The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 11, 1907, Image 7

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Sir William Pearoe Holand, once
pontraaster general and Usance mlals
tor under the upper and tower Caaad
lan union and later lieutenant govern
or of Ontario, is dead. If was N
yearn old.
With a blew of his flit, Charles
Smith of East St. Louts killed D. P.
Myers on the street. Then realizing
what he had done , Smith escaped.
Mrs. Smith told her husband that My
ers had attempted to Ilrt with her on
the street. This so angered Smith that
he accosted Myers and struck him a
swinging blow on the Jaw. Myers
dropped and never moved. His neck
had been broken. Smith is 27 years old
and MyerB was 40.
- it
As an appreciation of faithful ser
vice, 1,000 men employed by the Tole
do JRailway and Light company and
the Mauhieo Valley Railways and
Light company, including about 900
rnotormen and conductors, received a
Now Year's gift in tho shape of a raise
of wa?c2, The increase was voluntarj
on thb part of both companies. If af
fects Ml classes of employes and aver
ages tro cents an hour. It means an
additional $5,000 monthly expenditure.
The street car men were not union
men and no demand had been made
upon tho companies.
Congressional inquiry into the Pow
der trust, of which Senator Dupont ot
Delaware is considered the head, not
withstanding his resignation as the
president of the Dupont powder works,
Beenis to be inevitable. The immedi
ate cause will be the charges Just pre
ferred against tho trust by Robert S.
Wnddell of Peoria, 111., who alleges
that the government is mulched in the
sum of 3 million dollars each year by
the Pqwder trust. This is the same
trust which charges the miners of
Crawford and Cherokee counties,
Kansas, $1.35 a keg for the same
blasting powder for which it charges
eighty-five cents a keg in Liverpool.
In the final report of tht prison
board of control of Mississippi the
warden, J. J. Henry? makes a charge
of grafting against Governor Var dam
an, fie admits that the chief execu
tive had horses for his private u3
shipped at the expense of the state in
the same cars with state horses; that
the governor worked convicts for his
personal use around the executive
mansion after declaring that he con
sidered like action by his predecessors
In office a form of dishonesty. The
report is strongly denunciatory
throughout and forms a sensational
climax to disagreements between tho
governor and the prison management.
New Year's reception to Archbishop
Ryan at Philadelphia, was made nota
ble by a scathing arraignment by the
Archbishop of the French govern
ment's treatment of tho Catholic
church. Denouncing the officials of
the presceU government as infidels
worse than pagans, the archbishop ex
pressed the hope that a religious
awakening in France would soon over
throw the oppressors of the Christian
religion. "These infidels are worse
than pagans. The pagan believes in
God and a hereafter where the good
are rewarded, but thd infidel does not.
Pagans have some virtues mixed with
their vices, hut the modern infidel has
all th evices wothout any of the re
deeming virtues of a pagan."
The first paper served, on the' new
attorney general, of New York, Mr.
Jackson, was an application for a rc
' irgument on tho petition of William
Randoph Hearst for leave to begin
quo warranto proceedings to test the
title of George B. McClellan to tho "of
fice of mayor of New York. Mr.
Hearst contends that he was deprived
f the office by fraud and violence in
the election of 1905. The application
Med with the attorney genera! reiter
ates substantially the allegations
Aade before his predecessor, Mr. Ma
yer. Further, It recites the develop
Beats of the case before the latter and?
ummarizes his decision denying re
lief, declaring that Mr. Mayer well
knew that the prima facie proof of Mr.
Hearst's election could not be forth
coming without opening the boxes.
"What is viler than the Bmell of llq
our?" asked an Indiana lecturer. The
gentleman has probably never heard (t
lalk. -Houston Post
.The Little Thin ef Drese and Fash
Muff ehatna are exceedingly popular
again and Just among the set that were
almost tho first to discard these useful
as well as ornamental things a few
short seasons ago. The little loop of
cord that the furrier tacks Into one
side of tho muff is supposed to be
slipped on the wrist, and so keep tho
muff chained to its wearer. But, like
so many other plans of mice and men,
it went astray. Since its Introduction
more muffs bavo been lost and mislaid
than ever before, and so tho muff
chain 1b back again, and, need ono say,
more elaborate than ever before?
The Craze for Corals has proven a
perfect godsend in some families.
