The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 24, 1905, Image 2

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Nemaha Advertiser
Nemaha, - Nebraska
Walking boots aro narrower at Lho
uoc and .show Uubaa heels. Dressy
ihocs havo Louh bnols and a taper
ing too. Enameled leather, uar
intced not to crack, Is superceding
patent leather, but many Bmaiq
women always order their foot-wear
In a dull 'inlsn.
The reason there arc so many
homely women on the stage Is that
jhero must bo somebody to do the
ilfiglng and acting
Jm Kansas recently a convict was
pardoned in order that be might go
to work in the hurvest fields.
Convincing ICvlilnnco.
Wlntlirop, Cnl., Nov. 20. (Special.)
A plain and ulrnlKlitforward Rtory
Ik always tlio most convincing And
that la what has Impressed tin most in
rending the testimonials In regard to
Dodd's Kidney Pills. The experience
lold hy Davis Lewis of this place hears
(ho ring mid stamp of truth upon it.
Ho Rays:
"I was troubled for nix months with
null, heavy pains In the Btnnll of my
hack; sometimes It pnsscd Into my
Htomnch, nt other time up between
my Khoulders. When it wan In my
stomach I was doubled up, and hardly
knew what to do for the pain. I was
ndvlscd to tako all kinds of remedies,
n ml did so, but without petting any re
lief. Then bo mo. one told me to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I got a box and
began taking them. The first few
doses gave me relief; hy the time I
hud finished them all the pain was
gone and I have well ever since."
Tho proposition to tax bachelors Is
a sort of InBurunco against, the
troubles of matrimony.
Tho most useful of tho early
autumn hats is tho white felt sailor,
trlcono or walking shnpc, Blmply
t Littln bond bags in cream and
gold beads aro worn at tho wrist,
tho long chain being wrapped around
two or three timos resembling a
Tho Japano3o government has on-
bjuraged gold mining slnco the be
ginning of bbo war, and as a result
over flvo million worth of gold has
been mlnod in Japan and nearly as
much In Formosa.
Provide tho throo essentials bo
lioalbh which aro puro air and sun
light in tho homo, a dry soil for a house
sitoand puro drinking water, and
most of tho ordinary maladies will
1 Do nob spond monoy and time on
cosmetics to beautify yourself and
neglect to cultivate a cheerful expres
sion, especially about the mouth, for
results will not be satisfying.
There la a growing tondoncy
toward buying clothing that can bo
worn all tho year. This applies not
only to hats but powns and other
appointments as well.
Makes Wnjr far the Hotter Kood of a
Hotter Day.
"Porridge- is no longer used for
breakfast In my homo," writes a loyal
Britain from Huntsvllle, Out This was.
im' admission of no small significance
to ono 'brought up' ou tho lime-hon
ored Htand-by. ,
. "Ono month ago," sho continues. "I
bought a package of Grape-Nuts food
for my husband, who had been an In
valid for over a year. IIo had passed
through a Bevero attack of pneumonia
and la grippe combined, and was left
in a very bad condition when they
nassod away.
I tried everything for his benefit,
hut nothlntr Hccmed to do him any
good. Month follo'wed month and hp
Httll remained as weak as ever. 1 was
ulmost discouraged about him when
I got the Grape-Nuts, but the result
has compensated mo for my anxiety.
' "In tho one month that ho has oaten
Grape-Nuts ho has gained 10 pounds In
weight, ids strength Is rapidly return
ing to him, and ho feels like a new
man. Now we all eat Grape-Nuts
food, and aro the better for It Our
little fj-yoar-'old boy, who used to suf
fer pains In tho stomach after eating
the old-fashioned porridge, has no
more trouble since he began to use
Grape-Nuts, and I have no more doe
tor's bills to pay for him.
"We use Grape-Nuta with only
Bwect cream, and find It the most
tasty dish In our bill of faro.
"Last Monday I nte -1 teaspoonfuls
of Grnne-Nuts and cream for break
fasti nothing else, then Bet" to work
and got my morning's work done hy 0
o'clock, and felt less tired, much
stronger, than if I had made my break-
Jnnt on meat, potatoes, etc., as I used
to. I wouldn't bo without Grapo-Nuta
In tho house for any money." Namo
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Mich. There's a reason.
Kend the Jlttle book, "The Road to
Wellville," lu pugs.
Naturnl Conclnnion.
"Kindly put out your tongue a lit
tle farther, madam," said the doctor.
"Sir," rejoined tho fair patient, "do
you think there is no end to a womnn's
"Madam." ronllod the M. D.. "1 have
boon married seventeen years and I
haven't found the. end of my wlfo's
The Photographer Can't you look
a llttlo pleasanterV
Tho Man Being Taken I wish I
could, but you seo thoro aro two bill
collectors waiting for mo outside.
Omaha Bee.
On Ilia KichtB.
