EDISON SEES VISION OF NEW MARVELS. WORKING WOMEN Nemaha Advertiser W. W. SANDERS. PuouoHcn Nemaha, Nebraska It would be a good thing If some mm cdii Id invent a machine to pre vent rcostcra rrom nivin;; fal als-rim by crowing two hours before daylight on Sunday niorningi. In Fomo parte of Australia there nro forest. of leaf Ions trees. Thoy respire through 1'tt'e stem, ap parently answering the purpose or a loaf The tree is known as tlio ' - lonlloss acacia. " Hritain wna conquered by Caesar In the year f5 H. 0 and tin- Uomau occupation continued until A. or nearly live hundred years. JluasiaiiH havo possessing the civilized people, attribute- to the Bunllower seed. the reputation of best tooth of all a fact which troy regular chewing of How's IliU'f Vfo olTor Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for nny caso of Catarrh Unit cumiot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. 1 J. C4IKNKY k CO.. IVopi.. Toledo. O, Wo, tlie umlerilKiiml, havo known K.J.Chenoy for the last ir. yoarx, and uollero him perfectly honoralilu In nil liiuliinss transaction and Mian, daily able to carry out nuy oblluutlom inadu by their (Inn. West K Tnmx, Wlmlotnln DrilccUU, Tolodo, O. WaUllug. Klunari ti .Marvin, Wliolo.salo Drug KlslH. Tolodo, (Jhlo. Ilnll's Catarrh Carols taken Intoinally, notlnc directly upon tho blood and tnuroiu Mirlncos of tlio Hystcin, I'rli-o 75c. por boltlo. Hold by all DniKKlsts. Toxtlnionlals froo. Hull's Family nils arc the best. THOMAS A. EDISON. A phonograph served as a witness 'In a railroad ease in Boston. It was iused to reproduce tlio noise which trains of the elevated railroad iniide in passing a certain building. The owner of the building asserted that ,tho rental value of his property was "injured by the noise, and Houglit compensation from the railroad com pany. It was held that the phono graphic record was as valid evidenco of tho nature of the sounds as a photographic record would bo of the condition of a street or of a miilding. To secure some memento of a great aunt to whom she was much attached, Mademoiselle Ilortha Ohevanne, a young Parisian, attended a sale of the old ladv's elieets. Tlio girl was poor, and most articles were beyond her purse. A shabby old prayer book was put up. Nobody bid for it except Madumoisello Ohevanne, and she bought it for a few sous. In turning over the leaves she ' came across a folded nanor. Tt was a will bo- nuoathini! to her tho whole of her K, great-aunt's estato valued at $S0.00O, A method of lishing that must seem odd to Americans is practiced by tho Chinese. The fisherman lets down from tho sido of the boat, a screen of white canvass. The shoal of lisli mistake this for some Hunting ob- struetion and try to leap over it. witli the result that the Hsu jump into the boat and aro thus captured. This method is also employed by Malays in their waters. -V 11 . A Trained FOUND OUT. Kf- Nurnc llUcovorert ttmin. No one la In bettor position to know tii vniuo nf fonil anil drink than a trained nurse. , Snenkinir of coffee a nurse of Wilkes Banc. Pa., writes: "I used to drink strong coffeo myself and suffered groat- lv from headaches and luiugetmon. While on a visit to my brothers I had n trood chance to try Postum Food cor fee, for they drank It altogether In nlace of ordinary coffee. In two weeks, 0rfH imUiir Pnstrtitn. I found I was much benefited and finally my head .aches disappeared and al6o the Indlgea- tlon. "Niitnriillv I have since used Postum among my pntlonts, and havo noticed a ..iMKi.-iwi )nn,.fl wiiorn. coffee has been left off and Posturu used. "I observed a curious fact about Pos turn used among mothers. It greatly helps the flow of milk lu cases whero onffan lu IniMtnori in drv It UD. Mid where tea causes nervousness. 