The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 18, 1907, Image 7

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Wilson was out of health and out of
spirits, and a physician advised him to
go away. "When he asked where, the
physician wared his nana, meaning
anywhere. So Wilson went into tue or
chard region of the southwest country,
riding an easy going horse that he
night loll along the way and breathe
the icent of the apple bloom.
Inquiry brought him to a restful
place among the hills, a small, home
like tavern, an ancient house, moss
covered on the north side. Here he sat
down to rest and it was restful the
soft air, the mysterious wooes, and a
great spring of white water that burst
with passion from under a rock.
This was all charming enough, but
to one of Wilson's sensitiveness the
people were annoying. The fewness of
strangers rendered the natives inquisi
tive, and immediately upon the arrival
of a visitor they at once set about to
discover his business and the source
of his income. Had this been dono
with bluntness it would not have been
so annoying to Wilson. He detested
Shortly after his arrival be was sit
ting in the "best room," in the pres
ence of several local men, who hem
med and hawed at him, and glanced at
one another. Presently a tall, gaunt
fellow, with beard streaked with sun
light and shadow, looked up and said:
"Don't reckon it's much use to ask If
you are a stranger in these here
"Not much," replied Wilson..
"Mout have come from a putty good
"Well, about how fur?"
"Bee that hill off yonder?"
"Yes; it's plain enough."
"Well, I came from further than
A silence fell, and the men smoked
their tobacco and spat into the great
fireplace, and after a time another one,
holding the Importance of a reserve
force, spoke up: "I take It that you
aiat a farmer?'
"Whatever you feel like taking Help
yourself," said Wilson, and the reserve
forte cleared his throat. But he knew
the duties of his position, and was not
ready to retire.
"Of course," he said, "It :s necessary
or, leastwise, we think so for a
saan to hare some sort of business.
Doa't you think so?"
"Either that or he ought to be a
pretty skillful thief," said Wilson.
"Yes; that's what we think. And
you have some sort of business, eh?"
"YeB; .a very flourishing business."
"May I ask what it is?"
"Certainly, I am am traveling for a
factory that makes cork legs and
They smoked on, and glanced at one
aaother, and Wilson, looking round,
saw a girl standing near the door. He
had caught sight of her once before, as
she swept like, a vision from the dairy
across the yard. She did not shrink
a he looked at her now; her brown
tree met his, and he felt that his starv
ing nerves were feasting as he gazed
upon her.
"I reckon you have come hare to take
orders," said the reserve force.
"Yes, that's my business."
The men filed out, leaving Wilaon
with the girl, who still stood near the
doer; and when they were gone she
same forward timidly, but with a
weep, and stood at his elbow.
"My father lives over on the hill,"
he said, and then halted to gaze into
his eyes. He owns this place, but lets
mother and meVun It, becaune Tie can't
get about very well, and don't want to
he In anybody's way. He lost a leg In
the army, and I want you to have nun
one made and brought up here."
She was so earnest that Wilson had
not the heart to tell her that he was a
liar, that he had never seen a cork leg,
so he replied: "YeB, I will go over and
see him with you."
They went over, and talked with the
Id fellow, and while they were there
p stumped the owner of an orchan1
whose fruit brought a good income
aad said that he wanted a leg; and bo
fere long a man named Hicks ordered
a right arm for himself and a left arm
for his brother. A regiment from
his community had led one of thr
most desperate charges upon Bullc
during the South African war, and had
returned those who returned at all
ta a crippled condition.
Wilson had now gone too ru? to re
treat. The girl got Into a cart with
him, and drove him Into another
eighborhood, where he took orders
for six legs aad four arms; and then
trove down the valley and took more
.And he found nn interest in the
ork. Sometimes his conscience would
reproach him, but the sweetness of the
girl s face and the brightness of her
eyes made him forget his perfidy; and
so the time grew, like the mellowing
of an apple, and at last he found that
he must return to the great wilderness
called a city. He bid her good-bye, at
night, the moon in her eyes, and he
kissed her, and, without a word, hast
ened away, with a sweet sadness In his
Tho weeks passed, and he sat in an
ofiice a miserable employment, ob
tained for him by influential friends
and his hands were at work; but his
mind waB'in Devon, and tiown In his
heart he Baw a girl with Hie moon in
her eyes. But he could not return to
tho hills he had deceived tnose simple
people. Was there no way to put him
self right?
