KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Two Years Relitvtd In Thru Months. MR. C. II. FIZEK, art. Sterling Ky.f writes: " have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. "Last Murch 1 commenced using1 Pcruna nnd continued for three, months. I huve not used it since, nor lmvo I felt a pain. " I helievc that I am well and T there fore give my highest commendation to the curative qualities of Pcruna." Pc-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. II. Simser, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: " 1 hud not been well for about four years. had kidney trouble, and, In fact, felt badly nearly all the time. "Tliis summer 1 got so very bad I thought I would try Pcruna, so I wrote to you and began at once to take Perima and AI anal in. "I took only two bottles of Pcruna and one of Manalin, and now I feel better than I have for some time. "I feel thatPeruim.and Manalin cured me and made a different woman of me altogether. I bless the day I picked up the little book and read of your Pcruna. ' It Is the business of the kidneys to remove from the blood all poisonous materials. They must bo active all the time, else the system suffers. There arc times when they need a little assistance. Pcruna is exactly this sort of a rem cdy. It has saved many people from disaster by reudering the kidneys ser vico at a time when they were not able to bear their own burdens. PAUL HAD HIS OWN IDEA. Father's Explanation of Lightning Not Satisfactory to Him. Little Paul was four years old when the western city in which he lived was swept one night by a terrlblo storm. Wind, thunder nnd lightning played havoc, and, while other members of tho family were huddled in dark cor ners, Paul watched the illumination of the slcy with great delight. Tho next morning at breakfast lie asked his father what caused the streaks of Are across tho sky, and his father, with great pains, essayed to explain. Paul listened attentively and apparently accepted what was told him, but, when he found attention diverted from him self, he leaned over to his aunt, who sat besldo him, and whispered: "It wasn't that, auntie. It was God scratching matches on the sky." BABY'S ECZEMA QREW WORSE. Hospitals and Doctors Could Not Re lieve Him But Cuticura Remedies a Speedy, Permanent Cure. "Eczema appeared when our baby was three months old. We applied to several doctors and hospitals, each of which gave us something different every time, but nothing brought relief. At last, one of our friends recommend ed to us Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. A few days afterwards im provement could be noted. Since then we have used nothing but Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and now the baby is six months old and is quite cured. All that we used was one cake of Cuticura Soap and two boxes Cuti cura Ointment, costing in all $1.25. C. P. Kara, 343 East 65th Street, New York, March 30, 1906." The Reason. Shea How long have you been sick? Ryan Pivo days. Shea Glory be! An why don't yo git a doctor? Ryan Shuro, I got to go to wur-ruk Monday marnin'. Puck. Spring always brings into speciul favor Nature's blood purifier, Garfield Tea. It is made wholly of clean, sweet Herbs. It purifies the blood, cleanses tlic system, clcurs the complexion, eradicates disease and promotes Good Health. For young and old, Fez Marks Tombs of Great. In Turkey tho tombstones of the faithful, where the departed is a man of eminence, are capped with the fez carved in marble. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using AHoii'h Foot Ease. A certain cure for swollcn,8weatinK, hot, aching feet. At all Druggists, 25c. Ac cept no substitute. Trial package FREE, Address A. 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Method will teach you to win time. Goethe. THE HOME LAUNDRY PROPER METHOD3 FOR DIFFER. ENT MATERIALS. Various Ways for Setting Colors That Are to Bo Washed Importance of Proper Starching To Stiffen Organdies. When Washing Prints. llcforo a new print gets its llrst tubbing set the colors. The way of doing this do ponds upon tho color. Ulues and greens aro strengthened by vinegar in the rinsing of bluing water, allowing a tablespoonful of vinegar to every quart of water. Alum water is also efficacious, allowing four ounces alum to a tub of water. For blnck, black and while, deep purples or grays, salt is best. Dissolve a pint of salt In .two quarts of boiling water, put tho gar ment in while hot and let It He several hours. Then wring dry and proceed as usual. For madder tints, sonk In a sugar of load solution tm ounce to a gallon of water. Strong black peppor tea put in the first suds is best for setting some blacks. Where there Is any doubt as to tho fastness of a color or what will best set it, it is a good plan to wot small pieces with the vari ous solutldns and see which proves best adapted to that particular color. When ready to wash tho calicoes use clean warm, not hot, suds, rinse thor oughly In two clear waters, wring dry, starch and hang In tho shade, but so arrange that they will dry quickly. Never hang a print skirt double over tho line. An excellent expedient Is lo fasten tho band over a wooden barrel hoop or hang It from one of the wood en arms mado on purpose for hanging skirts. In case of rain leave the cali coes In the second rinsing water with half a pint of salt to each gallon or water. Never sprlnklo calicoes until the day they are to be Ironed. Sprinkle lightly, but