The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 11, 1907, Image 5

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SKyui up lor JNcorasKu. With a
record for the least percentage of illit
erates, according to the population,
this state now comes to the front with
the lowest percentage of criminals, ac
cording to population, of any state in
the union. And that with a man like
Al Beemer in the warden's office for
whoso good company pretty nearly any
man would be tempted to commit a
crime. Norfolk News.
To stop a cold with "Preventics" is
safer than to let it run and cure it
afterwaads. Taken at the "sneeze
stage" Preventics will head off all colds
and Gripp, and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Paeventics
are little toothsome candy cold cure
tablefs selling in 5 ''cent and 25 cent
boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin
to sneeze, try Preventics. They will
surely check the cold, and please you.
Sold by all dealers.
The greatest of all newspapers is tho
Daily Globe-Democrat, of St. LpuiB. '
It has no equal or rival in all the west j
and ought to be in the hands of every i
reader of any daily paper. It costs, by
mail, postage prepaid Daily including
Sunday, one year, $6.00; 6 months
.$3.00; 3 months, $1.50; Daily without
Sunday, one year, $4.00; 6 months,
$2.00; 3 months, $1.00; Sunday Edition,
a big newspaper and magazino com
bined, 48 to 76 pages every Sunday, one
year, $2.00; 6 months, $1.00. A sub
scription for the Globe-Democrat, at
these prices, is the best possible news
paper investment. Send your order
today or write for free sample copy to
Globe Printing Company, St. Louis,
Mo.. See special "long-time" campaign
offer of the "Twice-a-Week"" issue of
the Globe-Democrat, tho years for $1.25,
elsewhere in this paper.
. I often wished to have on my table
the famous pudding which accompanies
"the roast beef of old England," but in
my modern American kitchen I had no
way of suspending a roast over the
batter whilo cooking. Besides my taste
ran to light fluffy things made with
baking powder, and my one attempt at
using the old English recipe for York
shire pudding turned out a heavy, soggy
affair. One day I used a little ingenu
ity with my recipe and since then the
pudding has been a welcome addition to
a roast beef course in my home. I take
a pint of sweet milk, a pinch of salt,
three beaten eggs, a teaspoonful of
baking powder, and enough flour to
make a batter of the consistency of
.pancake batter. I pour about one
fourth of a cupful of hot gravy from
the roast into a hot dripping pan, put
the batter in, letting the fat gravy
spread to the sides of the pan, and then
I scatter more gravy over the batter in
little puddles, and bake it twenty min"
utes in a hot oven. Cut into squares
with a heated knife and served with the
roast beef as hot a3 possible, it is very
palatable. '-The January Housekeeper.
Last week J. C. Killarney, manager
of the Auburn Telephone Co., and
owner of nearly all the stock, disposed
of a controlling iuterest to G. E. Cod
dington, E. M. Boyd, K. C. Boyd,
Judge Lambert, H. E. Furlong, L. R.
Young, W. V. Harris and Ed Ferneau.
The Auburn Republican in comment
i ig on the change, says:
"Mr. Killarney had an electrical en
gineer in the city in December and he
gave the latter a commission to go over
the grounds and make plans and speci
fications for the improvement of the
service. As a result of the findings of
the expert a naw multiple switch board,
of sufficient capacity to take care of
the needs of the plant for the next ton
years, will be added, as will a complete
new central office equipment. Plans
have, been made for cabling the city
and these plans were approved by the
new purchasers of the stock so that the
improvements contemplated will cer
tainly be made in the spring.
"Mr. Killarney in the anticipation of
the requiremertts of the local plant had
placed an order for cable and poles
before ho had disposed of any of the
"uhnplr Tho lmnvmrnmnnf a nnnfnmnlnfn1
also emnrace uie plants at urownvulo,
Brock and Nemaha aud the total
amount to be expended for new con
struction will approximate $15,000.