Ho sprang out of his chair. Why
couldn't he execute those orders?
There must be a cork-leg factory some
where in the city He would investi
gate. He found a place quite a large
establishment and told the manager
whnt he had done. He had the orders
with him.
A libenvl commission was allowed
him, and o litter was sent with him to
try on the arms and legs. The girl's
father stepped proudly down to the
little inn, and a fellow who had Just
tried on an arm swore, In his delight,
that he could throw stones.
And again Wilson and the girl stood
in the moonlight, and her Hps, mur
muring sweetness, were turned up
ward. He thought of the weary hours
in his office and the dullness of life
without her. she inspired him with
rest; she was the spirit of the wooded
"And will you be gone so long this
time?" she innocently asked. And
with all her innocence and frankness
-she sometimes touched him gently with
"Not if 1 knew I could sell any more
of my goods about here," he replied;
and she sighed softly.
"Uncle Matt has begun work at a
sawmill in Newton Abbott," she said,
and he murmured "yes" to relieve the
growing embarrassment, wondering
what Uncle Matt had to do with his
early return. She sighed again and con
tinued: "Uncle Matt isn't a careful man, and
a sawmill is a dangerous place to
work, and after a while a short while
knowing him as well as I do, he
might need an arm. Don't you think
you might come up and see.
That was enough, and the smiling
moon veiled her face for a moment
with a floating fleece.
This all took place more than severe
al years ago. Wilson is now one of
the principal owners of the establish
ment, and he told me the other day
that he wbb just about to leave home
for a time, to establish a cork leg fac
tory In South Africa. O. It., in Illus
trated Bits.
Easy Work.
Kind Old Man Hero is a quarter if
.hat will holp you any. But why don't
you learn a trade?
Begger Say, boss, dis In do beat
rade I know of.
Senator Tillman probably earns
noro money every year on the lecture
ilatform than any other American who
lalks to the public for pay. From an
uthorltatlvo source the statement
omes that the South Carolinian's net
iroceeds thus far this year from tho
fcture tour are $25,000. Senator Till
'nn is paid from $250 to $500 a lecture
id he Is constantly in demand.
It is easy to go to the top if you can
et la th elevator.
Says Pe-ru-na is a
Med icine.
Hon. C. C. Brooks, Mayor of Sun
bury, Ohio, also Attorney for Farm
ers' Bank and Sunbury Building and
Lonn Co., writes:
"I have the utmost confidence In tho
virtue of Peruna. It is n great modi
cine. I have used it and I have known
many of my friends who have obtained
beneficial results from its use. I can
not praise Peruna too highly."
There are a host of petty aliments
which are the direct result of the
This Is more true of the excessive
heat of summer and the intenso cold
of winter, but is partly true of ull
seasons of the year.
Whether it be a cold or a cough, ca
tarrh of the head or bowel complaint,
whether tho liver be affected or be
kidneys, the cause is very liable to be
the same. o
The weather slightly deranges tho
mucous membranes of the organs aud
the result is some functional disease.
Peruna has become a standby in
thousands of homes for minor aliments
of this sort.
Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna
Almnnac for 1907.
One Place Without Divorces.
Divorces arc practically unknown In
the reigning house of Russia. True, tho
Grand Dukes Paul and Cyril have mar
ried divorcees, the wife of Cyril being
Princess Victoria Nellta of Great Brit
ain," who was formerly the consort of
the Grand Duko of Hesse; while
Grand Duke Paul Is wedded to the ex
wife of his former aide-de-camp, Gen.
Baron Plstolkors. But I can not re
call any case since the days of Peter
the Great of a member of tho house of
Romanoff obtaining a release from tho
bonds of matrimony by means of di
vorce. There Is a reason for this. The
Russian church Is terribly strict nbout
granting divorces, being almost as bit
terly opposed thereto as the Roman
Catholic church.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles in G to 14 dajs
or money refunded. 50c.
National Wealth.
In I860 tho total value of all proper
ty In tho United States was ascertain
ed to be approximately $12,000,000,000
which included slaves.
By 1900, and after slave values had
been wiped out, tho total property val
jue of the United States was $88,517,
1400,755, showing an increase of more
khan $76,000,000,000 in forty years.
