the: comforter A congested vein pressing on a nerve accounts for the swelling, throbbing acho of Neuralgia St. Jacobs Oil frees the circulation, allays the pressure and soothes away the pain. Price, 25c. and 50c. t?R!CE, nine THE mm i u LuriL 1 1 1 urur si .JN ONE DAY m . . i t Combination? of velvet and cloth Mil bo popular. ITCHING SCALP HUMOR. Suffered Tortnrcs Until Cured by Cntl euro Scratched Day and Nlht. "My scalp was covered with little pimples and I suffered tortures froip the itching. I was scratching all day and night, and I could get no rest. I washed my head with hot water and Cutlcura Soap and then applied tho Cuticura Ointment ns a dressing. One box of the ointment nnd one cake of Cutlcura Soap cured mo. Now my head is entirely clear and my hair is growing splendidly. I have used Cutl cura Soap ever since, and shall never be without it. (Signed) Ada C. Smith, 309 Grand street, .Torsoy City, N J." Strawberrlo3 derive ttelr name 'rom tbo fact that they weie one ;itne sold strung on straws. I have used PIso'a Cure for Consump tion with good results. It is all right. John W. Henry, Box 042, Fostoria, Ohio, Oct, 4. 1001. Several carloaaa or black walnut ops bavo recently been shipped from Oklahoma to Germany. Mrs. Whitlow's MOOTUINQ 8YEUP for otaU Ircn teathtnjg, softens the rami, reduces lnfla k Atlon, allay puts, orcs obollo. Price 25. Tbo Gieenland birch is the small ist tree In the world. Its helRht is ess than three Inches, yet it covers i radius of two or three ftec, Mm. J. n. Glli-c, KvfrBtt, I'n. Muttered rears with Kidney mid Gravel trouble. Cured by )r. David Kennedy's Favorlto Kcmedy. llondout, (. Y. 1.00. Durlnsr. the last twelve months ex ports of American automobiles have Increased about forty per cent. 25 cts m h.h hp r vm nil la wll r in OPERATIONS AVOIDED Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions Will Be Interested. When a physician tells a woman, suf- fcring from ovarian or womb trouble, that an operation is necessary it, of course, frightens her. Tho very thought of tho operating tablo and tho knifo strikes terror to her heart. As ono woman expressed it, when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation, she felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals aro full of women who aro there for ovarian or womb operations! It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is tho only resourco, but such cases aro much rarer than is generally supposed, becauso a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after tho doctors had said an operation twist bo per formed. In fact, up to th point where tho knifo must bo used to secure instant relief, this medicine is certain to help. Tho strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound, have escaped serious operations. Margrite Ryan, Treasurer of St. An drew's Society, Hotel English, Indian apolis, Ind. , writes of hor euro as follows: Dear Mrs. Pinltbam; " I cannot find words to express mv thanks for the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did me, Tho doctor said I could not got well unless I had an operation for ovarian and fomalo troubles. I know I could not stand tbo strain of an operation and made up my mina x wouia do an mvaua tor lire, Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advlcc-A Woman IPINE nTTAHLJVNYEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD GOLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I won't sell Antl-Orlplno to a dealer who won't Onnrontee Xt CU for your aiOXKY UACK IP IT JiOEHN'T CVBB. Jfc1. If. Jicicrf JT.1., Manufacturer, Springflcld, JtX. The time will come when no man will be allowed to say that the world owc3 him a 11 vine, since tho world owes him nothing that he should not pay for; it owes a living only tc cripples, invalids, and all others vvhc cannot, through sorno misfortune, help themselves. The pavement before tbo door oi tho Church of San Carlo de Bor romco, in Montory, Mexico, is a cur ious memento of the whaling in dustry of that town. Tho round, mushroom-liko object3 in tho pave ment are tho vertebrae of whales This is one of the churches founded bv tho Spanish missionary fathers In the sixteenth century. GRATIFYING PRAISE. Letter from Mnrcua Mayer, tho Grciit I'u trim of Music and the Drama. Marcus It. Mayer, who brought to America Mmo. Pattl, Duse, Snlvlnl. , , , r- Coqtielln and other (yviSo famous singers aud hr NirVsV actors, writes: Gentlemen: I wish as many suffering men and women as I can reach to know the excellence of Doan's Kidney Pills. I was greatly benefit ed by this remedy anil know i't cured several who had kidney trou ble so badly they were agonized with pain In the back, head and loins, rheu matic attacks and urinary disorders. I am glad to recommend such a de serving remedy. (Signed) MARCUS It. MAYER. Sold by all dealers. 