VOLUME L NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1905 NUMBER 30 V i The Postoffice News Stand and Boole Store Has some of the handsomest fancy stationery in boxes yon ovor saw just the thing for Christmas presents. It is going fast, so you had best come in and make your selections at once. AVo also havo a full lino of plain stationery, pons, pencils, ink, erasors,otc. Books, Vigei2sirie:s, Post Cards A good assortment. Wo carry latest magazines, papers, etc. Fine line of Candies and Bonbon Boxes just in Your Patronage Solicited Local USTews Are you all ready for Christina? Magazines on sale at t ho postoillce. Dr Bourne (Its glasses. So. Auburn. Bonbon boxes tor Bale at the poat- CllllUB. School will close thia afternoon fur a week's vacation. Mre. August Quiller has been aick for several days. Burnt leuther souvenir post cards for sale at the postoillce. Best photos in (southeastern Nebr. at Or Hey 's. So. Auburn. A good liim of Iresl) candies j tis received at the postoillce. The roads have been in splendid condition for some time now. A. G. Wairen Ims been doing Home papering in Brownville this week. Wouldn't there be splendid sleighing f we-wonld have a good snow pow? For Sale cheap A second hand baby go-cart. Apply to Mrs. W. F. Gillespie. See the now Library Edition photop at Criley's. Juat the thing for Xmas Nice lino of school tablets ard com position books at the postoillce news stand. Hard coal and soft coal several grades various prices for pale by the Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. W. II. Barker can now furnish the people with never slit) horseshoes.-I something that has never before been handled here. Try them hristmas i and wc are prepared to supply the demand for all kinds of Useful and Appropriate Presents. In the line of BOOKS we have a good assortment, from lc up SILVERWARE Some handsome presents in this line DOLLS Look at our show window full aint they handsome? TOYS Just call in and see the display . Our spaee is too limited to begin to mention what we have, but we assure you that our Stock and Prices are Both Right and we cordially invite you to call and see Heeling's Drug Store Netuaha, Nebraska OIb Roberts and Curtis Brown returned from Pawnee county last Friday, F. L. Woodward wont to Beatrice Monday and from there to Lincoln, re-turnlngWodnesdav. Miss May Kerker visited Iter friend Mis Flossie Waterman of Auburn from Saturday until Monday. We are having the finest weather ever. Who could ask for any better than we have been having now? Lester M. I'oabody visited his brother, Clarence 15. Peabndy, at St. Joe. last week, returning Friday. The rural route carriers have to make their rounds on Christmas, but sjet New Year's day as a holiday. Best line of stationery ever brought to Nemaha at the poatofllce, Call and see the handsome boxes of paper. Next Monday is Christmas. May all our friends and patrons have a Merry Christina, and may good will prevail Norman Mead URd Uncle Hobroli Smelser returned from Indiana last Friday. They report having a Hue time. Dr. and Mrs, W. W. Frazier started for Goodman, Mo., Tuesday, to visit old friends and look after some business . Scott Colerick says he was sick Monday. His neighbors say it was because he wont visiting Sunday and eat too much, Pri' wln,1'" poultry, snow white, n,so barred rock cockrella S1.00 eiich. No,,e ,Jelter- Buv ,,oW "" the beat. W. W. LiumiAitT Here A most Dr. Matthews Omaha Painless Dentist Is now in Nemaha and will re main until Jan. 1. Bettor have those old teeth filled or your new tooth made at once so you can oat that Christinas turkey. This will bo his last stay in Ne maha until late in tho spring. Books Felling at SI. 25 and 81 50 at Auburn and elsewhere only 75 cents at the postoillce newt) otand. The postoillce was a popular place Tuesday afternoon, as the poatmiiBter treated all the .school children who came in to candy Farmers are wishing for n niow, as they say the wheat needs it. Though the ground was wet wl en it froze up, it is getting very dry. The (Jhristmas tree at the Christian church Saturday night will be a public one. Anyone wauling to put present on lor anyone else can do so. Our farmora, jUiouhl lememher ihe com special that stops hero on the 21) t will pay any farmer to hear the lectures and see the object lessons. Dr. V. M. Boal came down from Auburn in his automobile Thursday morning, saw a few patients, chatted a little while with friends, and then returned, Young man, if you want to buy a nice present for your best girl, call at the postoflico and get a box of that handsome stationery. It's tunc to please her. Mrs. A. T. Lingenfelter, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Liebhart, lor some time, started far her home in Salt Lake City, Utah, Wednesday. Stoves hard coal stoves 9oft coa stoveB wood stoves heating stoves cook stoves ranges all kind of stoves iforsale by the Edward & Bradford Lumber Co. 0. L. Smart of Wlnthrop, Iowa, arrived in Nemaha Monday night on a visit to his sister-in-law. Mrs. Hose Gilbort. His wifo has been visiting lice for some time. Nothing is better for a Christ maB or birthday present than a good book. Look at the line carried at tho post oillce. Good paper, good clean print, well bound, and sold cheap. Having bought a good loom, I am now prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving lilt and nilsa, 10 cents per yard; stripe, 15 cents. Mas. Ciias. Clahk. Tho Beatrice Creamery Co- will pay 10 cents per pound for hand separator cream, delivered in Nemaha, Soparatb ora sold on easy terms. It. E. Buoiiku, Agent. Wo have a big assortment of fumi turo that we are selling at reasonable prices. Special prices made for housekeeping outfits. Try us. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Notice XV, II. Smithers, from Sargent, Neb , has leased E. E, Rumbaugh's barber shop, Call and see him. Nothing but first class work. 20 year's experience. Wm. Snelling is now giving' his customers some Dress Shirts--twelve dozen cheaper than ever before sold in Nemaha. A large variety. Head Wraps-fascinators, Scarfs, Caps, etc.--at actual cost. Some Handsome ones For Christmas Presents See the handsome designs in Pres-Cut Glass. Dolls, horns, etc. Candy and nuts Grandma Gulp, who has been visits ing at Auburn for hoiiio time, leturned tn Nemaha Friday. Mrn. E. M. Boyd came in with her, returning the next day. John M. Clark orders the Advortisor sent to J. II. Clark and W. T.' Clark of Smith Center, Kansas, and W, J. Jones of Dover, Okla Lie sends them as a CI1 list mas present. Nemaha has finally arrived at tho stage when permanent walkB of brick or cement are being put in. Wo hopo no moro wooden sidewalks will bo laid in the business part of town. ICarle ritoutevlllo went to Graf lnsl Friday and assisted Mr. Ballontine, the auditor, and the manager of the yard at Grar invoice the slock at that place, returning on the freight that evening Knnpp&Son had a so; rel mure die last Friday night -one of the sorrels they bought last spring of Harry Hoover. It was a good team and they had refused $150 for tho team recently Subscriptions received at the post oillce for any magazine or newspaper published in the United States. You can save money by having the post master order your magazines and papers. The roof was finished on Earle Gilbert's store building Monday. Tho rent of the work is delayed on account of u door plate, tho one Bent being warped so another one had to be ordeied. Biovvnvillo parties were excited a few dayB ago by the reported elope meat of a youth and a girl of about 15. But the girl came home in duo season, so wo suppose there was no elopement after all. Around the World in Eighty Days the motion picture show will . ba at the Nemaha opera houso Friday night of this week. Stereoptican views and illustrated songs. Come and enjoy a good time. D. W. Maxwell started for Illinois Tuesday to visit tho old home, where he lived when a boy, and where his mother haa been visiting for Bomo time. Dan doesn't often go away from home, and we hope he will have a good time while lie is away. Picture Frames The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. have received a good lino of picture moulding and are now prepared to make picture frames of any size. Take your pictures there and havo them framed. Christmas Presents To buy useful and valuable Christ mas presents go to the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Gee u good rocker, u kitchen cabinet some line ones here a now range or cook stove, tinware, easy chair, or other article of household furniture. Or get a pockets knife, u set of knives and forks or spoons, a good pair of scissors, you can find presents for any member of the family. Present your poor neighs bor with u ton of coal. Call around and see the many appropriate articles or presents. Bargains Mr. and Mrs John Clark, Todd and Daisy started for Oklahoma Tuesday, to spend tho holidays visiting Mrs. Clink's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, and other relatives. Tnoy expoct to bo away two weeks. Stephen Gilbort got a pin in his throat Monday while nt school. IIo was taken to Dr. Frnzlcr, but tho doctor could not get tho pin out and had to push It down his throat. It is thought there will bo no bad results. Mrs. IIoho Gilbort gave n dinner Friday of last wek to the widows of Nemaha Twelve ladios wero proaont and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thnro aro said to bo 20 widows in Nemaha, but many wero not nblo to uttond on account of sickness or absence. Mrs. XV, G. Maxwoll recently Bhowed us a picture of a greataunt of hora that is Bald to be-u specimen of tho earliest form of photograph making. It is simply the profile of the lady, in deep blue print, cut out and pasted on a card. It is an Interesting specimen of tho photographer's art, and is valued highly by Mrs. Maxwell. The plate gums in tho front of tho now bank building has been put in, tho walla havo received two couts of plaster and are about ready for tho third one. the coment sidowalk has been put in, and from present prospects it will be but a short time until tho bank will movo Into the brick, It will be a line little bank building. Rev. and Mrs. A Jacobs wero tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. MrCands less from train time Monday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon. Tboy havo been holding a meeting at Lincoln and wero going to Missouri to begin a meeting. Much to tho regret of their many frlendH, Mr. Jacobs' voice was in such a condition that ho could not preach while here. IF YOU WANT Good JSi-eacl THY A SACK OF Golden Rod Flour High patent. Every sack guaranteed to give full satisfaction in every respect or money refunded. Always tho same. No better Hour made. If you want a cheaper Hour you can not do better than to buy the Red Seeil a straight grade flour. It has no superior in a grade Hour. Many prefer it to a high patent. For a still cheaper Hour try the Gold Leaf It Is a good Hour of that grade. These gradeB are omanufactured by JamoHon & Son, Stella, Nebr., and are o i sale at the store of J. H.Vanderslice NEMAHA, NEBR. If you buy a sack of either of these grades and it is not just as represented, take it back and your money will be returned.