Those dear, delightful people who
cling to the garret storeroom, whore
all tho discarded finery of tho family
is laid away out of sight, are bringing
out the treasures of long ago, only to
find them held in higher esteem today
than they ever were. What even an
antique dealer would not offer a five
cent piece for u year or two ago will
fetch almost any price today. r
It is not the pale Indian corals that
are in tho front rank Just now, albeit
they are considered tho finest possible
a few years back. It Ib the deep red
Ceylon cornl that holds front rank at
present, and tho deeper the color tho
higher the price. A charming set seen
at Tiffany's the other day was about
the color of red sealing wax, and
mounted in Etruscan gold," the effect
was delightful.
They Say That with all the fashions
of our grandmothers, earrings are back
again. Of course, one does not refer
by this to the ear studs or the fiat but
tons that have been so popular for
sometime in pearl and in turquoise.
Rather it Is the long pendant kind with
which we are threatened, and which
are wont to make a dowdy old lady out
of even the sauciest debutante that
ever was. If 'tis true, 'tis pity, to par
aphrase an old quotation for tho ear
rings of the long pendant variety could
never, by any stretch of the imagina
tion, be considered either ornamental
or becoming. Even in their most artis
tic aspect admitting that they have
any at all they are not attractive, and
their only excuse is that they are cost
ly, and their making gives employ
ment to artist artisans, who might oth
erwise suffer for want of work.
Among the Dainty things from
France that exclusive shops Import are
the prettiest of lingerie covers for al
most everything in use in the bedroom
and boudoir .This column has taken
note long ago of the fad for lingerie
pillow covers, not intended to supplant)
the handsome embroidered silks and
satins, but of such transparent batiste,
and linen ones slipped on over the
handsome silk ones, displaying all the
beauty of the work, while offering a
dainty and adequate protection.
One house in New York takes orders
for such covers to be slipped on over
the exquisite silk and satin covered
bed coverlets, that are filled with eith
er lamb's wool or eiderdown. Since
twenty dollars is a medium price fox
those elegant luxuries, it well pays to
have a sheer lingerie cover made that
may be slipped on when desired.
Although the Trend is toward the
plain and severely tailored shirtwaist
the kind that the tailor invariably re
fers to as a shirt In neckwear, the
tendency is exactly the opposite. Elab
orate to a degree are , the collars,
stocks, Jahots and whatnot that are,
to top those same plain shirts. But in
accord with present commonsense
rules, those are to be fashionable
from linens and batiste, and nothing!
that will not withstand the- assaults of1
the laundress, her washtub and polish
ing iron, is to be Uiought of for a mo
ment. The simpler of real lacea, val.i
enclennes, breton and such, are whip
ped on for edges and as much fancy
stitching as the maker knows or is
capable of may be displayed on both
choker, turnover and Jahot.
Colored Materials are being used by
good shirtwaist and blouse makers'
more than the plain white that has
held sway for so long. Charming strip
ed effects appear In sheer linens, and
open checks in china Bilk find favor,
too. Front fastenings are another nov
elty, and the appearance of a tiny
pleated ruffle, laco edged, either side
of thiB fastening is a novelty.
Art should be an appeal to raan'i
higher nature.
Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a
Tonic, or Is it Both?
feme people call Peruua a great
tenia Others refer to Feruna as a
great catarrh remedy.
Wnioh of these people are riht?
Is it more proper to call Fernna a ca
tarrh remedy than to call it a tonic?
Oar reply is. that Feruna is both a
tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed,
there oan be no effectual catarrh rem
edy that is not also a tonio.
In order to thoroughly reliete any
oast of eatarrh, a remedy must not
only have a speciflo action on tht mu
cous membranes affected by tho ca
tarrh, but it must have a general tonio
action on tho nervous system.
Catarrh, oven in persons who art
otherwise strong, is a weakened con
dition of some mucous membrane.
There must be something to strength
en tht circulation, to give tone to tht
arteries, and to raise the vital forces.
Ftrhaps no vegetable remedy in tht
world has attracted so much attention
from medical writers as HYDRASTIS
CANADENSIS. Tht wonderful effi
cacy of this herb has been recognized
many years, and is growing in its hold
upon tht medical profession. When
joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a
trio of medical agents is formed in Fe
runa which constitutes a speoifio rem
edy for catarrh that in tht present
state of medical progress cannot bt
improved upon. This action, rein
forced by such renowned tonics as
SEED, ought to make this compound
an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its
stages and locations in the body. '
From a theoretical standpoint, there
fore, Feruna is boyond criticism. Tht
use of Foruna, confirms this opinion.
