km ah a Advertiser V. W- SAfJD'RO, PuoDSHcn Nemaha, Nebraska fJrniv Cnrrli is n moil who has always 'fin feu it thliigH oiwy." "Ye, but ho Isn't taking tlicin easy now.' "Why not?" nYhi was caught Inking them and Is 4fii) hard lnbof mow." Houston Post. ... Illllcl'll If OllU'Wl't'pl tut. "Of course," Kit I1 this bachelor girl, D juii lonely. P.ul I nni afraid mar tfthgtt' would 1m out of tlio frying pun fd)'M the Hie." "It In mote likely," answered MIsh 'Chyuimo, "lo lie out of t ho chafing dish fmHt llio A'iih love."-r Washington Stnr. Arm 10 of Nollilntv. "PJunk never knew n thing In col 'Ibsc. lull now he's a rlrli tint ti. Ilow'il tt liiijjonV'' "Why, the mii mo g'lll lio used In going i In uIijmb without knowing a thing about icllu ooiimo was Just wliu I ho needed to jjimko 4i biisliiorx success." Detroit OPrw'l?fisii. Hvrryltoil ' Mil I l-tlli-il, "WtBiJgrtl, what did the ladles Hny vnhiii) you told Ihoiii Hint I wiih not lit fromo!" "OK they was dollghtod, iiiIhh! They iBl U wiih the best lilek they'd hud sL" Dot roll I'Yeo Press. Done AumIii. T bought your 'six host sellers,' wl'il )jii ciiMlonicr In tlx! hook storo. "jMi, Indeed." ri'idlod Iho dork, with xsmilln; "how did you like thcniV" "Wull, I t lit ii U you should abbreviate 'pani tidvortlseinont." "What do you nionnV" -Why, make It thu 'six host sells.'" "CorroKiKJiinefil wants to know who tint the greatest stamp collectors In tho stninrry," Haiti the ahslKttiul hrlolty. Dinw J io lm-lowo stump for roplyV" oumvi'voiI tlio odltor. "Von." ""Thru toll him wo arc." Die Only r.on.l. "1'nlher, why do these automobiles 13ulT out ho inueh smoke behind?" "".SlanpldJ So tho policeman can't son -ai. rtimflxirT' Moggondorfor Itlnttor. ' rim Itrlnrl ('oiii-lt-iiiiM, '.MIch Ol'dwun I've rofused many, many ih'crhof marriage. CJnylwy ahseiit-iulndelly) Very tJiDngoll'nl and considerate of you, I'm wniro. Mcggondorfer Ilia It or. Sim'4'iiIuI Ion. -V! near as '1 "kin mako do differ yjtfi" out," said Uncle Kbon, "It's dls ty- ho speculations dat wins is In ttments, an' dein dat loses Is gam ii." Washington Star. of II In Otvu Kind. .Mr. Hedgehog (lo I'liteushlon) Good -morning I suppose -you're . young jjormplne. T.Ur .Holiest 4ntvr. Tho 'Mb, Itloh One Yn-as. l'vo decld ciL ro go la for ballooning a hit, so you xiHiy lake my ordor. The Agent What sort, of balloon do .3jnu wish? Tlio Idle ltieh OneWhy, to begin with., you might rurnlsh ino witli a high' altitude balloon, a low-allltudo one, a ttotvriug affair, and, say, a runabout bal lineMe for' town, use. ruck. Am It Soinclllncs IIiiiikmih. -"ni never take in girl to tho hall Juno, Again."" "Kijpt too busy explaining tlio game, cbY "2iu'; 1 was kojit loo busy explaining tny Ignoraneo of tlio gamo." I.oulsvillo 'Giitirlor-Journal. Sonicttilnu' Dolntc .Xti'lht (broke) Ye.s, I'm making n Vtiiotl ileal of progress. Tho sheriff ban Tiisc Txtguii Lo. take an inlorest in my liiiijv-- Translated for .Tales from .-rmulo-libit lor. Another Kallttrt. "fegs-i-lliowit. Is a victim of mis plliol i'i)iitldoneo. inKsr-hi whom did ho. conlldo? " iDlH In' himself. l'osKlon Killed. AVHlle (iiHhor .lust' lot mo press ono Ufett on those coral Hps? ,;Swt Slngor-TJIr, I already have u jis.-i ngent. 'Illi lusl lli-Hort. "I.-all)','" whined thu tramp at tlu. wushlo cottage, "can't yor help a poor fUni:t,)rjial;o un'orer?" Ah. got out," anapped tho stern 2ttimsinlfe. 