00 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hearing how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogetabla Compound had saved other women from soriou operations I decided to try It, and In less than four months I was entirely cured; and words fall to oxpress my thankfulness." Miss Margret Merkley of 275 3d Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkkam: Loss of strength, extromo norvousnoss, sovoro shooting pnlns through tho polvlo organs, cramps, bearing down pains, and oxtremo Irritation compelled mo to scolc medical advice. The doctor, after making an examination, said that I had ovarian trou ble and ulceration, and advised an operation ns my only hopo. To this I strongly objected and I decided as a Inst resort to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound. " To my surprlso tho ulceration healed, all tho bad symptoms disappeared, nnd I am once moro strong, vigorous and well; and I can not express my thanks for what it has dona for mo." Ovarian and womb troubles are steadily on tho increase among women and before submitting to an opera tion every woman should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, and write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. for advice. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound has been curing tho worst forms of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflammation, ul ceration, falling and displacement of tho womb, leucorrhoea, irregularities, indigestion and nervous prostration. Any woman who could read tho many grateful letters on fllo in Mrs. Pink ham's offlco would bo convinced of the efficiency of her advice nnd Lydia E. nuKnama vegetable compound. Best Uoderstands t Woman's Ills, WEARING OUT HER WELCOME, Lack of Consideration May lCvcti Do II in Advance. "I think that the house la now in al most perfect order," said Mrs. AYllss, is she tied back the freshly laundered "urtalns In the guest-room. "It has aurrled us some to get through tho .louso-oleaiilng so early, but It Is nice lo have It all done before your friend otnes." "O mother!" exclaimed Amy, who and Just boon downstairs to answer the postman's ring. "Hero's a letter (rom Marian, and she isn't coming to-morrow, after all. She has to stay .n town another week for an extra meeting of the club she belongs to. l'ou know she's the president of It. 1 mi dreadfully sorry that you havo worked so hard to be ready for her." "Well, It's good to havo tho work lone, anyway," sighed Mrs. Arllss. 'And if Marian Isn't coming for an other week It will give us moro thno o make some plans for her pleasure, Shouldn't you like to give an afternoon tea on tho lawn while she Is here?" "That would be lovely," rejoined A. my, and she began at once to busy herself with an invitation list. She was Just about to send out tho two lozeli notes she had written when a lecoud letter from Marian conveyed ;ho Information that her coming would be delayed four or live days aiore, on account of the making of a low gown which she had suddenly leclded was necessary in her summer )lltllt. Amy tore up the notes, and discuss id with her mother a later date for :ho tea, and another set of notes was loon written. "I hardly dare send thorn," she said. "I think you are perfectly safe In ettlng them go," returned Mrs. Ar .iss, "for wo invited Marian for two weeks in May, and it's already the iilddlc of the month. My Aunt Julia will probably occupy the guest-room luring June. As she likes a quiet louse, I. thought it would be nice to lave Marian's visit over before she jomos." Along with the acceptances for the :ea came a hasty lino from Marian. 'I am so sorry. Amy, dear," she .vrote, 'to put you off again. It's Just i shame, but Luella Rice is going to lave a lawn party Tuesday, and she .von't hear of my being away then. A lay or two won't make any difference :o you, will it V" "What about the lawn party Tues lay?" asked Amy, after reading the note to her mother. "I wrote to her :hnt I was asking my girl friends to ifternoon tea to meet her. Now they will all come, and she won't bo hero :o meet them. Don't you think she rvould come if I'd write her a special lellvery note and make her understand low anxious I am?" "You might try." "Will arrive Tuesday on noon train," was the telegraphic answer to the lot :er. Amy, having put the finishing .ouches to the ferns and lilacs