Nemaha Advertiser W. W. CANDCnS. PuLtoHn Nemaha, - Nebraska At .If i'if wt j n l who ut two ferry famine In Now York rerpnlly, rUhxI m pollca vehicle, hncUcil ngiiliiht the curb awaiting lln lont. Walking 1Ih urely In the cpntor of Hip pushing, rac ing mob from a lauding ferry-bouf was r ttnrnp, nil rags but. placid of man nor. At bin Hldi! walked a bluocont who IpiI him to tlio waiting patrol wag on. An tho trump wan about to on tor ho bethought hlmm.-lf, nml slntullng n tho wagon ntop.s, lio leaned far out to one Hide, and to tho driver he called In the drawling voice of a bored boulo vnrrilcr: "Home, J it men 1" Lady Holland wna once taken down to dinner by Mr. Ilnbbngo, the Invent or of tho calculating machine. Home thing wiih Hiild abottt. "HqiHirlng words." "What docn that mean?" ask ed Lady Holland. "I will tell you," nnwered Mr. Ilnbbage; "you fako a word, for example, like, horse. That contains Hlx letters " "Six!" c- clalmed Lady Holland, Involuntarily Hdon't you mean flveV" "No, no," Mr. Ilabbago rejoined, "there are olx let tern In horse." "Surely not," persisted Idtdy Holland, and apclled tho word. "An," remarked the groat man, "I never could count. That Is why I in Tented tho calculating machine." s Nat Goodwin, tho comedian, tells of young woman, well known for her tmnteur work, who had been given an 'opportunity to provo her claim to availability on tho professional ulno. Bho was billed to render a aong, tho refrain of which wiih, "The autumn yiaya have come, ten thousand leaves 'iro falling." Tho aspirant for profes sional honors was In bo extreme a Into of excitement that she took too dgh a key. "Ten thou-oii-wind " ho ncreamod, and then stopped abort, or want of breath. At tlil- .HMrii Juncture somo Irresponsible 'god" In tho gallery, perhaps an auctioneer by Calling, shouted In a stentorian tone: "Start it at five thousand, old girl! Bhirt it ut five thousand!" I In lio itoa oil - tilmt h . ' "Whither away, little boy?" Inquired Wio well-meaning strango.1. "I go to swim, sir," replied tho spec tacled Infant "And wnoro do you swim?" persist ed the stranger. "I swim, sir," the Infnnt made an wcr, "In tho sliallower purlieus of ox-bf-HBlvo dampnejis." Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1 The ViHlr. Stay awhile, then toure o-stnrtin' Kinn o' welcome, then tho tear; Thlnkln' alius o' the partin' ( Boon'n tho bhuuud trala bilugs 'cc here. Comcdmcs wIhIi that thfy no longer .Ooino nt all, horniiKe the pnln Of tho partin's fnr more stronger ; Than tho mretin' at the train! Dotiolt Tribune. Cinched. "Do you think her father will give ihia consent V" i "Surol I'vo been playing poker with mlm ouco a week for tho last six Jsnonths and letting him win. He'll llp h has been offered a pension When I ask him." Houston Pont It Isn't every man who Is competent to enjoy u competency. . L-. Douclas I 31? ?3 SHO ES . L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edgo Line cannot no oqunuoci ainny pnez. M A iJ Ju'YMSTO. . tAt i nnnl m o KMttrr'S AMI KF I s . manner furnif r- io art tmntrji YUAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURED. Mfl nfin HEWARO toanyo towhocan $ I U,UUU disprove this statement. W. I.. nniiRlii $3.50 shoes linve by tticlr c cetttnt style, ensy flttlnu, unit superior wt-nrlno tilt loi.ucltlc veil the larccst fnleof nny SJ.5C shoo In tho world. They arc Just ns pooil tu Itione thot cost yon $5.00 to $7.00--the onl) dllfereiico Is the price. If 1 could take you fntc tny dietary nt Urockton, Muss., the larpcst In the world under one rool uiaklntf nien'B tlr idioes, nnd show you the cure with which everj pair ol Douztits hoes In innde, you would rcnllzi wky V. I.. Don lot $3,50 shoes uro tho bed hoes produce I In the world. If I coulj show vou tho difference between tht aitees male hi my factory