Numborless testimonials from every
quarter of the earth furnish ample
evidence that this judgment is not
over enthusiastic. When praotical ex
perience confirms a well-grounded the
ory the result is a truth that cannot bt
M. Marie Pierre Felix Janet, profes
sor of experimental psychology in the
University of Paris ,who is now travel
ing and lecturing in the United States
figures in the public mind as a hyp
notist. As a matter of fact, this is only
incidentally, but he is trying to dem
onstrate that the victim of hysteria is
at the same time two different persons.
The great January Sale is now in progress. Be
low are two of its wonderful bargains. Send for the
complete Sale Bulletin, which is as big as this whole
22 paper. IT IS MAILED FREE.
A remarkable opportunity to get good pe.arl but
tons very cheap. Lay in a big supply. Your choice
20 of six sizes as illustrated (order by number,) In our
January sale, 3o. Per dozen or 30o. for la dozen.
II 60. ptr yard.
Here is a splen-.-did
" This lace is prettv.
good and durable,
Lace edge, 1 7-8 in. wide, worth I Lace edge, 4 in. wide, worihl8o.
Uc. per yd., for. yard - - - Go. per yd., for - . 12jo
Lace edpti, 2 8-8 in. wide, for, yd. lOo Lace, insertion, 1 8-8 Ins. wide,
I worth 8c. a yard, for - - 60.
Ytur Mtniy laek If ntt Satisfactory. All Pattirns llluttrattd.
Kansas Cilv. ;
When two girls and a box of choco
lates get together for the afteVnoon,
tho girls are left when thb afternoon
is over. Somervillo Journal..
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 dnja
or money refunded. 50c.
Colonel "Bill" Sterrett of Texas,
strolled into the Senate presB galjery
and found Senator Morgan addressing
his colleagues on the Panama canal.
"Great Caesar," whispered the colonel
to a friend, "when I left here three
years ago old man Morgan was talking
about tho Panama canal. Has ho .been
at it ever since?"
Tablets. Druggists refund money if it
failB to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
sjHBjsw BJBJjav . I Watt tt Prtvt tt Tea That M
.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw .MJiaaaaaaaaaaHav m l
No Money Roplnd
cont of money no deposit not even a reference. Yoa wear the f lasses in yotf
m hom a fnr riaa mnA if narfactiv BAtiafictorv I tverr way thev art tht
best glasses you ever saw at amy price-Bend me enly 91 and tht glasses are yours.
If the glasses for any reason do not suit you it you don't believe (them tt bt tht beet
bargain you ever had return them and you are out nothing. It tt because I am to
positive Mat
that I waat
for tester today ,
Or 15 Months for Only $1.00
The Kansas Farmer
The "olt reliable" Kansas Farms,
established In 1863, the best genuine
agricultural weekly paper In the West.
It solves the problems for th,e busy
farmer. It helps and interests every
member of the farmer's family. It has
12 regular departments. Its contribu
tors are expert authorities. It contains
24 to 82 paces each week. Sent on
trial three months free. Test It. Clip
the coupon below.
Toyeka, Kaasas.
I accept your trial offer to new
subscribers to send me the Kansas
Farmkh three months free. At tho
end of the three months I will eith
er send fl.00 (or a full year from
that date or write you to stop the
paper, and you are to make no
charge for the three months' trial.
P. O.
A Safe. Painless. Permanent (Jure 0VAXAHTZI8.
30 years' oxporiencn. No money accepted until
patient is well. CONSULTATION nd t1
uahle BOOK PREK. bv mail or at office.
DR.C. M. COE. 915 WalnutSt.. KaniasCity.Me.
The Publishers Newspaoer Union.
K. C. Mo., Lincoln, Noh. V IX NO. 4 3
Guaranteed to Cure
you oan see better with Traslgat spectacles tnan wun common giaitea
to send a pair especially fitted to your eves on jayr rrtt tnai. 5aa
suitable for almost any use.