' By 1904 the total property value of
thD United States had increased to
$107,004,211,917, which was moro than
$18,000,000,000 in excess of what it waB
'in 1900.
So that In four years, from 1900 to
1904. tlie total value of property In the
United States Increased by ono and a
half times what It was, covering a per
iod of eighty-four years since tho
foundation of this government from
177G to 18G0.
On the occasion of the last birthday
anniversary of tho King of Italy a
letter-carrier was remembered with an
Increase of pay. The man, whose
name is Domenlco Sillcia, has been in
the service at Rogliano for the last tlx
ty years, Is 80 years old, blind, and still
attends to his duties, with the assist
ance of a grandchild.
No Monty Requlrid
a cent of money no deposit not evea a reference.1 Yoa wear the classes in youf
own home for six days aad if perfectly satisfactory la averjr way if they aro tat
best glasses you aver saw at aay price send me only II and tho glasses aro yams,
If tho glasses for any reason do not suit you if pou don't believe them to ba tho aait
bargain you over had return them apdf yoa are out nothing. It is because I am
positive that you can see better with Trmslght Spectacles than with common glateoe
that I want to scud a pair especially fitted to your eves on 6 iaya' free trial. ma
for tester today.. TIUSIGHT SPECTACLE CO., 23 f IMfr laMU City, Mt.
Or 15 Months for Only $1.00
The Kansas Farmer
The "old reliable" Kansas Fahmrr,
established In 1863, the boat genuine
agricultural weekly paper in tho West.
It solves the problems for th,e, busy
farmer. It helps and Interests every
member of the farmer's family. It han
12 regular departments. Its contribu
tors are expert authorities. It oontalnn
-M to 32 pages each week. Sent on
trlul three months free. Tost It. Clip
the coupon bolow.
Tnpeka, Kansas. I
I accept your trial offer to new
subscribers to send mo the Kanbab
Far mm three months free. At tho
end of the three months I will olth
or send 11.00 for a full year from
that date or write you to stop the
paper, and you aro to mako no
charge for the three months' trial.
P. O.
A. Safe, Pttluless. Pcrranuent Cure QUAEiNTEXE.
Ju voais exporioocf . No money iiccepteu until
mtlent Is well CONSULTATION "d yal
j:bln BOOK FRf-E. v mall or at nnieo,
DR. C. M. COE, 915 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.
. . . -
The Publishers Newspaper Union.
K. C. Mo., Lincoln, Neb. V IX NO. 4
Guaranteed to Cure
Wesern Patents.
Alkier, Benjamin A., Maryvlllo, Mo.,
hog trap.
Easton, Ozro J, Wellsford, Kan.,
trnctlon engine.
Daub, John H Walnut, Kan., sheet
metal cutting machine.
Hampden, Weljesley R. KansaB City,
Mo., heating stove.
Mackllnd, William R., Mineral Point,
Mo., apparatus for washing barytes.
Milan, James .Kansas City, Kan.,
concrete wall building device.
Robertson, William W., Benton, Mo.,
tobacco pipe.
Smith, Mary J Lenqra, Kan., thim
ble attachment.
In England the Labor party is ask
ing all tho affiliated unions to double
their subscriptions to the Parliamen
tary representation fund. It is now
two cents a member.
Tablets. Druggists refund money If it
fails to cure. . E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
A Birmingham firm which makes a
specialty of hand whistles has a me-
! tulllc design reputed to "carry" a dis
tance of two miles, which has recently
been adopted by the police force in
many of the large towns.
"Aro you. guilty?" the lawyer asked
his burglar client.
"Sure," replied tho prisoner, "I
cracked the crib all right, but I
thought from the slzo of your fee you
might dig up a little of this unwritten
law for me." Philadelphia Lodger.
Wo will send you our great farm papor
absolutely free for a whole year If you will
do us n small favor. Junt send us nnmea
and addresses of flvo good farmers and In
close a 2c stnmp, The Valley Farmer Is
a handnomcly printed farm Journal, es
tablished 15 years, edited by tho ablest
agricultural writers In tho country, pub
lished on Its own $20,000 rotary magazine
press by the larrest publlshlnc house In
the WeBt and read by over a quarter of a
million people, its circulation reachtns;
every Btnte In the Union. Address with
atamp, Valley Farmer, 518 Jackson St.,
Toaeka, Kan.