and those of olhei takes, you would underMund why Douplnj 5J.5eC)hoescot more to make, why they hole tbclr tnapc. fit better, weur lonKer. nnd nre cM Miter Intrinsic value than any other $3.5f oi on the market to-day. W. I- Doufffrnm Strong Matte Shoes far Ms. $9.BO, S2.DO. Bays' achopI S CAUTION. Insist upon having AV.Ii.Doup Jaa sIiooh. Take no substltuto. Nono zcn Without his imnio find price stampott on bottom. WANTKD. A shoo dealer Inovcry town wherj W. I. DourUs Shoes aro not sold. I'ull liny mples sout frco for Inspoctlnu uon rwiucst 1 ff finln, Futltta used! thU will not WtOT blVB. a. Illti View of It. Tho Monk It miri) does beat nl how the womou do rjkj U3. Just loolf at that turbani Menn 'I'liliic "My wedding present wero spien did," tho brldo was Baying, "partleu larly tho sliver aervlco from tho Astor bllta. Wasn't It good of them?" "Ycfl," replied Minn Spelt?.; "but then, you know, they wero always charitable." Philadelphia Ledtfor. Pcrnued It To:ether, Family Friend Well, how an things Young Preacher Fine. Tho congre gation actually raised my salary thii month. Family Frieud How much was Ut Increase? Young Preacher There was uo In orouws. They merely raised It, thai' nil. Houaton Chronicle, Ouo on Pa. "Par' "Well, what la It now 7" "My toacher ouya I'm a natural born fool." "Your toacher In a senslblo woman, and that's what I'vo always said. I auppone cho had to explain to yon what a natural-born fool wag?" "Yea, pa. She mild it woo fiorod ltary." Cleveland Leader. Once Upon a Time. "Tell me tho truth, doctor," nnld Methusaleh, who was quite IU. "Dc you think I'll recover? Speak right out" "Why, of course," said tho physician cheerfully. "With your excellent con Atltution and your exemplary hablti there'll no reason why you flhouldn i live two or three hundred years more "That'o good," nald the patriarch brightening perceptibly. "When I get on my root ngaln I'll organize a thou sand-year club." Puck. Bctt'ng Him Riiiht, 3ald He Are you quite anre you tiro uot Qshlug for a compliment? Said She uf course I am. On would be foollnh to tlsh In auch a ahal low pondl NlKAt In MortnanTttle. "Did you put out the catfish?" asked tfrs. Merman. "Yes," replied Mr. Merman; "bat If hat dogfish doesn't Btop baying at the uoouflab. I'll never got any sleep."- fudjfa. To Get Acquainted. The Boarder la this riarriet Simp clnn really ao pretty aa people oay iho la? Farmer Stubble You'd think so If rou knew how many of tho city fel era alius manago to have their ottos jreak down right smack la front o' SImpkius' house an' go an' borrow nonkey wrenches an' thins. New Or cans Times-Democrat Bnlted HI in. Mr. Beefwar Do you consider twelve men about Oto right number for a Jury? Mr. Ollroll Yes, I think ho. Among that number you're tolerably certain to atrlko ono who Is either Ignorant or pigheaded, or both. Philadelphia Bul letin. Pecnrlty. Rocfrman Bay, Shortman, as lonn an you need a hundred ao badly, I have dacldcd to inako tho loan. Shortman (In surprise) Upon my word I Hockman Oh, no; upon your note. MldnlKhtFlyerrt. "What you reading, sour' queried the old farmer. "Book on aerial navigation," replied tho Bon, who will ruturn to college Id September. "Gosh! On alrahlps?" "No; it tells how mosquitoes fly." Not n I'lniuicler. Clarence I hope you told your fa ther that I had a few dollars In my own right? Edna I did, dear, and he says hi U going to Investigate you. Clarence Investigate mo? Good ness, does ho think I am rich enough to be Investigated? Now He 1st Thrtvin. "You are looking well. Harker" "Yes; the doctor started to dlot me. Toia me to read a list of all the dishes l could eat." "And you read ttr "Yes, and then started eatlny every eUsfe that was sot on lt,M A FMalbla Nm4. "I luive a hw eeheme la tiU bum aaoe ll&.M "What 1 Itr Tel erfialM a