"Mr. Killarney is one of the- best
telephone men in the state. Under his
management the Auburn exchange has
grown into the largest in the state,
with one possible exception, outside of
Lincoln and Omaha. In an interview
with him ho says that he has the best
list of subscribers in Nebraska and
that they are all good and prompt pay."
Piles get quick relief from Dr.
Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember
it's made alone for Pile and it works
with certainty and satisfaction. Itch
ing, nainful. nrotudino: or blind iile3
- i
disappear like magic by its use. Try it J
anct sec! All dealers.
Quit Selling Groceries
The Vedette has been informed
by trade journals and through
other sources that Sears & Roe-
buck will discontinue selling gro
ceries. This is necessitated by
the passage of the pure food bill.
This firm was able to cut prices
jin groceries because they were
adulterated, and of course not
reliable like the home merchants
'carry. Good for the pure food
law. Verdon Vedette.
Cured of Lung Troublo
"It is now eleven years since I had a
narrow escape from consumption,"
writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business
man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run
down in weight to 135 poands, and
coughing was constant, both by day and
by night. Finally I began taking Dr.
Kink's New Discovery, and continued
this for about six months, when my
cough and lung trouble were entirely
gone and I was restored to my normal
waight, 170 pounds." Thousands of
persons are healed every year. Guar
anteod at Hill Bros, drug store. 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
The overwhelming sentiment
among members of the legislature
appears to favor the creation of
a board of pardons and there is
therefore little doubt that legis
lation will be enacted along that
line. While the record oJ; Gover
nor Mickey in liberating criminals
from the penitentiary undoubted
ly has much to do in shaping
this sentiment and will have the
effect of hastening action upon;
the part of the law making body,
such legislation would have been
asked for in any event. Those
who have made a study of crim
inology and prison matters are
practically unanimous in their
advocacy of the pardon board
law, which has been found to
work most satisfactorily in the
states where it is in force. Lin
coin News.
A Wonderful Memory
Blind Boone, who was at the
Overland theater last evening
and gave a performance, has a
wonderful memory. Yesterday
he was about the city looking up
old timers that he met and did
business with twenty and twenty
five years ago. He inquired
after W. T. Canada, who was
manager of the theater when he
appeared here first some twenty
four years ago and who is now
claim agent for the Union Pacific.
He asked after the late Col.F. P.
Ireland, who. went on the stage
the first night and played a short
piece of music which he repeated
after him. He also looked after
John Price, colored, whom he
heard playing on his violin, the
first day he was here and that
night gave an imitation on the
piano. He found John and at his
request John occupied a promi
nent seat at the Overland last
evening and listened to Blind
Boone playing, imitating that old
fiddle which he had not heard for
twenty-four years. He did many
other things which clearly proved
to those who seen him that he
had a wonderful memory. Blind
Boone has been on the road for
twenty-seven years and during
that time has accumulated a for
tune. He has. built a fine home,
at his birthplace in Missouri, "and
there he spends his time when
not on the road. He and his
manager reside in the same town
and both are immensely wealthy.
Nebr. City News.
Does coffee disagree with you? Prob
ably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee. "Health Coffee" is a
clever combination of parched cereals
and nuts. Not a grain of real coffee,
remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health coffee
yot its flavor and taste matches closely
old Java and Mocha coffee. If your
stomach, heart or kidneys can't stand
coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It
is wholesome, nourishing and satisfying.
It's safe even for the poungest child.
Sold by Earle Gilbert.
Free Eor One Month
We will send the Advertiser
free for one month to a number
whom we would like to have as
subscribers. At the end of the
month the paper will be stopped
unless ordered continued. We
invite you to become
a sub-
Phonographs g Records
Can you think of anything that will
give more pleasure and a good laugh to
all members of the family than a phon
ograph? The machines and reoords aro
better than ever, the world's best
music can bo heard in your own room ;
at a very nominal price. Machines nt
$20.00 and $30.00 and records 35 cents
each. The entire Edison list of records
is iu stock which makes tho largest
assortmeut of records in S. E. Ne- i
Now records areJoy to the world
(band) Campmeeting timo (duet) j
Iola (band) Two little sailor boys
(duet) Danube waves waltz (orches
tra) Dearie (bells) It is well with my
soul (quartette) March Jose (zylo
phone) Bonny Jean (solo).