4,Ynu wore never In San MnvnAvvu lu your" life." Wull. don, .muni, can't yor help a wih'ano sulYororS", Wliat? Why, you have nerer heoD tr-nc Wsuvlus." MAJt, well, don, I'm Jest a bulldog atiiyerer. fJImm.o a ylwo o( ola" In France no ono will hereafter bo granted an autoniobilo licence who is not able to prove In addition to the ponton ion of the noeomnry techt.leul knowlodge, 'xenipt!oii rrotn any physical infirmity which would tend to Involve tinlitiionH for (lie control oT a machine. Siberia is a productive country and not at all a region of devolution. Sho in really a northern Australia, with larger rivers, more extensive foredts, and mineral wealth not inferior to that of tho Ih 'autt con tinent. livery good Sikh, a member of n religiouy jieet of Icdia, prefers to ilio on tiib bare ground Regardless of rank or age, no rug must inter vene between his microti body and the earth when lie breathes his last. The great clock of Jtotion, I-'ranco, has boon grinding out time and strik ing tho hours and (juarters for ovoi live hundred yea's, running all Litis time without interruption. Oatmeal in Liw bath water wii impart a vo'vety softness to t'. skin. To avoid stopping tho wat pipes tie tlio oatmeal in a good siz i cheesecloth bag. Wear the hair loosely about th shoulders as often as possible, as tin sunlight and air stimulates it wonderfully, increasing the health action of the scalp. Tito estimated number of canto loupes shipped from tho famous Rocky Kord district in Colorado last Hoason is lL'.fiOO.OOO Seven hundred ears were sent out, being an increase of 108 oars over tlio previous season S.alt sprinkled on the lire will give tho blue flame so much desired for broiling. Hheuit, mulliiia and cookies requir a quick oven. Auk Your Denier for Allen's Foot Eait, A imwder to shale Into your shoes. It mats the fert Curt Corn. Bullions, Swollrn, ."ore, Mot, PalloiiH. Achlnjr, Sweating Fut urn liiKniTvhiff Null. Allen's Knot Kftse miiki's new or Muht slides easy. Sold by nil tlrii.'KlNU and shoe .stores, 2.V. Knmo! untiled KUUK. Address Allen 8. Oluuted. I.e Itoy. N. Y. Use boiling wutor when it first boils or the gusos will escape and the water beoomojlnt. IT. IT. Gukkn'h Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., nre tho only successful I)rosy SiwcialisW in the world. See their liberal otfer In advertisement in nnothcr column of this paper. mm HEADACHE Positively cured by thoae Llttlo Pills. They nlao relleTo Dis tress trom Dyspepsia, D digestion and Too Hearty Eatlusr. A pcrfoct renv edy tor Dlzzhiess, ft ausea. Drowsiness. Bad Taata in the Mouth, Ooatoft Tongue, rain In too Sld, TORFID LIYKR. Taaf ajrulate tho Bowels. Funly Vegetable SSSALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Feu-Simile Signature SlTTtE IVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Food Products All arc selected meats, prepared foi your tb)e in a kitchen as clean as your own. Ready to servo any tuos fit to serve nnywhero. AH are economical and all are good. Whether your tarte be for Boneless Chicken, Vel Loaf, Of . Toogue, Potted Ham, Dried Beef, there i no way you can gratify it so wH as by aikiag for Lobby's. Try Libb y't delicious cookad OxTongue for sandwiches or sliced cold. BoolWJr. "KJow U Malta Good T& to Eat." Write Llbby, McNcM St Ubby, Oiko. 'GARTER'S fSTTLE IVER pats. TOPICS OF THE TI MES. A CHOICE 8ELECTI0N OF INTER. E8TING ITEMS. Coin in cntn ii ml Ct-lticNma Hhhc1 t.'pon the HiiiMionlnuN of tho Day Hlatorl cat mid Ncwfi Notc:n. Lh Insurnnce Is oven shedding its Pecksniffs. Like other monarchs, tho Hockefol lors Indulge tho luxury of traveling In cognito. When a Judge sentences ,".TJ white caps to Jail, It Is discouraging to haz ing lu .Mississippi. Those portraits somehow give you tlu; Idea tiiat Queen Victoria can be trusted to take good care of Mj' If It Is all the same to Dr. Holt, I'ni'le Kussol! Sago refuses to accept any outside estimate of the value of a man over 70. A Chinese student has won second prize In oratory at Now York Univer sity. How did lie happen to gel Into the country, anyhow? Governor Curry advocates killing off ill the Puhijano. Tho cotlln conces sion In the Philippines ought to be val uable, under that policy. In view of the allegations concern ing the lncat-packlng industry, the much-abused sutKige should feel Justi fied In assorting that it is as good as it.