aaity to Ibmhi taswrasvc l v ( .viiiUUUi .it illtJlii:ii U'l t li fidvlco (ftbo beard of llcaltn his haued an order for the ually die lufuctlon of confo3slonal3 In all tiu cbiirclies of Wic cup Ml. Prl s r nighctlng tho oitl?r aic BtibJtoD t tine aud Iu)pii30hincnt. The skin should bo perf b'y cla" be f ic the n a saving f tuu face 1b begun. Use the complexion bms wlili warm water and pure s ap. Whet rubbing In u creum u1ah)s have ail tho motions upward and outward. Send tne ilattei eo palms from cliio up to tin ear3 Muvr tne litigor tips ubnut In little tlrcles. prpsstnit lnsvrd ncoUy ant bing careful n jt to pusti tiio llcsh up InL't tiny lines. Do tnls niwavs at nlgbt, and oveiy im rtil' g btthn the face rtltli co'd unter, diln with i;cntlo pats with an old towel. Good News for All. Bradford. Tenn., Oct 23. (Specl.-.l. Scli'titltlc rese.ireh shows Kldne.-. 1'rouble to be the father of no man. uleni's that news of a discovery o' a Mire cure for It cannot fail to b welcomed all the country. And nccorJmg to Mr. J. A. Davis of thi place Just fitich a cure Is found In Uod d'x Kidney Tt is. Mr. Davis says "Dodd's Kidney Pills are all that I l.iltned for them. They have doii' me moro good than anything I have over tiken. I had Kidney Trouble very bad and after taking a few hose of Do Id' Kidney I'llls I am com ple:ely cured. I cannot praise then) too much." Kidney Complaint develops Into Brlglit's DlsPiiHe, Dropsy, Diabetes Uheiimnt'sin and otner painful an.! 'a till dlKeasc. The ;i fcginird li to nre your kidneys with Dodd's KMnpy Hills when tiioy show the tirst symp torn of disease. A little salt dUuded In warm VfitT, ab nit one tudsponnful o one- "hair cup tf water, will n move in- llimmiiliti from eyill.s, te-Kieno I ny the wind. lr Iiul Kotin-.lyS K vtrltn tinry urt'il Hi' of llriKht'r IDx-hvo ami OinTrl. Aliln D''7 m Uii f.ili-J iit. LI'MUonr liuriftiitl, O., I botlta vlrt Wlnlow ItOOTlltNQ SYltOr ft chll 'ti tcntlilnr, eo.'tnus thn e". f1atM iaO , itmii, M!ji )ln, orea ohotto. Prlivj Inr s-icHen lioarmmc-ts try a lump if botax, sl.o of a paa, dlasolvcti in tho mouth. At N'arriha'is n, S-xonv, thn au f.'imliies tuiTC forbldd n thou o ol sireo'S b i any pi rsi n wearing at' iliulu of dttSH Uut sweeps tue pavo im nl. A n Infi'c.binns disease Is mnro II tide li ho titknn alter a h arty meal nsi qiieiiily, ir ono Is ao g to s a a f iiiiid mile I: g frmn un I i i g of i.nt Icnr) it H a good Idea to far. a Rih starclal meal tliKt. One bboul never uo tito an in'eotpd area wi en I 'i o.i'nsfiiiiHif.o ofovoilo.a log; the pores aic all open of the body. STRENGTHENTHE STOMACH Dr. Wllllamii' Pink Pills Rcnlly Curo Indlgoition Instead of Mo rely Piollovlna Symptoms. There aro plenty of yon can ri'lirtvo for tho time heartburn, pain and gas on tlio Rtomacli and can smother nervous souRulious and induce arlilloial sleep. You can humor your stomach by giving it prodigostod food. Hut when 3011 take your next meal nil yonr trouble begins nfrosh. There is only ono sensible thing (o do. Strengthen the Rtomacli nnd do awa with tho necessity for drugs and urti dotal foods. Tho best reined) over font;' for this purposo is the ono (hat was uso by E. K. Strong, of Caplovillo, tiholln county, 'ftsnn. "For years," ho Rtutos, "I BiifTonv" gretily Irom indigestion. I tried nunr dilTerent romeduM mul somo of tliei would reluivo inn for a time, but ti trouble always canin back. About si. months ago 1 hud un liiiitsually bovu attack, and while I tried everything Dad ever heard of, I found that nono tho ordinary remedies would roach tin ditlioulty this timo. "Ono day I n-ad in a Memphis paper how Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured u Michigan woman, a sufferer from chroni. dyspepsia of a most stubborn typo. I then tried tho wimo remedy "nnd it proved just ns