Nemaha Advertiser W. W. SAND'RS, PuniiBHCn Nemaha, Nebraska The parole law should not lift mado a license system for young criminals. Man't blame tluj weather bureau. It can't liolp It if tlio seasons become tangled. Already It Is prncllculy settled Hint lnnd stealing mm a business will bav to bi dropped. Cornering Hie tomato supply will not af necessity have any effect on the sup ply of vivid red catsup. Man can got all kinds of climate in this country, but the trouble Ih he cauiiilt' always take his choice. If Hie ranaina people will dig into tiie isthmus as hard as they have into Plgelow, they may do something to ward a canal. Gold is getting too cheap, says n con temporary. Tlio Individual experience of tlio citizen scarcely bears out that statement. The revelations in regard to certain applicants for the Carnegjo hero medal would seem to prove that once a ljero, not always a hero. As arrests multiply In Kusslu Prem ier Witto becomes more and more cer tain to bo enrolled In history as the Friend of Liberty. CJeronlino, the Apacho warrior, has Just been married for the eighth time. Hu evidently enjoys a tight us much as he did In ills younger days. The world lost one of Its bravest. knlghtllest souls and the United States one of its most patriotic citizens when Fighting Joe Wheeler went out. A girl at Sernnton, Pu., who wan de ported at the altar by her prospective hushaiiil promptly married another num. She Is a wlso bride-elect who keeps a list of alternates. Five American peeresses will have to give up the management of court func tions because they are torles und their party has been driven out of power. Hut they still remain peeresses. "When a man goes on the witness Land, says young Mr. Rockefeller, Ito swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is Ids duly to answer every question truthfully." Put if ho dodges the olll ecr who has the subpoena and goes to Florida he has violated no duty, of course, and his conscience Is clear. Out of 4,217 arrivals of all classes of vessols from foreign ports at New York last year the American flag flew orer only 700 ships. According fd figures given out at the barge olllce re rcntly 47S of the 700 vessels were steam powered, and thoro were tlvo ships, twenty-five barks, six brigs and 21(5 schooners among the sailing vessels. In lids time there were 12,8-t-l steamships under foreign flags entered at the cus tom-house, of which 1,!155 were British and fi'Jl German. A eommoh charge brought against newspaper reporters is mat tney are Jieartless, that they revel In laying be fore tho world tho closely guarded necrots of Individuals. It constantly liaijpens that a reporter must do un pleasant things because others have liccn guilty of those violations of cus tom, law or convention that make news. Tlio opprobrium that belongs to tho real offender Is not Infrequently heaped upon tho innocent nowsgatherer. Thoro Li no work a reporter detests so much as that Involving a social scandal and there Is no story that a largo percent age of readers will devour more eager ly. The name of Edward A MacDowell Is not wldoly known savo among musi cal people. MacDowell was known by litem as ono of tho greatest modern eomnosers. lie had produced more than a hundred and thirty pieces or music of high quality. Ills admirers ranked him with Grieg and Brahms. The past tense has been used horo be causo ho will produce no more music. It was announced a few weeks ago that ho had broken down from over work at tho ago of forty-three. Ills physic' ans explain his condition by say lug that ho crowded forty years of work 'nto twenty. Ills cessation from labor lo worthy of note because ho Is ono of the men who In recent years Iiavo proved that America can produce groat artistic works. There has been much chaffing com ment of late on tho fact that Goorgo Westlnghouso, Jr., of Pittsburg, lias gono Into his father's great shops In that city at a wago rate of IS cents per hour, carrying a lunch-box and ' wearing tho regulation overalls of tho shop. Why anybody should aulff at tlio heir of n groat fori line for thus trying to understand tlio business that made the fortune, from the inside passes all eoininon sense to see. In the course of tintum he must ono day sueeeed to its management, but unless ho understand! It ho will not long have any luminous to manage. He laid the foundation ot his edueatlon by graduating from Yale anil now sensibly proposes to llnlsli it by graduating from the shop. He seeiiH as fortunate In his Rood sense as In his heirship. Nathan Meyer Khalkowll. Phonier Is not a name familiar to most Americans, yet It is the name of the man who at the time of his denth, a few weeks ago, was probably Hie best-beloved writer in Atnerl'Mi. He was a ltusslan .lew. who wrote poems, ulays, novels and essays In Yiddish for the Hast Side .lews of New York City. Ills first work was In Hebrew, and ills plays were produc ed in Odessa in the language of the Old Testament. When Hie theater was closed there, he went to New York, and to reach his people adopted the dialect that most of them understood. Thows anils followed his hearse, and the rain bis to the doors of the synagogues and paid the tribute of respect as the procession passed. He was careless ot money, and sold for a few dollars copy rights that brought thousands to tlio buyers; but he wrote for ills people, and won such affection and grntltudo as have not been expressed In America