Often Tito Kidiieys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to he considered tlmt only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced 10 me Kitincyfl, but now modern I science roves that nearly all diseases have their hcgiitniti' In the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood Hint Is IhiMr work. Ttinrnrnrn ifllfMI Vflll V kS(ll)C VH IITC WCak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and hoW every organ seems to fail to do its "Vyou are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon us your kidneys arc well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you arc sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It .tn.,,1,1 41m itiirlut fnr Us wonderful cures of the most tUstressing cases, and is sold on its merits by au (lrttiririHtsin fiftv-cciit and one-dollar size bottles. You mav have n sample bottle iiomootflwamp-noot. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you nave kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co,t JJing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y. , on every bottle. DR. G. M. ANDREWS Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women Stolla - Nebraska BRICK BRICK First ctnss Dull iin ; Uriel; fn sale at tho Nemaha Brick Kilns Call nnd Bee thorn nnd gut prjoesc. Quality gu r.iuteod JOSEPH M. WEST NEMAHA, NEBll. Wo will send tho Advortlsor, tho weekly Lincoln State Journal, and the Iowa Homestead, nil ono yoar for only $1.50. Wo will send Tho Advortiscr and The Nebraska Farmer both one year for only 81 05. Tho Farmer 1b one of he best farming papers published Leave your subscription ut4 this office mi t a i m m ims areai stoat mcdicino is I money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford'a Black-Draught, rcaowned for the cure of tho digestion troubles of persons, it has tho eamo qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening tho constipated bowels for ail stock and poultry. It is carefully pro pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrivo with an occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera- and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, ' and makes a draught animal do I more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Evory farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. It costs 25o. a can and saves ten times its price in profit. FrrMBUftO, Kam., March 36, 1801. I hs,TebH using your BUck-Draueht Htock aaa rour.ry jaeaicino on ray atw-k fur aaas time. I hYO med all kinds of stock food but I b&To found that yoars is tfcs bwt for my purpose. J. B. HAHBON. II r, &21 rt f iW ii'i' I'l li 3$ iae ANeorasKa Aaveru&er Frank Dressier has been sick with tliogrip but is getting better. I I II II 1 II 11 Mrs Di. Keeling lias been suffering with a lame buck f -r hoiiio time. The brick work on the now buildings Is progressing rapidly, considering tl e number of men employed. The north wall Is up til moat to tlio top of the windows nnd tho other walls uiu from six to eight feet high. Ytiinn, Colorado, seems to bo taking qulto a boom now. That country is all right no long as it has plenty of rain. Hut lot a series of dry yews como nnd wo predict that we will see as groat an exodus as thero was from western Nebraska ard Kansas in the nnrlv ninntlps ft tnuv bn nil rlirlif wo hope it will be but wo havo our serious doubts as to its over being n good agricultural country unless it can bo Irrigutpd. An Omaha dispatch pays tho banks of that city have within the past few days loaned considerably more than. ono million dollars on Wall street, New York, "on call." at rates ranging from 11 to 20 per cent, taking ndvnntago of tho present financial condition on Wall street, Agalu wo would remark tlmt this is not6 fulfilling liro. Bryan's theories nnd prophecies as to tho scarcity of money In tho west if tho republicans should prove successful. Tho voto In Nemaha county this year wub 408 less than last year. Last your tho average voto on tho state ticket was as follows: Republican, 101)7; fusion, 13 15; prohibition, 113: socialist Tula year tho average voto on state ticket is as follows: Republican, 1403; fusion, lOO.'i; prohibition. 73; socialist, 40. It will thus be seen that tho republicans lost about 14 per cent of their voto last year, tho fusionisls 20 per cent, the prohibitionists 150 per cent and tho socialists 88 por cent. Tho Nebraska Farmei has been moved to Lincoln. Tho publisheis wanted to get close to tho Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Stntion nnd thoy believe they will bo able to keep in closer contact with the farming ins tereats of the state at Lincoln than at Omaha The new office of tho Farmer Is on North Eleventh street, only a block and n half from the State Uni vorslty Campus. If taken advantage of at onco we will take subscriptions for the Nebraska Farmer at The Advertiser olllce at 50 cents a year. Full of Tragic Moaning aro these linos from J. II. Simmons, of Cnsov. la. Thiuk what might have rei suited from his terrible cough if ho had not taken tho medicine about which ho writes: "I had a fearful cough that disturbed my night's rest, I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it. until I took Dr. King's New Disi covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me.' Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; pres vents grip and pneumonia. At W, W. Koollng'ri, druggist; guaranteed; 5oc and SI 00. Trial bottle free. Later news from Ohio is audi na to add materially to tho moral effect of tho recent eleotlon in that state. All of the state offices except governor, it appears, were Baved to the republicans by majorities of about tho samo size as that given the democratic candidate for governor. This Is further proot that the wave of freo votes in Ohio was not aimed at the republican party, but at a political abuse. In the minds of the votors Governor Ilorrlck, perhaps be cause of personnl connections, perhaps because of his prominent position, per sonified boss rule in Ohio. A protest against boasism with little party spirit in it naturally directed itself against him. If the legislature has been car ried on the wavo it was probably bes oauBe a republican legislature had passed tho law changing municipal elections to the dato of the fall elections a measure which is bitterly resonted by the independent votors. It becomes more and more apparent that the Ohio vote was purely a victory cfor inde pendent voters, and that no political party has relatively gained or lost bj the result. State Journal. Old paper for sale cheap at The Ads 1 vertleer otllco, in ,h0 cllloa wurfl0 even lhan itdlt did n quarter of a century ago. Last Sun day's SI. Louis Republic contained a full page description with Illustrations of tho champion roller skaters among tho fashionable set, Wo remombor how much fun tho city papers used to make of the craze In tho villages after it had died down in tho larger places, but now that the fashionable set havo taken it up again it is nil right. It would bo a good form of amusement If It was not carried to excess. It is taking tho place of dances, card parties and other forms of amusement. The old timers here will remember when tho opera houso was (Hied with lovers of this exercise and those who gathered to watch them. We supposo It will not bo long until the craze will strike hero nnd Woodward & Allen will turn tho opera houso into a roller skating rink and prizes will bo offered for tho most graceful skater, with a booby prize for the most awkward ono. a lormor rscorasKa cut tor, u rniiK r. Hawks, now publisher of tho Gazotto at Wray, Colorado, is interesting tho 8tato agricultural college In the plante lug of pine trees for forest purposes in Yuma county. Owing to a lack of water for irrigating purpose tho broad acres of Yuma county have been given over to grnzing purposes. Of lato years, however, experiments in .ajgrib culture havo been made w th metier astonishing results. Tho present sea son huB witnessed the cutting of three crops of dry laud alfalfa. Wheat has yiolded us high as 26 bushels per acre. Potatoes, onlon-i, barley nnd oats have been cultivated with u fair degree of S'icces?. Ordinarily precipitation in that part of Colorado is not sutlkiriit to insure a crop, but a forest of pine once fairly started would gather from tho atmosphere and the earth moisture enough to carry it through. It has been proven beyond a doubt that pine trees will llourlsh in the sand hills of northwestern Nebraska, and no reason Booms to exht why they should not in tho rather heavier soil of eastern Coios rado. State Journal. Don't Borrow Troublo It is a bad habit to borrow anything but the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore heavy, weary and wornout by the pains nnd poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness Brlght's 'disease and similar internal disorders, don't Hit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Bitters, line you will And sure and permanent forgetf ulness of all your troubles and your body wii not bo burdened py a load of debt disease. At Keeling's drug store. Frico Co cents. Guaranteed. Notice of Administrator's Salo In the District Court of Nemaha coun ty, Nebraska: In the matter of the application of Willard F. Ileraley, administrator of the estate rf Eli Keithley, deceased, for license to sell real estate. Willard F. Iloasley, administrator, Plal tiff, vs. Lewis Keithley, et al, defendants. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable W H. Kelligar. judge of the district court of fcemalm county, state of Nebraska, made on the 10th day of October, A. D., 1005, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter mentioned, tin re will bo sold, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the front door of tho court house, in the. city of Auburn, in said county nnd state, upc n the 30th day of November, A D., 1005, at the hour of 1 p. m,, the following described real estate: The VVeBt half (VV. M) of tho South West quarter (S. of the South East quurter (S. E U) f Section twenty-seven (27) Township four (!) North of Range sixteen (10) East, in Nemaha -county, Nebraska, including twenty (20)acres, more or less. Said sale will remain open two hours. Dated this 0th day of November, A. D, 1005 Willard F. IIeaslky Administrator of the estate of Eli Keithley ,deepaed. By Stull & IlAwxny, his attorneys. KNAPP & SON . Proprietors of tho Livery & Feed Stab e NEMASA.fNEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed, IFTTZBILiIQ SLE at the Sale Pavilion in HUMBOLDT, NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, '05 60 head Aberdeen Angus Cattle all registered 20 head of Grade Angus Cattle 6 head of Shetland Ponies One a bay Stallion 1 Imported Coach Stallion, weight 1600 pounds This sale is made to close out the partnership existing between M. W. Harding and Grant Parsons Remember we sell regardless of weather. No postponement. Sale held in heated pavilion In Humboldt, Nebr. Send for catalogues. Breeders are invited to inspect our herd. TERMS OF SALE-Cash or bankable note for six months and bearing 8 per cent interest HARDING 8c PARSONS GEO, BELLOWS, Auctioneer. Assisted by OH Marion and T J Cummings STULL & HAWXBY ATTORNEYS LAW, HEAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS OfllcfB over I'ostonico Building, at Kiuuk Nial's old stand, AUBURN NEBRASKA WM. CAMPBELL, Pros. F. E. ALLEN, Vlce-l'res. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stook, $5,000 I The word results means a whole lot to the farmer of to-day and it la especially attractive to the homeceeker or those seeking new locations. If we tell you of a country where you are sure of success, will you believe us ? It is only necessary for you to farm the land and the best results will follow a State which the government reports will show leads in the production of wheat. It also ranks among the first in the raising of corn, alfalfa, timothy and other products, together with stock raising. We speak of KANSAS The great State of the West, where lands can be purchased from $5 to $30 per acre which equals the returns of the $50 to $150 per acre lands of other States. EASTERN COLORADO is identical in most respects and the same opportunities are offered there. Buy quick while the lands are cheap and secure the benefit of an excellent invest ment. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY touches the heart of this rich agricultural region and extremely low rate3 are offered, allowing stop-over at pleasure in certain territory for inspec tion ofland3, etc. Write U3 and we will send you free descriptive literature and full information. H. C. TOWNSEND, CENTRAL PASSENOCR AND TICKET AGENT. guaranteed as to quality cost no nioro than yon aro noir paying for tho samo Roods, and wo dciKjnd entirely upon tliolr merit to seonro your futuro ordors. Consoquontly by giving away froo promlums wo iraln now customers and you buvo tno proflt wlilon formorly wont to tho dealers, as by dcallnR dlroctly with our customers wo Bavo tho protlt of tho wholosaloTs and retailors, whlon WK HASB OVWlXO VOt In tho Bhapo of useful promlums and honest Roods nt fair prices. Bocauso you llvo miles away from us bocaujo you may novor havo scon us Is no Rood reason for not Riving us a trial. ou rtuli liotlilnic. IVo do not imk pny In iiuvmiro. Wo tny tlio t relclit. Our calalopruo of promlums will ho sont you nnd our plan of soiling goods will bo fully oxplalnod If you will only Bund ua your name and address. Yo havo hundreds of patrons whoso custom wo sooured by th,j plan. Thoy would not patronlzo us unless wo gavo them lullvulne and fair treatment. Yo wouia not expect, mem 10. jiosiuos, uiu ouuur 01 mis paper will toll you that wo aro thoroughly responsible. Wrlto us today a postal-card Just giving your narxio and address will do. This Is 8 Cbiuco That Docs Not Happen Every Day. SALVONA SUPPLIES COMPANY, 1127-1129 Pino Stroot, St. Louis, Mo. Ifotico of Tax Salo To Abigail Clmsluln nnd to nil others whom It may concern: You nio hereby notified that on tlie Ttti lny of April. 11HM, the undi ruined bought tit prlvntninx milo for delinquent taxes for tho year 1002 nticl nil prior yem-H lots nine (01, ton lojnnd eleven j 111 lu block llltv-nlim i&OJ, In Neinuhn City, Nebrusla. and hns pmd nil tuXHM for nil HUbflpquent years On or after Apiil 7. 19C0. 1 will apply for n tax deed for Bald lots unless redemption Is piovlonsly inndo accord I in? to low. Dated this 7tl day ol November. 10W5. FRANK TITUS. ST. LOUIS, MO. This mil interest Ladies Only Wo aro Rlvlwr away WIXWElt SCTS, ORAJflTR. "IV AUK HKTM, COIICIIKK, HEWISO MACIIIXHM and hundreds of otbor articles, all full bIzo for family use, to oimblo us to Introduco our Swan Daklng Iowder ana Balvonu llrands of Teas, Coffoos and ottiur Household RivnnlliiK. Thusa ara all hlch-arado noods absolutely X T i