iiimlles Call at our store and get a boautiful picture of Lou Dillon free. Tho picture is 14x19 inches, in 2 colors, ready for framing. It is a moat life-like motion picture showing Lou Dillon in action as in above picture. W. F. KEELING E. D. BERLIN Nemaha, Nebr. Brownville, Nebr, . Si