for any other writer since Dickens was welcomed In New York. .losoph Wheeler was not the great cavalry general of Hie confederacy. That title belongs to Forrest. Next to him came "Job" Stuart. Hut (Jen. Wheeler was so capable and daring a commander that he gave Gen. Sherman some anxious hours. Tho military serv ices of Gen. Wheeler to the confederacy were not so noteworthy as tho fact that he died a United States army olllcer. When hi; threw up his commission at the outbreak of the Civil War to light for the South ho would have been either angered or much amused by a statement that before ho died he would again wear the blue and serve under a Yankee general Ho would have scoffed at the statement If it had been mado immediately after the oloso of the war. Neither ho nor any other man could Imagine that the day would come when a president who had fought for tho union would glvo high military posi tions to men who had resigned from Hie army to fight against the union. Nevertheless, when the war with Spain broke out and an army was sent to Cuba, Gen. Wheeler found himself com manding United States troops and quite as much In his element, apparently, as If leading confederate troopers. He did not havo an opportunity to distinguish himself during the brief campaign, but that was not an Important matter. .Man ifestly the wounds of the Civil War had been healed and the bitterness engend ered by It had gone when the ex -army oflieer and ex-confederate general was put back In the army. It would bo hard to find a parallel In the annals of any other country. Any great outdoor spectacle, like a college football game, gives excellent opportunity to study crowds of fairly well-to-do people the class which rep resents the best that American life has attained. No ono can watch such a crowd pouring forth from tho gates without being Impressed by the lino physical appearance of the individuals. Young men of six feet or more, even, are so common that they hardly attract notice by their stature. Most sons aro taller than their fathers. Among young women the change Is oven more notice uble. The number of strong, healthy looking girls Is constantly Increasing, nor Is the gain In the average height of American women ono of appearance only. Kecords of tho physical measure incuts of college girls and of the pa trons of gymnasiums for women show that thoro has been a steady advanco during the past quarter-century. Tho reason lies undoubtedly in the greater Interest In outdoor sports and exercise. Hotter food and more knowledge of diet, moro sensible clothing, and nbovo nil, systematic and well-regulated oxer else In tho gymnasiums, havo contrlbut od to the better physique of American women for a fashion of being strong and healthy has become established, and that, by creating a motive, has sent shop-girls and other working women to elassco which they would never havo entered had It not been for the deslro to emulate their college sisters. As a nation tho Americans aro not deteri orating physically ; they ore improving. Tho advanco Is move noticeable In tho cities than In tlio country, but there Is nowhere any need of a commission Ilka that which Great Britain found neces sary after tho Poor War, to investigate the causo of tho physical deterioration of the race. Temporary Uomentlii. "Don't you ever have moments when you feel like doing something absolute ly ridiculous?" "Oh, yes. For Instance, when you proposed to mo tho other day thoro was a minute when I had an Insano 1m pulse to accept you." Cleveland Leader. The camel is the only animal that cannot swim. It is an extraordinary fact that, the moment it looses its footing in a stream, it turns on its side, and makes no effort to Have itself from drowning. A monkey in the zoological gardens if Hreslau was operated on for cataract. In about u month, the iperntion having proved a success, the animal was iitted witli a pa i r of pcctaolos, and regularly wears them. The term free thinker is applied o tiie opponents of Christianity and its teachings. It has been ho applied for two or th" centuries. The prairie wolf is the coyote of the Mexicans, and is the American representative of the Old World jackal. It is thirty-six to forty inches long, with a tail measuring jixteen to eighteen inches in length. Tlio color is usually a dull yellowish- j?rey on the back and sides, with slack cloudings. The under parts mil inside of the limbs are of a 'iirtv-whito tint. Tho voice is a sort ,)f snapping bark, and for this reason alio animal is known as tho barking wolf. It is found on tho Western olains extending from Mexico to latitude fifty-live degrees north. Itj lives and breeds in burrows, and has its young in April, often ten at a time. It hunts in packs, ana is very fleet. A COLD BROUGHT IT ON. Severe Ooniff-.