CHAS. L. SAUER, GRAND SCRIBE ihe mm Mr. Clins. L. Sauer, Grand Scribe, Grand Encampment I. O. 0. l of Texas, nnd Assistant City Auditor, writes from the City Hull. San Antonio. Texas: "Nearly two years ajo 1 accepted n position nn secretary and treasurer with one of the leading dry oods establish ments of Galvc.-ton, Texas. "The Rtiddeu change from a liigh and dry altitud' to sea level proved too much for me and I beenme afllicted with ca tarrh and cold in the head, and general debility to such an extent a3 to ulinost Incapacitate me for attending to my du ties. "I way Induced to try Peruna, and after taking several bottles in small doses I am pleased to say that I was entirely restored i my normal con dition and have ever since recom mended the use oi Peruna to my I r lends." 1 wzs Food Products are economical at Wl good. You don't pay for bone or srriitle when you buy them. Nothing ctvl into a Libby can but clean, lean, well-cooltcd ruoat that it ready to eat, Libby' Products are time and trouble and monry-avei and appetite itiroulalon. Libby' i BoneUu Chicken with Mayonnaue Drcning make a quick aalad, yet aa deliootu a one at yoa ever ate. 1th all chicken, and all good chicken manly white meat. Try it when you're harried or hungry. Booklet free, "How to Make Good Thins to Eat." Write Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago II lift DM! Positively caret! by these. Little rills. They also rcllove Dis tress Irom Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dtainets. Nausea. Drowsiness, Bad Tost In tho Mouth. Coated Tongue, Tain In tho Stda, TORPID LIVER. Thea agulate tho Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CARTER'S lVER i PILLS. CARTERS WlTTLG HjlVER Genuino Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Don't bo too hard on the r 1 who is always putting on airs; maybe site nasn't much else to put on, AWFUL ITCHING ON SCALP. Hair Plnally Had to Be Cut to Sav Any Scalp Now in Good Con dition Cured by Cutlcura. "I lined the Cutlcura Soup and Oint ment for a dlsoused Hcalp, daiu'rulT, and constant falling of hair. Finally I had to cut my hair to save any at all. Just at thnt time I read about the Cutl cura HenmdloH. Once every week I shampooed my hair with the Cutlcura 8oap, and I used the Ointment twice a week. In two months' time my hair was long enouuh to do up In French twist. Thai Ik now five years ago, and I have a lovely head of hair. Tha length Is six Inches below my waist line, my scalp is In very good condi tion, and no more dandruff or itching of the scalp. I used other remedies that were recommended to mo na good, but with no results. Mrs. W. F. GrJead, Clay Center, Neb., Oct. 23, 1005." THE AGENCY OF PAIN. It In Mir, Cuunk runt t the Uffcct of I'll y. steal 1 u tin munition. Inflammation and pain are so close ly connected that a person who feels pain in tin- throat often complains of having a Hon- throat without examin ing the throat to see if It is really in flamed. Hitherto Inflammation has been taken as n cause and pain as its Inevitable effect, but according to a re markable Investigation by I'rof. Spinas, reported In the .Munich Medlzlnlscho Woeheiisehrirt, the pain is the cause and the iultaininatlon is the effect. if tho pain Is calmed by anesthetics the Intlaummtkm also subsides. For example, proof that tho Inflammation of tlie mucous membrane of the nose and throat can be cured by anesthetics has been adduced, and If an anesthetic Is Injected Into an Incipient boll thero Is little subsequent lutlatumatlon. In the treatment of Inflammatory diseas es, therefore, painlessness Is an object well worth striving for. Spless re gards the cessation of tho nasal secre tion of intlucnzn during sleep as a proof li:tt the iutlammatlou of the mucous membrane Is arrested by the Insensibil ity of sleep, and he explains In a simi lar manner the often observed healing of wounds, without Inflammation, In In sane persons. Ah an anesthetic Spless first em ployed orthoform, afterward novocain, a stilwtltuto for cocaine, the poisonous character of which makes It unsuitable for use. The inflammation following opera tions on the tonsils, which is ordinar ily very severe, was almost wholly pre vented by application of orthoform be fore and alter the operation. The In flammation as well as the pain of wasp Htlugs, mosquito bites ami slight wounds was prevented by rubbing them with an aqueous solution of the anes thetic. It is too soon to attempt an explana tion of these remarkable results. The lnllammatlon appears to be a result of a rollox action transmitted by the sen sory nerves. The anesthetic used should therefore be such as will alTcct those nerves alone, and have no Influence on the vasomotor nerves, which regulate the supply of blood. CUBA'S HEALTH RECORD. I'iMir Smil tullou Thi-otiiiliou (!iu In land, but Cooil Supply of Water. More than 125,000 American visitor are said to have registered In Havana alone the past winter, declares the 1'lttsburg Dispatch. The southern part of the United States established a quarantine against Ilavana on March in, although there bus been no yellow fever this season In that city. There in