I Waat to Preve to Yea That TfffX
alrfht Spectacles ire tlu
st Yea Ivor Were.
Simply Send Me Ycmr Naemc
I will send you my perfect Trustee)
Eye Tester with which you can teal
your own eyes as well as tha moid
killed optician. Whea you rot ana
tho tester with your test I will seal
won a pair of Geaaiae Treatfjw
Spectacles that will surely fit yoaMi
V days' free triaL I won't ask for
Best INVALID'S HOME in the West,
organised wlta a full staff of physlelaaa sad
surgeons for treatment of all Chronlo DlaMaee.
THIRTY ROOMS for accommodation of patients.
Difficult Surgical Otratitnt trfrmtd milk
Skill and Succttt whin Surgtry it fttctttary,
of women. Many who ham suffered for years'
cured at home. Special book for woven FREE
Withntt km, hgaturt r eaume. N0 meat
aceiptid until fatftnt it wtlt. fielll ItOi mi,
Guarantee. Send for Special FREE Book.
New restoratlvo treatment far loaa ef Vital
Power, Hydrocele, Rupture, Stricture, ato
methods. Trnlaod attendants,
Club feet, Curvature efl
Lung, Eye, Bala,
spine, nare Lip,
Epilepsy, Catarrh,
Stomach Troubles,
uioon ana
Nervous Disease.
Patients successfully treated at hone 17
mall. CaataltatUfFree and ceaflesntlal, a
office or by latter. Thirty years' eipcriaaoe.
17 safe Illaitratea leak fret. fWlaf atuah
valuable information. Call at oce or write t
nD P If fnC Ornot, eiS Walnut Ot,.
IMi bi Mi UUti KAN8A8 CITY, MO,
Fistula, Fissure. Bleeding, Itching, ulceration, Constlpatloe
and all Reotal Diseases a Specialty. Caraa Guaranteed.
Send for Booklet. DR. at NEY SMITH, Bfwclallat. Sit
Fins St,, BT. LOUIS, HO, &utUsae4iaSbIjeulslaim.
For Colic in
Horsis and Cilfli
or Your Money Back.
hkd,ralM. NfftilUg. LarPBpMMIr!a14!
DH. II . MET SMITH, SHCI1MM, SU nat.,. Mail,
DDIIf ATk? HOME ft? eoalaeaMOt
w M mm eases. Adoptloac.
Besatlf ul f roaadi aad balldlnj . . Location aad sat
ro ndltigs ?ry sxcIuiIts, Strictly ethical. Far
llVfll 'lliVH dMT 0I..1I, UMatala tfc
U. S. Q. tlMibes, M. I)., KAXsae oitx. me.
A vlubl book whlih Mb SENT K7U IV W I
bW ta car Cpniamptlaa l pjpjpjpjpj 4v amShiavS I
yuurown nam, vfnwivri
IT .k.rU
Germany leads the world in the pro
duction of chemicals. The total out
put for the year amounts to 3B7,000,
000. This includes a million tons eC
sulphuric acid and half a million tone
of Boda. ;
The greatest lengtbe In miles of the
Great Lakes in the United States are:
Lake Superior, 290 miles; Lake Mlckl
gan, 345 miles; Lake Huron, 27t
miles; Lake Erie,, 250 miles, and Lake
Ontario, 190 miles.
Tho remarkable growth of Japanese
owned and operated 'steamers 1b duo
largely to the subsidizing of Jap-.uose
steamers by the Japanese government.
This subsidizing enables the Japanese
lines to maintain their service wjte
low freight rates that cannot bo et
by the British companies.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, nnd that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by ao
inflamed condition of the mucoua
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rumlv
ling sound or imperfect hearing, anal
when It is entirely closed. Deataeia
is tho result, and unless the Inflamma
tion can bo taken out and this tutee
restored to Its normal condition, hear
Ing will bo destroyed forever; atae
ccscs out of ten aro caused by Catartfc
which Is nothing but an inflamed coa
dltion of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollara
for any case of Deafness (caused jj
catarrh) that cannot be cured af
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clrom
lars free
F. J. CHENEY Jb Co., Toledo, ft.
sola oy uruggists, price 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills iar