Ono of the most uncommon things in the world is common sense. Young man, don't seek a position; hustle for a job. Wo wouldn't mind having people talk about us if they were not sc liable to let the truth slip out. Opportunity makes the man after the man has made the opportunity If there happens to be a loose tack on the iloor a follow never steps or it till he has taken his shoes od. When Jlattery is applied to friend Uiip it's a case of make or break. 1 Robbed in Chnreh. Just think what an outrage It is tfl be robbed of all the benellta of the Bervlecs by continuous coughing throughout the congregation, when Antl-Grlpine is guaranteed to cure. Sold everywhere. 25 cents. F. W. Die mer, M. D., Manufacturer, Spring Quid, Mo. , It's a poor graft that doesn't get the coin from both ends of the busi ness. lasal la nil Us stages. Ely w'e Praam Ha!m u UltjUIII UUIIll cleanses, soothes nnd heals the diseased membrane It cures catarrh and drives away a cold In tho head nalcklv-. Craim Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over tho mcmbrano nnd is absorbed. Relief le iin mediate and a euro f ollovrs. It Is not drying doci not produce Bneczing. Largo Size, CO cents nt Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTUEnS, 60 Warren Street, New York. THE BEST COUGH CORE m No cough is too trifling or too Pa ! i i . i . i - .1 i .1- 3 - method, and the right method is the use of the best cougli cure, which is Imsfs Balsam Thir. famous preparation cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip and consumption in its first stages. Irritation of the throat and bron chial tubes is immediately removed by the use of Kemp's Balsam. Sold Vy all dealers at 25c. nnd 50c. --.-r---Tr-T--T-, . LI .-TZ4 A woman always looks her agj but not necessarily the ago she says .he is. FALL WHEAT RAISING IN AL BERTA. The Syrlntf AVlicrit Areas IlnpWily 1 iicn-aslnj;. It Is only a few short years since the Impression prevailed that a large portion of tho Canadian West was aulitted for agriculture. To such an stent did this Impression prevail that districts larger than European princi palities were devoted solely to ranch ing purposes, and flocks and herds roamed the ranges. But the agricul turist was doing some hard thinking, and gradully experiments were made, slowly at first but surely later on. As a result, to-day in Southern Alberta, ' which was looked upon as the "arid bolt," largo quantities of the tluost wheat in the world are now grown, and so satisfied are the farm ers and buyers that the Industry has passed tho experimental stage that elevators by the score have been erect ed In the past two years and others are Jn course of erection,- to satisfy the demands that will be made upon them In" the near future. Manitoba "No. I Hard" spring wheat has achieved a world-wide rep utation, and there can be no question that ere .long t'Xo. 1 Hard" winter wheat from Alberta will attain simi lar repute. The great market for this production will undoubtedly be the Orient, and, with increased railway facilities and tho erection of addition al elevators and flouring mills, a large ly Increased acreage will bo broken to winter wheat. The Increase of pop ulation In Southern Alberta In the past year has been largely due to settlers from tho United States, who have brought In capital, and enterprise, and who have been uniformly successful In their undertakings. A few more puch years of growth and "Turkey Ked" winter wheat will wave from Moose Jaw to tho foothills. Informa tlon regarding lands of the Fall and Spring wheat bolts can be obtained of any Canadian uovernmeut agent. B3 iPBAlX SUPPOSE WE SMILE. HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM THE COMIC PAPERS. ricnsnnt Incidents Occurrlni tlu "World Over Sayings that Are Cliecr ful to Old or Younn-runny Selection that Everybody Will Knjoy. "This," said