Klnd-IIoartcd Lady Como back at
7 o'clock to-night.
Beggar Impossible, madnm. I bo-
long to the union, and they don't allow
ur to work overtime. Mcggondorfer
The Caller One's teeth roqulro so much looking after.
Tho Small Boy That's bo. Mam mu lost her lower set vestordnv. and it
took us an hour to find cm.
Often Culled Down.
"I didn't know Honpeck was ovor a
Jail bird."
"Ho wasn't"
"Why, ho told mo ho lived in. the
house of correction."
"That's his namo for 'homo.' " Do-
trolt Free Tress.
Cauao of the Change.
"Tho ,wntor was cold when I came
In," said tho thin bather; "but It fools
warm now. I suppose it's because I've
got used to It."
"Huh uh," responded tho fat bather.
"A Boston girl Just went out and a
Now Orleans girl camo In." Detroit
The Ulty Kid Durn do rube wot
tolled mo dey kep' hummlu' bolds in
Patient What do you think about
my eye, doctor
Doctor (roplaclng tho bandage) Oh,
your oyo will como out all right in a
week or two. Judge.
Sweet Solitude,
She And do you really lovo mo for
mysolf nloue? i
Ho Sure. That'8 why I don't want
your mother to live with us after wo
aro married. Somorvlllo Journal.
3 A t'
Jnne'H Superstition.
"Jane, has another of her dreadful
toothaches." '
"Why doesn't Jano havo the tooth
"Jano -wants to save it"
"BecauRo she believes In odd num
bers. If she lost this tooth sho would
only havo two left" Gloveland Plain
Ill Sniro Counsel.
"I been thlnkln' 'bout glttln' mar
ried," Bald a member of his flock to
Brother Williams. "You reckon I could
git a marringo llccnso fer a dozen wa
termelons?" "I reckon you could," replied Broth
er Williams. "But my wholesomo ad
vico tor you Is to eat do watermelons I"
Atlnnta Constitution.
Hnnl Luck's Limit.
"How's times drumming llfo insur
ance?" "Tough. But my brother writes m
that he has an even harder Job."
"How can that be "
"Ho Is trying to sell suedo gloves la
Norway." Pittsburg Post
Worse thnn 8ho Thought.
Aunt But I thought you understood
that George is a poor man when yon
became engaged to him?
Niece Of course I did; but I dldn'l
Imagine it went so far as his not being
able to get a new automobile until next
season. Judge.
Only a Womnn.
Husband My dear, you won't mind
If I go on a little fishing trip, will
you ?
Wife Certainly not I don't care
at all. I wouldn't havo you stay home
for tho world, but of course if you do
go I shall never forglvo you.
Ills Plcn.
Magistrate Now, then, prisoner,
what havo you to say for yourself?
Prisoner Well, sub, I dono admit
tance do trufo oh all dat's ben tosti
catcd aglu me, Jedgo, but I jes' natchel
ly liopo dat yo. Is gwlne to be easy wlf
mo, kaso I hyar yo' Is a mercenary
gom'man. Philadelphia Press.
Chnuuo of Vlow.
Glflle A month ago Jinks was abus
ing his uncle for nn old skinflint To
day I overheard him praising that rel
atlvo's notablo thrift and frugality.
Spinas That's natural enough. Ills
uncle died last week and Jinks got all
his money. Louisville Courier-Journal
Ncrvoy I beg you to bo my wife,
Come, now, don't say "No."
Miss Itoxloy Mr. Norvoy, I wouldn'
thlnic or saying "No" to you. It
wouldn't feaze you, so I think the besl
think I can do is yell for tho police-
Philadelphia Press.
Ltitcat Scheme.
"Yes, my Now York society sheet
a groat success. I catch 'em going and
"What do you mean?"
"Half tho peoplo want something
put in and tho other half wants some
thing left out" Houston Post
Latest Scheme.
Magazine Publisher' Yes; our now
department has about doubled our clr
Casual Visitor What department
Magazlno Publisher Our chaperon
department for young ladles on
cation. Pittsburg Post
Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters-
Interesting Experiences of
Every mother possesses information
which is of vital interest to her young
Too often this la never imparted or is
withheld until serious harm has result
ed to tho growing girl through hor
trnoranco of nature's mysterious and
wonderful laws and penalties.
Girls' ovcr-scneitivencss and modesty
often puzzlo their mothers and bafllo
physicians, as thoy so oiten "withhold
their commence irotn tlicir mothers
and conceal the symptoms which' ought
to bo told to their physician at this
critical period.
When a girl's thoughts become slucr-
gish, with headache, dizziness or a dis
position to slcop, pains in back or lower
imbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude;
when she is a mystery to herself and
friends, her mother should como to her
aid, and remember that Lydia E. Pmk-
lams Vegetable Compound will at
this time prepare tho system for tho
coming change, and start the menstrual
period in a young girl's lifo without
pain or irregularities.