We will send you our great "farm paper
absolutely frco for a whole year If xou will
do us a small favor. Jupt Bond "uh natnos
and addresses of flvo Rood farmers and In
close n 2c stamp. Th'e Valley Farmor Is
a handsomely printed farm Journal, es
tablished '15 years, edited by tho ablest
aprlcultural w'rlters In' the country, puh-
llahed on Its own 120.000 rotary magazine by the largest publishing house In
tho West and read by over a quarter of a
million people, Its circulation reaching
every State In the Union. Address with
stamp, Valley Farmor, 518 Jackson St.,
Topeka, Kan. ,
"My dear sir," said tho man who
folt that his ability had been question
ed, "I would have it understood that I
am a self made man." "That's all
right," replied the other. "Just keep
quiet about it and no ono will get
wise." Milwaukee Sentinel.
As to Just when an egg ceases to be
"fresh" opinions differ, but the grocer
is a good deal of an optlmlBt In this
respect. Indianapolis News.
slrffct Spectacles Art tht
Best Tt Iter Were.
Simply Stnt Ms Yosr Nam,
I will send you my perfect Trneiffcrt
Eye Tester with which yea can test
your own eyes as well as tht aseet
skilled optician. When you return
tht tester with veur test I will scad
y ou a pair of StavlM Trvetgat
Mtctaclta that will surely fit you em
tr iaya' fret trial. I won't ask for
Best INVALID'S HOME in thb Wist.
Organised Willi afulJ staff of hjrstelans ana
surgeons for treatment of all Caroale Diseases.
THIRTY ROOMS for aocotnmodaUan ot patient.
Difficult Surgical 0traln Ptrfirmtd wttA
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of women. Many who have suffered far years
cured at home. Special book for women VRXB
JEA.M .Aaiig Positively, Quaramtiss
Wilhtut knife, Ugaturt r cmuiiic, N muy
ccftd until ttttnt it will,, lattial Bttk fill,
IflBIPflflCI C Rsdlesliy ctre la Tea
f nlUvbCLC Bays, under a Positive
Guarantee. Send for Special FREE Book.
New restorative treatment for loss of Vital
Power, Hydrocele, Rupture, Stricture, ete.
methods. Trained attendants.
writs man mmmw. book an
dub feat, Curvature or bung, aye,
spine, Hare up,
Epilepsy, Catarrh,
Stomach Troubles,
Blood aad
Nervous Disease.
Patients successfully treated at 'heme If
mall. Ceaialtatiea free and ceaSaenuel, lb
office or by letter. Thirty years' eiperleaee.
IT pas's Illettrstai Beak Free, slvlof mae
valuable information. Call at oStce ar writ
let . .
flD 1 II IMC Onrios, tit WatNirr tr..
Fistula, Fissure. Bleeding, Itching , Ulceration. Constipation
and all Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Core Gaarantoed.
Send for Booklet DR. X. NET SMITH, Syaelalltt. SI
Pine St,, ST. LOUIS, MO. Kstabllfitoed 1b Bt. LouiaUlSSS.
or Your Money Bach.
Brown's Business College.
1 1 1 O. ttrt, Llnifl, Nbr.
Individual Instruction for all.
Positions for Graduates.
19th year. Send for Booklet.
tlITt I V
I. MKT SMITH, ! Ilrt. II flat tt.M. Lsali.Ma.
I mm eiae. Adoptions.
Beautiful g rounds and balldtn. Location aad tar
ro-ndinaa vtv uzoiutlre. fltrlevir lblel. For
,1. partleaW addr. ltMMallt
. ....... . , .1 .
Mih hotso and burgytn handle bast aUr ev
er offered; womottnnK new; prflt 14 to 116
.day, Addrr-HH Tho farmers Her Remedy Ce..
Kqulty Uldtf , Kansas Olty, Mo.
"So you think an automobile would'
bo the beet thing for an .'explorer to
use in trying for the North Polo."
"Yes.' answered the man who is afraid
of his motor car; "the man who usea
an automobile haB at tho very outset
a gdod excuse for not reaching his des
tination." Washington Star.
Voice (from stairway, 1 a. rajJane,
does that young roan know what tlmo
it is? Jane (complacently) Well, If ht
.did I should doubt his affection!
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they 'cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed yo.i have a rumb
ling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed. Deafness
is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tutt
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; niat
ceses out of ten are caused by Catarra
which is nothing but an Inflamed eoav
dltlon of the mucous surfaces.
We will givo One Hundred Dollart
for any case of Deafness (caused ejr
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cirttt
lars free
P. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O;
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for coast!-cation