-, company. Somebody has figured out the mone tary value of a man at different ages hut, of course, does not consider tho statistical crank, who clearly Is not to ho reckoned as a tiling of worth. King Edward Is reported to have a deep-seated affection for his nephew the Czar. If 1 It 1-4 is true, why doesn't tho king get Nicholas aside somewhere uid talk to 1 1 1 in like a hutch uncle? A Gorman soldier has boon sent to prison for seven years for saying that :ho Kaiser travels too fast. What on earth -would have happened to him if he had remarked that the Kaiser is a trltlo slow? A New Jersey iiian accused of mur der alleges that tho dead man was killed by lack of Iron lu his blood. Probably the exports will decide that tho next Jeisoyinim who Is shot died from load poisoning. Artificial lee cream Is made now adays W refined cottonseed oil, made into an emulsion In a centrifugal ma chine rotating three thousand times a minute, and flavored with vanilla, glu clua and nitrohcirol. It Is said to Laste as good as real Ico cream, but It loos not sound so. Bishop Potter, who has recently re turned from Kit rope, says the Kngllsh people have only sham love for us. To oo candid, wo have never seriously ;hoiight Englishmen would bo likely to ;ermlt their affection for us to cause .hem to stand back and Idly watch merlcans secure trade anywhere. A San Francisco nnchelor offers to furnish clothes for 500 women. If he bad over been compelled to furnish clothes for one woman, especially along about the time she was getting rawly to go to some fashionable place to stay through tho hot spell, ho would no doubt have disappointed about d!K) of mem. Connecticut Is sometimes designated as the "wooden nutmeg state;" but a hen of East Lyme seems to have start ed a campaign to re-establish the repu tation of tho State for fair dealing. Overtaken by a trolley-car while prom enading down tho road, tills Plymouth Hock fowl was carried along for five minutes or more on the fonder. When the car stopped and she bopped oil', cackling, It was discovered that she hud loft an egg between the fonder wires by way of payment for the rldo. Few hens outside of Connecticut are so conscientious as that. May tho physician who prophesied that the day is coming when there will , bo no medicines unpleasant to the taste live long and prosper In his profession. , In all probability ho bases his proph ecy on experiments made by himself In compounding medicines that are re ally good to take. If ho can produce them his colleagues can do the same, ho probably reasons. Anyway, he Is the sort of physician we would like to have at hand when Illnesses come, for ho could rob them of half their terrors. The medicine hour Is dreaded by fret ful patients and by nurses, too. Even for the healthiest among uh tho notion has an attractive sound. Wo are for tho glhllug and sugaring of nil the bit ter pills of life and like to see the movement active Inside and outsldo of the laboratory. Now England farmers know that granite boulders arc not good In tilled land. Yet according to conclusions which tho Uepurtmoiit of Agriculture lias drawn from some experiments, jwwdored grnnlte may proo a valu able fertilizer. Granite contains pot ash, and potash Is so good 'or land that America Imports potash sa!L from Germany at a hundred dollars n ton. The imported salts contain only twin as much potash per ton ns certain granites which, It Is thought, may bo ground at a cost of three dollars a ton The experiment has not gone far enough to answer conclusively the commercial questions, hut already mills are being erected to attempt the maiiu facture of rock fertilizer. There are