'I find troublo lu getting servants to mnke Postum nronerly. They moat al ways servo It before It has been boiled long enough. It should be boiled 15 or 20 minutes and sorted with cream. wlwm It Is rertninlv a dellclOUB DOV Thomas A. Edison Is IX) years old, and to the world and to the workers who aro striving for tlio opening of even vaster Holds of Invention and In dustry, ho declares that before he dies ho oxixx'tH to see locomotives cross the continent using only a few pounds of coal for fuel, to see giant steamships driven net-oss the Atlantic at high speed by a shovelful of coal, and to see the problem mo aerlaj navigation solved. That ho will discover the secret and solve any of these problems he dot's nol claim. Ills message to the world is that they will be done. One does not have to he old to recall tho llrst electric light, or the first tele phone. Less than a (piarter of a cen tury ago the electric light was so much of a curiosity that one of tho biggest circuses In tho country made it the fea ture of the show. It was not, as might ho supposed, used to lllutiiliiiite the "iiiainmoth pavilion." Tho circus sim ply carried a portable engine and dyna mo and had one solitary light upon a IH)lo to he beheld in awe and wonder ment by the great American public. Since tho electric light has become so common tutu it is at nines louno in what was only a few years ago the hack woods, tho younger generation, who have been used to it from Infancy, scarcely will bo able to realize what a marvel It was to those who, after hear ing their grandparents talk of the "tal low dip," and who considered gaslight something that could not be Improved, found themselves beneath tho daz.Ung rays of Mr. Edison's wonderful Invention. Tho career of Thomas Alva Edison has been a most Interesting one and should bo an Inspiration to every ambi tious boy, regardless of tho fact that In his youth he devoted his time to making electrical discoveries Instead of killing Indians or being a pirate. Ills boyhood was not without the Instances that go to make the life of a boy or young man Interesting. As "train boy," printer, telegrapher and In a few oth er lines he had experiences that might have furnished material for many a writer of stories such ns would Interest tho properly constituted boy. Ho has done more than any modem American to place tho land of his birth among the nations which lead tho sclen tl lie world. He ranks with Roentgen, Ivoch, Ilneckel and others of that class. Indeed, It may bo said that ho leads tho clapt. And ho Is still at? deeply In terested In tho quest for new truths about electricity and other sciences as ho was half a century ago. When such a man speaks It Is with tho wisdom of tho oracle, so we may listen with attention ns well as faith. Whether It Is a prophecy as to tho fu turo or advice based upon the experi ences of the past, what he says Is en titled to consideration. As to the possibilities of the future tho wizard says: "It is only a question of time when it will bo possible to run an express train from New York to Buffalo with tho power generated from two bushels of coal. "It Is only a question of time when all tho electric plants will bo estab llshed whero the coal comes out of the ground. Tho power will bo transmit Perpetual motion discovery of tho ted by wire- which will bo much easier and cheaper than transiting coal by railroad. "I expect to see ships cross the At lantic in three days before I die; and I also expert to see a successful air ship." Mr. Edison did a rare thing In cele bration of his birthday. Ho allowed himself to be Interviewed. "Now," ho laughed, "I feel at homo. P.ut what Is It yo'u want me to say?" "Do you expect to make any special announcement on your birthday?" was ventured. "Everything depends depends on how certain problems pan out. It would give me all tho pleasure Imaginable to make an announcement every day In the year, hut It Is mere foolishness to express hopes when all the world wants or Is concerned In are results." "It is true that you are In hope of solving the problem of perpetual mo tion r "Absurd ! absurd ! to science and the north nolo to the world bear what wo might call corresponding relations, When some scientist finds time hang lug heavy on his hands he may turn at tention to perpetual motion. Hut mean while there are far more vital and lm mediate discoveries to be made. "The control of the energy stored In coal, directly and without waste, for example. Is It a possibility? Yes, It Is not only possible but probable of dls covcry. Some day soon It will be done. "Ninety tier cent of the energy stored In coal now Is lost. That Is a trenien dous waste. It goes off lu heat from the chimneys, and especially Is wasted In the process of converting water Into steam. If, therefore, a means can bo devised by which this enormous wasto