The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 27, 1905, Image 9

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    MKa. fcJMMA FklSPaSNER
Suflrd Over Two Years Health Wat
in a Precarious Condition Caust J
By Pelvic Catarrh,
mi -3aaaai
Mrs. Emma Flclssncr, 1412 Sisth
.Axe, Seattle, Wash., Worthy Treas
urer Sons of Temperance, writes:
"I suffered over two years with lr
trcguljir and painful periods. My health
w as In a very precarious condition and
I was anxious to find something to re
More my health and strength.
"I was very glad to try Peruua and
delighted to tind that it was doing uio
food, 1 continued to use it a little over
three months and found my troubles re
moved. " consider It a splendid medicine
and shall nave be without It, taking a
dose ocasslonal- when I feel rundown
and tired."
Our files contain thousands of testi
monials which Dr. Uartmau has re
ceived from Krateful. happy women
who have been restored to health by
Sis remodv. Periwa.
Qu Asrension I land sc:i turtle are
cftnuht In very aruo numbers, 'liny
a.u-li weigh betwen 500 and 800
pounds, and thilr average ptlco Is 50
Tda It notf riln irons, buo burkrt
fuls that we tell about, arc abou
one-tifth of an Inch In niirneier
Tnry arc rarasured by all iwlng them
to fall In (1 ur. EhoIi drop forms a
p lh't of d uab. Theaa p 11 ts are
compared with tnhPH ootaiued ftom
diO' s of known size.
Probably the best treatmpnt for a
atv Is to bathe tne rye frequently
with warm comic 1 tt 1 n (Ave pralns
't' ne curve of wntor) and apply at.
nluht a nleco of boraiio 1 nt wunu
out of oliina wa'er; ever wbia
pi of of Ja -oni b awl a pad of cot ton
' wool on top and tin with a b 'udnt;e.
Some rf the Ol'inanjon in bhn
Pbllipp'nes are adro't mb -a's. One
of their trick Is In nm vlnu whisk
fr m a bottl i ann substituting
rlneuar wl hi-ut broiKlng thfi seal.
Th'y do this by soaking off the
label and drilling a tlnv hnl In tli
lie f 'he bo le. U.ev then tako
put tha whiky and subs ttu'o a
it'i'ild si i 1 1 r In color, Mil up the
tao.c unn c ver It with tne Libel.
Tho right to a writ of mandamus to
compel tho arrest without warrant of
:crtahi designated persons for tho ill
.eged commission of a misdemeanor Is
lenled in Stato ex rel. Llvlngstono vs.
Williams (Ore.), 07 L. K. A., 100.
Tho insertion In a renewal lease of
i clause giving tho tenant tho right to
emovo tmdo fixtures Is held, In Ha
ley va. McCurdy (Pa.), 07 h. H. A. 59.
aot to bo necessary to enable him to
remove, before the termination of the
ixtended .period, fixtures which he
might havo removed before the expira
tion of tbo original term.
Ono who employs a person in Ignor
ance of tho fact that he is under a
tlmo contract to work for another, In
violation of which he has left tho hit
ter'a sen-ice, Is held in Wolf vs. New
Orleans Tallor-Madc Pants Co. (La.),
37 L. R. A. Gf, not to be liable In dam
ages to tho former employer because
when Informed of tho servant's broach
af contract ho falls to discharge him,
since, though offering to release his
now employer, ho expresses his deter
mination not to return to the ono
whose service he has abandoned.
A Supremo Court which has arrested
i Judgment of conviction in a criminal
2se because of a fntal defect In the
Indictment as presented to It, Is held,
In State vs. March (N. C), 07 L. It. A.
170, to havo the power, oven after tho
close of the term, to grant tho Stato
an opportunity to correct tho record so
A3 to show that the alleged defect did
aot clst and proceed to hear tho np
peal upon the correct record. The
amendment of a record to cure defect
for which motion In arrest of Judg
ment has been made Is tho object of a
noto to this case.
Do Soto lookod tor tho secret of
youth In a spring of gushing, llfe-glv-tag
waters, vhlci he was sure ho
would Had In the New World. Alchem
ists and sages (thousands of them)
have Bpent their lives In auest of It,
but It Is only found by those happy
people who can digest and assimilate
the right food which keeps the physi
cal body pc.fect that peace and com
fort are the sure results.
A remarkable man of 01 snya: "For
ttcany long years 1 suffered more o
less with chronic costlveness and pain
ful Indigestion. This condition made
Ufe a great burden to me, as you may
wen imagine.
"Two years ago I egan to use
Grape-Nuts uh food, ana am thankful
that I did. It has been a blessing to
we lu every wayT I first noticed that
U had restored my digestion. This wa.s
great gain, but was nothing to com
pare In Importance with the fact that
bi a short time my bowels were re
stored to free and normal action.
"The cure seemed to bo complcto
gor two years I have had none of the
aid trouble. 1 use the Grape-Nuts food
every morning for breakfast and fre
quently eat nothing else. The use ha?