evenly. Thick prints re quire more water than finer muslins. Roll, tightly wrapping in a clean towel, so that the outside is not dry, and leave for an hour before ironing. Laundry Lessons. At the schools where fine laundry work Is taught there Is no hit-or-mlss method in mak ing starch and to a gar ment. There is an accurate, scientific rule for every step. In starching shirts, for instance, mix three table spoonfuls of dry starch smooth in cold water, then stir fast into one quart of boiling water. Boll for ten minutes, vlth constant stirring. While cooking stir also with a sperm candlo kept for that purpose. When this Is not avail able a little lard, butter, kerosene or white wax will do. When the starch ,1s cooled down so that tho hand can be borne in it dip collars, cuffs and shirt fronts into it, rubbing the starch thoroughly In, clapping It between the hands so that it may be evenly dis tributed through all the threads. Fold collars and cuffs in a clean towel, spreading out fit. Fold the shirt lengthwise, bring the two sfdes of tho bosom together, with the wristbands put between. This keeps the starch from the rest of tho shirt. Then roll very tight, springllng a little water on the Haps. To Stiffen Organdies. These re quire a different treatment. The best starch for them is clear, thick gum water. Dip them in wrong side out, rub the gum thoroughly through and squeeze dry, but do not wring. Spread out as much as possible in the hang ing, and leave until the surface of the garments feels limply moist. Take down, roll tightly and cover with a clean cloth. Now undo a little at a time and pat and clap between the hands until dry. How to Clean Swansdown. First make a warm lather of soap, then gently squeeze tho down in this until It is quite clean. Rinse in freph warm wuter, with a little blue In It. Afterward shake tho water out and hang the swansdown in tho air to dry. Washing Lace Curtains. After washing lace curtains lay a blanket on the lloqr In some empty room, spread the curtains on the blanket, stretching them carefully, and they will keep their place with out any fastening until dried. Think 8tolen Things Lucky. The Danes consider that for one fisherman to -steal another's landing net is equivalent to stealing his luck. Tho belief that stolen money is lucky money prevails almost all over Europe. Baked Bacon. Cut the bacon in very thin slices, remove every particle of the skin, 'score each slice two or three times, and lay the slices on a broiler. Place the broiler over a dripping pan and set in the oven until the slices are "isp. Good Business in Frogskins. Japanese do a lucrative trade in tho exportation of frogskins for purses. The works controlled by a Tokyo mer chant havo exported as many as 130 000 skins in less than a year. DOES YOUR BACK ACHRv Profit by the Experience of One Who Has Found Relief. James R. Kcoler, retired farmer, of Fenner St., Cazonovin, N. Y., sayB: "About fifteen years ago I sufforcd with my back nnd kidneys. I doctored and used many reme dies without getting relief. Beginning with Doan's Kidney Pills, I found relief from tho first box, and two boxes restored me to good, sound condi tion. My wife and many of my friends havo used Doan's Kidney Pills with good results and I can earnostly recommend them." Sold by nil dealers. 50 cents a box. Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Cannon May Break Record. Of tho congressmen who have served since tho foundation of this government, more than 12,000 Individ uals, only 31 havo served 20 years or more. The longest sorvico was that of John II. Ketchnm, of New York, who served 33 years, and was a mem ber whon ho died. Mr. Cannon, who comes next, has served 32 years. Sinco ho is elected to tho next con gress he will, if ho lives to tho end of his term, take tho first place in tho list of veterans. Youth's Companion. Laundry work at ho:no would be much more satisfactory if tho right Starch were used. Iu order to get tho desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of vnrying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcomo by using De fiance Starch, as it can bo applied much more thinly because of its great er strength lhai other makes. Cnnnon May Break Record. Of the congressmen who havo served sinoo the foundation of this government, more than 12,000 individ uals, only ol linvo served 20 years or more. The longest servlco was that of John H. Ketcham, of New York, who served 33 years, and was a mem ber when ho died. Mr. Cannon, who comes next, has served 32 years. Sinco he is elected to tho next con gress he will, if he lives to tho end of his term, take tho first place In tho list of veterans. Youth's Companion. Blind Man Expert Whist Player. Bert Trim, a blind resident of Woonsocket, R. I., Is an expert whist player, being a valued member of a local club. Ho uses a special pack of cards, on which there are faint Im prints sufficient to tell him what they are, but which are far too fine for tho ordinary touch. Trim, who has been blind since childhood, Is now 30 years old. He plays the piano and cornot In excellent style and Is often heard In local entertainments. Danger in Signals. "I was playing a game of cards in a mining camp iu the Rockies," said the mild-mannered .man, "when sud denly my partner, by way of a gentle hint, held up two fingers to indicate that ho had a pair. Quick as a flash, one of our opponents whipped out his dirk and slashed off the fingers. "Awful! Well, It was