Auburn Music & Jewelry Co
Wise Counsel From the South
"I want to givo some valuable advice
to those who suffer with lame back and
kidney trouble," says J. R. Blankenship
of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an
absolute ceatainty that Electric Bitters
will positively cure this distressing con
dition. The first bottle gave me great
relief and after taking a fow more
bottles, I was completely cured; so com
pletely that, it becomes a pleasure to
recommend this great remedy." Sold
undej guarantee at Hill Bros drug
store. Price 50c.
Grequently each month to home
seekers' territory.
Winter Tourist Rates
To Colorado, California and all
Southern resorts. Personally con
ducted. California excursions.
Cheap Excursions
UARY 15, 16, 17.
21, 22.
Free Lands
Write for folder describing hoW
to obtain froq 640 acres of. gov
ernment land iti Nebraska for
mixed farming and dairying.
Send for Free Eolders
"A Good Dairy District,7' "Tho
Big Horn Basin'," "Irrigated
'Lands' in the Billings District,"
, 4 'Eastern Colorado, ' '" ' 'Personally
Conducted California Excursions"
and "Td the Great" Northwest.'
0- V. GLENN. Tioket Agent at Nomalia
L, W. WAKELEY. G P. A Urnaln. Neb
JT. E. Orother
in tho
Shoe Rcpairingc
Harness Repairing
Hand Mat'e Harness a Specialty
It's a pleasure to tell our readers
about a Cough Cure liko Dr. Shoon's.
For years Dr. Shoop has fought against
tho uso of Opium, Chloroform, or other
unsafe ingredients commonly found in
Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seems,
has welcomed tho Pure Food and Drug
Law recently enacted, for ho has
worked along similar lines many years.
For nearly 20 years Dr. Shoon's Couirh
Curo containers havo had a warning
printed on them against Opium and
other narcotic poisons. Ho hns thus
made it possible for mothers to protect
their children by simply insisting on
having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold
by all dealers.
Edward Fnllor and Elizabeth Fuller, oMU
uruti of Job m. Fullor. docoaHcd, Uolond
lin t a, Impleaded with Molllo Ulan, wilt
take notice:-
'l.'hai, ;m tho 12th day of Dccpmbcr, 1006,
Kll7..iboth Fullor, widow of Job M. Fuller,
deceased, pluiutlir heioln, filed Her petition
In tho dlHlvlct court or Nemaha county, No
uritftka, ngiiliisi. tho Haid defoiidimlM, the
pbJt'oiHnd prityer of which are, topartllloii
the East half (E X) ol tho North west quarter
(N. W. "yilofHeouon ton (lo), TowuHhip four
4), noith ofltaUKH Itlteou ("6) Emit In No
hinhii county, Nobraska, ncoordlng lo tho .
respective rlglitN of tho rmitltm luiereslod
LlmrtMti . ami mil. rt ihn ituft uuit.-ki i. I
defendantM that there be admeasured to tho I
p nlntlir net hoinenleitd and dower rlht
therein; that lu en ho tho Ntild premises cau 1
uot be equitably divided, that the name may
no sold and out of tho procetilN a inortKaK" of ,
JUDO aud IntereHt aualiiHt Hald premlHen be 1
til hi paid, and thai. tnorcHldueoftho prococda
or Raid Halo bo divided between tint partleH
Into cMti'tl therein itccanUtig to their respect- i
lvu rights t kliiK Into account tho pIhiuUIPh '
ivu iuiiiu iniuroNi uiorem, uer liomcstuaa
aud dower intureNt. ami uIho tukltm Into
account V!H) fnrnlHhcd by tho plaltiilll' to
cruet liiatlnu Improvements upon Hald prom
ises, aud lor gonoral equllnttlo relief. You
nro required to aunwor an Id poll Hon on or
borons tlieSlRtday of January, 1007.