Blade me comfortable and happy, and
although I will be 04 years old next
fall I nave become strong and supple
gain, erect In figure and can walk
with anybody aud eujoy It" Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek.
Uicb. "There's a reason."
Read the little book, "Th Road to
Wtllvlllf," in ever package
Qlail Iio W h No Ijoujjer PreHlrioitt.
"From what I know of his tastes
and tendencies, I am not nt all sur
prised tliat Grover Cleveland should
prefer to keep out of politics," recently
remarked a friend of tho ex President.
"I remember that when he stepped out
of office at the end of the second term
as chief executive he felt vastly re
lieved. Ills spirits rose with a bound.
A few days after tho Inauguration of
President McKlnley, Mr. Cleveland
was In New York, and I hnppcned to
walk down Broadway with him. Ho
waa beaming, and was hiking noto of
tho Interesting things about him, with
all the jest of a big, hearty boy just
3Ut of school. The shop windows were
engaging not a little of his attention.
Upon a glance Into one of them, that
of a photographer, he stopped short.
In tho window was an oil painting of
" 'Well, well,' ho exclaimed, with a
laugh, 'here is the most Interesting
thing we've seen yet! It's old Grover.
Let's see what ho looks like.' Mr.
Cleveland and his portrait stared at
each other for a moment, and then tho
ex-President remarked with a chuckle:
" 'So tills Is the man we havo all
heard so much about: I must say that
this picture makes him out n good deal
better-looking than some of the pop
traits I have seen of hi in In the news
papers. He looks healthy, but a little
worried. I would bo willing to wager
that he's glad he's no longer Presi
dent.' " Success Magazine.
DiHliked iliu F.uvor.
Wlien a cherubic youth of 4 was
brought In as a candidate, says the
Columbia Ledger, the kindergarten
teacher fell In lovo with him nt sight.
"O you darling!" she cried. "Uavo
you any brothers like you?"
"YcB'm," he replied. "Me and Blllv
and Jimmy. I like Jimmy best."
"And why do you like Jimmy best?"
" 'Cause he did such a errand for
mo. no bit Billy's leg."
"But, deary," protested the teacher,
"why should you want Jimmy to bite
Billy's leg "
'"Cause I hate tho tas'o of Billy's
log," replied tho cherub.
Only n I'Vw Iol't.
"But, doctor, how does It happen
that after so many years' practice you
havo no honorary degree?"
"Ah, I havo so many euomlos In this
world 1"
"And In the next world ?"
Within llli Rights.
The Judge Was your chauffeur
fullty In this accident?
The Prisoner No, your honor, the
victim was run over In entire compli
ance with the ordinance. Tales.
A Word from Br.'r W llliunH.
"I cau't preach in dia hot weather,
laid Brother Williams. "Just look at
de thermometer an' Imagine de rest
of d Mrtnon." Atlanta Constitution.
There is only One
Genuine-Syrtlp Of FigS,
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Pig Syrup Co.
'Tfie full nnmo of tho company, Ctillfornln Pljjr Syrup CoH
b fJrlnted on the front of every puckuga of tho uonuhic
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations arc known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you "wish to get its beneficial effect
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headachc3j
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the,
kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed,
by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
ffects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the)
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs
RNiA. ncrmmm
rwi.i,. Hwii iMr'
An octll tit run uy lor buiua Is
to prur qii!l ja'ts cfllnsun ol
and cold bled "aterlntoa l.otil
ai (1 slitke well Lore re appblny to tne
Ono Invention sometimes makes
another nere ary. A gnmaphote
which can ba li'ari at-lstmio of
tnrco mlh'b h the huesb. o, wlmt
Is needed Is a sound deadenor wlih
a bhtce m le iatin, to smoiher the
noUo or the gramaph ne.
Piuil Dreaaer, the Popular Compoaer,
Cured lj Do n'a Kidney IM11.
Tanl DroKKvr of New York, sntlior
if "liuuks of Hih Wabash" and many
otlier great song bits,
Gentlemen: I wish
to recommend DoanV
Kidney Pills, In th
hope that my Indorse
ment will be read l.
some of the man',
thousands of snfferer.
from kidney com
plaint. I waa so
wretched from thh
malady that I could not Bleep, rest n
eat. and a weak and anhlng hae.c
Doan'a Kluncy I'll Is eltectnally cnre.i
me. ai I I wish that others may kn.i.v
(Slgiifd) PAUL DltKSSGU.
Sold hv all apfilera. W) cents a box
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffnlo, N. Y.
MIschlnvoiM Ijfgl"lntlon Tlircatonorl.
T.rtrlln Hon l tlirontpnod In many
States during this coming winter for
the suppression of the so-called "pat
ent" medicines. The success of such
legislation wouM mean the abolition of
the home medi-ine chest and would
force persona, no matter how remote
their homes from a physician, to call
In a doctor for every minor nllmeut.
