VOL. LI NO. 25 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 16, 1906 II. II. HAJS'OKHN) VubUthtr .Sulcrlitlon, ttl n'jjtnr in Hiltnnr ill SPECIAL SALE FOR SATURDAY. NOV. 17 Your choice of anything: in north window $ at 3 p. m, I It's See our fine China, too. going issl. select your pieces anaj have us put them away for you, $ $ -fc-K-K-K-k-K-K- NEMAHA, NEBRASKA THEO. IIILXj Still has n fine selection of Millinery New and Desirable Call booh for Bargains inHatsRibbonsfNotions You will bo pleased with goods and priceH. We understand there is to bo a wedding in about a week. Rev. J. W. Sapp and wife went to Brownville Monday for a few days' visit. Attention is directed to the clothing sale Friday and Satur day of next week. Wm. Snelling went to St. Joe Tuesday to buy new goods, re turning Wednesday night. Harry Hoover and wife have gone to housekeeping on their beautiful farm west of town. Miss Muriel Barker, who had been at Falls City taking treat ment for her eyes, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Todd of Nehawka and Dr. E. Cap Graves of Peru were guests of Miss Minnie May Thursday. A. G. Warren has a big job on his hands that of papering nearly all the upper rooms and all the hallways of the poor house. ccs CP SATURDAY, NOV. 17 Our lino of In spite of the stormy weather Tuesday, the stock, implements, etc., at the sale of J. II. Arga- bright and W. R. Davis brought good prices. Mrs, Jane I. May went to Peru Monday to visit with her grand daughters, Misses Stella and Bessie Washburn, returning Tuesday evening. See R. E. Bucher for best soft coal. Car just ruccived. Buy your candy, books and stationery at the postoffice book store. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. have just received a comploto line of Ranges, Cook Stoves, Base Burners, Coal Stoves, Wood Stoves, and everything in the way of stoves. Did you aeo those dollar watches at Keeling'riV They're all rinht. He will be in Nemaha Nov. !E 1 it Didn't Hurt a Bit It Didn't Hurt a Bit MATTHEWS The Omaha Painless Dentist i i i i i i i i CLOT HING At the New Store EARLE GILBERT, PROPRIETOR This sale will last TWO DAYS ONLY I Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23d and 24t K We Will ffllflrfllltflft vmi inctf be atraid of us. We have an up-to-date line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats Also a full line of Duck Coats, Shoes and Drv Goods. Cash rpp ister checks given with all purchases S REMEMBER THE THE nSTZETW" Eavle Oillei't, NExMAHA, - PLACE: STORE Iri ' op. NEBRASKA r Wo wish to announce thai our $ I PRE-WINTER SALE I S will comiuenco CO t k m km. rnn . 7T -A A CD CD WINTER GOODS is ready for your inspection. Como in Saturday and lotus show you our line and wo will convince you that your monoy will buy you nioro and hot tor goods than you thought possible. JNO. W. MTCHEV Phone 20 NEMAHA, NEBR. $ tmr m . I . I Eg 5 Our hunlors wore out Wed nesday forenoon but did not got many rabbits. J. W. Ritchey is sending out a multitude of circulars adver tising his pro-winter sale. Wo have somo of the tabulated statements of the election re turns which our readers can secure by calling at this oflioo. Preaching at the Methodist church at Howe Sunday morning, at Champion at 3 o'clock, and at night at Nemaha, by Rev, G. W. Ayers. Bob Bucher is going to send for a pair of ferrets, to kill out the rats around town. If they will do the work they will be kept busy for awhile. Misses Stella and Bessie Wash burn came down from Peru Sat urday forenoon. Miss Stella returned Sunday morning on the freight and Miss Bessie the next day. Will Swan returned from Dundy county, Ncbr., a few days ago. While there he bought a section of land in that county and will move out there in the spring. John M, Clark has had a wind mill and large tank put in on his farm south of town, and is fenc ing lots, making sheds, etc., preparatory to feeding cattle there this winter. Miss Jessie Simpson of Kear ney visited her aunt, Mrs. S. C. Lawrence, from Tuesday until Friday of last week, going from here to Auburn to visit her brother, Henry Simpson. Roy Heasley, a son of the old gentleman that formerly lived in Nemaha, died in Lincoln Sunday and was brought to Nemaha for burial Tuesday. He was a twin and was about 7 years old. The first snow of the season came Tuesday. It began snow- . ing before noon but did not snow very hard until the latter part of the afternoon, quitting about 7 o'clock. By the next evening the snow was about all gone. Mrs. E. S. McCandless of Thurman, Iowa, came to Nema ha last Friday and visited her mother until Monday. It is probable Nomaha will have somo good shows hero this winter. Woodward & Allon aro corresponding with a number of companies with good prospects of gotting dates. Oyster Supper Class No. 8 of the Methodist Sunday school will give an oyster supper at the home of the teacher, Mrs. Earle Gilbert, Sat urday night, Nov. 24. Every body is invited to attend. A letter received from W. E. Whecldon last Saturday says he is now located at Homer, Nebr., on the Ashland extension, about 13 miles southwest from Sioux City. He writes that it is a nice little town with a good class of people. Frank Titus is having an ad dition built on his house. The addition will be 11x26, one story high, built of brick. He will also have the upper story of his house torn down, making it all one story. J. W. Smith will do the work. I. J. Jarvis and daughter, Miss Eva, have been in Kansas City for several weeks, where Mr. Jarvis has been taking treat ment for a cancer on his left hand. He thinks he is cured, and we certainly trust his hopes will prove true. The heating apparatus recently put in at the poor farm will certainly be a great convenience to the managers, as well as a comfort to all concerned. The commissioners were down Satur day, examined it and accepted it. It is said to give splendid.satis faction. C. H. Kindig, who has recently taken some prospective land buyers to Canada to view the land, returned to Nemaha Mon day evening. He stopped sever al days at Bruno, Nebr., visiting his wife. He says we are havinir colder weather here than they were in Canada.