Dalou December 12. IWM. '
ICLlwVUKTU KULLEU, l'lalntlir,
Delb Walrath, now Delia Moore, Albert
Waliath, MarKcl Walrath, now Mai vol
Moon', am. other unknown holrH of Alvln
Walrith, doaeaMid, will Utko notlco that on
the 7th day of December WOO, Pernio Hill, the
philntlir herein, tiled her petition In tho
district court of Nemaha county. Nubriutkit, defemhintH, tbohelrH ol Alvln
Walrath, deceased, the object and prayer or
which are to quint thqihlo to Lot )NK(1
of Hlock Thlrty-NIno (30) In the vlllnge of
Nemaha City, Nemaha county, Nebraska,
ami ror a dcicrco excluding tho .delendanlH
and n ch and all or them f any and nil
Interna therein, and Injolulnp theni'ironi
olHlmlmt or aH-sertlmc any rhtht title or
Interest therein, and for general relief.
l ounre required lo aiiHwer mild petition on
or hef(re the 27th clny or Januliry 1007.
Dated tliln7ihduy of Decern hot'. 10WJ.
H II. A. Immhuiit, her attorney.
onicesovcr I'ohIoHW Building,- at
Frank Neul old Bland,
Dealer lu
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
Al culls promptly attendee
Phone 28
A complete history of two history malting years
1907 and 1908. l1he entire proceedings of all the
important sessions of congress to be held during
those two years. .The fight to a finish of the im
pending battle against the gigantic trusts and
monopolies. Every detail of the next national
campaign,, including all thp party conventions and
the final result of. the Presidential election of No
' vein her, 1908. In short, ALL THE NEWS OF ALL
or THE
Two big papors every week. Eight or more
pages each Tuesday and Friday. Tho best news
paper in the United States. Pro-eminent as a
journal for the home. Unrivalled as an exponent
of tho principles of tho republican party. Always
bright, always clean, always newsy, always reli
able. Write lor free sample copy or send one
doIIak foroNW dear's subscription, better still
remit $1.25 today to tho globe printing co., st.
loo is, mo., and socure this great semi-woekly paper
two years, under special "long-time" campaign
, offer, which must bo accepted within 30 days from
date of this paper.
Two Tears for $1.25
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost cvcrvlxjdv who rcmla tlio tioua.
papers is sure lo know or the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
t Kilmer's Swatnp-
1 Root, tlto arcnt lcirl.
leal triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
"ir ' 8Cent'fic research
II. -LJ7. t,y.Jur hunter, tue
bladder specialist, and in wonderfully ,
successful in promptly curing lame back, '
uric ncid, catarrh of the bladder and
Uright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's 5wmp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have
kidney j liver or bladder trouble it will be
fottud just tue remcay you neeti. n nss
been tested iu so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that k
special arrangement haB been made by ,
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample .
l.illn nt 4 an.m lit ,a,l Client, lUVIV tAll
iiuiiii: pent itti; iij ., ..ivr u uwn -f
ing more about swamp-Koot, ana now to
findoutif you have kidney or bladder trou-,
ble. When writing mcntibn reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Uinchamton, i
N. Y. The regular
fifty-cent and one-
dollar size bottles are
em ofAwaap-ftoot
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember , the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
aud the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle. i
can be greatly Increased by giving
special care to the health of every
animal and fowl on the farm.
Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs,
horses, etc., depend on their liven
to keep then well.
Stock and nwltrjf
keeps their livers working and
therefore keeps them well.
BUck-Draught Stock and Poul?
try Medicine Is a pure, natural,
vegetable, blood purifier, and acts
by ' regulating the stomach, liver
and bowels.
It prevents and cures Hog Chol
era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis
temper, Coughs, Colds, Constlpat
tlon, Fever, Loss of Appetite,
Wasting Away, and all the com-,
raon stock diseases.
It Is a perfect medicine for gen
eral farm use. Try it.
Price 25c for a large can, at
alt druggists and dealer!