Hundreds of letters from young girls
and from mothers, expressing their
gratitude for what Lydia B. Pinkhara's
Vegetable Compound has accomplished
for them, havo been received bv tho
Lydia E. Pinkham Mcdicino Co:, at
Lynn, Mass.
Miss Mills has written tho two fol
lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which
will be read with interest :
Donr Mrs. Plnkbara: (First Lottoi I
"I am but llf toon voira of fioro. niu deni-natod.
navo uizzy spoils, cams, uoauacuo ana DanK
i. ... .. ... . . '. . . . '
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well.
Mid: in blick or ydlow for til kmds OTv f I
of w:t work. On le everywhere. J
Lock for the Sifn of the riirtand CL7
the MmtTOWcR on the buttow. cSQ I
A J TtWtR tO.I0IIC.MAU.U t 4. Y A VS
Many a lonesome and expensivo
trip to Florida, California or the
Adirondacks has been -saved by
the use o
Kemp's Balsam
thq best cough euro. If this great
remedy will not euro the cough, no
medicine will, and then all hope
rests in a change of climate but
try Kemp's Balsam first.
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.
Hot water taken betweeu meals is
good for nervousness.
25 Cts
'.111 vjiiu isni trj x
hUSHOUALrOBTttrWSF te-Wl for your
M Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. r
Misses Borman and Mills.
ncho, and as I havo heard that you can glv
holpful advico to girls in my condition,, 1 am
writing you." Myrtle Mills, Oquawka,' I1L
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Lottor.)
" It Is with tho foollne of utmost cratltudd
that I writo to you to toll you what you
valuablo mcdicino has dono for mo. Wuon I
wrote you in rozard to mv condition I had
consulted several doctors, but thoy failod to
undorstnnd my caso una I did not roceivo
any bonoflt from thoir treatmonfc. I followed
your udvico, and took Lydia E. Plnkham'i
Vogotablo Compound and am now healthy
anu won, and nil tno distressing symptoms
which I had at that tlmohavo disappeared."
Myrtlo Alius, uquawKa, ill.
Miss Aiaiuaa nor man writes juts.
Pinkham as follows :
Doar Mrs. Pinkham :
" Beforo takimr Lvdla E. PInkham's vosre
tablo Compound my monthlies woro irrogu
Inr and painful, and I always had such
dreadful boadnchos.
" But since taldnor tho Comnound mv head
aches have ontiroly lot t mo, my monthlies aro
regular, and I am gottlng strong and woll. I
am tolling all my girl friends what Lydia E.
1)(i.1rltii.lC Trnnil.rtll- f II timltl rl linn tin
me." Matilda Borman, Farmington, Iowa.
If vou know of anv vouncr trirl who
is sick and needs motherly advice, ask '
her to address Mrs. Pinkhaui at Lvnn.
Mass., and tell hpr every detail of her
symptoms, and to keep nothing back.
Sho will receive advico absolutely freo,
from a sourco that has no rival in tho
experience of woman's ills, and it will, if
followed, p:ther on the right road to a
strong, healthy and happy womanhood.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound holds tho record for tho greatest
number of cures of female ills of any
mcdicino that tho world has over
known. Why don't you try it ?
. fa
ttmiMkl writh till Mcnltar to
their ui, tuod a a donch la xaarvefooBly mo
toutol. ThoxoutlilycleB4,lrilUdlseMoeenal'
tops dleclixgi, kttlt iafiaonutloa and locl
MreaeM. ... 1
Putin U la powdar form to bo duiolred la par
water, and U far mor cleaminf, htallnj, nnlcidftl'
and economical than liquid antlMptict for all
For tale at dnifjUu, 00 cuti a bos.
Trial Box and Book of Instruction Pre.
vmc R. Paxton Cohmny Boston, Mas.
Rub vaseline on the nails at nlghb
if they are hard and brittle.
Star Lino Holder enn b put on nny clothe
Hni nrnii In minuto hv woman with lianimer.-
ImnosKible for clothe to fall lu any wind, tiniid
5ctf. forouo. 0for25ot8. J. II Johuson, ofllco
20 Kxchungo bullUlug, ovarl, ti. J.
BDinir cood and doing good will aid
In making one happy and healtby
Dr J)nv(t Konueilv'n Kvnrlt 1t-mly
tho groat Kldnoy and Llvor Curo. World Fam
ous. Writ? Dr. Konndy's Sons, Rondout, N. Y.
for free sample bottlo.
A musical critic should be one who
has good sound Judgment.
ANY NAME On 25 Five HrUtol Cards. Script'
ONE DIME or Old Knirltiih, Postpaid. No
trash. MOIIRKLL, d77 Qulncy
Streot. Brooklyn, Havr York.
N. N. U. yo3-47, YORK NEliB
OUtlt WHISI AU lUl fAllK.
Out Oouia tlmuK tmuauooo. u