on the :oa table, Tuesday, was about to go :o the station to moot Marian when a messenger boy from tho telegraph lllce rang the door bell. "So sorry missed the train. Will :ome some day next week," wore trie vords that greeted her astonished eyes vhen she tore open the telegram. Aunt Julia was comfortably estab ished In the guest room before the day lad brought a note from Marian with ;ho news that she would arrive that jvening. "i suppose its lnliospiranie, re- narked Amy, as she and her mother irraiiged a cot-bed In her own little oom, "but I don't feel a bit glad that Harlan is coming." "bhe has rather worn out hor wel- :omo in advance, but wo will try to Q glad, dear." Youth's Homo Coin mnion. Ho Wnnted n Rebate. Squire Haykorn was a close-listed ild gentleman who seldom wasted any noney In traveling about tho country or the purpose of enjoying himself, tut ho had heard a great deal concern ng tho beauties of a trip down the St. 'jnwrenco River, nnd having made a lumber of lucky trades ono summer. To determined to make the Journey, if r did not cost too much. With this end in view, ho went to a lcket olllce and Inquired as to the nice of a round trip, going by boat .nd returning by mil. The agent told him. "Shall I see the Thousand Islands?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I'll take It," said tho squire. He bought his ticket and wont way. ' About two weeks later he put In nn ppearanco at tho ticket olllce again. "Didn't you tell me," he asked, "that f I made that trip down the St. Law once River I'd see tho Thousand slands?" "Certainly," answered the ticket gent. "Well, I hadn't anything else to do, nd I put In my time counting 'cm, ill I saw was a little ovor three hint Ired. I want two-thirds of my money ack." An enjoyable calling for a young Dau Is Uju vlalt of u rluJi uncle. UNCLE SAM "A Remedy That Ho in tzvery tiomc." Election Returns That CONSTIPATION AND STOM ACH TROUBLE CAN BE CURED J. S. dansson, Prosidont of tho Mil waukeo Retail Druggists' Associa tion, Talks on tho Dangers of Constipation nnd Stom ach Trouble. "Have yon noticed tho largo number of :ascs of typhoid fever IntelyV" said Mr. J. S. .lansson to a Dally News representative. "To my notion typhoid fever, malarial fe ver, appendicitis and many kindred com plaints are the result of constipation, which In many cases Is allowed by the patient to run aloiiK without proper treatment. You will remember when you were a child and the doctor was called, hh prescription was a dose of castor oil 1 All physicians know the value of having the bowels thor oughly opened. People, when they grow up, nllow constipation to become chronic through lack of attention. Constipation Is tho failure of the bowels to carry oft the undigested food, which collects In the ali mentary canal and there decays, generat ing poisonous disease germs. These germs tlud their way Into the blood by means of which they are carried to every tissue. The fever thus created affects not only the lungs, kidneys, stomach, heart and nervous system, but In fact any organ of the body Is liable to break down as a result. Tho blood becomes thin and watery. The suf ferer loses In flesh and strength. Castor oil mil pills will not cure an nillletlon like this. Something more than a laxative Is needed. There are many physics on the market and we sell a great many, having probably the most popular more of the kind In the city. I do not often talk about manufactured medicine, but the high esteem In which Mull's drape Teak Is held by the drug and ndlcnl fi.iterlilties has Impressed me and tnow from actual experience right hero In our store that Mull's drape Tonic cures constipation nnd stomach trouble positively and permanently. "drape Tonic is not n physic, but It Im mediately clears the bowels of the decay ing food becauso of tho peculiarly strength ening effects It exerts over the organs of the digestive' system. As a tonic It Is su perior to the nauseating cod liver oil com pounds. It builds tlesh faster and creates strength quicker than any other prepara tion known to medical science. The Ingred ients are positively harmless, made mainly from crushed grapes and fruits. Although a full bottle might bo taken at once, no Ineonvonleueo would result. I only wish that people paid more attention to these little details, which In themselves In tho beginning are of so slight Importance, but which grow In magnitude until the most serious trouble and some deadly disease fastens Itself on the constitution. There Is really nothing easier to take than Mull's drape Tonic. I hopo you, through the In fluence of your paper, can bring the read ers to a sense of the gravity of allowing constipation to become chronic." wuiTH von this khkk uottlu to day. dood for ailing children and nursing mothers, 132 VKiUi H0TTL1! COUPON. 