some facts which cannot ho reiterated too often. Such are the facts about railway accidents lu this country. To know that In a single year (11)01) one railway employe out of ev ery 'AZO In the country was killed; to know that ono out of every nineteo'l was Injured; to know that thesn mv. portions have been Increasing material lj, Instead of declining, hi tho last do cade, are facts which by themselves, without argument, show that an 1m provemont must be compelled. A Dov er ry stricken country with high freight rates might apologize for such destruc tion of life by saying that It could not afford the necessary safeguards. Tin United States Is too rich a country tc itK)logize for itself In that way. Even if safeguards Increase freight rates .i trifle their use should bo enforced. And the figures for the loss of life anions passengers emphasize the need. Whore In l.S'.H one passenger In 1,(!(kS,71)1 -win killed, In 100-1 one In l,;2L,LMt7 lost his life. Where one In 178,'JIO was injured in 18!) J, one In 7S,":.' was Injured lu 11)01. These figures and others of slm liar purjort have been presented tc the House of Itepresentatives In a re port from the interstate commerce com mittee. Is It true that there Is no third choice V Or. Woods Hutchinson thinks that there Is not. In an address deliv ered before the American Medical As sociation he urges that a man past middle life ought to put on steam so as to roach the end more quickly, if a patient has u possibility of ten years more of life with proper care or the certainty of extinction after threo years of strenuous living, he advises the strenuous life. Wear out and make room for the next generation Is his pre cept. This was the choice of Achilles In the old story. Sometimes tt Is he role to live so that the few years, or days, or minutes before death may bo full of service. Under other circum stances It Is cowardice or criminal folly to hasten the end. A short life and a merry ono Is a rogue's motto. If tho principle Is once admitted that a man may terminate his life wheu he wishes for no other reason than to avoid the trouble of living, a wave of suicide may be expected. Tho Instinct of self-preservation Is strong lu most persons. Even when life Is a burden through sorrow, 111 health or poverty, most men cling to life. It Is not merely re ligious training which leads men and women to abhor self-destruction, It Is something In the depth of their natures. This instinct cannot be wrong. To shorten life by overwork, undertaken with the express purpose of getting through sooner, Is no bettor than any other form of suicide. Those who dread growing old should read Cicero's charming essay on old age. To bo sure his knowledge was largely theoretical, as ho was cut off by an assassin before reaching the pleasures of old ago of which he wrote. P.ut much of the pleasure of younger years consists In planning for old ago. One leaves many things to do In the idle days before the end. There will be books to read, cities to see. the now generation to watch, and love, and admonish, old teachings to ponder over. A man wtio hits worked steadily Is entitled to his hours of rest at the close of day. To remove from fils thoughts all josslhiliiy of ceasing to toll before death Is to deprive him of one of the Joys of living. A man who loves his work will stick to It ns long as he has tho strength, but If ho Is wise he will not murmur when days of forced Idleness come upon him. Certainly he will not quicken the pace so that the end of work and the ond of life may come together, and that speed ily. Pesldes wearing out and rusting out there Is the third possibility of keeping bright and keen to tho last without the pressure that brooks. Ono must not cease to regard life as a sol emn trust to bo kept, and to bo kept useful as long