rery little difference between the death rates In Havana and In New York. In New York it averuges less than twenty fo every thousand, while In Havana for Ihe past year It has averaged twenty and three-tenths. Havana has no sow ers, but It has a water supply that la unexcelled elsewhere In the world. Thirty-three springs well up from tho coral reef that underlies Cuba and sup ply the city with l."0 gallons pir capita every day of the purest water possible to find. Consumption Is said to be the cause of as many deaths In Ilavana as any other disease. Throughout Culm tha poor sanitary precautions are a sub-J"i-t of criticism on the part of foreign-cr-t, although there Is comparatively a loa- death rate; but for the reason of H e low death rate the Cubans are in dignant at the quarantine of the south era ports of the I'nlte! States, which luuscs the Cubans considerable los. George Gillette, of Uie Development 'inpany of Cuba, make-t the f.dlow liig statement: "Let im fanner coinu i Cuba thinking that he will meet n liilicultles. The soli Is here and tho -I i mate Is here, but for every obstacle he met at home he will meet ten here. The soli Is rich the richest In the world but will not yield up Its rlche-i without a fierce struggle. When It docs yield the reward Is great." Wanted Information. "Where do they heat the balls?" asked the sweet young thing, who was attending her first ball game, us sha smiled ut her escort. "Why, what do you mean, Mollle?" "That gentleman that sits next to nay Just remarked that that was a hot onu that Mr. Seymour bit." And she wondered why he laughed. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Tlie llni.s II nil Wood Judgment. "What dill you quit that good Job for?" "The boss called me a fool." "Itut he didn't fire youV You quit Just for thatV" "Then the boss was right." Cleve land Leader. la lilt .Mini!' i:.-. "Hello! 1 want to see Mr. Smith ut tho telephone." "Mr. Smith says if you want to see him at the telephone you will have to come to his olllco; he hasn't time to go to yours." Ualtlmoro American. If a man Is friendless It's ,1i1h own fault DOUGLAS' NEW BUILDING. Ill Shoe rontitnny Inrrenc Id JoMilnir Pnolllt Icb. The dedication of toe new adminis tration and Jobbing house building erected by the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. us a part of Its mammoth manuractur lK plant at Montc.lo, Mass., was marked by the thoroughness and atten tion to detail charact-'iistlc of the tlnn In all Its undertnkiuxs. As the new building Is said to be the most complete anil convenient of any ever built for a commercial house In the United States, so were the expressions of appreciation by the many persons who visited it for inspection sincere and of a highly con gratulatory nature. The completion or this structure marks the establishment of a modern up-to-date wholesale Jobbing house and olllce building. Mr. Douglas has loin. considered the advisability of a Job bing house, not only for the purpose of supplying his own retail stores more readily, but that tin 11,000 dealer throughout the United States handling the W. L. Douslas shoes might be able to obtain shoes for ltuuiedlute use with greater facility. Under the present sys tem all shoes are manufactured to or der, and customers sometimes lose sales waiting for shoes to arrive. With the new Jobbing house ther will be enabled to have their hurry orders shipped the same day they are received, which will be far more satisfactory to ln cits. touier and will result In n lnrgcly In creased business to the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. Tho new building U 200 feet long and 00 feet wide and tw vtorles In height. The Jobbing department will occupy the entire lower floor, while the olllces will occupy the second Hoot. Tho Jobbing department will carr' a complete stock of men's, boys', youths', women's, misses' and children's shoes, slippers, rubbers and finding" equal to any Job bing house In the country. Hot llnnnol oor tho bp nt of the pnin frequently renewed, will rolice neuralgia Mrs WlnMow-H SOOTHtNU SYUt'P for elill Oron teotlilnir. sofutn the kuiih, rotltiues Inllu uiutlon, ulluys imln.uuroa uollu. Price 9Ru bottle Whooping cough may frequently bo relieved by breathing tho fumus of turpentine or carbolic no id. ftOO VIltntNI A KAHMH. btilltllnics, timber, beit ollmuic, water, markets, tiitm-o. Ontltis. irueklnt;. dalrylntr, poultry. Uteitt oppori uni ties for fanm-rM. Write for Ileal 15-tiutu Her ulil, l'j-le A Co., Petersburg, Vn. B2QP xr.xv niscovnnn t!M uk rtM( PJ furl WM Vk 91 tdtJrMM, t M.I In tta r... Dr.ll.U. Ultt:K.VflONtf, llux I . A t!tu,C. Another remarkable uloek is that made by Villingun, tho cloekmakcr of the Black Forest, Germany. It shows tho seasons, years and leap years to the last pecond of tho year 09,009, besides n host of other ftstronomial geoprapbical and histori cal facts. Do not retire late at night and rise at daybreak nnd imagine that every hour taken from sleep ia an hour gained. A Skin of Bonuty Is a Joy Forover. Ri T. Follx Gouroud'n Oriental crenm or Maftloal Bonutlfler. ILrnnTM Tan. Timolol, 2-3 o CT r ractiM , Mom