11115 Send this coupon with your unnic nnd ad dress and druggist's name, for n free bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic for Stomach nnd Dowels to Mull's Crack Tonic Co., si Third Ave., Hock Island, III, ffi'fl Full Addi'PM nnd Writo l'lalnlu The bottle contains nearly three times the (oc size nnd about six times the 35c aim. At drug stores. The genuine has a date and number stamped on tho label take no other frum your druggist. o Ihe Acre means a productlvo capacity In dollars oi Over SI G Per Acre This on land, which has cost the farmer nothing but the price of tilling It, tells Its own story.- The Canadian Government gives Absolutely Free lo Every Sclfler 160 Acres ol Such Lorn! - Lands adjoining can be purchased at from t(i tc J10 per acre from railroad nnd other corporations. Already 1 75.000 f AUMEUS from the United Statei have made their homes In Canada. For pamphlet "TwcDllelh Ceolury Canada" and all Information Ajpljr for Information to Huporintt nJont of ItumUrn t l;iu, Ottawa, Cimuilii.oi'to . V, lfniiU,Mll Maw ork LUe lluildiiiu, Omuha, Nob , Auth.rizoil Uovarinneut AruiiU, I'lua.u aj uhero 7011 law litis udvortliement. Mote than CCOO persona disappear ivory year In tstie United States and ire never heard from again. .Tlionipsfln's Eyewater 25 Bus lie is 0 w Wm Has Interest All Parties W. L. Douglas 3-J5&$3SHOESSia W. L. Douglas $4.00 Ollt Ed go Lino ennnot bo oqunllod at any prlco. W.L.DOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS MORE MEN'S S3. BO SHOES THAU AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. 91 H niin REWARD to nnyoneuho can ' $IU,UUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglni $3. SO shoes Itnve by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, nnd iuperlor wearing qualities, achieved the largest iale of any $3,311 shoe In tho world. They ore Just as good ui those thnt cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only difference Is the price. II I could take you Into my factory at Brockton, Alms., the largest In tho world under one roof making men's fine shoes, nnd show you the cure with which cver pair of Douglas nfiocs Is mnile, yon would realli why W. L. Douslm $3.50 shoes are tho bcul shoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between tht shoes mn-.te In my factory and those of othet makes, you would understand why Unuslu. $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold tnclr shape, fit better, wear longer, nnd aro ol greater Intrinsic value thun any other $3.90 S!:cc on the market to-day. IV. L. Dauultim & Matla Shoom to? Man, $2. GO, $2.00. Bay a' SohooS & Oman Shoos,$2.BO, $2, $1.7 a, $1. BO CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Dnug las shoos. Tnko no substitute. Nono gcnultu without till uamo nnd prlco stamped on bottom. YVANTK1). A shoo dealer In every town whors W. U, Douglas Shoos aro not xolil, Full lino of samples sent free for Inspection upon request, Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brnuy. Wrlto for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Stylos. YV.L. DOUGLAS, ItrocUtou, 9Ius. THE BEST COUGH CURE Cough syrups nro nil cheap enough, but it you should get n gallon of cough syrup that docs not cure for tho price of a, small bottlo of Icsnp's Balsam ; tho beat cough cure, you would havo made n bad bargain- for ono small bottlo of Kemp's Ualsam may stop tho worst cough nnd save a life, whereas tho cough "cure" that does not cure is worse thnn useless. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. troubled with Ills Mcullar to their sex, used s a doucbo is raarrefously suc- cesstai. Taoroucaiycioaasos, nils aisease germs, stops discUArges, cesJi lallucautioa and local eoreness, .... Putins is In powder form to M dltaolred in para witer, and U tar more deanilni;, healing, senalcidU aaul economical than liquid antUeptlcs for all TOILDT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, CO cants a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Pre. rue n. Pa xt on company Boston, Mass, I.aud Scrip tnkos Govornmout Lund quickly Progressive 1 mm changing locution should com here. Write Hugo Soubcrg, Union, Now Mexico ANY NAME On 25 Five HrNtol Cards. Script ONE DIME or Oil Kuifdnh, Postpaid No trash. MwItKHM. 177 Qulnoj Street. Ilrooklyn, tow York. N. N. IJ. 81)1-45, YORK NEIIR II UUUU BIUI! tWiM VWU4 w wm E-fi tn time. AoU br AruffUU. W, 2