pretty bad, but wasn't he in luck that he didn't have a full hand?" Peat as Inexpensive Fuel. Lieut. H. Ekelund, of Jonkoplng, Sweden, claims to have mado an im portant invention in fuel saving. Ac cording to his method, peat is used in the shape of a powder and is said to -give sufficient heat to use steel in 9 furnace without the use of coal. CHANGE IN FOOD Works Wonders in Health. It is worth knowing that a change in food can cure dyspepsia. "I deem it my duty to let you know how Grape Nuts food has cured me of indigestion. "I had been troubled with it for years, until last year my doctor rec ommended Grape-Nuts food to be used every morning. I followed instruc tions and now I am entirely well. "The whole family llko Grape-Nuts, wc use four packages a week. You are welcome to use this testimonial as you seo fit." The reason this lady was helped by the use of Grape-Nuts food, is that it is predigested by natural processes and thereforo does not tax the stomach as the food sho had been usin; it also contains tho elements required for building up the nervous system. If that part of the human body is in per fect working order, there can be no dyspepsln, for nervous energy repre sents the steam that drives tho en gine. When tho nervous system Is run down, tho machinery of the body works badly. Grape-Nuts food can be used by small children as well as adults. It is perfectly cooked and ready for instant use. Read, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Mrs. Wlnalow'ft Bootblnjc Byron. Vor children teething, soften the an$, roaucei to nunmntlon, alUyi pin, cure wind collu. 25oa bottle A quiet wedding Is but a curtain raiser for a strenuous afterpart. Anyone can dye with PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES j no experience required; success guaranteed. Speaking of shade trees most fam ily trees aro more or less shady. Smokers hnvc to call for Lewis' Single Binder cigar to net it. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Dont expect a man to hnvo faith in your judgment If you call him a fool. Kratiac's Cold Cure. For cold in head, throat, chest or back. Beat remedy for La Grippe. Druggists, 25c. Work faithfully, and you will put yourself In possession of a glorious and enlarging happiness. Ruskln. The inducements to adopt Nnturo's per fect Laxative, Garfield Tea, are many! It in made wholly of simple Herbs and in guaranteed under the rare Food and J)ruixs Law; it overcomes constipation, regulates the liver and Uidncyc purifies the blood nnd briup Good Health. Note the Distinction! A recent London advortlcemont of fored apartments "suitable for n jour nalist or Christian man." Important to Mothers. Exaratno carefully every bottle of CASTORTA, n info and dire remedy for infinite nml children, end ece that it Bcnrn tlio Signature of In Ueo For Over HO Ycnra. Tho lilnil You Havo Always Boubt. They Tightened Up. "I presume that your failure showed you that you had a great many closo friends?" "That's what it did! Tho closest bunch of friends any man ever had." Fort Worth Record. sSSKS3BSE32Si Perfect The greatest menace to woman's permanent happiness iu life is tho Buffering that comes from uomo de rangement of tho feminine organs. Many thousands of women havo realized this too late to savo their health, barely in time to save their lives. To bo a successful wife, to rotnin the love and udmiratiou of her hus band, should bo u woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her cner gicsaro llagging, that sho gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, sho has backache, head ache, bearing-down sensations, ner vousness, irregularities or tho "blues," sho should start at onco to build wp her system by a tonic with specific powers, audi as Lydia E. Pinkham's Woinasiheo the great woman's remedy for woman'sills, made only of l-pots and herbs. It cures Female Complaints, audi as Dragging Sensations, Weak Bock, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all Organic Diseases, nnd is invaluable in tho Change of Life. It dissolves and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Faintnesa, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates tho whole female syscm. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of tho Kidneys in either sex. Here's something new and delicious! Quaker Wheat Berries A new way of preparing wheat for food. Choice wheat, puffed and baked; ready-to-serve; crisp and toothsome. The flavor is in it, not sprayed on it Takes less cream; tastes better with less All the strength of whole wheat .Wholesome; the more the better for children Ask your grocer for it Large package ioc Jhe Quaker Qats Qmpaivy. CHICAGO Furnish your tabic with cups, saucers and plates from the family size package 'of Quaker Oats. Possessed. n , Father I wonder what's tho matter with Nolilo this evening? Sho acts Hk one possessed. Sister Sho probably is. I noticed a now ring on her finger when she cam downstairs. Illustrated Bits. $WK HEADACHE Positively cured fcj thcEO Little Fills.. TUcy also rcllovo Dls-' trcsa from Dyspepsia. In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nausea, PvxwslncBS, Dad Tnsto la tho Mouth, Coated Tonguo, Pain In the Side, TOIIPID LIYEIt. Thoy regulate tho Bowels. Furoly Vcsctable, SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. oWMSf Thompson's Eye Wafer W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 20, 1907. Vegetable Compound j CARTER'S i IVER i ! carters . HhTTLE I IVER IWV" 7F&t?X