Is saved, It will revolutionize and vast ly cheapen the production of power. The result will have an Incalculable influ encc upon the material progress of eh' lllzatlon. It will enable an ocean liner of, my, 20,000 horse power, to cross tho Atlantic In unprecedented tlmo and with nn expenditure of nlout one-tenth the amount of fuel now required 250 tons Instead of ,".,000 tons. It will en able an engine to draw an express train from Now York to IJufTnlo on a two bushel consumption of coal. Coal will ho put In a receptacle, agencleci applied for developing Its energies with nn In appreciable wastage, and through these agencies electric power of any noces Mary degree- will bo forthcoming. Yes, It can and soon will bo dono: some of the details nre already mastered, prac tleally. That problem seoms to hold tho greatest promise, to my way of thinking. What's that you ar saying? What will follow a victory In that dl root Ion?" "Do you think one of the wlentltlc triumphs of the near future will bo discovered at tho end of tho wireless telegraph by tho establishment of communications with Mars or other neighboring planets?" was tha Inter rupting query. "There, there," expostulated the wlz ard, "you aro getting over my head. My province goes as high as tho top of Mount Everest. When you get above that you must consult others." crngo. 'There's a reason" for Tostuui. l'nt Dutiful In VIcrr Ktimnce. A clergyman recently engaged with another of a different belief In a con trorcrsy regarding some question of re ligion sent to a newspaper olllco an nrtlcfo supporting his side of the ques tion. Tho article in question contained about two tlxmsand words, and had been prepared nt tho expense of much mldnIgSt ol. Tho manuscript bad been received at a local newspaper offlco and "set upv in typo for tho next day's ltae. About midnight the telephone rtuig furiotwly, tho minister at the other end asking for tho city editor. "I am eorry to trouble you at sucK n tlato hour," ho sUU, "bui I ara In great Their Hard Struggle Mar! ments by a Yom and One in K -asier Interesting Stato Lady in Boston -hville, Tenn. All women work: some in their homes, some In church, uud somo in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands arc on the nerer-ceasing treadmill, earning1 wieir uany oread. All are subicct to tho sam nhvsical laws; all suffer alike from tho flame physical disturbance, and tho nature of their duties, in ninny cases, quickly drifts them into tho horrors of nil kinds of female complaints, tumors, ulceration, falling and displace ments or perhaps irregularity or suppression, causing- backache, nor vousness, irritability and lassitude. They especially require an invicrorat- ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to sec a woman struggling- to earn a livelihood or per form Her Household duties when her back and head are aohiug, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the oricrin of which is due to some derangement of tho female or ganism. Miss F. Orser, of 14 Wnrrenton Street, Boston, tells women how to avoid such suffering ; she writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkhara: "I Buffered misery for nflvoral vears with female irregularities. My back ached; I had bearing-down pains, and frequent headachch; E. Pinkham's I could not leop and could bnrdly drao cround. I consulted two phyoiciahs without rqlicf, and as a last resort, I triod Lydla IS, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and to my surprfie, ovcry aclio. and pain , loft m. J gained ten pounds and am in pWfoct health Miss Pearl Ackers, of 327 North Sum' iner Street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: Dear Mr. PInlchatn: -. . - " I Buffered with painfid perioii, mtct backaoko, bearing-dorra pains, ptilns acres' tu abdomen; was very noryoua nncl irrlta.J bio. and my trouble jfrsw rvorso ever menth. " My pbytlclan failed to help 'mo and l decided to try Lydia E. rinkbam'i VegaJAblq Compound. I wwnifound.Jt was doing m good. All my pains andachw diiA'ppoared, aad I no longer fear my riipnthly periods".",.