successful iuiuycuso. I took only threo boxes, and was cured. I havo not had tlio slightest fcyniptoma of indigestion since. " Tlio tonic treatment has a sound prin ciple ns its basis, and abundant Htu:ce.N in actual nso. Multitutlesof cases that Und defied all other remedies havo been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Tho pilln nerunlly make new blood and striken! tho root of all diseases caused by bad blood. They contain uo harmful stimulants or opiates. Every dyspeptic should read, wimi ro i!iir anil How to Kat. Write the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Sdieneo-1 tady, N.Y., for a frco copy, J HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS who goes straight to vork to curo Hurts, Sprains, Bruises by th uzo of nri i ik t l r tt . r t raarve unnaDDv nomes- Both Husband and Children Mow Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervou Prostration and Made Strong and Well. A nervous, irritable mother, often on tho vergo of hysterics, is unfit to care for children t it ruins a child's disposi tion and reacto upon herself. Tho trouble between children and their mothers too often la duo to tho fnct that tho mother has some female weak ness, and she is entirely unfit to bear tho strain upon her nerves that govern ing children involves; it Is impossible for her to do anything' calmly. The ills of women actliko a firebrand upon tho nerves, consequently ninc tenths of the nervous 'prostration, ner vous despondency, "the blues," sleep lessness, nnd nervous irritability of women ariso from somo derauiremcnt I of thn female or(aniMn. ' T"k ! J! 1 J I Ml you UXpuni'IlUU llio MI IU-JIIC3MUI1 with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability? Are your npirils easily affected, so that one ininuto 3011 laugh, mid tho next mluuta yon feel like crying ? Do yon feel something lileo nball ris ing in your throat nnd threatening to choke vou ; all tho senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light und sound ; pain in tho ovaries, and especially between tho shoulders; bearing down pains; nervous dyspepsia, nnd almost continually cross and snappy? If so, your nerves aro in a shattered condition, and 3011 are threatened with nervous prostration. Proof is monumental that nothing In the world is better for nervous prostra tion than Lydia ID. Pinkhain'H Vego table Compound ; thousands und thou sands of ivoinpii testify to thin fact. Ask Krs. Plnklmra's Advice A Woman Bsst Un-Jcrstands a Wam; 'iiH-m ate 8 5.r tie's in tlio strut-ts of Paris, and tlify rooresent a oust of about thirty-live d liars eat h. $:00 Reward, $100. The renders of this paper will lie plrtiaed to leant (lint there Is nt least one ureailed (llfieaKo tlmt Hcletire has lien nhle to ctiro In nil Ith stit(.'eH. nntl that Is ('ntnrrh. Hall's ntnrrh Cure Is tne only positive care now litiown to the medlenl frnternlty. ('ntnrrh lelns t roiifUltntlonnl dUeme. rcoulreH a 'onatltuthinnl treatment. Hull's Calurrh t'nrc U taken Internally, acting directly upon the Mood nnd niueouj Btirrnees of the system, thereby destroylns the foundation ft the disease, nnd clvlni; the patient tren;:th by building up the constitution mid as-dating iinttre In ilolnj: Ita work. The proprietors have so much faith la Its cura tive powers tlint they offer One Hundred Mollnra for any case that II rail to cure Send for list of testimonials. AddrcM F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo. O Sold by Urucfc'Ir'ts. ific. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. The eyps slioi-l I never be net rilessl xn'sd to dust or living pa'tii oh of nv kind. I find PIho'b Cure for Consumption the beat inedii ino for eroapy children. Mrs. l' Callahitn, 111 Hull street, Parkwra burg, W- Va., April Id, 1001. Tho b'9t rest comes from goon tiind sleop Of two men ur wonun t her wise equ d. dm one who sleeps ho more s tis aotntllv w li be the mto li a'bh'ul, moral and elllclent 'ep 111 do much to cure irrtta ill v of temper, peevishness ami nnapplnrs. 