ns possible, but ono must believe that oven apparent usolessnoss after a life of use has Its place In tho divine plan. A Criiai- DHlntMl. "What do you mean by saying some thing Is tho latest craze?" asked the man from abroad who carries a note book. "A craze," answered .Miss Cuyenno, "Is something that amuses other people, but In which you yourself do not hap pen to bo Interested." Washington Star. A hen never tries to spread her wings over her grown rooster-sizo son, to protect him, but you will soo .moth ers who haven't as touch souse na tho hen. wC.M. W. 11. KELBAUGH OF WEST VIRGINIA PRAISES PE-RU-NA, Hon. W. . KcfbauSI: A Gohl at Any Time of the, Year, 7?j pccially in Hot Weather, i.t Very De pressing to the Spntcm. 1'c-ru-nn m on Unequaled Tonic for Surh Oases. Head What People Say About It. t Hon. W. II. KelbauRh, Kx-Mcmbcr :V. Va. IgM'iuire, liUl J)th street, N. IK.. W.-istliin-fmi. D. f. writes : f " You can use my name and I word at all times for Pcruna as a medicine and tonic unequaled. I thavc tried it for a stubborn cold I land badly run down system. I tried all sorts of other medicines jand paid several expensive doc Itor bills. Peruna cured me, strengthened me more than ever, t land saveu me money." Mrs. Cliira Litterst, Sea Geld, Ind says: "Last fall I took a severe cold. I took Periinn, bejjun to improve and kepi ou ao until I was able to do my work." ..utsriigiiig the scalp has a good effect upon the muscles of tho face, giving them now life and vigor. Mis. Window's SOOTHING SYKUP tor chil dren teething, softens the kuuis, reduoes lnfla nmtJon. ulluj-b pain.curos colic. Price 25c bottle The treatment of excessively oilj hair, which is a disease with some, should bo very judicious. Onco every two weeks is not too often to wash the hair when the scalp is beinji treated for dandruff or any other trouble. When choosing a cold cream for use on the face care should bo exorcised in selecting one that is not of hair producing variety. Fruits may be preserved in the natural state for a year by packing in powdered cork; provided, oi course, that all unsound parts aro lirst removed. A splendid and simple shampoo for the hair is tho beaten yolk-of an egg diluted with twice its bulk of water If tho ends of the hair seem to split easily tltey should be trimmed once in every three months at least. Add a little powdered borax to the wash water to keep the skin soft and prevent excessive perspiration. Soap mixed with whiting will stop a gas or wnter leakage in a pip' until it can bo properly attended to China has a unique and effeetivi way of taking a census. The oitif. and towns are arranged in groups o. ten houses. The oldest man in canr group visits the nine houses which, with his own make up tho group counts tho members of every family and sends his report to tho impcria Census Hum-i-i "NO TROUBLE" To CIihhko fro in (')iilci- lo Iontttn. "Postiim has done a world of good for me," writes an Illinois man. "l'vo had Indigestion nearly all mj life, but never dreamed coffee was the cause of my trouble until last spring 1 got so bad 1 was In misery all tho time. "A coffee drinker for thirty years, It Irritated my stomach and uerves, yet 1 was just crazy for It. After drinking It with my meals, I would leave tho table, go out and lose my" meal and the coffee too. Then I'd be as hungry as ever. "A friend advised me to quit coffoo and use Pontuni said It cured him. Since taking his advice I retain my food and got all tho good out of It, and don't have those awful hungry spells. "I changed from coffee to Postum without any trouble whatever, felt bet tor from the tlrst day I drank It. I nm well now and give the credit to Postum." Name given by Potuin Co., Battle Crock, Mich. Read the little book, "Tho Itoad to Wollvllle," In pkgs. "There's a reason." I 4