the agent, "Is the coziest little Hat In Harlem." "Yes?" replied the man. "Oh, there's no doubt ubout that nt all!" "That's so; there isn't any room for doubt, is there?" No IMvoreo I.lUely. "Gracious! What's tho matter?" asked the Chicago bridegroom, finding Ms bride In tears. "Oh!" she sobbed, "I Just tripped and fell coming up the stairs." "Hut you didn't hurt yourself, did you?" "Hurt myself? Don't you know' that's a sign I won't get married tills vonr?" . Of all the debts that men expect To pay, and still elude, The kind that's hardest to collect Is that of gratitude. I.ooktiif? for Solace. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs Torklns, "we have one satisfaction." "What is it?" "The money you have given the bookmakers at the races means thai much less for wicked Insurance direc tors and trust promoters." Washing ton Star. Two of i Kind. "I am a self-made man," said the bank president. "I began as errand oy and worked my way up." "I, too, am a self-made man," re plied the ex-burglar. "I once rented a room over a bank and worked my way llowii." K.viiert Testimony. lliggins Do you know anything uTjout young Sorrow's ability as bookkeeper? Dlggsby Sure thing. I loaned hlir. a copy of Shakespeare more than 0 year ago and he has kept it ever since Ifo .Should Know. "Your wife certainly has a remark nble command of language," said (5 ray "Yes, I presume she has," rejolnei Smith, "but there are times when '. am inclined to think it has commune of her." AVIncIoiii of a Illiymcr. The man with the unbarbered hall approached the office boy. "Is the editor in?" he asked In t stage whisper. "Sure," answered the youngster. "Thanks," replied the long-haired party. "I'll call again when he Is oui and leave this poem." The Limit. "Mrs. Piper Is a well dressed worn an, Isn't she?" "Splendidly. Why, sho couldn't dress any better If hor husband could afford It." IMstip;)!)! tiUiiK- Volioily. "What did you do with that come boot" hash I loft hero?" "Thunderation! I thought that tvai mince meat, so 1 made It up iutt pies I" "Well, then, poach an egg and droj it on the mince meat. I Just got at order from the dining room for cornet beer hash." ISiNtlnutlon. Husband Here! I've made a Ha of the things we can afford and thost we can't. Wife Ono for you and tho otho for me. FACIAL PARALYSIS " Norvoua Distortion of Face Curod bj Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Whnt appears to bo n slight norvotu attack maybe tho forerunner of a severe disorder. No nervous sufferer should neglect tho warning symptoms, bat should sco that tho starved nerves arts, nourished beforo tho injury to the delU I cato organism has gouotoau extent that ' renders n euro n difficult matter. Tho' nerves receive their nourishment through 1 tho blood, tho mi mo as every other part of tho body, and the best nerve tonic and food is Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Tho experience of Mr. Harry Bonis-, of Truthvillo, Washington county, .N.Y., substantiates this. I "I had been feeling badly for a long timo," said Mr. Bemis, "nnd in tho early part of September, 11)02, Ivvns com pelled to quit work on account of my ill henlth. My trouble was at first ex tromo nervousness, thou my Bight bo came afTected and I consulted an oculiHt who said I was sufforiug from paralysis. Ho treated mo for some timo, but I got no bouofit. I tried another doctor and again fa'lcd to obtain any relief. My nervousness increased. Slight noises would almost make 1110 wild. My mouth was drawn so I could scarcolv'eat and ono oyo was afTected so I could hardly seo. I had very littlo use of my limbs, in fact I was almost a completo wreck. I am all right, now nnd am at work. That is becauRo I followed my wife's ad vice and took Dr. Williains'Pink Pills. Sho had used tho same remedy hemdf with tlio most gratifying results nnd sho persuaded mo to try them when it up pearedv(hat tho doctors wero unablo to help mo. They acted very surely in my case; my faco camo back into shapo and in timo I wis entirely well." Dr. Williams' Pink'Pills aro sold by all druggists or by mail by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. A booklet on Nervous Disorders sent free on request. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SUFFER Prom Constipation, Bowol Stomach Trouble and Q. What Is the beginning of sickness? A. Constipation. Q. What is Constipation? A. Failure of tho bowels to carry off the waste matter which lies in the ali mentary canal, where It decays and poi sons the untiro system. Eventually the results are death uader tho name of some other disease. Note the deaths from typhoid fever and appendicitis, stomach a;id bowel troable at the pres ent time. Q. What causes Constipation? A. Neglect to respond to the call of nature promptly. Lack of exerche. Ex cessive brain work. Mental emotion and improper diet. Q. What aro the results of neglected Constipation? A. Constipation causes mire suffering than any other disease. It causes rheu matism, colds, fevers, stomach, bowel, kidney, lung and heart troubles, etc. It is tliu one disease that starts all others. Indigestion, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, loss of sleep and strength are its symptoms piles, appendicitis and fistula, are caused by Constipation. It consequences are kinwn to all physichrn. hut few suffer ers realize their condition until it is too late. Yo!iien become cnnSrme.l invalids as a result of Constipation. Q. Do physicians recognize this? A. Yes. The first question your doe tor asks you is "are you constipated?" That is the secret. Q. Can it be cured? A. Yes. with proper treatment. The common error is to lvxort to physics, such as pills, salts, mineral water, castor oil. injections, etc., every one of which is injurious. They weaken and increase the nuiludy. You know this by your own experience. Q. What then should be done to cure it? A. Get a bottle of Mall's Grape Tonic at once. Mull's Grape Topic will posi tively cure Constipation and Stomach Troable In the shortest space of time. No other remedy has before been known to cure Constipation p-s.tively and per manently. Q. What is Mall's Crape Tonic? A. It is a Compound with 40 per cent of the juice of Concord Grapes. It ex erts a peculiar strengthening, healing in fluence upon the intestines, so that they can do their work unaided. The process is gradual, but sure. It is not a physic, but It cures1 Constipation, Dysentery, Stomach nnd Bowel Trouble. Having a rich, fruity grape flavor, it is pleasant to take. As a tonic it is unequalled, in suring the system against disease. It strengthens and builds up waste tisane. Q. Where can Mull's Grape Tonic be had? A. Your druggist sells it. Tho dollar bottle contains nearly three times the no-cent size. (Jno.l for ailiag children and nursiug mothers. A free bottle to all who hnvc never used it because we know it will care you. 110 fiu:e hottlb 233 I MX. Vaptt On. rwwnn witli v ur nama .nil a1(lre, "ur irnvL'lit hiiiiio and lDc t' pa l"'lns and will iiilitilv yin munipU fiw. If jrtiii I iiaiar ul Mull'a Unifi Ionic ami will alio en1 y " a n-rtlllcnta irnod fur (I (Hi tonai'l ll.a uti'tuii of uium lonlo Ijoiu jour 'Irukk'tbt. Mull's CuAr-B Ton 10 Ca. 21 Third Ave. K00U Islan'l. Iu. (live l,ull Address nnd II '.' Plainly rnut. r.Ofont ii'l Jl Utt!" l all ilrnggUti. Tha l mi I'otllo rmitiilni almut no i mei m much thtD rant Ik.UU ami aluul threa timo ' much a tha Mi cam Lottie. Diore In a n.t .wm m buyliiK tin, 41 IU utia. The genuine has a date and number Ktamped on the label take no other from your druggist. MSEjSESIXmmHl&MKESSXWmM Nothing knocks out a m LUiTinag mm tmrnm Nothing reaches the trouble as quickly as KWrrrnTMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiilllllllllllMlillllMil'iiiMiii!iiini'iiiiii him 5 riyj uWli I Huli i'"'"!!';!!!!!!!!!!!!)