18.00 AN AOKE ur Western Canada Is the amount that many Inrmera will realize in nt their wheat crop tills y cir 25 Bushels io the Acre will be (he avcragv yield of when! The land that this was grown on cost many of the farmers absolutely nothing, while those wl o wished to add to the 160 acres the Government rrnuts, can buy laud adjoining at I'ltOM SO TO $10 AN ACRE. Climate splendid, bchools convenient, railways close at hand, taxes low, I'"or 20tts Century Cnnnda" pam phlet and lull particulars rcfardinif rates, etc, A)ily for Inloiromloii to Siiporun nJtut of ImmUra Hu.Utluwa, muiiuh.ui ti Vi V. lluuiiHlt,iiil Muw k nrk Life UuUUiuu, Otunh, Ntb , Auth rnd Qunwntusut riLM u; whr 70a tbli sdTtrtlivmtnt. St. 1 Jf 7 ' -r r r . . ineir oonaitiori iiruaiea Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of the Lndies' Symphony Orchestra, 43 Sara toga Street, East Boston, Muss., writes! Dear lire. Plnklmni: "For eight years I was troubled withe tromo nervousness und hystorin, brought on by irrogulai itlea. I could neither enjoy lifo noij sleep nights: I was very irritable, norvouf and despondent. "Lydia B. Phikhnm's Vcgetblo Compound was rocommcruicu rum proved 10 do Uio only remedy tnac noiixMi ma 1 nave ami hnnroved in health until I am now stro: and well, and all nervousness has disa nearcd." Mrs. Charles P. Brown, Vice-Prcsl dent of tho Mothers' Club, 21 Ccda Terrace. Hot Springs, Ark., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkhnm: " I dragged through nlno years of misernbla existence, worn out with pain and itcrroua ncss, until it seemed ns though I should fly, I Uien noticed a statement of a woman trots bled aa I was. nnd tho wonderful results cli irriv.-u irom ij.ydia u. riniaioina vegetama Compound. I decided to try it. I did so. and t 1 .1 ,...n. . T .llir, woman, my norvousnes3 was an cone. 1 .vn ... no lontror irrltauio, unu my uusuanu reU la lovo with mo all over again." Women should remember that Lydia F3. Piukham's Vegetable Compound U tho medicine that holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of female ills, and take no substitute. Frt'o Advice to Women. Mrs. Pinkhain. Lynn, Mass., invitee all sick women to write to her for ad vice, Mrs. Pinklmms vast experience with femulo troubles enables hor to tell you just what is best for you, anJ she will charge you nothing for he advice. ills. CASTOR I A- For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Biguuturo of THE BEST COUGH CURE I Couch Bvmns are nil cbean 3! eiKiuh, but il; you should get a 4 4P rvnlli.n ef nmlivti ? f I . . 4- i n i- V X :nre for tho nrico of a small hnttln 2 V ot ttr . tho lcst courIi curo, you wouiw hitvo ntntlc n bad barealn for ohm& fintall bottle of Kemp's Balsam mayL top the worst cough and save a 1 i fe, whereas t he cough. 'cure' ' thnt docs not curo is worse than useless. Sold by nil dealers nt 35c. and 50c. FOR WOMEN troubled with Ills Mcnllar to cssslul. "tboroujlilycleanMS, kills disease esrms, stops dlacUAiges, aels Uaatamatioit ma loci torenoss, Putins It in powder form to bn diiiolrcd lo purt water, and Is tr mors cleansing, healing, enai:w.y aud economical uun nquia auiuepiici mr u TOILGT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL OtJE For ult at druggiito, CO cents a box. Trial Box and Boole of Instruction! Prr. Tur R. PAXTON COMPANY HOTO -----w CURU WHtkt All Uil I All.. UiMl Oouutt Sjtub. TuU. Uou4. U Id time. Huld ttr sriutct.u N. II WW 4t. VnliK .NliH 1 f 1 11 rf hTLiaManikaA I lift lllOf a m M . 1 liiiiiiiLMiii a i in IK11UI Jacobs Oil and saves lima, motto an4 got oul of mlaary qttlckJy. Prto. 25. sut 5.