cuchr, im t-Tory uirrui.o nil Iwikutr. Bil do Am detection. I h. Muoct tlie teil of 47 years tind U harmlons via U.te It lobpiiirelt In irniftljf marie. Accept nu counter fcU of .liulUr tim. Pr. I,. A, Harr .till to a l.vl of tat haut t m ia patient) t "A you ladle will uio tlicm. i ,,.,.,., ...,, I 'nnilrnml'a Prnnltl' ai thl lomt harmful nt all IK. kin nrc trailon." Knr sale hr all ilrugslita and Kancy. Oood. Dealers Id tha United Statti, Oauada aad Kurope. FtnO.T.HOPKIHS, Prop, 37 Greal Jonu Sltal, New York n You Cannot OURE all inflanicd, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such a.1 nnsal catarrh, uteri no catarrh caused by feminine Ills, sore throat, soro mouth or Inflamed eye by simply dosing the stomach, But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with , Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gernis.checks discharges, stops pain, and hcab tho inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston, Mas., WINTER W nr. AT, 0 lhrla yr -r. t'nUlefiK and Mal tniK Slf HN Co., Ui C, Uiiww, Wl $2 to $5 LANDS nores larm lnna. uoiornair, Kunsus wild NpfontsUu Will irrow unyililnif. Gov't liomtvMtoiuti locuttMt. Printctt 1UW hliowlntr oxttot locutions unit iirloes. also muuJ pleture.t clo. KRKK STi:itl.l.N( INVKSTM15NT CO. lion Tronl St. Klnrllue Colo. N N. U. 030-28, YOIUC, NEBR Thfi igntnr8 For FHEE A Corlaln Cure for Tlrod, Hot, Aching Foot. lVMrXaAls A.iiitfM. aii DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. 00 wry box. liaSl" P xSale Ten 'Million Boxes aYear. jH m W. CANDY CATHARTIC mgf H -ma. Save the Babies. I1TPA1TT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent,, or moro than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they aro fifteen ! We do not hesitate to say that a timely uso of Castoria would save a ma jority of these precious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of theso infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinotures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or loss opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In ajiy quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death, Castoria ' operates oxactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears tho signature of ' Ohas. E Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the ' pores of tho skin and allays fever. -r-.av , &?-w '"n r" ,,1, i, .1 , ' 1 . r,; l . . 1 1' 1 ."'Vf" ' It . U IIIHIHI.HII- Attc!nhle Prnnnmtlnn i'nr As similating lhcMaiitinciula ling Hie S lumnchs and Bowcis ol' Promotes Digcslion.Cl.ecrfuI ncss andRcsi.Conlains neillicp Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not IMuic otic. Pumpkin Saul" jllxJlmtut JtxktlU Salts -slm'xr. SnU r JUfrmint -IU CariianaUSoJa, A term Area - CturifoJSiwnr Apcifcr.l Remedy forCbnsiIpa I ion. Sour Slomach.DK-uTlinea VVorms,ConvuIsions.FpvTri:h. ness andLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. fi) Letters irom Prominent Physicians acsciressed to Urns. IB. FSetcher, Dr. A. F. Pcolor, of St. Loul3, Mo., says: "I havo progcribed your Castoria in many cases and havo always found it an oHcicnt and oiicedy romody." Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., nays: "I havo prescribed your Cas toria in my practlco for many yoara with yreat uaUtifaction to myself and henef.L to my patients." Dr. Edward Parrlsh, cf Broohlyn, N. Y., nays: "I havo used your Cas lor.a in my own household with good results, nnd havo advised soveral ' paLonta to uso It for its mild.laxatlvo effect and freedom from harm." Dr. J. B. Elliott, of Now York City, nays: "Having during tho past six" years prescribed your Castoria for infantilo etomach disorders, I most heartily commend Its uso. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious to tho most dellcato of children." Dr. C. O. Spraguo, of Omaha, Nob., nays: 'Tour Castoria is an Ideal mediclno for children, and I frequently prescribe it. While I do not advo cate tho lndlscrlmlnato use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria Is an exception for conditions which arlso in tho caro of children." Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., Bays: "Your Castoria holds tho esteem of tho medical profession In a manner held by no other proprie tary preparation. It i3 a suro and reliable mediclno for infants and chll dren. In fact, it is tho universal household remody for infantilo ailments." Dr. II. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Mo., says: "Castoria Is ono of tho very finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my, opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to Its efficiency, and merits." ' Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Clovoland, Ohio, nays: "During tho last twelve year3 I havo frequently recommended your Castoria as ono of the best preparations of tho kind, being safe in tho hands of parents and very ef-lectlvo- in relieving children's disorders, while tho easo with which such a pleasant preparation can bo administered is a great advantage." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Jjoara tuo signature of The Kind You foe Always Bon In Use Fop Over 30. Years.