- Lydia E, Pinkhamja Vegetable Com pound is the unfailing cure or all t&ose troubles. It strengthens the proper! muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, henry ing-down pains, disordered 'storaaoX moodinoss, dislike of friends and spcie'tj? all symptoms of the ono causewilj be quickly dispelled, and it will mak'tf you strong and well. . v . '(I You can tell the etory of your sjuf fcrings to a woman, and rccciTO help ful advice froo of cost. Address MrsJ1 Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Thonpfesan'U airs. I'inirnam is mo uaugntqr-injittwj of Lydia E. Pinkham, and fpjk"twen'yl live years she has, under horTdiroction Lydia and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge'. .vvAj--. Ap Vc&etablc Compound Succeeds Where Others Fi In Mexico there i3 a jail which ionsisls of an oak tree with a chain mil staple attachment. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Oertila Onre for Fnrorlnbiiens, Cnnntlpntliin, II nail an lie, Stomni'li Troubliin, TortliInK Unorder, i Dot ray Wortim. TbTT'r(xlt up G'oliU in 'H hourt At ill Ctagclit. ittcVa. Simula uiiiUd KRRK AddroM, A. S. OLMSTED. Lo Hoy. N Y. Mothor Gray, Nuns In Child- rati'a llnma. NwYorkClt. The Chinese minister at Washiuu- ton is a noted story teller. Here is one of his latest yarns: There was a rich Chinaman who had three dogs Alien he came home one evening he found them asleep on his couch of teak wood and marble, lie whipped them and drove them forth. The next night when he came home, tho dogs were lying on tho lloor. But he placed his hand on tho ccuch and found it warm from their bodies. Therefore he gave them anothor whipping. The third night, return ing earlier than imial, ho found the dogs sitting beside the couch, blow ing on it to cool it. BEVEN YEARS OF SUFFERING Ended nt I.iiNt TlimiiKli Vhlna Donu'n Klriner I'IIIm. Mrs. Selina .7ouc3, of 200 Main St.. Ansonln, Conn., says: "If It had not been for Doan's Kidney Pills I would not be alive to-day Seven years ago I was so had with pain In the back, and so weak that 1 had to keep to my room, and was In bed sometimes sis weeks at a spoil H e g Inning with Donn's Kid nes Pills, the kidney weakness was soon corrected, and inside a week all the pain was gone. I was also relieved of all hculaches, dizzy spells, soreness and feelings of languor. I strongly rec ommend Donn's Kidney Pills. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MUburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The English school of water-color painters is recognized a3 tlio leaders of tho world. DROPSY jrnvr wiscovrcitYi iim qtcj till! Ml4 KIM wont tun. t La.tltni.nl md 10 IISVH Wl.nt Free. Ur.ll.U. UUJtX HONS. Box CAUtutva.ua In Siam tho high-born persona walk with Jtyj elbow joints turned' inward and tho thumbs outward. Mrs. Window's SOOTHING SYHUP for chil dren tcethitiK. softens the cuius, reduces infla. niatlon, allays paln.cures colic. Trice 25o bottle The oldeso plant asparagus. used for food ia CARTER'S I TlVER' rsgulnte Uie Bowels. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, Positively cured hf these Little Pills. ( Thor eIbo rellovo Dls. trosa from Dyspepsia, to digestion and Too Hearty Eatlnff.' A perfect rea edy for Dizziness. Nausea. Drowsiness, Bad Tast In tho Mouth. Coatod Tongue, Fata in tho Bld6 TOHPID LIVER. The Purely Vojfot&blo. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS 8?ITTtG STIVER H piUs. Genuine Musi Bear Fac-Simila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Positive CURE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly nbjorbod. Gives Relief al Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho diiiensed membrano. It cures Cntarrh and drives away a Gold in tho Head quickly. Kestores tho Senses of Tasto and Smell. Full Bizo 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail; Trial Bizo 10 ctR. by mail. Ely Brothers, G6 "Warren Street, Now Yoik. trouble," "What can I do for you?" was asked. "In tho article I sent yon to-day I put Daniel In tha fiory fur nace, rlenso takoUlm out and put him In tho llon'a den. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE "Tlio railway men win mkq posses- slon of tlio government rf they gt a chnnce," said tlw alarmist. "Well," answetvd tlio asy-gotnp, cltl- Ken, "If they do I hopo thoy will run It as successfully as thoy T somo of tho trunk lines." Wnflilngton 8tr. Mc. 25C 50c CANDY CATHARTIC Mfcim.-JT,I,TI.1HI..1' Al Drogxlsts BEST FOR THE BOWELS Tcoplo loss a let of time erepy day In telling their troubles.