-illoii Cured !' of Hie I) on n 'n ICItlneya Soon Kidney Pill. Richard M. Peurce. a prominent business man. street, Nowa i; of li.",l South Orange N. J., says: "Work ing nights during bad weather brought on a heuvy cold, ach ing of the limbs and pain In the back and kidneys. Severe con gestion of the kid neys followed. He- sides the terrific ach ing there were whirl ing headaches, and I became exceedingly weak. My doctor con id not help me, and I turned to Doan's Kidney Pills, with the result tnat the Kidney con- ostion disappeared, and. with It all the other symptoms. What Is more. the cure has lasted for eight years." Sold by all dealers. fiO cents a box. Foster-Milbnrn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Under the auspices of the ITniYcr- mty ot I'rieburg. bwitzeriana, a business academy for women only lias been opened in that city. Marriage licenses aro required in all states and territories except New Mexico, New Jersey, Now York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. The only time all of a man's good qualities aro put on exhibition is whon he dies or marries a prominent I woman. After placing his slippers before the lire and laying tho evening paper where ho will no sure to una it, a woman will complain if her husband Joes not spend tho evening talking to her. A certain gentleman on being asked to subscribe toward sending out a missionary to ono ot the cannibal islands of tho Pacilic, is roported to havo answered in tlio most dis- sournging manner : "Certainly not. am a vegetarian. " Tho Caspain Soa is tlio lowest body of water on tho globo. Its level has been growing gradually lower for jonturios, and now it is eighty-five foot below tho lovol of tho neighbor ng Black Sea. Some ovens aro now made with onnblo tho cooks without opening glass doors. Thoy to watcli tiio food 5ho doors. The greatest depth at which gold has been excavated from tho earth is (,200 feet about threo-fourths of a mile at tho Now Chums Mine, Australia. I ho seven wonaors ot Amorica aro Niagara Falls; Yollowstono Park; Mammoth Oavo of Kentucky ; tho Danons, and Gardens of tho Gods, Colorado; tho Giant Trees, Cali ornia; tho Natural Bridgs, Virginia; the Yosoimto Yallcy. .Most new wrinkles are caused by worrying over thoso we already have. How's This? Wp offer One Ilnndrrd Dollars llcwnrd for anj ('flit; of CntMrrh tbnn cannot be cured by HiU'g Catarrh Cure. V. J. CUKNKY ,V CO., Toledo, O. Wo. tin undiM-fllKned. More known I J. Cheney for tho lnt 15 years, nd liollere hi oi perfectly honorable In all ImslneA transactions and flnnnclnlly able to carry out niiy nbllintloim made by his linn. WALIMNU. KINNAN fc MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intrrnslly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous turfiicen of the system. Testimonials sunt free. Trice 73c per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Three pairs of twins"iigured j prominently at a double wedding which recently took place in Paris. Alphonse and Gabriacl Cliautcaud twin brothers, married twin sisters, and the groomsmen were also twins, cousins of the bridegrooms. Sme women imagine that they are paying their husbands great compli ments when tiiey say they are not as mean as they used to be. Worth Knowing: thnt Allcock's nre the original and only genuine porous plnsters; all othnr so-called porous plasters are Imitations. It isn 't woman's rights that some women are constantly clamoring for; it's all the rigiits. Auk Yonr Denier for Allen'n Foot-Enno A powdor to shake Into your sbocs. It rests the feet, Cure-i Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating feet und Ingrowing Nails. AIIoii'h Koot-Cano tnakea new or tight shoes ensy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c. Snraple mailed PUKE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Itoy, N. Y. Canada has enacted a law provid ing for the payment of a salary to the leader of the opposition in parlia ment. The difference between plain and fancy sewing is exhibited in the button holes which a woman works in their husband's shirts and in her own shirtwaists. The women who "just dearly love" grey hair are the ones who spend their spare change for lack hair dyes. Some men nre always on the olTen- sive and others always on the fence, A plain Welsh-rabbit is thus made: Grate or cut a half-pound sofe, mild American cheese; grease tho dish in which the rabbit is to be mado witli a Hi tic butter, then put in the cheese ana set over tho blaze u in a chafing-dish, or on top of tho stove if to be cooked on tho range. As it melts, keep stirring from tlio bottom, widening the circle of tlio spoon and adding little by little from throe to live tablespoonfuls of beer, ale or milk; when the cheese is creamy pour it on toast or crackers. It is claimed that those who sulTer from indigestion after eating rabbit could have avoided it had thoy used a half salt spoonful of bicarbonate of soda in making it. The acid acts upon tho cheese to light it and break it up. If it strings, the soda will restore it to its creamy condition. "COFFEE JAGS." The Doctor 'nm-il Them Correctly Some one said "Coffee never hurts any one." ISnquire of your friends anu note their experiences. A Philadelphia woman says: "During tho last '2 or 3 years I be came subject to what the doctor called 'coffee Jags' and felt like I have heard men say they feel who have drank too much rum. It nauseated me, and I felt as though there was nothing but coffee flowing through my veins. "Coffee agreed well enough for a time, but for a number of years I have known that It was doing me great harm, but, like the rum toper, I thought I could not get along without It. It made me nervous, disordered my diges tion, destroyed my sleep and brought on frequent ami very distressing head aches. "When I got what the doctor called a 'coffee Jag' on, I would give up drink ing It for a few days till my stomach regained a little strength, but I was always fretful and worried and ner vous till I was able to resume the use of the drug. "About a year ago I was persuaded to try rostuin, but