The legislation as proposed would
mean frequent long delays awaiting
the arrival of a physician, when a sim
ple remedy administered by a member
of the household would accomplish the
result desired, or at least give tempo
rary relief.
Many Know This-Do You?
The followlnc viry lntcrtl"K conversa
tion bftwufii .Mr. vhlte, btinUur, nntl .Mr.
duller WoIUhuii, retired, two nioin.i' nt
cltizeim of the lown, wua recently
bta id:
"1 never buy patent medicine," said Mr.
White. "When I feel the need of ineit etil
UNUiHtuuce 1 eall our uhyulclun. I uon i ne
lleve In taking u lot of utnir that I uunvr
nothliiK nliout. 1 know, however, that u
Bleat man do use It, and apparently l u
Kood reuultH, but I am for cclllnc u do, tor
eveiy time."
"lour circumstances render tins possi
ble," replied Mr. Wellmau. "but the minor
ity of people must consider the exp- .:.
iy expeilenee Is that Home patent ir til
clues ireuiieuily cure when the doctor's
bkiIi Is limned. Take, for Instance, an af
fliction; hujt like constipation and stninnrh
lioi.oie. Uid you everjiear of your family
i ii m. i.'. a ease like thatY if con
stipated, he gives you a physic: but -a
physic cannot cure constipation, aud he will
tell you bo. It Is a temporary relief and
before loutf you need more physic or pills.
The doctor charges you VJ eveiy time you
call on him and you have to pay BOc or (.".
lo have his prescription tilled, l'retty soon
you hove the 'I'll!' or M'hyslc habit and
your doetor has a steady customer. You
cannot read the doctor's prescription. You
know no more about what he gives you
than you do about the Ingredients of a pit
cut ineiiiiiuc. No reliable company will
put a lot of money Into a patent medi
cine unlcHB they are convinced that It
will do all that Is claimed for It. Usual
ly It is the ptcHcrlptloii of some speclallht
who has devoted his life to the study of u
certain dlseuse and has mastered It.
I ment. on constipation and s omach dou
ble because I sun'ered from that iillllctlou
for years. It Is the beginning of neatly all
disease. Once It gets a nip on you, It Is
serious, stubborn and hurd to overcome. I
never knew a case that wos cured by an
onl i n ary practicing physician, but 1 do
J.pow of a number of bad cases that were
nermanei.tly cured by a remedy called
Mull's (itnpe Tnnle, I have used tt lu in
family with satisfactory results. It cured
me, and I knu a great ninny mure p r
sous It has cured. It costs SO cents for a
Mil u 1 1 bottle or tl.OO for a large noitle. i
don't know exactly all that Is In It, but I
do know It ci.res constipation and stomach
trouble and that Is more than my family
doctor could do for me.
1 was II rat attracted to the remedy by
the company's offer to give the llrst bottle
free to any one who would write to them
living their druggist's name. I am (hunk
fi I for the heiicllt It has given and advl c
every srlferer fiom constipation to write to
the Mull's (Jrape Tonic Co., JI 4th Ave.,
Itoek Island, III., giving them their drug
gist's addrcFs, so tlin' they can procure a
bottle free of expense."
Line ALL
It Is made or the bet
jfcterW. ia blickortBow.
fully gu&ftntccd. uid teli by
reliable dealers cierrwhcrc.
aricn TO THE
Small children Rbnuld be a'loo4
to d ink a a much water aa tliov Ilk,
us b belpa lo dour tho ayatem of
elTotc natter qihkly and bo keop
tlio Rtonmcb unci bowels In gool
cuialihii. I
ecnlp Humor Cured by Cutlcurt 9oa
nod Ointment After All I'.l Kill ed.
"I wtiH troubled with a Revere ncalfj
humor and loss of hair that gave m
a great deal of annoyance and lncon
vcnlcnee. After uiiHiiccessful effort
with many remedies nnd so-called
hair tonics, a friend Induced me to
try Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Tu
humor waa cured In n abort time, rajj
hair was restored aa healthy an every
and I can gladly Hay I havo sine
been entirely frne from any further an
noyance. I shall always use Cutlcura
Soap, and 1 keep the Ointment otj
hand to une an a dressing for the half
and ncalp. (Signed) Frcd'k llitnchej
213 Kast r7th atrcot, New York City.',
The World's Standard
600.000 In Use.
Ten Tlrne
Alt Other Combined.
Sin $10.- per Cow
tiirj Tur of tin
our in
tni) lettlnf 8jttim
mi SC.- fit Con
our an
Cuiti Randolph BU , 74 Coftunot irV.
.111 VJI1L. Lni 17 A ' II
1'. IT. Viemer, JI.JJ., Munuf.cturor, SprinuJleld, 31
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
Ctitetmn im ktWrmi tmXtr t'im Am my mrin. 0m itt ptrikH cOrt K flart.
mimtm Om raxan taart. ViriU it frM UokmK-iim U Ure, HsmM W Wt Cn,
THov eVt la tU wter tott than my atker rr
OyVROC CO., VncniV, MUjmnrt
Ym cm lyi