!' AVeBelnblcPfcparationfor As similating tlicrood flnclllctfula ling UicStamochs andDowcis of Promote s Digcsllon.Chccrful ncssandncstContains neither Opium.MorphlnO nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. AYtvw afOldDr&U'IUELPITCHW lunfJiin Sti" Mx.Sauu HtcAtlU Stlit -Anitt Strtt Ihfnaint . f I arm Set d -flpifltd Siigrtr . hnHyrun fJatW. Apcrfcct Remedy Tor Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrisli ncss and Loss of Sleep. mi ai-i.i i TncSlmite Signature of NEW YOEK. tXACT C0PV OF WRAPPED, L'.w ,'. ''M 1W sure of tho foundation before :tliin)ting to put up a bluff. l.Ovon tho woman who says sho admires a mastorful man is sure to register a kick when hor husband tries to boss her. You can't always nuasuro dignity by tho length of a frock coat or the height ul a high hat. Some men go into n brown study when they feel blue. An honest man may be tho noblest work of God, but only Women over eturn borrowed umbrellas. it takso a woman to break a self made man. Love of popularity has put many a man out of the running. Every up-to-the-minute baby wears bawl gowns from the start. Flattery s'lould always be diluted with tact. One of tho most difliuult thing to do, sometimes, is to keep one's temper. A calm serenity of temper and self-control, which keeps a per son unniillod amid the petty annoy ances and ills of everyday life, indi cates tho possession of perfect mental health. Nowadays people aro very fond of saying so-and-so was "just mud" meaning very angry; but it would bo well if temper were more often seriously regarded as madness, It may bo preventable madness, but madness it is while it lasts, and there is seldom anyone who is made more unhappy by it than the person who gives way to it. hi our treat ment of tho illtempored the cultiva tion of tiie art of not hearing will bo very helpful. It is n useful art all through life. PRICE, a5 Cts CTO CURE THE GtM JN ONE DAY 1 III 3 fl a am. -X arm mmm m m rfflftiuiriJi s ine ri I' ,i , ,i!,it'"l!it , iMiiiTTTi, . i fiTuh.' ml ,TmT7 TTTI I TMI U M m 11 .v wssk rj-M mm m hub a mum n ri-in m Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE F.IRULY'S CANDY FOR ciwig.i.a'T.yiMg.iiifv.mBi and disables like 11 Hl best - JAC ASTORIA m m For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bears the Sought Signature of THE CINTAUFt COMCANY NEW VORK OITV. WHEAT RUSJNC Three crc.it pursuits have anln shown wondvriul result on the FREE HOMESTEAD LAHDS OF WESTERN CAHADA Mnsnlficcnt climate. I'u.mers plowlrn; In thell dhlrt Blrcvcs In the middle o( November. "All ar. houtut to mon thin pl.it ltd with Hi. final taiulU o! llig iuit naitou'i liarvaiti." Extract. Coal, wood, water, liny in abundance; schools, churches, markets convenient. 'tI3 IS THE ERA OI fil.OO WHEAT. itl for liiformntloii to Kuporlnt nJ.ntof Itiiiniura. '.1 n, l.'ltin'n, . i. ni.ua, ur l.i . V. Ilmiii-H, tail Ntiw luiH Ltfii HiilliliHL'. U'uut.0, Nb , Autli rliuJ Qovurutncul Vcoiila. l'inuau aor lior jou .an tUU uJv.rtUomouU That Delightful Aid to Health iaxtitte Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, r.ore eyes, and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Pa::tine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi cidal qualities unlike anything: else. At all druggists. 50 cents LARGE TRIAL PACKAGE FRE", Tu . Tl Tt.a.- r. . Boston, Mass, ly For Over I Thirty Years vrnurA n tmm mm mm mm h mm mm bj mm mm ma mmt wmmm IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I wnu'tftall Antl-Grlplne to a d osier -who won't Otinrniitno It Call for your MUMIY HACK. IF IT HOKHN'T CUKIt, JT. V.JJlcmcv,JI.I)., Manufacturer, Sprlnaficld, JIa FAVORITE F&EDtCINE 3 CATHARTIC ai4!riiujrrj: THE BOWELS PRICE, 25c. AND SCc. 1 Lza 1