as I got it In res taurants it was nothing but a sloppy mess, sometimes cold, and always weak, and of course I didn't like It. Finally I prepared some myself, at homo, fol lowing the directions carefully, and found It delicious. I porceverod in its use, quitting the old coffee entirely, and feeling better and better each day, till I found at last, to my great Joy, that my ailments had all disappeared anil my longing for coffee had come to an end. "I hato heretofore suffered Intensely from utter eihaustlon, benldcfl the other ailments and troubles, but this summer, using Postam, I hare felt fine." Name given by Postuin Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Thore's a reason Rostaurant cookB rarely prepare Pos 'turn Coffea properly. They do not lot it boll long enough. Treating Wrong Disease, Many tltnea women call on their famlh physicians, suffering, as thoy imaging ono from dyspepsia, anothor from hear! disease, anothor from liver or kiilnej dlsenso, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain hero ami thcro, and In this way they all present allko to themselves and their easy-going and Indifferent, or over-busy doctor, sep arate and distinct diseaars, for which he. assuming them to bo such, prescribes hli pills and potions. In reality, thoy aro all only xymploms caused by somo uterine disease. Thn physician. Ignorant of tha cause of suffering, encourages this prac tice until largo bills aro made. The suf fering patient gets no better, but probably worse, by reason of tho delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, directed to the cause wuld havo entirely removed tho disease, thereby dispelling all thoso distressing symptoms, and Instituting comfort fn-i stead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a dlsoaso known Is half cured." I Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrpRcrlntlnn Is a. scientific medicine, carofully devised by nn cxnoriencoa ana siciinui pnysician, and adautcd to woman's delicate svstpm. It is made of native medicinal roots and Is porfectly harmless In Its effects in anu condition of the system. As a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription " Imparts strength to the whole system and to tho organs dis tinctly feminine in tmrtlcular. For over worked, "worn-out," "run-down," debili tated teachors, milliners, dressmakers, BPumRtrcase3, "shop girls," house-kcopors, nurslnc mothers, ana fonhlo women gen erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is tho greatest earthly boon, being un cqualcd as an appotlzing cordial and re storative tonic. i As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorite Prescription " Is unequaled and is invaluable in nllnvl tier nral mih- dulng nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous uxmuMuon, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, choroa, St. vitus's danco, and other distressing, nerv ous symptoms commonly attondant upon luucbionni mm organic aiseaso oi tlio uterus. It Induces rofrashlntr slnnn anil relieves mental anxloty aad despondency. ur. x-ierce s ricasam relicts invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. Ono to thrco a dose. Easy to tako as candy- It only takes a few minutes' con versation with a woman to develop the fact that her friends are not as perfect as tkey should bo. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OftrUln Core for FevcrlntitiFia, UanntlpiUloti, II on duetto, .Htoimicb Troubles, TcuUiIiik IllnordCTH, anil Octroy WoritiM. They Itrrnu tii Colas in 34 tioun. At ill Rruggitu, Sactl. Srnnpla mailed 7IIEE. A(ttrt, A. S. OLMSTED. Lc Roy. N Y. NOtncr uray. NnrMinCJMlil- tan's Uoqii, Kon VotkOltr. The joke that tlio average womac can see the quickest is tho ono thai isn't a "oke at all. TEKHEBLE SCALP HUMOR. Badly Affected with Sores and Crust Extended Down Behind the Ears Another Cure by Cutlcura. "About ten years ago my scalp be came badly affected with sore and itch ing humors, crusts, etc., and extended down behind the ears. My hair came out in places, also. I was greatly troubled; understood it "was eczema, Tried various remedies, so called, with out effect. Saw your Cutlcura adver tisement, and got the Cutlcura Rem edies at once. Applied them as to db rections, etc., and after two weeks, 1 think, of use, was clear as a whistle. I have to state also that late last fall, October and November, '1004, I was suddenly afflicted with a bad eruption, painful and Itching pustules over th lower part of the body. I suffered dreadfully. In two months, under th skillful treatment of my doctor, con joined with Cutlcura Soap and Cutl cura Ointment, I found myself cured. H. M. V. Weiss, Kosenioud, Christian Co., 111.. Aug. ai, 1905." All women, who suffer from the diseases peculiar to their sex, and endure the miserable, periodical pains, headache, backache, side and waist pains, falling: feelings, weakness, irritability, and other symptoms of disordered functions, should do as Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Manns villc, N. Y., did, and take WINE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF to relieve their misery. She writes t "For five years I suffered untold misery from serious female diseases. My doctor said no medicine could cure me. Finally I took Cardui and now I do not have these bad feelings as formerly. It has done me so much good that I recom mend it to all sick women." At all Druggists, $1.00 C5 Sick Women J